
Past Newsletters

newsletter-486-September-2011 – HADAS Newsletter Archive

By | Past Newsletters, Volume 9: 2010 - 2014 | No Comments

For the academic year 2011/2012 HADAS is again running its course called LOOKING AT FINDS – A PRACTICAL COURSE IN POST-EXCAVATION STUDIES. The course will tutored by Jacqui Pearce BA FSA MIfA and will be held on Wednesday evenings starting 28 September, from 18.30 – 20.00 hrs at Avenue House. See details below.

Christmas 2011

A date for your diary. HADAS is planning a buffet lunch at Avenue House on Sun 4th Dec. Details later. HADAS DIARY

Tues. 11th Oct. 2011, Silchester: the revelation of an Iron Age and Roman city, Dr John Creighton

(University of Reading).

Tues. 8th Nov. 2011, The Thames Discovery Programme, Nathalie Cohen, (TDP Team Leader)

Sun. 4th Dec. 2011, Christmas Event, buffet, at Avenue House, TBA.

Tues. 10th Jan. 2012, The Merchant Taylors’ Dinner from the 18th-century, Dr Anne Saunders Tues. 14th Feb. 2012, The Medieval Cellars of Winchelsea, Richard Comotto
Tues. 13th March 2012, It’s All in the Bones, Jelena Bekvalac, (curator of human osteology, MOL) Tues. 10th April 2012, Conservation Techniques in Stone Masonry, Stephen Critchley.
Tues. 8th May 2012, Bumps, Bombs and Birds: the history and archaeology of RSPB reserves, Robin Standring, (RSPB Reserves Archaeologist).
Lectures are held at Avenue House, 17 East End Road, Finchley, N3 3QE, and start promptly at 8 pm, with coffee/tea and biscuits afterwards. Non-members: £1. Buses 82, 125, 143, 326 & 460 pass nearby and Finchley Central station (Northern Line), is a short walk away.


Following on from the success of previous award-winning courses, HADAS will be continuing to explore the treasures hidden in the London Archaeological Archive and Research Centre (LAARC). The aim is to give instruction in identifying, recording and understanding different categories of finds from archaeological excavations in London that, for various reasons, were never fully written up, with a view to publication in a relevant journal. This year we will be starting to look at sites excavated by the Guildhall Museum in the early years after the Second World War and focusing on a wide range of finds, from pottery to clay pipes, glass and building material, examining them in their wider context and so learning more about the people who used and discarded them.

A 22-week course in post-excavation analysis to be held at Avenue House, East End Road, Finchley
Wednesday evenings, 6.30–8.30 pm, starting on 28 September 2011.

Course fee: £275 for 22 sessions. To book, contact Don Cooper (020 8440 4350, or email: or Jacqui Pearce ( Tel: 020 8203 4506).
Please make cheques payable to HADAS and send to Don Cooper, 59 Potters Road, Barnet, EN5 5HS.


Upnor Castle, by Jean Bayne

Upnor, a tiny, charming village on the Kent coast, has a cobbled main street, weather-boarded houses, old-style shop fronts and an impressive medieval castle. It was described by Stuart as a ‘Tudor des res’ : a hidden gem, in fact, as very few of us had ever heard of it.

Situated on the banks of the River Medway, the castle was built in 1559 at the behest of Queen Elizabeth I in order to protect the fleet when it was moored in the river ‘in ordinary’, or out of commission. The original buildings were less extensive, consisting of the water bastion or platform and a residential block with two towers. Great guns could be mounted on the bastion and on top of the main building. Later, in 1599, the gatehouse, moat and drawbridge were added and the north and south towers were reconstructed and strengthened. Also, a courtyard wall was added to provide defence from the landward side. On the seaward side, a timber palisade and ditch with flankers (fortified positions for firing) were put in place, the bastion raised and a higher parapet added.

Even in 1601 it was not completely finished, but its appearance was much like today. As a visitor, it felt well- preserved and substantial. Moreover, its small rooms, differing levels and twisty stairways gave it a human dimension and scale: it is easy to imagine people living and working there.

In 1623 the garrison consisted of 29 people: a captain, a master gunner, seven gunners and twenty soldiers. Eighteen guns were mounted there, with, surprisingly, 34 longbows. But the castle was in great need of repair and intensive maintenance. It is notable that during the Civil War it was only used as a prison for Royalist officers.

The most significant event for Upnor Castle occurred in its final days as a defensive structure. This was the Dutch raid in the River Medway in 1667. Following a successful sea battle, the English were taken by surprise when the Dutch fleet sailed up the Medway, burning many anchored ships and capturing HMS Royal Charles. The English managed to muster extra guns while the Dutch were at anchor and pounded their ships when they resumed their assault. The Dutch were unable to progress and put out to sea. Upnor Castle had defended well but the burnt out hulks of ships were a humiliation for the English navy. ‘A Dreadful Spectacle’ was John Evelyn’s pronouncement. Pepys concluded that Upnor had lacked munitions rather than bravery: ‘I do not see that Upnor Castle hath received any hurt by them though they played long against it and they themselves shot till they had hardly a gun left upon the carriages, so badly provided they were’.
The incident was the castle’s death knell as a fortress. New defensive structures were hastily constructed along the Medway and Upnor was reduced in importance. In 1668 it became a store for gunpowder shipped from the Tower of London wharf. In 1691, it stored 5,206 barrels and other munitions to supply the navy. The castle was modified to take the increased weight and altered to reflect its new function. For example, the gun platforms on the roof were taken down. In 1718 barracks were built: one of the first ever purpose-built ones, which housed two officers and 64 soldiers. The Magazine continued for many years until it closed in 1827, and by 1840 there was no gunpowder left. It became an Ordnance Laboratory and by 1945 it was officially designated as a museum.

The finest view of the castle is from the river as it clearly shows the shape of the building, with its turreted façade, decorative roundel windows and the triangular water bastion overhanging the river with stumps of an old palisade visible at low tide.

The Historic Dockyard Chatham, Part 1, by Vicki Baldwin

We arrived at the Visitor Entrance at approximately 11.45am, passing buildings marked ‘PUMPMAKERS’, ‘CAPSTAN MAKERS’, and ‘COAK AND TREE NAIL MAKERS’ and after a short wait ARP Warden Irene boarded our coach to give us a guided tour of the Dockyard.

The River Medway was first used by the Royal Navy in 1547. As it was difficult to navigate, it was considered to be a safe berth for the Navy and a small dockyard was developed. Another important factor was the absence of Teredo navalis, a boring worm that destroyed ships’ hulls. In 1586 The Sunne was the first warship built at Chatham and the Dockyard was busy building, refitting and repairing the ships that would face the Spanish Armada in 1588. The first submarine built there was the C17 in 1907.

The changing needs of the Royal Navy are reflected in the history of the Dockyard until its closure in 1984. The site was then split into three with the smallest and most historic part set aside to become The Historic Dockyard. Not all the buildings are accessible to the public but those that are open house various exhibitions and collections with a connection to the Dockyard and maritime history. No. 1 Smithery, where anchors and chains were forged, now houses exhibitions, some temporary, in conjunction with the Imperial War Museum and The National Maritime Museum. Originally working conditions in the Smithery were so hot in summer that men passed out and so cold in winter that handling the iron could take the skin off the hands. The workers were each allowed 8 pints of strong beer a day.

Across Museum Square and opposite No. 1 Smithery are the boatsheds and covered slips. No.3 Slip (The Big Space) was built in 1838 using timbers from old warships. At the time it was thought to be the largest wide span timber structure in Europe. In 1904, no longer used for ship building, it was filled in and a mezzanine floor added for storing ships’ boats. Its roof is spectacular whether viewed from inside or out (see photo).

Nos. 4, 5, and 6 were constructed mainly from cast iron in 1848, and No.4 houses a collection of lifeboats and No. 6 is leased to railway enthusiasts.

No. 7, built in 1855 from cast and wrought iron, has an early example of a metal trussed roof and was used for building submarines from 1907 until 1966. The last submarine built there was HMS Ocelot which was launched in 1962. Alongside the covered slips are three ships, HMS Gannet, HMS Ocelot herself and HMS Cavalier. HMS Gannet was built in 1878 a Victorian, dual-powered (sail and steam) gunboat. When she was decommissioned in 1895 her boiler and engine were removed, she was renamed HMS President and became a training ship. She was towed to the Hamble where she remained after the school was closed in 1968. In 1987 she was purchased by the Dockyard. The third ship, HMS Cavalier, forms part of a memorial to the destroyers sunk in World War II.

Chatham Dockyard Air raid shelter, by June Porges

In the foyer of the Smithery, we met up with ARP warden Irene, our guide from the earlier bus tour. She led us on a short walk to one of the many air raid shelters on the site and the only one currently open to the public, though another is being cleared.

This shelter is in front of the Officers’ Terrace, a row of 4-storey houses built around 1720. It was used by officers and their families, though others could use it with permission of an officer. It can hold up to 70 people and is about the same size as a Northern Line carriage. The construction is of corrugated iron and is totally covered by earth. Access is by a concrete staircase at right angles to the main area, and with an emergency escape by a vertical ladder at the opposite end. It differs in several ways from the “other ranks” shelters, with a concrete floor, rather than earth, electric light instead of candles, and a telephone. The toilet was a metal bucket behind a curtain.

The dockyard was not seriously bomb damaged during the war, supposedly because the Germans hoped to use it as a safe haven when they invaded.

An alternative option, by Don Cooper

A number of members, having previously visited the dockyard, or just wishing to chill out on a sunny Sunday afternoon, decided to take the 21/2 hour cruise on the Kingswear Castle. The Kingswear Castle is one of the last steam-driven paddle vessels operating in the UK. It was built in 1924 and now offers pleasure cruises on the River Medway and the Thames. We cruised down the Medway, past Upnor Castle and Kingsnorth Power Station with one of the longest jetties in Europe, all the way to Oakham Ness. The sun was shining, there was that lovely coal smell from the engine, the river was full of small boats and interesting sights. What a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon!

HADAS 50th Anniversary Party and Wanted —Your Memories! Jo Nelhams

One of the largest HADAS gatherings for some time took place on Sunday August 7th at Avenue House to celebrate 50 years of the society. It was a great pleasure to see some longstanding members who, for various reasons, can no longer attend events on a regular basis.

Besides a very enjoyable spread of food and drink with a lot of talking and laughing, a recording of the very first lecture was heard, given by our founder Themistocles Constantinedes.

We would like to collect HADAS memories for present and future members to enjoy. It would be nice to hear present members’ recollections of any outings or digs, or about former members who are no longer with us. At the party, a number of people penned amusing and interesting memories. If you have anything to offer, please send them to Jo Nelhams (Hon Secretary), at the address at the end of this newsletter.

Local History News from the London and Middlesex Archaeology Society John Hinshelwood

The next LAMAS Local History Workshop is on 15 October, 2011, and will be led by John Hanson author of Getting the Best from the 1911 Census. This is the latest in the series of workshops started in March 2010 to explore how to create a nineteenth-century parish history from the online census reports. The workshops, held twice each year, are provided to motivate and assist individuals from affiliated societies to undertake their own research projects. Details and an application form for the forthcoming workshop are on the LAMAS website ( on the Local History Committee pages. Alternatively contact John Hinshelwood (see below) with your name, address and phone number, and email if you have one. John would welcome suggestions for future workshops from individuals or affiliated societies.

The next LAMAS Local History Conference will be on 19 November 2011, with the theme Sporting London covering sport from mediaeval times to the present day. The conference will once again be held at the Museum of London and affiliated societies will be invited to apply for a stall to display and sell their publications. During the conference the winners will be announced of the 2011 LAMAS Local History Publications Awards. The conference programme is available on the website at, the cost is £8 for LAMAS members, purchased in advance, and £10 for non-members; any unsold tickets will be £10 on the day to everyone. Tickets are available from the website, or by postal application to: The Secretary, LAMAS Local History Committee, c/o 9 Umfreville Road, London, N4 1RY. Contact:
The following article appeared in Hampstead Scientific Society’s newsletter of August 2011. The author is Doug Daniels, who is that Society’s president, a celebrated amateur astronomer and resident of Finchley. As computers continue to impact on archaeology, Stewart Wild thought that the content of this amusing essay would be of interest and relevance to members of HADAS, so he asked Mr Daniels if he would allow his thoughts to be recycled for the HADAS Newsletter. Mr Daniels has kindly agreed.

TO ‘Go To’ or NOT TO ‘Go To’ – THAT IS THE QUESTION, by Doug Daniels

Of course I’m biased. I belong to a generation that inhabited a world long before computers were commonplace. In my heyday there were not even such things as electronic calculators, and ‘windows’ were panes of glass that you looked through. The best calculating aids we had were slide rules and a book of log tables – oh yes, and a set of tables drummed into our brains at the age of six plus, so thoroughly, that if you ask us to multiply 9×8, the answer 72 is delivered instantly without even having to think about it!

Today it seems everything has to have a computer attached to it otherwise it is just not worth considering. Astronomical telescopes are no exception.

I recently spent an interesting yet frustrating few hours with a good friend who had just taken delivery of one of those small computerised ‘Go-To’ telescopes. Apparently it was able to automatically find upwards of 5,000 celestial objects all by itself and was designed to make “finding celestial objects easy for the beginner”. Some mistake surely!

After inserting a handful of batteries, we switched it on. It asked us to enter the date and time; we complied. A message was spelled out on the handset warning of the dangers of looking at the Sun, spelled out at such an incredibly slow speed that I was already beginning to feel my arteries hardening. Why for heavens sake? We have already told the wretched computer the date and that the time is 23.00 hrs UT – if it’s that damn clever it should know that the sun is below the horizon!

It then asks us if we would like ‘a tour of the solar system?’ No we would not – we just want to look at the Moon! It proceeds to do it anyway. Motors hummed, the telescope swung wildly up and down and round and round, finally coming to rest pointing down towards the ground, presumably attempting to home in on the Sun to justify its earlier warning.

After several abortive attempts to encourage it to point to the Moon my patience had run out and I switched it off, unclamped it and pointed it at the Moon manually. But even that was not so easy as the wretched device uses a built-in diagonal and has no finder. I would hate to try to point it at something really faint – you would just have to rely on its computerised functions to do this, and judging by our earlier attempts it could take all night to find the Andromeda Galaxy. OK, perhaps I’m being too quick to judge and it will take some time to become thoroughly acquainted with its little foibles; hopefully before its batteries go flat.

But I still maintain that such a device could lead to enormous frustration for a real beginner. It’s only a 70mm refractor for heavens sake! A simple alt-azimuth mount on a tripod would allow you to point it at the Moon and get an instant result without spending hours reading the instruction manual and then trying to identify certain stars to set its position.

An absolute beginner would probably not be familiar with these stars anyway. Before even attempting to use a ‘Go-To’ telescope it would be better to spend a few months getting acquainted with the night sky with a simply mounted telescope or a good pair of binoculars and a star map.

And while I am having a rant on the subject of unnecessary computers and telescopes, I strongly object to fitting computers to antiques. I recently visited the old Royal Greenwich Observatory and was appalled to discover that they had ‘computerised’ the historic 28-inch refractor. Using this wizard ‘strap-on’ electronic gizmo meant that it only took them about ten minutes to locate the Moon – a task that could have been accomplished manually in about thirty seconds by just squinting through the finder. I thought that computers were supposed to make life easier. Some mistake surely!

It’s the same at Mill Hill Observatory. The 18/24-inch Radcliffe refractor, a magnificent example of Victorian engineering constructed by Sir Howard Grubb, is now draped with cables and electronics and thoroughly ‘computerised’. I’m sorry but I just do not agree with this. I understand that students need to learn how to manage a computerised telescope but attempting to modify an ancient instrument is the wrong route to take.

To see all this electronic paraphernalia attached to the works of traditional makers such as Grubb and Cooke is,
to quote our esteemed heir to the throne: “Like seeing a monstrous carbuncle on the face of an old friend.”

Computers and brass fittings do not blend comfortably. If you must teach on a computerised instrument, and of course today you probably must, use one that is specifically built for that purpose, don’t desecrate the works of historic telescope makers.

OK, rant over. I shall now return to my cave, light a fire by rubbing two sticks together, suck the marrow out of the bones of a woolly rhinoceros and pay tribute to old King Ludd.

The Archaeology of Prehistoric Europe

This course, arranged by the Mill Hill Archaeological Study Society, will introduce the cultures that inhabited Europe from the introduction of metal to the beginnings of history with the arrival of the Greeks and Romans. Tutor: Scott McCracken. Venue: Hartley Hall, Lawrence Room, Flower Lane, NW7. Beginning Friday 30th September, 2011. Time: 10:00 – 12:00 hrs. Cost: £130 for 20 classes. Enrol at the first meeting. If you are new to the society’s meetings please contact the secretary: Peter Nicholson ‘M 020 8959 4757.

Free film screening at the Phoenix Cinema, East Finchley, Sunday 18 September

Did you know that the first ever public film screening in Britain happened in Barnet in 1896? Did you also know that two of Britain’s most important film pioneers, Birt Acres and Robert Paul, were working in Barnet in the 1890s and early 1900s?

Whether you’re an authority on film history or know nothing at all, come along to The Phoenix in East Finchley on Sunday 18 September, at 2.00 pm to see a free screening of early 20th Century films showcasing Barnet as the birthplace of British cinema and including the work of Acres, Paul and British & Colonial. The films will be introduced by Phoenix trustee and film historian Gerry Turvey and the screening will be followed by a discussion with Gerry Turvey and fellow film historian Ian Christie.

Booking is essential, so call the Box Office to reserve your seat on 020 8444 6789. For more information visit
Follow the Phoenix Storybook featuring people’s memories and thoughts about the cinema:
Membership Renewals – Stephen Brunning
A number of members have not renewed their membership subs which became due on 1st April. If this applies to you, a letter with a renewal form on the back is enclosed with this Newsletter. If you do not receive these and have not sent off your cheque yet, please get in touch with me by 1st October. My contact details are above. Thank you.


Some early September events were listed in the August Newsletter

Heritage Open Days 2011 will be 8-11 September with many openings:

Sat 10th Sept (Not the 15th as stated in the last Newsletter) Barnet & District LHS coach outing to the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. Details from Pat Alison: ‘M 01707 85843 or email Sat 10th

Sept, 10.00-17.30 ‘Following finds – from site to store’ a meeting on aspects of archaeological finds in memory
of Penny MacConnoran, Weston Theatre, Museum of London. A varied programme of speakers including Jon

Cotton, Marit Gaimster, Francis Grew, Gus Milne, Jacqui Pearce, and others. To register visit Museum of London site: http://www/ or telephone booking option. Registration is £10, including tea and coffee.

Mon 12th Sept, 3.00 pm (tea at 2.30 pm), Barnet & District LHS, Church House, Wood St, Barnet, Beatrix Potter, by Pamela Wright.
Tues 13 Sept, 8.00 pm, Amateur Geological Society, The Parlour, St Margaret’s Church, Victoria Ave, N3 Amber, by Dr Chris Duffin (Geological Society & Geologists’ Association).
Wed 14 Sept, 7.45 pm, Hornsey Historical Society, Union Church Hall, junction Ferme Park Rd/Weston Park, N8, History of London’s Underground Railway, by Peter McMahan. Visitors £2.
Fri 16 Sept, 8.00 pm, Enfield Archaeological Society, Jubilee Hall, Parson’s Lane, junc. Chase Side, Enfield, Life in the Imperial War Museum, by Steve Turner (IWM) visitors £1, refreshments 7.30 pm.
Sat & Sun 17/18th Sept. London Open House Weekend.

Free access to hundreds of buildings. Details at

including: Bruce Castle, Forty Hall and Markfield Beam Engine, Markfield Rd, Tottenham, N15 (

Sat. only, Old St Andrews Church, Church Lane, Kingsbury, NW9.

Sun only, Myddelton House, Bullsmoor Lane, Enfield, E A Bowles House and Gardens open, 10.00 – 4.00 pm.

Wed 28 Sept, 7.45 pm, Friern Barnet & Dist. LHS, St John’s Church Hall, Friern Barnet Lane, N20, The History of the the Travelling Funfair, by Mel Hooper. Visitors £2.
Thurs 29 Sept, 8.00 pm, Finchley Society, Martin School, High Road, East Finchley, N2 (NB change of venue) Slides of Yesteryear and Planning Issues: East Finchley, by Derek Warren. Visitors £2.



Vicki Baldwin, Jean Bayne, Don Cooper, Doug Daniels, John Hinshelwood, Eric Morgan, Jim Nelhams, Jo Nelhams, Peter Nicholson, June Porges and Stewart Wild.

Newsletter-485-August-2011 – HADAS Newsletter Archive

By | Past Newsletters, Volume 9: 2010 - 2014 | No Comments

Outings to Chatham and Folkestone

The coach for Chatham on 31st July is full and we have a waiting list. Apologies to those who have been disappointed.

The coach for Folkestone on Wednesday 17th August is filling up, so if you want to go and have not booked yet, please send your form and cheque to Jim Nelhams to secure your place.


A reminder of our celebration at Avenue House.

There is no charge for attending, but if you intend to come, and have not yet told us,

We do need to know so that we can order the right amount of food.

Return to Hendon School by Don Cooper

Site code HDS06. Grid reference: 523675.129E 189026.785N height above sea level 59.850 metres.

The Eastings and Northings grid reference was set up by contractors who are building the additional six-form structure in the school grounds. The centre of our trench was 12.91m from the grid reference button.

Members of University of London’s Institute of Archaeology (IoA) and HADAS volunteers returned to Hendon School for another week of excavation from 17th to 25th of June 2011. This was the six year that we have been at Hendon School. Last year, as many of you will recall, we got a surprise on the last day of excavation when, on digging a sondage (a small test pit within the trench) so that we could establish the stratigraphy down to the natural London Clay, we found over a hundred sherds of early medieval Pottery. Although these are still being analysed in order to further pin the fabrics and dates, it was clear that there was probable medieval activity in the area. The plan for 2011 was to revisit the 2010 excavation to see what was going on. However as with the “best laid plans of mice and men” it turned out not to be so simple!

During the year the school had begun building a new sixth-form building complex and although it was at the far end of the site from our excavation, huge lorries were parked near where we wanted to dig and the ground was well and truly churned up. The school had also removed the hedge than ran along the north side of the playing field. This hedge line had been beside three of the previous five digs at the school and we had used it as “fence” protecting the northern side of our trenches. Additionally the school wished to give more pupils experience of practical archaeology so whereas in previous years we had between 25 and 30 volunteer pupils, this year the number was about 260.

Figure 1. Day 1 – Thank goodness we didn’t have to de-turf

As our markers as to where exactly we had dug in 2010 were no longer clear, we decided to open a much larger trench with a view to encompassing the old excavation. The advantage of having builders on site was that they kindly de-turfed a 6 metre by 6 metre trench for us (and also back-filled after we were finished – Hurrah). Despite having a 6m by 6m trench to excavate, we had to divide it in two so as to have an adequate area for the pupils to work in – that half of the trench never reached the natural except for a small E/W section. The half not allocated to the pupils was excavated during the times that there were no pupils on site, with the consequence that the natural London clay was not reached in about 75% of the trench. Nevertheless among the 17th, 18th and 19th c pot sherds, clay pipe, glass, metal and building material (mostly tile and brick) there were, as in the previous year, over 100 sherds of 12th and 13th c pottery, which are currently being analysed.

Although each pupil only had, of necessity, a short time to experience practical archaeology the consensus at the end of the week was that they had enjoyed themselves. Most pupils were able to spend some time troweling in the trench, sieving the soil, pot washing and trying to reconstruct a pot from its sherds as well as learning about health and safety on archaeological sites and the history of Hendon House, the probable home of John Norden the great geographer, in whose gardens we were digging. The final Saturday coincided with the school fete and although a small number of pupils and parents came to see the excavation, it was disappointing that we didn’t attract more sightseers, but the draw of bouncy castles and other rides as well as sweet and cakes stalls proved more popular. A full report of the dig is in preparation and will be published in due course.

As a final act of the excavation a time capsule prepared by the pupils was buried in the trench. Who knows what future generations will think!!

Thanks must go to the school, Tom Janvrin in particular who orchestrated this year’s event, to all the volunteers from both UCL/IoA and HADAS including Angie, Sarah, Gabe, Vicki, Nick, Jim, Alex, Sigrid and Hannah.



Exploring a Legionary Fortress; New Excavations at Caerleon and the Late Roman Military in Britain

Dr. Andrew Gardner Lecturer (Archaeology of the Roman Empire)

Institute of Archaeology, UCL London

Report by Andy Simpson

This fascinating lecture covered work done in conjunction with Cardiff University and CADW, Dr. Gardner being co-director alongside a Welsh colleague, Dr Peter Guest. Today, Caerleon/Caerllion is a pleasant small town of some 7,000 inhabitants just outside Newport, on the bank of the tidal River Usk, with the modern town lying over the fortress, of which, happily and unusually, one third of the original area – the western side of the fortress – has lain undeveloped since Roman times. This makes a happy contrast with the heavily built-over legionary fortress sites at Chester and York.

Lying in the territory of the powerful and warlike Silures tribe, from around AD74/75 as the Roman Isca it was home to the 5500-man Legio II Augusta, as part of the 20-30 year Roman campaign to conquer Wales and was occupied into the fourth century. Today, the excavated 6000-seat stone amphitheatre, lengths of fortress wall, and in Prysg Field, a latrine, cook-houses and ovens, and barrack blocks excavated in the 1930s can be seen, along with impressive parts of the massive, 360ft/110m long basilican fortress baths (equal in size to Wells Cathedral) under a modern cover building, along with the Roman Legionary Museum originally established in 1850. Although York became a major Colonia, the Welsh garrisons seem to have diminished in the second century.

With the original turf, clay and timber defences converted to stone in the later first/second century, some rebuilding is attested in third century inscriptions, including the HQ building (principia) and some barrack blocks. By the 290s AD, key buildings at Caerleon appear to have become disused, and the nature of any fourth-century occupation is uncertain, whether civilian or military in nature. By the fourth century, legions had been sub-divided into dedicated Cohorts of around 1000 men. The main areas of extra-mural settlement are to the north-east and south-west, with satellite settlements also to the east with a further suburb across the river Usk. Burial grounds lie on hill slopes south and north of the fortress.

Caerwent Roman town – Venta Silurum – with its well preserved defences and remains of public buildings, lies only nine miles away to the east.

First dug in 1849, Caerleon was again dug in 1908-9 and the barracks and amphitheatre by Mortimer and Tessa Wheeler 1926-28 on behalf of the National Museum of Wales and by V.E. Nash-Williams in the 1950s/60s and the fortress baths 1977-1981. Small-scale rescue digs continued in the 1970s to 1990s, and a major magnetometer survey was undertaken 2006-2009. Research priorities are to investigate the unexcavated ‘blank area’ and evidence for fourth century occupation and everyday life on such military sites and how this connected with the role of the Roman military as an imperial institution.

Summer excavation work has been undertaken on the fortress granaries in ‘Priory Field’, beginning with test pits and geophysical survey in 2007, with these investigations intended to test the state of preservation- Priory Field was pasture land for centuries and previously unexcavated.

Test pits gave some evidence of late Roman occupation, leading to larger trenches being dug in 2008/2010 across a square stone military warehouse/store building with central entrance leading to a range of rooms arranged around a central courtyard, in use from the second to probable late third century and robbed out in the medieval period, as a training exercise for students and also to engage with the public through daily public tours of the excavations. Each room was dug in quadrants to keep a record section.

In 2008 an engraved building inscription was found, probably commemorating the construction of the warehouse by the Century of the Primus Pilus (First Spear – senior centurion in charge of the first cohort of the legion)

Some spectacular finds included Roman military equipment including much of a suit of classic legionary Lorica Segmentata banded Roman armour, lifted in 30 soil blocks from room 2 for conservation at the National Museum of Wales, including iron bands from the torso and possibly shoulders, and copper alloy studs, rivets and buckles formerly on a leather backing for strapping. There were also remains of parade or ceremonial armour, including copper discs and a copper sheet with a relief human head, possibly from another suit or cavalry parade helmet. Also found was a lead tag and shield grip and three fish brooches. After the warehouse went out of use, the entrance was given a new surface, and with the external walls still standing a new structure was built using ‘jerry-built’ unmortared walls within a shell of standing masonry. Some of these new walls later collapsed. Later features included surfaces and walls, with much recycling of material including a sculptural fragment. Abundant fourth-century coinage was found, with some fourth century pottery but little fourth-century metalwork, with some continuing military occupation presumed.

Many fortresses see major changes in the fourth century, with reduced occupation. At Caerleon there is still fourth-century rubbish in the baths complex, indicating continued occupation of the central area, perhaps under ‘care and maintenance’, with the extra mural settlements also still occupied at this time. The II Augustan Legion is later recorded at Richborough, Kent. Perhaps part of it remained as a detachment at Caerleon, or even the third-century fort at Cardiff, so spectacularly ‘restored; in Victorian times. At Wroxeter city and Birdoswald fort up on Hadrian’s Wall, late Roman timber buildings were erected over earlier stone ones.

Medieval Caerleon is evidenced by patterns of rubble suggesting a possible barn, only six inches beneath the modern turf, possibly dating to the fourteenth century when Caerleon, overseen by its castle, was a small farming village, already linked with King Arthur in the popular imagination, being the site of his court according to medieval historian Geoffrey of Monmouth, with the amphitheatre identified by some as being his round table. In the twelfth/thirteenth century substantial Roman building remains were still visible there, including the shell of the baths building.

In the summer 2010 a complex of very large stone buildings was found outside the fort during geophysical survey, and more digging is planned for 2011 to explore these unique buildings, which include a huge courtyard enclosure building, for which there is as yet no dating evidence, but it is thought to be fairly early and possibly related to a port complex on the Usk, since a harbour wall is already known.

There is an informative website with archaeologist’s blog and detailed photographic coverage of recent work at Priory Field, along with Roman Caerleon generally – see

An Evening with the Thames Discovery Programme [TDP] at Southwark Cathedral on 6 July. Emma and David Robinson

It was a splendid evening. The venue was superb, the content well focussed and great hospitality was shown by the Southwark Cathedral staff and the TDP. We departed stimulated and much better informed about the history of Southwark, its Cathedral, the work of the TDP and the many other groups who contributed.

The programme was divided into three parts. The central part being a fascinating lecture given by Nathalie Cohen (TDP Team Leader and Southwark Cathedral Archaeologist) and entitled “Priors, Pilgrims, Potters & Pirates: the archaeology of Southwark and its Cathedral”. Before the lecture there was a chance to explore the Cathedral and its precinct and view displays from many groups in the north and south transepts – and also to visit the South Courtyard where the Middlesex and Surrey Archaeology Dowsers were examining the area where the chapel of St Mary Magdalene once stood. After the lecture there was a further opportunity to explore, view the displays and talk with TDP staff and volunteers over a glass of wine in the Cathedral’s Millennium Courtyard.

The evening gave vivid glimpses of the long and fascinating history of Southwark. Notably the Cathedral is the oldest cathedral church building in London – although only a cathedral since 1905, when the Anglican Diocese of Southwark was formed. The Cathedral’s origins however lie in the 13th century as a priory church following the rule of the life of St Augustine of Hippo. For much of its history Southwark has often been called the ‘other London’ over the river. But it is the important bridging point over the Thames which, since at least Roman times, has nurtured Southwark and still defines its identity to this day.

Nathalie Cohen’s lecture brought together many facets of the lives of people who have lived, worked, worshipped or visited Southwark over time. She reminded us that Southwark was the London of many “P”s including: Priors; Pilgrims; Potters; Pirates (seafaring folk); Palaces (and great houses); Playhouses; Pubs and taverns; and, above all, People drawn from many backgrounds. Here, Priors stand for the influence and prosperity of the church (Nathalie gave a fascinating account of the consequences of the rich diet eaten by many monks as evidenced by their diseased bones); Pilgrims stand for pilgrimage routes to diverse and often distant destinations (this is known since returning pilgrims often cast their pilgrim badges into the Thames as a token); Potters stand for this important local industry (as witnessed by the Delft tile kiln in the Cathedral Precinct); Pirates stand for the seafaring folk, trade and commerce (and some colourful personalities); Palaces stand for the great houses of leading courtiers and churchmen which stood here (since it was just over the river from Westminster); Playhouses stand for the London of theatre and entertainment (as witnessed by the Globe Theatre of Shakespeare’s time which has now risen again); Pubs and taverns stand for hospitality and the constant coming of people over the Thames (which has ensured London’s prosperity since at least Roman times); and, finally People stand for the diverse folk associated with Southwark’s past.

Changing theories on the purpose of the roundhouses discovered at Vindolanda Vicki Baldwin

In May this year I once again spent a week as a volunteer excavator at Vindolanda in Northumberland. During my stint I uncovered the remains of a roundhouse underneath the road surface in the north western quadrant of the visible fort walls (Periods VII – X AD213 to AD550+). The roundhouses are thought to belong to the brief Period VI-B (AD208 – AD213). We were actually looking for the walls of the barrack blocks located in the area. A roundhouse was not what we expected to find and on 19th May Justin Blake, deputy director of excavations, tweeted:

“Who’d have believed a Severan roundhouse could have survived the ravages of three different road surfacings during the 3rdC? Super to see it”

The roundhouse also appeared to have a flagged floor. Subsequently the remains of further roundhouses have been uncovered in this area. However, their function has yet to be determined. The latest theory as reported by the BBC on 17th June is that they were built to house refugee farmers from north of Hadrian’s Wall. Prior to that they were reported in 2000 to be accommodation for prisoners of war, hostages or forced labour, although the possibility that they were built for refugees was considered.

While I was digging there this year I was told that someone had suggested that they may have been built by North African troops accompanying Septimus Severus “because they were used to living in round huts” (!!??). I really do not think that notion could be taken seriously even though the layout of the structures (in groups of 10 arranged in 5 pairs) appears to have been planned. What is clear though is that the continuing excavations at Vindolanda mean that theories are constantly being revised and that current knowledge of the fort sequence, its vicus and surroundings is always expanding.

Sequence of Forts at Vindolanda:

Housing for Prisoners:

Housing for Refugees:

Roundhouse further excavated (July):

What’s On Eric Morgan

Tuesday 2nd August, 2-3pm: Harrow Museum, Headstone Manor, Pinner View, North Harrow: Monuments in Middlesex Churches. Talk by Pat Clarke (Pinner Local History Soc. & LAMAS). Cost £3.

Wednesday 3rd August, 6pm: Docklands History Group, Museum in Docklands, No. 1 Warehouse, West India Quay, Hertsmere Road, E14, Greenwich Peninsula. Talk by Mary Mills. Donation £2.

Sunday 7th August, from 1pm: HADAS 50th Birthday Party, Avenue House, East End Road, N3

also 3-5pm: The Bothy Garden Open Day, Avenue House Grounds, East End Road, N3

And on 4th September, 3-5pm: The Bothy Garden Party. Small charge

Monday 8th – Friday 12th & Monday 15th – Friday 19th August: Copped Hall Trust Archaeological Project: Field Schools 2011. For details please see June Newsletter or visit or email:

Tuesday 9th August, 8pm: Amateur Geological Society, The Parlour, St. Margaret’s Church, Victoria Avenue, N3 (off Hendon Lane): Members’ Evening: talks by society members including Chalk Echinoderms: by Len Tapper; J.F. Kirkaldy – a Geologist at War: by Dave Greenwood; a display by John Shaw on Minerals on Stamps.

Tuesday 16th August, 6pm: Harrow Museum, Headstone Manor, Pinner View, North Harrow: William Morris talk by Helen Elletson. Cost £3.

Tuesday 16th August, 6pm: Highgate Wood Information Hut, off Archway Road, N6. Historical Walk. Highgate Society.

Friday 19th August, 12.00-2.00pm: Museum of London, 150 London Wall EC2: Archaeology UP Close. Object handling sessions with members of Archaeological Collections Dept. Also 2.00-2.30pm & 3.00-3.30pm: Roman Fort Visit, tickets allocated on arrival. Both free. Tour remains of the Western Gate, below street level.

Friday 19th August, 7pm: COLAS, St. Olave’s Parish Hall, Mark Lane, EC3: New Discoveries in Bronze Age Iran. Talk by Ian Jones (Enfield Archaeological Society). Visitors £2. Light refreshments after.

Saturday 20th August & Sunday 21st August, 12-6pm: Friern Barnet Summer Show, Friary Park, Friern Barnet Lane, N12. Friern Barnet & District Local History Society will have a stand there. Barnet Borough Arts Council will also be in a marquee with paintings, info & What’s On (including HADAS).

Wednesday 24th August, 6.30pm: Islington Archaeology & History Society Summer Stroll. Led by John Finn. Meet at entrance hall of Dalston Junction Station (London Overground) for a walk along Hackney/Stoke Newington edge. Cost £6. Send cheque payable to ‘Islington Archaeology & History Society’ & s.a.e. to: 8, Wynyatt Street, EC1V 7HU (tel: 020 7833 1541). Walk will finish about 8.30pm at Newington Green.

Saturday 27th August, 2.30pm: Enfield Society, Heritage Walk: Edmonton, starting from the car park of Millfield House Arts Centre, off Silver Street N18. A 2½-3 hour linear walk along paths via Pymmes & Craig Parks. Ends with a visit to Church Street Conservation Area. Led by Monica Smith.

Monday 29th August, 11.00am – 6.00pm: Highgate Society, Lauderdale House, Highgate Hill, N6.

30th Anniversary Arts & Crafts Fair.

Monday 29th August: Markfield Beam Engine Steam Date, Markfield Road, N15. Tel: 01707 873628; email; or check for times. (HADAS had a lecture on this in May).

Tuesday 30th August, 2-3pm: Harrow Museum, Headstone Manor, Pinner View, North Harrow: The Life of Dr. Johnson talk by Stephanie Chapman. £3.

Saturday 3rd & Sunday4th September, 10.30am-6pm: Enfield Town Show, Town Park, Cecil Road, Enfield, Middx. The Enfield Society & Enfield Archaeological Society will have stands here. Lots more stalls. Admission £3 (£2 concessions).

Sunday 5th September, 11am-5pm: Angel Canal Festival, Regents Canal, City Road Basin, Islington, N1 (near LAARC). Many stalls, boat trips & rally. London Canal Museum & Islington Archaeology & History Society have stands. Free.

Sunday 5th September, 11am-4pm: Highgate Society Heritage Day Highgate Woods, off Archway Road N6

Advance Notice

Saturday 15th September: Barnet & District Local History Society coach outing to The Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. For details please tel. Pat Alison on 01707 858430 or emai

Newsletter-484-July-2011 – HADAS Newsletter Archive

By | Past Newsletters, Volume 9: 2010 - 2014 | No Comments

No. 484 July 2011 Edited by Mary Rawitzer



The application form for the outing to Chatham’s Historic Dockyard, Upnor Castle, etc, was included with the last Newsletter. For further information or late comers, please contact Jim Nelhams (see the last Newsletter page for his details).



On the last page of this Newsletter you will find the details and a cut-out booking form for our outing on Wednesday 17th August to the Roman Villa excavation at Folkestone and other interesting places – see pages 2 and 3 for much more information about the fascinating villa site.


HADAS 50th Birthday Party Don Cooper

HADAS are having a buffet lunch party to celebrate their first 50 years!! The event will take place at Avenue House, 17 East End Road, London N3 3QE, on Sunday 7th August 2011 at 12.30 for 13.00. This will be a great opportunity to catch up with friends and make new ones. As well as a buffet lunch, an exhibition of the items from the Moxon collection, a raffle and a recording of the first lecture by our founder Themistocles Constantinides in 1961 will be part of the proceedings.

If you haven’t already told us you are coming please contact either Jo Nelhams (email or telephone 0208 449 7076) or Don Cooper (email or telephone 0208 440 4350), or write to our addresses on the last page of this Newsletter by the middle of July so that proper catering arrangements can be made.

We very much look forward to seeing you all there.



At the AGM I managed to collar one new Editor for the Newsletter, but more are needed, most particularly as a reserve. Just once a year, each Editor puts together one Newsletter, using information and reports sent to them and a general format (which will be written down shortly for newcomers!). If you are just thinking about volunteering and want to know more please e-mail or phone ( 020 8340 7434).



The re-excavation of the East Wear Bay Roman villa, Folkestone Kent CT19 6PU. OS TR240369. Excavation 2010/2011 by Canterbury Archaeological Trust working with Canterbury Christ Church University and the Folkestone People’s History Centre – with reference to the 1924/5 Stuart Winbolt excavation funded by Folkestone District Council.

This is a huge 30-room winged Roman villa, overlaying an earlier simplified dwelling, which can favourably be compared to that at Nenning, Germany, and dates between early 2ndC AD and mid- 4thC. It may have been even more extensive if in fact it had two storeys, as suggested by two slip, possibly stairwell, rooms. It also had a separate 20-room bathhouse. Both were fully excavated by Stuart Winbolt in 1924/5. Winbolt credited his interest in the villa to his conversations with Mr Peden, the octogenarian Assistant Curator of Folkestone Museum, in 1923. There had been some small-scale excavations in the 19thC following recorded finds from 1860, but nothing on the scale of the Winbolt excavation. After discussions, Folkestone District Council funded the two-year digging programme and also provided the labour force and abundant assistance.

Stuart Winbolt must have been excellent at delegation, as his 200-page book complete with black and while plates, drawings etc., and accompanying short notebook, were actually published the year his excavation ended in 1925. On the first page of his book “Roman Folkestone” the very professional plan of the villa is actually the work of the Borough Engineer who also seems to have been instrumental in persuading RAF Manston to take the necessary aerial photographs. Amazingly Winbolt notes that some of the bathhouse walls he uncovered stood at 6 ft. A second reading of his book made me appreciate his knowledge and the thoroughness of his investigations.

I visited the site with my sister on one of the last days of the new excavation, between showers, on a cold October afternoon in 2010. The location is in a beautiful country park on the edge of a sloping cliff, facing south-east across the English Channel towards Cap Gris Nez, the shortest crossing to the continental mainland. I have to admit my bias, of course, as Wear Bay Road was my childhood home. The villa is between the Napoleonic Martello Towers 1, 2 and 3 and below the high cliffs to the north of Capel le Ferne, site of a possible Roman Signal Station.

In Roman times the villa may have stood up to half a mile inland. The grey Gault clay/chalk sandwich is unsuitable for long term building and the cliff edge would have always been crumbing. It is, and was, exposed to the terrible winter storms and huge waves that are part of Folkestone‘s fame. Even Leland was aware of this in the 15thC when he was told by the residents that two whole parishes that they can name had been washed away long before their time – possibly in the early 14th Century’s “biblical storms“, or even earlier. Further damage has been inflicted by the building of the harbour and its arm, to the south, during the early 19thC, preventing the East Cliff receiving the longshore drift of protective shingle making its way round the coast. Since 1925 the distance from the edge has decreased from 30metres to 2½ metres, the collapse taking with it some of the bathhouse and destroying the freshwater fish ponds beneath the cliffs.

The villa fell into disrepair during WW2, as front line defence became the first priority. Dreadful tales of local lads using the mosaic as catapult fodder, and worse, were told to me in my younger days by neighbours who had lived through those years. In 1957, as a very disappointed 8-year old, I watched as the villa disappeared into the earth as council workers reburied it. The site had more use to them as a car park for the local beaches below the cliff. Since then, apart from a small scale excavation of the bathhouse by the county archaeologist in 1989, the remains of the villa have been undisturbed. It was very exciting for me, personally, to visit the new excavation, and see the villa once more unveiled, perhaps for the very last time due to erosion of the Cliff.

Winbolt’s excavation concentrated on the villa and bathhouse identified by the aerial photographs. His finds included a large mosaic room, painted plaster, large ceramic drain pipes, pottery and coins. Perhaps his most important discovery, depending on your own perspective, was the two CL BR tiles datable to between 43AD and 287 AD, evidencing the presence of the Classis Britannica, the Roman navy in Britain, linking to similar finds in Lemosis, Anderida and Boulogne. The Roman artefacts and coins found dated between 100 and 350 AD. There were also Iron Age artefacts and coins, some of tin, dated from 100BC to 50 AD and three Iron Age Burial Urns dating between 1AD aand 50 AD were found beneath the villa.

The new excavation has also gone below the villa and also further to the north, outside the walls. Canterbury Archaeological Trust (CAT) found prehistoric artefacts dating from the Mesolithic. Botanical sieving also took place – unlike in Winbolt’s time when soil was unceremoniously wheel- barrowed over the cliff edge. Significant new discoveries also included an Iron Age drainage ditch with evidence of a possible timber roundhouse, 13 Iron Age coins 150BC-50 AD, plus Dressel 1 amphora. CAT interpret these as indicating wines imported to a high status site and conclude it may have been a Roman client site as at Fishbourne. CAT’s finds also give earlier Iron Age dating then those of Winbolt.

The Villa, famous once, splashed all over The Times in August of 1925, hardly rates a mention in new books on Roman Britain. These new investigations will put it back on the map. This year possibly the very final excavation will commence in July and will focus on uncovering the walls with a further new focus on the courtyard. Those going on the HADAS trip should have a memorable visit.




The Society’s 50th Annual General Meeting was held on Tuesday 14th June 2011 at 8pm in Avenue House. The Chairman, Don Cooper, introduced the President, Harvey Sheldon, who chaired the meeting. There were 33 members present and apologies were received from a further 10 members. The Annual Report and Accounts were presented to the meeting. The Treasurer showed that there was a shortfall between the current subscription and the basic costs of running the Society, though it is financially sound due to the legacy left by Ted Sammes. Various points were made as to how to close this gap in income and expenditure and members were asked to submit any suggestions to the Committee for further discussion. The Officers remained unchanged and were duly elected. Nine members of the Committee offered themselves for re-election and were also duly elected.

A reminder of who is who on the elected committee:

Chairman: Don Cooper

Vice- Chairman: Peter Pickering

Hon. Treasurer: Jim Nelhams

Hon. Secretary: Jo Nelhams

Hon. Membership Secretary: Stephen Brunning

Committee: Vicki Baldwin, Bill Bass, Andrew Coulson, Eric Morgan, June

Porges, Mary Rawitzer, Andrew Selkirk, Tim Wilkins, Sue Willetts.

The Chairman explained the circumstances that led to the withdrawal of HADAS from the proposal to be involved with the running of Church Farmhouse Museum. The museum is now closed and its future is unknown. He said HADAS would continue to monitor the situation and endeavour to keep it in the public eye. Harvey Sheldon said that the manner of its closure, and the lack of a local museum in Barnet, equivalent in population to a small town, should and would be taken up by LAMAS (London & Middlesex Archaeological Society) in which he and Don were both involved.

The meeting was followed by a recording of the first lecture given by the founder of HADAS,

Themistocles Constantinides, which was very entertaining and informative and was well received by all who heard it. (For those who missed it, there will be a further chance to hear it at the celebratory party on August 7th).

Some HADAS Members listening intently to the founder’s lecture at the AGM Photo: Stephen Brunning

HADAS LECTURE 10 MAY 2011 Report by Sylvia Javes

The Influence of Effluent

The history of the rescue and restoration of a beam engine used to pump sewage in Tottenham was the subject of a very interesting talk given by Ken Brereton on 10th May.

In the early 19th century, Tottenham was still a small rural village, but by the mid-1840s rapid expansion was causing serious public health problems due to sewage being discharged into local rivers, the Moselle and the Lea. In 1850 the newly formed Local Board of Health set up a public water supply and sewage disposal works. This was at Markfield Road, Page Green. The initial works consisted of a 45hp steam engine to lift the incoming sewage and discharge it into two deposit tanks. The effluent would then flow to the sand filters alongside. On leaving the last filter bed the clear liquor would pass down the effluent race to the River Lea. The site included two workmen’s cottages.

This worked well until 1858 when further population growth left sewage overflowing into the Lea. By 1866 the situation was so bad that Tottenham was accused of causing the deaths of 4,000 people in a cholera epidemic. Some minor improvements, including a new sewer at Hornsey, alleviated some problems, but as the population increased still more in the 1870s things became worse again. Meanwhile in London Bazalgette had built his great system of sewers that took sewage away from the city and discharged it further down the Thames.

In 1885 the Lea was badly polluted, and it was decided that a larger pump and larger settlement tanks must be built. Wood Bros of Sowerby Bridge, Yorkshire, received the contract to make and build the engine. By January 1886 the engine house was completed and all parts of the engine were on site. On the 12th July 1888 the 100hp engine came into use. The total cost of the engine and foundations was £4722. When running at 16rpm the engine pumped up to 4 million gallons of sewage in a 24 hour period. In 1893 the Lea was declared clean. In 1905, triple expansion Worthington engines were brought in, and the beam engine was relegated to standby duty for storm water pumping.

During the Second World War, the site was still in operation. The land contained a pig farm, which remained until the early 1960s, but in 1964 the site was finally closed, when incoming sewers were diverted elsewhere. The engine house, containing the beam engine, was bricked up. Apart from a small building used for children’s activities, the site became a dumping ground. In 2002 Haringey Council began to landscape the site to turn it into a park. From 2006, with help from the Heritage Lottery Fund, the engine house was refurbished and volunteers worked on restoring the beam engine, and in 2010 the engine was again in steam, but now using oil, not coal to fire it.

Photo courtesy The Markfield Beam Engine and Museum Reg Charity No. 290486

The Markfield Beam Engine and Museum, at Markfield Road, Tottenham, is open on the second Sunday of each month from 11:00am to 4:00pm. Steaming dates this summer (2011) are on July 24th and August 29th.


In 2010 Birkbeck College excavated an area of land immediately north of the Bridgettine church which now lies beneath the eastern lawns of Syon House. Extensive stone foundations, including parts of the nuns’ cloisters and range of buildings, were discovered to the east and north. A large quantity of 15th and early 16thC painted glass fragments was also found, depicting lettering, architectural images, figures and a representation of the crucifixion. A geophysical survey on the front lawn revealed two further courtyards beyond the front of the house, extending as far as the still-existing “Pepperpot Lodges”. This will be Birkbeck’s focus for its 2011 training digs running from Monday 4th to Friday 8th July and again from Monday 11th to Friday 15th July. Most people looking for a training dig will already be aware of this and the places are usually filled rapidly, but to enquire about possible participation visit contact the course team: or phone 020-7631 6627. Course cost ranges from £225 to £600, depending on concessions.

Sat 30 Jul 2011 and Sun 31st 12:00 – 1.00 and 15:00-16.00 Gladiator Games


Briefly noted in a recent Newsletter, a member who saw this some year back recommends it highly although it’s no longer free (adult £15, concession £12, child £10 plus flexible family and group prices):

Step back in time to witness an epic clash of the titans in Guildhall Yard, the site of London’s only Roman amphitheatre. Hear the roar of the crowd and imagine the sand of the arena beneath your feet as fearsome gladiators dramatically reconstruct games once held in ancient Londinium. Experience Roman Londinium; interact with senators, slaves, soldiers, musicians, and surgeons.

The event aims to present a realistic portrayal of combat in the Roman amphitheatre and as such contains of graphic violence and simulated bloodshed – may not be suitable for younger children!


Sat/Sun 2nd/3rd July 12-7pm East Barnet Festival. Oak Hill Park, Church Hill Rd, East Barnet. Lots of community stalls, including Barnet Arts CCL.

Sun 3rd July 3-5pm Bothy Garden Open Day Avenue House grounds, East End Rd. N3 3QE.

Thurs 5th July 2-3pm Streams & Walks in Harrow. Harrow Museum, Headstone Manor, Pinner View, North Harrow. Talk by Dr Freddie Hicks (Stanmore & Harrow Hist. Soc.) £3.

Sat/Sun 9th/10th July Pentland & Finchley Festival Victoria Park, N3.

Tues 12th July 8pm A History of the Earth in 9,400 Objects: The collection of Dr John Woodward (1665-1728). Amat. Geol. Soc. St Margaret’s Church, Victoria Ave N3. Talk, D Pemberton (Sedgewick Mus.).

Fri 15th July 12-2pm Archaeology Up Close: handling session with members Museum of London London Wall. EC2. 2-2.30 or 3-3.30 Roman Fort Visit. Both free.

Fri 15th July 7-9pm Elizabethan London: Guided Walk. COLAS. Led by John Gibson (City of London guide). Start outside Royal Exchange nr. Bank Station EC3.

Tues 19th July 2-3pm Confessions of a Curator Harrow Museum Talk, Jason Finch (Manager). £3.

Thurs 21st July 7.30 English Heritage Listing in Camden Camden History Society Burgh House New End, NW3. Talk by Emily Gee.

Sat 16th-Sun. 31st July Festival of British Archaeology Handle finds, visit Thames foreshore, etc. See full events listing and details:

Wed 20th July 7.30pm Visit St Mungo’s, Pound Lane, NW10 Willesden Local History Society. Meet entrance opposite bus garage. Led by David Rose.

Tues 26th July 10.30am St Andrew’s Church and its Personalities Talk by Janet McQueen Enfield Society, Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane, junction Chase Side, Enfield.

Wed 27th July 3-4pm Meet the Expert Museum of London Ian Blair, MOLA. Free.


With thanks to contributors: Steve Brunning, Don Cooper, Lydia Demetris, Sylvia Javes, Eric Morgan, Jo Nelhams


Newsletter-483-June-2011 – HADAS Newsletter Archive

By | Past Newsletters, Volume 9: 2010 - 2014 | No Comments

No.483 June 2011 Edited by Micky Watkins

HADAS DIARY – Forthcoming events.

HADAS has won the 2011 Ralph Merrifield Award for London Archaeology presented by the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society (LAMAS) for work undertaken in the field of post-excavation analysis. The award was presented at the LAMAS conference on Saturday 9th April 2011 by their new President, Professor Martin Biddle OBE FBA.


Enclosed with this newsletter you will find the details and booking form for our outing in July to Chatham Historic Dockyard. Our last visit there was twenty years ago and there have been a large number of changes, improvements and additions since then. Join June Porges and Stewart Wild for what they promise will be another memorable trip and please book as soon as possible.

Barnet and District Local History Society invite HADAS members to join their Coach Trip The details are as follows:
Saturday 9 July. Coach trip to The Manor, Hemingford Grey, Huntingdon. – parts of which date to 11c. Tea and cake will be arranged in the nearby village of Hemington Abbots. Morning will be spent in St. Ives, Cambs – 15th c. stone bridge and one of the oldest regattas taking place on the Gt. Ouse during our time there. Details from Pat Alison 01707 858430


At a meeting of the Friern Barnet & District Local History Society at St John’s Church Hall, Whetstone on 27th April, our Chairman, Don Cooper, delivered a talk entitled “Fifty Years of HADAS”. A number of HADAS members also attended.

Don traced our history from the formation in 1961 by Themistocles Constantinides, through the various digs in Hendon which proved its Saxon history, and the expansion of our area to cover excavations in Hampstead and other parts of the Borough of Barnet. He noted that many recent digs had, with support from University College London, involved schools in the Hendon area. 2010 had included digs on the playing fields at Hendon School, within the grounds of Church Farmhouse Museum, and the opening of two second world war air raid shelters in Sunnyhill Park at Hendon.

Questions were raised about Church Farmhouse Museum and about Friary Park. The talk was well received by all present.
Copped Hall Trust Archaeological Project: Field Schools 2011

Monday 8th – Friday 12th August; Monday15th – Friday 19th August.
Continuing investigation into the development of this Tudor grand-house on the edge of Epping Forest.
An opportunity to dig, for people with some experience. Tel:01992-813-725

The Corieltavi Silver Bowl Mary Rawitzer

The beautiful 2,000 year old Iron Age Corieltavi silver bowl, the earliest known silver bowl to have been hand-made in Britain, is the highlight of a capsule exhibition, at Goldsmiths’ Hall until July 16.
The bowl, fitting in the palm of a hand, was found together with 5000 Celtic and Roman coins, some of which are also on show, two ingots and a small amount of jewellery and diverse artefacts. The discovery was made at Hallaton, Leics., in 2000 by a fieldwork group. Four years of excavation by the University of Leicester Archaeological Services have concluded that this was an open air shrine where items were deliberately buried in the first century BC and AD.

HADAS LECTURE 12 APRIL 2011 Report by Andy Simpson


This fascinating and well-attended lecture was given by former RAF V-Force navigator and Cold War Historian Dr Robin Woolven – he has made a particular study of the RAF and its situation at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962.

He later served in the Security Service, and was a Council member of the Camden Historical Society. On retiring in 1997 he researched the administration of wartime London in the War Studies Department of King’s College, London. A current interest is writing on wartime home front topics. He wrote the introduction to the London Topographical Society’s now out-of-print and greatly in demand London County Council Bomb Damage Maps 1939-1945 (2005). This had 108 pages and reproduced 110 maps, and is still used by building surveyors as well as local historians. His article on the Middlesex Bomb Damage Maps is in London Topographical Record (2010).

This is a record of where bombs actually fell, the best one being for the City of Westminster, with different codes/colours for various types of bomb and level of bomb damage. 110 sheets of maps cover the former County of London as governed by the one-time London County Council, who
maintained the bomb damage maps for the 117 square miles of the LCC area. The City of London (Corporation of London) had its own maps. The maps were hand-coloured to show the severity of damage to houses (but not military installations or the Houses of Parliament, which suffered severe damage to the original Commons chamber and library). Circles show where a flying bomb landed, black shows a building totally destroyed, purple buildings damaged beyond repair, yellow minor blast damage. Broken windows and dislodged tiles counted as too minor damage to record. They show what happened and the extent of what happened. Some buildings were bombed several times, having gone through the night blitz of 1940-41, the 1944 Mini blitz, and the V1 ‘Flying Bomb’ and V2 rocket campaigns of 1944-45 which only ended when the last V2 hit on 27 March 1945, barely six weeks before the end of the European War on 8 May 1945.

I certainly hadn’t heard before that the LCC bought 50,000 wicker baskets in 1940 to carry away the rubble from bombed buildings, and that up to 13,000 troops were used to clear buildings and keep actual streets and roads passable. Also involved, with a requirement to do 48 hours duty in a
28-day period, were fire watchers who extinguished some 75% of incendiary bombs before the professional fire-fighters arrived. Slides included powerful images of the sheer devastation caused, not just around well-known locations such as St Paul’s, but out in the suburbs also, as well as considerable incendiary bomb damage to Oxford St department stores, as shown in the maps. Such images and information were of course classified during the war. Dr Woolven has visited many of the bomb site locations to gather then-and-now comparison photographs. More than one copy of each map seems to have been made, but not all have survived.

Regional Commissioners looked after zones including five boroughs from Hertfordshire, then covered by the Metropolitan Police area. Their job was to shepherd available fire fighting and ARP resources and direct them to the worst-hit areas within the 722 square miles covered. No 4 (Eastern) Region had its 6 Group HQ actually in Hendon. Sometimes communications for such purposes broke down, such as Twickenham in November 1940, when controllers didn’t realise the true extent of the damage.

One analysis covered bombs dropped per 1000 acres, with, understandably, the heaviest concentration in central London and fewer further out, though the suburbs certainly received their share of Luftwaffe bombs.

Middlesex bomb damage maps show only the three most severe levels of damage. An example of severe local damage was the 1800kg bomb dropped on an estate bordering the Welsh Harp reservoir in West Hendon on the night of 13/14 November 1940, which killed some 36 people and caused blast damage over a one-mile radius, completely destroying 50 houses.

As for different phases of attack, by 1941, it was noted that there were fewer raids, but those aircraft that did come over were carrying bigger bombs. The main V1 campaign was petering out by August
1944 as the advancing allies overran the launch sites in Northern France (though air-launches by lumbering and obsolescent Heinkel III bombers based in Holland continued until January 1945, killing some 500 people). Some 2,441 V1s actually hit the London region.

On Saturday 6 September 1944, British authorities famously announced that ‘The Battle of London is over’, only for the first V2 rocket to land the following evening. V1s (‘Divers’) could be combated by the highly efficient coastal AA gun belt, barrage balloons around the capital, and RAF fighters in the zone between, using gunfire (highly dangerous if the warhead exploded close to the attacking aircraft) or the famous technique of formatting with the V1 and flipping it over using the fighter’s wing tip. The supersonic V2s however plunged down unseen from extreme altitude. At
first unexplained, the authorities initially blamed gas explosions to avoid panic. HADAS excavated one V2 site (The Old Forge) on the road between Golders Green and Finchley back in 1991 (I had
hair, then!) finding plenty of medieval Herts greyware pottery sherds but no scraps of V2 rocket. The old Borough of Hendon itself, with a mid-1944 population of 126,305 and 10,320 acres suffered 13 V1 hits and two V2 hits; Finchley six V1s and one V2, Barnet Urban District five V1s and one V2.

This informative but sobering talk ended with a lengthy Q and A session and was much appreciated by the audience.

ROMAN ENFIELD Deirdre Barrie

If HADAS members ever wander as far as Enfield, a mini exhibition “Roman Enfield – from Settlement to Suburb” is well worth a look. Small but beautifully presented, it is on the ground floor of the Dugdale Centre in the centre of Enfield Town. The exhibition has proved so popular that its run is being extended until the end of June/start of July 2011.

The small undefended Roman settlement was on a long strip of land on the west side of Ermine
Street, the Roman road from Londinium to Eboracum (York), parallel to the current A10
Cambridge Road. Local Roman discoveries are enhanced by set pieces of rooms and items from the Museum of London. The settlement dates from the Flavian period in 69-96 AD, was at its most prosperous in the 2nd C AD, and continued at least into the 4th C AD. It consisted of timbered homes/workshops producing metal and leatherwork, an industrial site to the north, and possibly a mansio, for officials to stay overnight – roof tiles have been discovered. It is tempting to imagine roadside stalls selling local produce to travellers.

A small screen continuously runs films of Enfield Archaeological Society excavations, and “fly throughs” of the sorts of buildings you would have seen.

I had always assumed that all Enfield’s Roman remains were some distance eastward, towards Ponders End, so it was a surprise to discover that a Roman burial had been excavated not a hundred yards from where I am writing this.

Parking at Sydney Road and Palace Gardens. Nearest rail station: Enfield Town; 307 or 121 bus from Oakwood.Tube; or a 329 from Wood Green. For more information see 7-page article by John Ivens and Graham Deal: Finds and Excavations in Roman Enfield:
1/dissemination/pdf/vol03/vol03_03/03_03_059_065.pdf (NB Do not confuse 1 and l)


In “the rose red city half as old as time” I rode on a donkey down the valley with its caves, some natural and some man-made in the soft limestone. I met a lad who was bunking off school to sell postcards. He lived in a big house in a village up the hill, but he said he liked to stay for a few
nights in their cave – a weekend cottage for the family where they had lived for centuries. About 20 years ago the Government gave the Bedouin a village about a mile from Petra and they were forced to live there. They still had their donkeys, horses and stalls for sale of handicrafts in the valley, but
it looked a lot cleaner. It was good to get rid of the televisions, aerials and trailing wires. I refused
to buy the postcards despite the boy’s good looks and charming smile, and told him to go to school.


Those of you who are interested in local history should definitely look at the Doomsday Project website ( Unfortunately my part of the world hasn’t been uploaded but I certainly remember the project when it was launched in the early 1980s with its talk of futuristic-sounding stuff like LaserDiscs.

Unfortunately technology moved too fast in a totally different direction leaving the Doomsday project unusable, but it’s been recovered and re-launched. There’s some interesting stuff about the Hendon area, showing Burnt Oak and the Police College:
( Cosford is also well covered:


This is a film like no other. In December 1994, three men exploring the Ardèche gorge in southern France perceived a draught of air from the rock face. They investigated and found the entrance to a cave system that had been blocked off from the outside world by a rock fall some eight thousand years ago.

But what an inner world they found! In this “Cave of Forgotten Dreams” near Vallon-Pont d’Arc are, as you might expect, wonderful and magical stalactites and stalagmites – but that’s not all. Around the walls and deep inside the cave are a series of prehistoric paintings of wild animals, animal bones, human footprints and handprints.

What makes them so special is that the images have been carbon-dated to between 30 and 32,000 years ago, making them almost twice as old as the famous paintings in the UNESCO-listed Lascaux cave in the Dordogne, discovered in 1940, which are estimated to date from 17,300 years ago.

Mindful of the problems caused at Lascaux by human visitors (damage from increased humidity, germs and mould spores), the French authorities have banned all unauthorized access and kept the exact location, northwest of Orange, a tight secret.

Last year, German actor and film director Werner Herzog (b.1942), perhaps best known in this country for Amazon epic movie Fitzcarraldo, was granted permission to film inside the cave, under strict conditions. Limited hours, minimal film crew, low lighting and areas off-limits all made his job more difficult. Yet he has managed to make a magnificent documentary film, narrated by himself and including interviews with archaeologists, that will linger in the memory.

Make the most of it: you will never be allowed to see the real thing. Not just horses and mammoths are depicted by some ancient hand, but charcoal lions, panthers, bears and rhinos. Using the natural contours of the walls, the artist – or artists – seem to capture movement frozen in time.

Did ancient man – or woman – see these animals, or just imagine them? Did they hunt them, catch them, eat them, use them; we will never know. Were the images made over a month, a year, a century, a millennium? Radiocarbon dating isn’t that precise.
The third dimension

The film’s producer, Erik Nelson, insisted that the cave be filmed in 3-D. Herzog wasn’t keen, but gave way. Perhaps commercial reasons triumphed (James Cameron’s Avatar was a 3-D box-office hit), but I agree with Herzog. In my view 3-D adds little to the experience and, it could be argued, detracts from it.

You are given special 3-D viewing glasses at the outset, which diminish even further the amount of light reaching your eyes. With low levels of lighting to start with, the cave’s images are sometimes hard to see, and not enhanced by a third dimension. If a gimmicky format had to be used, I would have preferred a giant-screen IMAX production.

I found Herzog’s soundtrack and commentary a bit irritating too. Despite his fluent English, he lacks the style and gravitas that someone like Kenneth Branagh or Morgan Freeman, for example, would have delivered.

The ninety-minute film premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival last September, to mixed reviews. It does not seem to have received wide distribution since then, but that may be because it will feature strongly on the History Channel, which helped to finance the project.

See it on the big screen if you can – armchair archaeology has never been so enjoyable. You can see a trailer and some short clips at

SHOWING AT WATFORD PALACE THEATRE Friday 10th June 8pm. Parking at Charter Palace car park, reached from the ring road. Box Office 01923225671

Museum of London’s Gladiator Games
Witness an epic clash of the titans at the Museum of London’s Gladiator Games, 30th and 31st
July 2011. To

London Archaeological Archive and Research Centre Training School
Introduction to Finds Processing and Recording
Monday 18 July – Friday 22 July and Monday 1 August – Friday 5 August

During these week-long courses participants will learn the basics of processing
finds from archaeological excavations. Guided by nearly a dozen experienced practitioners and specialists from the Archive and Research Centre, they will go through all the various stages from handling and packaging, to sorting and cataloguing. There will be a strong emphasis on practical activities, drawing on one of the world’s largest and most diverse archaeological collections. The sessions will include:

Basic principles of washing, packaging and handling artefacts
Sorting and cataloguing ‘bulk’ materials: ceramics, building material, animal bone.
Identifying, handling and cataloguing metalwork and other ‘small finds’ Dealing with organic materials: leather, wood
Working on cemetery excavations and dealing with human remains
Liaising with conservators and specialists, and writing finds’ reports
The cost of £260 will include:

All tutorial expenses, including materials for practical sessions Documentation and access to on-line resources following the course Morning tea/coffee (five days); afternoon tea/coffee (four days)
lunch (four days); dinner (one day)

For further information about the course, follow the link from the Museum of London Archaeology website: (

To book, contact the Museum of London Box Office, telephone: 020 7001 9844 (opening times: Monday to Friday: 9.15am to 6pm; Saturday: 10am to 6pm)

To discuss the content of the course, contact (preferably by e-mail):
Francis Grew (; telephone 020 7566 9317) or
Jackie Keily (; telephone 020 7814 5734).

Saturday 4th June, 9.30am-2.30pm CBA London’s Big Greenwich Archaeology Day, including Foreshore exploration, visit to exhibitions and walks round Roman temple remains, Saxon cemetery, Tudor palace. Book on or

Sunday 5th June, Bothy Garden Open Day, Avenue House grounds, East End Rd. N3 3QE. Free entry. HADAS will be there from 10.30 am.

Tuesday 7th June, 7pm, Enfield Society Heritage Walk, Edmonton, from Edmonton Green Stn. Tickets free from Central Library 020 8379 8366.

Wednesday 8th June, 7.45pm, Hornsey Historical Society, Union Church Hall, Ferme Park Rd. Weston Park N8 Vaudeville, The Music Hall on Film. Talk by Roger Allday and Keith Fawkes. Visitors £2.

Thursday 9th June, 7.30pm, Enfield Society, Jubilee Hall, Parsonage Lane/Chaseside. AGM &
Royal Residences in England. Talk by Stephen Gilbert.

Saturday/Sunday 11/12th June, London Open Garden Squares

Monday 13th June, 3pm, Barnet Local History Society, Church House, Wood St., Barnet.
London Gasholders – Works of Art & Engineering. Talk by Malcolm Tucker.

Wednesday 15th June, 7.30pm, Camden History Society, Charlie Ratchford Centre, Belmont St. NW1 nr. Roundhouse. Kentish Town Baths – History & Restoration.

Wednesday 15th June, 8pm, Islington Archaeology Society, Town Hall, Upper St.N1. Islington’s
Regency Renaissance Talk by Prof Lester Hillman

Friday 17th June, 7pm, COLAS, St Olave’s Parish Hall. Mark Lane, EC3. Adventures with the
Lewis Chessmen. Talk by Dr Irvine Finkel (British Library). Visitors £2.

Friday 17th June, 8pm, Wembley History Society, St Andrews Church Hall, Church Lane, Kingsbury NW9. Blue Plaques to Music Hall. Talk by Terry Lomas. Visitors £2.

Saturday 18th June, 12.30-5.30, Highgate Summer Festival. Pond Square N6.
Sunday 19th June 12-6pm, East Finchley Festival, Cherry Tree Wood (opp. East Finchley Stn.) Sunday 19th June-26th June, Barnet Borough Arts Council, The Spires, High St., Barnet. Festival
Week: Concert, events at the Old Bull Theatre.

Wednesday 22nd June, 2-3pm, Society of Genealogists, 14 Charterhouse Buildings, Goswell Rd, EC1. National Monuments Record Collections: Bringing Family History to Life. £6 .
To book: 020 7553 3290 or

Wednesday 22nd June, 7.45, Friern Barnet Local History Society, Friern Barnet Lane,N20. Family
History, Talk by Susan Fifer. £2.

Sunday 26th June,3-5pm, Bothy Open Day, Avenue House, East.End Rd, N3 3QE. HADAS will be in the Garden Room. Alyth singers, slide show, etc.

Thursday 30th June, 8pm, Finchley Society, Avenue House N3 3QE. AGM and slide show:
Finchley 100 Years Ago

newsletter-482-May-2011 – HADAS Newsletter Archive

By | Past Newsletters, Volume 9: 2010 - 2014 | No Comments

HADAS DIARY — Forthcoming events.
Tuesday, June 14th, 2011.
The 50th HADAS Annual General Meeting takes place at Avenue House at 8.00 pm. This is your opportunity to hear about what HADAS has been doing and intends to do in the coming year. The Committee welcome suggestions and invites members to contribute to the running of the society. After the formal business of the AGM there will be chance to hear a very interesting recording of a lecture by our founder, Themistocles Constantinides.

Sunday, 7th August 2011 * * * * * * HADAS are having a Party ! * * * * * *

In order to celebrate HADAS’s 50th anniversary in style, we are going to have a party. Avenue House has been booked for Sunday, 7th August 2011 from 12.30 to 17.00 for a buffet lunch with drinks. This is an opportunity for new and old members to get together to celebrate the past and look to the future. The lecture by Themistocles Constantinides will be played again. Do come along. Please let Jo Nelhams know if you are coming by email, telephone or letter by mid July.

Sunday, July 31st 2011

Our Sunday outings in the last two years have worked well. This year we hope to go to Chatham Docks, where we haven’t been since 1991; there have been considerable changes and updates since then.

There will be an outing on Wednesday, 17th August 2011 to East Wear Bay Roman Villa in Folkestone, Kent. This 30-roomed winged Roman Villa dates between the early AD 2nd and mid-4th century. It was excavated originally by Stuart Winbolt in 1924/5 and published in a book entitled “Roman Folkestone”. But now it is being excavated again by Canterbury Archaeological Trust and others for the last time due to cliff erosion. The excavation starts in early July and continues through August under Keith Parfitt, who is leading the excavation. We will also go and see some of the artifacts from Winbolt’s excavation in the local museum as well as visiting other interesting sites in the area. The trip will be by coach and will cost £25 per person. A form will be included in the July newsletter. Do come along.

Monday 19th — Friday, 23rd September 2011. Trip to the Isle of Wight organized by Jim and Jo Nelhams.
HADAS DIARY Forthcoming lectures

Lectures are held at Avenue House, 17 East End Road, Finchley, and start promptly at 8 pm. Nearest tube station is Finchley Central. Buses 82, 143, 326 and 460 pass close by. All welcome. Cost for non-members is £1.00. Coffee, tea and biscuits can be purchased after the lecture. (80p)
Tuesday, 10th May 2011- Ken Brereton

The Markfield Beam Engine – the influence of effluence.

Ken has been involved with the Markfield Beam Engine and Museum some 15 years and is a Trustee and Treasurer. The Engine House is located in South Tottenham, adjacent to the River Lee in what was the Tottenham Sewage Works until 1964. The Museum is a registered charity and following the restoration of the Engine in 2009 a number of steam days and events have been held. The talk will encompass the state of Victorian public health and Tottenham in particular, and will cover the history of the site from its beginning as one of the earliest Sewage Works in the early 1850’s through to its closure in 1964, and beyond, to the landscaping of the site, the renovation of the Engine House and restoration of the Beam Engine in 2008/09. The talk will end with a five minute video of the Engine operating under steam power.
On Saturday 14th May the Markfield Beam Engine and Museum will be holding a local history day. The Engine will be steaming and they will be running the Engine into the evening as part of Museums at Night. Address: Markfield Road, Tottenham N 15 4B R.
Website: Email:

Tuesday 11th October 2011 Dr John Creighton: Silchester: The revelation of an Iron Age and Roman city.
Tuesday 8th November 2011 Nathalie Cohen: The Thames Discovery Programme

Membership Matters Stephen Brunning

Many thanks to everyone who has already paid their subscriptions for this year. As this newsletter went to press, well over half of our members who pay by cheque have done so. I have yet to process the standing order payments. If you pay by cheque but have not sent it off yet, I would be grateful if you could do so as soon as possible. To request another renewal form, please contact me (details on back page). Thank you.

Do we have your correct email address? In January an email was sent to remind members of the on-going petitions for both Barnet and Church Farmhouse Museums. As a result, a number were returned marked “invalid mailbox”. To ensure we have your up-to-date details, I would be grateful if standing order payers could email me at If you are also willing to receive the newsletters electronically, please let me know at the same time. There is no need for cheque payers to contact me as there is a space provided on the membership renewal form for this purpose. Thanks for your assistance.

Heritage news. Peter Pickering

On 4 April the National Heritage List for England, English Heritage’s new online database, went live. The List brings information on all nationally designated heritage assets into one place for the first time, marking a major milestone in EH’s work towards a more streamlined and transparent designation system as part of Heritage Protection Reform.

Users can access the List here and are also able to cross-search List data alongside other national and local historic environment datasets on the Heritage Gateway. Each entry on the List describes the asset and is accompanied by a map indicating its location. Users can still download spatial data from the heritage list from the existing download spatial data pages (this requires registration). Alongside listed buildings, scheduled monuments, registered parks, gardens and battlefields and protected wreck sites, World Heritage Site records have been added to the Heritage List for England (but are separately designated by UNESCO). Certificates of Immunity (COI) and Building Preservation Notices (BPN) are also recorded.

Users can nominate an asset for designation or ask for an entry on the List to be amended or deleted by using English Heritage’s online application form. For any queries or to offer feedback on the list, email

Lecture Report by Micky Watkins

The archaeology of Baldock by Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews, Archaeology Officer of Hertfordshire District Council.

This was an excellent lecture and now we know that Baldock is more, much more, than just a coffee stop on the way to Cambridge.

Baldock is one of a network of small towns in England, originating in the Neolithic age. These small towns became trading centres with markets, tax collection places, and sometimes industry, such as salt making at Northwich. Craftsmen made pottery and jewellery and the wealthy elite settled here and used expensive imported goods. Baldock was also a religious centre and Keith claims it may be the earliest of all the small towns. Neolithic farmers found the soil fertile, started cultivation and made pottery. They built a religious centre, for a cursus

with parallel ditches has been found in which was found an enormous horn core of an aurochs, perhaps 6 feet long.

In the 3rd and 2nd millennia many barrows were constructed. Early in the 1st millennium they established two hill forts, W ilbury and Arbury Banks About 200 BC, in the Middle Iron Age, there were burials with pottery, in the doline. (A bowl-shaped depression in the landscape) There is a closely dug row of pits about two metres wide and as deep with massive linear ditches leading to the town centre. This was a major religious and processional site. A burial made in 25 BC contained objects from the area of Europe round Austria; in another pit a chopped up coat of chain mail was found.

When the Romans invaded they found the elite were already romanised and using roman coins. Broughing and Verulamium became more important politically, but Baldock prospered and expanded and a Romano Celtic temple was built in the town centre which was unusual. There were several other temples and churches and 23 cemeteries! — unparalleled in the Empire. With one cremation burial, a curse was found, using pen and papyrus.

Local iron was used for manufacture and they also worked copper, made bone objects and dug lime. There were numerous villas round the town for the very wealthy. Keith said these were not just farms, but like our country houses. An assemblage of Iron Age coins larger than anywhere else in Britain has been found. The Radwell Head, the bust of Germanicus, brother of Caligula, was found in a villa. The population was healthy and well fed, to judge from the numerous skeletons. Nothing remains of the Roman town. Luckily it was built to the east of the Iron Age town, which is only a foot under agricultural land and shows up very clearly in aerial photographs. Keith gave a splendid power point presentation and spoke so clearly that even we oldies were delighted.

Exhibitions / Cinema Sue Willetts

British Museum, Crossroads of the Ancient World: Surviving treasures from the National Museum of Afghanistan. 3 Mar – 3 July 2011. Open late Fridays. See related event 24th May.

The Eagle. – . Director: Kevin Macdonald A Roman epic adventure,

based on the novel, The Eagle of the Ninth by Rosemary Sutcliff set in Roman Britain in the 2nd century AD after the building of Hadrian’s Wall.

Cave of Forgotten Dreams. 3D format. Documentary — Rated .Dir. by Werner

Herzog who obtained exclusive access to film inside the Chauvet caves of Southern France.

Other Societies’ Lectures and Events in May Eric Morgan

Fri 6 May 13.30 British Museum, Curator’s introduction to Afghanistan: Crossroads of the Ancient World. Lecture Free

Fri 6th 10.30 -12.00 Friend’s of Barnet Borough Libraries. South Friern Library, Colney Hatch Lane, N10. Albert Ball, V. C. Hendon’s World War I flying ace. Talk with coffee.

Mon. 9th 3.00 pm. Barnet & District Local History Society, Church House, Wood Street, Barnet, (opposite Barnet Museum) Eating winter with a spoon: The history of Ice Cream. Talk by Ruth Hazeldine (Hornsey Historical Society) Tea 2.30 pm

Mon. 9th 8.00pm West Essex Archaeological Group (WEAG) School Hall, Woodford County High School, High Road, Woodford Green. Bull leaping and the Cretans. Ridge Memorial Hall. Lecture by Andrew Shapland from The British Museum. Refreshments. Free entry.

Thurs. 12th 5.30- 6.30 pm. Islington Museum & Local History Centre, 245 St. John Street, EC1 Exploring Smithfield on foot. Joint meeting with Clerkenwell & Islington Guiding Association. Historical stroll around Smithfield Market. £6.00 (£5.00 concessions) Also, 7.00 – 8.00 pm A history of Smithfield Market. Talk by Des Whyman at Islington Museum.

Fri 13th 8.00 pm Enfield Archaeological Society Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane, Chase Side, Enfield. Recent research on Shakespeare’s London Theatres. Talk by Julian Bowsher (MOLA) Visitors £1.00. Refreshments, sales and information from 7.30 pm .

Sat 14th (also 21st & 28th) Trinity in May. Trinity Church Centre, 15 Nether St, N12 (Near Arts Depot) Festival of Arts, Music, Literature etc.

Sun 15th – Sun 22nd. Barnet Borough Arts Council. The Spires, High Street, Barnet. Paintings & What’s on (includes HADAS) information.

Tues. 17th 6.30 pm LAMAS Clore Learning Centre, Museum of London, 150 London Wall, EC2. The glassworkers of Roman London. Talk by John Shepherd. Refreshments 6.00pm

Wed. 18th. 8.00 pm. Islington Archaeology & History Society. Islington Town Hall, Upper Street, N1 Inaugural address from the President of the Society. Rt. Hon Lord Smith of Finsbury.

Thur 19th 7.30 pm. Camden History Society. Burgh House, New End, NW3. Abram Games, designer and The Festival of Britain by Naomi Games.

Fri. 20th 7.00 pm. COLAS. St. Olave’s Parish Hall, Mark Lane, EC3. Exploring a legionary fortress. New excavations at Caerleon and the late Roman military in Roman Britain. Talk by Andrew Gardner (Institute of Archaeology) Visitors £2.00. Refreshments afterwards.

Tue 24th 7.00 pm London Archaeologist. Institute of Archaeology, 31-34 Gordon Square, WC1. Annual lecture and meeting, Refreshments 6.30 pm. Olympic archaeology – 6000 years of evidence from London’s largest site.

Wed. 25th 7.45pm Friern Barnet & District Local History Society. St. John’s Church Hall (Next to Whetstone Police Station) Friern Barnet Lane, N20. The festival of Britain, John Donovan Memorial Lecture by Chairman David Berguer, preceded by AGM. Cost £2.00 Refreshments afterwards.

Thu 26th 8.00 pm. Finchley Society. Drawing Room, Avenue House, East End Road, N3. The history of the Welsh Harp. Yasmine Webb. Visitors £2.00

Fri. 27th 7.45 pm St. Albans & Herts Architectural & Archaeological Society. College of Law, Univ. of Herts, Hatfield Rd Campus, St. Albans. Ten minutes to noon: a history of Copped Hall. Talk by Peter Dacton. (HADAS did a resistivity survey here.)
Mon 30th 10.30 – 4.00 pm Kingsbury Open Day. St. Andrew’s Church, Church Lane, NW9.

The old and new Churches and Halls will be open. Stalls, refreshments. Wembley History Society will have a stand and HADAS have helped dig here.
Tues 31st 5.30 pm Institute of Archaeology / British Museum Medieval Seminar. Room 612, Institute of Archaeology, UCL, 31-34 Gordon Square, WC1. The last statues of antiquity 280- 550. Talk by Bryan Ward-Perkins. (University of Oxford)

Thanks to the contributors:

Steve Brunning, Don Cooper, Peter Pickering, Micky Watkins, Eric Morgan.

Newsletter-481-April-2011 – HADAS Newsletter Archive

By | Past Newsletters, Volume 9: 2010 - 2014 | No Comments

No. 481 APRIL 2011 Edited by Peter Pickering

An update on Church Farmhouse Museum. Don Cooper

After Barnet Council’s meeting on the budget which confirmed the withdrawal of funds from Church Farmhouse Museum from the end of March 2011, we met with Barnet Council officials on 3rd March with a view to pursuing the possibility of taking over the running of the museum and the Grade II* listed building. At the meeting we asked a number of questions: What are the current operating costs? What are the closure costs? What form of lease would we be offered?

We have now (14/3/2011) received the operating statements versus the budget figures for the last three years. These show that the museum, excluding labour, costs approximately £25,000 a year to run. This would mean in practice that HADAS and the Friends would have to raise about £20,000 per year. Answers to our other questions have not yet been received!

In any event the museum will have closed on 31st March 2011 (by the time you get this newsletter). Externally owned collections are being withdrawn, the curator (Gerrard Roots) is retiring and it is anticipated that the museum will remain closed for at least a year.

Should HADAS take on this responsibility? Are you willing to be a volunteer? In what ways could we raise the money? Would you be prepared to be a trustee of the charity that we would need to form to run the museum?

Please let us know your views. We cannot undertake this project without your active help and support.

HADAS DIARY – Forthcoming Lectures and Events.

The winter lecture series is at Avenue House. Lectures start promptly at 8pm; non-members £1; coffee, tea and biscuits can be bought.

Tuesday 12th April 2011 Dr Robin Woolven Bomb Damage in London and Middlesex

Dr Robin Woolven’s first career, of 23 years, was as a specialist navigator in the Royal Air Force and his second, of 17 years, was in the Security Service when, living in Hampstead, he was a Council member of the Camden Historical Society. On retiring to the Cotswolds in 1997 he researched the administration of wartime London in the War Studies Department of King’s College, London. A current interest is writing on wartime home front topics. He wrote the introduction to the London Topographical Society’s London County Council Bomb Damage Maps 1939-1945 (2005). His article on the Middlesex Bomb Damage Maps is in the current London Topographical Record (2010).

Tuesday, 10th May 2011- Ken Brereton The Markfield Beam Engine

Tuesday, 14th June 2011 the 50th HADAS Annual General Meeting – an important date for your diaries. Nomination papers for committee places will be sent out next month – so if you wish to join our committee of volunteers this is your opportunity.

Sunday July 31st 2011 Our Sunday outings in the last two years have worked well. This year we hope to go to Chatham Docks, where we haven’t been since 1991; there have been considerable changes and updates since then

Monday 19th – Friday, 23rd September 2011. Trip to the Isle of Wight

Tuesday 11th October 2011 Dr John Creighton: Silchester The revelation of an Iron Age and Roman city

Tuesday 8th November 2011 Nathalie Cohen: The Thames Discovery Programme

Jack Newbury

Members will be very pleased to learn that Jack is now back at work following the horrendous accident he suffered in November

Friern Hospital

A hundred and sixty years ago, on Thursday 17 July 1851, the second Middlesex County Pauper Lunatic Asylum at Colney Hatch received its first patients. The Friern Barnet & District Local History Society has embarked on the compilation of a comprehensive history of the asylum, through from its inception and its renaming as Friern Hospital to its eventual closure in March 1993 and its subsequent redevelopment as luxury apartments.

There is a wealth of material held at the London Metropolitan Archives which we are gradually going through, but of equal importance will be the reminiscences of local people. If you worked there or visited it or if you know someone who did, we would welcome the opportunity to talk to you and, if you are agreeable, to tape record your memories for posterity.

Please contact David Berguer on 020 8368 8314 or by email at

Under the Wires at Tally Ho

Today pollution-free transport is high on the political agenda, yet it is sometimes forgotten that electric vehicles ran on the streets of London from the early 1900s until 1962. The story of trams and trolleybuses in north west London is covered in a new book by David Berguer, Chairman of the Friern Barnet & District Local History Society. In it he describes the vehicles themselves and the effect that they had on the development of the suburbs. It paints a picture of what life was like in the capital during this golden age and includes material based on newspaper reports, council and official minutes and oral histories from those involved. With many previously unpublished photographs, there is even a chapter on the colourful “pirate” buses which were in competition to the trams in the 1920s.

The book runs to 128 pages and contains over 90 photographs and illustrations and is published by The History Press at £12.99. It can be obtained direct from the publishers through their website or on or through local booksellers. ISBN 978 0 7524 5875 5

Heritage Crime seminar at the RAF Museum Hendon Andy Simpson

With some 26 delegates, this informative seminar on 27th January, subtitled ‘Policing the Past, Protecting the Future’ was chaired by English Heritage Policing Adviser Chief Inspector Mark Harrison, seconded from Kent Police. In addition to delegates from English Heritage who are involved in the post-designation management of historic sites, other delegates represented a wide variety of bodies, with much useful networking throughout the day by a mix of practising archaeologists, museum professionals, and law enforcement agencies.

All of these groups are affected by Heritage crime (such as theft and vandalism) within the historic environment – damage through illegal metal-detecting (also known as ‘night hawking’) and unauthorised excavation of aircraft crash sites and anti-social behaviour affecting the fabric of a heritage asset or its setting in a wide range of sites. In police terms, heritage crime often comes under the umbrella of anti-social behaviour and can include graffiti, substance abuse, damage to sites by off-roading vehicles and motorbikes (who particularly like hillforts as

venues, it would appear) and all activities that affect the quality of life for law-abiding visitors and neighbours. Heritage crime, including arson and graffiti, needs to be reported/described in terms local and national partner agencies can understand and can be covered by local government areas setting their own crime reduction plans. It is necessary to decide who leads and supports initiatives to deal with heritage crime, and define the benefits from tackling it. These functions are set out within the heritage crime Memorandum of Understanding that has

now been signed by English Heritage, the Association of Chief Police Officers and the Crown Prosecution Service. Local authorities are also being invited to sign the Memorandum.

Acts of Parliament provide statutory protection for some 500,000 listed buildings in England and 20,000 scheduled ancient monuments. Wreck sites and military remains are covered, as are some 9,000 conservation areas, often town centres, and 18 World Heritage Sites, plus registered parks and gardens and 43 registered battlefields. Listed buildings, in particular churches, are suffering regular theft of metals and architectural materials. All of them potential locations for heritage crime.

Associated problems include criminal damage, theft of fuel oil in rural communities, intimidation of locals/witnesses, and the potentially irreversible damage from water ingress following theft of roof lead. There is a clear need to raise the profile and awareness of heritage crime with authorities such as magistrates, as it may be under-reported and is not always seen as a priority unless linked to other issues such as rural crime. The upcoming Localism Bill may help make people aware of what is on their own doorstep.

It can be useful to define crime and anti-social behaviour. Illicit metal-detecting or ‘Night Hawking’ sounds romantic; it is actually thieving, often with criminal damage and intimidation involved; the damage is great. Priority areas perhaps need to be established for action, by understanding specific threats to sites such as antisocial behaviour. Given that 70% of the population have visited at least one historic site in the past year, a possible source of observation/assistance are the very large number of members of historical and archaeological

societies, both local (such as HADAS) and national (such as the CBA and National Trust – English Heritage and the National Trust have 4.5 million members between them). These could provide a large pool of interested enthusiasts and volunteers (though from personal experience, given the age profile of many of these groups, active participation may not be an option – more desk-based than in the field, at best). An intelligence-led approach should be used, with information from all sources including evidence gathering and forensic analysis.

Impact Statements should be used in court to heighten court and public awareness of crime to get tougher sentences passed on those caught. A strategic assessment should be made of what the problem is, where it is, and who the perpetrators are. Arson, theft, disturbance to buried sites including illegal diving on wrecks and vehicle damage can be part of rural/wildlife issues extended to include heritage issues. The Strategic Assessment undertaken in November 2010 recommended the following priorities: to prevent and

detect damage caused to the historic environment; the excavation and removal of artefacts from protected archaeological sites; architectural theft from historic buildings, and the deliberate and unlawful alteration/demolition of listed buildings.

To combat such threats, crimes and anti-social behaviour that damage the historic environment will be tackled in a much more coordinated way through an initiative launched by English Heritage on 11th February 2011, when representatives from over 40 organisations met to discuss the formation of the Alliance to Reduce Crime against Heritage (ARCH) – a voluntary national network to take forward the initiatives and galvanise local action.

Under the strategic guidance of English Heritage, the Police (through the Association of Chief Police Officers) and the Crown Prosecution Service, a nationwide network is developing among enforcement bodies, local authorities, non-governmental organisations, professional groups and amenity societies to systematically tackle and reduce offences such as architectural theft, including metal theft, criminal damage, illegal metal detecting, graffiti, vehicle nuisance and arson.

A memorandum of understanding to delineate responsibilities between the three strategic partners was signed at the event. Local authorities will be encouraged to join the coordinated effort, with Canterbury City Council being the first authority also to have agreed to sign the memorandum. Local history societies, amenity groups, neighbourhood watch and residents associations will be encouraged to raise awareness of the risk of criminal damage to historic sites and buildings in their area.

Anniversaries heighten awareness and increase looting of sites, such as the upcoming 1914 centenary. Those who could encourage such behaviour, such as the media, need to be educated in the issues so as not to promote unlicensed and poorly recorded aviation archaeology, for instance, sometimes under the argued guise of ‘recovering bodies for the families’ when from personal observation of aviation magazines and websites it seems much material is hoarded in private collections or simply sold on eBay.

All this, against the background of limited resources available now, and even more limited in the future, with drastic cuts to the policing establishment suggested, and fewer prison places, will heighten the need for local partnerships, such as those already run by Canterbury City Council and other stewardship and guardian schemes where sites are assessed for vulnerability, and ‘Key Individual’ (contact/co-ordinator) roles, with stakeholders at various levels.

When drafting warning signs it cannot be assumed that potential offenders will understand even the simple written word, since many may have a low educational standard. Where warnings are made and understood, research indicates that 65% of those caught subject to an effective first intervention did not reoffend.

It seems to me that those involved in Heritage Protection need to make a clear case to argue why the offence is wrong, such as the hoarding/sale of aviation archaeology items with little care shown for the asset. Also sometimes affected are catastrophic burials – human remains from plague pits, sunken warships, battlefields or aviation crash sites, where the victims are largely of similar age and original function (sailors/troops, for instance) and not buried deliberately (as opposed to attritional losses such as those accumulated gradually in graveyards). An example is HMS London, which blew up off Southend in 1665, and was made a designated wreck site in 2008; very fresh looking human bone from the wreck is now being washed ashore which could be taken for a potential modern crime victim. A more recent victim, with the potentiality for living relatives of the dead, is the Storoa, torpedoed in 1943 when it sank in 30 seconds, with disarticulated human remains recently noted on her deck. If 100 years is taken to cover three generations, perhaps the minimum for archaeological investigation

should be four generations – those we never knew.

Richard Stein: The Roman Wooden Water pump – an ingenious machine. Sue Willetts

In this February lecture Richard provided a well illustrated overview of his research at Reading

University, on wooden water pumps which have survived from the Roman world. The technical expertise of the Romans is often under-estimated owing to the rare survival of machines compared to that of building materials. While we have evidence of the Roman use of technology and descriptions in the literature, the force pump is the only Roman machine of which we have substantial remains. They were used on the surface to fight fires, but also to raise water from wells for irrigation, for domestic use, or for industrial use such as pottery making. Eighteen examples are known, which have survived in wells. From such finds it has been possible to work out the dimensions of these machines, how they were configured and driven, the materials used, the different types and an estimation of their performance.

Richard illustrated how Roman ingenuity, perhaps in the first century AD, turned the existing technology on its head. Instead of using numerous (sometimes 30+) individual metal components to construct a pump, engineers used a wooden block (usually oak, typically 500mm high x 350mm wide x 250mm deep) and carved out the spaces required for the two (lined) cylinders, in which the pistons moved, the valve chamber and the connecting passages. The water flow was ensured by inlet and outlet valves set respectively in the base of the cylinders and in the valve chamber. The internal spaces were made safe against high water pressure with wooden plugs and plates. The plates of the valves and the liners of the cylinders were made of metal, usually lead. This type of pump was superior to metal since it was easier and cheaper to produce, maintain and repair.

The operation of the pump is achieved by having two pistons: as one goes up, the other goes down and the easiest way to achieve this is for them to be driven by a rocker arm through connecting rods. The performance of a pump depends on a number of factors: the height through which the water is raised (the lift), the diameter of the cylinders/liners and the stroke of the pistons. Richard’s calculations (insufficient space to reproduce here) show that it is more likely that two men, rather than one, would have been used to work a pump. (You had to be

there to see the diagram and the model which explained the components and the motion!) No complete driving mechanism has been found but the iron fittings of a rocker were found in Luxembourg in 1998. Delivery of the water to the surface would have been via a pipeline made of wood.

Of the eighteen known wooden force pumps only the remains of thirteen survive. The first was found in 1868 by a schoolmaster in Alsace at the bottom of a Roman well. They have been found at a range of depths from 2.7 to over 26 m. and their distribution is as follows: 10 in the Rhine/Moselle area, (5 around Trier), 3 in Milan, 1 in Rome, 2 in Southern France (Perigueux and Lyon) and 2 in Southern England. In Britain, the pump at Tarrant Hinton in Dorset was found in the deepest well at a depth of 26.4 m and would have supplied the villa site and

bath house; the other from the shallowest well was from Silchester, where although over eighty wells were found, only one contained a pump.

Once at the surface, water could be distributed or stored in tanks. If a tank was set at a higher level, water could be distributed to a site using gravity. The advantage of a force pump is that it can produce a strong jet of water and can be used to drain water from uneven twisting inclines as in mines. However, pumps fixed in wells would be difficult to repair compared to the above ground portable type used for fire-fighting. None of the portable ones survive today but one found in a cellar of the amphitheatre at Trier in 1908 (now lost) may have been used for this purpose and/or for removing water from the cellar or even to spray perfume into the arena.

No pumps are known from Spain, North Africa, or the eastern empire. Work continues on this subject and Richard speculated that archaeologists may have missed the evidence from some sites in the form of small finds. since even if major parts were re-used / recycled, and the wood perished, the metal valve plates should survive. Finally, what might be the meaning of numerals XV scratched on the block of the Bertrange pump from Luxembourg? Richard suggests: Size 15, model number 15, the 15th in a particular batch, the 15th one made by the engineer? Does anyone have any ideas?

For full details and further references: Stein, R.J.B. Roman wooden force pumps: a case study in innovation. Journal of Roman Archaeology 17, 2004, pp. 221-250.

In origin, a Greek invention, the principle of the force pump is attributed to Ctesibius of Alexandria (c.270 B.C.) and is described by 3 ancient authors, Philo, Vitruvius and Hero.

Current Archaeology Conference Peter Pickering

From 25th to 27th February I was at the conference in the British Museum organised by Current Archaeology. It was very well attended, mainly, as far as I could judge, by people from all over Britain who were having a weekend in London.

On the Friday eight people contended for ‘Presentation of Heritage Research Awards’, designed to encourage researchers to present their work to a wider public. Three of the entries were from the Irish Republic, including one of the joint winners, on the use of new techniques to date Irish Tower Houses. The other winner was a study of mediaeval (and some much later) graffiti in Norfolk churches -of which there are a very large number, hitherto completely unobserved and unrecorded; there are for instance sixty carvings of ships, with a date range

of over 300 years, on piers in Blakeney church. They require careful photography at various angles, and computer enhancement, to see now, but when they were originally made, the speaker said, they would have been incised through paint into the stone, and therefore easily visible. The only London presentation was by Natalie Cohen on possible explanations for human remains found in the Thames (some from makeshift graves).

On Saturday and Sunday there were two parallel sessions. There were five papers about Hadrian’s Wall, its purpose and effect. One paper compared it with other frontiers, including the defensive structures in early colonial North America, where the English and French were guarding against each other rather than the native population. David Breeze argued that the emperor himself had a lot to do with the design of the wall which correctly bears his name. What emerged most strikingly from the session as a whole was that the Wall had a

primarily military function, defending against raids from the north, and that it was not primarily a peaceful customs barrier or a means of keeping the inhabitants of the Roman province within it.

Another thought-provoking session was entitled ‘How Civilisations End’ – perhaps intended to make us think about our own civilisation. But the emerging message was that civilisations do not end, they change; people in the past muddled through, and so shall we. Cyprian Broodbank looked at the convulsions around 1200BC, when the Hittite Empire and the near eastern palace states (including Mycenae) fell and Egypt was sorely troubled; he rejected climate, foreigners, entrepreneurial failure and economic problems (e.g. a shortage of tin) as the cause.

Elizabeth Graham denied that the Maya civilisation had suffered a major catastrophe through deforestation, soil run-off, or such; individual Mayan states of course rose and fell, but the biggest change was from building ceremonial monuments in enduring stone (now conserved for tourists) to using wood, which does not survive well and is often not thought worth meticulous investigation or study. As for the Roman Empire, well Miles Russell emphasised that not only did it continue after 476 for a millennium in the east, but also the tribes that invaded (Goths, Vandals, etc) wanted to be part of the Roman system, not to destroy it, and in 800 Charlemagne was crowned Emperor of the Romans.

Among the other papers I was particularly interested in close studies of the Lewis chessmen, and of hoards of Viking silver, and in Barry Cunliffe’s theory that the Celtic language developed in the west of Spain in the Bronze Age or even earlier. There was also a lively panel discussion about ‘archaeology and the cuts’. Other Societies’ Events Eric Morgan

Wednesday 6th April, 8pm – Stanmore & Harrow Historical Society, Wealdstone Baptist Church, High Street, Wealdstone, ‘Ruislip: An Early 20th Century Garden Suburb’ Eileen Bowlt Visitors £1.

Friday 8th April 10.30 to 12 noon Friends of Barnet Borough Libraries South Friern Library, Colney Hatch Lane N10 ‘Historic Towns of S E England’ Coffee

Saturday 9th April, 11 am-5.30 pm -LAMAS ARCHAEOLOGY CONFERENCE, Weston Theatre, Museum of London, EC2. Morning Session 11am – 1 pm: Recent Work. Afternoon Session 2-5.30pm “The Archaeology of Modern London”. Cost for HADAS members including afternoon tea (3.30-4.30pm) £8. Ticket application to Jon Cotton, Dept. of Archaeological Collections and Archive, Museum of London, 150 London

Wall, EC2Y 5HN. [mailto:]. Make cheques/P.O.s payable to LAMAS and enclose S.A.E. There will be displays of publications.

Saturday 9th April, 10 am to 4 pm, Museum of Domestic Design and Architecture (MoDA), Cat Hill

Enfield Chase: from hunters to commuters. A study day by the London Parks and Gardens Trust “to explore the evolution of Enfield Chase from its origins as a privileged medieval hunting domain to the residential suburb it is today”. Tickets £30. For programme and booking form go to

Monday 11th April 3pm Barnet and District Local History Society. Church House Wood Street Barnet (opposite museum) “The Revolting Peasants” Talk by Patricia Pearce. Tea at 2.30 pm

Wednesday 13th April 8pm Hornsey Historical Society. Union Church Hall; Corner of Ferme Park Road and Weston Park N8 “The History of Tottenham” Chris Protz Visitors £2.

Thursday 14th April 7.30 pm Camden HIstory Society ‘The Eyre estate in St John’s Wood and Camden ‘: Charlie Ratchford Resource Centre, Belmont Street NW1 (Belmont Street is a turning off Chalk Farm Road, opposite the Roundhouse). Visitors £1

Friday 15th April 7pm COLAS St Olave’s Parish Hall, Mark Lane EC3. “Clocks and Watches in the British Museum” Talk by David Thompson. Visitors £2.

Friday 15th April. 7.30 for 8pm Enfield Archaeological Society Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane\Junction Chase Side Enfield. AGM & ‘The excavations and fieldwork of Enfield Archaeological Society 2010’ Visitors £1.

Saturday 16th April 10 am to 4 pm London Maze. Guildhall, Guildhall Yard (off Gresham Street) EC2V 5AE Free local history fair devoted to London; for one day the City of London opens up the whole of the Guildhall complex to host displays by community history groups, local societies, museums, archives and libraries; talks; guided walks; tours of the Guildhall Art Gallery and the Roman Amphitheatre; film shows from the City’s archives and performances from youth and adult groups.

Tuesday 19 April 6.30 pm LAMAS. Clore Learning Centre, Museum of London, 150 London Wall, EC2.

‘Expanding City, 1670s – 1850s: Creating One of the New Galleries of Modern London at the Museum of London’ Alex Werner, Curator, Museum of London

Wednesday 20th April. 7.30 for 8pm Edmonton Hundred Historical Society Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane\Junction Chase Side Enfield. ‘The story of Trent Park’ Talk by Keith Hammond. Visitors £1.

Wednesday 20th April – 8 pm Islington Archaeology & History Society Islington Town Hall, Upper Street, N1. ‘Insanity in Islington: treatment and records (provisional title)’ Dr Kathy Chater

Wednesday 27th April. 7.45pm Friern Barnet and District Local History Society. St John’s Church Hall (next to Whetstone Police Station) Friern Barnet Lane N20. ‘Local Archaeology: Fifty Years of HADAS’ Talk by our Chairman, Don Cooper. Visitors £2. Refreshments.

Thursday 28th April 8pm Finchley Society. Trinity Church Centre, 15 Nether Street, N12 (note unusual venue) ‘Slides of yesteryear and planning issues in North Finchley’


Till 3rd May Monday-Friday from 11 am to 4 pm. Dugdale Centre, Thomas Hardy House, 39 London Road, Enfield ‘Roman Enfield – From Settlement to London Suburb’

Till 16th June Hampstead Museum, Burgh House ‘Past Poems and Personalities: a Look at Hampstead’s Poets’

Till 3rd July British Museum ‘Afghanistan: Crossroads of the Ancient World’

Till 4th September Museum of London ‘London Street Photography’

newsletter-480-March-2011 – HADAS Newsletter Archive

By | Past Newsletters, Volume 9: 2010 - 2014 | No Comments

No. 480 MARCH 2011 Edited by Deirdre Barrie



The January 2011 Newsletter broke the dire news that Barnet Council propose to withdraw funding to operate Church Farmhouse Museum and support Barnet Museum, taking effect from 1st April 2011.

HADAS are considering taking over Church Farmhouse Museum from Barnet Council, and running it as a Community-operated museum, with the aid of volunteers. Don Cooper, as Chairman of HADAS, wrote the following discussion document to Barnet Council in response to their withdrawing funding from the Museum.


Discussion document for Church Farmhouse Museum – Jan 2011

1. Purpose of this document

This document is prepared in order to present a case to the London Borough of Barnet Council (LBBC) to allow the Hendon and District Archaeological Society (HADAS) with help from the Friends of Church Farmhouse Museum (FCFM) to take over from Barnet Council the Grade II * listed Church Farmhouse and its grounds, in order to continue running Church Farmhouse as a Community-operated museum with the aid of volunteers and to expand its range of activities so as to provide a valuable service to the local community. The building is 350 years old and was a working farmhouse until the 1930s. It is the biggest exhibit of the museum, providing the context for the artefacts which it contains and for the educational activities that take place both within the building and in the grounds.

This document is a discussion document only and represents an example proposal. Any potential or actual agreement would have to be approved by the HADAS and FCFM membership.

2. Background

The London Borough of Barnet (LBB) produced a “Museum Consultation” document on 17th December 2010 (see Appendix A). This document set out the criteria for consultation for the following proposition:

“The Council proposes that funding to operate Church Farmhouse Museum and support Barnet Museum is withdrawn, taking effect from 1st April 2011.”

In summary the Council’s reasons for this proposal are:

i. The severe funding restrictions they have over the coming years

ii. The high cost in financial terms of each visitor to the museum.

The consultation document allowed for other options for the future of Church Farmhouse Museum to be presented, hence this proposal.

3. Partner Details

a. The Hendon and District Archaeological Society (HADAS).

HADAS is a registered charity (charity register no. 269948) with approximately 200 members by subscription. It is in its 50th year having been founded in 1961 by Themistocles Constantinides, with the then specific objective of finding by excavation the Saxon origins of Hendon. Over the years it has expanded its remit (a) to cover the whole of the LBB and (b) its scope to include training and education, as well as running community projects for both schools and adults. It is a financially-sound local society.

HADAS’s relationship with Church Farmhouse Museum is long standing. From its first exhibition, of many, there in 1963 to many excavations with the participation of local schools in the museum grounds, HADAS has supported the museum. The HADAS-owned Moxon collection is stored there and HADAS has sponsored a permanent display case. HADAS has a long list of publications on local history and archaeology to its name. It runs a winter series of lectures, outings to places of interest in the summer including a long week-end, as well as running excavations on local sites with pupils from nearby schools and adult volunteers.

b. The Friends of Church Farmhouse Museum

FCFM is a registered charity (no. 1031227) with approximately 116 members by annual subscription. It has constitution and elected committee. FCFM was formed in 1993 with the express purpose of raising awareness of Church Farmhouse Museum, promoting the museum’s activities and events, fundraising for the museum, providing practical assistance in the operation of the museum and the collection and preservation of artefacts for the museum’s collection and displays. FCFM is financially sound.

4. Proposed method of operation

HADAS and FCFM would provide volunteers to man the museum to an agreed schedule of opening hours. From the resources of the London Archaeological Archive and Research Centre (LAARC) and HADAS, artefacts representing Barnet’s past would be displayed in an upstairs room. These artefacts would be inter alia from the Roman site at Brockley Hill and elsewhere in the borough, as well as Mesolithic flints from Hampstead Heath and historical items from local excavations.

HADAS would move its education course and stores from Avenue House to Church Farmhouse which would contribute £4385pa to the running costs of the museum. We would expand the range of adult education courses to cover those in the heritage, culture, leisure and allied areas which are no longer provided by either Barnet or Birkbeck colleges. Courses which attract between 10 and 20 adult students have become increasingly difficult to house whether run by the WEA, U3A or other local societies. By closing the current museum shop and converting that space into a meeting room with appropriate facilities local community organisations could use it for meetings and/or lectures. The cost of adult “leisure” courses has spiralled following the withdrawal of subsidies. For example, the equivalent course, currently run by HADAS for £275 per person, costs £600 at Birkbeck College. HADAS’s course expenses include a space cost of £21.60 per hour. The course is tutored by the same lecturer.

HADAS and FCFM would create a new trust and apply for charitable status. As a registered charity, the new trust would be able to apply to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for a grant to bring the building up to an appropriate standard consistent with its status as a Grade II* listed building which was considered by Pevsner and the Victoria County History to be of significant importance (see Appendix B).

The grounds contain an 11th century ditch running approximately parallel to St Mary’s Church boundary; artefacts from the excavation of the ditch so far would be displayed in the museum.

HADAS expect that the ongoing costs of running the museum following negotiations to be about £15,000 per annum.

A warranty would be required from LBB that the building in its present state met all relevant standards and was fit for purpose.

HADAS would be prepared to provide up to £10,000 towards the initial setting up of this proposal. FCFM and HADAS would run funding raising events at the museum to support this proposal and would solicit support from local enterprises.

5. Services to local schools

HADAS runs courses in practical archaeology with local schools in conjunction with University College London’s archaeology department, which include running excavations for year 8 and 9 pupils both in the grounds of CFM and well as on their own playing fields. These excavations are well established having been run, for instance, with Hendon School for the last six years. Finds from these excavations would be displayed in the museum. Tours of the museum and talks on local history and archaeology would be provided to local schools. The trust would seek to establish a partnership with LBB’s Local Studies and Archives team to allow LBB staff to use the building for educational outreach work.

6. Conclusion

HADAS would like to initiate discussions with LBB with the objective of ensuring the Church Farmhouse Museum continues to serve the local community as a museum housed as it is in an architecturally special and historical Grade II* listed building.

(Document ends)

– – – – – – –

There are two main issues to be considered, if this option were accepted by the Council:

1. Would members be prepared to commit to act as volunteers for, say, one day a month?

2. We would need to raise, by activities, about £15,000 per annum towards the running costs of the building.

Would members be willing to organise and take part in fund raising events?

Please give this some thought and we will canvass opinion before a final decision takes place.


HADAS DIARY – Forthcoming Lectures and Events in 2011

The winter lecture series takes place at Avenue House, 17 East End Road, Finchley N3 3QE. Nearest tube Finchley Central. Buses 82, 125, 143, 326 & 460 pass nearby. Lectures start promptly at 8 pm, non-members welcome – £1 donation please, coffee or tea available.

Tuesday 8th March 2011 – The Archaeology of Baldock – lecture by Keith J Fitzpatrick-Matthews (Archaeology Officer, North Hertfordshire DC)

Baldock is arguably the first urban settlement in Britain. Dating from the early first century BC, it became a thriving Roman small town and survived the collapse of Roman rule before being abandoned in the sixth century AD. Its most remarkable feature is the number and range of cemeteries so far discovered, of which

twenty-two have been excavated in part or completely, with over two thousand burials recorded. They range

from very high status Iron Age ‘chieftain’s’ burials to those of very poor individuals with appallingly low life

expectation. Other evidence from the town suggests that it was the centre of an important religious cult, attracting visitors, who may occasionally have deposited the ashes of deceased relatives in its cemeteries.

Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews graduated from Lancaster University in 1980. His first paid work was on the excavations carried out by Gil Burleigh at Baldock in the 1980s, where numerous Iron Age and Roman burials

were excavated in advance of building work. Leaving North Hertfordshire for Chester in 1990, he went on to establish the degree in archaeology at the University of Chester, and began excavations at the city’s amphitheatre in 2000. In 2004, he returned to North Herts, where he has been editing the reports of Gil Burleigh’s excavations for publication.

Tuesday 12th April – Bomb Damage in London and Middlesex – Dr Robin Woolven

Tuesday 10th May 2011 – The Markfield Beam Engine – the influence of effluence – Ken Brereton

Tuesday 11th October 2011 – Silchester: The Revelation of an Iron Age and Roman City – Dr John Creighton

Tuesday 8th November 2011 – The Thames Discovery Programme – Nathalie Cohen:


Jane Sidell: Archaeological Science and London’s Archaeology Sigrid Padel

Science as a tool to help understand London’s archaeology.

In this January lecture Jane Sidell set out to deal with two questions: what is archaeological science, and what is its contribution to the interpretation of archaeological sites?

To answer the first, Jane gave a brief overview of scientific techniques used in archaeology at the moment.

Human osteology is probably the most popular: it provides fundamental information about sex, age, possible disease and the cause of death of individuals. Even methods of medical procedure can sometimes be detected. A spectacular example is a trepanned skull fragment from about 1500 BC found on the Chelsea foreshore, which showed signs of bone tissue formed after the operation, indicating survival of the patient. More recently stable isotope examination of dental material is contributing exciting data on diet and possible origin. These techniques have in fact proved more useful than the investigation of DNA.

Dating: several methods are in common use. Dendrochronology is very useful, but depends on the availability of tables specific to the area of origin. It goes hand in hand with radiocarbon dating methods. Today much use is made of optically stimulated thermo-luminescence dating, which gives dates as far back as 750,000 years ago. (Jane also mentioned thermal dating which is rather less reliable, because it only tells us when an object was last exposed to heat, which may be different from its date of manufacture.)

Conservation: used both in the field and laboratory, it makes possible the investigation and identification of objects. It can also provide data on materials and techniques used in the manufacture of artefacts.

Geophysics: Jane did not enlarge on this as it is well known to and used by members of HADAS.

Environmental archaeology: Jane’s hobbyhorse. In her case, as often, it began with an interest in food. It has many aspects, from looking at evidence in context to its landscape at the time of deposition, investigation of pollen, diatoms, plant fossils and water supply (often neglected). Jane also stressed the importance of zooarchaeology. It concentrates on anything from the use and manipulation of animals to the presence of insects. The latter can provide good dating evidence because they tend to be climate and food supply specific.

Ancient technology: looking at materials and manufacturing processes and use.

Part two of the lecture dealt with the application of some of these methods on specific sites in and around London.

Erith is a salt marsh on the Thames estuary east of London, where remains of a large prehistoric forest are visible at low tide. First commented on by Spurrell in 1889, they have been investigated over several seasons since 1998. Two distinctly different types of forest have been identified. Labelled “Upper and Lower Exposure” it has been possible to date these to 990-790 cal BC and 3800-1700 cal BC respectively. The older levels showed a surprising prevalence of yew trees, whereas the later consisted of a greater variety of deciduous forest.

Dendrochronology has played a huge part in the dating and interpretation of the London waterfront, indicating type of wood, its origin and use and how timber was often recycled. At best this technique can establish the dates when the trees in question were felled to within six months in any year. An example is Bull Wharf, where dating has been very comprehensive and accurate.

Comprehensive use of all available techniques of the 10,516 human bodies from St. Mary Spital has produced a wealth of information on social conditions, epidemics, possible famine and various types of disease and the timing and phasing of these.

This lecture provided a fascinating overview of a huge area of archaeological investigation. Jane emphasised that the targets of investigation in archaeology are constantly changing. Science in archaeology has opened the way to answering new and different questions. She ended by stating that in the end the most important thing is that we ask the right questions.


Membership Renewal – by Stephen Brunning, Membership Secretary

The HADAS membership year runs from 1st April, so all memberships are now due for renewal apart from those new members who have joined since January this year. I have enclosed a renewal form for those people who pay by cheque, and would ask that you return the form to me along with your remittance for the

appropriate amount. The rates remain unchanged.

Anyone who thinks they should have had a membership renewal form or Standing Order form but hasn’t received one, anyone who wants to make their membership under Gift Aid and hasn’t already done so, or anyone who has any question at all about their membership, please contact me. (contact details on back page)

Many thanks.



I was interested to read in the January Newsletter about the non-invasive survey proposed for Coleshill Estate. When I was a local volunteer for the National Trust in the Thames and Chilterns Region, by way of a thank you, volunteers were invited once a year to attend a day at one of their properties. The day involved a summary of the region’s activities and a visit to a NT property. On the 19th July 1998 I was one of the group to visit Coleshill and in the afternoon Alfred’s Castle.

Coleshill House was an ideal place to become the headquarters of the Auxiliary Units, as it was isolated and had extensive, secluded grounds and parkland. The Auxiliaries were mobilised from people often in reserved occupations like farmers, foresters and gamekeepers, who had a detailed knowledge of the local countryside. The leader of each Auxiliary Unit team would be trained by the nucleus of training officers and instructors over a long weekend at Coleshill. They would be trained in destruction, reconnaissance survival skills, silent killing and how to move about the countryside undetected by day or night. On the completion of the course they would return to their daily occupation, and recruit and train their group of eight men.

At Coleshill there was the prototype of all the secret underground hides of Operational Bases. On our visit we went into the only one that had been discovered at that time. We were told they had possibly located a further two, but it was believed there had been seven structures, so well-hidden were the others. At this distance in time two things stand out: one was the very tall hollow tree, which acted as a chimney, to carry the smoke and smells high up into the canopy of the encircling trees. The other was the escape route from the underground base, via a trench which led to a ditch that enabled the Auxiliaries to leave along a ditch at the edge of a large field. We were shown the secret trapdoor and the entrance via a ladder down a vertical shaft, where we viewed the rooms.

There were over 2,000 OB’s, each manned by eight saboteurs. Had we been invaded, they would have gone to earth, only to resurface when the enemy was established in their area. The Auxiliary Units were so secret that it was only many years after the end of the War that their organisation become common knowledge.

Source:- Thames and Chilterns Region Newsletter, No. 5, January 1999. “Clandestine Coleshill” by Keith Blaxhall, Ashdown Park Estate Office.



Would you like to work for “Time Team“? Present vacancies include Past Preservers: Casting for Time Team – Various Opportunities including a Presenter/Co-host & an Archaeologist. Also, a Landscape Archaeologist & a Computing Archaeologist for occasional contributions. See the website: . The unofficial Time Team website [lists forthcoming programmes of the series for 2011.]. Still to come are:

Furnace in the Forest 6th Mar – Derwentcote, Co Durham
Under the Gravestones 13th Mar – Castor, Cambs
House of the White Queen 20th Mar – Groby Hall, Leics
Cannons v Castles 27th Mar – Mont Orgueil, Jersey
Mystery of the Manor Moat 3rd Apr – Llancaiach Fawr, S Wales
Search for the Doomesday Mill 10th Apr – Buck Mill, Somerset
Rooting for the Romans 17th Apr – Bedford Purlieus Wood, Cambs
Castle of the Saxon Kings 24th Apr – Bamburgh, Northumberland
Looking Underground 1st May – Geophysics Compilation
Hunters to Hearths 8th May – “The way we lived” compilation


Hephzibah – a twist in the tale Jim Nelhams

In previous newsletters, I have charted our hunt to locate Jo’s Great Half-Auntie Hephzibah, born Hephzibah Willows in Coton, near Cambridge in 1842. In the October 2010 newsletter, I reported that during a visit to Australia in February 2010, we had stayed with Hephzibah’s Great Grandson, Norman Dyer, and found that his cousin Duncan had a photograph of Hephzibah. Also that the niece we had hoped to visit near Sydney was actually with her mother in Ealing when we got to Oz, though we did visit her sister in the US Virgin Islands on our way home..

Hephzibah’s daughter Ethel had become the second wife of a gentleman named Jesse Dyer, who had both a citrus fruit farm at Gosford, north of Sydney, and a shop near Sydney harbour selling goods and provisions to the boats there.

While visiting Norman, we found that he had no information about Jesse’s origins, so I promised to follow this up when we returned to England.

Having looked at the census and emigration records, there was one possible candidate, born in Crawley, Oxfordshire, just north of Witney, in 1853, the son of a farmer. In the 1861, he is with his family, and in 1871, he is an apprentice grocer in Witney. After 1871, he did not show on any census records. It sounded promising.

I ordered a copy of Jesse’s death certificate on the internet. This provided lots of information including the names of both his parents – I had the right person. Checking various records, we found that Jesse had two sisters and two brothers, all of whom stayed in England. Could we find any of their descendants?

This actually proved quite easy. Crawley came into the parish of Hailey, and there Jesse’s father had his farm. When he died, the farm was divided between the two sons still in Hailey, so they stayed in the village, as did both sisters. Jesse had actually sailed to Australia two days after his father had died.

And in the churchyard at Hailey, there are five family graves.

By 1901, most of the family are still in Hailey, but one name caught my eye. This was Ada Fanny Dyer, daughter of Jesse’s eldest brother Robert. Ada married in 1898 in Hailey to Ernest John Chandler, a draper from Derbyshire, and in 1901, they were living with two sons in Southall. By the 1911 census, there were three more sons and a daughter, and the family had moved to a large house in Ealing. Their eldest son was named Robert Storer Chandler – a name which rang a bell in my memory. So I checked first with Jo, and then with her sister. Armed with this, I re-checked, and confirmed that Robert Storer Chandler had a son named Robert Hugh Chandler, born in Ealing in 1930 (and died in 1999 in Ipswich).

Why did this ring a bell? In 1959, Robert Hugh Chandler married Patricia Ann Willows in Ealing, and their daughters were born in Ealing in 1961 and 1964. Pat is Jo’s sister, and the two girls are the nieces we visited and missed on our journey.

So to summarise: –

· William Willows was born in 1821 in the village of Coton, near Cambridge.

· William Dyer, born 1813, lived 100 miles away in Hailey in Oxfordshire.

· William Willows’ granddaughter Ethel married William Dyer’s son Jesse in Sydney, Australia in 1903.

· William Willows’ great granddaughter Patricia married William Dyer’s great grandson Robert in Ealing in 1959.

It’s a small world.



Wednesday 2nd March, 5pm – Stanmore & Harrow Historical Society, Wealdstone Baptist Church, High Street, Wealdstone, “General History of Pinner.” Pat Clark. Visitors £1.

Sunday 6th March – 2.30 – 5pm, St.Mary-at-Finchley Parish Church Hendon Lane, N3 – History Day in the church. Guided tour of churchyard. Learn about monuments and other aspects of church interior. Teas served. Entry free. Part of Oral History Project.

Wednesday 9th March – 2.30 – 4 pm. Mill Hill Historical Society, Wilberforce Centre, St. Paul’s Church, The Ridgeway, NW7. “Russia Past and Present” – talk by Michael Beech..

Wednesday 9th March – 7.45 pm, Hornsey Historical Society, Union Church Hall, Corner Ferme Park Road/ Weston Park , N8. “St. Mary’s Hornsey – the Final Phase”. Talk by Bridget Cherry. Visitors £2, refreshments, sales and info.

Monday 14th March, 3 pm, Barnet & District Local History Society, Church House, Wood Street, Barnet (opposite Museum) “Jesus Hospital Charity – Almshouses.” Talk by Simon Smith. Tea and biscuits afterwards.

Tuesday 15th March – 6.30 pm, L.A.M.A.S. Clore Learning Centre, Museum of London, 150 London Wall, EC2. “Moving to Smithfield – a History of the Halls of the Haberdashers’ Company.” Talk by Dr. David Bartle (Archivist). Refreshments 6 pm.

Wednesday 16th March – 8 pm, Islington Archaeology & History Society, Islington Town Hall, Upper Street, N1. “T.U.C. Library Collection: Union History on the Holloway Road.” Talk by Christine Coates.

Thursday 17th March, 7.30 pm. Camden History Society, Burgh House, New End Square, NW3. “How the London & Birmingham Railway Reached Euston”. Talk by John Liffen.

Friday 18th March, 7 pm – C.O.L.A.S, St Olave’s Church Hall, Mark Lane, EC3. “Excavations at Kings Mead Quarry, Horton, 2003-10. Talk by Gareth Chaffey (Wessex Archaeology). Visitors £2. Light refreshments after.

Friday 18th March, 8 pm – Enfield Archaeological Society, Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane, Enfield. “Thames Discovery Programme”. Talk by Natalie Cohen. Visitors £1. Refreshments, sales and info. from 7.30pm and after.

Wednesday 23rd March – 7.45 pm Friern Barnet & District Local History Society St John’s Church Hall, (next to Whetstone Police Station) Friern Barnet Lane, N20 “The New River.” Talk by Harry Gluck. Cost £2. Refreshments 7.45 pm and after.

Thursday 31st March, 2.30 pm. Finchley Society, Drawing Room, Avenue House, East End Road, N3. “The Rise and Fall of Fleet Street” – Brenda Cole. Visitors £2.

EXHIBITION – Till Sunday 27th March – Church Farmhouse Museum, Greyhound Hill, NW4. “Harry Beck and the London Tube Map”. Mon-Thurs.10am-1pm and 2 – 5pm; Saturday 10am-1pm and 2 – 5pm.


1st, 8th and 15th April and 6th 13th and 20th May – Mill Hill Archaeological Study Society are running a course of six meetings, “The Archaeology of the Mayan Civilisation”, price £40. For further details contact Peter Nicholson (020 8959 4757) or see MHAS’s website:

Saturday 9th April, 11 am-5.30 pm – LAMAS ARCHAEOLOGY CONFERENCE, Weston Theatre, Museum of London, EC2. Morning Session 11am – 1 pm: Recent Work. Afternoon Session 2-5.30pm “The Archaeology of Modern London”. Cost for HADAS members including afternoon tea (3.30-4.30pm) £8. Ticket application to Jon Cotton, Dept. of Archaeological Collections and Archive, Museum of London, 150 London Wall, EC2Y 5HN. [mailto:]. Make cheques/P.O.s payable to LAMAS and enclose S.A.E. There will be displays of publications (hopefully HADAS may have a table).

Newsletter-479-February-2011 – HADAS Newsletter Archive

By | Past Newsletters, Volume 9: 2010 - 2014 | No Comments


The winter lecture series is held, as ever, at Avenue House, 17 East End Road, Finchley. Nearest tube Finchley Central. Lectures start promptly at 8pm, non-members £1, coffee/biscuits available for purchase (80p).

Erratum Bill Bass

“Apologies for the page folding difficulties and for spelling Stewart Wild’s name in a variety of different ways in the last Newsletter!”

Tuesday 8th February 2011

Dr. Richard Stein: The Roman Wooden Water Pump – an ingenious machine (Abstract. on p.7)

Tuesday 8th March 2011

Keith J Fitzpatrick-Matthews: The Archaeology of Baldock

Tuesday 12th April 2011

Dr Robin Woolven: Bomb Damage in London and Middlesex

Tuesday 10th May 2011

Ken Brereton: The Markfield Beam Engine — the influence of effluence

Tuesday 11th October 2011

Dr John Creighton: Silchester The revelation of an Iron Age and Roman city

Tuesday 8th November 2011

Nathalie Cohen: The Thames Discovery Programme

A note from PETER PICKERING; On December 4th I attended the annual Heritage Day organised by the Heritage Alliance. It was in the splendid surroundings of the Banqueting House; King Charles I himself, Loyd Grossman (he of the sauces and Chairman of Heritage Alliance) and the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport (Mr Jeremy Hunt) all spoke to us, and there were messages relevant to HA DAS in what the latter two said and in the discussions.

Loyd Grossman emphasised the need to keep pressing the place of heritage in the core values of the United Kingdom, which needed appropriate and sustainable funding; (try telling THAT to Barnet Council – Ed) it was not valuable only for tourism. It was important therefore for everyone to make their local MP aware of how important heritage was to their constituents.

I was in a discussion group which concentrated on the effects of the recession and the cuts in the numbers of public servants. This could ironically, have some benefits for voluntary organisations if it led to an increase in the number of people with experience coming forward and offering their services, and organisations should be ready to welcome them and use their talents. People in the group also laid stress on the economic return from heritage — visitors to historic buildings etc — quoting some other countries, and wanted to see this pressed hard on Ministers. The old civil servant in me made me point to the expensive millennium projects that had closed because visitor numbers had never reached the forecast level.

Mr Hunt emphasised the importance of heritage to the Government’s agenda, for its intrinsic value as well as its great importance for tourism. The historic environment was crucial in attracting investment, and transformed development. He urged local authorities to remember that “heritage is your friend and your ally when it comes to regeneration projects. Heritage and a link to a community‟s past can provide the x-factor that transforms a development into something that really works and has the support of the local community.” He returned several times to the absolute need for big reductions in government expenditure, but said that though there was a 50% cut in English Heritage, the Arts Council, the Sports Council and the Dept. for Culture, Media & Sport, the overall cut to the heritage sector was no more than 2.5%. The Heritage Lottery Fund would be a stronger force in funding projects. He spoke with enthusiasm of the need to have more philanthropy in the country, as in the USA; there was to be a full review of philanthropy, with Treasury participation, and there was to be a £80m fund to help smaller organisations develop their fund-raising capacity.

Norwich trip — The final day -Castle Acre — Castle, Priory and Town Emma Robinson

Our first sight of Castle Acre from the coach revealed a landscape which was clearly meant to impress us with the power of its medieval owners. The Castle, although robbed of most of its stonework, has truly massive earthworks and is an outstanding example of a motte-and-bailey Norman castle. The extensive monastic remains – amongst the most complete in England – demonstrate the wealth and influence of the medieval Church. The planned fortified medieval town – with its substantial town church just outside its walls – nestles between the Castle and Priory further stressing the economic prosperity of this successful settlement.

On our arrival at Castle Acre the coach set us down at the Priory where coffee awaited us. However, after my husband David and I had made an initial brief exploration of the Priory site – making a particular note of the surrounding landscape particularly the proximity and course of the River Nar – we decided to start our full explorations from the Castle since this is where the story of Castle Acre really began.

Before embarking on an account of our wanderings, perhaps it might be helpful to start by saying a little of the history of Castle Acre and its origins? At the time of William the Conqueror‟s [William I] victory at the Battle of Hastings (1066) there was already a substantial settlement at Acre as it was already known. This included a significant house and a church. The Anglo-Saxon landowner was one Toki who, in common with many of his class, was dispossessed. His lands were granted by William I to a Norman knight who he had created the First Earl of Chester. By 1070-1071 the lands had passed to William W arenne – probably through his wife Gunrada who was the sister and heir of the Earl of Chester. It was the Warrene family who were to create Castle Acre as their power base in Norfolk. The site was doubtless selected because of fine strategic location and because it was central to Warenne‟s other Norfolk holdings. In any case it was already a prosperous long established Anglo-Saxon estate and the focus of an existing communication network. Soon after 1066 the new Norman lords began building hundreds of castles across the country to protect their new estates – with new religious foundations and planned towns often following soon after. The new settlement at Castle Acre followed this plan and was to flourish for many years. Its decline began after the town defences and Castle were abandoned in the Middle Ages. However, it was ultimately the suppression of the monasteries by Henry VIII which was to lead to the closure of the Priory in 1537.

The landscape of Castle Acre is a remarkable survival by any reckoning. It tells us the story of the enormous impact the Norman Conquest made not only on the physical face of the landscape but also on the ownership, government, social, religious and economic life of England. Today, this is naturally manifested by the physical remains of the castle, priory and defended medieval town – but it is also well represented in surviving rich manuscripts and other records created by the monastic community and the owners of Castle Acre. In a strange way as we will see it was due to the suppression of the monasteries that visitors today are able to see this remarkably well preserved relict landscape from the Middle Ages – which gives us such tantalising glimpses into the lives of people many centuries ago.

Castle Acre was built on rising land above low lying meadows and is bounded to the south east by the River Nar. The massive Castle earthworks were raised on a hill to the northeast of the site and are a remarkable statement of what can be achieved by the physical labour of working people. The planned walled town and Priory lie to the west beneath the Castle on gently sloping land above the meadows and the river.

To obtain a good view over the landscape David and I made for the vantage point of the Castle motte. We walked from the Priory in an easterly direction down Stocks Green (the main street of today‟s village) passing the ancient parish church and northern defences of the medieval town. In passing we made a note of the ancient Ostrich Inn with a view to rewarding our exertions in due course. It proved a good choice!

We entered the Castle from the north scaling the great motte on which are located the remains of the strongly defended inner bailey. To the south of us lay the vast inner bailey – whilst to the east an enclosure known as the barbican protected the castle entrance which faced open country. The Castle was impressive even though it has been robbed of most of its stone and the walls which remained are largely composed of flint and mortar. But nevertheless the ruins which remain are a superb example of a Norman motte-and-bailey castle. Little remains of the succession of buildings in the inner bailey which was to culminate in the building of a great tower. Even less remains of the domestic buildings and stables, storehouses and workshops within the outer bailey without which no castle could function.

Crossing the outer bailey we left through the south eastern Castle gate and entered the town through what had been the southern town gate – although the gate and the ramparts sadly have been destroyed. The medieval fortified town was a discrete settlement the boundaries of which are remarkably well preserved. We traced the line of the massive ramparts – some of which still exist. The houses to the south of Stock Green – the main street of today‟s settlement – are actually built on the filled in ditch of the northern rampart. On this thoroughfare stands the main northern entrance to the town – the 12th century Bailey Gate – leading to Bailey Street the main street of the medieval town which runs south east towards the site of the southern gate. Unlike many medieval towns which were also the site of monasteries the town possesses its own separate church (dedicated to St James the Great) and this lies in a large enclosure outside the town walls. The church has a long and rich history which will form the subject of another contribution to the Newsletter.

Our wanderings then took us in a south westerly direction towards the line of the Priory Precinct wall. Here we followed the course of the River Nar and the medieval stream which was built to take water from the river to serve the needs of the Priory cleansing the site before returning to the river – flowing last under the latrine block.

Perhaps here a few words first about the origins of the monastic settlement at Castle Acre might be helpful – since this is not without interest and helps tell the story of Castle Acre. About 1080 William W arenne first settled a small group of Cluniac monks here bringing them from his own foundation of the Priory of St Pancras at Lewes in Sussex. This was to become what is widely considered to be England‟s first Cluniac monastery. Such Cluniac foundations were called priories since formally the prior was subject to the French Abbot of Cluny. The Cluniacs followed a rigorous interpretation of the 6th century Rule of St Benedict – which formed the basis of so much of medieval monastic life. However, they were also distinguished by their love of art and decoration which is so well documented at Castle Acre. An initial gift of land was made by William Warenne – but for this first small group of monks their church was almost certainly on the site of the pre-Conquest site of the parish church. It is suggested that this was enveloped in the development of the Castle site and was perhaps retained as the castle chapel. The Priory thus began modestly. It was through an initiative by William‟s son William II (probably in 1090) that the Priory was re-founded and the current site given to the monks.

In our wandering we then traced the Priory‟s eastern precinct walls northwards entering the Priory again by the main entrance. The roofless but otherwise remarkably fine early 16th century gatehouse remains. The gatehouse and precinct wall (which enclosed some 40 acres) reminded us that this was essentially a gated community – which many monks would rarely leave. The life of the monastic community naturally centred in the church and buildings around the cloister (to which laymen were only admitted by permission of the guest master). Here seven times a day the monks would assemble in divine worship and follow the complex and elaborate liturgy of their order – comprising song, prayer, reading and the processions for which their order was famed. The buildings therefore needed to be fit for these special purposes, but it must also be remembered that an important role of medieval religious houses was to provide hospitality to pilgrims, royalty, clergy, nobility and other travellers. In this way they could be seen to act as the first hotels.

To bring some organisation to our wanderings we followed the English Heritage guide book tour [1]. By convention this first took us through the Priory church – the west front of which is widely considered to be the finest of the 12th century English facades. The tour then progressed to the buildings where the monks lived and worked. These comprise of the cloister, chapter house, dormitory, day room, infirmary, latrine block and warming room, refectory and kitchens. Whilst the life of the monks was an austere one – one can only be impressed by the ingenuity in their ordering of the buildings around the cloister to serve their way of life. For example, the special night stairs which lead from the dormitory to the church, and fact that the dormitory was served with first floor access to the latrine block!

From there the tour continued to what is known as the west range. Here are to be found the Prior‟s private accommodation (parlour and chapel), guest hall and, significantly the food and drink store. After the suppression the prior‟s lodging was retained as a house by the Coke family and remains roofed to this day – a fascinating survival. The Priory tour ended with some consideration of the buildings and activities contained in the precinct. For me one of the real fascinations of my tour round the Priory is that the remains are so complete that with a little imagination it is possible to transport oneself back to the world of the Priory when it was in its heyday. It was a substantial and diverse community and not only home to the monks – but also to their diverse numbers of lay servants and visitors. To sustain the daily way of life and economy of life the precinct supported numerous activities. The guide book listed fishponds, gardens, orchards, a vineyard, barns, a dovecote, a mill, granaries, a brewhouse, a bakery, a dairy and stables. Traces of some of which we were able to identity. But beyond the physical remains of the buildings to the monks of Castle Acre we also owe the creation of a number of remarkable manuscripts which helps to tell us more about the way of life of the Priory.

The end for Castle Acre during Henry VIII‟s suppression of the monasteries came quickly. Under Thomas Cromwell the process of suppression started with the smaller houses in 1536 and the larger ones between 1537 and 1540. Castle Acre was surrendered in 1537 by the prior Thomas Malling. John Howard third duke of Norfolk acquired the lease for the priory‟s site, lands and rights. Demolition of the buildings was underway by the summer of 1558. By 1615 the whole Castle Acre property had been purchased by Sir Edward Coke (1551-1633) in whose family the estate remains. From the 17th to the 20th century the Castle site was used for grazing and the masonry ruthlessly quarried for stone. The Priory precinct, however, was for many years until c. 1900 used as a farm – with the Prior‟s lodging the farm house. In 1929, “thanks to a suggestion by the Norfolk Archaeological Society, the main buildings were taken into State guardianship by the Ministry of Works … and the publication of the first official guidebook swiftly followed” [ 1 ] .

Today the Priory site lies in a tranquil backwater beside the river Nar. It is easy to forget that for some 450 years it was part of the vast monastic network in Europe which was centred on Cluny Abbey in France – with the priory heads required to attend an annual Chapter there. When taken together with the comings and goings of Castle, Priory and town folk together with visitors and traders – Castle Acre must have been a lively settlement.

After our wanderings we were pleased to be able to retire to the garden of the Ostrich Inn with a pleasant bottle of chilled white wine and reflect on what we had seen!

[1] Impey, E. 2008. Castle Acre Priory and Castle / English Heritage Guidebooks.

St. James the Great at Castle Acre Micky Watkins

Quite separate from Castle Acre Priory, the village church, far from being a ruin, shows every sign of care and frequent use. St. James was the first of the apostles to be martyred and there is a shrine to him at Compostela. Pilgrimages to Compostela were favoured by the Cluniac monks in the priory, and St. James is depicted with a pilgrim‟s shell and staff.

Some of the church was built in the 13th century but most of it dates from the 15th century. Two restorations were carried out in the 19th century, in 1846 and 1875, but the original character of the church has not been lost. It is a big church with a broad nave and the perpendicular windows with clerestories above flood it with light.

The rood screen dating from the 13th century is unusually well preserved. The lower half shows the 12 apostles and is painted. Some fragments of the top part remain. The 15th century hexagonal font is on an unusually high pedestal and we wondered how some of the shorter clergy could have managed baptisms. On top is a strangely tall wooden font cover. The guide suggests it is the tabernacle of St. Katherine which was left to the church in 1506. There are traces of red, green and gold paintwork on the carved wood and a golden ball a‟top. The purpose of the font cover was to protect the holy water from theft, maybe for witchcraft.

The 14th century pews and misericords in the choir stalls are richly carved with lions and dogs, smooth from centuries of stroking. The pulpit is hexagonal on a wineglass stem. The panels show St. Gregory, St. Jerome who translated the Bible into Latin, St. Ambrose who fought against the Aryan heresy, and St. Augustine whose famous confessions include “O Lord, make me chaste, but not yet”.

All Saints Church Icklingham Jo Nelhams

Our final stop was the village of Icklingham Suffolk situated on the A1101 from Bury St. Edmunds to Mildenhall . Icklingham appears to have been a very early settlement. The village sign depicts the towers of Icklingham‟s two churches with Roman soldiers and Boudica in her chariot. Roman remains have been found including coins of the 3rd century, two lead cisterns and part of a Roman settlement, which may have lasted to the 5th century. The adjoining parish of West Stow an Anglo-Saxon settlement visited on our outward journey, dates possibly from the 4th century.

The two ancient churches are about half a mile apart as Icklingham was once two separate parishes. St. James‟ church in the village centre is now the parish church; All Saints ceased regular use in 1972 and is in the care of The Churches Conservation Trust.

The most striking feature of the exterior is its thatched roof, except for the tower, which although common in earlier times on East Anglian churches, is a rarity today.

The church has evolved over the years from the 11th century.

The north wall of the nave contains some of the original masonry remains, with flints and stones in horizontal layers. The tower and south aisle were added between 1270 and 1350. The variety of windows are a study on their own and the 14th century octagonal font is described as being like a small textbook of early 14th century window design. The three doorways are also of the first half of the 14th century.

At one time there was a small musicians’ gallery at the west end of the nave, believed to have been broken by the Puritan soldiers, who used the church as a stable. Other aspects of interest include a complete 13th century stone coffin, a 16th century parish chest with the evidence of 3 locks, the dado of the 15th century rood screen and a rood -loft staircase. There was much more in this rare and beautiful survival, but time was marching on.

A welcome cup of coffee (or other liquid) at the convenient „Plough Inn‟ on the opposite side of the road, fortified us for the final lap of our journey as all climbed aboard Dave‟s chariot for the last time.

A birding opportunity Sylvia Javes

Whenever I go on a trip with HADAS I take my birding binoculars, as there is nearly always an opportunity to indulge in my favourite pastime, and our trip to Norwich was no exception. Through the weekend I saw 32 species of birds, some of which were very common, but others were birds we certainly don‟t see every day.

At the Anglo-Saxon village at Stowe, they had feeders outside the cafe, and in no time I had counted up to a dozen species including Coal Tits, Blue and Great Tits, a Great Spotted Woodpecker, Chaffinch, Nuthatch, Pheasant, and Collared Dove. Also that day, at Thetford Priory, were a Robin, Jackdaws and a Heron.

Late August isn‟t the most productive time of year for bird spotting, so over the next few days there were few different birds to add to my list, however, at Caistor St Edmunds, there were Rooks, Lesser Black-backed Gulls and Starlings in a sheep field, and House Martins and Swallows were seen in various places. On our final full day, on the boat ride to Berney Arms, there was a real treat. From the boat could be seen Cormorants, Herring Gulls, Lapwings, Great Crested Grebe, Redshanks, Goldfinches, Egyptian Geese, and Little Egret.

Perhaps the biggest birding surprise of the weekend was right at the end of our trip. Castle Acre Priory was bathed in sunshine; there were Swallows visiting nests on the ruins, a large flock of Goldfinches fed on thistles in an adjacent field … and in a large tree at the end of the Priory grounds was a Spotted Flycatcher. Once common, these birds are sadly becoming quite rare. I suspect this one was travelling through on its way back to Africa, as the Priory staff (who were well aware of the wildlife in the grounds) had not seen it. It was the only one I had seen all year, so I was really delighted.

HADAS in Norfolk- the plane spotter’s perspective Andy Simpson

Our splendid boat trip out of Great Yarmouth on the „Southern Belle‟ to Berney Mill provided an unexpected bonus in the form of a solo (probably practice) aerobatic display-complete with looping the loop – by a very rumbly-radial engined light aircraft. Vicki‟s telephoto lens showed up the aircraft‟s registration, G- IMIC, which identified it as a 1989- built Yakovlev Yak-52 two-seat primary trainer, originally designed for use by the Soviet Air Force. The type originally flew in 1976 and is still in production in Romania.

The gloriously sunny visit to the wonderful Castle Acre Priory and Castle gave plenty of opportunity to admire passing (at v. low level!) RAF Panavia Tornado jet aircraft, known as „Tonkas‟ (after the old „70s toys) for the strength of their construction.

These were probably from the four squadrons of Tornado GR4 reconnaissance aircraft based not too far away at RAF Marham, Norfolk.

On our way back home on the Wednesday via the A 1065 we passed the end of the main runway and main gate of RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk. Although an RAF base, the residents are American; The USAF 48th Fighter Wing at RAF Lakenheath is the Statue of Liberty Wing, the only USAF wing with a number and name. In addition to supporting three combat-ready squadrons of F-15E Strike Eagle and F-15C Eagle tactical fighter aircraft, the Liberty Wing houses the 56th Rescue Squadron‟s HH-60G Combat Search and Rescue helicopters.
RAF Lakenheath, and nearby, RAF Mildenhall , are the two main U.S. Air Force-operated bases in United Kingdom, and 48th Fighter Wing is the only U.S. Air Forces in Europe (USA FE) McDonnell Douglas F-15 fighter Wing. A good deal of neck-straining gave a few tantalising glimpses of distinctive F-15 twin tails peeping out from behind buildings and hangars as we passed.
Prominent on the main gate as we passed was pole-mounted North American

F-100D-16-NA „Super Sabre‟ serial number 42269. This particular classic „Cold War‟ jet fighter-bomber actually last served with the French Air Force, one of 100 F-100s supplied to them under the Military Assistance Programme. Not visible from the road was the base‟s „Wings of Liberty‟ Memorial park, with three former USAF jets and a full-sized replica Spitfire.

Last aircraft of the weekend was a superb landing view from the motorway of a FedEx freight aircraft on finals to London Stansted airport. I believe this was either one of a dwindling handful of 1970s McDonnell Douglas DC-10 tri-jet former airliners still operated by the carrier; their final withdrawal is due in a year or so, or, more likely, one of the many M D-11 F freight-carrying derivatives operated by FedEx.
So, truly – a weekend with something for all!

Round up Jim Nelhams

Here endeth our reports on the trip to Norwich. Thanks to all those who have contributed reports for the newsletter. We hope that each of our fellow passengers and you, our readers, will have found something of interest, perhaps unexpected, and not necessarily archaeological.
ABSTRACT; Richard Stein: The Roman Wooden Water Pump – an ingenious machine

We know that the Romans used many types of machine. Ancient authors mention them, and we can often see evidence of their use. But their remains are, at best, fragmentary. Unlike buildings, which often survive very well, they are made of wood, metal, rope, and leather, which have either perished, or been recycled. But there is one exception — the force pump. This was used to fight fires – and also to raise water from wells, or from the surface to an even higher level.

The principle of the force pump is attributed to Ctesibius of Alexandria (fl. c.270 B.C.). The earlier examples were made of bronze, but the original design was cleverly re-engineered in Roman times to make pumps easier and cheaper to make and to maintain, by cutting apertures in a large block of oak, and making internal spaces pressure proof by plugging their extremities.
Eighteen wooden pumps have been found, mostly in wells, and remains of thirteen survive, some in very good condition. We now know how they were configured; how their parts were made and put together; and how they were driven – and we can estimate their performance. This machine therefore gives us a unique insight into the capabilities of Roman mechanical engineers.
Richard Stein has been a member of HADAS since 2005. His Cambridge degree is in engineering, though most of his career was as a finance director in British multinationals. He had always been interested in the Roman world, and in retirement worked for his PhD on the wooden force pump at the University of Reading, where he had the good fortune to have two joint supervisors — a Professor of Archaeology, and a Professor of Engineering. He continues to work on the subject, as new finds are made, and new theories are proposed.

Text Box: OTHER SOCIETIES’ LECTURES & EVENTS ERIC MORGANThursday 3 February 8pm Pinner Local History Society Village Hall, Chapel Lane Car Park, Pinner. Roman London Dr. Isobel Thompson. Visitors £2.
Wednesday 9 February 2.30pm Mill Hill Historical Society Wilberforce Centre, St Paul‟s Church, The Ridgway NW 7 St Lawrence Church-Little Stanmore. Talk by Sheila Woodward (HADAS Member) Preceded by AGM.
Monday 14 February 3pm Barnet & District Local History Society Church House, Wood St, Barnet (Opposite Museum) From Barclays to Barclaycard Talk by Richard Selby Tea & Biscuits afterwards.
Tuesday 15 February 6.15pm LAMAS Clore Learning Centre, Museum of London, London Wall, EC2 The London boyhood of Thomas More Talk by Prof. Caroline Barron. Preceded by AGM. Refreshments 5.30pm.
Tuesday 15 February 2.15pm Edmonton Hundred Historical Society Jubilee Hall, 2, Parsonage Lane Junction Chase Side, Enfield. Ice Houses – talk by Ruth Hazeldine (Hornsey Historical Society) Visitors £1.
Wednesday 16 February 8pm Islington Archaeology & History Society Islington Town Hall, Upper St, N1. Charterhouse Square & the English Stage rebirthing Talk by Colin D. Brooking on proposed visual archaeology around Charterhouse
Friday 18 February 8pm Enfield Archaeological Society Jubilee Hall 2, Parsonage Lane Enfield The Fourth Cradle? New Discoveries in Bronze Age Iran Talk by Ian Jones Visitors £1. Refreshments, sales and info from 7.30pm.
Wednesday 23 February7.45pm Friern Barnet & District Local History Society St John‟s Church Hall (Next to Whetstone Police Station) Friern Barnet Lane, N20 Recycling & Waste Prevention Verity Jones Cost £2. Refreshments available.
Thursday 24 February 2.30pm Finchley Society Drawing Room, Avenue House, East End Rd, N3 The Royal Air Force Museum Talk by David Keen Visitors £2
Thanks as ever to this month’s contributors; Bill Bass; Sylvia Javes; Eric Morgan; Jim and Jo Nelhams; Peter Pickering; Emma Robinson; Richard Stein; Micky Watkins.

Newsletter-478-January-2011 – HADAS Newsletter Archive

By | Past Newsletters, Volume 9: 2010 - 2014 | No Comments

1961-2011 The 50th Anniversary year of the Hendon & District Archaeology Society


Barnet Council proposes that funding to operate Church Farmhouse Museum and support Barnet Museum is withdrawn, taking effect from 1 April 2011.

As these are the only two council supported museums in the borough, residents and particularly school children would be deprived of the opportunity to see, appreciate and engage with the long history and archaeology of Barnet. WE MUST NOT LET THIS HAPPEN. Please take any opportunity to oppose this shoddy proposal (the total annual saving according to the Council figures is £40k in the first year followed by £60 per annum thereafter, hardly a fortune. The Council’s cabinet met on Monday, 13th December 2010 to initially approve the budget for 2010/2011 which includes this proposal. Then there is a period of public consultation up to the 17th January 2011, followed by a final recommendation by the Cabinet in February to be put to the full council meeting in March 2011. Please write to your local councillor, to the local press and, in addition, according to the council a survey on the museums will be available on the Barnet web site from Monday 13th December for your views.

We should all write before the 17th January 2011 with our views to:

Museum Consultation, C/O Mike Fahey, London Borough of Barnet, North London Business Park, Oakleigh Road South, London N11 1NP.


The winter lecture series takes place at Avenue House, 17 East End Road, Finchley N3 3QE. Nearest tube Finchley Central. Buses 82, 125, 143, 326 & 460 pass nearby. Lectures start promptly at 8 pm, non-members welcome – £1 donation please, coffee or tea available.

Tues. 11th January lecture by Jane Sidell

Science as a tool to help understand London’s archaeology.

Jane Sidell has worked as an archaeologist in London since 1991 – as an environmental archaeologist, scientific advisor and more recently as Inspector of Ancient Monuments. Archaeological science is her first love and the evening’s talk will focus on a range of techniques including environmental archaeology and scientific dating, and how these have contributed to archaeology at key sites in London.

Tues. 8th February lecture by Dr. Richard Stein,

The Roman Wooden Water Pump – an ingenious machine.

Tues. 8th March lecture by Keith J Fitzpatrick-Matthews, The Archaeology of Baldock.

Tues. 12th April lecture by Dr. Robin Woolven, Bomb Damage in London and Middlesex.

Tues. 10th May lecture by Ken Brereton, The Markfield Beam Engine – the influence of effluence.

Membership Matters Stephen Brunning

In last month’s newsletter under “Membership Matters” we in-correctly stated that Joanna Faktor was the daughter of Rachel McPhail, when in fact it was the other way around. We apologise for this error.

Planning Applications Bill Bass

Sometime ago HADAS had a system of reviewing planning applications as a back-up and to assist English Heritage and Barnet Council in their assessments of applications affecting ‘Local areas of special archaeological significance’ in The London Borough of Barnet. Generally speaking this system has lapsed in recent years as it was seen that the ‘official’ system of picking-up sensitive applications between EH and Barnet Council was working well enough. However, recent staff reductions at EH means that it is difficult for them to monitor all applications at present and some may fall through the ‘net’.

Therefore we would encourage members to check and keep an eye out for Planning Applications in their area which may affect sensitive archaeological sites. These areas are defined and are marked-out on maps of the Borough they include the likes of town centres, find spots, roads, and known archaeological places e.g The Battle of Barnet, Hadley or Roman Brockley Hill north of Edgware.

In theory you should be able to access these maps online by going to, then follow Barnet maps, planning, archaeological areas. You will need to download some software to use the maps fully. However, when I tried this it would not work – you may have better luck (we do hold printed copies of the areas). The planning applications can be found here

Generally speaking it’s perhaps larger developments that need to be checked rather than domestic extensions etc. Any sensitive applications should be sent to –

Heritage Lottery Fund

The House Mill has been given the green light by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for a £2.65million grant. A development grant of £248,000 has been awarded to help the River Lea Tidal Mill Trust progress their plans, which include restoring the mill, its neighbour Miller’s House, and creating a self-sustaining and vibrant visitor centre. The Trust aims to incorporate hydro-electricity production using the restored waterwheels and additional turbines, which will not only boost income at the site but also provide a key educational hook for learning about the milling process for visitors of all ages.

Coleshill Estate Survey

During last summer’s excavation of the air-raid shelters in Sunny Hill Park, Hendon, members of Subterranea Brittanica (including HADAS’s Stewart Wilding) inspected the structures and made a photographic survey. The ‘Sub Britters’ are now involved in another project of an archaeological site survey at the Coleshill Estate near Swindon, this is the site of an Auxiliary Unit Operational Base – a ‘hide out’ where officers could conduct resistance if they were overtaken by German occupation.

“It has now been confirmed that this non-invasive survey will be taking place over the course of the weekend of 22nd and 23rd of January 2011 and will be overseen by archaeologist Neil Faulkner / Bristol University. Sub Brit will be taking an active role along with the Coleshill Auxiliary Research Team (CART), other relevant interest groups and the National Trust. The main aim of the survey is to gain a better understanding of the site and to seek physical evidence of further OBs (Operational Bases). Any finds from detection, or surface finds from visual survey will be recorded using GPS. There is not going to be any excavation at this stage. It is really a mapping and reporting project, so everything needs to be recorded in situ”.

Norwich – Day 4 Jim Nelhams

After our “steam” day, Tuesday saw us at two shore forts, medieval houses in Great Yarmouth, and a boat ride to a windmill (and pub), with opportunities for some twitching and plane spotting. Thanks to Don Cooper for negotiating the boat ride – the operators had planned to end their season the previous day. A brief drive along the front at Great Yarmouth also took us past Caesar’s Palace. More details now from our travelling correspondents.

Caistor On Sea and Burgh Castle Saxon Shore Forts by Lydia Demetris

Saxon Shore Forts have been my interest for some years and so I really appreciated the inclusion in the HADAS long weekend. It was such a pleasure to see these sites for myself, rather than reading interpretations. The weather was kind on both visits, and although cold and sometimes windy, the sun shone most of the time.

The Notitia Dignitatum, a late Roman document of uncertain age, lists 9 forts under the command of the Comes Litoris Saxonice – Count of the Saxon Shore defences of Britain. Caistor, probably built in the Severan period of the early 200’sAD and Burgh Castle, approximately 260+AD in either the second stage of continental coastal installations or Carausian defences, can both lay claim to the Saxon Shore Fort of Gariannum named in this document. It is just plausible that this was an area name incorporating all forts and installations protecting the Great Estuary from seaward incursions. The two Forts were both big enough to contain 1000 infantry or 500 Cavalry plus horses or a mixture with emphasis on naval personnel. Roman pottery at natural high points along the coast suggests signal stations or lookouts.

A feature of all Saxon shore forts is that they have slightly differing builds and/or components, which may be due to location, sourcing of materials or local administration. Those in Norfolk are mainly built with flint and wood, freely available in contrast to the paucity of stone locally.

Both forts have evidence of women and children within the fort itself and vici close by. Each fort would have probably comprised buildings for Headquarter, Barracks, Stables, Granary, workshops, stores and baths. Caistor has some flint foundation buildings but Burgh has none discernable so that interior constructions within its walls may have been raised in timber. Caistor has evidence of a bathhouse whereas Burgh does not, suggesting that here one may have been built outside, as at Chester, but later sank into the river.

Caistor on Sea (TG516123) In Roman Times this Fort was situated on a large island, known as Flegg, facing Burgh Castle across the open sea protecting the mouth of the Great Estuary. This small site has traffic roaring past and is seen directly from the road through a chain link fence. Our Coach stopped on a lay-by on the very busy Norwich Road for a short visit. Originally built on 3.5 hectares it was a working fort from 200-390AD when it was deserted and not reoccupied until 650AD. Caistor Roman Fort was square in shape with rounded corners and three semi-circular footings that projected from the outer face of the wall. It was difficult to imagine that this site was once on the edge of the Great Estuary as so much land has been reclaimed since the 17th c drainage. Only 10% is now visible with 90% including the vicus sleeping under a modern housing estate, along with a large Saxon Cemetery comprising 163 graves with boat like timbers. Examination of these remains there showed a hard working life. The information boards were interesting but confusing as to layout. Finds include a small bronze Curse sheet stating that Aurelius Attricanus fulfilled his vow to Mercury, suggesting a temple just outside the fort.

There is a large ditch just inside the entrance innermost of several around the fort originally 1.8m deep and 5m wide. A road and substantial timber bridge crossed these obstacles to the South Gate – probably the main entrance. A line of modern concrete between ditch and fort wall indicates where excavation revealed palisades. The fort walls were probably 4-5m high. A metalled road runs from the South gate, where a guard chamber has been excavated to the left, northward towards the centre of the site. This road would have led from the gate to a shoreline, in Roman times around 350m distant. On site are the remains of two buildings, with a suggested build of flint/mortar base and timber upper construction. Building 1 had 10 rooms, domestic reverting to industrial, the remains of a hypocaust and finds including 86 coins of 330-340AD plus pottery, animal bones, personal ornaments, hairpins and floral painted plaster. Building 2 had the remains of a hypocaust and a waterproof floor. Apart from the Roman remains there is also a mid-late Saxon working hollow.

Burgh Castle (TG476060) in Roman times was the garrison of Equites Stablesiani, a cavalry unit, evidenced by an iron helmet found in 30 pieces dating to 300 AD. At this time the Fort was situated on the tip of land known as Lothingland on the edge of the Great Estuary served by major rivers of Waveney and Yare. Although Burgh retains something of its original setting, silt and reclamation have narrowed the water channel. Reedham Church once thought to be a pharos or signal station on the opposite side of a wide estuary is now seen on the horizon, inland on the opposite side of the river.

In complete contrast to our trip to Caister our coach arrived at a purpose made car park close to the Fort for our prior visit to the Church of St Peter and Paul. Afterwards we walked across a field to Burgh Castle. The view of the Fort was not immediately apparent as it was obscured by a hedge. When rounding this, the three huge walls of Burgh Castle, set in a parkland site between an open field and the river, was breathtaking and very atmospheric. It was easy to conjure up a vision of the past at this site, finally at peace with itself. As with Anderida, the walls are almost extant to full height with the exception of the fourth water side collapsed, here namely the western wall fronting the River Waveney which has long time since disappeared into the riverside Marsh. The surviving walls measure nearly 3.2m thick at base tapering to 1.5 at the top, reaching a possible original height of 4.6m tall without protective parapet. The core is rubble held together with sandy yellow mortar faced with squared flints and up to 7 bonding layers of red fired clay tiles. The mortar on facing was mixed with crushed tiles making it harder and waterproof. Much of the facing was removed in medieval times and used on the nearby church of St Peter and St Paul.

The Fort stands on approximately 2.2 hectares and is quadrilateral in shape with longer sides’ parallel. It has rounded angles with six remaining, of possibly ten original, projecting pear shaped bastions. Unusually the bastions are jointed at the bottom but built as part of the structure higher in the wall suggesting a change in plan during building. The corner bastions have holes in the top suggesting wooden watchtowers. The toppled bastion on the South wall, facing outwards, has the faint impression of T shaped foundation plank like timbers. Large cracks show the structural weakness of imperfect construction.

At the South-West corner of the fort the slight remains of an earthen mound suggest the motte of a typical Norman Castle with a large gap cut into the wall to allow for a deep ditch. Inside the wall to the right there are seven large vertical holes possibly 1 metre from the ground thought to be the remains of a Roman wooden lean-to building. In the North-east corner of the fort there is a further feature of six indentations at ground level which may be evidence of another roman lean-to.

A 19th c excavation along the modern riverfront revealed huge oak timbers suggesting a Roman Wharf where boats would have been moored. The fields on either side of the track, partly excavated, evidenced vicus, roman field systems, and a 200 ad lead seal of Provincia Britannia Superioris together with many other coins. Part of the field to the east of the fort was used as a burial ground during both Roman and Anglo Saxon periods. In the latter period the Castle area may have been known as Cnobheresburg. Bede refers to a similar site being used as a monastery in 630AD.

English Heritage has guardianship of the walls and remains at both sites. Norwich Archaeological Trust manage the site at Burgh Castle and Great Yarmouth Borough Council have responsibility for Caistor on Sea.

The parish church of St Peter and St Paul, Burgh Castle – Graham Javes

Norfolk has far more round-tower churches than any other county in England and in 1974 it gained another one, St Peter and St Paul’s, when the Norfolk-Suffolk boundary was redrawn. A church may have stood here for much longer than its Saxo-Norman tower would indicate. Both tower and nave contain the inevitable Roman tiles robbed out from the walls of the nearby Roman fortress. Originally the tower was about 16 feet high but it was raised soon after the Restoration of the Monarchy to accommodate the bells: the earliest, the tenor bell is inscribed: ‘John Darbie made me 1663’. Darbie was an Ipswich bell founder.

We were warmly welcomed by members of the congregation, who showed us around the church. The church proved delightfully simple. It consists of a medieval nave, a larger than expected chancel, tower, and mid-nineteenth century north aisle.

The font is a typical East Anglian Lion font and is carved by the mason who made the font at nearby Lound, documented to c. 1389. The bowl is supported by four lions; the panels of the octagonal bowl are carved alternately with an angel supporting a heraldic shield, and a lion. The shields in turn display: three crowns, the accepted arms of the Saxon kings of East Anglia; a symbol of the Trinity; three hosts and chalices; and the Instruments of the Passion.

The glory of this church is its 19th and 20th century commemorative stained glass, notably fine for a rural parish church. The east window resembles the 11th and 12th century glass in the cathedral of Le Mans and commemorates the incumbency of the Reverend Charles Green, who died in 1857. Another incumbent and a major benefactor of the church was Canon George Venables, who, with his wife are portrayed in a north aisle window as Zacharias and his wife Elizabeth. In a chancel window an older Venables is depicted as Moses descending from Mount Sinai raising above his head the tablet bearing the Ten Commandments. The image of St Fursey in a lancet window in the south wall is copied from a manuscript miniature in the British Library, which itself may have been drawn from his body, said to have remained uncorrupted at Péronne Abbey in the Somme, where he was abbot. St Fursey founded a monastery within the walls of the Roman fort at Burgh Castle. A further noteworthy window is, ‘In Memory Of The Two Best Monarchs Of Britain Lineally Connected thoVgh One ThoVsand Years Apart. King Alfred Died AD 901. QVeen Victoria Died AD 1901’. Actually Alfred died two years earlier, but who’s counting?

Great Yarmouth Row Houses – Audrey Hooson

Our visit started on the South Quay at the English Heritage owned , Old Merchant’s House and Row House 111. These, carefully restored, buildings are rare remnants of Great Yarmouth’s original distinctive C16 ‘Rows’. A network of narrow alleyways linking the main thoroughfares. In 1804 there were 145 Rows crammed within the city walls

By the 1930’s the area was considered an insanitary slum and there was conflict between those who wished it demolished and conservationists. However the extensive bombing of the harbour area in WW2 and subsequent clearance decided the issue.

The interiors of both red brick houses were altered considerably, during their long history but the immediately noticeable aspect, was the very narrow spiral staircases. It was hard to imagine women in long full skirts using them.

Before the damaged Rows were finally cleared they were placed in the care of the Secretary of State and looked after by the Ministry of Works. Efforts were made to collect as many remaining significant architectural items as possible and place them in the restored houses. This enabled us to see a representative collection of cast iron fire grates, wrought iron wall decorations, carved door jambs, ‘Delft’ ceramics and decorated doors.

The Old Merchant’s House was originally very imposing. The large front room was later sub-divided but part of a magnificent plaster-work ceiling remains. The arms of King James I, which would have been central, are surrounded by foliate designs and pendants with Angels. After admiring the ceiling it was rather alarming to enter the next room and find a man sitting at a table. Having just finished his meal, he was looking out at the harbour with his dog by his chair. Sometimes English Heritage can be too clever! Their intention is to display the rooms, in use, during various periods. Later tableux showed a 19th Century woman cutting out a pattern for a bustle dress, a WW2 woman, at the kitchen table preparing bottled fruit and children playing in their bedroom.

Our final view, through the trusses of the steep pitched roof of No.111 was of modern metal shelving with storage boxes containing the rest of what is obviously an extensive collection.

Across Breydon Water in the Southern Belle – Ken Carter

She began life in Plymouth in 1925, named, in effect, Shuttlecock the Second. Now, she is a veteran of industrial archaeology, 85 years old, refurbished and still chugging. Her upper deck holds the captain’s bridge, with passenger seats behind. Her lower deck encloses the steward in his narrow, wood-paneled bar with passenger seats fore and aft.

Breydon Water is a vast, shallow stretch of water 4 miles long and 1 mile wide, bulging with sandbanks and interlaced with crucial navigation posts. It receives the rivers Bure, Waveney and Yare. Roman merchant vessels docked here; Anglo Saxon predators marauded here and Arthur Ransome used it as the setting for ‘Coot Club’.

We saw a vast, bobbing stretch of blue-grey liquid. It conveyed the Southern Belle, and us, on the last journey of the season, towards the sole pub in England reachable only by foot or vessel. The afternoon held weak sunshine and a gentle breeze. September had arrived.

To make our journey, our captain had to liaise with the Harbour Master over the raising of the cantilever Breydon Bridge – at 2.15 precisely. Earlier in the day, our coach had been delayed on the A47, waiting for the bridge to rise. Now we could see vehicles queuing as we sputtered underneath the up-ended section of road, admiring the machinery that had enabled the swift, sleek, stately movement to take place.

Our journey was a soothing, entrancing experience. The tide was in. The water expanse spread wide and serene – though we glimpsed in the distance the ridges that marked the original, much wider extent of this one-time greater, busier waterway.

Berney Arms Mill – Vicki Baldwin

Nat Grid Ref TG46520496

Unlike its predecessor whom it replaced in 1865, the Berney Arms Mill was never intended for processing grain. It was built primarily for grinding cement clinker* for Thomas Trench Berney who was listed as a Brick and Roman Cement maker in an 1836 directory. A date of 1870 is penciled in the mill’s cap. The manufacture and grinding of the clinker was part of the cement-making process. Sandy silt from the river and chalk from pits near Norwich were combined and then baked at a very high temperature to remove moisture. The resulting dry mass or clinker was then crushed by the grindstones in the mill. There was at least one other cement factory in the area being the Burgh Castle Portland Cement Company on the other side of the river.

In 1886 when cement clinker grinding ceased, the mill was converted to a drainage mill driving a 24 foot diameter scoop wheel. The grindstones were probably moved from the second floor at this time and it is known that they were still on the ground floor in 1972. The mill continued as a drainage pump until 1948 when it was replaced by ‘an electric pump lifting 35 tons a minute…’ (Eastern Daily Press).

The mill had apparently been kept in a state of good repair until then but it is noted that earlier that year fractures had appeared at the top of the tower which prevented the head turning which in turn could have damaged the mill itself. It was then transferred to the Ministry of Works as an Ancient Monument. The mill was used as a sailing centre for a few years in the early 1950s but was closed following an accident. In 1967 restoration work was carried out by the Ministry of Public Works and Buildings. Currently it is looked after by English Heritage and only open at certain times.

Berney Arms Mill is an example of a tower mill, other types being post mills and smock mills. The sails of a post mill are attached to the wooden body housing the mechanism and the whole body of a post mill has to be turned around a central vertical post in order to face the sails into the wind. Tower and smock mills both have a ‘cap’ on which the sails and fantail are set and it is the cap which is turned to set the sails to the wind. The cap of Berney Arms Mill is ‘boat-shaped’. The seven storey mill is brick built and stands about 70 foot tall. Painted black and with a white cap, it is an imposing sight and visible for a considerable distance over the flat landscape.

The scoop wheel is connected to the mill by a horizontal shaft and is further away from the mill than in most of the other examples. This may be because the mill was adapted for drainage rather than purpose built. An iron door opening into the river allowed the water to be pumped up and out from the lower level of the marsh, but prevented water flowing back again.

We were particularly lucky with the weather when we visited and as an added extra we were treated to an aerial display from the pilot of a Yakovlev making the most of a sunny afternoon.

*clinker: 1769, from klincard (1641), a type of paving brick made in Holland, from Dutch klinkaerd, from klinken “to ring” (as it does when struck).

The Berney Arms Inn – Stewart Wild

As our boat neared the windmill, my attention was drawn to an attractive waterside pub and free house, the Berney Arms Inn, which we passed about 300 yards from the mill. I had heard of this unique pub, the only one in England without road access, which means its refreshments can only be enjoyed by folk who have reached this isolated spot by boat, as we had; by rail to the tiny Berney Arms station nearly a mile away; or on foot all the way across the nature reserve and marshes from Reedham, Halvergate or Great Yarmouth.

In days gone by, the pub served as a meeting place for wherrymen, wildfowlers, fishermen, poachers and brick-workers. Fortunately these days the pub stands on two long-distance Norfolk footpaths: the Weavers’ Way and the Wherryman’s Way, which makes it a popular way-station not only for day-trippers by boat but also for a number of Rail Ale Rambles in summer for fit people with equal enthusiasm for hiking and real ale.

Thus, in the interests of research, I decided to forgo the attractions of the splendid windmill and investigate the history and amenities of the old pub (after all, I have a reputation to uphold).

My visit was, of necessity, rather short, and I did not have time to sample all the many beers on offer. But I did manage three quick halves of real ale, which were all local and all excellent. Unfortunately I did not take notes, and now I am unable to remember the details, although I am certain that all three brews were unfamiliar to me. While carrying out my research I was able to chat to the friendly bar staff and wander around the premises.

The place was like stepping back in time. The building originally dates from the 1760s, if I remember correctly, but has undergone a number of additions and renovations since. Despite this, the interior and atmosphere was similar to what I remember from the 1960s, with very old furniture, much of it broken, a neglected and empty aquarium, a back room that looked as though it hadn’t been used for ages, bits of old carpet on the floor, and the walls covered in faded pictures and adverts and a score of traditional brass-plate boating apophthegms like Always have a life jacket for everyone in the boat, plus one extra for the beer cooler.

There was a darts board and a pool table and a wide terrace outside overlooking the Broads and Burgh Castle in the distance. In fine weather it’s almost idyllic; however, there is so little passing trade in winter that the pub closes for around four or five months and the owners go back to their home in Birmingham. I got the impression that the business hardly made ends meet, but the owners, nice people whose lifestyle is, shall we say, a little unconventional, seemed happy with their lot.

If you wonder, as I did, how they get their beer barrels and supplies delivered to such a location, it’s simple. There is road access, but it’s across private land owned by the RSPB as a nature reserve, and the pub has special permission to use the track for deliveries only. No other vehicles are allowed.

I felt privileged to have been able to wet my whistle in such an unusual and iconic pub, and much appreciated the opportunity afforded by our boat trip, even though I missed the views from the windmill. I must make another visit…

Journey through the afterlife – Ancient Egypt Book of the Dead, British Museum, until 6th March 2011

You are taken along a path of the Egyptian’s attempt to persuade the gods and devine beings in the underworld to let them pass into the afterlife. They are armed with The Book of Dead, spells and phrases at first carved on the pyramids, then written on their coffins, artefacts or papyrus placed with them. It’s a tortuous affair with ‘the devourer’ waiting to eat their heart and snuff out their existence if they got it wrong! Usually, it’s a happy ending with the dead person throwing his or her hands up in glee as they successfully pass into the ever after. The BM visitor however, passes into the gift-shop where their cash may not be so everlasting…….

Other Societies’ Events Eric Morgan

Weds 5th Jan: 8.00pm, Stanmore & Harrow Historical Society, Wealdstone Baptist Church Hall, High St, Wealdstone.

Euston for the north, by Malcolm Grant

Thur 6th Jan: 8.00pm, Pinner Local History Society, Village Hall, Chapel Lane Car Park, Pinner.

Mr Waite & Mr Rose & their first shop in Acton by Janet Appleyard White. Visitors £2.

Mon 10th Jan: 2.30 for 3.00pm, Barnet & Local History Society, Church House, Wood St, Barnet, (opposite museum).

15 years of Calendars, by Terence Atkins.

Weds 12th Jan: 2.30pm, Mill Hill Historical Society, The Wilberforce Centre, St Paul’s Church, The Ridgeway NW7.

Antiques & their stories, by Simon Brown. Finishes at 4pm.

Weds 12th Jan: 7.45pm, Hornsey Historical Society, Union Church Hall, Corner of Ferme Park Rd/Weston Park, N8.

100 years of cinema in Harringey, by Jeremy Buck Visitors £1.

Tues 18th Jan: 6.30pm, LAMAS, Clore Learning Centre, Museum of London, London Wall, EC2.

Anne Mobray = London’s Forgotten 15th century princess, by Bruce Watson (MoLA)

Tues 18th Jan: 5.30pm, Institute of Archaeology & British Museum Medieval Seminar, Room 612, IoA, UCL, Gordon Sq, WC1.

Southumbrian Book Culture & The implications of recent archaeological discoveries, by Michelle Brown

Weds 19th Jan: 8.00pm Islington Archaeological & Historical Society, Islington Town Hall, Upper St, N1.

Caroline Chisholm & the family colonisation loan society, by Dr. Carole Walker.

Fri 21st Jan: 7.30pm, CoLAS St Olaves’s Parish Hall, Mark Lane, EC3.

The diamond sutra of 868AD: The world’s oldest printed book, by Dr. Frances Wood (British Library). Visitors £2.

Weds 26th Jan: 7.45pm, Friern Barnet & District Local History Society, St John’s Hall (next Whetstone Police stn), Friern Barnet Lane, N20. Thames Sailing Barges, by Ken Cain. £2

Thanks to contributors: Stephen Brunning, Don Cooper, Eric Morgan, ‘The Long Weekend Team’ & Stuart Wilding

newsletter-477-December-2010 – HADAS Newsletter Archive

By | Past Newsletters, Volume 9: 2010 - 2014 | No Comments

No. 477 DECEMBER 2010 Edited by Don Cooper

Doesn’t time go quickly, here we are in the middle of November looking forward to that end-of-year holiday period again!! May we, however, take this opportunity to wish all our readers a joyous holiday and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.


HADAS 50th Anniversary by Don Cooper

Next year (2011) is the 50th anniversary of the founding of HADAS by Themistocles Constantinides in 1961. He founded the society with the main aim of finding and proving the Anglo-Saxon origins of Hendon. Themistocles would be delighted at the progress that has been made. This year will see the publication of the results of the excavation at Church Terrace which provides ample evidence of occupation in Anglo-Saxon times. LET’S MAKE IT A YEAR OF CELEBRATION! Plans are already being laid for an Exhibition of HADAS’ achievements and history at Church Farm Museum, A Roman Cookery day, a number of excavations, the launch of the Church Terrace book and, hopefully, many other events. I and your committee call on all HADAS members to celebrate this momentous year, by helping to organise the events and proposing events that they themselves would like to organise. For your ideas and offers of help please contact any of the officers mentioned at the end of this newsletter.

HADAS Holiday September 2011

I know it seems very early to be thinking of holidays already, but our able planning team (Jo & Jim Nelhams) have found a seaside holiday hotel on the Isle of Wight (see October’s newsletter for places that we might visit). The only dates available are the Monday 19th – Friday, 23rd September 2011. Prices are expected be very similar to this year at £345 per person sharing a double room and £395 for singles. We will travel by coach and stay at the hotel for four nights on a Dinner, Bed and Breakfast basis. Jo & Jim would very much like an early indication of members (and/or non-members/friends) who would like to come on this exciting trip. Please phone or send them an email to their address below. Numbers as usual will be limited – so first come first served!!

Lectures for 2011

Tuesday 11th January 2011

Jane Siddel: Science as a tool to help understand London’s archaeology

Tuesday 8th February 2011

Richard Stein: The Roman Wooden Water Pump – an ingenious machine

Tuesday 8th March 2011

Keith J Fitzpatrick-Matthews: The Archaeology of Baldock

Tuesday 12th April 2011

Dr Robin Woolven: Bomb Damage in London and Middlesex

Tuesday 10th May 2011

Ken Brereton: The Markfield Beam Engine – the influence of effluence

Tuesday 11th October 2011

Dr John Creighton: Silchester -: the revelation of an Iron Age and Roman city

Tuesday 8th November 2011

Nathalie Cohen: The Thames Discovery Programme

Lectures are held in the Drawing Room at Avenue House, 17 East End Road, Finchley, N3 3QE, and start promptly at 8 pm, with coffee/tea and biscuits afterwards. Non-members: £1. Buses 82, 125, 143, 326 & 460 pass nearby and Finchley Central station (Northern Line), is a short walk away.

Membership Matters by Stephen Brunning

I would like to extend a warm welcome to the following members who have joined (or rejoined) HADAS since May 2010: Alan Aris, Judy Kazarnovsky, Audrey Lewis, Margaret O’Reilly, James Rea, Emma Tait and Guy Taylor. I hope to see you at a forthcoming event.

Patricia Karet.

Pat Karet joined our society before 1973. Though not active in HADAS in recent years, she may be remembered by some of our long standing members. Sadly, she died in April after a long battle with a brain tumour. For most of her working life, she ran the administrative side of UCS school in Hampstead, and when she retired, turned her talents to supporting the North London Hospice.

Virginia Pell

Virginia was greatly interested in theatre and opera, and also in travelling. She joined us on a number of our longer outings, the last being our trip to Beverley in 2008. She had booked to join us again this year in Norwich, but sadly died in April.

Jack Newbury by Don Cooper

By now many of you will have heard that Jack (Dorothy Newbury’s husband) was knocked down by a car on the crossing on his way to work at his business Hilary Press Printers. Jack ,who is 91, suffered multiple injuries and was taken to The Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel where he was placed in intensive care. As of this morning 17/11/2010 Jack is making good progress and is out of intensive care. We all wish Jack a complete and speedy recovery. If sending a card please send it to 55 Sunningfields Road, Hendon, NW4 4RA.

Barnet Archive.

The Barnet Archive is open again. It has completed the move from Daws Lane and is now housed on the top floor of Hendon Library. The address of Hendon Library is as follows: The Burroughs, Hendon, London. NW4 4BT Tel. No. 0208359 2628. Either Yasmine Webb and Hugh Petrie will be there to answer your queries. Parking is a nightmare in the area so try and use public transport if possible and do make an appointment in advance of your visit either by phone or email

Report on the first lecture of the 2010 Winter series by the speaker

Hard hats and stripy jumpers – Behind the Scenes With Time Team By Raksha Dave

Time Team has been at the forefront of popular television for the past 18 years. In October Time Team archaeologist, Raksha Dave came to HADAS to give us an inside perspective on how the show operates and most importantly how this fits into the archaeological arena today.

From the viewpoint of a professional archaeologist being asked to become a Time Team member has been both daunting and challenging. Indeed from day one and to the past 8 years of working on the programme I and the team constantly question what we do and how we are perceived by the public and our profession. Before I even started working on Time Team I shared many thoughts touted by the archaeological community. How do they manage to excavate in three days? Do they record and report their findings accurately and in a timely fashion? Does the telly-making process takeover? or is it just dumbing down archaeology?

The Three-Day Format

Tony Robinson’s opening gambit “we only have three days….” is often mind boggling. People don’t often realise that although the programme is filmed over a period of three days, hours of research, meetings and consultation has gone into making one episode of Time Team. At the beginning of every year a production team pours over a list of possible sites and determines whether sites are viable or if they fit into the category of community archaeology, rescue archaeology or ‘special’ sites i.e sites in inaccessible areas or in areas of special, scientific interest. The influx of viewer’s letters also determines whether or not there are any viable options to be explored. Time Team’s strength is going to communities and finding sites in places they wouldn’t perceive archaeology to be present. It isn’t until everything is thrown into the mix that the final cut is made and sites are chosen for the year.

So what about excavating in three days? Time Team is essentially a glorified archaeological evaluation which is commonplace in professional archaeological practice today. Often developer-led projects are evaluations where there are set questions asked within a brief. Time Team follows the same process with initial questions asked at the outset. The archaeology leads the direction of the programme and in some cases other questions may be asked and answered outside of the original brief. Throughout this process there is continuous consultation with field archaeologists, specialists, inspectors and directors (film and field!) that determine the strategy of the day. I often call this the ‘wikipedia effect’, there is always someone to talk to with an opinion, more information or an alternative interpretation. Knowledge of archaeological sites, finds and processes are not finite so having regional or local knowledge is very important in determining what you have or don’t have!

A fluid process

Time Team has pushed the boundaries of archaeological techniques over the past years and we are always looking at processes to make things better or to improve output over the three days without sacrificing quality. In the past Time Team have rightly been criticised for the lack of effective and punctual report writing. In 2003 the decision was made to bring in Wessex Archaeology to take over the process of post-excavation and writing the final report. This has worked very well with Wessex personnel on site during the excavating process and supervising the recording on the three days of filming and the fourth day of reinstatement. The report is normally completed within 6 months of excavation and is published on the Wessex website. Time Team also look at other ways to improve what information we can add to the archaeological record and often pioneer or test new forms of technology. The pioneering geophysics team are constantly building new geophysics hybrids to improve performance. One shoot involved trialling a hybrid magnetometer and GPS survey to give us a instantaneous geophysics results on a surveyed location grid. Other shoots have involved inviting other companies to use new technology and adapting their use to use on archaeological sites.

Just Entertainment?

The hardest part of this process is trying to relay this information to the public in an interesting and informative way. How do you make digging in a muddy field interesting? The process of excavating can be painstaking and tedious and packaging this into something informative and entertaining can be quite tricky. The programme aims to tell a story of an area or region. We have clear objectives of what this might be and we aim to try and relay this throughout the programme. That’s not to say the archaeology behaves itself! On several programmes we have had to change the shift of a story from Roman temple to Bronze Age Barrow or as in the case of Warburton in 2006 broadcasting an episode on finding absolutely nothing! However, the really interesting sites are the ones where we bring archaeology to communities. We have termed this ‘back garden archaeology’ when we get to dig within towns and villages and often end up digging up back gardens of the residents who have volunteered to lose their gardens for three days. Many of these sites have originated from letters sent in by viewers who have done research on their local area. I find this an interesting process as it becomes more intimate and personal. Last year we excavated in the back gardens and open field areas of a village called Litlington in Cambridgeshire. The premise was to test the theory that there was a high status Roman building in the village, a portion of which had been excavated by antiquarians in the 1800s. The residents of Litlington were completely engaged in the process and interested in what the archaeology could tell them about their village. More importantly however, it bought the community together; neighbours started talking to each other by visiting gardens that had been test-pitted and by the end of the three days had become firm friends. This is as satisfying as excavating a site, this for me brings to the forefront the relevance of archaeology today. Time Team already reaches 3 million people a week but to have such a direct effect on a group of people is in some way more worthwhile.

Further information

Time Team

Post Excavation Reports

Get Involved

Young Archaeologists’

Battle of Britain HQ has been saved! By Stephen Brunning

On 15th September 2010 Harrow Council unanimously approved the application to create the long-hoped for museum on this historic site, the former RAF Bentley Priory, which closed in 2008. The developers have been committed to contributing approximately £9.5m to help maintain and run a Battle of Britain museum in the Grade II* listed house. Visitors will be able to see the ground floor office where Air Chief Marshal “Stuffy” Dowding worked, (as seen in the classic 1969 film ‘Battle of Britain’) and see a holographic recreation of the great man himself. As part of the deal, 103 private homes will be built on the upper floor and elsewhere on the site. It is expected to take 2 years to complete the transformation, and the Bentley Priory Battle of Britain Trust still needs to raise at least £1m in order to equip an education centre and renovate their collection.

Erica Ferguson, Executive Consultant of the Trust gave a lecture to HADAS on 9th March 2010, and the report of her talk on the history of RAF Bentley Priory can be found in the April newsletter.

For a history of the whole site, see

Report on the Council of British Archaeology’s Annual General Meeting

The Council for British Archaeology (CBA) held its Annual General Meeting at the Royal College of Pathologists in London on the 6th November 2010. After the customary business of approving the annual report and accounts the over fifty attendees listened attentively as the trustees and staff outlined a strategy for the next five years. The key themes were Increasing Participation (helping to get more people involved by initiating and promoting projects that attract and encourage greater public participation), Enhancing Discovery (by creating a better learning environment, improving publications etc.), Strengthening Advocacy ( continuing to champion archaeological causes by mobilising an informed public) and Developing Sustainability (ensuring that the historic and archaeological legacy is sustained against the ravages of climate change, bureaucratic interference etc., and that the CBA itself can secure its future by building its reserves and increasing its membership). The presentation of the strategy was followed by a highly entertaining talk by Michael Woods highlighting the archaeological aspects of his recent television series “The Story of England” told through the history and archaeology of Kibworth, a Leicestershire village. The AGM was followed by a reception at the House of Lords hosted by Lord Colin Renfrew.

North Finchley Congregational Church by Jim Nelhams

Many of you will remember that a church used to stand on Ballards Lane, North Finchley, close to Tally Ho Corner. This was originally called Finchley Common Congregational Church.

The railway reached New Southgate in 1850, making access to and from London much simpler and leading to a growth in the local population. In 1863, a group of influential nonconformist gentlemen met to discuss the building of a new Church, and they received encouragement from Mr John Hey Puget, a prominent nonconformist, though parish records show that he was baptised in the Church of England at St Andrews Holborn in 1803. Mr Puget lived at Poynters Hall, Totteridge, close to Totteridge church, and had already, with his mother, been responsible for the building of a Chapel in Totteridge Lane.

As well as encouragement, Mr Puget gave some land at North End, Finchley, and later added more in Dale Grove for the erection of a school building. Mr Puget and his daughter Hannah, and others laid foundation stones for the two buildings. The church and the school opened in 1864. In 1894, the church was extended – strangely, the funds for this were found by selling the school to the Baptist Church.

During the twentieth century, congregations dwindled in many churches, leading to the merger of various groups. Thus some church buildings became superfluous. In North Finchley, less than 200 yards from the Congregational Church stood Trinity Church in Nether Street – originally the Baptist Church, and the two church groups agreed to merge. So the Congregational Church and the now Baptist School were demolished providing funds for Trinity Church now designated Baptist/United Reformed Church to be renovated and further rooms to be added.

The Congregational Church disappeared. Or did it? There are at Trinity Church a number of stones rescued from Ballards Lane, including most of the foundation stones from 1864.

These are mainly displayed in the concourse on the west side of the church. One of these reads –








JUNE 23RD 1864




Incidentally, Mr Puget was also a benefactor to St Andrews Church of England Church in Totteridge. When the churchyard became full, he donated land for an extension. Because it was not his church, he is not buried there, but there is a memorial to him inside the church.

Norfolk DAY 3 – Monday 30th August – BANK HOLIDAY

Trains and Stations Andy Simpson

The day started bright and early with a run to the privately (mainly volunteer) run Mid-Norfolk Railway at Dereham to join our reserved coach on the first train of the day. When we arrived in the station car park there was an instant ‘photo opportunity’ as there awaiting a comparison shot with our ultra-modern coach was a superb late-1950s vintage preserved ‘Bristol Lodekka’ doubler deck bus in Eastern Counties colours. Our driver was soon engaged in a technical conversation with her crew!

On a line dating back to 1847, our 11.5-mile, 40-minute steam hauled run was headed by former GWR design, but BR-built, pannier tank No. 9466 of 1952, one of the 200 or so steam locos rescued from the famous Woodham Bros. Barry Scrapyard in South Wales. Normally a resident of the Buckinghamshire Railway Centre, she is a well-travelled loco, and in the 1990s was a stalwart of the late-lamented annual ‘Steam on the Met’ runs from Harrow to Amersham and Watford, following overhaul at Neasden LT depot. As the line concentrates on ‘Heritage Traction’ – historic ex BR main-line diesel locos and railcars like the ones I trainspotted in the 1970s/80s – this is normally the only steam loco on the line. Dereham station retains a very 1960s main-line feel, and the well-stocked souvenir shop there did a roaring trade – helped by a very tempting selection of second hand books.

The line closed to goods in 1989 and has been undergoing gradual restoration and tourist trains have run since 1995. The five miles or so of line north from Dereham via North Elmham to County School is also undergoing gradual restoration, though not open to the public as yet. More details from

After a leisurely run south through Yaxham, Thuxton, Hardingham and Kimberley Park, with several level crossings and views of pleasant countryside, we arrived at Wymondham Abbey station, and many of the group strolled to the nearby level crossing to watch the loco run round its train for the return journey, before we boarded the coach for the short run to the elegant Wymondham main line station, situated on the Norwich – Ely railway line. Here we enjoyed a leisurely coffee stop at the Brief Encounter Refreshment Room, obviously very popular with the locals – always a good sign. It is packed with a treasure trove of Railwayana (and a small shop) and themed to pay homage to the classic 1945 film ‘Brief Encounter’ (actually partly filmed at Carnforth Station, which was visited on a previous HADAS long weekend, together with its own similarly named restaurant). The station itself, with semaphore signals, signal box and junction with the Mid Norfolk Railway, offered plenty of photo opportunities.

We then departed for the magnificent Wymondham Abbey, already glimpsed from the train.

Wymondham Abbey Jeffrey Lesser

Wymondham Abbey has differing towers, one at each end of the present building. Founded in 1107 by William D’Albini as a Benedictine Priory as a dependency of St. Alban’s Abbey, it served also as Parish Church. This was the root of continued disputes with the townspeople. The monastery buildings were torn down at the Dissolution, leaving the present Parish Church with its two towers, as agreed by Henry VIII. The present Central Tower is a rebuild in 1409 of the weakened original Norman Tower.

The 12thC Nave of Caen stone has seventy angels carved in the 15thC. Above the altar the Nave is dominated by the impressive golden Screen and Tester with images and heraldry designed by Sir Ninian Comper in 1919 and finished in 1934. At each side of the altar is a low door in a wall erected by the laity to exclude the clergy from the Parish Church. It was built as a result of the disputes of monks and townspeople about the bells. The former objected to those of the latter, which could be rung independently: the latter objected to those of the former being hung higher and therefore being heard better than those in their own rebuilt Central Tower.

Within the Abbey, the 15thC hammer-beam roof with wooden and painted angels and stone corbels is of great beauty as is the 18thC brass chandelier which originally illuminated the Nave. Among other features of interest are the octagonal stone font of 1440 with some residual paint and a modern wooden spire cover; the mahogany organ case of 1793 and the main organ in the West Tower; the chamber organ of 1810 in the North Aisle; the terracotta Sedillia near the High Altar; the fascinating reversed monogram of flint inlaid into the column nearest the West Door.

The Abbey Church is still in everyday use as a particularly fine Parish Church.

As usual, not enough time to experience it properly!

Wymondham Heritage Museum Emma Robinson

Although not on our formal tour programme many (perhaps a majority) of our group visited this fascinating local museum – although some of us might have spent longer there if we had not first been diverted by the attractions of the real ale festival in the ancient Green Dragon Inn. For me the Museum was a real exemplar of what could be achieved at a local level by a voluntary group. It was no surprise, therefore, to learn later from the webpage ( that the Museum was a recipient of a prestigious Gulbenkian Award – being highly commended for the most outstanding achievement of a museum with limited resources.

Before coming to the Museum I knew very little about Wymondham – apart from that it possessed the fine remains of an Abbey. By the time I left to hurry back to the coach I felt much better informed about the history of the town and its people. The stated objective of the Museum was to tell the story of Wymondham through displays and collections – with a particular focus on introducing characters from the town’s past. This it achieved with great flair and made the history of the town come to life for people of all ages.

The Museum is an initiative of the Wymondham Heritage Society. It was first set up in a small bake-house in 1984. Ten years later the Society purchased the Bridewell and re-located the Museum there in 1996. The name Bridewell itself has fascinating origins. In 1553 one of Henry VIII’s palaces was converted into a House of Correction to deal with vagrants. It became know as Bridewell Palace – since it was near the Holy Well of St Bride in London. Other houses of correction then came to be called Bridewells. The building now houses other activities and resources for the Heritage Society – including the popular tearoom which is based in the original exercise yard for prisoners in the police remand cells. The space has been well used and the guiding round the Museum is particularly clear. Even the shop counter is the converted magistrate’s bench of the court once housed in the building.

In the time available it was not possible to do much more than to skim the surface of the Museum’s displays and collections. So perhaps it would be best just to give a few personal highlights. I did not know, for example, that the town had once been an important centre of the brush making industry – and home of the Briton Brush Factory. The working machinery, displays and photographs were further interpreted by an audio commentary of people who had worked in the industry. I really felt that the essence had been captured of what it must have been to work in the factory. The displays relating to Norfolk’s Home Guard and ‘Secret Army’ during World War II were fascinating – as was the history of Girl Guiding since the early 20th century and farming with horses in the early to mid-20th century. Visitors were repeatedly invited to help identify local individuals in photographs. The notion of people’s memories of the town in the recent past was explored most helpfully. The more distant past, however, was not forgotten and it was good to see archaeological displays focussing on particular periods of pre- and more recent history.

It would have been good to have more time to do justice to the Heritage Museum and I am also grateful to the voluntary staff for helping me make best use of my visit.

Forncett St Mary Industrial Steam Museum by David Robinson

I confess that I approached the trip to a display of stationary steam engines in the depths of the Norfolk countryside with some trepidation since the group already knew that none of the engines would be in steam for our visit. However, any doubts I may have had as to how interesting the museum or the tour might be were at once dispelled by three factors. First, the magnificent restoration work carried out on the machines themselves; second, the fact that a 1904 vintage mechanical piano was serenading the party with extracts from Gilbert and Sullivan’s operetta Patience; and, third, the extraordinary enthusiasm and knowledge displayed by the owner / curator of the collection Dr Rowan Francis. Guided tours often add little to what the visitor sees but Dr Francis proved a notable exception to this rule, giving first class descriptions of the origins of the stationary engines and explaining how he had spent substantial parts of his career abroad to finance the purchases and restoration work.

One point that Dr Francis made is one which is, on reflection, obvious but will nevertheless bear repetition. For about 200 years (up to the 1960s) most of the manufacturing processes carried out in this country were powered by steam engines of the type on display. They were responsible for enabling such varied processes as lace making and vinegar production to take place and they were used too for other basic processes such a pumping water and raising bridges. When these fine engines became redundant it was possible to pick them up for relatively small sums of money; often little more than their scrap value but, as Dr Francis explained, purchasing an engine itself was the least of his worries. These came rather with the transport and restoration of the machines which were often in a sad state of disrepair. Thus Dr Francis, an anaesthetist by profession, had to turn himself into an engineer and learn how to strip down and rebuild engines. He explained further that the machines themselves are relatively simple to dismantle and reassemble and that (with only one exception) they are all now in working order. However, looking at the size and complexity of the machinery on display I think there may have been an excess in modesty in Dr Francis’ suggestion that restoration was a relatively straightforward matter.

A second issue mentioned by the doctor related to a number of the larger machines (particularly the beam engines) on display. For example, the Easton Andrews beam engine which had been used to pump water near Pontefract was of such a size that it needed to occupy its own building. Indeed, the building in which it was housed formed part of the engine itself in that it provided stability to enable the engine to work effectively. After the engine’s relocation to the museum huge “A” frames, built by Dr Francis and his team, had been used to stabilize the engine again. Here the need to take such measures again emphasizes the complexity of the work carried out. In addition, the group was shown a beam engine named “Spruce” constructed by Gimson and Company of Leicester (a firm which now incidentally manufactures stair lifts) that originally pumped a well which was 420 feet deep and was located near Tamworth. Again, the massive proportions of this engine required it to be properly housed for the sake of stability. It should not be thought however that all of the machines on display are large and indeed Dr Francis explained how he had started the collection with some of the smaller machines on show, partly due to the fact that they were easier to transport. These machines include, the earliest in the collection, a Corless value gear engine of 1873 which, despite its relative modest proportions, was responsible for providing power for all seven floors of a Nottingham lace factory.

Industrial historians often comment on the noise levels produced by a variety of the manufacturing processes employed in this country. However, a third point made by Dr Francis was that the machinery providing the power was relatively quiet. Indeed, when working the machines were silent, apart from the odd hiss of escaping steam. Thus, even a huge machine like the Worthington Simpson triple expansion engine of 1947 that had been used to pump water near Dover for the Folkestone and District Water Company was relatively quiet when working. The only noise to be heard after the acquisition of this machine by Dr Francis was from his bank manager who apparently felt that enough was enough. As a result of this the Dr was to spend three years in Saudi Arabia to earn enough professionally to keep the finances of his hobby “in the black”.

Probably the most famous stationary engine in the collection is the 147 h.p. Cross compound engine that was used to provide auxiliary power for opening Tower Bridge. This massive engine had actually been installed in 1943 to provide the main engines with support in the event of damage through enemy action. It became redundant with the introduction of new power sources in 1974 and Dr Francis and his team were able to transport it one Sunday morning in 1975: having secured the agreement of the Metropolitan Police to close Tower Bridge Road between 2 and 6 am. Dr Francis admitted that he had also almost closed Tottenham Court Road whilst attempting to remove a stationary engine from a J. Lyons Corner House. These are simply further examples of the enthusiasm with which Dr Francis has pursued the many and varied projects to restore these engines and he has more recently located and installed his own working boiler to provide steam for all of the much loved machines. He has even gone to the lengths of collecting rain water for the boiler and scavenging wood from any available source (notably cricket bat willow off cuts) to provide the fire. Thus, he has ensured that the whole of the project can truly be carried on “in house” and on his and his father’s property.

I raised one further issue with Dr Francis at the conclusion of the tour and this related to the possibility that railways might have been operated using stationary engines rather than locomotives. It is a little known fact that when the survey work was carried out at the time of the construction of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway (1827-1828) two individuals James Walker and John Rastrick were commissioned to produce a report as to the best means of providing power on the line. They had three options; horses, stationary engines or locomotives. A great deal of research was carried out and visits were paid by Walker and Rastrick to virtually all of the lines then in use; being chiefly in the north of England and used for transporting coal. The report ruled out the first option but actually came down in favour of the second largely on the grounds of cost. There was therefore the distinct possibility at the time that the first main line railway in England would be powered by engines of the type in Dr Francis’ collection. It was Dr Francis’ view that stationary engines, using a system of ropes or cables, would be quite capable of hauling heavy wagons over short distances – say from a pit head to a nearby port. However, he felt that the system would be far too inflexible for mainline working and that this was particularly the case where passengers rather than freight were of prime importance.

All in all the group were provided with an excellent and thoughtful entertainment by Dr Francis, his wife and his team who did not stint when it came to providing an excellent tea in the large refreshment room on the premises. I look forward to making a second visit to the museum this time to see the machines in steam.

Report on the second lecture of the winter 2010 series by Liz Gapp

The November lecture given to HADAS on 9th November 2010 was Archaeology and the Olympics given by David Divers who now works for Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA). David’s involvement with the Olympic site started when he was working at English Heritage. He is specifically involved with the site based in the Lower Lea Valley.

The site before the latest developments was a very dirty industrial area with areas of soil contamination. This was covered with electricity pylons which have now been removed.

This area has now been, or is still being, regenerated as a knock-on from the Olympics development which is virtually all on a flood plain. This area is (or was) crossed by several rivers which include the Lea, the City Mill, and the Channel Sea. To the North there were already some sports facilities and several bus depots.

Because of the size of the area, a Planning Authority was formed for the sole purpose of considering the Planning Applications for this area, and in the process Archaeology requirements were put on the site conditions.

Prior to the Olympic site development, very little archaeology was known on the site, although there is some in the vicinity including: a Bronze Age settlement at Oliver Close overlooking the flood plains, excavated about ten years ago; Old Ford Roman Road and settlement which is known to cross the site; Stratford Langthorne Abbey, which is a part scheduled ancient monument, the rest being unprotected; also at Stratford International Station there is Iron Age and Saxon activity on the Channel Sea Waterway. There was, however, potentially a lot of unidentified archaeology.

Development on the site was only started after considerable desk-based research to highlight the significant waterways which the committee had originally hoped to naturalize. Deposit modelling through archaeology showed the watercourses throughout history. Being a managed area, not totally natural, these were moved over time. In fact, these waterways had always been managed, so naturalizing would have changed the area detrimentally. Some bridges have been retained and refurbished; others have been removed as part of the Olympic project.

The Lea Valley Mapping Project of 2003 funded by the gravel extraction industry gave a geological stratigraphic picture of the site with the prehistoric era of the valley. An Archaeological interpretation of the area was completed to compare with the Geo-technical interpretation of the site, as a starting point.

Other surveys were: a Heritage Assessment of the Lower Lea Valley for Newham Council by Pre-Construct Archaeology; a cross-sections survey of the valley was completed to detect where settlements might have been; several OS Maps of the area including the 1st Edition were shown.

In the 1840s, Braithwaite’s viaduct was built at a time when the area was very rural. In the past water companies put several reservoirs on the site. In the Waterways 1930’s Water Act an attempt at regeneration was made using paths for horse-drawn boats all over the area.

The Metropolitan Board of works dealt with the Northern outfall sewer to which there is a plaque which includes a mention of Bazalgette. A slide showed the last Cast-Iron Sewer which went over the City Mill River.

Several slides were shown of buildings on the site before the Olympic project began. Those that were demolished for the project were recorded first. Some have been refurbished.

The area was used in the 2nd World War as the last line of defence, so several buildings still remain. A Pill Box and Tank Traps are still on the surface. About three metres down an Aircraft Battery was uncovered; apparently Mortimer Wheeler served there for a while. This was used as a Defence Training Centre and Early Warning Centre.

Once the buildings’ recording was complete, the decision as to where to site the 150 excavation trenches was made. There were no trenches in the North-West of the site, as the made ground was too deep.

The slides shown at this point were concentrated on site 25, where the Aquatic Centre is being built. A huge rectangular excavation in which a series of concentric stepped rectangles were dug within the original rectangle, it showed the very wet conditions that preserve artefacts in an anaerobic state. A sequence of samples was taken of the alluvial build-up of pollen and diatoms giving dates of organic deposits. Within the gravel is groundwater which can lead to isostatic uplift, which means the bottom of the trenches can blow up. As a result, the depth of the digging was restricted. Here was found revetments of an earlier waterway.

Digging in the river revealed an earlier 19C boat just north of the Olympic Stadium; this was in part of the river later moved, leaving the boat behind. This was lifted whole, joining the recovered artefacts kept in the repository stores at the LAARC in Eagle Wharf road.

Excavations found a Bronze Age settlement with traces of metalworking, and late Saxon/early Roman burials. They also found good evidence of the late Bronze/Neolithic traces in the water structure. The “best” artefact of this era was a Neolithic axe-head, which it was felt must have been a “ritual” offering as no traces of a haft was found, which, given the anaerobic conditions, would have been expected to survive.

Several water channels including the Roman revetments were found, but none of the medieval mills were found despite being shown on documentation. At the Northern end of Temple Mill, the 19C edge of the Channel associated with the Mill there was found. There were also 18C buildings associated with the Mill.

Other Societies activities and events by Eric Morgan

Fri. 3rd December, 10.30AM to 12.00 noon, Friends of Barnet Borough Libraries, South Friern Library, Colney Hatch Lane, N10 “175 years of the Welsh Harp Reservoir” Talk with coffee.

Wed. 8th December, 2.30 PM, Mill Hill Historical Society, Wilberforce Centre, St Paul’s Church, The Ridgeway, NW7 “ The R.N.L.I.” Talk by Keith Cunningham.

Tues. 14th December, 6.30 PM, LAMAS, Clore Learning Centre, Museum of London, London Wall, EC2 “How the Portable Antiquities Scheme is changing our understanding of Roman coin use in London & Britain” Talk by Sam Moorhead. Coffee at 6.00 PM.

Wed. 15th December, 8.00 PM, Islington Archaeological and Historical Society, Islington Town Hall, Upper Street, N1. “40 years of The Camden History Society”, Talk by John Richardson. With seasonal refreshments.

Thur. 16th December, 7.30PM, Camden History Society, Burgh House, New End Square, NW3 “ A Grand Merchant Taylors’ Feast in 1606” Talk by Dr. Ann Saunders (past President of HADAS) with seasonal refreshments from 7.00PM.