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newsletter-417-december-2005 – HADAS Newsletter Archive

By | Past Newsletters, Volume 8 : 2005 - 2009 | No Comments


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Holiday wishes

As we approach the holiday season, we take this opportunity to wish all our readers a happy holiday and a healthy and prosperous new year.


Hot off the press, the latest HADAS publication is now available – THE LAST HENDON FARM, subtitled “The archaeology and history of Church End Farm”. This very readable book is based on the HADAS excavations in Hendon between 1961 and 1966. It expands known documentary evidence of the area and buildings by including the results of the excavations, giving a history of the development of the buildings. An analysis of the finds by those members who have, over the last 4 years, been taking part in the courses run through Birkbeck College at Avenue House on Wednesday evenings has provided a picture of the occupants and their lifestyle — their diet, the every day items that they used, and other interesting snippets. I hesitate to give more detail. The book is excellently produced, with over 100 pages in total, containing 73 good quality photographs and diagrams, and gives much credit to those whose hard work have gone into the contributions and production. It illustrates much of the purpose behind the existence of HADAS. Meanwhile, the courses continue and have turned their attention to Church Terrace. The book will be appearing in local shops at a price of £11.99, but HADAS members can obtain them from Don Cooper (contact information on the last page of this newsletter) for the knock-down price of £8 (plus £2.50 postage and packing if required). Certainly something to add to your book shelf, and those of your friends. So go on, treat yourself and them.


The winter lecture series takes place at Avenue House, 17 East End Road, Finchley N3 3QE. Lectures start promptly at 8 pm — non-members £1, Coffee or tea 70p.

Tues. 10th January lecture by Jon Finney, London Borough of Barnet, on “Conservation and Archaeology”.

Tues. 14th February lecture by Dr Julia Shaw, Institute of Archaeology, UCL, on “Archaeological landscapes in Central India: approaches to religious and economic change, c. 3`d century BC to 5th century AD”

Tues. 14th March lecture by Nadia Durrani, Assistant Editor, Current Archaeology, on “The Queen of Sheba”

Tues. 11th April lecture by Kathyrn Piquette, Institute of Archaeology, UCL, on “Maintaining order, fighting chaos: evidence in the Petrie Museum for Egyptian warfare.

Tues. 9th May lecture by Andy Agate, Institute of Archaeology, UCL, on “Kingsbury Old Church”

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ESSEX OUTING — Saturday 10th September

The following contributions record the trip into Essex organised by June Porges and Stewart Wild.

1. COPPED HALL by Jean Bayne/Paula Dalton

Contributed by Jean Bayne, with many thanks to Pauline Dalton who kindly provided much of the material for this report. When we arrived at Copped Hall (cop = top of a hill), we saw before us the grim outline of a derelict building, which had burned down early in the twentieth century. Stepping across the threshold, we soon discovered a treasure trove of history and archaeology, both in the house and the grounds. Copped Hall was built between 1753 and 1759 to a perfect 18th century country house plan by J. Conyers. The principal rooms were on the first floor with 8 rooms, which could be entered in two ways, either from the staircase landings or from the adjoining rooms via doors adjacent to the external walls allowing people to walk from room to room without using the staircase landings. This arrangement is known as ‘rooms enfilade’. There were two staircases, one in wood for the servants, the other in Portland stone, which was cantilevered, and was used by the family and guests. The top of the stairwells at second floor level terminated in triple arched openings allowing daylight into the staircases. The house was altered in 1775 and again by the Wythe family in 1895. This was the most opulent period for Copped Hall. The house was extended by two wings: a large conservatory and a new accommodation wing with rooms for servants. The garden was also redesigned with geometric beds, borders statues and temples. The fire in 1917 and subsequent demolition had removed most of the 1775 and 1895 alterations revealing the original mid-Georgian fabric. The future of the Mansion is as an Educational Trust and the fabric will be restored back to the original Georgian design, although the later Victorian extension will not be demolished. A narrow tunnel, about Oft high, runs all round the house, acting both as a kind of buttress and a damp course. The Cellars are amazing, although some visitors find them ‘spooky’. They have vaulted brickwork and the temperature is around 45 degrees, summer and winter. They originally housed all the provisions and the working areas for the house including the wine cellar and laundry. The silver plate was originally stored down there until a burglar in a hackney cab robbed the family. He was caught and hung within a few days and the silver removed to first floor storage! The Kitchen, which is original, is two storeys in height- with a vaulted ceiling and was originally lit by three large high-level windows. The one in the west wall was blocked up when the Victorian extension was built. The kitchen immediately adjoins the food preparation area. Once cooked, the food was passed through a hatch and taken up to the servants’ hall via a dumb water. From there it was carried up to the principal rooms. The kitchen had an early bread oven which, bricked up in the 1895 alterations. The wall tiles above the work area were also laid without grout but with brass headed pins. A canopy on top prevented dust falling into the food preparation. Hot air drove a spindle, which turned a spit. There was no drain in the kitchen so a scullery was used for washing up. This house was the first to have a lift, for goods not people, so that coal and linen could be easily transported to the guest bedrooms. The tour continued through the basement via the link building which was built in 1895 to join the Georgian stables to the house. The stables for the horses are teak with iron railings on the upper part. Several stalls have their water sinks and hay byres intact and the floor is designed in a chevron tile pattern. The party returned via the gallery and the recently roofed Servants Hall to the first floor with a visit to Lady Henrietta’s bedroom. This only became accessible in 2005 when a, donation enabled the Trust to put in wooden staircase. This part of the house had been altered in the 1770s to include a toilet block and a corridor. The group enjoyed refreshments in the Racquets Court before headings off down the gardens via King Henry’s yew lined walk, past the sunken garden, and the recent excavations, which unfortunately had been backed filled for the winter. These excavations, carried out by an Essex society, centred on the Elizabethan mansion, which had been built in the 16th century on top of a medieval structure. Part of the medieval building, the hall, had been incorporated into the Tudor mansion. Masonry had been found and also a wall from the Tudor Mansion. It was very large – a drawing existed of it – but was built facing north, the opposite of the old house, and had a colonnade of which one small pillar remained. There were also some remains of outhouses. It overlooked a magnificent country view on the edge of the forest. But it was not the site of the later Georgian building. Perhaps there were boundary disputes over taxes as the Elizabethan House was in the Waltham Abbey area whilst the 18th century one was under Epping. King Henry VIII acquired the original house in 1538 at the dissolution of the monasteries. Both Elizabeth and Mary Tudor stayed at Copped Hall at different times. When she became Queen, Elizabeth gave it to Thomas Heneage who rebuilt it in 1568. The first performance of “Midsummer’s Nights Dream” was said to have been performed here, in honour of Heneage’s marriage to the Countess of Southampton. The mansion was taken down in 1748 and the later Victorians turned this part of the garden into a rock garden and a rose garden. Our tour ended in the magnificent walled garden , built on a slope with a pond in the centre. Water runs down to the ponds via drains and is pumped up to tanks for use in the garden. Unusually, the walls follow the contours of the incline and need supporting. Much restoration work has gone on here and the outside walls with their heating boiler are being restored on the Victorian model. Sections of the garden are being developed to represent different historical periods of horticulture. We then made our way back to the house, passing sections of old statues and garden ornamentation from the most recent owners, the Wythes in the 19th century. Copped Hall is opened to the public every third Sunday in the month, by prior appointment. The Trust is anxious to gain public support but is very careful to maintain the privacy of the people who live there and discourage vandalism.

2. WILLINGTON CHURCHES Contributed by Ruth Wagland

Two churches on one site. This is what we visited in the village of Willington (‘nook of Willa’s people’). In 1120 Hervey D’Espania built the church of St Andrew, Willington Spain. In the 14th century the wool trade lead to a growth in the population: consequently St Christopher, Willington Doe was built by the D’Ou family on the same consecrated ground. The parishes had their own priests and congregation until 1929 when they were united. The arch of the south porch of St Andrew has much Roman brick in it as has the doorway to the vestry. There are windows from the 12th, 13th, 14th and 17th centuries. In Anglo Saxon times an altar of oolite from Leicestershire was used as an altar. This was removed after a decree of 1550 stated that only an altar table should be used. The slab was buried, to be unearthed in 1890 and restored to its original position. There is a memorial to the 387th USAAF who flew out of the local air base during 1943. The hardcore for the base was London bomb damage reused, when the land reverted to agriculture, in a local bypass. The locals don’t believe in wasting anything. St Christopher’s chancel and nave were built in 1320, the tower and south porch in 15th century. Much drastic restoration and addition was done in 1853. It has a 15th century octagonal font and the holy water stoup was made from a piece of coping from Canterbury Cathedral. A floor slab commemorating Dr Clopton Havers, who died in 1702, refers to his interest in anatomy. He is remembered for ‘Haversian Canals’, minute channels in the bones through which blood vessels run. Onwards through the winding lanes of Essex to Pleshey castle. On arrival we were told the grass was very long and wet but as HADAS members are not deterred by such things we continued, to be rewarded by the sight of a huge motte with a very deep moat spanned by what is thought to be the most ancient brick bridge in Europe and unique to Britain. There is mention of it in a survey of the castle in 1558-9, which states it was ‘old’ at that time. From the top of the motte we could see the earthworks of the town enclosure, lower bailey and upper bailey. The castle was abandoned in the 16th century and eventually came in to the hands of the Micklem family in 1749. Jenny and Alexander Michlem, the current owners, have done much to restore the site. A local couple held their wedding reception on top of the motte, which entailed mowing the area for weeks before hand. As the bridge has minimal handrails it is hoped all were sober on the way home.

3. THAXTED Contributed by Graham Javes

Our final destination was Thaxted: a delightful and well-loved market town which has preserved many of its medieval timber-framed houses, albeit often behind Georgian, Victorian or later frontages. Thaxted is built on a hill: the town dominated by an exceedingly fine parish church at its summit. A little distance below the church lies a middle row, the east end of which terminates with an outstanding Guildhall, one of the finest in all England. Here the road continues down Town Street, one of the medieval market places where a Friday market is still held today. Built in a late perpendicular style, perhaps the first thing to strike the visitor entering the parish church is that it is filled with light. The church is much larger and grander than could be expected of any township, even one as prosperous as was Thaxted when the church was built, between 1340 and 1510. The church seems to have had many outside patrons. These included Elizabeth de Clare, lady of the manor of Thaxted, and her circle of influence — the Mortimers and the House of York. Clues to these patrons are to be found in carved embellishments to the church — the bull of the House of Clare; the griffin and lions of Edmund Mortimer, Earl of March; the falcon of the House of York, and the spread eagle of Edward IV. Unfortunately time was short and I only found a few of these. Edward IV is portrayed in a stained-glass window, holding a model of Thaxted church. Next, I made my way to the Guildhall, kindly opened especially for our visit. The hall is built on three floors above a basement, each of the two upper storeys jettied out over the one below on three sides, making a bold architectural statement at a visually strategic road junction. The Guildhall was built by the Cutlers’ Guild between c 1400 and 1420 when the trade flourished. The hall was taken over by the town burgesses as a civic centre after the cutlery trade declined during the sixteenth century; later it became the grammar school in the eighteenth century. Fortunately, it retains a civic role today as well as being a piece of our heritage and housing a museum in the basement. The Swan Hotel, a former coaching inn, in the Bull Ring opposite the church, provided an excellent cream tea for our refreshment. Time, or rather the lack of it, precluded investigation of that hostelry’s selection of cask ales. Few places can boast of a working windmill within sight of the church. The Thaxted mill was built in 1804 by farmer John Webb using bricks and tiles from his own brickworks. (Webb also owned the Swan Inn.) It replaced an earlier mill and had an active life of around a century before it became redundant. In the 1930s the ground floor became a youth club for about 30 years. Following a second period of redundancy and neglect a Thaxted Windmill Trust was set up to restore the mill and bring it slowly back to full working order. The mill was officially opened to visitors this April. Today corn is again occasionally ground in Thaxted but the mill is essentially a museum. Thanks are due to our organisers June and Stewart for another successful outing.

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Our speaker was Dr Jill Cook of the British Museum. She discussed images of women in the last European Ice Age, 35,000 – 10,000 years before the present, illustrating many examples and putting before use some the varied theories for their possible use and relevance to these ancient societies. The people of this long period were fully modern humans, Homo Sapien Sapiens, living be hunting and gathering. There are examples of permanent habitations. We first saw parietal art from Alltamira and Chauvet caves. It showed felines, horses, aurochs and rhinos, with examples of composition and perspective and the use of many natural pigments. Several portable objects including an ivory carving of two swimming reindeer found at Tarn et Garrone, confirmed the importance of animals. Human figurines 35,000-c28,000bp. We were shown an ivory statuette from Hohlensstein-Stadel in the Swabian Alps and several examples of the female sexual triangle. One very interesting formal figure from Lower Austria is known colloquially as “Fanny” after a famous ballerina as she seems to be dancing. It is carved in amphibolite, an unusual rock that contains inclusions which would have twinkled when the figure was turned in the light. 28,000-21,000 bp. The most famous figure of this period is the Willendorf Venus found in 1904 in Lower Austria. It is carved in limestone and typical of many European “Venus” figures, it has a full, possibly pregnant, figure with pendulous breasts and either an elaborate hair style or a braided hat. Jill Cook suggested that the unusual proportions might be because women were showing their own view of their body. A relief figure from the rock shelter of Lausell in the Dordogne is rather unusual as it shows a “Venus” figure holding a bison horn. Many figures have been found in Russia. The sites at Kostenki-Borshchevo had mammoth bone houses and other evidence of regular habitation, such as hearths and debris-filled pits. These open- air sites on the Don river terraces have been excavated over many years and produced a large number of ivory animal and human figurines. 14,000-12,500 bp. In this later period there were many smaller human depictions, often on everyday items such as spear-throwers. The figures also tend to more abstract. A large group of engraved schist plaques from Gonnersdorf in Germany show schematised female profiles with pronounced buttocks. We would assume that the term “Venus” refers to the classical Roman goddess. However it is more likely that archaeologists in the early 19th century had another inspiration. Sara Bartmaann, an African with steatopygia, was exhibited in Europe at this time as the “Hottentot Venus” An unusual aspect if Jill Cooks’ talk was her use of pictures of more recent art. The importance of female amplitude as a sign of fertility and plenty was shown in the portrait of the merchant’s plump wife from St. Petersburg seated at a well provided table. Pregnancy and fertility were also demonstrated by “Alison Lepper, pregnant” (currently in Trafalgar Square) and the post¬revolutionary Russian painting of a family hoping for a better future, where the wife was shown in profile and obviously pregnant. It is impossible to define what these “Soft Curves and Full Figures” meant to Early Persons. Were they sexual symbols, made by men for men, made by women for women, goddesses, fertility symbols, totems shamanie or tokens? Having been given this list and many examples we must make our own choices. NB. Examples of Palaeolithic images can be seen at the British Museum in Case 1, Room 3b, at the top of the south staircase

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The lecture, given by Edwin Baker, formerly a photographer with the British Museum & MoLAS, was, in fact, a practical demonstration of the way in which photographs have to be set up according to the features of the object that are to be highlighted. Unfortunately, Edwin Baker was held up by a traffic accident, and delayed one and a half hours. There was no time to set up the mechanics of the demonstrations for the lecture, so that the technology planned to display the photographs was sadly deficient, slightly marring the presentation. However, we have to thank him for persisting through very difficult conditions. Using an angle poise lamp for his lighting source, Edwin Baker showed how to set up a photograph to be taken. He explained that the tungsten light from the lamp gives a yellowy effect. To allow for this, he has a special grey board, which is used first to adjust the camera’s sensitivity to the light before photographing the object. This card is expensive. Once the camera is set up, if the item is small, it can be photographed from above. To allow for a light source deficiency, a colour and monochrome separation guide, is sometimes included as part of the photograph. This costs about fl 0 from Jessops, the photography specialists. The guide is then cropped out of the final photograph once all colour adjustments have been made. When photographing, two additional items are used. One is a background, of which, depending on the colour of the object, the best is black acrylic velvet. For certain items where the three dimensional aspect of the object is crucial to obtaining a true view, then the background extends to a backdrop. That is the background extends to two dimensions, horizontal under the object, and vertical behind it. This, of course, also applies when taking larger objects. The second item used is a reflector, for which expanded white polystyrene used in packaging can be used. The reflector is positioned to send back light so as to reduce shadows that would be thrown by the light source. The camera is adjusted for say a 2 second exposure, hence the reason it is on a tripod. When the light meter is used to decide this, it has to be remembered that objects that reflect the light excessively, such as new white ceramic pipes, may give a false reading, so a certain amount of trial and error would be involved. Lights with a discontinuous spectrum, that is with certain colours missing, such as from a fluorescent or neon light source, can distort the colour set-up. Sunlight can be diffused using tracing/tissue paper or a white nylon umbrella. It should be noted that daylight under a blue sky will give a bluish tinge to the lighting in a photograph, but daylight where there is whitish cloud is neutral in colour effect. When photographing a very shiny object, the light source frequently results in a hot spot, a strong specular reflection. Diffusion of the light source can be achieved by the use of tracing paper in front of the light source. This will reduce the power of the light by about half. A reflector can be used, in addition, to improve the picture quality. When photographing objects usually only one light source is used, rarely two. For a flat document two lights are used more frequently, one either side of the item, at a 45° angle each side, for scanning. This is often used for plan copy work. A close-up (micro-nickel) lens is better than a zoom lens for this work as the quality of the lens will be better. In all this, it should be remembered that both the angle of lighting and of shooting are very important. When using a reflector, moving it away a little will allow the edges of the object, such as the brown bottle used in the lecture demonstration, to be more defined. The final photographic result can be manipulated on a computer using Adobe Photoshop, but in the first instant the photograph must be as perfect as it is possible to get it, as an imperfect one limits the end product. The file type used for this will also be a limiting factor on the changes that can be made. It also limits the time required to load the picture. A JPEG file is small; a TIFF is larger; and one in RAW format is larger still. This last, RAW format, allows the greatest versatility in changes to the final product. At the end of the lecture, Edwin Baker distributed a four-page handout for people to take away. Our thanks go to Edwin Baker for persisting through adversity to convey some of his knowledge of a very useful and practical subject as far as Archaeology recording is concerned.

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(10 December 05- 19 March 06. NB Closed 24-27 December & 1 January) A note from Gerrard Roots Church Farmhouse Museum’s Winter exhibition is based on a remarkable local private collection of children’s books, ranging from the C18 to the present day. The first ‘movable’ books were produced by Robert Sayer in the 1770s: using characters from the contemporary Pantomime, and thus given the name of `Flarlequinades’, these included pages with flaps which were lifted up to change the pictures. ‘Peepshow’ books, where cut-outs were placed behind one another to give an illusion of depth appeared at more or less the same time. ‘Panoramas’ — books which folded out, sometimes to ten feet or more! – to give the impression of a large scene – came a little later. `Pop-ups’, in which the illustrations sprang from the page to create a 3D effect were first published in the mid-19th Century, and they continue, with an ever-increasing sophistication in the technique of ‘paper engineering’, to be produced today. The exhibition includes some very scarce items indeed, and, as a demonstration of an often extraordinary ingenuity applied to the simplest of subjects, it should appeal to adults and children alike. As usual, the Museum’s 1850s Dining Room will be decorated for a Victorian Christmas from 6th December to Twelfth Night.

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Other Society’s events by Eric Morgan

Until 5th December During shopping hours – Barnet Borough Arts Council at The Spires Shopping Centre Barnet (outside Waitrose). Display of paintings. What’s on — including HADAS

Sunday 4th December — 11 am — 4 pm — Barnet Xmas Fair, High Street Barnet. Music, Dance, Entertainment. Also at The Bull Theatre and Barnet Church (1 — 3 pm). Funfair and stalls.

Wednesday 7th December — 5 pm. British Archaeological Association, Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House, Piccadilly, W1 — “Bigger digs — widening participation in archaeology” Talk by Dr Carenza Lewis (of Time Team fame).

Saturday 10th December 10:15 am — 3:30 pm. Amateur Geological Society. Mineral and Fossil Bazaar. St Mary’s Hall, Hendon Lane, N3 — including rocks, crystals, gemstones, jewellery. Refreshments. Admission £1.

Tuesday 13th December, 8 pm. Amateur Geological Society. The Parlour, St Margaret’s Church, Victoria Avenue, N3. Talks – “Alfred Russell Wallace and the Theory of Evolution” (Michael MacDonald), “Early days of the Society” (Clement Krysler). Slide show — “Science in the City walk”. (Mike Howgate)

Wednesday 14th December – 8 pm. Mill Hill Historical Society. Harwood Hall, Union Church, The Broadway, NW7. “The development of the English Country house” — Mrs Pamela Wright (NT)

Wednesday 14th December – 8 pm. Hornsey Historical Society. Union Church, corner of Ferme Park Road and Weston Park, N8. “The archives at Bruce Castle”. Talk by Libby Adams.

Thursday 15th December – 7:30 pm. Camden History Society, Upper Room, 8, Greenland Street, NW1. “Foul deeds in Camden”. Talk by Mark Aston. (Also exhibition until 14 Jan (except Dec 5th — 10th) at Camden Local Studies & Archives Centre, Holborn Library, 32-38 Theobalds Rd, WC1.

Friday 16th December – 8 pm. Enfield Archaeological Society. Jubilee Hall, junction of Chase Side/ Parsonage Lane, Enfield. “An English Heritage bulding inspector”. Talk by Andrew Wittick. Refreshments from 7:30. Visitors £1.

newsletter-416-november 2005 – HADAS Newsletter Archive

By | Past Newsletters, Volume 8 : 2005 - 2009 | No Comments

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The winter lecture series takes place at Avenue House, 17 East End Road, Finchley N3 3QE. Lectures start promptly at 8pm. Non-members £1, coffee or tea 70p.

Tuesday 8 November 2005 The Photography of Small Archaeological Finds – lecture by Edwin Baker, formerly a photographer with the British Museum and MOLAS. Wednesday 7 December – HADAS CHRISTMAS DINNER – details enclosed

Tuesday 10 January 2006 Conservation and Archaeology – lecture by Jon Finney, London Borough of Barnet.

Tuesday 14 February 2006 To be advised.

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I recently walked round York with HADAS; but it was not the Hendon but the Huddersfield and District Archaeological Society. Actually, they use HDAS rather than HADAS as their initials, but the difference is very slight. The Society actively studies, explores and records the archaeology of the Huddersfield area. It has been doing so since 1956, covering pre-history, the Roman and mediaeval periods and more recently, industrial archaeology. Like us, it has a programme of lectures and visits, and a website. Its most recent project has been investigating an iron-making site at local Myers Wood, active for some three hundred years until the middle of the 14th century. The questions they sought to answer were whether the ‘Black Death was one of the reasons why this highly productive site was aban¬doned?’ and whether, when circumstances changed, iron production resumed. To try to answer this question an examination was made of apparent water management features observed to the north (i.e. downstream) of the main site. Evidence of extensive water diversion and dam construction pointed to the possible use of water power on a new, but smaller, iron-making site. A geo¬physical survey, carried out by Rob Vernon (University of Bradford) and Society members, in the vicinity of a possible dam, produced encouraging results. Strong magnetic responses seemed to indicate a furnace with an associated water channel and wheel pit. There was also evidence of a trackway leading to/from a previously explored charcoal platform. They obtained permission for a short exploratory excavation to find samples for analysis and dating. It was expected that this would justify a more extensive excavation to show that iron making had indeed been resumed, using new technology, at a date that could be-clearly demonstrated. Such is the optimism of archaeologists! In early May 2005, an enthusias¬tic group of volunteers, under the supervision of Dr Gerry McDonnell opened up four trenches in search of the vital evidence. But “no dating material was obtained from the excavations. No pottery was found, no burnt surface that could be used for archaeomagnetic dating was identified. The pieces of charcoal uncovered are unsuitable for radiocarbon 14 dating ….” “…. no evidence of a structure was identified” However, “Trench S uncovered a dump of furnace bottom material that is physically different in nature from the slag previously recorded on this site. The slag morphology would suggest higher temperatures were utilised in this location” The conclusion was that “The site was used in connection with higher temperature iron processing that is different from that previously recorded in Myers Wood …. Whilst it is unclear from the excavations where the iron processing took place, it is likely to be on this site somewhere ….The lack of firm evidence for water power being employed on the site needs further investigation”. They remain optimistic. “This short dig did not uncover a ‘new technology’ iron-making site, but there is strong evidence that we were looking in the right area. Further excavation is now off the agenda until extensive survey work has been carried out, in co-operation with English Heritage, to determine the full extent of any archaeology in the woods and fields surrounding this Site of National Importance”.

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Micky Watkins has written a book on the life of Henrietta Barnet. Henrietta lived with her husband the Rev. Samuel Barnett in Whitechapel for over 30 years, working to improve the life and culture of the slum dwellers around them. They were helped by interesting friends – rich business men, aris¬tocrats, Pre-Raphaelite artists, writers and philosophers. In her fifties Henrietta founded her utopian Hampstead Garden Suburb, the opposite of all she had seen in the East End. The book shows that she was able to do this because she was supported by her circle of influential friends and because of the brilliant management skills she had built up while working in Whitechapel. Henrietta Barnett – Her First Fifty Years, published 2005 by Hampstead Garden Suburb Archive Trust and Micky Watkins. Price £7. Obtainable from or telephone 020 8455 8813.


The current exhibition at Church Farmhouse Museum traces the story of major exhibitions in Britain from the Great Exhibition of 1851 to the Millennium Dome. The Franco-British Exhibition of 1908 at White City (which included the Olympic Games), the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley in 1924/5, the Festival of Britain and a host of lesser-known expositions are represented by picture post¬cards; photographs; postmarks and stamps (the first British commemorative stamp was issued for Wembley in 1924); programmes, guides and books; posters; coins and medals; crested china and a wide range of other souvenirs. All the material comes from the remarkable collection of Barnet resident Don R Knight, much of which has not been on public display before. The exhibition ends on 20 November. Monday – Thursday 10-1 & 2-5; Saturday 10-1 & 2-5.30; Sunday 2-5.30.


For years, museum exhibits, films and book illustrations have depicted the vast majority of dinosaurs as covered in scales or thick hide. Now it seems that many were covered in feathers, a fact which should not come as a surprise since we have known for a long time that birds are directly descended from dinosaurs through species such as archaeopteryx and possibly pterodactyl. At a recent confer¬ence of the British Association, Dr Gareth Dyke, a palaeontologist from University College Dublin,told his audience that most of the prehistoric “awful lizards” were covered with delicate feathery plumage that might even have been very colourful. Fossil evidence, he said, showing that dinosaurs had feathers is now “irrefutable”. The evidence arises from recent discoveries in fossil beds in northeast China where volcanic erup¬tions millennia ago buried many dinosaurs alive. The lack of oxygen and moisture also helped to pre¬vent the remains rotting away. Some theropod dinosaur fossils were preserved complete with plumage. Theropod is the generic name for those species that walked upright on two legs, balanced by a long tail, like Tyrannosaurus rex. The theory is that feathers evolved primarily to keep dinosaurs warm, and only later became an aid to flight.


A bowl of Neolithic noodles has revealed that China was the most likely birthplace of this popular food. For millennia, arguments have raged about whether the noodle was invented by the Chinese, Italians or Arabs. Now a sealed earthenware bowl of beautifully preserved, thin yellow noodles about 4.000 years old has been found by Dr Houyuan Lu, of the Chinese Academy ofsciences, with colleagues in Beijing and Louisiana. The researchers discovered the 20in-long noodles inside an overturned, sealed bowl under 10 feet of floodplain sediment in Lajia, by the Yellow River in north-western China. The meal could have been left untouched because of a disaster: the site harbours a settlement that was probably destroyed about 4,000 years ago by an earthquake and flood.

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I went to the CBA’s weekend in Leicester from 23rd to 25th September. It included a very interest¬ing lecture on the fashionable topic ‘Community Archaeology’, by Peter Liddle. Unusually, the County Archaeologist for Leicestershire was based in the Museums rather than in the Planning department, and perhaps this made it easier for a network of volunteers to be developed, undertaking much fieldwalking, and also having an ‘archaeological warden’ in each parish who keeps an eye on all developments, even those for which no planning permission is required. This network has brought much archaeology to light that might otherwise have been overlooked, and has now been extended to include metal detecting. Although keeping the supply of volunteers going is a problem, as for most of us, the scheme is still thriving and successful. I did not think experience in such a rural county could easily be transferred to built-up Barnet. Moreover, some may have reservations at the implication that amateurs are a resource to be used by professional archaeologists, rather than autonomous actors in societies created and run by them. Another lecture with some relevance to our activities was on battlefield archaeology, and in particular how much could be learnt from it to supplement and clarify traditional military history. The battle studied was that of Edgehill, where the techniques of landscape archaeology (for instance using enclosure maps) showed what parts of the terrain would, in 1642, have been suitable for infantry and what for cavalry. Moreover, it is apparently possible to determine whether a musket ball has hit a person, and, with the distribution of finds of such balls, this can tell a lot about the deployment of forces. There was a talk by Julian Richards, of “Meet the Ancestors” fame, to a large and enthusiastic audience of members of Young Archaeologists’ Clubs, and a report by the CBA Director, Mike Heyworth, on the work of the CBA. They are hoping to develop National Archaeology Week (formerly National Archaeology Day) into a ‘Festival of Archaeology’. Finally, and perhaps predictably, there was a presentation on inclusivity, which did not give me any ideas on how to get more members, and more active members, for HADAS.

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OTHER SOCIETIES’ EVENTS – Compiled by Eric Morgan

Sat. 5 November, 11am – 4pm NORTH LONDON TRANSPORT SOCIETY, St. Stephen’s Church Hall, Park Avenue, Enfield: Autumn Bazaar A good mix of about 40 bus and railway stalls Admission £1.50. Light refreshments available throughout the day.

Wed. 9 November, 6.30pm LAMAS, Museum of London Lecture Theatre, 150 London Wall, EC2. Old Buildings: Dead or Alive? Talk by Sir Simon Jenkins £3.

Wed. 9 November, 8pm MILL HILL HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Harwood Hall, Union Church, The Broadway, NW7: The greatest survival story ever told by Geoff Selley.

Wed. 9 November, 8pm HORNSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Union Church Hall, Corner of Ferme Park Rd./ Weston Park, N8: Lord Nelson – History in postcards: Hugh Garnsworthy.

Wed. 16 November, 8pm WILLESDEN LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY, Scout House, High Road, [corner Strode Rd.] NW10: Mark Twain in Willesden and elsewhere. Talk by Hamilton Hay.

Fri. 18 November, 7.30pm WEMBLEY HISTORY SOCIETY St. Andrew’s Church, Church Lane, Kingsbury, NW9: History of St.Andrew’s Church Talk by Father John (vicar) (Hadas have recently helped with some surveying work here). Visitors £1 with refreshments.

Fri. 18 November, 8pm ENFIELD ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Jubilee Hall ,Chase Side/ Parsonage Lane, Enfield: Prehistoric London: Talk by Jon Cotton (MoL) Visitors £1.

Fri 18 November, 7pm COLAS: St. Olave’s Parish Hall, Mark Lane, EC3: Bringing Roman Britain to life. Talk by Daniel Shadrake (Britannia Roman Re-enactments).

Fri. 18 November, 8pm BARNET LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY, Church House, Wood Street, (opposite Museum) A.G.M.

Sat. 19 Nov. 10am – 5pm LAMAS, Local History Conference: Museum of London Lecture Theatre: When Lamas began, – London in 1855 (Details in Oct. newsletter).

Wed. 23 November, 8pm FRIERN BARNET & DISTRICT LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY St.John’s Church Hall (next to Whetstone Police Station), Friern Barnet Lane, N20: Literary London: Diane Burstein (City of London Guide and Broadcaster) £2 refreshments 7.45pm and after.

Thurs. 24 November, 2.30pm FINCHLEY SOCIETY, Drawing Room, Avenue House, East End Road, N3: The Friends of Finchley Memorial Society: Talk by Marion Randall.

Wed. 30 November, 8pm FINCHLEY SOCIETY LOCAL HISTORY GROUP. Avenue House, East End Rd, N3: A History of Cromwell Hall, East Finchley: Talk by David Smith (Vice president)

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The winter lecture series takes place at Avenue House, 17 East End Road, Finchley N3 3QE. Lectures start promptly at 8pm – non-members £1, Coffee or tea 70p.

Tues. 11th October, 8pm Lecture by Jill Cook: Palaeolithic Art: soft curves & fuller figures – images of women in the Old Stone Age.

Tues. 8th November, 8pm Lecture by Edwin Baker: The Photography of Small Archaeological Finds.

Early notification of the LAMAS local history conference

The annual local history conference run by the London & Middlesex Archaeology Society will take place this year in the Museum of London’s Lecture Theatre on Saturday the 19th November 2005 from 10.00am to 05.00 pm. This is the 40th conference and is entitled “When LAMAS began: London in 1855”. There are fascinating speakers including Eileen Bowlt, Barney Stone, Anthony Burton, Peter Street and Charles O’Brien among the distinguished cast. The presentation of the Annual Local History Publications Award will also take place during the day. As usual there will displays of recent work and publications by the many London based Local History Societies and, of course, afternoon tea is included in the cost. The tickets are £5 each (£4 for LAMAS members). Please send your application with an appropriate cheque and a stamped, self-addressed envelope for your tickets to Local History Conference, 36 Church Road, West Drayton, Middlesex UB7 7PX

A generous bequest

Majorie Errington, a long standing member who died last year, left a bequest of £ 100 to the society. Miss Errington was noted for “doing the cream” for the Minimart and participating in many of the society’s outings.

A Local connection by Steve Brunning/Don Cooper

One of the more interesting finds from the HADAS “dig” at Church Farm Museum on the 6th/7th August 2005, are two adjacent decorated pieces from the stem of a clay pipe. Bits of clay pipe are one of the most common finds on excavations in the UK. This is mainly because clay pipes were delicate and broke easily. They were also very cheap and, indeed, in many pubs “a pint and a fill” meant a pint of beer and a “free” clay pipe filled with tobacco. They can range in dates from about 1570 to essentially the beginning of the First World War. Although produced right up to the present, once cigarettes were introduced clay pipes declined and are rarely seen nowadays. Clay pipes were also used by children to blow bubbles (remember?). Although many clay pipes are plain and unmarked, during the 19th century they were used as an “advertising” medium. The names of pubs, pipe makers, organisations, societies, anniversaries and jubilees were all recorded on pipe bowls and stems both in images and in letters. Our two pieces of stem turned out to have very interesting marks – on one side are the words “Old Welch (sic) Har (p)” and on the other “W P Warner”. William Perkins Warner was the proprietor of the “Old Welsh Harp” from about 1859 until 1898. He had served with distinction in the Crimean War, and on his return had transformed the “Old Welsh Harp”, previously an old coaching inn, into a place of mass entertainment. He was helped by the fact that the Kingsbury Reservoir (later called the Brent Reservoir and now called the Welsh Harp Reservoir after the pub) had been constructed in 1834/5 by damming the Brent and the Silk Stream to form the large body of water. When it was built he bought exclusive fishing rights. As well as fishing, he introduced pigeon shooting, horse, greyhound racing and cycle racing, boxing and wrestling together with swimming competitions. In horse racing, he was the originator of the Kingsbury Steeplechase Meetings which even the then Prince of Wales attended, although Brett-James in his book “The story of Hendon” says that “the races attracted crowds of a very mixed character”. One of the many races was for the Volunteer Vase – presented by the proprietor of the Marylebone Music Hall, which gave rise to the appearance of the Old Welsh Harp in this music hall song: “You couldn’t find its equal if you walked for miles about, There’s no mistake about, it’s the jolliest place that’s out.” Borough of Brent’s web site The races were held five times a year from 1870 to 1878. They and the entertainments of the Old Welsh Harp were so popular the Midland Railway opened Welsh Harp station to cope with the crowds. On one Bank Holiday it is said that 5000 came by train!! The station was in existence from 1870 to 1903.Then there was greyhound racing where according to Barnes (1994): “Also in 1876, greyhound racing began at the Welsh Harp, Hendon, England, when six dogs raced down a straight track after a mechanical lure. The image at right depicts this race. This attempt to provide a humane alternative to coursing failed, however, and the experiment would not be tried again until 1921.” This was apparently the first use of a mechanical lure. In cycling, one of the earliest races in Britain was held near the Welsh Harp in 1868 and the winner, Arthur Markham (who afterwards had a cycle shop at 345 Edgware Road) was presented with a silver cup by the said W P Warner of the Old Welsh Harp who had sponsored the race. Markham himself claimed that it was first velocipede (cycle) race in the country. When W P Warner died in March 1889 aged 57 and his cortege is said to have been a mile long on its way to his burial in St. Andrew’s Old Church, Kingsbury. The Old Welsh Harp itself began life as the “Harp & Horn” in the 1750s and was demolished in 1970 to make way for the M1 motorway. How sad!!

All the above was triggered by the two small pieces of inscribed pipe stem from the Church Farm Museum excavation. I wonder if the then residents of Church Farm had had a “pint and a fill” at the Old Welsh Harp! Clay pipe remains are important archaeologically as they can usually be tightly dated and there are always lots of them on post-medieval sites. As well as pipes made for places, events, etc., 17th century makers of clay pipes often recorded their initials on the heel or spur at the base of a pipe bowl. When looking at the initials, if you imagine you are smoking the pipe, the initial on the left is the forename of the maker and the initial on the right is the surname. These initials can be looked up in a gazetteer of clay pipe makers.

Bartleet, H. W. 1931. Bicycle Book. London: E. J. Burrow & Co. Ltd.

Barnes, Julia. 1994. (ed.) The Complete Book of Greyhounds. New York: Howell Book House.

Brett-James, Norman G. (undated but after 1931) The Story of Hendon: Manor and Parish. Hendon: Warden & Co. Ltd.

Follow-up on ROMAN multiplication Jim Nelhams

This time last year, I posed the problem of doing multiplication with Roman numbers. I hoped that I would get lots of response. That the response was very low perhaps gives a clue to the answer. I did get two letters, both from non-members who had read our newsletter. Nice to know that it is of interest, and my thanks for their contributions. I have not responded earlier because I found the need to read more on the subject and to talk to a number of other people.

So how did they do it? This is my thinking.

The system we use to multiply today depends upon two things that Roman numbers do not provide. The first is having a digit that represents zero. This is not necessarily essential – indeed, the “invention” of zero is credited to Indian mathematicians a long time after the Roman Empire disappeared. More important is the concept of place values, those hundreds, tens and units columns that I was taught at school.

Another problem posed by Roman numerals is that depending upon the sequence, a number in the middle can be negative. For example, in XIX (19), the I is negative.

What we can be certain about is that Roman numbers are fine for writing down numbers, particularly for engraving them on stone, though you rarely see very large numbers. And addition and subtraction was likely done on sand trays with counters (using place values). But that is still tricky for large multiplications.

So my conclusion, which seems to be agreed by a number of people with whom I have discussed this, is simply that the Romans did not do large multiplications. What they did was to delegate this work to skilled “slaves”, probably

Greek or Arab, who did the sums using their own number systems, and then wrote down the result in Roman numerals.

I’m hoping for a large mailbag telling me that I’m wrong.

HADAS Outing on Saturday, 13th August 2005 by Sheila Woodward

The outing took us into Kent with a first stop at the recently regenerated Swanscombe Heritage Park, Situated on the sands and gravels of the ancient terraces of the Thames, the site is famed for the mid 20th century discovery of the skull of “Swanscombe Man” (now thought to be a woman), at the time the oldest human remains to be found in Britain. It was Victorian quarrying which first brought to light flint implements, the fine Acheulian hand-axes which attracted the attention of collectors and scientists and eventually led to the discovery of three pieces of skull in 1935/36 and 1955. Periodic excavations since have revealed abundant stone tools and faunal bones but no further human remains. Quarrying ceased in 1939 – though it is rumoured that late in WWII gravel from Swanscombe was used to make concrete for the “Mulberry Harbour” for the final invasion of Europe. Maybe missing pieces of skull will be discovered in France! Despite its archaeological importance the site had been neglected and become overgrown and rubbish-choked. Now it is well laid out as a nature reserve, leisure park and site of scientific interest. The so-called “educational signage” is attractive and simply informative and there has been much local involvement especially with schools. There is a small archaeological display (replica skulls, flints etc.) in the leisure centre foyer – and they serve excellent coffee. The Swanscombe visit was nostalgic for me as I dug there in 1971 as part of my practical work for the Diploma in Archaeology. We were working in the lower gravel and lower loam strata ie below and therefore earlier than the skull level (dated about 400,000 BP) The flint implements were Clactonianm, much cruder than the skull-associated Archeulian. The animal bones were mostly deer and ox, though there was excitement over possible elephant and rhino. It was an interesting and instructive dig but my most vivid memory is of the intense heat of those sun-baked and unshaded gravels. Mid-day work was impossible so we dug early and late and had a three-hour siesta. For me that meant leaving Edgware at 5.30am by the first tube and returning between 9.30 and 10.00pm – a long tiring day but definitely worthwhile. Sheila Woodward.

After our break at Swanscombe, we made our way down the A2 (Watling Street) to a site 1¼ miles west of Faversham (TQ992614). Here, after some magnificent manoeuvring by our driver, we parked up a side road off the A2 and “marched” across a ploughed field to the site of the famous Stone Chapel. We were met by Dr. Paul Wilkinson, Director of the Kent Archaeological School, who has been excavating in the area for many years. Many will recall the excellent lecture he gave us last February (newsletter number 407) on the “lost” Roman Town of Durolevum. This year he and his team are excavating in and around the Stone Chapel. Paul gave us an introductory talk about the site and about the excavation which at the time of our visit consisted of 13 trenches many manned by trainees. He then introduced us to one of his supervisors who showed us around the remains of the church.

The Stone Chapel, as it is known, consists of the remains of the ruined Church of our Lady of Elwarton. It went out of use in the mid-16th century, probably at the time of the reformation. A visitation there was noted in 1511, when it was said to be in disrepair. The remains consist of walls standing about a metre above ground level, and up to two metres at the east end. The walls enclose three distinct areas; the nave to the west, the chancel to the east, and a section linking the two. The walls of the nave and the chancel are mainly of flint, bonded with a mortar rich with broken seashells. The construction of the centre section is quite different; the walls here rest on a foundation of flint and consist of layers of tufa blocks, each around 30cms square, separated by a double layer of red tile 3cms thick. This construction is typically Roman, and the discovery of Roman coins by previous excavators dating from the 3rd and early 4th centuries AD confirms this section as Roman in origin. The size and nature of the foundations revealed during the previous excavations suggest that this was possibly a mausoleum. Stones which formed the door frame can still be seen, reused in the 13th century buttresses. The sill of the door is still in situ. The entrance was located on the west side. So what can be seen on the ground today is a central section which is of Roman construction, an extension to the east which is the nave and part of the chancel of the Anglo-Saxon or medieval church. There are the remains of a stone altar along the east wall. On the exterior under the corners of the east wall are large greensand stones (the nearest greensand is approximately 20 miles away). At the base of the centre of the east wall is a large block of sandstone (also not a local stone). We were shown another one like it in situ in one of the trenches. It is not known why they are there. Buttresses were added in the 13th century “because the wooden beams had rotted” to support the north wall indicating that the structure was already old at that time. Unravelling the history of such a site that was in use for about 1000 years and has been a ruin for the last 500 is a daunting task. Over its period of use it would have been altered and repaired, time and time again. On the evidence so far, it appears that the Romans erected a structure here from around the middle of the 4th century and that it was likely to have had a religious or funerary function. It is quite possible it was an early Christian church or it may have been a pagan structure, possibly a mausoleum, which subsequently became a Christian church. It is thought that it became a church not later than the 8th century, and, after many alterations and repair lapsed into disuse around 1550 or so. After hearing the story of the Stone Chapel we were handed over to Sara Woollard, a site director, who showed us around the rest of the site. Most of the trenches were between the south side of the Stone Chapel and the A2 (Watling Street) a 100 metres away. Digging was difficult as the ground was “rock” hard. The remains of a number of walls had been located – most of them largely robbed out – which suggested structures in and around the church. Perhaps there was a perimeter wall originally which had enclosed it. Disarticulated human bone had been found in a number of trenches and bizarrely the neatly laid out skeletons of three dogs buried together, the dogs had apparently had their tails docked. Sara then took us to the trenches nearest Watling Street which had only been opened for three days but were already yielding interesting results. It appears that in Roman times there had been a ribbon development of shops, small industries and perhaps eating places along the side of the road. Up to 60 Roman coins, as well as Roman pottery, had already been recovered and the outlines of a number of these premises exposed. The rubbish pits at the back of these structures were expected to yield a lot more information in the two remaining weeks of the dig. After we expressed an interest in the coins, Andy Fisher, the metal detectorist on site gave us a brief talk and showed us some of the tiny Roman coins, and a large sestertius, which had just been found. The talks and tours were so interesting that many of us forgot to eat our packed lunches!! Our thanks go to Paul, Catherine, Sara and Andy and all the people at the excavation for making our visit such an interesting and informative one. We reluctantly left the site and proceeded to Ospringe nearby to visit one of the remaining buildings of the Hospital of Blessed Mary of Ospringe known as Maison Dieu. The building, under the guardianship of English Heritage, not surprisingly is a mixture of dates and styles. The oldest part is from the late 13th century, with much alteration – almost a rebuild – in the mid-16th c, and the removal of the front and forward side in 1894. The upstairs chamber timber roof is a good specimen of king-post type. In the basement there is the (well-preserved) undercroft from the 13th century. The building houses a museum of local finds including a very good collection of complete Roman pots, many of them are from the area of the Stone Chapel site. They were mostly recovered from burial sites both inhumations and cremations. On our way back to the coach Stewart Wild pointed out a pillbox from WW11 attached to the local pub with slits that would have enabled “Dad’s Army” to defend up and down the A2 had the Germans invaded. And so to Faversham and a welcome tea and cake stop. Faversham is a lovely old town with a long history both as a medieval port and early industrial centre. It is the location of Britain’s oldest brewery – Shepherd Neame – which was certainly around in 1698 but perhaps goes back another 100 years. Abbey Street is one of Britain’s finest medieval streets, full of interesting buildings. Unfortunately the rain came and curtailed much of our explorations of the town giving us an opportunity to sample the local brew!!! Back on the coach for the trip back to Barnet and all that remained was to thank Sheila and Tessa for a wonderful trip and our driver for looking after us. Don Cooper

Barnet’s Buildings at risk

In early July 2005 English Heritage published an update of their Greater London Buildings at Risk register. It contains details of 19 structures in the Borough of Barnet that are considered to be at risk as follows: • Colindale Hospital Administration Block, Colindale Avenue, Barnet, • College Farm Dairy, Fitzalan Road, Barnet, • College Farm – main building, Fitzalan Road, Barnet, • Friern Hospital, Friern Barnet Road, Barnet, • Monument to Major John Cartwright, St Mary at Finchley Churchyard, Hendon Lane, Barnet, • Golders Green Hippodrome, North End Road, Barnet, • Physic Well, Well Approach, Barnet, • Silo, Fitzalan Road, College Farm, Barnet, • The Water Tower, East End Road, Finchley, Barnet,• Hertford Lodge, 15-17, East End Road, Finchley, Barnet, • The Bothy, East End Road, Finchley, Barnet, • St Mary’s Churchyard, Hendon Lane, Finchley, Barnet, • St Mary’s Churchyard, Church End, Hendon, Barnet, • King Edward Hall, 331-343, Regents Park Road, Hendon, Barnet, • Grahame White Company offices and factory, Aerodrome Road, Hendon Aerodrome, Barnet, • Access gate to Hadley Common, Camlet Way, Monken Hadley, Barnet, • Gate to Hadley Common, Hadley Common, Monken Hadley, Barnet, • Access gates to Hadley Common, The Crescent, Monken Hadley, Barnet, • The Manor House, 2, Totteridge Common, Totteridge, Barnet, All the above structures are grade II listed except for the two churchyards. Many of the structures are currently being worked on and it is hoped that by the production of next year’s list Barnet will have reduced the number of structures currently on the at risk register. See also an article by Alex Galbinski in the Barnet Times of 21st July 2005.

Kingsbury High School Archaeology Project (KHSAP) by Andy Agate

The Kingsbury High School Archaeology Project (KHSAP) in the London Borough of Brent is an ongoing heritage project run jointly by the Institute of Archaeology (IoA) at UCL and Kingsbury High School with help and support from HADAS. As part of this year’s National Archaeology Week the Churches Conservation Trust allowed us access to one of the churches in their care, St. Andrews Old Church, in order to carry out a building survey. This church holds a unique position in Brent as the borough’s only grade one listed building; with walls sprinkled with Roman tiles and Saxon features attesting to the comings and goings of past multi-cultural inhabitants. In this modern, culturally diverse borough, this building clearly shows the similarities between past and present!

The ethos of the KHSAP is to engage the school’s pupils and the local community in heritage issues through active participation in local archaeological projects. Thus, students at the IoA carry out projects for inclusion in undergraduate dissertations, which in turn brings opportunities for participation by the school. There are few better ways of bringing the past to life than uncovering it for yourself! Perhaps there are other university archaeology departments who could be contacted to undertake similar work?

The project at the church demonstrates that an archaeological perspective can shed new light on redundant churches. Much more than that, the activity around the church brought the otherwise passive building to life, exciting the interest of teachers and pupils from the school and of the many local people who passed by the building each day.

Whilst St. Andrews Old Church may be redundant as a place of worship, our new investigation shows that as an actor in its community, it is merely between roles.

What’s on. By Eric Morgan

6th October 2005 at 20.00 – “The men of Trafalgar” a talk by Derek Ayshford at Village Hall, Chapel Lane car park Pinner.

7th October 2005 at 20.00 – “19th –Century Gentry” a lecture by Elizabeth Buteaux at Barnet Local History Society, Church House, Wood Street Barnet.

12th October 2005 at 20.00 – “The Cuffley Airship” a lecture by John Higgs at Hornsey Historical Society, Union Church Hall, corner of Ferme Park Road/Weston Park, N8.

17th October 2005 at 20.00 – “Musical memories of World War II” a talk by Edna Jury at Friends of Barnet Borough Libraries, Church End Library, 24 Hendon Lane N3.

19th October 2005 at 20.00 – “Hands-on History” a talk by Chloe Bird at Willesden Local Historical Society, The Scout House, High Road. Willesden NW10.

21st October 2005 at 20.00 – “Royal and Monastic sites in West London” a talk by Bob Cowie. At Enfield Archaeological Society, Jubilee Hall, Junction of Chase Side and Parsonage Lane, Enfield.

21st October 2005 at 1900 – “The Tudor Wreck from Prince’s Channel near Gravesend” a lecture by Jens Aver, at City of London Archaeological Society, St Olave’s Parish Hall, Mark Lane EC3.

21st October 2005 at 20.00 – “The History of Bushey” a talk by Hugh Lewis (British Museum) at St. Andrew’s Church Hall, Church Lane, Kingsbury, NW9.

26th October 2005 at 20.00 – “History of Incognito Theatre” a talk by Mike McKie at Friern Barnet & District Local History Society, St John’s Church Hall (next to Whetstone Police Station) Friern Barnet Lane, N20.

27th October 2005 at 20.00 – “Spike Milligan” a talk by Bill Tyler at Avenue House, East End Rd. N3

Thanks to our contributors: Steve Brunning, Eric Morgan, Sheila Woodward, Jim Nelhams and Andy Agate.

newsletter-414-september 2005 – HADAS Newsletter Archive

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Saturday 10 September Outing to Copped Hall Archaeological Project, The Rodings, Pleshy Castle & Thaxted with June Porges & Stewart Wild.

Tuesday 11 October. 8pm Lecture by Jill Cook: Paleolithic Art: Soft Curves and Fuller Figures – images of women in the art of the Old Stone Age.

Tuesday 8 November. 8pun Lecture by Edwin Baker, formerly a photographer at the British Museum and MoLAS: The Photography of Small Archaeological Finds


Over what must have been the wettest summer weekend on record, the HADAS trip to Northumbria 27- 31 July, based in Durham, was a great success thanks to Jackie Brooks’ immaculate organisation and the knowledge and humour of our excellent local guide Derek Sharman. Visits included Raby Castle, County Durham; Arbeia Roman Fort at South Shields (with a view of some of the handsome vessels lining up for the start of the Tall Ships Race); fascinating Vindolanda in the rain; Newcastle University’s superb Museum of Antiquities; Alnwick Castle and Gardens; Aydon Castle; Lordenshaws Prehistoric Landscape Site; Paxton House (a brief foray into Scotland here); Lindisfarne Castle and Priory, and Berwick on Tweed for a walk on the city walls. On the last night a gala dinner at a hotel in Bamburgh was enjoyed by all. A full report will appear in the next newsletter.

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It’s that time again! The task of processing the Ted Sammes archives of the HADAS excavations from the 70s continues anew this Autumn. As usual the course is being run at Avenue House by Jacqui Pearce (see details below reproduced from the Birkbeck web site). This is your chance to learn how to identify artefacts found in excavations and learn the techniques of post excavation processing at a local venue and in a very friendly environment. So do come and join us!! To apply write, phone or e-mail for an application form quoting the course code below to: Archaeology, FCE Birkbeck, 26 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DQ Tel: 020 7631 6627 E-mail Course Title and description: Course code is FFAR015UACP After the Excavation: Archaeology from Processing to Publication The module will run as a workshop providing a model for post-excavation procedures based on current practice, covering finds, processing, identification, recording and analysis leading to publication and archive deposition. Amateur groups and local societies are encouraged to bring along material from excavations to be used in practical sessions, with teaching and supervision by specialists. Wed. 28 September, 6.30pm-8.30pm 26 meetings including visits, £180 (£90 for concessions), 30 CATS points at Level 2 Jacqui Pearce, BA, FSA, Avenue House, 15-17 East End Road, Finchley N3

Sad news


We are very sorry to hear of the death of John Hooson. John joined HADAS in 1973 whilst studying for the Certificate of Field Archaeology at Barnet College. He was a very active member of the West Heath Team and contributed a first analysis to the report. Later, when he had to take early retirement due to ill health, he obtained a BSc. in Archaeological Science. We give our sympathy to Audrey Hooson. MOLLY DICKER

Molly died suddenly from a heart attack on Thursday 11th August. She came on our HADAS


The business of the AGM was done with commendable efficiency and celerity and afterwards we were entertained by Bill Bass showing slides and Andrew Coulson giving a talk on The Battle of Barnet.


Pinner Hill Golf Club. Pictures were shown of the HADAS dig at the golf club revealing a substantial wall foundation of a probable Tudor Manor house in the area. Avenue House. Slides were shown of the HADAS training excavation in August 2004, showing the edging and remains of the drainage system of an ornamental pond which was in the grounds of Avenue House in the early 20th century,now filled in and grassed over. Pictures were also shown of the HADAS book sale held in March 2005 in Avenue House. HADAS Outings. Photos were shown of the long weekend to the Lake District and the day visit to Lewes Castle and nearby Balcolmbe Roman Villa. Other. Slides were shown of an open day at Turnershall Villa near Wheathampstead, the site of an early and rich Roman burial. And also a further Villa at Amwell near Wheathampstead, being dug by the local St. Albans society.

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HADAS have been digging in the Hendon area since the1960s and in the grounds of the museum since 1993,with later digs in 1996 and 1999. Finds have been found from the prehistoric period (struck flint), the material from the Roman, saxon, medieval and post medieval periods. The most substantial features are medieval gulleys, pits and a ditch, with residual finds from Roman and Saxon occupation. The site may have been levelled for a tennis-court resulting in landscaping and terracing and subsequent garden. The weekend started on the Friday beforehand with a small party relaying equipment from Avenue House to the museum, then laying out the baselines, trenches and the grid for resistivity surveying, work was also started on de-turfing the trenches. It was decided to layout three trenches, a CEmain, one over the line of the previously known medieval ditch and two exploratory smaller trenches either side of the museum building. Saturday dawned with fine weather and a good turnout of members, old and new, ready to dig, one was hot-foot from Catal Huyuk in Turkey! A good start was made with a coin being found in the trench to the west of the museum (a 1950s farthing). Later, in the main trench a clay-pipe stem with a mark associating it with the Welsh Harp a local pub and its proprietor was found, which made your Chairman a happy man for the weekend. A resistivity survey was carried out near to the pond with some anomalies being found, perhaps from some cottages thought to be in the area. On Sunday we were entertained by a clown/magic show laid on by the museum for local families, much interest was shown in the excavations and the finds, some of which where being washed and dried in the sun. At last some medieval and Roman pot was being found in the main trench indicating the ditch-fill was close by. Indeed another section of the ditch was added to the plan, and some interesting sherds of pot found including what may be some nice Roman examples. On the Monday a hardy bunch of volunteers backfilled and returfed the various holes. Thanks to all those who took part, and to Gerrard Roots of the museum. A case of finds from previous HADAS digs in the garden can be seen in the museum to about September, these were published in the HADAS Journal No 1.

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The Exhibition 50 Years of Church Farm House Museum has been extended to Sunday 11 September

Sun 4 September 2-4pm Friern Barnet & District Local History Society, from outside Town Hall Friern Barnet (corner Friern Barnet Lane/Woodhouse Rd) Colney Hatch Village Tour led by Oliver Natelson & John Philpot. cost £1.

Sun 4 September 3-5pm Finchley Arts Centre Trust The Bothy, Avenue House Grounds, East End Rd. N3 Garden Party Admission £5 Refreshments incl., Arts and Crafts Exhibition. Proceeds to develop the Garden

Sun 4 September 10.30am-430pm The Jewish Museum, Finchley. Sternburg Centre, 80 East End Rd., N3 Open Day. Exhibition of History of Jewish Immigration to London, displays of tailoring, furniture making in East End. Talks by Leon Greenman (holocaust survivor), stories of Kindertransport. Adults £2, concessions £1

Sun 4 September llam Barnet and District Local History Society from the top of Meadway outside High Barnet Station Every Other House a Tavern, a Pub Walk looking at some of Barnet’s famous pubs led by Paul Baker.Cost £5. Lasts 2 hours

Thurs 8-Sat 10 September 10.30am-12 noon, 12.30-2pm, 2.30-4pm LAARC Mortimer Wheeler House, 46 Eagle Wharf Rd. Heritage Open Day Tours. For details

Sat 10 September 11 am-12 noon, 2-3pm MODA Middlesex University Campus, Cat Hill, East Barnet. Behind the Scenes – Open House Weekend. Archives, Conservation, Collections Store

Sun 11 September 230pm Barnet & District Local History Society. From top of Meadway outside High Barnet Station Things That Go Bump In The Night a spooky walk in Chipping Barnet and Monken Hadley, led by Paul Baker. Cost £5, lasts 2 hours

Fri 16 September 8pm Enfield Archaeological Society, Jubilee Hall, junction Chase Side/Parsonage Lane, Enfield. The New Medieval Gallery at the Museum of London, talk by Hedley Swain (Museum of London). Visitors £1, refreshments 7.30pm.

Sat 17- Sun 18 September London Open House Weekend with lots of buildings to visit, to most of which the public doesn’t usually have access. For further details visit

Wed 28 September 8pm Finchley Society History Group, Drawing Room, Avenue House, East End Rd. N3. Barnet in World War 2, Talk by Percy Reboul (HADAS)

newsletter-413-august-2005 – HADAS Newsletter Archive

By | Past Newsletters, Volume 8 : 2005 - 2009 | No Comments


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Saturday 13th August 2005 Outing to Swanscombe & Faversham with Tessa Smith & Sheila Woodward Application forms were in the last newsletter,

Saturday 10th September 2005 Outing to Copped Hall Archaeological Project, The Rodings, Pleshy Castle & Thaxted with June Porges & Stewart Wild Application form enclosed.

Tues. 11 October, 8pm Lecture by Jill Cook: Palaeolithic Art: soft curves & fuller figures — images of women in the art of the Old Stone Age

Tues 14 November, 8pm:- to be announced

Church Farmhouse Museum dig from Bill Bass

In celebration of the museum’s 50th anniversary HADAS will be conducting an excavation in the grounds of Church Farmhouse Museum, Hendon, on the 6 & 7th August 2005 The dig will be open to the public for viewing from 10.00am to 4.00pm on both of these days. During the 1990s HADAS held several digs in the grounds of the museum, finding traces of the site’s Prehistoric, Roman, Saxon and Mediaeval past. A small selection of finds from those excavations is currently on display at the museum. The excavations have also been published in the HADAS Journal No I, 2002. Finds from the grounds of the museum and nearby sites include struck flint, indicating the presence of prehistoric people in the area. Roman pottery, building material and burials point to a building or community in the vicinity not yet found. Also a large amount of Saxon, Mediaeval and post- mediaeval finds shows extensive occupation of this period on high ground near St Mary’s Church. The dig is open to any members of HADAS, experienced or not, and all equipment will be supplied, but if you have your own trowel please bring it. If you want to dig please wear stout boots or shoes. Also be prepared for prevailing weather conditions. Depending on personnel available we may also try and offer some resistivity surveying and finds processing, etc. For any more details please contact Bill.


The HADAS Newsletter last March gave news of the passing of Daphne Lorimer, our long-standing member, and Sheila Woodward provided a lovely remembrance in the following issue. For anyone wanting to know more about archaeology in the Orkneys as well as Daphne’s contribution to it, we have been given the website address for a “Festschrift” dedicated to her last year. This can be read on

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HADAS at St Andrew’s Church, Kingsbury from Don Cooper

At the request of Andy Agate, project manager of this year’s Kingsbury School excavation, HADAS carried out a resistivity survey in the grounds of the “new” St Andrew’s Church, Kingsbury. The site is.a fascinating one. First there is the new St Andrew’s Church. This church was moved “brick by brick” from Wells Street near Oxford Circus in London at the instigation of the then Bishop of London in 1931/34. Designed originally by Dawkes it was consecrated in 1847 and according to its web site it was noted for fine music and choirs. Then, 100 metres away, hidden among the tall trees and the gravestones of a three-and-a-half acre graveyard, stands the old church of St. Andrew’s. This church, which dates from at least the 13th century (though it is believed that there are Saxon elements, which would make it much earlier), has been substantially altered over the years. The church fabric is sprinkled with Roman building material including bricks and tiles and even a piece of pottery. There are five complete hypocaust tiles set into the walls at the altar end of the church. It seems likely that there was a Roman building in the surrounding area so as to account for all this building material. University College London and the Kingsbury team are making a full survey of the church and it is hoped that we will be able to publish a summary of it in a future newsletter. The resistivity survey was carried out by Andrew Coulson, Jim Nelhams and Don Cooper. A grass covered area beside the new church and between it and the old church was surveyed. A 10m by 30m grid was established. The results were inconclusive, although there is a strong suspicion that there are grave slabs just below the surface.


ALL OVER BY CHRISTMAS – ROUTEMASTER REQUIEM ‘ …only some ghastly de-humanised moron would want to get rid of the Routemasters…. (Mayor of London Ken Livingstone, 2001) Well ‘someone’ has, and London will lose a little more of its soul. After 50 years it will soon be goodbye to that big red London icon, the Routemaster bus — well, sort of the five remaining Routemaster routes will be phased out by 9 December this year. By the time you read this, low-floor double deckers will have replaced routes 14 & 22 between Putney and the West End on 22 July. Next to go, on 21 October, is our very own route 13 from Golders Green via Childs Hill to Aldwych, so no more empty Routemasters running back to the garage through Hendon, Edgware & Mill Hill. Then it’s the turn of the number 38, Clapton to Victoria, replaced by 18 metre long ‘Bendy Buses’ on 28 October. Last to go, in December, will be the 159 between Marble Arch & Streatham. By then, some Routemasters will have commenced running on two Transport for London (TfL)- sponsored ‘heritage routes’ in central London, based on the central parts of routes 9 & 15. They will run every l5 minutes from 9.30am to 6.30pm seven days a week, beginning this autumn. The first route will run from Piccadilly Circus to Tower Hill via Trafalgar Square, Strand, Fleet St, Ludgate Hill, Cannon St and Eastcheap. The second will run between The Royal Albert Hall and Aldwych, via Knightsbridge, Piccadilly, Trafalgar Square and Strand. Standard bus fares will apply, allowing passengers to use Travelcards & Oyster cards. Refurbished Routemasters built between 1959 & 1965 (but with modern ‘low emission’ engines) will be used. As few as ten vehicles would be needed — four plus one spare on each route.

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What would you like to see and hear at our Tuesday lectures? Do you have any particular person in mind, and/or a specialist topic? It’s your society, now is the chance to have your say. As the new meetings organiser I would welcome all your ideas. Please contact me on 020 8959 6419,


Ann Kahn, editor of the June Newsletter, fell ill part way through its preparation. If anyone sent Ann a newsletter contribution which has not yet been used and might have got mislaid in the con-fusion, please send a further copy to the next editor (see back page). Dorothy Newbury reports that Ann is feeling much better and is now in St Mary’s Hospital, Hampstead (at the top of Heath St). She is being visited daily by her helpers who will take her any post or messages.


Percy Reboul and John Heathfield, both HADAS members, have added another to their many and always fascinating publications about Barnet with ‘Days of Darkness — The London Borough of Barnet at War’ which was published by Sutton in June. The book looks at the physical effects of the bombing raids on North London, outlines the contribution of women on the home front and considers the impact of Jewish and political refugees. The book is priced at £12.99.

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In last month’s Newsletter (No. 412) Graham Javes brought us up-to-date on research to locate the Anglo-Saxon boundary of Barnet, partly based on the 17th century copy of an 11th century charter, and mentioned the commemorative walk of the boundary held in May. Below is relevant material which has been provided by other HADAS members.

Acknowledging All Involved from Pat Alison

I found the article ‘A thousand years of the Barnet boundary’ in the July Newsletter very interesting, especially as I “walked the walk”, joining around two hundred others, many wearing mediaeval costume, around the perimeter of Barnet. The day ended with everyone enjoying a picnic while watching King Ethelred presenting the charter to the Abbot of St. Albans. However, I was rather disappointed that the article made no mention of Gillian Gear. Not only did she spend several months meeting with representatives of the many societies involved and masterminding the whole of the walk, but she also produced the booklet mentioned, ‘A thousand years of the Barnet boundary’, using Pamela Taylor’s research and adding further illustrations. The article mentioned (in Hendon Past and Present No. 5, Spring 2005) is a similar version, but with less illustration. It might also be worth mentioning that Philip Bailey hopes to publish an illustrated booklet giving his varying personal views on the subject (Editor’s note: see following item).

The Boundary of Barnet A Thousand Years Ago by Philip Bailey

As mentioned in last months Newsletter, Pamela Taylor has done a lot of work on the 1005 AD Barnet boundary description. I too have done extensive research into this document and have produced alternative explanations for some of the features in the boundary. The appeal of working on this document has been translating and interpreting the Old English names for features and settlements around the boundary. The place-names I have made most progress explaining are Sciburnan, Byttes Stigele and Wyrtruman. Scirbrunan translates as `shirebourn’ meaning ‘county stream’. Peter Kitson (an expert on Anglo- Saxon boundaries) supposed this stream to be the one which used to form the county boundary between Hertfordshire and Middlesex and which ran from High Barnet to Pymmes Brook. This inspired me to look into this place-name and in Barnet Manor Rolls I found it occurring as Shirebourne in 1277. In the Manor Rolls in 1699 a field called Sherborne Meadow is mentioned and this seems to reappear as Sherbourn Field in an index in the 1817 Enclosure Map abutting on the very stream that Peter Kitson had suspected was the Shirebourn. This stream now only flows above ground in Victoria Park in New Barnet, but the uppermost section of it can be found as a ditch in King George’s Field in Hadley which seems to have been known in 1556 as Sheredyche. Byttes Stigele translates most easily as ‘bottle’s stile’ and survives in the name Betstyle Circus (New Southage). My theory regarding the meaning of the name is that three local roads in the area make up the shape of a bottle and Betstyle is located where the cork would go, at the top of the neck, these roads being Russell Lane, which forms the base, and Brunswick Park Road and Oakleigh Road South which form the flanks. I suspect that the Bottle’s Stile was a stile leading into the interior of the bottle shape. Wyrtruman is an interesting word which is usually translated as meaning ‘root’. The wyrt part of this word means herb and is still in use in such herb names as St John’s Wort (wort still being pronounced ‘wert’). However, Peter Kitson has found that in a boundary description it probably means ‘root fringe’ and denotes a ‘wood bank’. This is a bank of earth which forms the edge of woodland. It occurred to me earlier this year that the position of this feature coincided with the position of an earthen bank following Barnet’s old boundary running along the north side of Ravenscroft Park in High Barnet. This bank is locally known as Grims Dyke as it was previously assumed to have been part of the feature of that name which can be found in Pinner. This link has always seemed unlikely and indeed the Museum of London Archaeology Service regarded it as part of a clay or gravel pit. A booklet containing a fuller account of my research can be read at Barnet Museum. but as yet I haven’t managed to find a publisher for it A booklet using Pamela Taylor’s research was produced to accompany the walk around the boundary of Barnet which was mentioned in the last Newsletter and was organised by Gillian Gear and Barnet History Society and took place on a lovely warm day in May. Peter Kitson is producing a book entitled ‘Guide to Anglo-Saxon Charter Boundaries’, to be published by the English Place- Name Society, which covers the several hundred such boundary descriptions which exist for various places around the country. The Barnet booklet can be purchased at Barnet Museum. If just one of the features in this ancient boundary description has survived a whole thousand years it would be a quite remarkable survival, given the urban nature of that part of Barnet.

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In the June Newsletter there was an article by Isobel Thompson on the Historic Land Characterisation Project, which has been completed for Hertfordshire but has not even been started for much of Greater London. In her last paragraph Isobel suggests that local societies within Greater London might be able to help. We believe there must be members who find the idea of this sort of research appealing. Could any interested members get in touch with me (Peter Pickering, 3 Westbury Road London N12 7NY,) and I will try to arrange an exploratory meeting, perhaps with our neighbouring Enfield Archaeological Society. On Thursday 6th October Lord Smith of Finsbury, who as Chris Smith MP was recently Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport and is now Chairman of the London Cultural Consortium, will be speaking to the Standing Conference on London Archaeology and the London Forum of Amenity and Civic Societies. The title of his talk will be “Heritage and London’s Cultural Strategy”. The meeting is at 6.30 pm in The Gallery, 70-77 Cowcross Street, near Farringdon Underground. Admission free. HADAS is a member of the Standing Conference and members will be welcome at the meeting; no need to book, but since there is a limit on numbers and we ought to know how much wine to buy it would be helpful if you let me know, as above.


From Sundays 21st & 28th August and 4th September Copped Hall Trust, together with the West Essex Archaeological Group, will be holding one week training courses in practical archaeology at Copped Hall, nr Waltham Abbey, Essex (one of the locations for the HADAS outing on September 10 1). No previous experience is needed and certificates will be awarded on completion. The courses are led by professional archaeologists. Details can be obtained from their website,, or from Mrs Pauline Dalton, Roseleigh, Epping Rd, Epping CM16 5HW.

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OTHER SOCIETIES’ EVENTS Compiled by Eric Morgan

9 August Tues. 8 pm: The Geology & History of London’s Water Supply Mike Howgate Amateur Geology Soc. St Margaret’s Church, Victoria Avenue, N3

17 August Wed 7.30 pm: Guided Tour of Kensal Green led by Peter Finch Willesden Local History Society. Meet Kensal Green Station (walk about 1 mile)

19 August Fri 7 pm: The Hunting Baths of Leptis Magna Talk, David Lewis (COLAS) City of London Archaeological Society, St Olave’s Parish Hall, Mark Lane, EC3

20 August Sat 10 am: Visit to Church Farmhouse Museum Joint Wembley & Willesden History Societies. Meet at Museum, Greyhound Hill, NW4 20 & 21 August 12-6 pm: Friern Barnet Summer Show, Friary Park, Friern Barnet Lane. Stalls will include local history – & art exhibitions, etc

28 August Sun 2.30 pm Statley homes and stately lives Walk through Georgian village of Monkenhadley led by Paul Barker (City of London (guide) Meet Spires Shopping Centre. Barnet High St. Cost £5 Lasts approximately 2 hours

1 September Thurs 10 30 am Introduction to Barnet Archives Mill Hill library Hartley Ave, NW7. Talk with coffee, 50p

1 September Thurs 7.30 pm Basingstoke Canal Talk by Peter Cansdale London Canal Museum, 12-13 Wharf Rd, Kings Cross, N1 Concessions £2

2 September Fri 8 pm: Victorian Women in Interior Design Talk by Jean Fletcher Barnet & District Local History Society, Church House, Wood St, Barnet (opposite Museum)

3 September Sat 10.30 am: London Walk: Southwark & Bankside LAMAS Meet London Bridge Station, Tooley St Entrance. Distance about 3 miles. Free, but advance booking Essential Contact Jon Finney, 65 Carpenders Ave, Carpenders Park, Watford WD19 5BP

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newsletter-412-july-2005 – HADAS Newsletter Archive

By | Past Newsletters, Volume 8 : 2005 - 2009 | No Comments

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Wednesday 27 July to Sunday 31 July 2005, visit to Northumberland. Now full, contact Jackie Brookes to see if there is a last minute cancellation.

Saturday-Sunday 6-7 August 2005, Excavation at Church Farmhouse Museum. See page 7.

Saturday 13 August, outing to Swanscombe & Faversham, with Tessa Smith and Sheila Woodward. Application form enclosed.

Saturday 10 September, outing with June Porges and Stewart Wild, to include Copped Hall, Essex, where there is an excavation. Details later.

Our lecture Season recommences in October.

11 October, Jill Cook (British Museum) Palaeolithic Art: soft curves and full figures – images of women in the art of the Old Stone Age.

8 November, tba.

Lectures start at 8.00 pm in the Drawing Room, Avenue House, East End Rd, Finchley, N3. Buses 82, 143, 260 & 326 pass close by. and it is a five to ten minute walk from Finchley Central Station (Northern Line).

In Last Month’s Newsletter.

Production difficulties caused by the illness of last month’s editor, just as she was preparing the Newsletter, resulted in our repeating the HADAS Diary for June 2004. In addition, we re-ran details of a lecture by Malcolm Stokes last June. We apologise to Malcolm, and to all members who may have been inconvenienced. A further apology is due. The report on the Sutton Hoo lecture by Angela Evans was by new member Val Johnston, and not as stated, Ron Johnston.

An SOS from Dorothy.

The Society is desperately in need of a Reserve Editor for the Newsletter. We have lost four editors in the last two years and now have no reserve. Any of our present editors will be happy to advise on what is involved. No editorial experience is needed, just a computer or typewriter. Is there a new or old member out there willing to help? Please ring Dorothy, M 020 8203 0950.

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Pinner Hill Golf Club Excavation by Bill Bass

Pinner Hill Golf Club, Middlesex. NGR TQ 1097/9154 On the 11th & 12th May members of HADAS Fieldwork team and Ken Kirkman of the Pinner Local History Society conducted a small excavation at Pinner Hill Golf Club. Ken has been interested in the site for many years. It is thought that the site of a 17th century mansion house lies in the vicinity of the present 19th century clubhouse. There are some historical records but none indicates clearly where the previous mansion stood. In the past, Ken has observed and sketched parch-marks in the grass about 50 metres east of the present clubhouse, adjacent to the 18th green. Last year he asked if HADAS could conduct a resistivity survey over the same spot. The results were published in the Newsletter in August 2004. Although a large tree and a circular depression (thought to be the result of a cellar) obscured some of the plot, the parch-marks and resistivity results appear to be consistent in showing the outline of a building or structure on the edge of an east sloping terrace. Initially a 2xlm trench was opened, and just centimetres below the turf a brick wall foundation began to appear. The trench was eventually extended to 2x2m revealing the wall to be 0.60m wide running east-west along the trench with a return section heading north. This north return seems to have been butt-jointed as it was not integrated with the east-west wall and was slightly misaligned. The wall appears to be built using a variation of English Bond. the commonly used type in the 17th century. Sample bricks are thinner than modern examples, are red in colour and have no frog, which could point to a Tudor or post-Tudor date The more modern, regular brick appeared in the 1840s. At one point, the wall was excavated to a depth of 0.55m and still continuing, so substantial foundations still remain in the ground. Within the surrounding rubble were a number of glazed or vitrified brick headers, which may show the wall was decorated, diamond shapes were a favourite. The side of the wall facing north seemed to have a better quality pointing than the south. The surrounding clay sandy-soil contained a mixture of demolition material — brick fragments, peg tile etc. The small amount of finds included a sherd of Frechen stoneware from Germany, usually dated to between 1550 & 1700 from a drinking jug (J. Pearce, MoLAS), and a sherd of post-medieval redware 1650-1800. Some small fragments of vessel glass were also recovered. This was a small evaluation dig and there is yet to be a full post-excavation analysis, but the surveys, and now the dig indicate that a substantial building once stood here and the tentative dating evidence show it could well be the site of the 17th-century mansion house. Thanks to the HADAS members who took part, to Ken Kirkman and to the offices of Pinner Hill Golf Club.

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The Road to Rome in the Steps of a Medieval Pilgrim: a report on our May lecture by Mark Hassall by Graham Javes.

Mark Hassall is no stranger to HADAS lectures: he has frequently spoken to us on Roman archaeology. This evening however he declared himself ‘obsessed with pilgrimages’, having just completed his third pilgrimage. The lecture, illustrated with slides mainly taken on pilgrimage, began with a slide of the Hereford Mappa Mundi, showing the pilgrim routes, with Jerusalem as the centre of a medieval world of Christian consciousness. Mark spoke of the work today of the Confraternity of St James founded to promote pilgrimages. His first pilgrimage was to Santiago de Compostella, his second to Jerusalem, and, the most recent to Rome. Accompanied by two friends on the Roman walk, Mark followed an imagined route, which might have been taken by a distant ancestor, Thomas Hassall, the parish priest of Sandbach in Cheshire. In 1402 Thomas was granted permission by John de Burghill, bishop of Lichfield, in whose diocese Sandbach then lay, to visit the shrines of SS. Peter and Paul, for which he was granted 18 months leave of absence. Mark set out from Lichfield to follow this imagined route, via Eccleshall castle, demolished in the Civil War, and Sandbach, following the ancient line of a packhorse bridge near Chester. Thomas would not have crossed France due to the political situation in 1403. He might have taken the German route or gone through Gascony, perhaps taking a boat to Bordeaux and following river valleys to Avignon, then part of the Holy Roman Empire. It was this route which Mark Hassall walked, along pleasant canals and rivers, calling en-route at the Abbey of St Faith, and the cathedral of Toulouse, which houses the relics of all twelve apostles, eventually reaching the Eternal City on Good Friday. They had walked 900 miles in 70 days, not knowing where to stay – not something, he remarked, to be taken lightly. On Easter Sunday he received the Pope’s blessing in St Peter’s Square: the following Saturday, Pope John Paul II was dead. Mark tells us he is starting to write a fictional account of the journey of his ancestor Thomas Hassall.

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Secretary’s Corner by Denis Ross

The Society’s Annual General Meeting was held at Avenue House on 14 June 2005 with the President, Harvey Sheldon in the chair. 36 Members were present. The Annual Report and Accounts were duly approved. The Officers elected for the current year are: Chairman: Don Cooper

Vice Chairman Peter Pickering

Hon Treasurer: Jim Nelhams

Hon Secretary: Denis Ross

The following were duly elected as members of Committee: Christian Allen, Bill Bass, Jackie Brookes, Stephen Brunning, Andrew Coulson, Eric Morgan, Dorothy Newbury, June Porges, Mary Rawitzer, Andrew Selkirk and Tim Wilkins.

After the formal business had been concluded, the following presentations were made: Andrew Coulson on the work of the Battle of Barnet Working Group. Don Cooper on the progress by the Birkbeck College/HADAS course on final reports on the excavations by HADAS of the Church Farm and Church Terrace sites in Hendon in the ’60s and ’70s. The former is due to be published shortly, the latter could take another couple of years. Finally, Bill Bass on the Society’s activities over the past year (including the recent excavation at Pinner Golf Club) with excellent accompanying photographs.

A thousand years of the Barnet boundary. by Graham Javes

2005 Is the thousandth anniversary of the granting to the abbot of St Albans, by charter of King Aethelred II, of an area of land described in the charter as ‘woods attached to the old fort’ of Kingsbury (St Albans). This land was to become the manor of Barnet, but the original charter has been lost for centuries. Recently a 17th-century copy was discovered in Brussels by Cambridge historian Professor Simon Keynes. Since this discovery, Dr Pamela Taylor (a member of HADAS) has done further research, and written a number of articles on the charter. To celebrate the anniversary she has produced a new article, updating our scholarship on the early origins of Barnet. In the 1990s the charter was thought to be circa 1005, now latest research has dated the document precisely to 1005, in fact, Pamela argues a case that it might be pinned down even closer, to November-December 1005. Pamela Taylor, ‘A thousand years of the Barnet boundary’, Hens Past and Present, No 5, Spring 2005, is published by Hertfordshire Association for Local History. Copies of this twice-yearly local history journal are sent free to members of Hertfordshire Association for Local History. It is available locally from Barnet Museum, Wood Street, Barnet (`M 020 8440 8066 for opening hours), price £2.00. A commemorative walk of the Barnet boundary was held in May, with many local organisations walking ‘their section’ of the boundary.

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Much ado at the castle.

Many will remember the lectures by our member Derek Batten. Derek you may recall ‘inadvertently’ bought a castle mound at Alderton in Northamptonshire, which became the subject of a Time Team excavation. Derek talked about the dig and we followed it up with a visit. The mound is now used by the Heartbreak Productions, described as ‘Britain’s premier open-air touring Shakespeare professional company’. This year it is performing ‘Much Ado About Nothing’, and Derek would welcome members who would like to attend a performance. Much Ado About Nothing Saturday & Sunday 13 & 14 August at 7.30pm. The Mount, Alderton, Towcester Licensed Bar & Refreshments Tickets £13.00 (£9.00 cons.) Phone Derek on 01327 811304

Wall of Silence: the peculiar murder of Jim Dawson at Bashall Eaves, by Jennie Cobban

Another member who moved away is Jennie Cobban, who returned to her native Lancashire a few years ago. Jennie wrote Geoffrey de Mandeville and London’s Camelot, Ghosts, Mysteries and the Occult in Barnet as well as numerous articles for this Newsletter and letters to the press. Her latest book is the result of some two years investigation into the murder of her uncle, farmer Jim Dawson, one dark night in 1934, whilst walking home from his local pub. He was hit in the back by a home-made bullet, thought to have been fired, either from an antique gun, or a gun which may have been a ‘poacher’s arm’. Thinking he had been hit by a stone, Jim thought little of it, went to bed, only realising that he had been shot at midnight. Despite an x-ray showing the bullet lodged in his shoulder, Dawson refused treatment to remove it. When finally he did take the wound seriously, it was too late. He died of septicaemia four days later. The motive for the shooting was said by a family member to have been jealousy over a woman, but the stubborn refusal of the people of Bashall Eaves to co-operate with the police enquiry caused the village to be labelled, ‘the village that would not talk’ – hence the title, Wall of Silence. Even after seventy years, there was a reluctance to talk, but slowly the veil was lifted – just a little – aided by a reported recent deathbed confession. As a result of this research, the police are taking advice on the case, which they say was never closed: but an arrest is unlikely! Wall of Silence: the peculiar murder of Jim Dawson at Bashall Eaves, by Jennie Cobban, is published by Demdike Press, 3 Beech Grove, Chatburn, near Clitheroe, BB7 4AR, price £9.50.

London Archaeologist by Don Cooper

The Archaeological magazine for Londoners I am sure HADAS readers are aware that the London Archaeologist magazine, which is published four times a year, is the best way of keeping up-to-date on what is happening in London archaeology. Subscriptions cost £16, post free to addresses in the UK for four issues. To take out a subscription write to: London Archaeologist, 8 Woodview Crescent, Hildenborough, Tonbridge, Kent TN11 9ND Or visit their website and download the appropriate form. To quote from the web site: “Archaeology in Greater London is observed, reported and reviewed in London Archaeologist, a quarterly magazine providing up-to-the minute news of excavations, fieldwork and artefact research. In addition to articles on recent and ongoing projects, each issue has a diary of events, lectures, evening courses and exhibitions as well as reviews of all the latest publications on London’s archaeology.” You will also receive an annual review of the fieldwork carried out in Greater London as well as a bibliography of the most recent publications. So, if you want to know what is happening in archaeology around London — do take out a subscription.

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Transport Corner by Andy Simpson

Lovers of the Northern Line(!) will be thrilled to know that another book has come out about the Northern Line extensions. No, not the usual and well-covered topic of the half-built 1930s and 40s extensions to Edgware via Mill Hill, and on via Edgware to Brockley Hill and Aldenham, but the original 1920s extension of the London Electric Railway from Golders Green to Edgware via Brent (now Brent Cross), Hendon, Colindale and Burnt Oak. This excellent little book, Northern Line Extensions Golders Green To Edgware 1922-1924, has been written by one of the London Transport Museum curators, Simon Murphy, and is part of the growing range of historical topic local books published by Tempus publishing, price £12.99. (ISBN 0 7524 3498 5) In 128 pages you get a pictorial tour of the line northwards from Golders Green, with at each point half-tone photos of the locations before, during and after the construction phase. Colindale was a very green place in 1922. Many of the photographs were taken as the official record during construction. The aerial photographs are particularly worthy of study. There is also a useful short historical introduction, several maps, and reproductions of contemporary adverts for London Underground and development companies, who soon filled the green fields along the route with houses. Despite the availability of mechanical excavators, the ‘work in progress’ shots include plenty of men with shovels!

Open Days at Turners Hall Farm, Mackerye End

There will be open days at the Roman villa excavation by St Albans Museums Services at Turners Hall Farm, Mackerye End, Wheathampstead, which HADAS visited at the beginning of the second digging season. The dates are 30-31 July and 27-28th August. Admission is free. There will also be an ‘archaeology dig for the public’ on 9-10 July and 23-24th July at a cost £20 per adult. To book for these contact Alison Turner-Rugg

The Next HADAS Dig – advance information.

In celebration of the museum’s 50th anniversry, I IADAS will be conducting an excavation at Church Farmhouse Museum, Hendon, on 6 & 7 August 2005. We hope to find more traces of the museum’s Roman, Saxon and Medieval past. Details in the next Newsletter, or contact Bill Bass (A’ 020 8449 5666.

Wharram Percy: Life in a Medieval Village

This Deserted Medieval Village on the Yorkshire Wolds was excavated by Maurice Beresford and John Hurst, every summer from 1950-1990. On 16 July, a new major exhibition opens at Malton Museum, Malton, to interpret the site, which had been in continuous occupation since the Iron Age. The display has been partially financed by a £50,000 grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund enabling this volunteer-run museum to employ a specialist team. The exhibition will include excavated skeletons with facial reconstructions, a partial reconstruction of a medieval house, and a virtual tour of the village as it might have appeared before its forced clearance by the landowner in the 14th century.

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Other Societies Events Compiled by Eric Morgan.

Sat-Sun 3-4 July, East Barnet Festival, Oak Hill Park, Church Hill Rd East Barnet. Lots of stalls, Barnet Borough Arts Council, stage music, exhibitions including World War II

Sun 3 July, 2.00-4.00pm, Friern Barnet & District Local History Society, walk, with Oliver Natelson & John Philpot (architect). Meet statue nr. Main Entrance, Friary Park, Friern Barnet Lane. Friary House & Park, St James’ Church & cemetery. 2 hours, cost £1.

Thur 7 July, 7.30pm, London Canal Museum, 12-13 New Wharf Rd, NI. Surrey Canal and the Gas Industry, by Brian Sturt.

Sat 9 July, 10.00-5.00pm, Museum of Domestic Design and Architecture. Middlesex University Campus, Cat Hill. East Barnet. World War II Artefacts from MODA’s archives, including the post war years. to celebrate Veterans’ Awareness Week. Drop in session (2.00-3.00pm)

Sun 10 July, 12.00-9.30pm, Cricklewood Festival, Clitterhouse Playing Fields (by Hendon Football Club) Claremont Rd, NW2. HADAS will have a stall during the afternoon.

Sun 10 July, 2.00pm. Kensal Green Cemetery Open Day, Harrow Road, NW10 or Ladbroke Grove, W10. Tours, stalls, band, refreshments, etc. VE Day & VJ Day celebration. Willesden Local History Society stall.

Tues 12 July, 8.00pm. Amateur Geological Society, The Parlour, St Margaret’s United Reform Church, Victoria Ave, N3. Earthquakes and Active Faults in Italy, by Dr Gerald Roberts (Birkbeek College).

Fri 15 July, 7.00pm. CoLAS. St Olave’s Parish Hall, Mark Lane, EC3. The Roman Circus and other Recent Discoveries at Colchester, by Phillip Crummy (Colchester Archaeological Trust).

Sat-Sun 16-17 July. National Archaeological Weekend. Events throughout the country. Enfield Archaeological Society. Continuing search for the Tudor Elsyng Palace, Forty Hall. HADAS undertook resistivity survey. (EAS are also excavating previous Sat-Sun, 9-10 July).

Sun 17 July, 2.00-4.00pm. Friern Barnet & District Local History Society, walk, with Oliver Natelson, meet United Services Club, Dale Grove/Ballards Lane corner. Oldest roads & shops, 1840s houses, ancient hedges from 1730s. Discover where the nudist colony was. Cost £1.

Wed 20 July, 7.30pm. Willesden Local History Society, guided walk (2 miles) of Park Royal, led by Cliff Wadsworth, former workhouse, Willesden boundary, finish at Grand Junction Arms.

Thur 21 July, 8.00pm, Enfield Preservation Society, Jubilee Hall, corner Chase Side & Parsonage Lane, Enfield. Cannons, Castles & Cloisters, by Tony O’Connor.

Sat-Sun 23-24 July. CoLAS National Archaeology Weekend at the Tower of London. Free public displays on open space by the river wall, including artefacts, handling collections (CoLAS & LAARC) beachcombing (about 10.30 Sat, 11.30pm Sun), replicas, games.

Sun 31 July, 2.00-4.30pm, Friern Barnet & District Local History Society, Friern Hospital walk, with Oliver Natelson. Meet New Southgate Station forecourt. Ancient parish boundary, building of the railway and the old asylum, gatehouse, old cemetery & covered reservoir.

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Tuesday 10 June 8pm ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Held in the Drawing Room, ground floor, Avenue House, East End Road, Finchley, N3. The meeting will close promptly at 10pm, after discussion and coffee. Buses, including the 82, 143, and 326 pass close by, and it is a five minute walk from Finchley Central Tube station.

Wednesday 4 July — Sunday 18 July. Long weekend in Cumbria. Now full. If you want to go on the waiting list, please ring Jackie Brookes (020 8349 2253).

Saturday 7th August OUTING to the Lewes area with Tessa Smith and Sheila Woodward

Saturday 4th September OUTING to Colchester with June Porges and Steward Wild Application forms for outings are sent out with the Newsletter the month prior to the event

A Proper Acknowledgment by Ann Saunders

Historic Scotland has just published a sizable volume entitled The Heart of Neolithic Orkney: World Heritage Site Research Agenda. Edited by Jane Downes, Sally M. Foster and C.R Wickham-Jones with Jude Canister. It is dedicated to “Daphne Home Lorrimer, prime mover in the setting up of the Orkney Archaeological Trust and Chairman of the Trust 1996-2004.” The report can be downloaded from A free hard copy may be requested from Historic Scotland on 0131 668 8638.

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Sutton Hoo and the Horse Burial by Rob Johnston

Opening her talk, Angela Evans took us on a brisk canter through some of the known origins of horse gear and riding skills; from the steppes of the Huns and Vandals to the cavalry of the Roman empire, and finally to the British Celt and East Anglia in the late sixth century to the first quarter of the seventh century. The engaging and interesting presentation showed remarkable finds in the grave of a horse of about 14 hands, buried next to the more modestly furnished grave of a young Anglian warrior, with a sword and shield, two spears, haversack and a pot of food. Rich gear interred with the horse was to accompany his master into the afterlife with his pagan goods. We saw the bridle gear, bit and snaffle, the arrangements of the reins, controlling head straps reconstructed and revealed by the skills and knowledge of the British Museum conservators. The fittings were of iron, copper alloy, tinned and gilded. Their decoration was a fine example of early English metal working skills, creative and sophisticated designs, borrowing and adapting Swedish and Celtic forms and incorporating them into fresh and lively English art forms. The Anglo-Saxons loved garnets and here they glinted redly through the centuries from their gold leaf insets, with ivory and mother of pearl. These trade goods, travelled hundreds of miles and passed through a dozen hands, perhaps from Germany, India and North Africa, to adorn the horse of a young warrior in a young England. Finally we visited the contemporaneous Mildenhall/Lakenheath warrior and horse burial, sharing the same grave space with again very rich grave goods for the horse. To be published soon under the name of Eriswell, an account of this discovery will be an interesting furthering of our knowledge begun this evening.

Looking at the past: a guide to resources.

A brochure with the above title has been produced recently by the University of London and the Greater London Archives Network (GLAN), thanks to generous funding from the Higher Education Funding Council for England (11FICE) Active Community Fund. The brochure is designed to meet the information needs of the general public as well as local historians, genealogists and archaeologists. The booklet describes some of the most useful resources to be found in record offices and offers advice on accessibility. It includes notes on illustrations: census returns, parish and probate records; maps and plans; directories; business and institutional records; newspapers and printed ephemera; architectural, engineering and maritime records. Additional notes mention the merger in 2003 of the Public Record Office and the Historical Manuscripts Commission to form the National Register of Archives (NRA). Useful websites for finding archives on particular subjects and their whereabouts are and It is intended that the brochure is widely disseminated and comments are invited.. It can be downloaded from or from the Greater London Archives Network Further copies are freely available from Christine Wise, Head of Special Collection, University of London Library, (ULL) Senate House, Malet Street, London, WCIE 7HU (020 7862 8471) The ULL is keen to foster links with local groups and would welcome visits and volunteers to work with original archival documents and manuscripts.

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Historic Landscape Characterisation: Hertfordshire and Beyond by Isobel Thompson

Historic Landscape Characterisation (HLC) is a national campaign, sponsored by English Heritage in partnership with county councils. Its purpose is to build a framework for understanding whole landscapes (not just individual historic buildings or archaeological sites), in their historical dimension as well as how they appear now. It supports and provides information to development control, to help make better decisions on managing change in the historic environment. It is also very useful for research. To date almost every county in England has completed, started, or planned an HLC project. Each is carried out at county level, but the counties are organised in regions: Hertfordshire is part of the east of England region, together with Beds, Bucks, Cambs, Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk. The project for Hertfordshire involved the historic mapping of the county to compile a visual history of land use from the 18th century until AD 2000, and producing a layered map of this data broken down into 35 different character types. Historic maps record alterations in the 18th and 19th centuries, piecemeal or formal (Parliamentary), and in the 20th century further alterations including hedge removal, and enclosures alongside motorways. Besides different types of field, character types include pasture, common, and heath; ancient woodland, and 19th-20th century planted woodland; industrial types, notably mineral extraction; water bodies including reservoirs, and especially watercress beds in Hertfordshire; historic parks, and 20th century types such as motorways, golf courses, airfields, and others. All built-up settlement is treated as one character type. A very complex picture emerges, with much built-up and much 20th century alteration, but also a surprising amount of land, which has survived unaltered since at least the 18th century. There are landscapes of ancient fields, historic parks and ancient woodland and even some surviving unenclosed common arable. A good deal of historic survival is visible at the south end of the county, close to the Greater London boundary. In some areas ‘co-axial’ boundaries have been investigated archaeologically; they may have first been laid out in the Bronze Age, and appear to be largely pastoral. This characterisation was taken further, defining larger areas of distinct character. The fundamental principle in this definition is that of change in the landscape over time: the degree of change (how much, and how often), and the nature of those changes. It proved possible to define 210 character areas, each of which has a dominant character type and distinct boundaries. They fall into four groups: those dominated by ancient irregular fields (many with scattered historic parks, and often with ancient woodland); those dominated by co-axial type fields, also often with ancient woodland; those with a history of formal enclosure of common arable; and other areas which are not dominated by field type at all, such as river valleys and motorways. Those character areas, which have undergone more than 50% alteration of field boundaries, are distinguished (these areas are not as extensive as might have been thought.) Each of these 210 areas offers potential for local research into the historic landscape: why is it so? Why are the area boundaries where they are? How does the area relate to, for example, the Sites & Monuments Record, and other data sets? Further questions arise at county boundaries. It would be surprising if the character areas did not project into neighbouring counties. Greater London is surrounded by counties which have completed HLC projects. It would be wrong to think that London does not need one, as it is built over. But there is much green belt land at the edges. The southern edge of Hertfordshire is a patchwork of urban settlement interspersed with much ancient unaltered land, and the open land within Greater London is unlikely to be different. A project design is being worked out for a pilot stage, which includes the whole landscape, built up and open, of Greater London. This pilot stage will cover the boroughs of Waltham Forest, Hackney, Newham and Tower Hamlets. It is vital for the same kinds of data to be recorded in each borough, which will also enable London to be compared with its surrounding counties. This is where local societies within Greater London might be able to help. Funding for the pilot stage is likely to be found, but further funding may be more difficult. HLC coverage, however, is needed sooner rather than later, and meanwhile local societies could perhaps do some of the basic map work. This would begin with finding out what historic maps (printed and other) exist for each borough, and local knowledge and interest would be particularly useful. Access to a GIS program would not be necessary; knowing what information to record would be.

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Oldest Rock Art in Britain

Hard evidence that the engravings of women and extinct creatures at Creswell Crags are more than 12,800 years old is published today, making them Britain’s oldest rock art. Creswell Crags, on the Notts/Derbyshire border, is riddled with caves, which contain preserved evidence of human activity during the last Ice Age. Recently, engravings were found on the walls and ceilings depicting animals, such as the European Bison, now extinct in Britain; female dancers or birds, and intimate female body parts. Dating rock art is difficult, however scientists from Bristol, Sheffield and the Open University were able to measure minute traces of uranium in thin limestone crusts that had coated the engravings. The results establish once and for all the authenticity and Ice Age antiquity of the rock art. They will be discussed by Alistair Pike tomorrow [23.4.20051 at the British Rock Art Group conference at Bristol University. (Daily Telegraph 22.4.2005).

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Membership renewal by Mary Rawitzer

If you normally pay by cheque and we have not yet had your payment you will find a reminder note enclosed with this Newsletter. Unless we hear from you during June we will not send out any further Newsletters or meetings notices.

Spare Newsletters needed by Mary Rawitzer

We seem to have been over-zealous in throwing away spare copies of our Newsletters. Normally a few recent ones are kept for our Library at Avenue House and also to send to new members. Now the British Library, which always gets a copy of each issue, has written to say that they haven’t had one since last September. We believe the problem lies with them not ourselves, but we still need to find extra copies to replace those that have been mislaid. Of course, that’s when we realised that we don’t actually have spare copies of the September, October, and November 2004 issues, nor for January and February this year. If anyone could give us this set, could they please let me have them, or phone to check with me. My address and phone number are on the back of the Newsletter.

Fifty Years of Church Farmhouse Museum (30 April-4 September 2005) by Gerrard Roots

Church Farmhouse Museum celebrates its 50’h anniversary this summer, and to mark the occasion, is looking back at some of the hundreds of temporary exhibitions held at the Museum since 1955, in line with the theme of this year’s Museums and Art Galleries Month — The Art of Collecting. Our anniversary show concentrates on some of those exhibitions which were either based entirely, or which drew extensively, on private collections — from jigsaw puzzles to Donald Sinden, from teddy bears to the Spanish Civil War. In addition, there are displays on the history of the Museum and its own collections. There is also a case of finds — kindly arranged by Bill Bass — from the excavations in the Museum garden carried out by HADAS in the 1990s. (It is also hoped that HADAS will arrange another small dig in the garden during the summer). With toys for little ones to play with, a ‘design a poster’ competition for older children, and events in the garden during the school holidays, the exhibition is our way of saying thank you to Church Farm’s donors, lenders, supporters and — above all — its hundreds of thousands of visitors over the past half-century. For further details please ring 020 8203 0130 or visit the Friends of the Museum’s website at

Overheard in a Bus

“I can’t hear a thing. I really must go to the archaeologist about my ears!” (Quoted in Thanet Club’s Newsletter. Ilearing Concern. Spring 2005).


Tuesday 15 June 8.15pm The Bishop’s Hunting Park at Highgate. Speaker: Malcolm Stokes, member of HADAS. Highgate Literary and Scientific Institution, 11 South Grove, Pond Square, Highgate N6.


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Tuesday 10th May Lecture on THE ROAD TO ROME Mark Hassell The lecture describes a walk/pilgrimage that Mark has been making with a friend over the last three years in stages from Bordeaux to Rome, why they did it, and the things they saw along the way, such as jousting at the restored medieval castle at Carcasonne, the Palace of the Popes at Avignon, and the medieval cities of Genoa, Sienna and Viterbo. Lectures start at 8.00 p.m. prompt in the Drawing Room on the ground floor of Avenue House, East End Road, Finchley N3, and are followed by question time and coffee. We close promptly at 10.00. Buses, including the 82, 143, 120 and 326 pass close by, and it is a five to ten minute walk from Finchley Central Tube Station.

Copped Hall Trust Archaeological Project by Peter Pickering

Training excavation of a sequence of Tudor and medieval grand houses at Copped Hall, near Epping, Essex — one-week training courses in practical archaeology are offered, starting on 21st August, 28Th August, and zit’ September. No previous experience is needed. Certificate awarded on completion. The courses are led by professional archaeologists, and organised by the Copped Hall Trust, in conjunction with the West Essex Archaeological Group ( To find out more, visit the website or contact Mrs Pauline Dalton, Roseleigh, Epping Road, Epping, Essex CM16 5HW. Tel: 01992 813 725. . If you require information about other events and visiting times, you can visit Copped Hall Trust website ( or telephone 01992 571 657. Copped Hall is otherwise strictly private and the lodge owners must not be disturbed for access.

A walk through Petra 2005 by Tessa Smith

I recently achieved a long-held ambition to visit the ‘rose red city’ of Petra to see for myself the requisite colours of the carved rock tombs and to experience the journey through the Siq. I wasn’t disappointment. The Wadi Musa valley leads down towards the great Siq chasm. Monumental Djinn sandstone blocks, representing the soul and image of the deceased, and thought to be Nabataean funerary monuments edge the route. A huge bright red double-story tomb built in the second half of the 1st century is topped with 4 obelisks representing those interred within. However, the bones of the dead have long been taken, and only the ancient rock-carved benches for those who took part in the ceremonies, still remain. More than 800 tombs of this kind have been excavated in Petra. The Siq is narrow and cool. Pat5 of it has been recently cleared of more than 2 metres of rubble, revealing more Roman pavements and a conduit cut directly into the rock, part of an extensive network for carrying water from the high entrance of the Siq down to the Nabataean city far below. And ancient dam directed the main flood water around the mountain, but the Siq can still be extremely dangerous when flash floods occur as it channels the overflow of raging waters high above into this extremely narrow gorge. A few years ago, seven tourists were drowned here. As well as a passageway, the Siq seems to have had a religious purpose, and numerous sacred niches, Greek inscriptions and god statues have been found carved into the steep cliff walls. As we walked through the Suq taking our time, making way now and again for the little horse-drawn carriages and occasional camel. We noted a large wall-carving of similar activity, a life-sized camel and its two drivers. As well as the danger of floods, the area is prone to earthquakes and it was due to repeated earthquake catastrophes, as well as changes to the trade routes, that the Nabataean city was abandoned until the 19th century, when Johann Ludwig Burckhardt identified it as the ancient capital of Petra. At the end of the dark Siq is the glorious amber-red sun-soaked splendour of Al-Khazney the ‘Treasury’, carved deeply into overhanging rock and hardly affected by rain, wind or water. In the early morning light, detailed carvings top the Corinthian columns, pediments and portico., gods and goddesses, eagles, sphinx, griffins, wheat and vine leaves. The urn which crowns the façade was thought to have contained the treasure of the Pharaoh at the time of the Exodus. In contrast, the simple bare interior was lit up by a shaft of light revealing the delicate wave-like patterns of orange, brown and coral sandstone. Until 1984, the Bedouins lived here, keeping their animals and lighting fires, but then they were ‘rehoused and now only a few are allowed to sell their trinkets here. On the steps of the Treasury Jordanian soldiers, resplendent in their uniform of the Desert Patrol, keep guard of this architectural and sculptural gem. Beyond the Treasury, the gorge becomes wider and the number of tombs increase, some double story and showing Greek influence, some piled one above another, flat-roofed with crenulations. Unexpectedly set into a hillside on our left a Roman amphitheatre seating sever thousand, had been carved into an area of pre- Roman burial chambers, a few of which still remain. Some excavation work and restoration work has been carried out on the theatre, mainly to the columns and side access to the stage. East of the theatre, across the Wadi Musa, are many huge carved colourful tombs set back into the high cliffs, the Urn tomb, the Silk tomb, the Palace tomb. Open to the elements, these great tombs have suffered the effects of erosion, although still grandiose and impressive they seem somewhat worn and warty, disappearing back into the rocks from which they had been sculpted. A colonnaded street was constructed beside the river. Archaeologists are uncovering more and more remains of this once prosperous capital, public baths, temples, marketplaces, and ornamental fountain surround this main street. At the end are remains of a monumental gate and steps leading up to the south temple, which has been dated to the late 1st century BC and where archaeologists are working now. The latest excavation by the Sorbonne University is above that of a 6th century church at the far end of Pera. Here have been found papyrus scrolls relating to marriage certificates and tax returns, coins, sculptures and beautiful mosaics as well as clothing and footwear. Examples of these can be seen in a small museum nearby as well as examples of the fine local pottery. One of the most fascinating sculptures on show is a god statue from the Temple of the Winged Lion showing Arabian style, in contrast to Petra’s Hellenistic art. As to the future, UNESCO is trying to come up with a way of protecting this unique site. One idea is to ensure that only a one-way traffic of visitors is allowed, at the moment you return back up through the Siq to the entrance uphill all the way! If you do go, I recommend a return by horse and carriage.

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Pinner excavation by Bill Bass

HADAS will be conducting a small scale evaluation at Pinner golf course on Wednesday 11th to Thursday 12th May. This will be to test results from last year’s resistivity survey looking for the position of a 17th century manor or lodge. Due to the nature of the site, places may be limited. More details closer to the time. Would those interested, please contact me at bill or phone 020 8449 5666 (leave a message).

LAMAS conference report by Don Cooper

The LAMAS 42nd Annual Conference of London Archaeologists took place at the Museum of London on Saturday 19th March 2005. This year, it was well attended and got off to a good start with Harvey Sheldon, the conference chairman and, of course, the HADAS president, introducing a series of informative talks on recent archaeological developments in London. First, Craig Halsey described the recently discovered early Mesolithic site on the gravel beds beneath Sanderson’s old factory in Uxbridge. This site is very close to the Three Ways Wharf site which features so prominently in the prehistoric gallery at the Museum of London, adding further confirmation to what our forebears were up to in that area. There were fine flint tools and the remains of animal meals which, when fully researched, will add to our knowledge. Then Jane Corcoran spoke on the geo-archaeology of the former Bankside Channel, Southwark — as more and more excavations are carried out in Southwark, so we learn more about the little islands and the water channels around them that made up the landscape of the area in prehistoric times. Jane demonstrated, with good slides and maps, where we have got to in understanding this important area of London. We then had a complete change of direction with Faye Simpson, the new Finds Liaison Officer and Community Archaeologist telling us about recent finds from London. Faye has a vast area to cover with, on one hand, “mudlarks” handing in finds from the Thames for evaluation, and on the other, informing the community on the various laws concerning how finds are dealt with. We wish her well in her new job!! Finally before lunch, Harvey and Bob Cowie described the results of the Birkbeck training dig which took place last year in the grounds of Syon House, Brentford, the London home of the Duke of Northumberland, which is built on the site of Syon (Sion) Abbey, the only Bridgettine house in England during the medieval period. The dig uncovered the foundations of a massive church and some burials, possibly of nuns. Birkbeck hope to return there again this year. Places are available!!! The Ralph Merryfield Award winners were announced — this year there were two young archaeologists given the prize for their work in the community, promoting archaeology among young people. After lunch, there were presentations by the final five excavations considered to have had the most effect on London Archaeology in the last 150 years — it being LAMAS’ 150 anniversary. The five emerged on the shortlist after a year-long vote, which mentioned a great many other excavations. The five were as follows: • The Guildhall Yard, Roman Amphitheatre “sponsored” by Nick Bateman • Saxon Lundenwic, “sponsored” by Bob Kylie • The Temple of Mithras, “sponsored” by John Shepherd • The Rose Theatre, “sponsored” Simon Blatherwick • St Mary’s Spital, Spitalfields, “sponsored” by Chris Thomas Each speaker spoke eloquently of his particular site, but when the votes were counted, Saxon Ludenwic won by a good margin. In the final speech of the day, John Clark presented his vision of the New Medieval Gallery at the Museum of London — an exciting prospect which, it is hoped, will open by the end of 2005. In the societies room, many of Greater London’s archaeological societies were represented with stalls setting out their agenda and selling their publications. HADAS had a stall with our display boards in a prominent place and we sold many publications. Many old friends came to say hello, which helped to make the day more enjoyable.

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Tuesday April 12th Lecture by Angela Evans, Curator in the department of Prehistory and Europe in the British Museum, ‘Anglo-Saxon decorated bridles from Sutton Hoo and Eriswell’. The use of the horse in early Anglo-Saxon England has been brought into closer focus by the identification of horse bones in cremations and by the discovery in 1991 of a magnificent bridle in a burial at Sutton Hoo. In 1997, a second decorated bridle was discovered, at Eriswell, Suffolk. Both bridles have a series of fittings on the reins which suggest that the Anglo-Saxons had developed a sophisticated riding style. Angela Evans is a specialist in the field of Early Anglo-Saxon metalwork and has been working on these two bridles since their excavation.

Tuesday May 10th The Road to Rome – in the steps of a Mediaeval Pilgrim. Mark Hassall


Wednesday July 27th to Sunday July 31st Trip to Northumbria. Now full. If you want to be on a waiting list, phone Jackie Brookes.

Saturday August 13th Outing to Swanscombe and Faversham with Tessa Smith and Sheila Woodward.

Lectures start at 8pm in the Drawing Room (ground floor) of Avenue House, East End Road, Finchley N3. Buses including the 82, 143, 260 and 326 pass close by, and it is a five to ten minute walk from Finchley Central Tube Station.

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Remembering Daphne Lorimer M.B.E. by Sheila Woodward

When I joined HADAS in 1974 Daphne had already been a member for five years and was a veteran of several of the Society’s digs including the major excavation at Church Terrace Hendon. She had obtained the London University Diploma in Archaeology, specialising in prehistory, so when HADAS agreed in 1976 to excavate a potentially Mesolithic site on Hampstead Heath, Daphne was appointed as site director. It was a most happy choice; Daphne was knowledgeable, efficient and good-humoured. full of enthusiasm and endlessly patient. The latter quality was essential as many of us claim to have cut our archaeological teeth at West Heath! The dig in its initial phase continued for six seasons. It was successfully productive and highly enjoyable, for which Daphne could take much of the credit. Of course, Daphne did not limit her HADAS activities to excavation. During the 1970s she took part in field walking, churchyard surveying and finds processing, helped to organise exhibitions and give lectures and she was one of the expert cooks at the never-to-be-forgotten Roman Banquet in 1979. With Brigid Grafton-Green she ran the cake and preserves stall at the annual Minimart. Whenever and wherever HADAS needed a helping hand, Daphne was there. It was also in the 1970s that several HADAS members including Daphne attended a post-diploma course at the Institute of Archaeology on The Study of Human Skeletal Remains in Archaeology’. Daphne was the star pupil; and thereafter the study of human bone became her special skill. During this period Daphne, a radiographer by profession, was living in Totteridge with her husband Ian and sons Andrew and Vincent, They had always holidayed in Orkney were Daphne had a fanner uncle and they soon bought the lovely old manse at Orphir, Scorradale House, which became their holiday home and later their retirement home. In 1978 HADAS members had their first outing to Orkney, an archaeologist’s paradise. Daphne helped to organise the week’s tour and we enjoyed her and Ian’s hospitality at their beautiful house overlooking Scapa Flow. In the early 1980s Daphne and Ian retired to Orkney, Ian to pursue his hobby as a lepidopterist (he left his collection of butterflies and moths to the Orkney museum) and Daphne her archaeological interests. She wrote specialist reports on human bones from excavations in many parts of Scotland, and she helped to sort and categorise the thousands of bones from the neolithic ‘Tomb of the Eagles’ at Isbister in South Ronaldsay. Daphne served on the Orkney Heritage Society Committee and was its chairman from 1996 to 2002, helping to organise two major archaeological conferences in Orkney. It was under her guidance that the Orkney Archaeological Trust (OAT) was founded, and she was its first chairman; it was for her services to archaeology that Daphne received the MBE. In 2000 HADAS members made a second visit to Orkney and again enjoyed Daphne’s hospitality at supper in Scorradale House. Sadly her health was already beginning to deteriorate, although she did manage a round-the world tour for her 80th birthday, visiting her son Andrew and his wife and daughter in Australia. When ill-health forced her to retire from OAT the Friends of OAT created a Daphne Lorimer fund to provide interest-free loans for archaeology students at Orkney College. I last spoke to Daphne by telephone in early December and she sounded very much her normal cheerful self though she knew she was in the last stages of cancer. Her sons and their wives and her grand-daughter spent Christmas with her. She died on 15th February aged 83. She was described on the OAT website as bringing enthusiasm, humour and grace to all that she did. I cannot better that description. Dear Daphne, we shall miss you sadly.

Rescue Meeting by Peter Pickering

On 5th March Rescue, the British Archaeological Trust, held its Annual General Meeting at the Museum of London, followed by an open meeting entitled ‘Rescue and Research’. Rescue is essentially a campaigning organisation. We were told how its long battle to prevent the continued destruction of the Verulamium site by deep ploughing had at last been won; how the arguments about Stonehenge had yet to be resolved; and how Colchester’s walls were crumbling. There are serious threats to Thornborough henges in Yorkshire and to many local museums throughout the country; those threats are from human beings or their institutions, but many monuments, especially barrows, are threatened by other species. Jonathan Last of English Heritage showed a dramatic slide of a barrow criss-crossed by tunnels dug by badgers; a protected animal, saved from hunting, the badger ignores the fact that a monument is scheduled. In his talk Jonathan Last was trying to counter balance the impression given by the infamous English Heritage website that Stonehenge is the only prehistoric monument in the country. I was particularly taken by what he said about the prehistoric art at Cresswell crags; and wondered if HADAS could visit it sometime. Chris Ellis of Wessex Archaeology spoke passionately about the need to engage the general public with the great amount of archaeological work being carried out by contractors on behalf of developers. He did not believe this was impossible, a threat to professional standards, or precluded by considerations of confidentiality or safety (the general public, in his view, were often more careful than students), and he believed that, as a general rule, allowing public access should be a condition when archaeological work is required before development. He hoped developers would see archaeology as an asset to be exploited, not a problem to be minimised.

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The Silk Road: Report of February Lecture by Sheila Woodward

The Silk road: what an evocative name! It conjures up visions of slow-moving caravans, laden with rich silks and other luxuries, moving in stately procession from east to west – romantic, mysterious, with just a hint of danger. Our lecturer, Dr Susan Whitfield, soon dispelled such illusions. The road or route was pioneered by the Chinese in the first century BC for military purposes. It certainly became a trading route for many commodities, not just silk, but it retained its military importance. It also played a part in the Great Game of espionage and counter-espionage between Russia and other contenders for influence in the region.

The road, which links the Mediterranean coast to Mery and Samarkand and ultimately Sian in China, crosses some of the most inhospitable terrain in the world. At its centre is the Taklamakan Desert, ‘an abomination of desolation’ subject to black hurricanes of whirling sand and pebbles which strike without warning. To the north, west and south rise the peaks of the Tianshan, Pamir, Hindu-Kush and Himalayas, and on the east the Taklamakan merges into the Gobi Desert of rock and gravel. The Silk Road skirts the Taklamakan, offering routes to the north or the south, but the going is tough and the climate extreme. Travellers need, and have always needed, to be well organised and carry a good supply of essentials. A further hazard for earlier travellers was posed by the local bandits who would attack to steal goods and animals, and later rifles, and who frequently resorted to murder. The Road could therefore, as our lecturer drily remarked, be described as both politically and geographically challenging. Archaeologists began to take an interest in the area in the late 19th and early 20th century when books in an unknown script and language were produced for sale in Kashgar, on the western fringe of the Taklamakan. There had long been legends of lost cities in the sands, and the strange books seemed to offer confirmation, or at least a chance to test the truth of the legends. Among the archaeologists attracted by this lure of new finds and new cultures was Aurel Stein. Stein was born in Hungary in 1862 of Jewish parents but was baptised a Lutheran ‘for political expediency’. He studied oriental languages and archaeology in Germany and then at the British Museum, but had to return to Hungary for his national service when he (most conveniently) learnt surveying. In 1888 he moved to India, joined the education service in Lahore, met Kipling’s father who was the curator of the ‘wonder house’ (museum) of Gandhara and learnt much about Indian iconography, and made his first forays into surrounding areas for archaeological surveys. He also read early reports on the Silk Road. Stein made his first great expedition into the Taklamakan desert in 1900. It lasted almost a year. He had to obtain leave of absence from his job (he could not afford to lose it) and negotiate the necessary permits from India and China. He made careful preparations for his journey: especially warm clothing (including a coat for his fox-terrier Dash!), thick furs for bedding, an arctic explorer’s stove and portable water tanks. He ordered some supplies from Britain, such as marmite and Cadbury’s chocolate. He arranged to hire camels and camelmen, and two Indian surveyors – he rarely travelled with other Europeans. Reaching Kashgar, Stein had to wait many weeks for a further permit. He enjoyed the hospitality of George Macartney, the British representative in Kashgar, with whom he formed a close friendship. Eventually his eastward journey was resumed. He questioned local inhabitants about the ‘old books’ which were said to have been found in the area and were for sale in Kashgar. He came to suspect that they were forgeries. However, genuine antiquities began to be unearthed: frescoes, stucco reliefs, etc. In many ways Stein was ahead of his time as an archaeologist. He appreciated the importance of ethnography and kept accounts of the people he met, and photographed them and their villages. He was a competent photographer in recording archaeological finds, giving details of date, time, exposure etc., and though he was not averse to ‘doctoring’ a photo, it was done not to deceive but to clarify. Stein was a great map-maker and his maps are still usable. He had an elaborate numbering system for his finds, which were marked and recorded each night, giving their exact provenance, and there is seldom an error. He kept everything, even apparent rubbish, and recorded it. There are about 70,000 items in all, and his photographic archive (10,000 photos) now in the British Library is invaluable. Stein was a healthy sceptic and was eventually able to prove that the ‘old books’ sold in Kashgar were forgeries. He obtained an admission from the forger – but perhaps the latter should be forgiven as the interest he aroused led to genuine archaeological finds. Stein’s excavations at Niya, which he visited four times, and his other excavations along the Silk Road produced wall-paintings, sculptures, manuscripts and artefacts of a culture previously little known. The end of the story is poignant. Stein worked in India, China, Iran – but he always wished to visit Afghanistan. In 1943, at the age of 80, he at last received the necessary permit. Within a week of his arrival in Kabul he caught a chill and died. He is buried in the small Christian cemetery there, and his grave has recently been restored by British soldiers.

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Excavation in Enfield Town Centre by Deirdre Barrie

Recently, I passed by a development site in Enfield Town Centre and spoke to the person in charge. He let me have the following informative Press Notice:- Archaeology, History and PalaceXchange The development of PalaceXchange, a new 160,000 s ft shopping destination for Enfield, is providing a rare opportunity for archaeological investigation of a large section of the historic core of the town. On behalf of the developers ING Real Estate Development, Gifford Archaeology have designed a strategy for minimising the impact of the scheme on the archaeological remains through a combination of buried preservation of deposits in situ and detailed excavation. These measures are being implemented as an integral part of the construction works being carried out by Costain Ltd. In partnership with Gifford, Pre-Construct Archaeology are undertaking archaeological excavation on the site of Nos 9-19 London Road (next to Woolworths). The earliest remains on the site comprise a well-preserved boundary ditch cut into the natural brickearth. Finds from the upper fill of the ditch include abraded prehistoric pottery and a flint tool. The majority of the archaeological features date from the 12th century onwards and include a boundary ditch running parallel to London Road, back-filled pits and postholes. There are also at least two large quarry pits which may be contemporary with the construction of the Tudor Palace to the west. Once the existing Millets building has been demolished we will be undertaking further archaeological investigation to determine whether any archaeological remains associated with the Tudor Palace survive on the site of No 10 The Town. The results of all of the archaeological investigations carried out as part of the PalaceXchange development will be published in a forthcoming edition of the London and Middlesex Archaeology Society Journal.

A Statue of Spike Milligan

Spike Milligan, author, poet, comedian, and creator of the famous “Goon Show”, lived in Finchley from 1955 to 1974. He loved his surroundings: its open spaces, its often quaint architecture, and the brook that ran at the bottom of his garden. When the Finchley Society, was set up in 1971, he was one of the first to join. He became its President and later its Patron. As you will have read in last month’s newsletter, a group of his friends and family have combined with the Finchley Society to raise funds for the creation of a bronze statue to be sited at Avenue House in Finchley. The aim is to raise £30,000 and to unveil the statue in April 2006. The life-size statue will show Spike sitting on a bench and turning as if to speak to an imaginary person sharing the bench with him. Many people, young and old, will come to have their photo taken in this unique setting. HADAS is very closely associated with Avenue House, and our members and visitors will be able to admire the statue. Since Spike was not a HADAS member, and erecting a statue is not archaeology (though excavating one would be) the Committee did not think society funds could properly be spent on the appeal. But the Committee did think that some members would like to make personal donations. Those who do are asked to send their cheque payable to “The Spike Milligan Statue Fund” to The Secretary, 17 Abbots Gardens, East Finchley, London N2 OJG. All donations will be acknowledged.

Subscription renewal

Enclosed with this Newsletter is your renewal reminder – subscriptions fall due on April 1st. The enclosure contains details of all the current subscription rates and the renewal procedure. People who have joined within the last three months will not need to renew their membership until April 2006. Please get in touch with the Hon. Membership Secretary if you have any questions or uncertainties, or if you are one of the few who have not yet signed a Gift Aid form and would like to do so now, allowing HADAS to benefit from tax recovery.

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Our War Stories: Memories of the Second World War by Jean Lamont

Yes, I know it is not archaeology …..yet! To mark the 60th Anniversary of the end of World War II in May 2005, members of Barnet’s Retired and Senior Volunteer Programme have written down their memories of living through the war. Some of the writers were in the Barnet/Finchley area during the war; others tell of their experiences in other parts of the country. The booklet is not being offered for public sale, but has been sent to local schools, libraries, museums and local history societies. I know many members of HADAS belong to other historical societies and if you know of any school or other organisation which you think would like a copy, please let me know. Note from Don Cooper Jean and the team of volunteers do splendid work going round the local schools bringing a personal touch to the history of the Second World War. If you would like to know more about the organisation, the volunteers meet on the first Tuesday of each month (except January and August) at Barnet Library, Stapylton Road at 2.30pm.

Other Societies’ Events Compiled by Eric Morgan

Saturday 2nd April, 10.30am. LAMAS Historic Buildings and Conservation Committee. Exploring London Squares. Starting River Terrace, Somerset House. Walk through Covent Garden, Leicester Square, Trafalgar Square St James’s Square to Royal Academy. Free but numbers limited. Book j.finney2(

Saturday 2nd April Ilam-4pm. North London Transport Society. St Stephens Church Hall, Park Avenue, Enfield. Extra Bazaar. A good mix of bus and railway stalls. Admission £1.50. Light Refreshments available throughout the day.

Thursday 7th April 10.30am. Mill Hill Library, Hartley Avenue NW7. Charabancs to Rationing – Life in the ’30s and ’40s. Talk with coffee and biscuits 50p.

Thursday 7th April 8pm. Pinner Local History Society. Village Hall, Chapel Lane Car Park, Pinner. Stained Glass in the Pinner area. Talk by Nigel Swift. Visitors £1.

Sunday l0th April 12.30-3.30pm. Museum of London, London Wall EC2. Roman Mysteries The Colossus of Rhodes. Book Launch with talks and book signing. Join author Caroline Lawrence. Also meet a Roman Armour Maker.

Monday llth April 3pm. Barnet and District Local History Society. Church House, Wood Street (opposite museum) Barnet. Arabella Stuart. Talk by Dr Gillian Gear. Monday 11th -Sunday 17th April Barnet Borough Arts Council, at Brent Cross Shopping Centre (outside Marks and Spencers). Paintings, Art and Information – What’s on. (Including HADAS).

Friday 15th April 7pm. CoLAS St. Olave’s Parish Hall, Mark Lane EC3. Piddington Roman Villa Project. Talk by Roy Friendship-Taylor (Site Director)

Friday 15th April 8pm. Enfield Archaeological Society. Jubilee Hall, Junction Chase Side and Parsonage Lane, Enfield. AGM followed by reports of excavation and fieldwork. £1.

Monday 18th April 8.15 pm. Ruislip Northwood and Eastcote Local History Society. St Martin’s Church Hall Ruislip. The History of Cassiobury. Talk by Sarah Jones. Visitors £2

Wednesday 20th April 12 noon. LAMAS. The John Stow Memorial Service. St Andrew Undershaft Church Leadenhall Street EC3. Commemoration of Stow’s life and work, including the ‘Ceremony of the Quill’

Wednesday 20th April 8pm. Islington Archaeology and History Society. Islington Town Hall, Upper Street N1 . Clerkenwell – London’s Hidden Village. Talk by Mary O’Connell (HADAS)

Thursday 21 st April 8pm. Edmonton Hundred Historical Society and Enfield Preservation Society. Jubilee Hall, Junction Chase Side and Parsonage Lane, Enfield. Domestic Architecture. Joint talk with John Donovan.

Wednesday 27th April 8pm. Friern Barnet and District Local History Society. St John’s Church Hall (next Whetstone Police Station) Friern Barnet Lane N20. Totteridge Tales. Talk by John Heathfield (HADAS member) Cost £2 plus refreshments.

Thursday 28th April 8pm. Finchley Society. Drawing Room, Avenue House. Galapagos Islands. Talk by Bruce Bennett.

Friday 29th April llam. East Finchley Library, 226 High Road N2. Spike Milligan. Talk by Bill Tyler (Finchley Society President)