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By | Past Newsletters, Volume 5 : 1990 - 1994 | No Comments

NEWSLETTER 248 NOVEMBER 1991 Edited by Dawn Orr


Tuesday November 5th : LECTURE “The Rise and Fall of Roman London” – Dominic Perring.

Dominic Perring, the author of an exciting new book on Roman London, will be presenting some of his ideas in a fully illustrated talk. Mr Perring, who directed work on several City digs between 1978 and 1983, has recently returned to the capital as English Heritage Archaeology Officer for London, having spent the intervening years excavating in Italy, lecturing in Roman archaeology at Leicester University, and as Worcester City Archaeologist. His new post is a controversial one and Mr Perring will be delighted to answer questions about English Heritage plans for London. (8 p.m. for 8.30 p.m. at Hendon Library.)

Saturday November 16th
: LAMAS 26th Local History Conference at Museum of London. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Tuesday December 3rd : CHRISTMAS DINNER at ‘The George and Vulture’.

Details and Application Form enclosed.


How many mere members are hiding their illustrious kith and kin ? JANET FARADAY has been a member for nearly 20 years, and we never knew that MICHAEL FARADAY was her great-great-grandfather’s cousin ! Here is her account of the recent


Next time you switch on the light, the T.V., the radio, toaster, washing machine, spin-dryer, electric drill, hair-dryer, lawn mower, etc., give a thought to the ‘Father of Electricity’ – Michael Faraday, without whom none of this would be possible.

I have been privileged these last three weeks to attend many celebrations of his birth in 1791. These have included two exceedingly good lectures at the Science Museum – aimed at all ages including children; also an Exhibition (open until Dec­ember) where actors re-enact his Christmas lectures, as featured on our £20 note. One lecture was given for a party of disabled children. On the actual anniversary, 22nd September, there was an ‘all-day birthday party’ where large balloons were given to all and sundry – mine burst on the way home! At another lecture, partic­ipating children were treated to a birthday cake. There was a preview of another Exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery (also open until December). Here are many letters to and from his contemporaries, and notes of his famous journey through Europe with Sir Humphrey Davy during the Napoleonic Wars. Inexplicable that Nap­oleon should have allowed them !

The highlight was a Service of Remembrance and Thanks at Westminster Abbey. Here, everybody, including the Archbishop of York, had done their homework and gave thanks for all his discoveries. Wreaths were laid at a tablet (next to Isaac Newton’s) and eminent scientists carried up to the altar his ‘ring’ (electro magnetic induction), his Bible, and one of his many notebooks. The Lessons were read by the Presidents, past and present of the Royal Society. The Abbey was packed.

At the Royal Institution, distinguished scientists from all over the world gave talks on ‘The Scientific Legacy of Michael Faraday’ – a full day. Six lectures I could follow, two lost me half way through and two lost me from the first word! (However, I was pleased to find that one of the learned audience had found them rather difficult !) More light-hearted were re-enactments of his experiments by Lord Porter and Professor Meurig Thomas at an evening party – very entertaining

Two more days of lectures, which I did not attend : one at the Institute of Physics on ‘Faraday, a Man of Many Talents’ and the other at the Institute of Electrical Engineers on ‘From Faraday to the Stars’.

I believe there is also an Exhibition at the Bank of England on how the £20 note is designed. There is a Benzene molecule to the left of Britannia, iron filings representing the lines of force, North and South denoting the magnets. Faraday himself is shown in the Lecture Theatre at the Royal Institution, pointing to a wall where the words he introduced into the language are displayed : electrode, anode, ion, cathode, electrolyte, electrolysis, etc.,etc.

Memorable and enjoyable weeks …. The Exhibitions are well worth a visit

AND NOW – hats off to DEREK BATTEN a 60 year old member who has found time alongside his career as a surveyor to take an ‘Upper Second’ Honours degree at Manchester Univer­sity in American History and Society. Congratulations, Derek ! Some members may recall his short talk and slides following an A.G.M. a few years ago, describing and illustrating two weeks as a ‘volunteer archaeologist’ at the Custer Battlefield,Montana, in 1985. Here he continues his tale of


I was back on the Little Big Horn River for a week in 1989 and this year took part for one week of the four week archaeological investigation at the Big Hole Battlefield in Western Montana, close to the state borderline with Idaho.

The flight of the erstwhile peaceful Nez Perce Indians in 1877 has been described as an American ‘Odyssey’. Traditionally living in the tip of Eastern Oregon, these Indians were compelled to agree to a treaty which confined them to a Reservation in Idaho. The subsequent discovery of gold on this land forced a new treaty in 1863, which reduced the original Reservation to less than one fourth of its previous size. Those chiefs whose lands lay beyond the new boundaries, refused to sign and remained in their home­lands for several years until demands from the homesteaders and settlers forced the Federal Government to tackle the problem anew. Threatened with force, the ‘non-treaty’ Nez Perce agreed to move, sacrificing precious animal stock, but three young warriors, seeking revenge, killed four white settlers. The U.S. Army attacked, were soundly beaten at White Bird Canyon in June 1877, and these ‘non-treaty’ Indians decided to leave their sanctuary, first heading for the Great Plains and then Canada.

Just 30 miles short of the border, at Bear Paw Mountain, they were finally forced to surrender to the Army after an epic journey of some 1,700 miles in less than four months. Pursued throughout, and occasionally brought to battle, some 800 men, women and children with more than 2,C00 horses and all their possessions, were reduced to 480. Their Chief Joseph, proclaimed, in one of the best-known speeches in the history of the North American Indians : ‘Hear me, my chiefs, I am tired; my heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands I will fight no more forever.’

Big Hole Battlefield is the site of the most significant of the battles between the Nez Perce and the U.S. Army – 9/10 August, 1877, in the valley of the Big Hole River. The archaeological work was similar to that at Custer Battlefield : a broad sweep of the area by metal detectors to locate possible artefacts, identification by pin spotters with coloured flags, exposure of finds with the help of detectors of different types of metal, and retrieval combined with accurate surveying of each object found.

By the end of the third week (the one week that I attended) some 800 battle-related pieces had been found, including the barrel of an old Civil War Mississippi muzzle-loading rifle and a trench bayonet. On my final day, we unearthed the skeleton of a young Indian that had laid undisturbed since the battle. The present day Nez Perce regard this land as sacred, and after a moment of silence, these remains were left in peace. Laboratory work will follow to confirm or amend the known details of thebattle and a report will follow.

The whole project was financed by the ‘Country and Western’ singer, Hank WilliamsJunior. (No – I hadn’t heard of him either!) Would that HADAS could find a similar benefactor ! It was tough going in temperatures in the high 80s, coping with ticks and hornets in the swampy river area and working up and down steep slopes of 300 feet – starting from an elevation of about 6,500 feet above sea level ! Needless to say, the spirit, good humour and kindness of my fellow volunteers was as wonderful as previously.Where next ? ?

AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT – HELEN AND HUGH GORDON celebrated their GOLDEN WEDDING in September. Helen was a keen West Heah digger, but in her frantic preparations for a huge family party, she regrets that the West Heath party was overlooked I Congratulations to you both !

ANOTHER COUPLE who did make the West Heath party – PETER and JENNY GRIFFITHS, will be remembered for organising an outing to Rayston Caves a few years ago. We were all pleased to see them again, all the way from Litlington in Sussex. During the last two years Peter has been fully occupied in editing Volume II of PADWICK’S BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CRICKET, now published at £39.50 by Library Association Publishing. He now pro­mises to return to his archaeological interests – with more time for HADAS

TRIBUTES TO BRIGID GRAFTON GREEN have appeared in other publications, notably the ‘Ham & High’ and the Hampstead Garden Suburb Newsletter. It is good to know how much her wide variety of skills and sterling qualities were appreciated by all who knew and worked with her. The Committee is considering ways of commemorating her work for HADAS and is grateful for the several suggestions that have been made. Meantime this Editor sadly takes Brigid’s place in compiling this Newsletter and takes the opportunity to record a long-standing debt of gratitude to her for many years of friendship and kindly tutoring in all things literary. The respects paid by John Enderby at her funeral, Daphne Lorimer in her obituary, Percy Reboul in his letter and so many others in reminiscences and acknowledgements, all indicate the esteem, admiration, even awe, which she inspired. May we keep her memory green !

NEWS OF DIGS follows appropriately a reference to Brigid…

She would have been glad to hear from BRIAN WRIGLEY of the possibility of a dig in part of the grounds of St Joseph’s convent near The Burroughs. Please phone him if you would like to know more details : 031-959-5982.

Likewise ANDY SIMPSON’S ‘quick progress report’ on results of the excavations at the Old Forge at Golders Green would have greatly pleased her. Well named is this report, for much has been achieved there in the twinkling of an eye before the on­slaught of the earthmovers and the tin hat wearers. It is no doubt warmer in the Avenue House Garden Room, now the ‘site’ of sorting and identification of the cleaned material, which includes a bronze thimble, 16th century bronze coins, a bone knife handle, two unidentified flint flakes, and an excellent selection of 18th century pottery. A full list of material from each context will be made, but a policy of ‘samples only’ will be applied to building material and such material as Victorian pottery.


Further to the report in September Newsletter … THE HENDON TIMES records on 24th OCTOBER that the developers have won their Appeal. Conservation Area status has failed to protect the old landmark, which will be replaced by offices and car park. However, important trees will be spared, AND it states in the H.T. that ‘Building can cannot begin until an archaeological dig has been carried out.’ WATCH THIS SPACE….


It was an occasion for nostalgia – and for pride. As Daphne Lorimer said, when she welcomed members and guests to the Barnet Town Hall: ‘We had fun, and I think also we proved that a Society can be amateur in status but professional in its performance.

Desmond Collins, who, with Daphne’s constant help, directed those 27,000 hours of work, paid elegant tribute both to the Society and to the 250 members who dug at West Heath over the years and contributed to the follow-up research work. He congratulated HADAS on a ‘marvellous effort’ and an ‘epic excavation’. ‘HADAS has done a truly splendid job. I think no praise can be too high,’ he added. Councillor John Hedges, Barnet’s Deputy Mayor, and his Camden counterpart, Councillor Wyn Parsons, whose borough boundaries meet at the site, were welcome guests and joined in the commendations. But it was most of all an evening for those who took part in HADAS’s biggest, best-known and most important excavation, an excavation of the closest-known Mesolithic occupation site to central London and one which, in terms of the quantity of its finds, comes high in the list of the top 20 Mesolithic sites in Britain.

Some 80 members were there, coming from as far afield as Orkney, Berwick and Devon. Victor Jones, who masterminded it all, deserves the thanks of all of us.

The air was thick with memories – of the long hot summer of 1976, when the excavat­ion began, of the trepidation of those in charge of aspects of work for which they had huge enthusiasm but (then) little experience, of the mudlarking at the spring site, of the amusing misunderstandings among the watching public, of the back aching bending and twisting required for accurate three-dimensional finds’ recording, of the satisfaction of spotting the tiniest tools…

Margaret Maher added to those memories by compiling a display explaining the dig, ensuring that it contained as many photographs as possible of diggers at work.

‘Don’t we all look young!’ we all said, looking round from the photos to the greyer heads and wider waists of 1991. ‘Don’t you remember….’

Over an excellent salad supper organised by Tessa Smith and her helpers, with wine and fruit juice poured liberally by Alan Lawson, the conversations flowed back and forth over 15 years, from West Heath to other HADAS digs, from archaeological in­volvements to updating of family and career news.

Summing up the celebration, Daphne described it as ‘the culmination of 15 years hard but pleasant labour’. It was an occasion for thanks, to the many people who had contributed to making the dig possible, to ensuring that it ran smoothly and to publish­ing its results, and it was also an evening to enjoy. Yes, it was the very best of parties!

HADAS members who have not yet bought their copies of ‘Excavations at the Mesolithic Site on West Heath Hampstead, 1976-1981 (BAR British Series 217) can do so fromVictor Jones, 78 Temple Fortune Lane, NW 11 7TT, for the special Society price of £7 each – add for postage please.

JEAN SNELLING also recommends LIZ SAGUES’S further article in the ‘Ham & High’ of 4th October,1991

ANDREW SELKIRK SENDS US word of two ‘diggers’ who envy HADAS the publication of the West Heath Dig Report. PAULINE AND STANLEY CAUVAIN describe their discovery of Bath Abbey remains in the cellars of the ‘Sally Lunn Refreshment House’ in the centre of Bath. Alas they have so far been disappointed (since 1985 in patient hopes of having their report published by the Bath Archaeological Trust, and have appealed to the Editor of ‘Current Archaeology’ for advice, having noticed his ‘Diary’ item on HADAS’S own publishing problems. Good luck to them – and to the owners of ‘Sally Lunn’ Mr and Mrs Overton, who (given some warning) will happily show visitors round ‘one of the newest tourist attractions in Bath’.


PROFESSOR GRAHAME CLARK, C.B.E., F.B.A., EMERITUS DISNEY PROFESSOR OF ARCHAEOLOGY in the UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE sent a kindly letter of apology to ANDREW SELKIRK, regretting his inability to attend the West Heath Party, and to VICTOR JONES a very detailed and appreciative acknowledgement what he described as a ‘most valuable Report’…having read it ‘with close attention’ and admiring the ‘skilful editing’. Praise indeed from the master in the Mesolithic field.

Here are his letters:

To Andrew Selkirk, on 19th September,1991:

Dear Andrew,

I’m sorry , I will not be coming to London after all.

I would dearly like to have seen the exhibition of finds from the Hampstead mesolithic site, both on account of the special interest I have in the Mesolithic and because I admire the devoted work done by volunteer archaeologists.

Since the Mesolithic period lasted longer than the rest of pre-history and historic time, and the economy was not yet one that involved permanent settlement, it follows that they must have left behind very numerous settlements. As the account in the recent edition of ‘The Past’ shows, their settlements must in many cases exist below plough level. The site in the New Forest was only revealed when the topsoil was removed in the course of laying out a new road. It would be interesting to know how the Hampstead site came to light and what excavation revealed. I hope the meeting and the exhibition go well.


(Signed – Grahame Clark)

Then, on 28th September,1991, having received a copy of the Report, Professor Clarke writes to Victor Jones:

Dear Victor Jones,

This is to acknowledge the copy of the Report published by the BAR British Series on the investigations by members of the Hendon & District Archaeological Society. I have read it with close attention and can only offer my sincere congratulations to all those who took part in the onerous task of retrieving the data in the field and to the many specialist experts who have scrutinised the arch­aeological and ecological evidence. Not least, I admire the skilful editing of the Report. (This last sentence is a hand-written insertion. – Ed.)

The result is that the Sodety has produced a Report which reaches the highest standards and may well serve as a model of what can be achieved by harnessing the enthusiasm of so many who have contributed their labours to recovering the data in such a disciplined and persistent manner.I must not comment in detail, but I was interested that the people who knapped the flint evidently obtained their raw material from elsewhere and that thanks to the excellent study of fitting flints and the occurrence of such a high proportion of micro-burins it would seem that the industry resulted from working on he site itself. I was also particularly interested in the investigation of organicmatter from successive levels of the spring site. I was particularly glad to note that so much attention was paid to insect material as well as to pollen grains. An excellent case has been made out for forest clearance and the maintenance of livestock in the area immediately following ..(its) use .. as a territory supporting a Mesolithic hunter/fisher life style.

Once again I would like to thank the Society for sending me a copy of their most valuable Report.

Yours sincerely,

(Signed – Grahame Clark)


In a prompt response to TED SAMMES’S enquiry in the AUGUST NEWSLETTER for more information about a 1920 air crash in Golders Green, following his own researches

in the ‘Hendon and Finchley Times’, we have:


BILL FIRTH tell us:

After World War I civil aviation was not permitted in Britain until April 1919, and flying to destinations outside the country was not authorised until late July 1919. The first overseas commercial flight from Britain was operated by Air Transport & Travel Ltd. (AT & T) from Hounslow to Paris on the following day.

AT & T was a subsidiary company of the Aircraft Manufacturing Company (Airco) which had been building aeroplanes at Hendon since 1912. The aircraft was a converted single-engined DH9A light bomber, designed by Geoffrey de Havilland, who was Airco’s chief engineer from 1914 to 1920. He then founded the de Havilland Aircraft Company at Stag Lane, Kingsbury.

Frederick Handley Page was also determined to become a force in civil aviation and entered the business, using converted HP 0/400 twin-engined bombers. (There was nothing new about using converted bombers. as civil airliners after World War II.) Although some accounts state that the HP 0/400 only carried six passengers, other sources say tnat the aeroplane could carry up to ten – six in the after-cabin, two in the forward cabin, and (for those who chose to travel exposed to the elements) two in an open cockpit in front of the pilot. The pilot often seems to have been the only crew, although a mechanic was also carried on occasion.

The Golders Green Estate now occupies the fields which were Cricklewood Aerodrome, an historic aviation site. Pilots disliked Cricklewood, where they had to struggle over a ridge in the field before becoming airborne and then had to aim for a gap be­tween the hangars as they slowly gained height. If take-off into wind was in a north- easterly direction, there was the problem of the rising ground up to the Ridgeway in Golders Green, less than half a mile away.

On 14th December 1920, an HP 0/400 with six passengers, a pilot and a mechanic took off in this direction and had difficulty in gaining height. It hit a 50 foot tree and crashed into an outhouse in the garden of No. 6 Basing Hill (sic) in Golders Green. The pilot, the mechanic and two of the passengers were killed. How much worse a modern accident would have been. The main Continental destination in those days was Paris (no foreign destinations west of London) and the problems and hazards of circumnavigating London led to the decision to site the capital’s airport at Croydon, which was opened in April 1920 – but not at the famous Purley Way location. Handley Page continued to use Cricklewood for a time, because aircraft maintenance was cheaper. However, his aeroplanes used more fuel to cover the greater distance, and the fatal accident in Golders Green may have hastened his move to Croydon.

Subsequent events led to the amalgamation of the private airline companies into the state-owned Imperial Airways. Frederick Handley Page never achieved his ambition of running a great civil airline, but he will be remembered for the HP 42s, the remarkable four-engined bi-planes. They were the mainstay of the luxurious Imperial Airways London-Paris services right up to 1939, even when rival airlines were using faster monoplanes. Unfortunately, all the HP 42s were destroyed during World War II and we have only written accounts of what it was like to fly them and to fly in them.

There are a number of books on the fascinating subject of early civil aviation, in­cluding a series by Harald Penrose covering British achievements :

‘The Pioneer Years’ (pre-World War I); ‘The Adventuring Years’ (immediately following World War I); and ‘The Ominous Skies’ (pre-World War II).

(Apologies : this piece could not be fitted into the October Newsletter – Ed.)



Egypt exerted its old magnetism – or was Peter Clayton’s superb photography the crowd-puller ? There was a record attendance of over 80 members at the first HADAS lecture of the winter. I am sure no-one was disappointed:

The Old Kingdom Egyptians around 2,500 B.C. buried their kings magnificently in great pyramids visible to all – including the tomb-robbers. Some thousand years later the New Kingdom Egyptians were more circumspect. Their kings were still lavishly equipped for the after-life and surrounded in death by stupendous treasures, but the tombs were now rock-cut underground rooms, hidden deep in a remote valley – safe, it was hoped, from prying eyes and thieving hands.

Even today, visited by thousands of tourists and infested by the inevitable hawkers, the valley retains something of its austere beauty and majestic peace. A pyramid-shaped peak rises above it, reminding us that Mertseger, the Lady of the Peak, she who loves silence’, was worshipped by the workmen here. The Egyptians are and were a practical people. The precious fertile land of the Nile flood-plain must not
be wasted on burials – the City of the Dead is in the western desert, where the sun sets. Peter Clayton then took us on a tour of the valley : the Westminster Abbey of ancientEgypt. There are 62 tombs, numbered in sequence of discovery, Tutankhamun’s being the last. The lowest numbered were opened in antiquity; tourism began in the heyday of classical Greece. Not every tomb is kingly; other royalty and officials are in­cluded. Not every tomb is spacious; some are only pit caches. Some are no longer accessible, which is tantalising when one sees, for example, a picture of the mighty rock cleft leading to the now-closed tomb of Tuthmosis I. But many can be visited. Queen Hatshepsut, daughter, sister/wife and aunt/stepmother of three Pharaohs and herself sole ruler of Egypt for over twenty years, has a burial chamber and a sar­cophagus shaped like the royal cartouche and walls that ‘look like an unrolled pap­yrus’. Tuthmosis III, the Napoleon of ancient Egypt, only five foot four inches high, led his armies as far as Antioch on the Orontes and brought back in his train three young Syrian princesses. There was no stinting in their burial : thirty-two pounds of gold in a head-dress is generous indeed. Seti I has the largest and finest tomb, with richly-coloured wall reliefs of superb quality; his elaborate sarcophagus is now to be seen in the Sir John Soane Museum. Amenophis II’s sarcophagus is still in situ, as was his mummy when the tomb was opened in 1398. He was a mighty bowman, and his great long-bow was found in his tomb. It was subsequently stolen and has not been recovered.

Everyone knows the story of the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb, but Peter Clayton brought fresh life to it the excitement of the opening, the chaos within like a ‘real Steptoe’s yard’ – following a disturbed robbery in antiquity, the tell-tale footprints in the dust, a robber’s kerchief wrapped round seven gold rings, the staggering quantity and splendour of the grave goods, giving some hint of what had been looted from other tombs.

For of course the attempt to hide the tombs had never always one jump ahead of the officials. Some of the confessions, recorded by court reporters in hieratic ions have been done on the quantity of gold stolen ­earth could they have done with it . The last burial in the Valley of the Kings was in 1,035 B.C. In the tenth and ninth centuries B.C., when tomb-robbing was big business, the priests played hide-and-seek with the royal mummies and saved them from destruction. In 1881 and 1898 caches of royal bodies were found in a niche near Deir-el-Bahari and in the tomb of Amenophis II. They are now in Cairo Museum, no longer displayed to the public,but Peter Clayton had some impressive photographs of them. High cheek-boned, hook-nosed, haughty and remote,even in death and after the passage of over 3,000 years, each one looks every inch a Pharaoh.


MARGARET PHILLIPS writes from Ealing on 4th October :

‘It has been with great interest that I have read about the two articles from Jennie Cobban about the Witch’s Cottage… I lived there (Bricket Wood) myself during most of the 1960s. I used to walk in the area, which remained quite wooded… Round about 1960, a report appeared in the press ( that there was at

Bricket Wood a nudist club. This caused quite a stir… When out walking, I used to look for signs of this establishment. Never did I catch sight of a signpost or notice indicating that there was a club of any description whatever in the neighbor hood, and most certainly never saw the slightest trace of a swimming pool. I con-

cluded that the club… must be very carefully sheltered by woods. Could the’Witch’s Cottage be in the grounds of the nudist club ?


Jenny Cobban concluded her recent fascinating study of the Witch’s Cottage by doubting whether any museum would be interested in displaying it, but saying that to be assured of preservation this already well-travelled building might one day need to be “transported to another location”.

Transportation might indeed provide the appropriate answer. Barnet Archives… has recently been sent two attractive postcards of the ABBEY MUSEUM, CABOOLTURE, QUEENSLAND. These state that the museum was opened in 1986 and houses a range of collections “from prehistoric and medieval Europe, the Roman Empire, ancient Middle East and Asia. The ceramics, glass, metalwork, textiles and minor arts were collected by Rev. John S.M. Ward between 1890 and 1940”.

Ward was, of course, the founder of the Abbey Folklore Museum at New Barnet (see J.

Cobban’s first piece in the August Newsletter – Ed.) …and this is presumably the reason for the successor museum’s name. It ought surely to be very interested in the future, and past, of the cottage.’

Well…. QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA may sound far-fetched (so-to-speak) as a destination for the cottage in Bricket Wood, but ‘transportation’ to Australia is not unknown for human cargo, so why not for a provenly portable magical cottage ? The childhood home of Captain James Cock is now to be found in Melbourne; a Maori Meeting House was brought to Clandon Park by the Earl of Onslow a century ago at the end of his terms Governor of New Zealand … perhaps it is high time to despatch another building from ‘Up Top’ ? Looks like Jennie Cobban’s study has not concluded…?(Ed.)


Apologies to Mary, her guide colleagues, to those who went on the walk and those who would like to know about it. Space in this issue has run out, but there will be a report in the next issue, so that anyone who wishes to follow in our footsteps during the Christmas break will be well informed.

has happened all over again ! From the usual extraordinary collection of this and that, the delicious confections and con­coctions of our culinary experts, our own publications, a ‘green’ table of plants and harvest festival items, Hillary Press notepads, mountains of clothing and piles of books, sparkling baubles and exotic perfumeries, some very good shoes and gloves (all in pairs,too ) a completely cupless Poole pottery teaset, Rudyard Kipling’s typewriter (or at least one identical to that on his desk at Burwash ­if you haven’t visited there, you should !) – from all this plus Dorothy’s ‘I never close’ sales and wants which continued down the stairs after clear-up and out into the carpark … from all this WE CLEARED £1,218 – AT LEAST WELL DONE ALL

Special thanks to the organisers, who read like a jazz band in the roll of honour :Sheila Woodward on food, Tessa Smith on lunches, Gill Baker on gifts, June Porges on Bric-a-Brac, Percy Reboul on Books, Alan Lawson and Phyllis Fletcher on house­hold goods, Dorothy Newbury on whistle (sorry – on clothing) and of course to all the helpers who came for fun and stayed to sell. DAWN ORR, 12th OCTOBER


By | Past Newsletters, Volume 5 : 1990 - 1994 | No Comments

ISSUE No. 244: Edited by Vikki O’Connor JULY 1991


Saturday 13 July HISTORIC CHATHAM DOCKS & FORT AMHERST: Dorothy Newbury. (Details & application form enclosed)

Saturday 10th August NATIONAL ARCHAEOLOGISTS DAY, HERTFORD To be confirmed next month.

Friday 30th August to Sunday 1st September WEEKEND IN NORWICH Fully booked, but no waiting list. Please contact Dorothy Newbury (081 203 0950) if you wish to go on the waiting list.

Saturday 5th October CITY WALK with Mary O’Connell

Saturday 12th October MINIMART at St Mary’s Church House, Hendon

– If you’ve been unable to book seats or get on the waiting list for a trip, it may still be possible to get a place due to eleventh hour cancellations and to people on the waiting list having made other arrangements. It is always worthwhile contacting the organiser the night before a trip – you may be lucky!



We have a number of members, some of them fairly new, who enjoy visiting a site, a lecture, an exhibition, but who may then wonder WHAT NEXT? It is possible they could feel a little excluded, left out, with no way forward or particular focus for increasing understanding. Our members who have found a way on can perhaps help by passing on their thoughts, experiences, ideas through the Newsletter.

What is it that especially draws you to archaeology? What would you miss most if it all went? Is it fieldwalking – trowelling – metal-detecting; flints – pots – bones; stones ­banks & ditches – hedges; Romans – early peoples; markets – deserted villages; surveying – drawing – photography …. or any other aspect?

You may have contributed to the Newsletter from time to time or never until now – let’s hear from you, say 500-600 words. No theses are required, and not necessarily orthodoxies. Should the editors have the luxury of a backlog they will advise of any delay in publication.


On June 15, under a rain-threatening overcast sky, 55 members and friends left the urban spread of Barnet for rural Reading, or more precisely, for the Museum of English Rural Life of the University of Reading’s Institute of Agricultural History. When founded 40 years ago in 1951, rapidly increasing mechanisation and scientific development were revolutionising farming. The general introduction of tractors, combine harvesters, etc, resulted in horse-drawn carts and ploughs, tools and other farming paraphernalia, developed over centuries, being discarded and left to be forgotten and to rot.

The objectives of the museum were to rescue and preserve these disappearing artefacts of the Horse Age and to record the knowledge of farming practices while still contained in living memories. The thematic displays show the success of this timely action, with the objects well displayed, clearly labelled and explained where necessary by well-illustrated posters. The objects range from a multitude of farm carts of different type, frequently known by their county name, to rooms furnished in the style of circa 1860. There are displays concerning basketry, smocking, smithing, saddlery and many others. The most recent item appeared to be a 1947 Ferguson tractor which, nearly half a century on, looked as antique as any of the other-exhibits.

After leaving the museum, we took lunch by the river. The rain held off and we could enjoy the views of the Thames although we came under the scrutiny of countless inquisitive swans. We then boarded the “Caversham Princess” for a leisurely journey to Mapledurham, which lies literally on a backwater. The manor belonged to the Bardolph family who sold it to the Blounts in 1490. It has remained with that family although, following the termination of the male line in 1943, it passed through the eldest of nine daughters, who had married into the Eyston family, in 1863 to her son. The present owner is his grandson.

We were met on the landing stage by a guide who escorted us to St Margaret’s church which was begun in the 13th century by William Bardolph the younger. Following Butterfield’s 1863 “restoration” little original work remains visible although the south aisle built in the late 14th century and known as the Bardolph Aisle survives unaltered. It became the Blount family Catholic burial chapel and remains their private property. The family survived the religious turmoils by maintaining a low profile in these isolated parts but it was necessary to separate the Aisle from the Anglican church by building a stone wall although this was not possible where tombs lay across two of the arcades. The tomb of Sir Richard Blount and his wife is particularly fine. This is one of five Anglican churches in this Country with a Catholic aisle.

After describing the church our guide left us free to visit Mapledurham House and the watermill. The present house was commenced in 1588 and remains mainly unchanged apart from some alterations in 1828 and 1863. Taking advantage of the Catholic Relief Act 1791, a chapel was incorporated in 1797, built in the Strawberry Hill Gothic Style. The rooms on public display together with their original furniture, furnishings and family portraits provide a good impression of life in a manor house over the last 400 years.

The views from the windows were impressive but would have benefited with some sun. On the other hand, it was probably an advantage that mist enshrouded 20th century Reading on the horizon.

A watermill has been on the site since Domesday. The present mill, dating from the late 15th century, is the last one still working on the Thames. The taped description provided (inclusive in the ticket) gave a good account, of the mill with some interesting asides such as when the miller adjusted the critical speed of the wheel, he did so using the sound of the water without the need for meters.

Our thanks go to Ted Sammes, who as a Founder Member knows the correct ingredients and recipe for a successful HADAS tour, and arranged this excellent tour by land and water. As he had not selected the date, he was able to deny responsibility for the weather which fortunately provided very little water from above.

THE APRIL LECTURE ON JORDAN was given by Ted Sammes based on a holiday twelve months previously. Sadly there was only time for 40 slides from his 18 rolls of film. He began with some background information on the region, the Jordan Valley has always been a prized settlement area with fighting recorded since Biblical times. Main rock types found are limestone, sandstone and basalt. The Great Rift Valley runs through Jordan and resultant earthquakes are identified by archaeologists as destruction levels. We saw manifestations of the geological fault: in Southern Jordan a crater plugged with basalt; Zerka Ma’in, a canyon east of Madaba, Central Jordan has a series of some fifty hot springs and a waterfall with a temperature of 59° spilling into the largest pool. Herod the Great came here to ‘take the cure’, today it’s a popular modern mineral water health spa.

Deir ‘Alla (House of God) is the site of an ancient sanctuary overlooking the Jordan Valley 50km north of the Dead Sea. First settled in the late Bronze Age through to 500BC, it has a temple mound dating from c.1500BC which was not re-built after destruction by earthquake in 1200BC BC. However, Deir ‘Alla remained a holy place. Aramaic text on a fragment of 7thC BC wall plaster from a mud-brick wall mentions the Deir ‘Alla Sanctuary, apparently supporting the theory that it was separate from Hebrew influence during the Judean Kingdom. Ted was disappointed to see how trenches from the 1960’s excavation had been left open and were rapidly deteriorating.

Nearby Tell es-Sa’idiyeh is identified with the Biblical city of Zarethan where the Israelites crossed the Jordan. Jonathan Tubb had completed a 5-year dig for the British Museum two days before Ted arrived, and the finds were already boxed up. These subsequently formed part of the BM exhibition “Archaeology and the Bible” which ended this April. In case you missed this, there is a book of the same name by Tubb and Rupert L Chapman, price £7.95, and finds from the site will again be displayed at the Museum later this year. The site, comprising eastern Upper and western Lower Tells, was occupied from the Early Bronze Age, 3rd millennium BC, until about 700BC. A building in stratum XII in the upper Tell is identified as a 12th century BC Egyptian Governor’s Residency, with Egyptian building techniques: deep brick foundations and external double walls with a channel between for drainage. Excavation in the mid-1960’s by James Pritchard of the University of Pennsylvania revealed a staircase, Tubb continued on down to a small pool, confirming this was part of a water system. An interesting feature of the lower Tell was the cemetery associated with stratum XII, with “double pithos” burials where pottery coffins are made by joining two large storage jars at their shoulders.

North of Deir ‘Alla, on the banks of the Wadi Jirm, Pella was one of the cities of the “Decapolis” – ten cities built by Rome to defend their eastern empire. The site was continuously occupied for 10,000 years and, like Petra, prospered from being on two main trade routes. Named after the birthplace of Alexander the Great in Greece,

Pella is currently is undergoing a long-term programme of excavation and reconstruction. Part of the old town is unfortunately under a modern town, nevertheless, temples and a small theatre from the Greco-Roman period have already been reconstructed.

North of Amman another Decapolis city, Jerash, is one of the best preserved Roman cities in the world. The site was occupied in Neolithic times but Jerash (ancient Gerasa) is thought to have been founded by soldiers of Alexander the Great c.332BC. The city expanded early in the 1st century AD, but was abandoned in 747AD following a series of earthquakes and remained buried in sand over a 1000 years until re-discovery in 1806 by German explorer Ulrich Seetzen. Today it’s a big tourist attraction with regular Son et Lumiere performances and a two-week Festival of Culture and Arts each August. ‘Sights’ include Hadrians Arch (1291 130AD); the oval stone-walled Hippodrome; an oval Piazza; Zeus Temple complex; the “Cardo” – a colonnaded street with paving stones rutted by chariot wheels; a 2nd c. AD Nymphaeum (a public fountain with some original coloured painting remaining); Byzantine churches with mosaics, etc etc….

At this point Ted muttered something about “if you’ve seen one Roman Theatre you’ve seen them all”. Sacrilege! Perhaps Jerash has too much to digest at one sitting?

Amman, capital of modern Jordan, the site of one of the earliest farming communities 7000-6000BC, has a history of continuous occupation. This was another Roman Decapolis city, Philadelphia. The old city consisted of lower and upper sections. Worth visiting are the Forum and Roman 5,000-seat Theatre (still used today) in the lower area, and on Citadel Hill, the Temple of Hercules and fortress, which the Romans re-built. As a point of interest, Ted pointed out an unusual modern structure in. Amman – their “emblem”, a huge coffee pot the height of a two-storey building!

At the outer point of the Moab Mountains, Mount Nebo is a traditional site of the tomb of Moses. Franciscan excavations at Siyagha revealed a 6th century Byzantine church and monasteries containing many well-preserved mosaics. Nearby Madaba, dating from the middle Bronze Age, 2000BC is known as the city of mosaics. In the Greek Orthodox Church of St George is an exceptional mosaic – a map of Palestine showing Jerusalem with a gate and the street names in Greek. Madaba was destroyed in 614AD by the Persians then abandoned following damage by earthquake in 747AD.

No journey to Jordan would be complete without visiting the legendary rose-red city of Petra which was- re-discovered in 1812 by Swiss- explorer, John Burckhardt. In his day the journey would have been by camel or horse over mountain, stream and desert, but the modern road from Amman has removed some of the mystery with accessibility. It was first settled around 800BC by the Nabataean Arabs, and developed from a few cave dwellings into a wealthy city as the Nabataeans established their control of two major trade routes between Arabia and the Mediterranean, and the Red Sea and Syria. Roman expansion in the 1st century BC eroded the Nabataeans power and in AD 106 Palestine and Jordan were incorporated into the Roman Province of Arabia. Through Ted’s superb slides we were there – entering Petra via the “Siq”, the winding 1 km gorge through overhanging cliffs that change colour according to light, reflecting red, yellow, pink, purple. Emerging from the Siq one is confronted by a two-storey building carved in the rock, known as “Al Khazneh” the Treasury as it was thought the urn carved at the top contained a Pharaoh’s treasure. “Pot shots” taken at the urn by Turks and Arabs scarred it but proved fruitless, the building is in fact a royal tomb styled as a Greek temple.

As the valley widens you come to the Amphitheatre built by the Nabataeans but enlarged by the Romans (to accommodate 7,000 people) by cutting through houses and chambers at the back. Nearby is an ancient rock-cut stairway, now restored, lined with temples , houses and tombs and leading to Mt Nejr, the High Place of Sacrifice. Another climb from the Theatre via a Roman Road leads to a cliffside series of Royal Tombs. The area of the canyon is two square miles and there are over 800 buildings and façades still to be seen. Petra was gradually abandoned in favour of other cities, Jerash, Amman and Palmyra ai was uninhabited from the 3rd century AD save as a secret Bedouin refuge. In the 12th century Petra was captured by the Crusaders who built two fortresses but after Saladin’s victory in 1189 it was again abandoned.

5 miles north of Petra is Aklat, dug by Diana Kirkbride in the 1960’s. Earliest levels, c.7000BC are pre-pottery Neolithic. Ted’s guide noted there are less quernstones than a couple of years previously – it’s not easy to see how tourists could be “pocketing” them? The adjacent site of Beida has an entrance similar to the Siq at Petra and an ancient stairway leading to a lookout over the valley.

Wadi Rum, east of Aqaba, is littered with rock carvings in early Thamudic script made by long-gone travellers. Ted told us they were too poor to screen and by way of contrast showed some beautiful hibiscus blooms! Wadi Rum is an awe-inspiring valley with sandstone cliffs and pink and white sands. This was the route taken by T E Lawrence and Sherif Hussein on their way to fight the Turks in World War I.

Lawrence made a study of “Crusader Castles” as an Undergraduate; he continued adding to the work which was published in 1936 after his death, and an updated edition was published in 1988. The Crusaders built a chain of hilltop fortifications extending from Turkey through Jordan along the ancient King’s Highway, Amman to Aqaba, to guard the trade routes. In 1132 they built a fortress at the walled town of Kerak which Saladin took in 1187. Built on a precipice to accommodate several thousand people and animals the castle had many galleries with cross-vaulted ceilings. A museum has been made in one of the battlement passages and remains of a reservoir can be seen.

The “Desert Castles” in the desert area east of Amman had differing purposes: palaces, baths, caravan stations or farming centres. Ted mentioned three sites:

Azraq castle is built of black basalt, the front gate is one huge basalt block on two pivots. Earlier Roman and Nabataean structures were re-built by the Umayyads (7th/8t h century AD) and again in the 13th century by a Mamluke Governor. Azraq was the only oasis in the Eastern desert, hence the fortress. In the 20th century Prince Faisal and Lawrence used it as their HQ whilst planning their final advance on Damascus.

Qasr El-Kharaneh, another Umayyad building has two floors of 50 rooms each. This was possibly a “caravanserai”, it is square with a central courtyard with large rooms which could have been stables.

Finally, Qasr Amra, an Umayyad bath complex/palace, similar to the earlier Roman baths. The hydraulic system has a well, tank, pipes, with a series of dams and cisterns. Frescoes on the walls and ceilings have been restored and Ted found it unusual in the Muslim world as they were representations of human images with scenes of hunting, wrestling, dancing… Thank you Ted, for the magic carpet ride.

Victor Jones

In the June Newsletter I reported on the Excavations Committee’s review of this season’s possible programme. I had intended to include a short description of projects the Society completed in recent years for those of our newer members who may not know the scope of these activities, and for those who have missed one or more of the items.

Our more recent activities all followed what was the Society’s largest and most ambitious undertaking, the long and complex “West Heath” excavation. This project resulted from a very observant younger member of the Society noticing some man-made flint pieces whilst out walking. Further investigation and excavation revealed a Mesolithic hunters’ camp site dated to about 8,500 years BP, not long after the end of the last glaciation, situated at the edge of Hampstead Heath just outside Golders Hill Park. Many items of worked flint including a number of tools and weapons were found, and the working areas where these were made were traced. Aspects of prevailing local climatic and environmental conditions could be studied from residues of various plant, insect and pollen remains.

In the number of members involved, range of subjects studied, public interest shown and prestige generated for the Society, it exceeded anything else we have undertaken. The project proved to be a major task and a great deal of planning and organisation were required. The work was undertaken in two stages, the first from 1976 to 1981 directed by one of our Vice-Presidents, Daphne Lorimer. The second 1982 to 1984 by Margaret Maher, another senior and highly qualified member of the Society. The project was guided and supervised by Desmond Collins.

The report was delayed for some years due to various publishing problems, and deals with the larger, first stage of the project. It describes the processes used to investigate the camp of the Mesolithic hunting people. Included are a wide range of aspects of their lives and environment: climatic conditions; kind of shelters they probably used; weapons and tools; cooking techniques; plants and trees. The report also includes drawings and photographs, reflecting great credit to its authors and to the Society. The special members’ price is £7.00 (£8.00 with p&p) and £13 to the public.

In the year following completion of the West Heath project no major work was undertaken by the Society.

The Hadley Wood Earthwork

A detailed survey of the Hadley Wood earthwork was made in 1982/3. This is a quarter-mile approx. trench and residual bank in the north east of the Borough. It was rapidly being lost by motor-cycle and bicycle erosion. No evidence for the date of the construction could be found. Further investigation could be considered and possibly documentary research might be used to this end.

The Burnt Oak investigation

The first large project was commenced in 1986 on an open area site near the centre of Burnt Oak, and was rescue work in advance of proposed development of the site for a car park. It is near to Roman “Watling Street”, now the Edgware Road, and the field has a stream running through it. It was thought it could possibly have been a stopping place for water and refreshment for horse and man, and of course, Roman finds have been made in this district.

The investigation used resistance surveying, the results of which showed points of interest and subsequent exploratory trenching located several pits. Most of these contained pottery sherds and other materials, none of these earlier than Victorian time, and much modern rubbish.

Most members will know the term “Rescue”. It is used, as it suggests, to describe excavation to recover any possible archaeological remains before building development disturbs the site.

Another newer term coming in to use is “Archaeological Assessment” . This describes the archaeological sampling of a site before planning consent is given, and then (with safeguards) leaving it below the new building for future, and perhaps better, archaeologists to find.

The Chipping Barnet, Spires Centre Project

This was commenced in 1987 arid continued into 1988. It was also a “Rescue” excavation, in advance of the building of the large central shopping precinct and new public library for the area, now completed and forming the new centre for Chipping Barnet.

It was undertaken to see the early building and/or remains of the original 12th century market which might be in this area. A number of exploratory trenches were dug as sites became available, as the very large-scale project proceeded. These were on the east side of the site as near as possible along the line of the old Great North Road and as close as we could get to the rear of the buildings along the road.

We found black, well-cultivated type soil about one metre deep on all sites. All had much modern and Victorian pottery and other remains, and a few late Georgian items.

We concluded that the area had long been used for cultivation, so it is unlikely that Chipping Barnet extended much further north of St Johns Church on the west side of the old Great North Road.

The Brockley Hill 1987 Project

During 1987 a two-months “Rescue” project was undertaken at Brockley Hill on the field to the east side of Watling Street, where the Society had on earlier fieldwalks found Roman pottery etc. This was in advance of the then proposed route of The Rivers pipeline, finally dug in 1990. A trench was dug across the route and exposed a road surface about 0.5m below the soil level, approximately 100 metres south of the present pipeline.

This road was judged to be a Middle Ages Roman-Road-bypass, perhaps at a time when this was unusable. Roman pottery, tile and brick had been found during previous exploratory fieldwalking. In the dig some medieval material was recovered. Later fieldwalking found Neolithic worked flint, and some possibly used tools and arrow head. Further areas in which flint fragments occurred were noted but could not be searched as the crop in the field was already too high to allow this.

The Hendon Ice House

In 1988 an Ice House in the grounds of St Joseph’s Convent School, Hendon was excavated. It had been suggested by former pupils of the school that there was a possible underground connection with the nearby St Mary’s Church. A large effort was made to remove a great volume of rubbish and soil accumulated within a large oval chamber about 10 ft high by 7 ft diameter.

What we had found was an ancestral version of the modern refrigerator as used in Europe from the 15th to 17th centuries and tracing back to possibly Greek origin as Alexander the Great is said to have used one. (Industrial archaeologists please note!) It uses the best available insulating methods – evaporate cooling, as do modern refrigerators.

More remarkably, we learnt of others in nearby Hampstead and other parts of London. The Hendon version is similar in size and design to one built for Charles II in the 17th century, situated in Green Park. Another of the same type is preserved and open to view in Kew Gardens, and was also built for Royal use.

The Hendon Ice House was well built and in good condition. We hoped to get it preserved as a feature of interest for the area (next to the Town Hall), but so far have had no response. Unfortunately we did not find evidence of its construction date except by association with the date of the rather late rebuilding of the nearby Grove House in the early 19th century. It’s presence seems to put the Hendon Manor in very good company as many Royal and “Great. Houses” of the Aristocracy had them in the 17th and 18th centuries.

The Whetstone Tudor House

In 1989 we were asked to investigate a house in Whetstone next to one we had studied some years previously which had been beautifully restored by a Whetstone building and development company. We quickly commenced the house study and an excavation in the grounds at the back of the property. The internal construction indicated an earlier construction date than suggested, and the excavation indicated that the house had at one time extended further to the rear by one or more structural bays. The excavation and the documentary studies were completed and proved the house was earlier than the listed date and was probably built in 1495.

English Heritage were this year called in to draw the timber roof structure and this explained why the document sometimes referred to two adjacent cottages and sometimes to three. It appears that these and the adjoining cottage were at time jointly owned.

An excavation near St Mary’s Church, East Barnet

This project was also undertaken in 1989, a result of a collapsed well-cover on the site of a farm cottage adjacent to the Church. The collapse was found to be in the capping of a well, and further excavation of the cottage area found Victorian construction with a natural soil level below.

East Barnet remains an enigma. The church is very old (earlier than St John’s in Chipping Barnet), and is a Dependency of St Albans, but there is no trace of the village community which it might serve.

The Mitre Inn, Barnet

The-Mitre is said to be 17th century and is the only example now left of the 100 or more public houses and inns which were Barnet’s Main activity in pre-railway times.

The project commenced in September 1989 and was undertaken in advance of development of land at the rear of the Mitre. We had much help from Barnet Museum and the Local History Society.

The ground here has a natural slope and had been built up and surfaced to provide vehicle standing. Clearance was a considerable problem, taking several weeks. It was necessary to dig through various layers of tarmac and brick rubble to reach the first Victorian building remains, then deeper still to earlier construction. We found various 17th and 18th century pottery sherds. Below this was a deep stony soil layer containing mainly Medieval pottery fragments of 11th to 13th century date. Among this material was also found some datable Roman material. This, together with similar items found in an earlier dig in the area, may indicate some Roman connection. The project continued throughout 1989.

The “Charity House”, 19/25 High Street, Barnet

In 1990 a site on the opposite side of the road to the Mitre was being cleared for,
development. This was a somewhat disturbed site, however we found several small
undisturbed areas with pottery of 12th to 14th century date as well as later materials.

A further 1990 project was to watch the Three Rivers pipeline construction which has been described in recent newsletters. Copies of these are still available if required.


By | Past Newsletters, Volume 5 : 1990 - 1994 | No Comments

Newsletter Newsletter No. 246 September 1991 edited by Jean Snelling


August 10th – September 15 Two Mill Hill Exhibitions at Church Farm House Museum Hendon; see below.

Tuesday September 24 West Heath Report: celebration at Town Hall, Hendon. See enclosed application form.

Tuesday October 1 Lecture, Valley of the Kings. Peter Clayton. 8 for 8.10 pm.

Saturday October 5 City Walk with Mary O’Connell.

October 12 MINIMART Another plea for members to turn out their good saleable items. See enclosed leaflet for details.

At the Annual General Meeting Brian Wrigley indicated his wish to stand down after his sterling service as Hon Sec.. Now we are happy to greet a long-standing member, Liz Holliday, as Honorary General Secretary to HADAS.

Officially – Miss E A Holliday, c/o 66 Brookfield Avenue, Mill Hill, NW7 2DD Telephone (after 0923 267 483, (Delete old address on members’ list)

A bonus is the special responsibility being taken by Brian Wrigley for Excavations and Archives.

Our affairs are in good hands. May they both have sound health and long lives.

From the Membership Secretary, Phyllis Fletcher

I should like to welcome to the Society the following New Members;

Mrs M Glaser, Mrs A Littlewood, Mr F M J Pinn, and Miss T Sheehan. I also welcome back to membership Miss J N Blason.

Some of our members have still not paid their subscriptions for the year, so they will receive a reminder from me. If you have paid by the time you get this Newsletter please accept my apologies.

The Newsletter

Will a computer-minded member volunteer for a project on Newsletter data? A selective list of Contents for the years 1985 to 1990 is much needed in a form which will subsequently facilitate a yearly update. A design for the data base is to hand, and the Society’s computer is available.

Enquiries to Jean Snelling, 081 346 3553.


The Museum of London’s Department of Greater London Archaeology have produced an evaluation report on their excavations at St Mary’s School earlier this year. Those few who attended the seminar on this which The Museum put on for us in May have received copies of the report; it is very well and concisely set out, that many other Members will find it extremely interesting.

Starting off with a description of the geology of the Finchley area, it proceeds to the historical and archaeological background quoted below, which is illustrated with reproductions of extracts from maps of 1754 (Rocque), 1822 (OS). 1877 (OS), and 1902 (OS).


There is little archaeological evidence for prehistoric settlement in Finchley or its immediate vicinity. Of the entries in the Sites and Monuments Register, many of the stone tools referred to show signs of having been redeposited in the late glacial gravels by ice sheets and streams, so their find spots do not necessarily indicate sites of manufacture or use. Four Mesolithic flakes found by the Hendon and District Archaeological Society during the Rectory Close excavations, close to the present site, were found in a disturbed layer and need not indicate settlement at this period. If any of these finds are in situ, they may represent chance loses by communities exploiting the local fauna and flora but living elsewhere, but the cautionary note should be added that small prehistoric settlements are only likely to be located by controlled scientific excavations and there have been few of these in the area.

Finds from the Roman period may indicate increasing settlement and agricultural production as a result of the need to supply the growing urban centre of Londinium. The nearest large scale settlement is at Brockley Hill, adjacent to an arterial road with evidence of industry, pottery manufacture and the import of luxury items. A reorganisation of the local landscape is shown by the minor N-S road at Hendon golf course (possibly early-mid 2nd century AD) and the scatter of finds, particularly the cluster at Hendon which includes building material and a burial (SMR), may show the establishment of small farmsteads at this time.

Although Finchley has an Anglo-Saxon name, meaning “the wood frequented by Finches” (Weinreb and Hibbert 1983 pp276-77), there is as yet little hard evidence for a settlement here at this period. Saxon foundations have been claimed for St Mary’s Hendon,

St Mary’s Finchley and St James the Great Friern Barnet, but without reliable historical or archaeological evidence. Grass tempered pottery found beside the church at Hendon (LA 2, 10, 1976 p370) suggests a rural community here and further excavation work may find the site of its dwellings.

Finchley is not mentioned in the Domesday book, but the fact that it was part of the ecclesiastical manor of Fulham means that a settlement here could have escaped mention. The 1086 survey does show that the county of Middlesex was already divided up into large estates supplying produce and revenue to Lords and religious houses before the conquest of 1066 (Cockburn et al 1969 pp84-85).

The medieval period is far better represented than the preceding millennia. This may in part be due to the lack of detailed archaeological excavation on the less substantial remains of earlier settlements, the existence of relevant historical documents (almost all are post 1066), and the destruction of earlier material by superimposed later settlements, but almost certainly is related to improving agricultural technology, enabling heavier soils to be satisfactorily farmed. An additional factor may have been the re-emergence of London as a major centre of population and trade, placing increasing demands on its hinterland. At Finchley, St Mary’s church has 12th and 13th century fabric, but no other standing medieval structures have survived.

Finchley remained a largely rural and agricultural community until the 1870’s (Figures 2 and 3) and it was only the arrival of the Great Northern Railway in 1867 that led to the expansion of the settlement to join Church End, East Finchley and Friern Barnet (Figures 4 and 5).’

Machine clearance of the playground surface and leveling dump below showed the various features shown in Figure 7 ( reproduced below): this is all no more than a handspan below the original surface of the playground. The concluding sections of the report are (quoted below:


All features investigated produced sherds of pottery. Most of the assemblage is made up of fragments of early medieval domestic and cooking pots. The fabrics are unusual and were probably produced locally, though some may be imports from the south Herts area. Because little work has been done on pottery types in this area, dating has been derived from comparisons of the vessel forms and rim shapes with securely dated pottery from other areas.

Most of the pottery falls within the period 1150-1250 AD, but there are a few earlier sherds – [013] produced a probable pre-Norman form – and several later ones, the latest being 1270-1350 AD. Much of the pot is heavily abraded, suggesting that it may have weathered prior to its incorporation into the archaeological deposits.The fragments of lava stone are significant. Such stone had to be imported from the Rhineland and was used to make quern stones for grinding agricultural produce.


The post-holes and slots are the remains of timber buildings that once stood on the site, the post-holes holding vertical timbers and the slots holding sill beams into which either doorways or wall timbers could be set. A full plan of these structures could be recovered by full excavation. Two hearths probably belong within the buildings, and it is possible that some of the layers that were not investigated may be occupation deposits associated with them.

Large amounts of pottery recovered indicate the active use of the site in the early medieval period, some of it imported, but some probably made locally. The slag and lava stone point to other aspects of the industrial and economic life of a rural community.

The surviving deposits are quite shallow, the deepest features less than 0.50m deep, so a check was made of the damage caused by the footings of the school buildings. Although the walls would have destroyed all but the deepest features, the rest of the subfloor area appears to overlie undisturbed soil, at a level where archaeological survival should be considerable.


The site appears to offer one of the first opportunities to make a detailed archaeological investigation into the core of the historic village of Finchley. This evaluation exercise has shown that the evidence is there, together with a considerable quantity of dating evidence and the remains of structures.

The Museum of London recommends that discussions are commenced with the applicant to seek opportunities for preserving as much of this important archaeological site as possible in situ, by suitable design measures in areas where damage is likely to be unavoidable, an agreement is sought which will allow archaeological rescue investigations (and suitable archive and publication of the results) to take place prior to any development.

The Museum of London are currently discussing with the developers the possibility of rescue excavations of the area affected by the Development Mike Hutchinson of the DGLA hopes that any such further dig can be so arranged that HADAS members can participate at weekends.

The site of St. Mary’s primary school is in Finchley Church End, on the west side of Regents Park Road where it is joined by Hendon Lane.

Figure 7: site plan showing:

post holes





REVIEW: Excavations at the Mesolithic Site on West Heath, Hampstead 1976-1981 By Margaret Beasley MA

Here in one volume is an informative and useful compilation of reports stemming from investigations by HADAS at West Heath during the period 1976-81. There are contributions from HADAS members (too many to name in a short review) and from specialists; providing plenty to interest anyone concerned with the Mesolithic, whether as amateur, student or professional. Overall, the presentation is good but Roman numerals on the horizontal axis of the plan of the hearth on p 69 are almost too small to read and the key on the same page does not match the style of the rest of the figures. The views of the site on p.8 are worthy of greater enlargement.

Dated by thermoluinescence to an average of 7641±900 BC, the site yielded a large quantity of worked flint. A first reaction to this might be to imagine that West Heath was densely populated in Mesolithic times. However, phosphate levels in the soil were very low, suggesting sparse occupation and as anyone who has tried flint knapping will know, large amounts of debitage are quickly generated. The lithics are well described and clearly illustrated and charts show how the various classes of tools and waste material were distributed over the site. The size of some cores indicates a supply of raw material larger than that available from river gravels and a search of members’ gardens duly came up with several fair size pieces, indicating that some of the demand for flint could have been satisfied by casual finds. The range of tools and debitage suggests that a wide variety of activities were carried out. Over 130 pieces of flint have been refitted into 51 sets. Whether the knapping events represented all occured during a single phase occupation, or on repeated visits as part of a seasonal round is uncertain. Either way, much of the material appears to be a homogenous assemblage of earlier Mesolithic character, but it included some geometric microliths which Desmond Collins suggests may be a natural element in such assemblages or, alternatively, may represent a different or later group of people. Other stone artefacts are an ‘arrow smoother’, a ‘hone’, a piece of engraved flint cortex, possibly a sur­face for cutting on; and two arrowheads of Bronze Age type, one a modern fake and the other of uncertain origin, presumed to have been introduced as a hoax, as were some ‘pigs’ of metal stamped LFG XX!

Charcoal from the hearth, initially thought to be Mesolithic, yielded a radio carbon date in the range 1015-1165 Cal. AD at 95% probability. There is, neverthe­less, other evidence for the use of fire, in the form of charcoal and burnt store. Postholes imply structures, yet there is no substantial evidence for huts or enclosures and it is feasible that the site represents a palimpsest of repeated seasonal occupations, with traces from the individual fires and shelters of any one time blurred by repeated activities.

As a zooarchaeologist, I regret that the dry and acidic sandy soil (pH 3.5) has long since destroyed any bones and teeth. Despite this lack of faunal remains, there is, fortunately, a wealth of paleo-environmental data from the West Heath (Spa) site. Pollen, seeds and insects survived in its waterlogged sediments. James Greig’s analysis of the pollen and macrobotanical remains documents 5000 years of change from lime wildwood to heathland. Beetles are quite specific in their environmental and food requirements, and the late Maureen Girling’s study of the coleoptera offers fascinating glimpses of past landscapes. Two impressive scanning electron photomicrographs show the thorax of a tiny bark beetle which feeds on lime trees and the eye arrangement of a spider. Both beetles and pollen document the elm decline, which was due, it is suggested, to the combined effects of human activity and beetles.

This document is a credit to all those who have contributed their own individual areas of interest and expertise to the team effort. I shall be adding it to the list of recommended reading for my Extra Mural students.

In the manuscript of her review Miss Beasley gave the full title of the West Heath Report. In order to complete the record this is given here.

“Excavations at the Mesolithic Site on West Heath Hampstead 1876-1981 Investigations by members of the Hendon and District Archaeological Society edited by Desmond Collins and Daphne Lorimer with an associated paleoecological study by the late Maureen A Girliing and James A Grieg. BAR British Series 217, 1991”

Lower Paleolithic Site at Boxgrove Sussex P.Killpack

The Lower Paleolithic site at Boxgrove, near Chichester, is known to professional archaeologists as the oldest horse hunting and butchering site in Europe (see Current Archaeology No.123 Feb./March 1991 p 138).

A HADAS member excavated there during the month of May and participated in the unearthing of a 17cm ovate biface handaxe from a sealed layer dated to 500,000 years ago. Nearby were found rib bones, probably of horse, and numerous flint flakes. As all artefacts and associated evidence from the site are unique, excavators are required to work barefoot.

Mark Roberts of the Field Unit of the UCL Institute of Archaeology heads the project, which is funded in part by English Heritage. He has refitted flint flakes and waste to handaxes found at the site to determine the actual knapping process employed in the manufacture of the tools.

Close study of the geology of the area determined that the butchery site was a beach below chalk cliffs during a temperate period. With the onset of glaciation the sea withdrew and the site was covered by cold condition sediments. As the age of the undisturbed site is well beyond radiocarbon capabilities, the site has been dated by using bio-stratigraphic methods.

The good news is that the Natural History Museum is considering a special exhibit of finds from Boxgrove. Unfortunately the excavation ended August 11 1991, having been oversubscribed. The director informed us that there was simply no room for more volunteers.


Members who penetrated the overgrown moat during our visit to the Sternberg Centre on May 12 1991 will be interested in further news.

Our Committee has been in touch with English Heritage to raise the question of its condition, while the Museum of London (Department of Greater London Archaeology) is considering making an archaeological assessment of the scheduled ancient monument.

Newsletters will report developments.

Members News

Marion le Besque (nee Newbury) had a baby daughter, Grace Louise, on Sunday August llth. Both are doing well.


Brian Wrigley

In Victor Jones’ note on the Tudor house in Whetstone (Newslet­ter No 231, June 1990) there was reference to the evidence of iron- working found in the excavations of the back yard. We kept samples of the material which has now been examined by Dr Paul Craddock of the British Museum, and his report follows:

Report on metalworking debris excavated at Whetstone Cross roads, Middlesex

The material was excavated from a medieval context beneath a Tudor house by the Hendon and District Archaeological Society. The context was a small hollow of burnt material containing the burnt partially vitrified ferruginous waste and charcoal visual examination of the burnt material showed it to be heavily burnt and partially vitrified. Some pieces resembled clay lining. All the material was ferruginous. There was no true slag in the material examined.

The context was almost certainly a small smithing hearth, where iron was forged to shape by hammering and annealing. In the course of these operations a great deal of oxidised iron fragments (Hammer scale) and some residual slag from the bloom of iron are given off, and the debris can superficially resemble a smelting operation. However here the hearth does not resemble a furnace and there is no true smelting slag.

P F Craddock
30 May 1991

File 6117

For the record, it should be explained where the samples came from and why they are regarded as ‘from a medieval context’.

Below is a sketch plan of the site, indicating the outlines of the surviving part of the timber building and its relation to our excavation.It also shows the areas where evidence of burning and iron-working residues were found. The samples seen by Dr Craddock were from the two concentrations of burning, Features F19 and P20. These two features appear to be connected by a trail of combustion material between them; such a double hearth would fit in quite well with known techniques of early ironworking (like the ‘Walloon double hearth’ described in Tylecote’s A History of Metallurgy) where successive processes are being carried out on the metal, and two hearths are close together to avoid the metal losing heat in the transfer.

The foundation for an extra bay to the house, referred to In the note in Newsletter 231, is marked F4 and F5 in the sketch plan: the lowest course of F5 is a line of chalk blocks, which I under­stand would fit in very well with the proposed dating of late 15C. The spread of burnt material was evident in Layer 4 (which contained features F19 and F20) and in Layer 23; both were similar disturbed clay, but separated by the footing F5.When we removed part of one of the chalk blocks of F5, we found that 4 and 23 were in fact one continuous layer below the chalk, and the signs of burning continued also; in fact, lifting the chalk block showed at least 3 fragments of charcoal on the surface thus exposed

Hence, on a reasonable assumption that the spread of burning is associated with the hearths, the ironworking activity must have been earlier than the laying of the footing, and if we are correct in dating the footing to the late 15C, then the ironworking must be at least as old as that date.On a strictly non-academic note – how intriguing to find a smithy so close in place and time to the legendary sharpening of swords for the Battle of Barnet on THE WHETSTONE which stands just outside this site and has been rumoured to give the settlement its name!

Mill Hill exhibitions August 10-September 15

Two together at Church Farm House Museum, Hendon. Open weekdays 10.0-1.0pm and 2.0-5.30; but closed on Tuesday afternoons. Sundays,

Pictures of Old .ill Hill (87of them) from Barnet Borough’s collection. His Own Man – John Collier; Writer, Craftsman and local Historian.

Dorothy Newbury writes ; This is of special interest to HADAS as John Collier (1900-1989) had so many links with us in the past, as Secretary to the then Mill Hill & Hendon Historical Society. As HADAS grew it was John who had the ‘Hendon’ dropped from their title, leaving the Hendon patch to us. He liaised with Brigid Grafton Green in a campaign for more Blue Plaques in the Borough. He led a HADAS Walk in Mill Hill in 1985.

Coming shortly.

Part 2 Jenny Cobban’s tireless pursuit of the Witch’s Cottage.

Also responses to Ted Sammes’ enquiry in the August Newsletter about the Terrible Aeroplane Tragedy of 1920 in Golders Green/Cricklewood.

The dig at 296 Golders Green Road NW11 continues at the time of going to press but may have finished when this Newsletter circulates. A pebble layer is being uncovered; as yet there are no artefacts to help in dating.

Grafton Green is having another spell in hospital. We all wish her well again soon.


By | Past Newsletters, Volume 5 : 1990 - 1994 | No Comments

ISSUE No. 245: Edited by Ann Kahn August 1991

Saturday 10th August

Friday 30th August to Sunday 1st September WEEKEND IN NORWICH Fully booked, but no waiting list. Please contact Dorothy Newbury (081 203 0950) if you wish to go on the waiting list.

Saturday 5th October CITY WALK with Mary O’Connell

Saturday 12th October MINIMART at St Mary’s Church House, Hendon


We have now been given permission to dig until the end of July, with probable extension into August, on the site we have been negotiating for, the former forge at 296 Golders Green Road, NW11 (next to the Prince Albert PH). This site is of interest as it is only about 150 metres from The Woodlands where remains of a medieval road were found by HADAS in 1968.

Time was, of course too short to notify Members via the last Newsletter, but we managed to get together a small group who started work on Sunday 14 July. We have opened 4 trial trenches and although we have only got down a few inches it looks as though we are already beginning to get through the top surface of packed building rubble and starting to get down to archaeological layers.

It is intended to continue work on Sundays and (depending on the availability of helpers!) on some weekday evenings. Our permission does not allow Saturday work. If you would like to help in any capacity, please let me know so that I can keep you informed when we are on site. Look forward to seeing you in the trenches!

MUSEUM OF LONDON forthcoming events and exhibitions include:-

Treasures and trinkets: jewelry in London from pre-Roman times (till 26. 1. 1992)

– Out and about in London Summer 1991: a season of lectures, visits, walks, workshops and special exhibitions.

Details from Education Department (071 600 3699 ext 200). To Join the Museum’s free mailing list, send your name and address to: The Marketing Office, Museum of London, London Wall, London, EC2Y 5HN


It was exactly a year ago, last July, that I read an article about Chatham in the Daily Telegraph and suggested to Dorothy Newbury that the old dockyard seemed worthy of a visit from HADAS.

It was certainly worth waiting for. On 13 July some 40 of us set off round the M25 en route for the Dartford Tunnel and the County of Kent. Once again we had the pleasure of a HADAS member, Nigel McTeer, in the driver’s seat.

Chatham Dockyard, on the tidal river Medway, has its origin in Henry VIII’s time. Since 1547, over 400 Royal Navy ships have been built at Chatham, including such famous ‘wooden walls’ as HMS Victory, Temeraire and Revenge. The last ship, a submarine for the Canadian navy, was launched in 1966, and the dockyard, by now spreading over 400 acres, was finally decommissioned in 1984, with 80 acres put in the care or Chatham Historic Dockyard Trust under the chairmanship of Sir Steuart Pringle.

Now a living, working museum, the Dockyard has 47 listed buildings, many of which have been turned into galleries to tell the story of Britain’s fighting ships and the lives of the dockyard craftsmen who built them. Our guide showed us the covered slipways, the Commission’s fine Georgian house, and the 400-yard long Ropery, where we enjoyed a demonstration showing how ropes are made using equipment largely unchanged since Victorian times.

The highlight of our visit was the Mast House, with its upper-storey mould loft (where wooden templates were made from design lines drawn on the floor). The building has been brilliantly restored and now houses the ‘Wooden Walls Audiovisual Experience’. This innovative exhibition, opened last year at a cost of £4M, shows in detail how a warship, the Valiant, was made in 1758, as seen through the eyes of a young dockyard apprentice, William Crockwell.

There is a small exhibition of artefacts recovered from the Invicible, a 74-gun French warship captured in 1747, which inspired the design of the Valiant. On leaving the building we watched a craftsman actually making masts for the 1878 sloop Gannet which we saw being restored in one of the dry docks nearby.

Around mid-afternoon we drove the short distance to Fort Amherst, a vast area of tunnels and fortifications dating from 1765, and enlarged during Napoleonic times as part of the Chatham Lines. Our guide, Jack Maude, a naval historian, guided us with admirable humour and great knowledge and enthusiasm.

As we toured the tunnels, Jack gave us a vivid insight into the daily life of conscripted soldiers two centuries ago, then from the top of the walls and the gun batteries we enjoyed views over the Medway and Rochester beyond. Much of Fort Amherst is still completely overgrown, including a huge casemated barracks building which used to house 3,000 men; but the Trust is making good progress with the Herculean task of restoring it to its former grandeur. Perhaps we could make another visit next summer to see how they’re getting on.

Thanks again to Dorothy Newbury for organising such an enjoyable outing.

Finchley Friends of Israel – lecture
Roy Walker

Half a dozen HADAS members accepted an invitation from the Finchley Friends of Israel to attend a lecture by Alexander Flinder on “The Secrets of the Bible Seas” held in June this year.

Mr Flinder was the founder Chairman of the Nautical Archaeological Society, his interest in diving having started during his wartime service with the Royal Engineers. Although an architect by profession with a practice in London, his experience and expertise in the undersea world of archaeology must be second to none – especially in the Middle East.

The experience, certainly in London, is that the opportunity to dig a site is governed by availability – it is dug when the chance presents itself. Mr Flinder’s lecture showed a different approach, sites were investigated, researched and excavated often following exploration or discovery of an artifact or object giving rise to speculation. For instance, a terracotta figurine found in a shipwreck at Shave Zion (one of over three hundred!) was handed to him in London for his comments. A visit to the British Museum confirmed it was of a Phoenician goddess, Tanit, worshipped by a cult of child sacrifice. But why was this found off the coast of Israel when the Phoenicians had resettled in Carthage? Excavation followed by research led to the conclusion that the ship had been on a mission to revive this cult in the Eastern Mediterranean but the sinking put a stop to that.

Another piece of research involved the Herodian harbour of Sebastos at Caesarea. The historian Josephus in “The War of the Jews” claimed that this harbour was truly magnificent. For years his report was doubted, the harbour remains were insignificant especially compared with the remains of Herod’s work on land. It was felt in the 19th century that Josephus, known to have betrayed fellow Jews to the Romans for personal gain, had exaggerated. However, aerial photographs studied after World War II revealed certain structures offshore which on closer inspection and excavation proved to be the missing harbour in all its decayed glory.

Another story told by Mr Flinder in a refreshingly anecdotal style, was of the port of Ezion-gebor on the Gulf of Aqaba. The Old Testament in 1 Kings 9 tells of King Solomon building a fleet of ships at Ezion-gebor near Eloth on the shore of the Red Sea. Hiram (the King of Tyre, a Phoenician) sent men of his own to serve with the fleet as they were experienced seamen. This was a trading arrangement. An American archaeologist thought Ezion-gebor was at Tell-el-Kheleifeh as he had found the “smelters” of Solomon’s copper refineries. These turned out to be grain stores and he rescinded his claim.

Alexander Flinder had long been attracted to the Island of Jezirat Fara’un nearby. Sited on it were a medieval fortress and some Byzantine remains. There was a calm anchorage between the island and the mainland and a natural inlet and harbour, well fortified. Pottery was found in the harbour but underwater exploration found much more – built up harbour walls, towers, casemates – all very similar to known Phoenician works at Sidon and Tyre. The audience were actually two steps ahead of the lecturer, we had guessed it was Ezion-gebor before he told us!

This invitation, which incidentally appears to be the second in three years to HADAS to attend one of Mr Flinder’s lectures (see Newsletter 220 July 1989) received from another Society, has shown how worthwhile it is having contact with other local Societies. We give our thanks and appreciation to the Friends of Israel for their hospitality.

The Witch’s Cottage (Part 1)

This is the tale of a building whose whereabouts I have been attempting to track down since January 1991. The building in question is called “The Witch’s Cottage”, and the piecing together of its somewhat bizarre history has, over the past few months, sometimes led me to believe that I had, perchance, strayed out of the real world and into an episode of David Lynch’s supernatural soap opera, Twin Peaks

The Abbey Folklore Museum, New Barnet

The Witch’s Cottage first came to my notice in a perfectly orthodox manner, while I was researching the history of the Abbey Folklore Museum, which at that time existed in Park Road, New Barnet. This open-air museum comprised many fascinating artefacts and buildings collected from all over the world by a Reverence JSM Ward. It opened in 1936, and by 1936 the museum’s attractions included a C13 tithe barn, a reconstruction of a prehistoric village, a parade of period shops, and East Barnet’s C17 forge and C17 wheelwright shop. The latter building still stands on the site at New Barnet, adjacent to the great iron plate on which in former days the cart wheels were fitted with iron tyres. It was last used in 1920 (1).

Various articles about the museum mentioned a building called the “sixteenth century witch’s cottage”. As JSM Ward remarks: “A most interesting building this, of half-timber work, thatched with reeds and with a central hearth and a louvre instead of a chimney. It is furnished with the pottery and furniture of the period and all the appurtenances of a witch, including blasting rod, and the like” (2). Further: “Hanging from the walls and roof are weird emblems and the grim implements of her trade: a stuffed crocodile, a human skull… the sword of exorciscm and the magic circle on the floor.” (3)

Having visited the site of the old Folklore Museum (now an Arts Centre) and established that The Witch’s Cottage was no longer present, I decided to attempt to locate the present whereabouts of the building and the artefacts
Dr. Gerald Gardner

I was at this point helped by a number of coincidences and by friends made in the course of researching the history of ancient and modern magical practices. In January of this year, I was fortunate enough to be the guest of Mr. Cecil Williamson, a one-time World War II MI6 operative (yes, really!) who owns a

fascinating witchcraft museum and research centre, in Boscastle, Cornwall. W. Williamson, at 83 years old, had been collecting magical paraphernalia and investigating apparently supernormal incidents all his life (with very refreshing cynicsm) and he kindly allowed me to photograph his remarkable collection of witchcraft dolls, the history of which I em presently researching.

In January then, in the course of the most interesting discussions, Mr. Williamson mentioned that a Dr. Gerald Gardner was connected with the Folklore Museum at New Barnet, and specifically with a cottage associated with a witch. The late Dr. Gardner (a somewhat dubious title) caused quite a stir in the 1950’s with his book Witchcraft Today, which was the first book published to explain the workings of modern witchcraft. He is known today as the “Father of Modern Witchcraft”. Many historians consider that he drew on the materials of such occult figures as Aleister Crowley to invent modern witchcraft practices while the witches themselves (and some historians) claim that he merely popularised and saved from oblivion an ancient religion which had never entirely died out.

Be that as it may, the fact remains that Dr. Gardner was responsible for a massive upsurge of interest in witchcraft in the 1950’s, and that today many thousands of people throughout the world follow his path (or a variation) as their chosen religion. For it is a religion no matter how recently and under what circumstances it was founded. This is not the place to go into the beliefs of witches – (5) suffice it to say that they do not worship the devil. Witches do not, on the whole, believe in such an entity.

From New Barnet to Bricket Wood

I further discovered a reference in F. King’s book Cult and Occult which suggested that Dr. Gardner was in fact a friend of Revd Ward and something of an amateur archaeologist. (6) But if he had removed the cottage from New Barnet, as all the evidence was beginning to suggest, to where had he taken it?

At a loss on how to proceed from here, I was then extremely fortunate to receive a letter from Mrs. Lois Bourne, a friend who happens to be a witchcraft leader and authoress. (7) She described her association with Dr. Gardner in the 1950’s, and where the witches used to meet in those days – at a club in Bricket Wood, near St. Albans. “There is an old .cottage in the. grounds where the witches met. There is an old four poster- in it and cabalistic marks on the floors and on the walls.” To clinch matters, within another day or so, I received a further communication from Mr. Williamson which concluded: “I do have photographs of the Witch’s Cottage moved by Gerald Gardner from the house grounds in Barnet to Bricket Wood. Also quite a few of the hut’s artefacts.”

It seemed as if I had found my Witch’s Cottage, and most of its artefacts. From being displayed merely as a witchcraft exhibition at New Barnet it had moved to Bricket Wood to become a ritual centre for a coven of practising witches! The next thing to do was to ‘establish that the cottage still existed, and this I duly managed to do by the simple expedient of finding out the telephone number of the club, and ringing the owners. The cottage was indeed still there.

(1) East Herts Archaeological Society Transactions, Vol.IX, 1936, JSM Ward (Barnet Museum archives)

(2) Ibid

(3) Extract from Homes and Gardens, August 1939 (Barnet Museum archives)

(4) National and local press cuttings (Barnet Museum archives)

(5) A History of Witchcraft. Professor J. B. Russell, 1980, pp. 148-155.

(6) Cult and Occult F. King, 1984. p.210.

(7) Witch amongst us” and “Conversations with a witch”. Lois Bourne.

To be continued


The following sites are listed in recent Planning Applications and past evidence indicates that they may prove to be archaeologically sensitive. Members living nearby are asked to keep an eye on them and report anything of interest that is discovered in the course of development to John Enderby (081 203 2630)


Victoria Avenue, Church End, Finchley

White Swan P.H., Golders Green Road


Arkley Manor Farm, Rowley Lane, Arkley

10, Union Street, Chipping Barnet

Cottage Farm, Mays Lane, Barnet

Bells Hills Allotments, Barnet

Rear of 39/41 High Street, Barnet


30 Hartland Drive, Edgware

Ross Cottage, Church End, Hendon

Belmont Farm, The Ridgeway, Mill Hill, NW7

Brockley Grange, Brockley Hill, Edgware


Mrs Sarah Isaacs, 29 Seebright Road, Barnet, ENS 4HR (081 440 1295); the ex librarian and archivist of Simms Motor Units Ltd at Oak Lane, East Finchley is researching into the early history of the company and its founder Frederick Simms. She mentions that the Museum of London has a “tiny display” which she hopes to enlarge. (Letter in the Barnet and Finchley Independent, 11 July).

[No connection with J.O. Sims below!)


A fruit and vegetable firm in Borough Market, J.O.Sims, has been fined a record £5,000 for “the almost total loss of the archaeological record”. The company’s premises are next to the Winchester Palace. The company’s builders drilled through a mosaic floor and undertook other work to underpin a building, half of which is a scheduled monument, without permission. The builders had then spread hardcore over the area making it impossible to be sure what had been lost. All this came to light by a discovery of historic stones in a skip by a passer-by two years ago; which led London Museum staff to alert the English Heritage inspector Ellen Barnes. The newspaper article reports that archaeological investigations of Winchester Palace have always been hampered by the existence of buildings and. warehouses on top of the remains and the entire area has been protected by law to prevent permanent loss or damage. (Evening Standard 12 June)

(HADAS members saw the visible remains of the Winchester Palace on their Christmas excursion to the George Inn last year].


No, it is not HADAS yet! Life is often giving out pleasant surprises and one happened to me last week, when a copy of Sixty years on 1931-1991, dealing with the Lawrence Hasluck Trust arrived in my post. This is a sixteen page booklet on the history and vicissitudes of the Trust set up in 1931 for deserving married couples, widowers and bachelors living in the area. Today the Trust has 44 bungalows and flats off Parkside Gardens, East Barnet, and six flats at 48 Station Road, East Barnet.

There is a full description of the life of Lawrence Hasluck, born in Enfield in 1863, and member of the East Barnet Valley UDC for 40 years. The booklet was written by one of our members, Andrew Pares, who himself knows much about public service from personal experience.


“On December 14th 1920 a Handley Page “Airliner” which took off from their Cricklewood Aerodrome on its way to Paris crashed at “Golders Green” with the loss of four lives.”

The above note caused me to look for more information in the pages of the Hendon and Finchley Times”. For December 17th 1920 on page 5, I found a nine inch column, but alas no picture. It was stated to be the first accident in the civilian flying career of Messrs. Handley Page Ltd.

The plane appears to have had difficulty from the start in gaining height; finally hitting a tree, then an outhouse of no. 61 Basing Hill (I assume this to be Basing Hill Road) so it is possibly more accurately described as being in Cricklewood. Amongst the killed were the pilot and a mechanic; and two out of the six passengers: Mr. Sam Sallinger of Broxmoor, Herts and Mr. Van der Elst from Paris.

One wonders just what type of plane this was and was that really all the passengers on board at the time? Perhaps one of our Industrial Archaeologists might like to take this subject a little further?


A new journal: Medieval World: the magazine of the Middle Ages Annual subscription (6 issues £13.50), (single specimen issue £2.50) to Medieval World c/o KT Subscription Services, Lansdowne Mews, 196 High Street, Tonbridge, Kent, TN9 lEF

Forthcoming articles include an interesting mix:-

The Battle of Maldon, the Bayeux tapestry and the town of Bayeux,

Medieval German craftsmen, Anglo-Saxon missionaries, new archaeology in St Albans Abbey, medieval images in the cinema, race and gender in medieval literature, medieval archives and how to use them.

The British Museum is publishing a new series on medieval arts and crafts:-

Medieval craftsmen: embroiderers. By Kay Staniland.

Medieval craftsmen: glass painters. By Sarah Brown and David O’Connor.

Medieval craftsmen: masons and sculptors. By Dr. Nicola Coldstream.

Medieval craftsmen: painters. By Professor Paul Binski.

All priced £6.95 and published by the British Museum Press.


A leaflet has been received from the National Postal Museum, London. The Museum includes an almost complete record of every postage stamp issued throughout the world and various artefacts such as stamp cancelling machines and the official Post office collection of letter boxes.

Chief Post Office, King Edward Building, King Edward Street, London, ECIA ILP (071 239 5420)

A possible HADAS visit? And is the fascinating underground mail train still running?

OBITUARY We very much regret having to report the death of Bob Stewart, husband of Myfanwy. Our deepest sympathy goes to her and all her family and friends,


By | Past Newsletters, Volume 5 : 1990 - 1994 | No Comments

ISSUE No. 244: Edited by Vikki O’Connor JULY 1991


Saturday 13 July HISTORIC CHATHAM DOCKS & FORT AMHERST: Dorothy Newbury. (Details & application form enclosed)

Saturday 10th August

Friday 30th August to Sunday 1st September WEEKEND IN NORWICH Fully booked, but no waiting list. Please contact Dorothy Newbury (081 203 0950) if you wish to go on the waiting list.

Saturday 5th October
CITY WALK with Mary O’Connell

Saturday 12th October
MINIMART at St Mary’s Church House, Hendon

A REMINDER ABOUT LAST MINUTE BOOKINGS – If you’ve been unable to book seats or get on the waiting list for a trip, it may still be possible to get a place due to eleventh hour cancellations and to people on the waiting list having made other arrangements. It is always worthwhile contacting the organiser the night before a trip – you may be lucky!



We have a number of members, some of them fairly new, who enjoy visiting a site, a lecture, an exhibition, but who may then wonder WHAT NEXT? It is possible they could feel a little excluded, left out, with no way forward or particular focus for increasing understanding. Our members who have found a way on can perhaps help by passing on their thoughts, experiences, ideas through the Newsletter.

What is it that especially draws you to archaeology? What would you miss most if it all went? Is it fieldwalking – trowelling – metal-detecting; flints – pots – bones; stones ­banks & ditches – hedges; Romans – early peoples; markets – deserted villages; surveying – drawing – photography …. or any other aspect?

You may have contributed to the Newsletter from time to time or never until now – let’s hear from you, say 500-600 words. No theses are required, and not necessarily orthodoxies. Should the editors have the luxury of a backlog they will advise of any delay in publication.


On June 15, under a rain-threatening overcast sky, 55 members and friends left the urban spread of Barnet for rural Reading, or more precisely, for the Museum of English Rural Life of the University of Reading’s Institute of Agricultural History. When founded 40 years ago in 1951, rapidly increasing mechanisation and scientific development were revolutionising farming. The general introduction of tractors, combine harvesters, etc, resulted in horse-drawn carts and ploughs, tools and other farming paraphernalia, developed over centuries, being discarded and left to be forgotten and to rot.

The objectives of the museum were to rescue and preserve these disappearing artefacts of the Horse Age and to record the knowledge of farming practices while still contained in living memories. The thematic displays show the success of this timely action, with the objects well displayed, clearly labelled and explained where necessary by well-illustrated posters. The objects range from a multitude of farm carts of different type, frequently known by their county name, to rooms furnished in the style of circa 1860. There are displays concerning basketry, smocking, smithing, saddlery and many others. The most recent item appeared to be a 1947 Ferguson tractor which, nearly half a century on, looked as antique as any of the other-exhibits.

After leaving the museum, we took lunch by the river. The rain held off and we could enjoy the views of the Thames although we came under the scrutiny of countless inquisitive swans. We then boarded the “Caversham Princess” for a leisurely journey to Mapledurham, which lies literally on a backwater. The manor belonged to the Bardolph family who sold it to the Blounts in 1490. It has remained with that family although, following the termination of the male line in 1943, it passed through the eldest of nine daughters, who had married into the Eyston family, in 1863 to her son. The present owner is his grandson.

We were met on the landing stage by a guide who escorted us to St Margaret’s church which was begun in the 13th century by William Bardolph the younger. Following Butterfield’s 1863 “restoration” little original work remains visible although the south aisle built in the late 14th century and known as the Bardolph Aisle survives unaltered. It became the Blount family Catholic burial chapel and remains their private property. The family survived the religious turmoils by maintaining a low profile in these isolated parts but it was necessary to separate the Aisle from the Anglican church by building a stone wall although this was not possible where tombs lay across two of the arcades. The tomb of Sir Richard Blount and his wife is particularly fine. This is one of five Anglican churches in this Country with a Catholic aisle.

After describing the church our guide left us free to visit Mapledurham House and the watermill. The present house was commenced in 1588 and remains mainly unchanged apart from some alterations in 1828 and 1863. Taking advantage of the Catholic Relief Act 1791, a chapel was incorporated in 1797, built in the Strawberry Hill Gothic Style. The rooms on public display together with their original furniture, furnishings and family portraits provide a good impression of life in a manor house over the last 400 years.

The views from the windows were impressive but would have benefited with some sun. On the other hand, it was probably an advantage that mist enshrouded 20th century Reading on the horizon.

A watermill has been on the site since Domesday. The present mill, dating from the late 15th century, is the last one still working on the Thames. The taped description provided (inclusive in the ticket) gave a good account, of the mill with some interesting asides such as when the miller adjusted the critical speed of the wheel, he did so using the sound of the water without the need for meters.

Our thanks go to Ted Sammes, who as a Founder Member knows the correct ingredients and recipe for a successful HADAS tour, and arranged this excellent tour by land and water. As he had not selected the date, he was able to deny responsibility for the weather which fortunately provided very little water from above.

THE APRIL LECTURE ON JORDAN was given by Ted Sammes based on a holiday twelve months previously. Sadly there was only time for 40 slides from his 18 rolls of film. He began with some background information on the region, the Jordan Valley has always been a prized settlement area with fighting recorded since Biblical times. Main rock types found are limestone, sandstone and basalt. The Great Rift Valley runs through Jordan and resultant earthquakes are identified by archaeologists as destruction levels. We saw manifestations of the geological fault: in Southern Jordan a crater plugged with basalt; Zerka Ma’in, a canyon east of Madaba, Central Jordan has a series of some fifty hot springs and a waterfall with a temperature of 59° spilling into the largest pool. Herod the Great came here to ‘take the cure’, today it’s a popular modern mineral water health spa.

Deir ‘Alla (House of God) is the site of an ancient sanctuary overlooking the Jordan Valley 50km north of the Dead Sea. First settled in the late Bronze Age through to 500BC, it has a temple mound dating from c.1500BC which was not re-built after destruction by earthquake in 1200BC BC. However, Deir ‘Alla remained a holy place. Aramaic text on a fragment of 7thC BC wall plaster from a mud-brick wall mentions the Deir ‘Alla Sanctuary, apparently supporting the theory that it was separate from Hebrew influence during the Judean Kingdom. Ted was disappointed to see how trenches from the 1960’s excavation had been left open and were rapidly deteriorating.

Nearby Tell es-Sa’idiyeh is identified with the Biblical city of Zarethan where the Israelites crossed the Jordan. Jonathan Tubb had completed a 5-year dig for the British Museum two days before Ted arrived, and the finds were already boxed up. These subsequently formed part of the BM exhibition “Archaeology and the Bible” which ended this April. In case you missed this, there is a book of the same name by Tubb and Rupert L Chapman, price £7.95, and finds from the site will again be displayed at the Museum later this year. The site, comprising eastern Upper and western Lower Tells, was occupied from the Early Bronze Age, 3rd millennium BC, until about 700BC. A building in stratum XII in the upper Tell is identified as a 12th century BC Egyptian Governor’s Residency, with Egyptian building techniques: deep brick foundations and external double walls with a channel between for drainage. Excavation in the mid-1960’s by James Pritchard of the University of Pennsylvania revealed a staircase, Tubb continued on down to a small pool, confirming this was part of a water system. An interesting feature of the lower Tell was the cemetery associated with stratum XII, with “double pithos” burials where pottery coffins are made by joining two large storage jars at their shoulders.

North of Deir ‘Alla, on the banks of the Wadi Jirm, Pella was one of the cities of the “Decapolis” – ten cities built by Rome to defend their eastern empire. The site was continuously occupied for 10,000 years and, like Petra, prospered from being on two main trade routes. Named after the birthplace of Alexander the Great in Greece,

Pella is currently is undergoing a long-term programme of excavation and reconstruction. Part of the old town is unfortunately under a modern town, nevertheless, temples and a small theatre from the Greco-Roman period have already been reconstructed.

North of Amman another Decapolis city, Jerash, is one of the best preserved Roman cities in the world. The site was occupied in Neolithic times but Jerash (ancient Gerasa) is thought to have been founded by soldiers of Alexander the Great c.332BC. The city expanded early in the 1st century AD, but was abandoned in 747AD following a series of earthquakes and remained buried in sand over a 1000 years until re-discovery in 1806 by German explorer Ulrich Seetzen. Today it’s a big tourist attraction with regular Son et Lumiere performances and a two-week Festival of Culture and Arts each August. ‘Sights’ include Hadrians Arch (1291 130AD); the oval stone-walled Hippodrome; an oval Piazza; Zeus Temple complex; the “Cardo” – a colonnaded street with paving stones rutted by chariot wheels; a 2nd c. AD Nymphaeum (a public fountain with some original coloured painting remaining); Byzantine churches with mosaics, etc etc….

At this point Ted muttered something about “if you’ve seen one Roman Theatre you’ve seen them all”. Sacrilege! Perhaps Jerash has too much to digest at one sitting?

Amman, capital of modern Jordan, the site of one of the earliest farming communities 7000-6000BC, has a history of continuous occupation. This was another Roman Decapolis city, Philadelphia. The old city consisted of lower and upper sections. Worth visiting are the Forum and Roman 5,000-seat Theatre (still used today) in the lower area, and on Citadel Hill, the Temple of Hercules and fortress, which the Romans re-built. As a point of interest, Ted pointed out an unusual modern structure in. Amman – their “emblem”, a huge coffee pot the height of a two-storey building!

At the outer point of the Moab Mountains, Mount Nebo is a traditional site of the tomb of Moses. Franciscan excavations at Siyagha revealed a 6th century Byzantine church and monasteries containing many well-preserved mosaics. Nearby Madaba, dating from the middle Bronze Age, 2000BC is known as the city of mosaics. In the Greek Orthodox Church of St George is an exceptional mosaic – a map of Palestine showing Jerusalem with a gate and the street names in Greek. Madaba was destroyed in 614AD by the Persians then abandoned following damage by earthquake in 747AD.

No journey to Jordan would be complete without visiting the legendary rose-red city of Petra which was- re-discovered in 1812 by Swiss- explorer, John Burckhardt. In his day the journey would have been by camel or horse over mountain, stream and desert, but the modern road from Amman has removed some of the mystery with accessibility. It was first settled around 800BC by the Nabataean Arabs, and developed from a few cave dwellings into a wealthy city as the Nabataeans established their control of two major trade routes between Arabia and the Mediterranean, and the Red Sea and Syria. Roman expansion in the 1st century BC eroded the Nabataeans power and in AD 106 Palestine and Jordan were incorporated into the Roman Province of Arabia. Through Ted’s superb slides we were there – entering Petra via the “Siq”, the winding 1 km gorge through overhanging cliffs that change colour according to light, reflecting red, yellow, pink, purple. Emerging from the Siq one is confronted by a two-storey building carved in the rock, known as “Al Khazneh” the Treasury as it was thought the urn carved at the top contained a Pharaoh’s treasure. “Pot shots” taken at the urn by Turks and Arabs scarred it but proved fruitless, the building is in fact a royal tomb styled as a Greek temple.

As the valley widens you come to the Amphitheatre built by the Nabataeans but enlarged by the Romans (to accommodate 7,000 people) by cutting through houses and chambers at the back. Nearby is an ancient rock-cut stairway, now restored, lined with temples , houses and tombs and leading to Mt Nejr, the High Place of Sacrifice. Another climb from the Theatre via a Roman Road leads to a cliffside series of Royal Tombs. The area of the canyon is two square miles and there are over 800 buildings and façades still to be seen. Petra was gradually abandoned in favour of other cities, Jerash, Amman and Palmyra ai was uninhabited from the 3rd century AD save as a secret Bedouin refuge. In the 12th century Petra was captured by the Crusaders who built two fortresses but after Saladin’s victory in 1189 it was again abandoned.

5 miles north of Petra is Aklat, dug by Diana Kirkbride in the 1960’s. Earliest levels, c.7000BC are pre-pottery Neolithic. Ted’s guide noted there are less quernstones than a couple of years previously – it’s not easy to see how tourists could be “pocketing” them? The adjacent site of Beida has an entrance similar to the Siq at Petra and an ancient stairway leading to a lookout over the valley.

Wadi Rum, east of Aqaba, is littered with rock carvings in early Thamudic script made by long-gone travellers. Ted told us they were too poor to screen and by way of contrast showed some beautiful hibiscus blooms! Wadi Rum is an awe-inspiring valley with sandstone cliffs and pink and white sands. This was the route taken by T E Lawrence and Sherif Hussein on their way to fight the Turks in World War I.

Lawrence made a study of “Crusader Castles” as an Undergraduate; he continued adding to the work which was published in 1936 after his death, and an updated edition was published in 1988. The Crusaders built a chain of hilltop fortifications extending from Turkey through Jordan along the ancient King’s Highway, Amman to Aqaba, to guard the trade routes. In 1132 they built a fortress at the walled town of Kerak which Saladin took in 1187. Built on a precipice to accommodate several thousand people and animals the castle had many galleries with cross-vaulted ceilings. A museum has been made in one of the battlement passages and remains of a reservoir can be seen.

The “Desert Castles” in the desert area east of Amman had differing purposes: palaces, baths, caravan stations or farming centres. Ted mentioned three sites:

Azraq castle is built of black basalt, the front gate is one huge basalt block on two pivots. Earlier Roman and Nabataean structures were re-built by the Umayyads (7th/8t h century AD) and again in the 13th century by a Mamluke Governor. Azraq was the only oasis in the Eastern desert, hence the fortress. In the 20th century Prince Faisal and Lawrence used it as their HQ whilst planning their final advance on Damascus.

Qasr El-Kharaneh, another Umayyad building has two floors of 50 rooms each. This was possibly a “caravanserai”, it is square with a central courtyard with large rooms which could have been stables.

Finally, Qasr Amra, an Umayyad bath complex/palace, similar to the earlier Roman baths. The hydraulic system has a well, tank, pipes, with a series of dams and cisterns. Frescoes on the walls and ceilings have been restored and Ted found it unusual in the Muslim world as they were representations of human images with scenes of hunting, wrestling, dancing… Thank you Ted, for the magic carpet ride.

Victor Jones

In the June Newsletter I reported on the Excavations Committee’s review of this season’s possible programme. I had intended to include a short description of projects the Society completed in recent years for those of our newer members who may not know the scope of these activities, and for those who have missed one or more of the items.

Our more recent activities all followed what was the Society’s largest and most ambitious undertaking, the long and complex “West Heath” excavation. This project resulted from a very observant younger member of the Society noticing some man-made flint pieces whilst out walking. Further investigation and excavation revealed a Mesolithic hunters’ camp site dated to about 8,500 years BP, not long after the end of the last glaciation, situated at the edge of Hampstead Heath just outside Golders Hill Park. Many items of worked flint including a number of tools and weapons were found, and the working areas where these were made were traced. Aspects of prevailing local climatic and environmental conditions could be studied from residues of various plant, insect and pollen remains.

In the number of members involved, range of subjects studied, public interest shown and prestige generated for the Society, it exceeded anything else we have undertaken. The project proved to be a major task and a great deal of planning and organisation were required. The work was undertaken in two stages, the first from 1976 to 1981 directed by one of our Vice-Presidents, Daphne Lorimer. The second 1982 to 1984 by Margaret Maher, another senior and highly qualified member of the Society. The project was guided and supervised by Desmond Collins.

The report was delayed for some years due to various publishing problems, and deals with the larger, first stage of the project. It describes the processes used to investigate the camp of the Mesolithic hunting people. Included are a wide range of aspects of their lives and environment: climatic conditions; kind of shelters they probably used; weapons and tools; cooking techniques; plants and trees. The report also includes drawings and photographs, reflecting great credit to its authors and to the Society. The special members’ price is £7.00 (£8.00 with p&p) and £13 to the public.

In the year following completion of the West Heath project no major work was undertaken by the Society.

The Hadley Wood Earthwork

A detailed survey of the Hadley Wood earthwork was made in 1982/3. This is a quarter-mile approx. trench and residual bank in the north east of the Borough. It was rapidly being lost by motor-cycle and bicycle erosion. No evidence for the date of the construction could be found. Further investigation could be considered and possibly documentary research might be used to this end.

The Burnt Oak investigation

The first large project was commenced in 1986 on an open area site near the centre of Burnt Oak, and was rescue work in advance of proposed development of the site for a car park. It is near to Roman “Watling Street”, now the Edgware Road, and the field has a stream running through it. It was thought it could possibly have been a stopping place for water and refreshment for horse and man, and of course, Roman finds have been made in this district.

The investigation used resistance surveying, the results of which showed points of interest and subsequent exploratory trenching located several pits. Most of these contained pottery sherds and other materials, none of these earlier than Victorian time, and much modern rubbish.

Most members will know the term “Rescue”. It is used, as it suggests, to describe excavation to recover any possible archaeological remains before building development disturbs the site.

Another newer term coming in to use is “Archaeological Assessment” . This describes the archaeological sampling of a site before planning consent is given, and then (with safeguards) leaving it below the new building for future, and perhaps better, archaeologists to find.

The Chipping Barnet, Spires Centre Project

This was commenced in 1987 arid continued into 1988. It was also a “Rescue” excavation, in advance of the building of the large central shopping precinct and new public library for the area, now completed and forming the new centre for Chipping Barnet.

It was undertaken to see the early building and/or remains of the original 12th century market which might be in this area. A number of exploratory trenches were dug as sites became available, as the very large-scale project proceeded. These were on the east side of the site as near as possible along the line of the old Great North Road and as close as we could get to the rear of the buildings along the road.

We found black, well-cultivated type soil about one metre deep on all sites. All had much modern and Victorian pottery and other remains, and a few late Georgian items.

We concluded that the area had long been used for cultivation, so it is unlikely that Chipping Barnet extended much further north of St Johns Church on the west side of the old Great North Road.

The Brockley Hill 1987 Project

During 1987 a two-months “Rescue” project was undertaken at Brockley Hill on the field to the east side of Watling Street, where the Society had on earlier fieldwalks found Roman pottery etc. This was in advance of the then proposed route of The Rivers pipeline, finally dug in 1990. A trench was dug across the route and exposed a road surface about 0.5m below the soil level, approximately 100 metres south of the present pipeline.

This road was judged to be a Middle Ages Roman-Road-bypass, perhaps at a time when this was unusable. Roman pottery, tile and brick had been found during previous exploratory fieldwalking. In the dig some medieval material was recovered. Later fieldwalking found Neolithic worked flint, and some possibly used tools and arrow head. Further areas in which flint fragments occurred were noted but could not be searched as the crop in the field was already too high to allow this.

The Hendon Ice House

In 1988 an Ice House in the grounds of St Joseph’s Convent School, Hendon was excavated. It had been suggested by former pupils of the school that there was a possible underground connection with the nearby St Mary’s Church. A large effort was made to remove a great volume of rubbish and soil accumulated within a large oval chamber about 10 ft high by 7 ft diameter.

What we had found was an ancestral version of the modern refrigerator as used in Europe from the 15th to 17th centuries and tracing back to possibly Greek origin as Alexander the Great is said to have used one. (Industrial archaeologists please note!) It uses the best available insulating methods – evaporate cooling, as do modern refrigerators.

More remarkably, we learnt of others in nearby Hampstead and other parts of London. The Hendon version is similar in size and design to one built for Charles II in the 17th century, situated in Green Park. Another of the same type is preserved and open to view in Kew Gardens, and was also built for Royal use.

The Hendon Ice House was well built and in good condition. We hoped to get it preserved as a feature of interest for the area (next to the Town Hall), but so far have had no response. Unfortunately we did not find evidence of its construction date except by association with the date of the rather late rebuilding of the nearby Grove House in the early 19th century. It’s presence seems to put the Hendon Manor in very good company as many Royal and “Great. Houses” of the Aristocracy had them in the 17th and 18th centuries.

The Whetstone Tudor House

In 1989 we were asked to investigate a house in Whetstone next to one we had studied some years previously which had been beautifully restored by a Whetstone building and development company. We quickly commenced the house study and an excavation in the grounds at the back of the property. The internal construction indicated an earlier construction date than suggested, and the excavation indicated that the house had at one time extended further to the rear by one or more structural bays. The excavation and the documentary studies were completed and proved the house was earlier than the listed date and was probably built in 1495.

English Heritage were this year called in to draw the timber roof structure and this explained why the document sometimes referred to two adjacent cottages and sometimes to three. It appears that these and the adjoining cottage were at time jointly owned.

An excavation near St Mary’s Church, East Barnet

This project was also undertaken in 1989, a result of a collapsed well-cover on the site of a farm cottage adjacent to the Church. The collapse was found to be in the capping of a well, and further excavation of the cottage area found Victorian construction with a natural soil level below.

East Barnet remains an enigma. The church is very old (earlier than St John’s in Chipping Barnet), and is a Dependency of St Albans, but there is no trace of the village community which it might serve.

The Mitre Inn, Barnet

The-Mitre is said to be 17th century and is the only example now left of the 100 or more public houses and inns which were Barnet’s Main activity in pre-railway times.

The project commenced in September 1989 and was undertaken in advance of development of land at the rear of the Mitre. We had much help from Barnet Museum and the Local History Society.

The ground here has a natural slope and had been built up and surfaced to provide vehicle standing. Clearance was a considerable problem, taking several weeks. It was necessary to dig through various layers of tarmac and brick rubble to reach the first Victorian building remains, then deeper still to earlier construction. We found various 17th and 18th century pottery sherds. Below this was a deep stony soil layer containing mainly Medieval pottery fragments of 11th to 13th century date. Among this material was also found some datable Roman material. This, together with similar items found in an earlier dig in the area, may indicate some Roman connection. The project continued throughout 1989.

The “Charity House”, 19/25 High Street, Barnet

In 1990 a site on the opposite side of the road to the Mitre was being cleared for,
development. This was a somewhat disturbed site, however we found several small
undisturbed areas with pottery of 12th to 14th century date as well as later materials.

A further 1990 project was to watch the Three Rivers pipeline construction which has been described in recent newsletters. Copies of these are still available if required.


By | Past Newsletters, Volume 5 : 1990 - 1994 | No Comments

Newsletter 243 June 1991 Edited by Jean Snelling

Saturday June 15 Outing to the Museum of English Rural Life, Reading, with River Trip to Mapledurham. With Ted Sammes.

(Details and application form enclosed).

Saturday July 13 Historic Chatham Docks.

Saturday August 10
National Archaeologists Day, Hertford.

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, August 30, 31, Sept. 1,
Weekend in Norwich.

Saturday October 5 City Walk with Mary O’Connell.

Saturday October 12 Minimart at St Mary’s Church House, Hendon.

Members are invited by the Finchley Friends of Israel to a lecture at 8 pm on Wednesday June 12, to be given by Mr Alexander Flinder, the Underwater Archaeologist, on “Secrets of the Bible.Seas”. This will be his personal account, with slides, of underwater investigation over 20 years,

The lecture will be held in the Methodist Church Hall, Ballards Lane, N3. Refreshments will be served. The entrance to the Hall is in the side street, Essex Park. The Church is opposite Victoria Park.

Our invitation comes from Mr M Grossobel, of 61 Tithe Walk, London NW7 2PY to whom any further question should be addressed.

Members and Membership

Membership of HADAS for the year ending 31 March 1991 was 369.For the previous year it was 372.

We are very happy to welcome 28 new members who have joined from April 1990 up to mid-May 1991. Our welcome is rather late for the earlier ones, we apologise.

Miss J Belgrave, Miss J Blason, Mr J Cymberg, Mr Adam Daniels, Mrs J Gibson,

Mr W Griffiths, Mrs A Hardy, Mr M J Hutchinson, Mr P Kilipack, Miss L Minney,

Mrs E Moss, Mr J D Noonan and his parents ,11″ & Mrs Noonan, Miss L K Northcroft,

Ms K Owen, Mr B Schroder, Mr J Przybyla, Mr S M Redmond, Mr J Ryan,

Mrs J G Shepherd, Miss S J Smith, Miss E G Taylor, Mrs N Towler,

Miss C E M Troddin, Mr P A Wheatley, Mr J A Williams, Mrs M Marshall,

A tweed cap was found in the Hendon library lecture room soon after the April lecture. Is it YOURS? If so phone Dorothy Newbury 081 203 0950

Back Garden Archaeology

At the recent LAMAS conference the voluntary societies were urged to revive the good old practice named above. Now we are indebted to Mr C Silvertown, a resident of Temple Fortune, for extending the concept to allotments and for following up the research. He has kindly sent his report.

Over the past several years I have found a total of four early clay pipes (partial) on my allotment site, enclosed between Asmuns Place and Asmuns Hill NW11.

The two complete bowls (tulip shaped) are milled just below the lip, but the size of the foot or spur differs. The Guide to the Department of Urban Archaeology Clay Tobacco Type series, Museum of London, which is based on that devised by Atkinson & Oswald (1969) identifies a Type 2 bowl (c 1580-1610) and a Type 9 bowl (c 1640-1660).

The fragment of spur and stem found would appear to be Type 28 (c 1820-1840).

Note – The Barnet Museum , 31 Wood Street, Barnet, has a regular display of clay tobacco pipes showing proposed dates. Open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursday 2.30 – 4.30. Saturdays 10.0-12.0, 2.30-4.30. Tel. 081 440 8066.

News from English Heritage

Stewart J Wild quotes from the Guide to English Heritage Properties 1991 –

“In 1066 William the Conquror landed in Sussex at Pevensey. He then marched to Hastings and defeated King Alfred, irrevocably changing the course of English history”.

Annual General Meeting 7 May 1991

The following were nominated and elected as officers for the Society for 1991-2

Chairman Andrew Selkirk Vice Chairman John Enderby

Honorary Secretary Brian Wrigley Honorary Treasurer Victor Jones

Committee Christine Arnott, Micky Cohen, Phyllis Fletcher, John Heathfield, Alan Lawson, Margaret Maher, Dorothy Newbury, Peter Pickering, Ted Sammes, Andrew Simpson, Jean Snelling, Myfanwy Stewart.

Brian Wrigley and Victor Jones indicated their intentions to resign their posts in the coming year.

Elizabeth Holliday has agreed to assist with the Secretary’s duties.

The Committee’s decision was announced, to employ the title HADAS (Based on the Borough of Barnet).

After the Meeting Andrew Simpson and Bill Bass showed their clear and informative slides of the recent dig at 19-25 High Street, Barnet.

Phyllis Fletcher has informed the Committee of her wish to be relieved of her post as Honorary Membership Secretary during the coming year.

She, with Brian Wrigley and Victor Jones will have clocked up between them almost thirty years of service in their three posts. Without wishing to intimidate their successors, members will want to appreciate their longevity, and their stalwart work for the Society..

Of course they are not leaving HADAS, they just want more time for their other activities with us.


We sadly announce the death last month of Diana Wade. She and her husband Christopher were historian and Curator of the Hampstead Museum., Burgh House. Both were HADAS members as was their daughter Joanna, who will be remembered by West Heath diggers.


June Gibson reports that the Secretary of State for the Environment has turned down the application for planning permission for the proposed new bridge.

He considers that “there is a need to bring forward, as a matter of urgency, proposals which will meet the traffic needs of the area but which are compatible with the Conservation Area and the World Heritage status of the Gorge”.

HADAS members who visited Ironbridge last year, and no doubt many others, will await developments with much interest. Both the public enquiry and the other expressions of public opinion have contributed to the present respite.

Peter Pickering

We recently visited Arizona to see our son. We had not previously realized how many well-preserved Indian ruins there were. It was hard, however, to get a clear picture of the history of the American South-west, since there were several tribes and a good deal of migration, while the differences between the cultures were often subtle. But it seems that many sites were abandoned and peoples moved away or died out sometime before the coming Europeans, perhaps following a climatic change.

Indian sites are found throughout Arizona, amid the high pine forests near the Grand Canyon, in the Painted Desert to the East, and surrounded by the giant saguaro cacti of the southern hills. The Holakam round Phoenix dug extensive canals for their farming, and had courts like the inhabitants of Central America, they disappeared about 1400 AD (“Holakam” means “those who have gone” in a later language). The Anasazi were the major culture of the North-East, living in pueblo villages, and migrated at the end of the thirteenth century – among their descendants may be the Hopi Indians of to­day. We stayed in a motel on the Hopi reservation, and were captivated by the lively “Kochine” dolls they make. The Sinagua round about Flagstaff disappeared in the early fifteenth century, and the Salado, whose pottery is particularly attractive, vanished or were absorbed at about the same time. The sites are very varied. Many of them were apparently undefended settlements, with the different dwellings built contiguously, access being by ladders. But others – “Montezuma’s Castle” and Tonto – were built high up steep cliffs, with what must have been defensive intent. In one, but only one, Casa Grande, there was a single dominant building with massive walls of caliche and openings oriented on the sun at the solstice and the furthest point of the moon’s 18.5 year cycle. In another there was sunken room of probably ritual purpose, with benches and what was said to be an altar. Some sites were very small, and not large, though there are a very great number – for instance the rather meagre remains of one site close to the Grand Canyon is representative of some 2000 which have not been excavated or preserved. In the Painted Desert we saw petroglyphs, a mixture of representations of humans or animals (one striking one of a heron with a frog in its beak) and abstract designs, reminiscent of prehistoric art elsewhere. In the South, between Tucson and the Mexican border, Jesuits and, later, Franciscans established mission stations, with striking churches in a distinctive version of the baroque.

The ubiquitous visitors’ centres, and the fine museum of Indian art in Phoenix, had good collections of pottery – almost all with attractive bold designs in two or three colours – and less impressive collections of woven vessels, stone tools and a few textiles.

All but one of the sites we visited were run by the National parks Service, extremely well labelled, and sometimes with informed guides, but slightly antiseptic. I was amused by the way they made visitors keep to the paths.

I wonder if a pictogram of a snake would help at Stonehenge. One site, Besh-na-Gowah, however, was run by the local town Council, and the curator was much more like a HADAS person. She was obviously working on the pottery from the site, some of which she let me handle, and she sold me a tee-shirt with one of their finest (but now stolen) pieces depicted on it. This site had had much reconstruction work done, so that it could easily be comprehended by schoolchildren.

Finchley Walk 12th May 1991

A diversified programme was planned by Dorothy Newbury which walkers were able to juggle according to choice. The elements were Church End Finchley, Avenue House grounds, the HADAS workroom there, the Sternberg Centre for Judaism and the moat of Finchley C13 manor house, both at Manor House, East End

Mr David Smith, Vice president of the Finchley Society, led us in the Conservation Area of Hendon Lane/East End Road. His old-boy knowledge of Christs College enlivened that listed building. After a nod to the Church we imagined the excitement of Britain’s first motorised fire engine spluttering out of the old fire station, now disguised as shops. Park House (1739) and Flora Cottage (1850) represented the elegance of the old village centre, where Gravel Hill lost its gravel to the incoming turnpike of Regents Park Road (1826). Avenue House stood gaunt with its burnt wing but surprised many walkers with its remarkable public garden, unusual in its exotic trees collected by Henry Stephens on ink-selling travels and now reaching maturity. Wishes to return with more leisure were expressed.

Mr Smith delivered us safely further along East End Road to the Sternberg Centre. Coffee and a sit-down led up to the small but intense London Museum of Jewish Life with its collection of documents, photographs, maps, posters of East End London and memorabilia. A reconstructed tailors’ sweat shop looked deserted only minutes ago and a kitchen added to our party’s exclamations of “I remember – – “. Down stairs in the old drawing room was a special
exhibition based on the Jews of Aden, an ancient Arabian community which was forced to leave its last refuge of Aden in 1967, most people going to Israel but a minority settling in Stamford Hill. life in Aden and in London was the theme of the largely photographic collection, showing, a interesting community, totally new to most of us.

A dozen of us went to the garden to see the moat o the earlier manor house. Well – first find your moat. You would think it large enough – about 90 metres long in an L shape and 20 metres wide; but recently so overgrown in a wild garden that it is almost lost. The area was levelled to make a formal garden when the present Manor House was built by Thomas Alien in 1723, and in the 1920s the then convent school made it a sports ground. We know of the Old manor only from records. Belonging to the Bishops of London, possibly from Saxon times, it was leased from 1244 to a long series of London merchants who used the house and collected rents from the local families who leased all the farm land. In 1504 a lease listed the manor house, an orchard and another building as being within a moat” and a great barn and a long stable as being adjacent to the moat. In 1664 the Hearth Tax was paid on 19 hearths in the house. All this was cleared in 1723. A long islanded fishpond, first recorded in 1692 but of unknown age, remained alongside Squires Lane (opposite the present house) until this century, when it was drained and later built over for the Manor View houses. This pond appeared on old postcards erroneously titled “Finchley Moat”. All this felt a long way off as our party stood among the weeds in the old moat.

Most walkers then returned to Avenue House grounds to visit the garden room that is now the HADAS work place. The library, the computer, desks, a small committee table, some finds, some records, a sink, with access both to Avenue House and the garden; even with 20 people blocking one’s view it all looked very good. Victor Jones, Andy Simpson and Bill Bass had arranged for us a small exhibition of potsherds, drawings and photographs of recent HADAS sites. It was a fitting end to a very good, and sunny, afternoon with something for everyone to enjoy and remember.

Bounty for your Bookshelf

Full marks to Finchley’s Christs College School for the booklet it has produced to mark the school’s move from its long-time home in Hendon Lane to the Brookland site in East End Road. This is a copiously illustrated history of the school and its scholastic and sporting triumphs from its beginning – with three pupils – in 1857 in what had been, until then, a notorious Tudor-built pub, the Queen’s Head. Within a year a new wing had been added and there were 150 boarding pupils; within three years an entire new building had been built, in Gothic diapered brickwork and with a distinctive tower which was to dominate the Finchley skyline and to act “as a focal point architecturally and aesthetically in the develop­ment of Church End.” Sadly, the fate of those buildings, very much a part of Finchley’s history, hangs in the balance as we write.

If you would like to add this booklet to your own collection of local history, you can get a copy from Judy Berle, 271 Creighton Avenue, London N2 9BP, price 6£. Profits will go to school funds.

Another local offering, also highly commended, is The Streets of Belsize, published a month or so ago by the Camden History Society. This is a revised and enlarged edition of More Streets of Hampstead, originally published in 1973, and has been compiled by the Society’s History Group and edited by Christopher Wade (who is also a member of HADAS).

Again, it is well-produced and illustrated (maps, line drawings, photographs, reproductions of paintings and advertisements) and packed with facts. Not the least interesting of these is the litany of famous and notorious names of those who have lived on the streets of Belsize ­ranging from Edward Elgar to Dr Crippen, from the heavy-weight Dame Clara Butt to the feather-weight Twiggy. This will cost £5.95 to add to your collection, and you can get it by post from the Belsize Bookshop, 193 Haverstock Hill, NW3 kQL. Add 90p for post/packing.

Not specifically local, but a general book which should be on every local historian’s shelf: a recent addition to the Shire “Discovering” series, Discovering Parish Boundaries, by Angus Winchester. This 88 page booklet, illustrated with maps and plans and a central clutch of photo­graphs, is a solid and concise exposition of how the admimristrative units of medieval England grew up; and despite the title, Dr Winchester doesn’t confine himself to the parish. He covers lordships and townships, hundreds and wapentakes, dioceses and deaneries. He describes boundary stones and markers, surveys and perambulations, and adds a chapter on parishes in Scotland and Wales.

There is also a full and useful appendix on further reading, and finally a note on which place-names record boundaries. Price £2.50 from Shire Publications, Cromwell House, Church Street, Princes Risborough Bucks HP17 9AJ.

The Newsletter looks forward greatly to Professor Colin Renfrew’s latest publication – the third, as it were, in a series of blockbusters. The first, in 1973, was Before Civilisation, which took apart radio-carbon dating and its effect on pre-history. The next, in 1987, put the cat among the linguists, with Archaeology and Language, in which Professor Renfrew (recently created a life-peer) turned Indo-European origins upside down. The latest – the publishers’ blurb calls it “a watershed achievement” – is “Archaeology – Theories, Methods and Practice”, and is written with Paul Bahn.

Thoughts in Avenue House Garden Room
Micky Cohen

Many of us who visited Finchley landmarks on the HADAS May outing finished up at our Garden Room at Avenue House. Victor Jones and Andy Simpson had kindly set up a small exhibition for our benefit. There were examples of finds made recently, our large exhibition screen panels on the Barnet Market Place and Whetstone digs and a selection of publications.

First, congratulations are due to those who worked so hard to set our books and records in good order following the fire. The pleasant garden room was spick and span, finds neatly labelled and stored on shelving, books in good order. Those of us making our first visit were impressed. The Room is large enough to accommodate all this plus a sink and essentials for tea making equipment.

As a relative newcomer to HADAS I was most intrigued by the display of Transactions of the North Middlesex Archaeological Society (now part of LAMAS) and their Roman digs at Brockley Hill. These started in 1937, were interrupted by the war and continued in the 40s and 50s with HADAS participating. The site Sulloniace was certainly a pottery and may have been a Roman staging post although there is no direct evidence. That may well be lost to us under the Orthopaedic Hospital on the brow of the hill. Nevertheless the finds were important. Same of the pottery from the post war digs was lodged with the then Hendon Borough Council, later Barnet Council. Storage conditions were not entirely satisfactory so HADAS assumed responsibility and through the good offices of John Enderby the material has been stored at the Institute in Hampstead Garden Suburb.

About ten years ago some of the material was exhibited at Church Farm House Museum. I wonder if the time has come to exhibit again. Many of us more recent members may have no idea of the breadth of practical work the Society has undertaken in the past. It includes excavation in the Greyhound Hill area ­Saxon Hendon; and at St Mary’s Hendon – Roman finds – and of course the West Heath prehistoric dig. All this with recent work at Barnet and Whetstone would make a fine ‘retrospective’ – an opportunity for existing members to catch up on the past and perhaps an attraction to draw in new members. It would need a lot of work, but what about it, HADAS?

Plans for the 1991 season. Victor Jones

The Excavation Subcommittee has met to consider possible projects for this year. So far no urgent ‘rescue digs’ require the immediate action that has kept us so busy in the last few years. Three planning applications for development on sites of possible archaeological interest will need investigation. There are also possible projects which in my view should be looked at again now that the rescue work has diminished.

Some members who have joined the Society In recent years might be interested in an account in outline of archaeological undertakings in the recent past, which will be included in a coming Newsletter. Earlier work of the Society is incorporated in the general archaeological and historical account of this area in our publication, Barnet, A Place in Time, which we hope most members will have bought and read.

The three possible development sites mentioned above are – Golders Green Road near the North Circular Road; West Heath Road; and Old Folds moated site near Arkley.

In Golders Green Road is the site of Sutcliffes’ demolished gardening shop, just beyond the Prince Albert pub, now Harvester Restaurant. It was a blacksmith works in the 30s, going back to about 1820 and may have been there much earlier. It is near both the Woodlands and the Old Swan pub sites where HADAS conducted excavations and found medieval pottery and traces of an early road.

The West Heath Road project is for a development on the south side of the road. Although some distance from our West Heath site, it might be interesting to watch and perhaps trial trench, if we can get permission. In addition to the Mesolithic hunters’ site we also found a Saxon hearth, probably made for charcoal burning. It is possible that other occupation areas might exist in the surroundings.

The Old Folds redevelopment application is for the remaining moated area of this very old interesting and listed site. It is now the work and vehicleparking space for a golf club. This is thought to be right in the centre of the area where the Battle of Barnet commenced in 1471 and where many died. The memorial Highstone is only a short distance away, at the junction of two roads. It is thought possible that the foundations of the original moated building may be on the site.

Other possible undertakings being discussed include the following – field walking an area of Brockley Hill where more Neolithic flints, worked, might be found, like those collected in 1987examining an open space in Childs Hill where there was an ancient farm investigating the area near the Hadley Brewers Arms called I believe Dead man’s Ditch or Galley, very near the battle site. Resistance testing at St Joseph’s Convent near the Burroughs where earlier HADAS excavation found a medieval site assessing by documentary and map research and visits the more distant and peripheral areas and other less investigated parts of the Borough tracing by resistance testing the boundaries in the Borough of the mediaeval park of the Bishops of London.

Visiting the site of the 13th c moated manor of Finchley

University of Oxford Department for Continuing Education

Bewley House, 1 Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JA phone 0365 270369/270360

Archaeology and Local History Summer School August 3-17 1991

Computing for Archaeologists (beginners) 23-24 November 1991

The Hundred Years War 8-10 November 1991

The Urban Form in Europe 3000 BC to AD 1000 13-15 December 1991

Landscapes of the Past: Archaeology and Social History Tours Spring & Autumn 1991, Lucy Walker & Diana Williamson 10 Mayorswell Close. Gilesgate, Durham DH1 1JU


By | Past Newsletters, Volume 5 : 1990 - 1994 | No Comments

Newsletter 242 May 1991 edited by Andy Simpson


Tuesday May 7th Annual General Meeting. Minutes of the 1990 AGM included in this newsletter. Come and help plot your society’s course for the coming year. “BE THERE OR BE SQUARE” Slides of our activities after the meeting.

Sunday May 12th Walk and afternoon visit to the Museum of Jewish Life, Finchley Application form enclosed.

Saturday June 8th Essex History Fair – part of the battle of Maldon Millennium year – see separate leaflet enclosed.

Saturday June 15th Outing to Mapledurham with Ted Sammes

Saturday July 15th Outing to historic Chatham Docks- ships, figureheads, dockyard railway, and the 1878 built steam-powered sloop HMS Gunnet undergoing restoration. A true relic of gunboat diplomacy.

Saturday August 10th Outing to Hertford for National Archaeologists’ day

Friday, Saturday, Weekend In and Around Norwich. Now fully

Sunday, August booked, but contact Dorothy Newbury (203 0950)

30, 31 and Sept 1st to join the reserves bench.


I wonder how many members were shocked by the article about Stonehenge on

page 3 of the Daily Mail recently. It seems that the gradual slowing of the Earth’s rotation has resulted in the misalignment of the stones such that sunrise on Midsummer’s Day is badly out of line. The plan is therefore to dismantle the monument and build a new motorway through the site. Stonehenge would then be re-erected in a more prominent place, such as the summit of Snowdon.

A Japanese consortium has put in an alternative bid worth £2 billion to buy Stonehenge and re-site it on top of sacred Mount Fuji in order to enhance Japan’s reputation as the Land of the Rising Sun.

The article concludes with the news that a decision will be taken today and that work will start in exactly one year’s time. The date of the article? April 1st!


HADAS members may remember Priory Cottage in Hadley Green Road, whose listed 19th century coach house was demolished without permission in 1984. The owner was fined £10,000 for the offence, later he wanted to build a new three bedroom house on the site, this plan was rejected by Barnet Council. Councillors were willing only to allow the owner to re-build the coach house with a small extension at the back. There was an appeal to the Department of the Environment, John Davies an inspector of the DOE said: “To allow replacement dwellings so significantly larger than the originals would, in my view destroy the historic character in the areas of Monken Hadley”. Mr Davies said the plans were out of keeping with Green belt policy and would damage the setting of a nearby house The Grove.

(As Reported in Barnet Borough Times 28th March 1991)


MINUTES of the 29th Annual General Meeting held at Hendon Library, The Burroughs, NW4 on Tuesday May 8th 1990 at 8.30 pm.

In the Chair: The President 51 Members attended

1. The Chairman welcomed Members.

Apologies for absence: Ann Lawson, Camilla Raab, Ted Sammes, Brian Wibberley, Shiela Woodward.

2. Minutes of the 28th AGM on 9th 1989 were approved and signed.

The Annual Report (copy in Minute Book) was given by the Chairman, Andrew Selkirk.

The Accounts (copy in the Minute Book) were presented by the Hon Treasurer, Victor Jones.

The Annual Report and the Accounts were accepted nem con.

3. Vice-Presidents: the following were confirmed in office:

Mrs Brigid Grafton Green Miss D P Hill

Mr Brian Jarman Mrs Daphne Lorimer

Mr E Sammes Mr Andrew Saunders

Election of Officers: there being one nomination for each vacancy, the following were declared elected:

Chairman: Andrew Selkirk Hon Secretary: Brian Wrigley

V-Chairman: John Enderby Hon Treasurer: Victor Jones

Election of Committee: There being 11 nominations for 13 vacancies, the following were declared elected:

Christine Arnott, Deirdre Barrie, Phyllis Fletcher, Ted Sammes, Alan Lawson, Margaret Maher, Andrew Simpson, Peter Pickering, Dorothy Newbury, Jean Snelling and Myfanwy Stewart

Consideration of organisation of HADAS library/librarians: debate was introduced by the Chairman, Andrew Selkirk, who pointed out the situation that after damage to many of our books, our insurance claim has been paid so we have the money to begin to replace our collection and must consider afresh what we want to do. comments were invited. Points made in discussion included:

Did we need a library and what purpose(s) should it serve?

There is some possibility of a joint venture with the LBB library service to make our books available to the public as well as more readily to Members.

We should bear in mind the importance of information being available to schools, and of interesting the young generation in our current excavations.

We should organise exhibitions in schools, with suitable equipment, to arouse interest.

We should now set out to equip the library with books useful for Members taking archaeological study courses.

Members appreciated the system of having books available for loan/return at monthly lecture meetings.

Discussion concluded with a recommendation by the President of appointing a sub-committee to consider the matter, taking account of all the views expressed.

The following resolution (proposed by Percy Reboul, seconded by Andrew-Pares) was carried by a large majority (2 against):

This Meeting calls upon the Committee to consider changing the name of the organisation to reflect more accurately the scope and geographical boundaries of its activities to-day.

Points made in discussion included:

That to express the geographical boundaries accurately required the phrase “Barnet Borough” and for this such a change there was a need to consult other Societies as well as the London Borough of Barnet itself.

To change a name already widely known could be an overall disadvantage.

The suggestion of “Hendon Barnet & District AS”.

Some potential members were deterred from joining by not realising the Society covered the whole Borough.

Opinions and suggestions could be asked for in the columns of the Newsletter.

There being no other business, the formal part of the Meeting ended at 9.35 pm.

After the formal Meeting, there was a short talk by Andrew Simpson on the Whetstone dig.

SERIAC 91 One Day Conference – 23 March 1991 Stewart J Wild

As members of Greater London Industrial Archaeology Society, Bill Firth and I attended the South East Regional Industrial Archaeology Conference at the Science Museum on 23 March. A series of well-illustrated and well- researched dissertations included some case histories from Southampton, the role of English Heritage in the preservation of significant industrial sites and their conversion to modern uses, and the work of the Railway Heritage Trust.

After lunch we heard about the work of the National Trust, with particular reference to a success story in the Vale of Neath where an early watermill and tin smelting works has been restored to such an extent that water power is now generating electricity which the NT sells at 6 pence a unit.

Dr Thomas Wright of the Science Museum spoke about the difficulties of keeping up with the pace of technological advances, particularly in science and medicine. There was good news that the PRISM fund (i.e state funding) was now empowered to give money for pro-active early conservation of buildings, machines etc as well as re-active acquisition at a later stage. An eminent professor from Canada spoke of the growth of Industrial Archaeology internationally, with particular reference to the USA, Canada and Spain, and the Director of the Science Museum, Dr. Neil Cossons, brought the conference to a close with a call for more IA training, university courses etc., and the pleas that there should be more emphasis on the

Archaeological aspect of IA.Overall an enjoyable and worthwhile conference left me with the impression that although funds are scarce, IA is certainly a growth industry. Delegates were later invited to visit Kirkcaldy’s Testing Museum in Southwark where David Kirkcaldy’s amazing 1864 Testing Machine was demonstrating its awesome power in testing steel, concrete etc to destruction exactly as it did when it was installed 127 years ago.

GLIAS membership costs £7 per annum – further details from Hon. Secretary Bill Firth on 081-455 7164


“Tram lines have caused hundreds of telephones to be cut off more than 50 years after the streetcars stopped running. Old cables laid along the Great North Road by Barnet Odeon caused up to 800 phone lines around the area to go down, the tram lines were tarmacked under the road surface and over years they sank under the weight of all the traffic and damaged the cables underneath”.

The above was a report in a local newspaper, the lines in question belonged to the Metropolitan Electric Tramways (M.E.T) in conjunction with the Middlesex and Herts County Council, the terminus was sited at Barnet Parish Church.

Towards the end of the 19th century tramway operators in London began rapidly to decline and most were absorbed into municipal control as a result of the 1870 Tramways Act. The M.E.T. system was by far and away the largest company operator and second in size only to London County Council, it was incorporated in 1894 as the M.E.T Tramways and Omnibus Co. Ltd. Services reached Whetstone in 1905 and Barnet on the 28th March 1907. Rapid growth brought the total of route miles worked to 53.5, including 42.5 miles owned by Middlesex County Council and 1.5 miles by Hertfordshire County Council at the northern end of the Barnet route. There was a depot at North Finchley and a Depot/Works at Colindale.

The M.E.T. was noted in its later years for experiments towards improved tramcar design, unfortunately one such experimental vehicle was involved in a collision on Barnet Hill due to a fault in the air-braking system, the driver, who was not used to the characteristics of the vehicle, received fatal injuries

On the 1st July 1933 the London Passenger transport Board took over the M.E.T together with all other London Transport undertakings.

Tramcars finished their last journeys around 1938 when they were replaced by Trolley Buses which, not being restricted to following rails laid in the road, were able to pass around obstructions such as parked vehicles and they were more comfortable and quieter then the trams.

(The Trolleybuses themselves last ran to Edgware and Barnet on 2nd January 1962, an event marked by heavy snowfall. The depot at Colindale was used to scrap many of London’s trolley buses the last in September 1962, four months after London’s last trolleybus on the Fulwell route in South London. It was demolished in 1965.-Ed).

LAMAS – 28th Conference of London Archaeologists
Andy Simpson

Museum of London 22nd March 1991

The event this year was moderately well attended, with a small HASAS contingent present, some of us being involved with our sales/exhibition stand. Our new exhibition got much attention, but like the few other exhibitors the sales left something to be desired, since most people seemed rather parochial in their archaeological interests!

The morning session offered an excellent selection of talks. The Roman period was covered by Taryn Nixon’s talk on DUA excavations on the roman cemetery at Smithfield, 1 of 3 main extra mural settlements of the period. Ms Nixon was at pains to point out that the dead were being studied to learn about the living. The cemetery had been intensively used – 120 burials in an area 15m square! – so there was little regard for previous burials, which were all coffined and had differing alignments – too mixed to differentiate ‘christian’ or ‘pagan’. There was some jewellery but no sign of monuments or tombstones, suggesting a fairly low status. The oldest person was barely 40 – many died in their teens, and there were few women.

John Mills of the DGLA covered excavations of a Saxon site at Winslow Road, Fulham, adjacent to the Thames, in advance of office development. Shallow stratigraphy included saxon clay, pottery, gullies, pits and postholes, the latter associated with sunken-floored huts, often 12 post’ buildings. Some postholes contained bone comb fragments of the fifth-seventh century. An unusual find was some lead weights and an articulated house burial. At 5 miles from central London, this is the nearest early Saxon settlement to London yet found. The Saxon period was also covered by the Passmore Edwards Museum excavations at Barking Abbey, near the river Neding.

Here too, Saxon evidence was sought, and found in the shape of traces of saxon buildings slumped into backfilled gravel pits, leaving traces of beamslots and postholes. Saxon finds in the fill of these pits included bone comb fragments and glassware, mostly imported, and a splendid iron weaving sword of middle saxon dates, and some gold thread. 8 sceuths of C. 730 were recovered, together with a whistle made from a gooses’ leg bone!

Traces of outbuildings of this Saxon abbey, probably of the 10th century included a stone built celler, a glass kiln, and a timber-lined well.

Mike Webber described excavations at Lambeth in search of the Duke of Norfolk’s palace, built in the 16th century. Residual prehistoric, roman and saxon material was found on the Lambeth road site, together with a well preserved wooden medieval silt scoop, pitched with leather 14th Century flourkley and re-used 14th Century architectural fragments.

Docklands archaeology was covered by Mike Hutchinson’s talk on rescue work prior to building of the linear E-W routeway. This was partly illustrated by an interesting short video describing the project. Trial trenching and selective larger excavations, for instance at Dunbar Wharf, were carried

out, in advance of this ‘Limehouse link’ road. The Dunbar Wharf excavations revealed extensive remains of the short-lived Porcelain Works of Joseph Wilson, in production 1744-1748. The material recovered gave a securely dated porcelain collection – useful comprehensive source for porcelain sundries.

The afternoon session was given over to Politics – the effects of the proposed changes imposed by English Heritage upon the Museum of London and the result this will have upon the museum’s ability to carry out effective archaeological work.

Dominic Perring of English Heritage pointed out that the ‘developer pays’ principle was spreading from London, so the developers needed good guidance from local authorities and planning depts, and guidance through ‘briefs’ and research designs. Targets had to be set and digs written up more quickly.

Harvey Sheldon, Head of the DGLA, felt no confidence in the future, though he appreciated the value of developer funding, it should not be relied upon exclusively. He opposed project funding and the progressive withdrawal of the MoL’s establishment grant by English Heritage. He feared that, with English Heritages’ own planning advice team working in London from summer 1991 it would become a reactive rather than a creative organisation.

David Barker, Bedfordshires County Archaeologist stressed need for efficient use of resources and involve all interested parties – the doers and the users.

Colin Bolt, as ‘amateur’ representative, pointed out the value of use of societes for small digs and on slow moving sites, giving HADAS a good plug as one of the few active societies in the excavations fields, and that standing buildings – ‘upright Archaeology’ should receive more attention, these being ideal items for amateur groups to study.

Local groups could also re-assess previously exhausted material.He suggested that LAMAS should create regional groups from the ranks of active amateur archaeologists.

A member of the Southwark planning Dept reminded us that developers need to make a profit – around 15% on the average site, and planning authorities could be held financial responsible for affecting development through archaeological or other priorities.

Richard Hughes, consulting archaeologist with a developer, suggested that archaeologists should study the ‘natural’ more as a way of understanding how the buildings that stood on it actually worked.

Tim Schadla – Hall of the Society of Museum Archaeologists stressed the need for good management – and that London Archaeology needs independent status to be able to make feasible responses and provide information and action, whilst providing quality and value for money.

LAMAS Day Conference – Discussion Session Jean Snelling

In the general discussion, forceful views came from the floor and contributions had finally to be cut off as time ran out. The general theme was alarm for the future of the Museum of London’s excavation work and for its necessary support by conservation, environmental and other technical investigations, research and publication.

All these were seen to be threatened by diminution or diversification by English Heritage of financial support, as it had been initiated by the former Greater London council. Speakers emphasised that reputable archaeology could not be achieved by excavations financed only project by project which no continuing planning and support service. The English Heritage panel member expressed empathy with these views while feeling unable to forecast his organisation’s policy.Other speakers stressed the value of renewing cooperation between professional archaeologists and volunteers, and also between professional services and local societies; mutual need for each other was expressed, and the hope that local societies would not wither away or cease to undertake excavations and to publish their results.

On the issue of having a central body for London which could advise on possible sites which could be worth excavating (this was getting at E H again), it was pointed out that some of the most significant discoveries of recent years turned up on sites where they had not been expected (eg the Guildhall amphitheatre). The preference of Developers was underlined, for direct and continued contact with the archaeologists who were to excavate or were actually excavating their sites; they would not value rather generalised advice from a body without the closest concern. A further shot from Developers stated that archaeologists could benefit by being more knowledgeable about geological conditions encountered on sites.

A speaker recommended the several excellent museums of archaeology to be found in Japan.This led to exclamations that local archaeological discoveries belonged to the local people, that good museums could channel such interests, and that government should not be the arbiters of policy for archaeology.

Finally, the Chairman repeated his initial question. How many of you feel confident about the future of London archaeology? Not a hand was raised.


Exhibition – Pharmacy Past, Present and Future. Church Farm House

Museum 4th May – 9th June and at Barnet Museum 2nd July ­31st August.

Exhibition – The Rota Tracts and Pamphlets 1620 – 1712.

Church Farm Museum 21st March – 23rd June –

Covers Stuart tracts and pamphlets, from Royalists to witchcraft to Sermons and verses.


Readers will be glad to know that at long last the West Heath report is with the printers and will shortly appear as part of the BAR series. It is hoped to hold a special launch event in late May or early June.


By | Past Newsletters, Volume 5 : 1990 - 1994 | No Comments


Please note the advertised lecture “Valley of the Kings” has been post­poned to Tuesday October 1st. Ted Sammes has kindly stepped in to talk and show slides of archaeological sites in Jordan.

Tuesday 2nd April A SMALL DISPLAY by Tessa Smith

At the April Lecture, there will be a small display of finds from the “pipeline” field walking. Do come and look.


Ted Sammes, one of our Vice Presidents, needs no introduction. Last year he visited Jordan for a fourteen day period, little knowing what events would be in store for the Middle East later in the year.

Ted will show a selection of slides in an endeavour to cover much of the history/archaeology of Jordan. We will see views of PETRA, JERASH, a British Museum dig at TELL ES-SA ID1YEH, MOUNT NERO, MADABA and some desert castles, with a hot-spa site thrown in for good measure.

Saturday April 13th Local History Open Weekend with Barnet Local History


Tuesday May 7th Annual General Meeting

Sunday May 12th
Walk and afternoon visit to the Museum of Jewish Life, Finchley

Saturday June 8th Essex History Fair (See page 5 of February Newsletter)

Saturday June 15th Outing to Mapledurham, with Ted Sammes

Saturday July 13th
Outing to historic Chatham Docks

Saturday August 10th Outing to Hertford – National Archaeologists’ Day

Lectures are held at the Central Library, The Burroughs, Hendon, at 8.00 for 8.30 pm.

Dorothy Newbury adds: the entry for the Weekend in Norwich (Fri/Sat/Sun August 30/31, September 1st) is full, but names are welcome for a waiting list (tel: 203 0950).


Pneumatic drills are operating and excavators are digging up the underground public lavatories which are situated on the triangle at the junction of Bell Lane and Brent Street. Also on this site is a borough horse trough and a hanging blue plaque indicating it as a site of the “old Parish Cage”. Will all members in the area keep an eye on these two historic pieces – too much of old Hendon has already disappeared.


A member of the Enfield Archaeological Society has sent us the follow­ing notice of an interesting exhibition at the Forty Hall Museum, Enfield.

“Since the C17 industrial welfare has developed as an expression of Quaker faith”.

This exhibition closes on 7th April 1991.






SATURDAY 13 April – Barnet Museum, Wood Street Open Day 11.00 to 1.00 and 2.30 to 4.30 pm SPECIAL DISPLAY OF LOCAL ARCHAEOLOGY


SUNDAY 14 APRIL – Guided walk round Historic Barnet

A leisurely stroll of about one and a half hours. It is hoped to include a visit to the site of a “Dig”. MEET at Barnet Museum, leave at 11.00. Repeat tour at 2.30. Numbers limited. Early booking advisable. Fee £1.00

To book phone Barnet Museum (440 8066) or 368 5345.


In 1975, some 500 sherds of mainly coarse grey/buff medieval pottery were found at my house in Galley Lane (TQ 227 967) when a gas main was laid. A shallow trench about 0.5m wide had been dug the-length of the drive but the sherds were concentrated into one area under the car port. The conglomerated mass of broken and heat reddened pieces of pottery, in very little soil matrix, was evidently composed of wasters from a nearby kiln whose whereabouts is unknown.

The nearest known medieval kiln, found in 1959 at Dyke Cottage, King’s Road, is about mile away. (TQ 233964). It yielded a range of 13th century pottery including at least 50 cooking pots, 30 jugs and 20 bowls (Penn 1960). Like the Galley Lane material “the pottery found was made of local clay, the coarser wares being tempered with fragments of flint and quartz” (Ibid).

In the late autumn of 1990 the house had to be underpinned by the front porch about 7 metres from the previous find spot. As the odd sherd or two had also turned up in the flowerbeds, both in the front and back gardens, the prospect of a new trench was of obvious interest. Predictably the excavation began when I was away for the day and no doubt some material was dumped on the skip. Nevertheless, I retrieved 191 sherds from a trench 2m x 0.75m deep. The pottery was much more loosely packed than in 1975 but the deeper trench enabled me to sketch the section which showed a reddened pebbly layer apparently over the pottery-bearing grey clay. Again there was no sign of a kiln.

There were 17 pieces of rim, flint tempered, of variable coarseness and a colour range of greys, buffs and brown/reds. One rim had simple finger-impressed decoration. There were 4 pieces of base and 170 assorted sherds 5 of which were decorated with finger-impressed strips of clay. Similar pieces had been found in 1975.

I think that the more important area had been pinpointed when the gas main had been laid. However, with so limited a trench it is not possible to postulate the whereabouts of the nearest kiln. It may have been destroyed when the house was built and so the pottery may not be in situ but, if it is not, considering the mass of material with so little soil matrix, I do not think it could have come far.

When site watching at Prospect Lodge, at the top of Galley Lane, towards Kinds Road, I found some 30 more sherds of similar fabric and one had impressed strip decoration. This time a large area had been trenched for the foundations of several new houses but still no sign of a kiln was apparent. Nevertheless it is always worthwhile looking down even the least prepossessing of trenches in areas of no previously known archaeo­logical interest. The owner of Prospect Lodge had said “You are very welcome to have a look but there can’t be anything there.” In 1975, one of the Gas Board men, who became adept at bringing in the sherds to me and who had spotted the best piece of decorated ware, suddenly remarked “I always wondered why the old pottery we dig up in the trenches around here isn’t shiny.” I don’t think he was joking.

Penn D.F. 1960 A Medieval Industrial Site at Barnet.

In Barnet and District Record Society

Bulletin No.12, June 1960



Following the request for advice on car boot sales, John Enderby and Dorothy Newbury have been up at the crack of dawn on the last two Sundays setting up a stall at the Hendon Market. Dealers pounce like vultures and as a result we have been able to sell much of last years overs, as well as some recent items. If you have any good bric-a-brac available now, please ring 203 0950. As it was, we were sold out by 10.00 am and were able to leave much earlier than we had hoped.

DIGGING IN ASSYRIA The pork of the British Museum JOAN EDWARDS

The lecturer on March 5th was Dr John Curtis, Keeper of the Western Asiatic Antiquities of the British Museum. He told us that the Museum’s approach had been to look for Assyrian life on a more humble level than that of the previously excavated great palaces and temples. Due to the construction, from 1983 onwards, of a dam on the upper Tigris flooding of large areas near the Syrian and Turkish borders would result. It was decided to excavate as many of the sites which would be affected as possible and the British Museum took three village sites to excavate between 1983 and 1986: QASRIJ CLIFF, KHIRBER KHATUNIYEH, and KHIRBER OASRIJ.

At QASRIJ CLIFF potsherds were found on the river bank. On excava­tion a deep circular pit was exposed. This had originally been a grain silo but was later used for tipping rubbish including much late Assyrian pottery. No associated occupation area was found, possibly it had been carried away due to river erosion.

At KHIRBER KHATUNTYEH an occupation area was identified between two wadis. A small area was dug revealing a large “manor” house or admini­strative building. Walls were of mud brick and the area paved with stone. A grain bin and oven were present and profusion of broken pottery. Two rooms were excavated and a stone coffin found in the door­way between them. This contained no bones but had been used for storing grain. An iron sickle and whetstones were also in it. Two collapsed looms and unbaked clay loom weights were found and large “pithoi” with both flat and conical bases. It was evident that the site had been destroyed by fire in about 612BC probably by invading edes. The site actually flooded while digging was in progress and had to be abandoned. On the very last day a clay ram’s head rhyton was found.

At KHTRBER QASRIJ a settlement was found which was probably found by displaced people in 612BC escaping the tides occupation continued to about 500. Stone pavements and wall footings indicating an industrial site with a complex pit kiln surrounded by a paved area within a wall. The kiln was I1 metres deep and the roof had collapsed in on top of pots and wasters. These had been a large pit fire and probably the roof would be broken open after each firing and renewed. Some flooring stones in the surround had well-worn regular holes suggesting a pivot hole for the support of a potter’s wheel. Some complete pots were found and also nails made of pot normally used for attaching ritual displays on walls. Special finds were a stone weight carved as a sleeping duck and an Assyrian bronze fibula brooch in the shape of a woman’s torso.

The other excavations in 1989 and 1990 were undertaken at the famous sites of NIMRUD and BALAWAT. At NIMRUD a large store room was studied in Fort Shalmaneser. It had been destroyed by the Medes in 614 BC. It measured 10 x 4 metres and was 5 metres deep. Charred roof beams were found and a stone roof roller had fallen through the roof. The roof rollers were, and still are, used to roll a layer of plastered mud across the roof to seal leaks. On the floor were many bronze remains including circular bronze bosses similar to those illustrated decorating the leather harness of horses in the famous Assyrian wall reliefs but not beforefound in excavations. Glazed bricks were found scattered. These belonged to a wall panel which must have fallen in from the courtyard when the building was destroyed. The bricks bore the inscription for Shalmaneser III. They also had white paint faces and signs and black ink signs in Aramaic. This was the earliest use of Aramaic yet documented in the area. The white signs are not decipherable. Both lots of signs gave the assembler of the panel the order of assembly of the bricks. Bone plaques, faience beads and horse harness were found and also large pottery jars.

At BALAWAT work was undertaken in the area where Rasai found in the bronze gates now reconstructed in the British Museum. A small exploratory trench has begun yielding plaques and cylinder seals.

Dr Curtis finished his lecture by showing us slides of the fantastic gold jewellery and vessels found very recently by penetrating the floor of the palace courtyard revealing 4 tombs in brick vaults. The palace had previously been excavated by Woolley and Mallowan and this area had been thought to be the household area of the queens and their children.



This project is to interconnect the water supply systems of the Lee, Colne and Three Rivers Water Supply Companies. It was planned a number of years ago, following the great drought of 1986. It is being constructed in stages and the Barnet western section is now completed.

The project was observed by the Department of Urban Archaeology of the Museum of London, particularly the Roman section. The Society has a copy of their report, and it is available to members.

In this Borough the work included cutting a track about 15 m wide and 5 km long, through several of the outer North Western districts, starting from Rowley Green. It then crossed fields in Arkley, over Barnet Road, through part of Scratchwood and the Edgware Golf Club, under the M1 Motorway, across Edgwarebury Fields, over the A41, and via more fields over Watling Street to the top of Brockley Hill and along Wood Lane, out of the Borough to Stanmore.

The work included removing topsoil from the full width of the service track (approx. 20m) then heaping this to one side, cutting a trench a little over a metre in width. This was sometimes deep (2 – 5m) to eliminate minor surface variation and produce an even base for the massive water pipe sections (approx. 0/8m and 5m). This was followed of course by the big job of laying, and joining and testing the system.

The Route. This passed through various places of known archaeological interest and much agricultural land, and offered a unique opportunity to examine areas not previously explored.

It commenced at a covered reservoir at Rowley Green, on a relatively unbuilt up area on the high ground to the north of the Borough. From there it first crossed a series of large fields at this level, then descending through further fields dropped approximately 10 m and crossed the Barnet Road about half way from Hiver Hall and the roundabout junction of the Barnet Road and the A1000.

The fields nearest Rowley Green had few if any artifacts – they had a thin topsoil layer approximately 15 cm deep, and an 0.25 m layer of large, rounded (water worn) irregular-shaped pebble (2 to 10 cm in). Below this was London clay. The next fields sloped down to meet the Barnet Road level. There was a greater depth of topsoil here, gradually increasing to approximately 20 cm at Barnet Road. There was also a layer of gravel of variable depth, with pebbles up to about 5 cm. below was the London clay.

A considerable range of artifacts was found, sparse at the higher levels and increasing in number and type from the high fields to those near the Barnet Road. The finds included a variety of tile, brick fragments, pottery sherds, clay pipes, small glass and pottery jars and similar items. Most are deposited at the Barnet Museum. None were earlier than 18th C. and much was Victorian.

The Viatores Route 167. The track crossed the line suggested by the Viatores as a possible Roman Route which passed through Edgware and Hendon and on to Londinium (Roman Roads in the SE Midlands, 1964).

This had been the subject of an early HADAS research project in the 60s, and reported (in the LAMAS Journal) by I. Robertson, the Director of the work. Careful search of the pipeline track did not find any evidence of a road or scatter of foundation material as would be expected if a road had existed.

No other artifacts were found in the area of track across these fields. This had passed through any line the Viatores suggested route would have crossed in the higher fields.

This agrees with earlier HADAS investigations, which included excava­tions and resistance surveys at several sites on the south of the Barnet Road. No evidence of a route was found by these investigations.

Re-examination of a possible line from the Viatores’ final “traced point” at Well End, Borehamwood to find a more south-easterly route with Rowley Lane as a possibility if the Route reached Well End is reliable.

South of the Barnet Road. The short section of pipeline between the Barnet Road and the point of the crossing of the A1000 was through the gardens of modern housing, and produced no material of interest. Such items as were found were tile, broken brick and small amounts of modern china shard.

The Scratchwood and Edgwarebury area. The route was then by tunnel under the A1000. This is to a point on the north side of the entrance of the Scratchwood Open Space picnic area. This area is a roughly rectangular grass space 200 x 250 m. The track crossed the picnic field diagonally to the southeast, and passed through the woodland area for about 500 m.

This was interesting and quite different to any other area we observed. It was almost completely without artifacts (with the exception of a 2 m square area in which fragments of a modern plate, cup etc. were found).

The soil throughout the wood consisted of light, fibrous matter from 15 to 20 cm in depth, then up to 0.5 m shading from light to darker brown of a clayey soil mix into the solid London clay, all penetrated to about 1.2 m deep.

The woodland over the track length appeared uncultivated and may perhaps have been so since the once-great Middlesex Forest covered our ancient county.

The Doomsday Book mentions food for 1000 pigs in the woods of the adjacent manor of Stanmore and 800 for Hendon.

Edgware Golf Course. The route then crossed a small section of Edgware-Golf Course. most of this is at this point on rubble filled land. It is low, has drainage streams from the higher ground, and was subject to in-filling as a council waste dump of the 20s and 30s.

I was told by the Chairman of the Golf Club that much earlier it was the site of a country residence with lake and gardens etc. This might be an interesting subject for a documentary research project, to trace its previous history for our records. The area as could be expected produced many finds of very recent material.

Edgwarebury to Brockley Hill. The route proceeds eastwards over the fields of Edgwarebury Farm to the A41. The search here produced a quantity of finds of the various types of 18th-19th C. material, scattered fairly evenly through the central part of the area. Near the M1, where the ground is low and wet, relatively few finds were made. Increasing numbers occurred as the first field was crossed, then the quantity found remained fairly uniform throughout the central area of the fields.

A small concentration of worked flint wasters was found at a point in these fields. The range of finds other than this continued from the central to a point about two-thirds of the way to the A41, and then tile and brick fragments, some possibly of Roman type, also occurred.

At about 100 m of the A41, a concentration of 19th C mixed building and domestic remnants were found spread over about a 10 m circle. The material was recent and might have been dumped, or have been from a small collapsed building.

In previous HADAS field-walks some years ago in the general area, Roman tile and other material had been found, and further walks to establish the spread and/or source of material could be of interest.

Brockley Hill East Side. The A41 was crossed about a third of the distance from the Edgware roundabout at the foot of the Hill, and the Sterling Corner Roundabout at the top.

The track entered through the existing gate a field approximately 200m south of Nut Grove, and was parallel to the A41 for approximately 100m, and then north-westwards towards the west of Nut Grove, and on to Watling Street at a point 70m from the Watling Street and Wood Lane Junction.

The A41 side of Brockley Hill produced a range of finds of mainly 18th to 19th C type, but including small brick and tile fragments of possibly Roman type.

Nut Grove to Watling Street. The route crossed the field in which HADAS undertook a major project directed by Gillian Braithwaite in 1987, under­taken just before a long postponement of the project. It found Roman tile pottery etc., buried early road, and Neolithic flint. A Bronze Age arrow­head and a Roman coin were also reported. (See Newsletter No. 202).

The field from Nut Grove to Watling Street had scattered fragments of tile and brick and small pottery shards, but close to Watling Street a road section was exposed and examined by the D. of U. Archaeology observers and Verulamium-type pottery shards were found from a flagon made some date between AD 60 and 160. Two further pieces were found on the road surface. Full details of this and work on the west side of Brockley Hill is in their report mentioned earlier, and is noted in one of my several Newsletter items.

Watling Street and Wood Lane. I was fortunate in being present while the final work an crossing Watling Street was being completed. This is a deep and narrow cut just wide enough to take the pipe, and made at an angle across the road. Most of the pipeline sections had been laid overnight.

(I had been working with John Mills of the D. of U.A. the previous day on the road exposure described in their report.)

Some final work involving machine clearance on the east approach trench was still in progress, and other machines were also operating close by.

Conditions were not good or very convenient for observation. A small area on a steel plate on the south side of the trench at about the centre of operations was free.

Mr Steel, the site engineer, agreed to my observing from there while the space was unoccupied. I was able from there to see the north face of the trench very clearly, from a distance a little from the edge.

I remained about an hour sketching and photographing. It was possible to see much detail.

Below the present surface, clear sections of two further, relatively modern road surfaces were visible. Each was quite thick and had different foundation materials. Below these was a dark, deep section of another road. Its surface shape was similar to that found on the west side, but it was much wider and deeper. The base was about q.3 below its surface, and a spread of foundation material could be seen at an estimated 1.8m below the modern surface.

Unfortunately, due to the acute angle of the view because of the narrow trench and depth, the resulting photographs were not very satis­factory. The notes and sketches, however, were sufficient to allow the compilation of a reasonable drawing.

It seems probable this may be all of the original. Watling Street which is about a metre below the present road surface, until some suitable new deep work is again undertaken at Brockley Hill. Detailed information and the drawing will be included in a final site report.


There will be deep sadness in many HADAS households at the news that Nell Pennv is dead: for Nell was a favourite with everyone who knew her, and that meant almost everyone in the Society. She was a Committee member for many years, a cook for our Roman and Arabian banquets and a staunch worker at our Minimarts for 14 years.

She was not an archaeologist by trade or training or study – she was an historian, and a-teacher of history for most of her life. She came to archaeology latish in life, joining the Society in 1972, when she was just into her sixties; but she was a woman of great intelligence, with that rare combination: intellectual capacity backed by masses of common sense. Although she always said that recent history was her main interest, she managed to get hooked on every archaeological period back to the prehistory of Crete – a place which she visited for the first time at 80 and fell for with the enthusiasm of an 18-year-old.

For HADAS, she filled a definite gap. We haven’t all that many members who are prepared to study both history and archaeology, and Nell worked assiduously in the local archives, first of all running down the history of farms and farmers in the locality and more recently analysing census returns – starting from the three early censes for Hendon of 1801, 1811 and 1821 and going on to the published censes for the area from 1841-1881. We shan’t easily forget her regular incursions into the Newsletter with the latest tit-bit of gossip from – or of – some 19c census enumerator.

Indeed the march Newsletter carried a characteristic note from Nell about cold weather payments to the old and vulnerable in 1794. Then I telephoned her on March 8, exactly a week before she died, she was waiting for the ambulance which was to take her to hospital – and though breathing was already difficult, she insisted on coming to the ‘phone to ask, among other things “Did you like my piece in the Newsletter?”

Nell was intensely proud of the achievements of her astronomer son, Alan, and her daughter, Jan, who has already carved a place for herself as a writer and speaker on the womenfolk of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. It was ironic, and sad, that on March 16, the very night after Nell’s death, Jan did a half-hour Kaleidoscope programme on Lizzie Siddal, Dante Gabriel Rosseti’s wife, on Radio 4. Nell would have relished every word of it.

And that, perhaps, was her greatest distinguishing mark – her relish for life. For those of us who knew and loved her, the relish of life is going to be much less keen because of Nell’s passing. By BRIGID GRAFTON GREEN


By | Past Newsletters, Volume 5 : 1990 - 1994 | No Comments

Newsletter 240: March 1991 Edited by Helen Gordon


Saturday March 23 LAMAS Annual Conference at the Museum of London (See February Newsletter for details).

Tuesday April 2 Lecture: ‘Jordan visited’ by Ted Sammes

Please note the advertised lecture ‘Valley of the Kings’ has been post-poned to Tuesday October 1st. Ted Sammes has kindly stepped in to talk and show slides of archaeological sites in Jordan.

Friday/Saturday/Sunday Weekend in Norwich
August 30/31/September 1

Saturday October 5 City Walk with Mary O’Connell

Saturday October 12 MINIMART


Lectures are held at the Central Library, The Burroughs, Hendon, at 8.00 for 8,30 pm.

by Brian Wrigley

As the weather turns out, we seem to have got it right in not having a dig going on, this year, right through the bleak mid-winter as we did the last two years! In fact, good use is being made of the time in sorting and processing finds from 19/25 High Street, Barnet and from 1264 High Road, Whetstone. Our room at Avenue House is proving a great convenience for this, and much appreciated.

A few of the more intriguing or puzzling finds have been referred to the Museum of London. One, from Whetstone, was a small metal tube which Jeff Egan of the Museum pronounced to be a ‘chape’ or tag from a bodice lace ­which caused the imagination of at least one of us to run riot!

It is hoped to provide a full report and analysis on the pottery from Barnet in April or May, to add to the reports already published on the excavation itself and the animal bones.


The Borough Planning Department recently asked us about a planning application for Hill House, Elstree; this site adjoins Watling Street and is of course not far from the well-known scheduled site at Brockley Hill. Since the proposed development appeared to involve some disturbance of ground, we advised that there should be an archaeological evaluation before making a decision, and offered our help in this, so that any needed archaeological conditions for preservation or recording of remains could be included in any consent. This just could be an opportunity for a trial dig this summer. Apart from this, there might be some chances at Barnet or Hendon, but both are very much in the air at present.


Brian notes the possible sites for excavation this coming year, while Dorothy announces the season’s outings and other events which, as always, cover a wide range of interest.

I have been asked to report some of the other activities we have in hand which we hope to complete before the end of the year.

Finishing the work on our new room at Avenue House is, perhaps, the most important of these, because it gives us a place to carry out such activities as processing finds, arranging and storing the finds, exhibition material, and equipment. There will be space to prepare exhibits, to preserve and store properly our photographic records and detailed maps which are in constant use.

As reported in the last Newsletter, preparation of the room is going well, and it has been in use for find sorting in the last few weeks.

Cleaning of the books remains to be done; we could not start on this until the space and the facilities for doing it had been prepared and it was possible to heat the room satisfactorily. Now this is ready, and a fine new made-to-measure bookcase has been built by one of our excavation team, Arthur Till, so that the books, after proper cleaning, can be put away.

The collection of earlier records and finds from major investigations undertaken by the Society during its 30 years of activity has continued, and they are being housed in our new room.

However, a problem still remains about the room: we accepted the offer of the room, made by the Council shortly before the Avenue House fire, and sometime later at their suggestion, we stored our books there, pending preparation of a lease. This has never appeared, but the cost charged by the Council for the room has increased considerably. A grant from the Council’s Charity had been suggested, to help with the proposed rent, but this may not now be available, and we are to consider further negotiation.

Another major development in progress is the long-delayed publication of the first phase report of the West Heath dig. For the information of new members, this was a six-year investigation of a Mesolithic hunter/gatherer camp site, some 8/9,000 years old, found by one of our members on the Golders Green side of Hampstead Heath. The site is the closest of this type to the centre of London.

We also intend to publish the second part of ‘The Place in Time’ with an update on our latest work and, to hold a party to celebrate these events!

Some members will be glad to learn that the Newsletter index of the period 1986 onwards is in progress, and we hope will be finished this year.



By Brian Wrigley

Members may remember from my appeal in the Newsletter of July 1990 that we have a printout of this invaluable archaeological tool, put on computor by th Museum of London, intended to include all sites or finds of

archaeological significance. We now have this information put onto disc for our own HADAS computor, thanks to Margaret Marshall who in the few months she has been a Member, has already performed this sterling work for the Society – a magnificent job, as the whole of the Museum’s 40-metre-long printout had to be typed out to be fed into our machine!-

Now, we hope we can, from the computerised information, produce a manageable written summary of the record, which can be more readily copied and circulated for information, correction and addition. Work on this is starting – and we may hope it is a job that will never end so long as the Society continues to be active in finding new sites and finds!


‘Recent Excavations at the Earl’s Bu, Orphir; Orkney’, the Royal Archaeological Society’s February Lecture, given by Dr C.Batey, described the excavations undertaken in the last decade north of the Earl’s Bu (farm) and Round Church. This site will be well remembered by those who were fortunate to take part in the HADAS trip arranged by Daphne Lorimer in 1978. In fact the first visit to the site on the farm of Daphne’s uncle by Dr Batey, together with her husband (now Professor) Christopher Morris and a group of archaeologists working at Birsay, coincided with ours.

However, what was then believed to be a souterrain, into which some intrepid members endeavoured to venture, excavations have now revealed to be a structure with a long passages This has been identified as the underhouse of a horizontal mill with the passage containing two leats. While the stonebuilt chamber is of unusual shape, the positioning of the wheel has been found. The Norse middens infilling the structure and underlying it, confirm a date of the late Norse period.

Similar mills have been found in Orkney (e.g. the Click Mill), also visited in 1978), in Ireland and in the Shetlands, where they continued in use until the Nineteenth Century.

Associated survey work confirms that the Norse complex is far larger than yet revealed. However, excavations would require the removal of an overburden of about 1.5 metres over a number of hectares and would be very costly.


At the Prehistoric Society’s meeting on February 5th, Dr Alasdaire Whittle, who has been working on a Neolithic programme in the Avebury area for some time, described his recent work in the West Kennet Valley. Returning to get some more detail of the palisaded enclosure found in 1977, he has now added a second palisaded enclosure. Within a circular ditch was found a circular timber monument of a probable diameter of around 180 metres with closely spaced post-holes and sarsen packing stones.

From sherds of Grooved Ware it seems likely that both of these can be dated to the late Neolithic. Thus, in this area there are now two palisaded enclosures, one straggling the Kennet River, and the second close to it on the south west, near to Silbury Hill, the Sanctuary and the West Kwnnet long barrow.

MARY O’CONNELL’S TALK on February 5th reported by Margaret Marshsll

In spite of a forbidding weather forecast, there was an excellent audience for Mary O’Connell’s delightful talk on “Discovering Little Known London”. Mary spoke from a chair, a broken leg made it impossible for her to stand. We all admired her courage in speaking under such circumstances,

Those of us who thought that we knew London were discomfited by the super­ficiality of our knowledge. I had no idea that there was a police control box in the Marble Arch, nor that there was a river flowing above me when in Sloane Square underground.

The slides showed me London from a different and exciting angle, often giving a curiously homely touch to the imposing – like the chimney on Tower Bridge. Napoleon’s carriage, with its extraordinary furnishings and comforts, showed that luxury exists in curious settings. Jeremy Bentham’s waxwork head will add interest to University College for anyone passing by, while the statue of Boadicea driving a reinless chariot must increase one’s admiration of that lady’s lesser known abilities. I had already noticed the camel seats and dolphin lamp standards on the Embankment near Cleopatra’s Needle, but never knew that they were a gift from the Grocer’s Company, or even the origin of the word ‘grocer’.

As its title promised, the talk gave an insight into the lesser delights of London – two mice nibbling a piece of cheese immortalised in plaster on a wall by the workman whose lunchtime sandwich had just been eaten by mice, a porters’ rest in Piccadilly – things most of us have passed a hundred times without even noticing, let alone questioning. The old proverb may well be right, and the blind should not lead the lame, but during the evening Mary proved beyond doubt that the lame can make excellent guides for the blind!


A small group of fieldwalkers were in action before, during and after the pipe laying operation last year. Finds have been collected and processed.

About 20 miscellaneous struck flints were found, some in the field east of Brockley Hill, where Gillian Braithwaite’s team recovered “hundreds” a few years ago, thus confirming finding of evidence of prehistoric man.

Quite a lot of small pieces of red brick and tile were found, mainly in the middle area of the same field, including 3 pieces of tegulae. Gillian Braithwaite also recorded “a definite concentration of Roman building material” here.

We found no stratified material, and the deep trench dug for the pipeline was mainly pure clay from beginning to end. However, the spoil heaps were a bit more rewarding and produced 2 sherds of ring-necked flagon, a Samian rim. 1 handle, 4 rim pieces and 2 sherds of pottery.

The spoil heaps adjacent to the A41 produced abundant samples of 19th and 20th century pottery, glass and pipestems. This type of dumping was evident tut less concentrated over the fields of Edgwarebury Farm. Red tile and brick was evident, probably not Roman, a few horse-shoes and a few flints. One area of struck “core-type” material is thought not to be flint but mud-stone and possibly dumped. We met the Metal.. Detecting Group here, they have permission to use these fields once a month excluding the SSSI field at Brockley Hill.

The Mill HIll Golf Club area showed up a lot of modern decorated glazed pottery and glass bottles. A nearby dump has been excavated regularly by collectors.

The Scratchwood area spoil heaps were of clay and rooted material with no evidence of man-made artefacts. The Al Barnet By-pass section provided a few sherds of modern pottery, natural stratification and glacial residue.

The Hyver Hall fields were mainly clay, becoming stony with water-rolled pebbles, rising up to a wet area of springs.

The fields to Arkley were clay and showed no evidence of tile or brick or metalling at all.

The last field of the water pipeline is on the line of the Viatores suggested route to Cambridge, but no road or metalling or foundations were evident in the pipeline trench.

Sadly we found no new Roman kilns, although the pipeline ran fairly close to known sites at Brockley Hill. We found no foundations of any building, but the finding of Roman tegulae indicates either a building with roof tiles, or a tile manufacturing site.

We do however have a very interesting record of natural and man-made materials found along this narrow strip of our Borough, and it is hoped to mount a small display to be on show at the April lecture.

It was during the crossing of Brockley Hill A5 that Trevor Cox of the Museum of London noted (HADAS 237) part of a 10 metre wide “gravel road” exposed on the east side of Brockley Hill. Ile found 2 pieces of Roman pottery on the surface and he interprets this “gravel road” as being the original road of Watling Street – More of this on my next report.

COLD WEATHER PAYMENTS …. plus ca change .. writes Nell Penny

The government’s relaxation of the strict rules on cold weather payments to old and vulnerable persons reminds me of what happened in Hendon in February 1794.

The corn harvest of 1793 had not been a good one. The naval blockade of continental Europe was already restricting imports and the vestrymen of Hendon were unwilling to watch their neighbours starve. These people were not regular parish pensioners. They were day labourers on farms who still constituted two thirds of the working population and for whom there was no work in the frozen fields.

“Because of the severe frost” the vestry decided to subsidize the price of bread and coal. Every Tuesday and Friday at 11 am, two bakers Hobbs and Taylor were to deliver bread to applicants at 6d (21/2p) a quatern loaf – the ordinary price was 121/2d (5p). I am sure delivery was at the bakery door. “A single person was to have one loaf, a married couple two loaves, a family with 2 children three loaves, with 3 children four loaves and over 4 children five loaves. Three pounds of potatoes were to be distributed free. Coals “if they could be got” were to be sold at 6d (21/2p) a bushel.

As often in English social crises, the vestry decided to tap the generosity of the significant number of landed gentry and “fund holders” living in Hendon. £51.45p was raised in contributions of 5, 4 and 1 guineas and in many smaller contributions.

NEWS FROM HADAS COMMITTEE reported by Micky Cohen

Our computerised records and progress on our library at Avenue House have been reported above by Brian and Victor. Helpers are needed for work on the restoration of books damaged by fire, and their arrangement.

HADAS will have a stand at the LMAS Conference on March 23, and will cooperate with Barnet Local History Society on the Local History Open Days on April 13/14 – this will be an opportunity for showing the public round our sites and participating with a display of finds in Barnet Museum.

by Ted Sammes

The Old Fold Manor Club recently applied for planning permission to demolish and re-develop part of the area and buildings within the moat. Part of the site is the 18th green of the golf course and presumably sacrosanct, but never the less it has some interesting ground contours.

HADAS first took an interest in the few moated sites in or near our Borough when in 1973 the Mooted Sites Research Group was formed. This has since become the Medieval Village Research Group.

There are many such moats spread over the country, but just what are they? Only careful study and excavation may, in the long term, elucidate this problem.

They are generally islands or platforms approximately rectangular in shape, varying in size from half to several acres in area. They often have a house within the mooted area. Old Fold has lost its house.

In date they range from the 11th century AD to the 14th. There are some later ones but the chief period was in the 14th century. They may be part of a Deserted Medieval Village, or on the edge of a village. Many Mill have a house or farm within the moat as at Salisbury Hall or the much nearer Fold Farm in Gulley Lane. Whilst the majority are on clay sell there are many on other geological soils. During the Medieval period the climate was wetter than today and the moats may have been dug to drain the house site. In doing so they would also have become an obstacle both for cattle and unwanted human visitors. Since moats are also found round Manor houses, they may be also a fashion or perhaps a status symbol.

HADAS looked at the Manor House Finchley complex (mostly filled in) in 1973 and again in 1977, carrying out a survey of both the Finchley and the Hadley moats.

We were successful in 1980 in securing the scheduling of the moat at Manor House, East End Road, Finchley, but, to date the Hadley moat has not received similar protection.It is hoped that it will shortly be scheduled. The site is close to the area of the Battle of Barnet 1471, and its famous hedge.

The house on this site was one of the homes of the Frowyke family in the 13th century, a site said to have been occupied by them for over 300 years. One Henney Frowick was Lord Mayor of London in 1435 and again in 1441. A Sir Thomas Frowyke was born at Gunnersbury about 1464 and died in 1506, being buried at Finchley. A Henry Frowyke who was the last male heir died in 1527. The Manor then passed to Conningsby and later to various members of the Allen family, who also held the Finchley Manor. They were followed by the Coopers, who sold it to the Byng family in 1841.

Possibly the best memorials to the Frowykes are to be seen in their chantry chapel at South Mimms.

The plan as seen on the 1898 edition of the Ordinance Survey where it is marked Old Fold Manor Farm and the moat is shown to be incomplete on the East side. However a plan of the area taken in 1726 for Thomas Allen, shows a return on part of the East side and although shown heavily wooded there are probably buildings within the moat.

Whilst the present house of Old Fold Manor outside the moat, is mid 18th century, the site behind it is most likely to date to the 13/14 centuries.

For further reading:

BA Research Report No 17 Medieval Moated Sites, pub 1978

Moated Sites, David Wilson, Shire Archaeology 44 pub 1985

Local Historian Vol 11, No 2, p 89, 1974

A Place in Time p 76, HADAS 1990

Georgian Hadley p 23 W H Gelder 1974

Dictionary of National Biography

DOROTHY writes

Mr Mike Wadham Those members who came on the outing to Cressing Temple last July will remember Mr Wadham who conducted us so enthusiastically round the site, and gave us an excellent talk in the farmhouse. Sadly we report that he died suddenly just before Christmas.

Mrs Winnie Clark She was not a member but did a lot for HADAS in her life time- sorted and washed items for our minimart, cooked for our cake stall, helped and washed up at our banquets and social functions, swept up the wreckage after the minimart, made the contacts for our outing to Quainton last year and joined us there for tea. Sadly she died suddenly in January.


We have been receiving quantities of good saleable general items and would like to dispose of some of it before our minimart, as much more has been promised. We have a member who will help us with transport. We need members who know the details. Please ring 203 0950 if you can help.


By | Past Newsletters, Volume 5 : 1990 - 1994 | No Comments

Newsletter 239: February 1991 Edited by Liz Sagues

Tuesday February 5 Lecture: Discovering Little Known London, by Mary O’Connell. In archaeology we expect to excavate below ground to make our discoveries. Mary will take us round London and show us many interesting features above ground, and tell us their fantastic stories.

Tuesday March 5
Lecture: Digging in Assyria – the Work of the British Museum, by Dr John Curtis.

Saturday March 23rd 28th Annual Conference of London Archaeologists at the Museum of London, 11am-5.30pm, in the Lecture Theatre. The theme this year will be Recent Archaeological Work in the London Area. The morning speakers will cover excavations at West Smithfield, Fulham, Barking Abbey, Lambeth and the Limehouse Link Road. The afternoon session will be a discussion on how archaeology in London will develop in the 1990s. As usual there will be displays of recent work by local societies. HADAS will have a stand there showing the society’s work and publications.

Tuesday April 2 Lecture: The Valley of the Kings – Burial Place of the Pharaohs by Peter Clayton. This will be a survey of the major finds and history of the valley.

Tuesday May 7 Annual General Meeting.

Sunday May 12
Afternoon visit to the London Museum of Jewish Life, at the Sternberg Centre, N3.

Saturday June 8 Essex History Fair (see details on page 5 of this newsletter).

Saturday June 15 Outing to Mapledurham, with Ted Sammes.

Saturday July 13 Outing to historic Chatham Docks.
Saturday October 5 City Walk, with Mary O’Connell.
Tuesday December 3 Christmas Dinner (to be confirmed).

Dorothy Newbury adds: We had hoped to issue our 1991 programme card with this Newsletter, but regrettably there have been numerous last-minute changes with lecturers and venues. Plans were made for a weekend in Dorchester and its surrounding area, but accommodation arrangements have fallen through. Attempts are being made to arrange an alternative weekend based in Chester or Norwich.


Phyllis Fletcher, membership secretary, is pleased to report that HADAS has, as at January 1 1991, 362 fully paid-up members. This is a few up on the same time last year.

Mary O’Connell, who leads such excellent city walks, fell on the ice and broke her leg. In plaster, she has been continuing her lecturing from a wheelchair. We hope she will make it for the lecture on February 5.

Myfanwy Stewart, burnt stone specialist from the HADAS West Heath excavation days, attended an interesting conference on burnt stone in Birmingham recently.

Victor Jones, HADAS treasurer, has resigned from the council of LAMAS. At present LAMAS leans more towards history, less towards archaeology.

Mrs Banham has written to say how much she regretted being unable to attend our 1990 Christmas Dinner. She is a founder member of the society and it was the first such festive event she had missed. She has heard from some of our loyal long-standing members who have moved away but retain membership. These include Daisy Hill, honorary secretary in the early days of the society, who now lives in Chesterfield, and Alec Thompson, a regular on outings in the past, who now lives in Whitley Bay. Not so far away, Mrs Trudy Pulfer has written. She is well and will also be remembered as a regular on outings, as well as for her work assisting Mrs Irene Frauchiger over the many years Mrs Frauchiger printed and despatched the HADAS Newsletter. The society has also received best wishes from Brian Jarman, who was chairman for many years, now in Sussex; and from Lita Silver, in Stockport. Thank you all for keeping in touch,

News, please

News is sometimes short for HADAS editors, so all contributions from members, particularly of local interesting information, is welcome.

A plea, too, for new editors. With the sad loss of Isobel McPherson, who took charge of two Newsletters a year, there is a need for one more editor and a reserve to cover emergencies. Please phone Dorothy Newbury if you think you can fill the gap.

Top secret…

Dorothy Newbury reports on the HADAS visit to the Museum of London Reserve Collection on January 22

This started off as a bit of a mystery tour. We had been instructed to meet at a certain park gate as the official address did not seem to exist. Several late-comers who arrived after the main group had left the meeting point were met with blank expressions when asking locals the way! The building is totally unmarked and appears derelict – presumably to deter unwelcome attention. Once furtively admitted, however, it is like entering Aladdin’s Cave, Rack upon rack, and shelf upon shelf of nostalgia. Nostalgia, rather than archaeology, but to our group, who were mostly senior citizens, it evoked many half-forgotten memories: “I remember these,” “My granny had one of those.” One or two younger members had never heard of Utility furniture, nor seen a Walls’ ice cream trolley with Snofruit at one penny.

The afternoon was most enjoyable. We were accompanied by two very nice young ladies from the museum who obviously enjoyed the collection as much as we did.

Museum musings

First, another good reason for going to Church Farm House Museum. Running until February 24 is Cameras, Cats and Cooking Pots, an exhibition of recent donations and other objects from the museum’s collections not normally on display – everything from a 19th century Hendon draper’s cabinet to a 1930s tea service, from a mummified cat from East Barnet to an early calculator. Exhibitions further ahead include new paintings of Hendon and Finchley by Peter Hume (March 9 – April 21), Pharmacy – Past, Present and Future (May 4 – June 9), new work by photography students at the Hampstead Garden Suburb Institute (June 22 – July 28) and Picturesque Mill Hill, another in the highly-successful series of exhibitions revealing the wealth of pictorial material held by the London Borough of Barnet’s Archives (August 10 ­September 15).

Return to the atmosphere of the 18th century, as the Sir John Soane Museum in Lincolns Inn Fields introduces evening opening, to allow the astonishing cabinet of curiosities of the famous architect and collector to be seen in the lamp lit conditions he himself favoured. The house is open on the first Tuesday of every month, from 6pm to 9pm, admission free. Go in summer, after the HADAS lecture series is over.

A plea for help now, as another local museum in North London is born. The project is planned in Highgate, to display especially the remarkable collection built up by Gwynydd Gosling during the 50 years she has lived in the village, serving as librarian of the Highgate Literary and Scientific Institution for many of them. Other local material is intended to be included, too. A £250,000 appeal has been launched to buy a property to house the Highgate Village

Museum, and shareholders are sought to make it all possible. Write to 22A Hampstead Lane, N6 4RT, for more details.

Watch out for Whittington… The new “corporate image” of the Museum of London is the thrice-Lord Mayor of London with his cat, two figures in silhouette to be seen striding across museum posters, brochures and, in due course, the books it publishes and the merchandise it sells. The image is all part of a radical re-think of marketing at the museum, designed to bring in new funds to supplement grant income and make possible gallery refurbishments, new exhibitions and education activities.

HADAS at work

Not a cock and bull story, more a horsey tale

Liz Sagues reports on the animal bones recovered from the HADAS dig at 19/25 Barnet High Street

The main collection of bones studied comes from a disturbed layer containing other finds dating from the medieval period to present times, and there is no obvious indication from the bones themselves of their antiquity. But the assortment of limb bones represented could be consistent with their being rubbish deposited in a midden, and the presence of dog-gnawing on some of the bones could support such a domestic rubbish context. With so small a collection, however, this can be no more than assumption.

The bones from context 606 formed a little heap near the flint and tile wall in Trench 6. Of the 39 identifiable specimens recovered, the largest number are horse bones – principally two complete metatarsals, both left, and two complete radius/ulnas, both right, plus a third right-hand radius, somewhat damaged. In all, there are 17 identifiable pieces of horse bone or teeth, representing at least three animals. The largest of the three is likely to have stood approximately 1.4 metres high at the withers (just under 14 hands) (simple comparison with other work, using Kiesewalter’s factors). The second animal would have been very slightly smaller, the third rather smaller still. One horse at least, to judge by extremely worn incisors and premolars among the loose teeth, was very old – possibly as much as 30 years.

Sixteen bone/teeth specimens of cattle were identifiable, but in much more fragmentary condition.Five pieces of horn core indicate possibly a minimum of three animals represented, but this cannot be confirmed from the other remains. The loose teeth indicate at lease one fully adult animal.

Other identifiable bones from this trench are parts of two metacarpals and one metatarsal of sheep.

The collection is far too small and diverse to enable any conclusions to be drawn on husbandry practices. Sexing of the bones is not possible (pieces and sample too small, or complete bones not sexually dimorphic), except that the varying curvature of the horn cores indicates possibly the presence of at least one cow and one steer. As for butchery practices, again there is minimal evidence – clear cut marks can be seen only on one horse metatarsal. But the existence of complete horse bones in a possible medieval context does not preclude the possibility that the animals were eaten – evidence elsewhere (personal communication from Tony Legge) indicates horse bones were largely left whole, the meat being cut off and cooked without the bone. The bones from the modern intrusive Pit 6F1 are principally a near-complete cat skeleton, plus a single sheep incisor tooth and a skull fragment also likely to be of sheep. Obviously these can add little to understanding of the site.

A matter of compensation

John Heathfield provides an explanation of the history of the Barnet High Street site

The history of the site of this dig is unusual. In 1618, King James I enlarged the hunting park near his palace at Theobalds by taking in part of Northaw Common. The money which he gave the parish in recompense was invested in property, from which the rent was used for poor relief.

A site “near the Woolpack” in Chipping Barnet was purchased. This land contained four tenements. The 1817 Inclosure Award shows four tenements on a site of 1 rod 35 poles, copyhold belonging to the Minister and Overseers of Northaw, and let at a total of £7 per year. Northaw also owned three further fields in Barnet and one in Totteridge, and was allotted a further one acre at the Inclosure.

In late Victorian times, the houses were converted into small shops with living quarters above and outbuildings to the rear.

News to dig into

Brian Wrigley reports on the trial excavation at St Mary’s School, Finchley.

Following the last-minute appeal for volunteers inserted with the January Newsletter, a trial dig did take place at St Mary’s School in the fortnight allowed by the developer, from January 3-17. This was organised by the Museum of London’s Department of Greater London Archaeology. The original intention had been that with the museum organising the operation during the working week, HADAS volunteers would have been able to carry on at weekends so as to make the most of the limited time.

However, in the event, the weather was against our arrangements; in what seemed to be the wettest 14 days we have had for some time, the area opened up was for most of the time a marsh of waterlogged, sticky clay, making very little hand-work possible. Hence our dozen volunteers who had nobly responded to the Newsletter appeal were not called on.

The small museum team did manage nonetheless to get some useful results from some further machine scraping and a little investigation by hand of possible features that appeared. There was quite an amount of early medieval pottery (NOT prehistoric as previous reported – as is well known the two can often be confusingly similar), at least one concentration of burning which might be a hearth, and various indications of possible features which, however, it was wise not to explore in the wet, soggy conditions.

All in all, the exploration suggested that this site was more than just a ploughsoil scattered with pottery, and might be an area of medieval domestic or industrial activity.

The museum team are eager to make a presentation of their results to HADAS members by way of a lecture or seminar, and are hoping to arrange this in the next few weeks, at the Museum of London. As it will probably be impossible to give timely notice of this in the Newsletter, may I ask any members who would like to be notified of the date and time to let me know at 21 Woodcroft Avenue, Mill Hill, NW7 2AH (081-959 5982). An addressed envelope to send the notification in would be a great convenience!

English Heritage and HADAS

English Heritage has recently appointed an Archaeology Officer for London, Dominic Perring. He has written to HADAS: “It is a difficult position and I am anxious to consult as widely as possible before deciding how to proceed. English Heritage proposals for London have caused much concern amongst the societies and professional groups working in the capital and I think it most important that these concerns are properly addressed.” He would like to meet us, and has offered to address a meeting.

We are arranging an occasion within the next few weeks when he can meet some of the officers of the society and be shown some of the places of archaeological interest in the borough. And Mr Perring has agreed to be the society’s November lecturer. His subject will be The Rise and Fall of Roman London, and the date of the talk is November 5. Watch for explosive explanations…

More places to go…

A potted history? Well, not quite, but on March 4 the Museum of London is holding a day school on the Limehouse Link, explaining its archaeological work on sites in the vicinity of the new road link from the Rotherhithe Tunnel to Canary Wharf. Not only was new evidence of the unwritten history of Limehouse discovered, from the Bronze Age to its Chinese connections in the 18th and 19th centuries, but the site of the almost legendary Limehouse porcelain factory of the 1740s was identified at last.

By popular request, the normal debriefing reception for site developers, owners, etc, has been opened to all, and the day school will give participants the chance to hear the explanations of the excavators plus contributions from Mavis Bimson, of the the British Museum Research Laboratory, and Dr Bernard Watney, president of the English Ceramic Circle. Fee for the day, which runs from 10am to 5pm, is £12, including coffee and tea. Details from the Education Department, Museum of London, London Wall, EC2Y 5HN.

The British Association for Local History writes to HADAS: “No doubt you will have heard of the Essex History Fairs, which have become a biennial red-letter day of the history calendar. It has been suggested that the BALH might offer a service to local history societies by organising a pick-up coach to the fair site at Maldon on June 8 1991. This would naturally have to be restricted to a corridor across the Home Counties, probably on a route though West, North-West and North-East London, and it can happen only if enough people show their interest!” Any members interested should contact Dorothy Newbury (081-203 0950) as soon as possible.

More university, organised archaeological holiday making, offered this time by the University of Birmingham . The list includes three-day residential courses on the Art and Archaeology of Ancient Egypt (c.1570-1070 BC) (at Ludlow, March 15-17), Prehistoric Dartmoor, tutored by Aubrey Burl (at Ashburton, April 26-28), and Prehistoric Sites in the Cotswolds (at Cirencester, September 20-22). There are longer courses and more distant destinations, too. For a brochure, phone 021-414 5605 (24-hour answering machine) or 021-414 5615.

Warming to the task

Victor Jones provides an update on progress at Avenue House

Since November, when I reported that the room was fitted with temporary shelving, all fire-damaged items removed and the rest racked, it has been used most weekends for processing finds, first those from this year’s Barnet dig, followed by those from the earlier Whetstone dig. We have not had any information on the progress of this latter project for some time, and we decided to go ahead and process the finds and report on our overall results to date. The processing group has consisted mainly of the regulars on the Barnet dig, Bill Bass, Andy Simpson and Brian Wrigley, with my occasional attendance.

Both sets of finds proved interesting. In addition to more recent items there were further possible medieval pottery shards and a variety of other items from the Barnet dig, and possibly pre-Tudor items in the Whetstone material. All are now properly labelled, bagged and sorted for specialist examination.

The room is light and pleasant to work in, but was very cold – until Phyllis Fletcher heard of our problem and solved it, by producing two spare electric fires. Now surroundings are warm and comfortable. Some rearrangement of the furniture and the storage of the books and finds also found space for the addition of a good working desk kindly donated by long-term member Celia Gould and Mr Wernick. We found space in a side storage area to house our new exhibition equipment when not in use. There is also room to erect it and prepare exhibits in the central work area of the main room.

A folding table is available at which about six people can sit to work on books or finds or hold a meeting. There is a sink, kettle, teapot and mugs, so tea or coffee can be made if brought. For the library proper there is a small windowed extension in a corner of the room. This, with suitable shelving, will house our present book and journal collections and leave space for some additions.

Making these changes has taken more time than I expected, but the programme to repair the less damaged books and to clean and then relict them, suggested by Dan Lampert, can now be restarted. We hope soon to be able to get in touch with the members who, some time ago, offered to help in this work. We would also be very glad to hear from any others who might be prepared to help either in book repair or in listing and rearranging the library. This can now be undertaken in reasonable comfort.

Avenue House is on the north side of East End Road, Finchley, a short way east of the East End Road/Regents Park Road junction. Access to our library room – known as the Garden Room – is normally through Avenue House on weekdays. At weekends the house is closed and access is via a park entrance a little beyond the entrance to Avenue House.

It will take a time to get the library fully into usable condition, but the room is already proving to be quite a valuable resource for storage and winter working.

A place of dreams

Hampstead Garden Suburb: Dreams and Realities is the latest addition to the considerable literature on the built ideal of Dame Henrietta Barnett. Its author is Kit Ikin, life-long Suburb resident and supporter of the founding aims. “What really is remarkable is that the Suburb’s founders got so much of it right,” he said in a local newspaper interview marking the book’s publication. Mr Ikin was considerably helped in his task by Brigid Grafton Green, the Suburb Archivist, who in one appendix tackles the question of names in the Suburb, describing how roads were named after great lawyers, famous poets, English artists and Suburb personalities. The book is available from the New Garden Suburb Trust office, 862 Finchley Road, NWI 1 (081-455 1066), at £9.50 (£12.50 after April 1).