
Past Newsletters

newsletter-453-december-2008 – HADAS Newsletter Archive

By | Past Newsletters, Volume 8 : 2005 - 2009 | No Comments

s it is that holiday season again, we take the opportunity to wish all our readers a happy holiday, and a healthy and prosperous New Year.


Sunday 14h December 2008, HADAS Christmas Event. A visit to Headstone Manor, Harrow, & dinner at the “Moor Mill” Beefeater restaurant, Bricket Wood, Radlett.
Do check with Jim Nelhams (contact details on back page) for last minute availability.

Tuesday 13th January 2009, An exploration of the Western Desert of Egypt. Lecture by Nicole Douek.

Tuesday 10th February 2009, The building of the Underground. Lecture by Tony Earle.

Tuesday 10th March, Tuesday 14th April & Tuesday 12th May 2009. The lectures for these dates are still to be arranged, but it is hoped to have at least one on a Roman theme.

Lectures start at 8.00pm in the Drawing Room, Avenue House, 17 East End Road, Finchley N3 3QE.
Buses 82, 143, 326 & 460 pass close by, and it is five to ten minutes walk from Finchley Central Station (Northern Line).

Change to the Christmas Event programme – by Stephen Brunning

On 4th November I received the news that the bridge over the moat to Headstone Manor is in need of urgent repairs as it is gradually crumbling away and not safe to cross. The repairs are due to take place from this week, and the bridge will be worked on for approximately 10 weeks. The bridge is the only access point to the island and Headstone Manor, and obviously this affects visitor access to the site.
The work taking place on the bridge will affect our visit to Headstone Manor on 14th December 2008. Initially the supervisor of the works stated that no visitor access could take place on the 14th December, seeing that there will be no deck paving on the bridge. The workmen then agreed to escort our group back and forth across the bridge as required over the workmen’s gangway, but only on the basis that we all wear boots, high visibility jackets and hard hats! We would have to provide these items ourselves.
In view of the above problems, we have reluctantly decided to change the programme. Instead of the tour, we will have a one hour PowerPoint presentation talk in the Tithe Barn on the restoration of the manor house. This change will also provide more time to visit the other buildings on the site and have a relaxed hot drink. We will be leaving as planned at 5pm for the meal.
I hope everyone is not too disappointed by the change. If it’s very cold on the day it might be preferable to the tour anyway!

A successful Quiz night at Avenue House by Don Cooper
On Monday evening (10th November 2008) a very successful Quiz night was held at Avenue House to raise much-needed funds for the estate. As well as a HADAS table with eight members, Stewart Wild hosted a table, and other members were part of other teams. With drinks from the bar and hot jacket potatoes in the interval and a raffle with lots of prizes, this was a very convivial evening. In the event Stewart Wild’s team won and the HADAS table were joint second. I am reliably told that over £500 was raised for the estate, a magnificent achievement.

Thanks by Don Cooper
I would like to thank everybody who has sent in possible titles for the Church Terrace excavation book (do keep the suggestions coming!). We will review all the possible titles in due course and reach a decision.

Digging up Theodore John Ridge by Jim Nelhams
It started with the following inquiry through our website from a gentleman named Mike Dunn. Mr Dunn was based at RAF Hendon for 5 years.
“I am not quite sure if my enquiry falls strictly within the area of interest of HADAS, but I hope you might be able direct me to a contact who could help me.
I am trying to discover the exact location in Hendon Cemetery of Theodore John Ridge. He died in August 1911 and was the first man to be killed flying a British military aircraft. At the time he was working at Farnborough where he was the Assistant Superintendent. He was a qualified airship pilot and served with the Middlesex Yeomanry in the Boer War.”
Mr Dunn’s information about the burial came from the Rushmoor council website which contains this extract from a plaque – “the cortege going to Farnborough Station for the burial at Hendon.”
Andy Simpson checked the archives at the RAF museum and found three articles and a letter in contemporary periodicals. Mr Dunn had seen only one of the articles.
I checked the online archive for “The Times” and found an article on 22nd August 1911 referring to the accident, but this stated that the funeral was at Enfield cemetery that day and that Mr Ridge was the fourth son of the late Dr J J Ridge of Enfield. Interrogating the census information showed that Dr Ridge had lived in Baker Street, Enfield. A call to Enfield Council advised that the burial was in Lavender Hill Cemetery and provided the grave number.
A trip to the cemetery followed, where assistance from Steve, the Superintendent, helped me to locate and photograph the grave with a distinctive gravestone. Steve also told me that there was still a Dr Ridge in Enfield.
A quick GOOGLE on the internet confirmed this and also confirmed the family connection.
So I was able to send to Mr Dunn, photographs of the grave, the articles found by Andy Simpson, and some information about the family. Mr Dunn has since contacted Dr Tim Ridge and received a response with more family information.
Mr Dunn has kindly provided a brief biography of Theodore John Ridge, which follows.
Theodore John Ridge was born in Enfield Ridge on 31st October 1875, the son of Dr J James Ridge. Theodore Ridge was an electrical engineer by profession. He studied engineering at the City of London School. He worked in industry for a spell and also served as an electrical engineer aboard P and O ships for several years. In 1900, Ridge enlisted as a trooper in the 34th (Middlesex) Company, Imperial Yeomanry and served in the South African War. Whilst in South Africa, he transferred to the Army Remount Service but a severe bout of enteric fever forced his return to the UK.
In October 1909, Ridge was appointed as the first civilian Assistant Superintendent of the Army Balloon Factory. During his time at the factory, Ridge become one of a very small number of men who obtained a pilot’s certificate (# 119 – 17 August 1911), an aeronaut’s (ballooning) certificate (# 20 – 21 February 1911) and an airship pilot’s certificate (# 5 – 21 February 1911). In 1910, he joined the Royal Engineers (Territorial Force) and became commanding officer of the London Balloon Company RE (TF). A well-respected scientist and engineer, Ridge was particularly involved with the design and construction of Airship “Beta”. Ridge acted as crew member aboard “Beta” on a number of occasions, most notably during the first night flight by a British military airship, in June 1911.
On 18 August 1911, Ridge was killed at Farnborough, after crashing an aircraft known as the SE1 (Santos Experimental). The SE1 was a ‘re-construction’ of a Bleriot XII, re-designed by Geoffrey de Havilland as a canard pusher biplane. Following its first flight in June 1911, a series of major modifications were carried out, despite these modifications, de Havilland, still regarded the SE1 as being difficult to handle. On the day of the crash, against advice, Ridge insisted on taking the aircraft up. He was an inexperienced pilot and had never flown the SE1 before. Whilst returning to the airfield, he shut down the engine before attempting a turn. The aircraft stalled and crashed, killing Ridge. The coroner recorded a verdict of “death by mis-adventure”. Ridge was buried at Enfield cemetery, North London. Although he was acting in a civilian capacity, Ridge gained the ‘distinction’ of becoming the first pilot in the UK to be killed whilst flying a British military aircraft.
The departure of Theodore Ridge’s funeral cortege from Farnborough, was described in the newspapers thus:
The coffin, draped with the Union Jack, was placed upon a gun carriage, drawn by a team of six horses. This was followed by two full companies of the Royal Engineers, accompanied by the best band in the Army, that of the Royal Artillery. There were a number of officers in the procession, including General Scott Montcrieff, who was in command of the Engineers, and two other Generals. Major Sir Alexander Campbell Bannerman was in command of the procession. There were three representatives from the London Balloon Company. The wreaths were carried by orderlies behind the mourners. The route was lined with people who assembled to pay a last tribute to a brave man, while outside the Balloon Factory the hands, to the number of 350, by every one of whom the late Lieut Ridge was greatly beloved, stood at attention as the cortege passed.

Excavations at Prescot Street (The Roman aspect) by Bill Bass

This is a report on the first lecture of this year’s winter series. Lorna Richardson who was meant to give the talk had moved on to a different job, she was kindly replaced by the Project Director – Guy Hunt of L-P Archaeology who had dug the site. Although Prescot Street revealed a range of archaeology from Roman to Post-medieval (a row of Georgian houses and Victorian buildings), these are reflections of Guy’s Roman highlights of the dig.
Prescot Street is just east of the City of London in an area well known for its Roman roads and cemeteries. This dig covers one of the largest unexcavated areas left of the ‘East London Roman cemetery’, this extensive cemetery lined the Roman road that led north-eastwards from the city. Previous archaeological evaluations and excavations in the area have revealed a substantial number of burials dating to the 1st – 4th centuries AD.
After a desk-top survey and site evaluation in 2006 revealed Roman and later archaeology, a full scale dig started in March 2008 with the site being divided into ‘zones’ to allow builders to work one zone while L-P excavated in others.
Much of the stratigraphy was gravel and brickearth which had been extensively quarried. Amongst the pitting and quarrying were many Roman burials both inhumations and cremations. Inhumation burials came in all positions and alignments, East-West, West-East, North-South, South-North, and also slight variations of axis within these alignments; there were wooden coffins, lead coffins, stone coffins and shrouds.
Some of the cremations came with a selection of rich burial goods. One example had cremated bone in an upturned urn, next to it a wooden chest with iron nails and fittings had been placed into a pit dug into gravel. Along its East and West sides, ceramic jars and flagons (one with a deliberate slit in its side resembling a money box) had been arranged. On top of two of these was the inverted cremation urn. Inside the chest was a further cremation, probably in a small wooden box with three glass vessels along one side. And, at its Eastern side, most spectacular of all, was a complete glass millefiore dish in red, white and blue. The dish is a very rare find and would have belonged to someone of high status.
Not far from the dish cremation a ‘cist’ burial was discovered. Ceramic tiles had been used to form the sides; these included a fragment of box flue tile showing that the material employed to construct the cist derived from demolition of a Roman baths. Furthermore, evidence shows that at a later date the burial pit containing the cist was partially reopened and enlarged. This was in order to accommodate the cremated remains of another individual, this time interred within a ceramic vessel which was sealed by placing a Roman tile on the vessel’s neck – the later insertion of a relative or loved one? The remarkable preservation of the structure, coupled with the fact that only two other un-urned remains in cists are known from the Eastern cemetery made this feature an exceptional find. Another rare discovery was that of a Roman building, somewhat truncated, but what survives is a decent chunk of a rammed gravel floor surrounded by 3 walls. Basically, this was a small building measuring 2m x 2m internally, with a nice gravel floor. The lack of rubble and plaster in the foundations suggests either very thorough robbing or a timber construction. There is no evidence for either a door or a roof although it could have had both. There was no evidence for a burial at the centre of the building, and so the building is probably best categorised as some kind of funerary building like a columbarium containing the remains of many cremated individuals, or perhaps an Altar Tomb which once contained the remains of a single individual in some kind of above ground structure (either urn or sarcophagus). It is also possible that the building served some other function within the cemetery. These buildings are still quite a rarity, with only 7 known from the Eastern Roman Cemetery, but are well documented around the Roman world, with fine intact examples from Rome and Pompeii, to name just two. Excavations have now finished but the post-excavation carries on with much work to be done. Running parallel with the dig (and ongoing) has been the associated and rather fabulous website, managed by Lorna Richardson, where diaries, blogs, videos have been posted, together with much information on the digital recording of the excavation, maps and history of Prescot Street and surrounding area:
Well worth a look.

Day 2 of the HADAS long weekend

Beverley Minster, Beverley, and St. Mary’s Church in Beverley by Sheila Woodward
Beverley Minster
The second morning of our tour was spent in Beverley, now an attractive but modest market town, though in the 14th century it was taxed as the 11th richest town in England. Its great glory was, and is, its Minster, a popular pilgrim centre throughout the Middle Ages and source of the town’s wealth. Now a mere parish church, the Minster has the dimensions and architectural magnificence of a cathedral, soaring above the town and dominating the surrounding landscape. The interior is no less impressive: a breath-catching combination of splendour and grace. It certainly deserves its 5 stars in Simon Jenkins’s “England’s Thousand Best Churches”.
Bishop John of York, later canonised as Saint John of Beverley, founded a monastery on the site in the 8th century. His tomb-slab has pride of place in the Minster’s nave and was famed for its healing miracles. Reputedly sacked by the Vikings and re-founded as a College of Canons by King Athelstan (924 to 939), the Minster and its shrine prospered until seriously damaged by fire in 1188, followed in 1213 by the collapse of the central tower. Rebuilding between 1220 and 1390 produced the present lovely church with its graceful flowing lines and delicate tracery. There have, of course, been later additions and alterations, and when the College of Canons was suppressed in 1548 and the Minster became a parish church, there was a loss of revenue and much neglect. A leaning pillar in the north transept bears witness to its near collapse in the 18th century, and major restoration was carried out in the 19th and 20th centuries, yet nothing has destroyed the essential harmony of the building.
There was no time to do justice to detail: the wealth of exquisite carving in wood and stone, the medieval stained glass preserved in the great east window, the Snetzler organ with its colourful pipes. The huge Norman font is impressive. The frith stool, used in the rite of the right of sanctuary, is probably 7th or 8th century and a rare survival. The Georgian statues of St. John and King Athelstan which flank the south door are delightful: St. John suitably episcopal, King Athelstan hilarious in garments seeming to range from Ancient Greek via Medieval and Tudor to fashionable 18th century shoes. As our excellent guide, the Minster’s Virger, commented, Athelstan would have been so surprised! We were surprised by the vast chair made especially for a 19th century cleric who weighed 37 stone – a trifle obese perhaps. There was more fun in the misericords, 68 of them, depicting domestic and farmyard scenes, and I was fascinated by the trompe l’oeil floor – surely it should now be banned on Health and Safety grounds as a hazard to the short-sighted!
There is some pleasing modern metal sculpture in the retro-choir and one could spend many happy hours chasing the seventy stone carvings of the musicians in the nave. Of all this splendour, my lasting memories will be of the majesty and beauty of the whole Minster, the intricacy and elegance of its tombs and screens, and the enchanting exuberance of those carved musicians. To quote Jenkins: “ They drip from capitals, cling to hood moulds, hide in corners, and stare down from eaves, as if waiting to come to life to fill this fine church with sound.”.
Beverley town and St. Mary’s Church
Amazingly Beverley has a second church, St. Mary’s, not quite as grand as the Minster, but of equal interest. Walking to it we could admire Beverley’s fine Georgian houses and its busy central square with its cheerful little blue-domed market cross. The church itself is impressive with its pinnacles and battlements. It was founded in 1120 and served the already prosperous merchant guilds of the town. Like its sister church it suffered from the collapse of its central tower (in 1520) which entailed much reconstruction and repair. There was further damage during the Civil War. In the 19th century, the Pugins (father and son), and Sir Gilbert Scott were involved in a large-scale restoration, the result of which we still see today.
The most striking features of the church include the nave’s wooden ceiling bosses (1520), one depicting St. John of Beverley and King Athelstan, and the famous “minstrels’ capital” on a nave pier. These 5 cheery, colourful and irreverent-looking musicians have been referred to as England’s first pop group. They are raffishly dressed and one of them wears the Alderman’s chain. A guild of minstrels met yearly in Beverley at Rogation-tide to elect a new Alderman. This may account for the capital.
The roof of the chancel consists of forty panels bearing brightly-painted representations of the Kings of England up to Henry VI, some of them legendary. At its last restoration in 1939, George VI was substituted for the legendary Lochrine! The splendid misericords beneath the chancel stalls are mainly 15th century. St Michael’s chapel off the north choir aisle is a superb example of English Gothic Architecture with its ribbed vaulted ceiling and curvilinear tracery of windows and screens. On the ogee arch to the sacristy is carved a rabbit with a pilgrim’s staff and scrip, believed to have been the inspiration for the White Rabbit in “Alice in Wonderland”.
There was no time to visit the little museum in the old priest’s rooms, but Beverley had already provided enough treasures for one morning.

Skidby Windmill David Bromley

Skidby Mill, Grade II listed, is the last working windmill in Yorkshire and is also home to the Museum of East Riding Rural Life, where visitors can explore the history of the farming landscape and its village communities.
Skidby is an ideal location for a windmill, sited as it is 170 feet above sea level on the edge of the Yorkshire Wold. The first reference to a mill in Skidby – probably a primitive wooden post mill – was in 1316. The Lord of the Manor, as was the custom of the time, would have provided the mill stones and timber and his tenant miller would have maintained the mill.
By the 1620s there were two windmills and a horse mill in the village, though not necessarily on this site. Not until 1764 is there a clear record of a mill on the present site, a post mill with two stones which is shown on the enclosure award map of 1769.
In 1821 this post mill was sold and removed to make way for the present mill tower, which at that time was 20 feet lower and designed to mill local English wheat. Milling continued until the 1870s when cheap Canadian wheat flooded the home market. This made English wheat uneconomic and as Canadian wheat is too hard to mill using stones, the mill was converted to provide the power for animal feedstuff production in the now adjoining buildings. The tower of the mill, which had been freestanding until then, had to be raised by 20 feet to allow the sails clearance for these buildings to be added, hence the unusual vertical section in the normally tapering tower. The tower was also coated in bitumen to waterproof it, giving it its distinctive appearance.
In 1837 the entire cap was dismantled and rebuilt along with the sails, fantail and sack hoist. The mill continued in use until 1946 when one sail was struck by lightening and destroyed. It was also discovered that some of the cap timbers were unsafe, but it was not until after the war in 1948 that repairs could be undertaken and the mill brought back into operation. In 1954 the wind power was stopped and the mill was converted to electricity. Although the tower was converted to a grain silo and the sack hoist was removed, the mill workings were luckily left intact. The mill ceased commercial operation in 1966 and was ‘sold’ to Beverley Borough Council for £1. In 1974 it was restored to full working order using wind power and producing flour milled from English wheat. At the same time the Museum of East Riding Rural Life was added. Following Central Government re-organisations, the mill is now owned by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council and managed as a museum by East Riding Rural Life.
Originally the mill had two pairs of French Burr mill stones and one pair of Derbyshire Grit stones. In the 1940s one pair of the French Burr stones was replaced with a pair of Composite stones. The remaining pair of French Burr stones, made in 1851, still produces fine-grade flour. The Derbyshire Grit stones are no longer driven and the Composite ones only run ‘light’ but do not grind flour.
The adjoining outbuildings house the museum, blacksmith’s shop, warehouses, barns (now a welcoming tearoom) and lastly the pigsties where the various kinds of feed produced by the feed mill were tested.
Following plenty of time for a guided talk by the miller into the workings of the mill and a look around the museum and yard, we took advantage of the tea room and facilities and had a relaxing lunch break. Then onwards to Hull to the museum quarter with its three fine museums – Hull Streetlife Museum, East Riding Archaeology Museum and Wilberforce House.

HULL Streetlife Museum Andy Simpson

These aeroplanes get everywhere. I was keen to revisit the former Museum of Transport at Kingston upon Hull, situated on the High Street, run by Hull City Council and now renamed and expertly revamped as the excellent ‘Streetlife Museum of Transport’, displaying 200 years of transport history. Special dioramas in this free-to-enter museum recreate the sights (including wagging horses tails), sounds (including begging street urchins) and unpleasant smells of the horse-drawn past, with the first Stagecoach ride simulator I have ever seen! Obviously my main ‘target’ was the trams, but also displayed there is a full-sized replica of a Blackburn Lincock single engined biplane of the 1920s, Blackburn being a local manufacturer. There is a separate motor car gallery and carriage gallery, street scenes (nice toyshop shopfront!), even a railway siding with two railway wagons, level crossing and signal box. There is also the now obligatory hands-on interactive area for children.
The transport museum was originally founded in 1925, following Hull’s participation in the Wembley Exhibition. Within a few years, local families, individuals, the Science Museum and other bodies had helped to establish the core of a superb collection of horse and mechanical transport. Closed due to extensive wartime bomb damage, the museum reopened in a reconstructed building in 1957 and has since been rebuilt again. Original exhibits include a Sedan Chair of 1800 from Huntingdon, a highly decorated cart from Sicily and a wide variety of horse-drawn carriages, also motorcycles and motor cars dating back to 1898, even a couple of Steam Cars and an electric buggy, all of 1901.
The Museum was the first in the country to publically display complete tramcars, with two examples rescued by private individuals and given display space by the transport museum. These magnificent specimens are a horse-drawn single deck example of c.1871, withdrawn from service on Ryde Pier, Isle of Wight, in 1935, and a personal favourite, the 1882 Kitson steam tram locomotive from Portstewart, Northern Ireland-identical to examples that ran in Birmingham and the Black Country. They were supplemented,when the Museum was rebuilt more recently, by an original Hull Corporation Tramways double deck electric tram on loan from the Tramway Museum at Crich. Derbyshire-Hull’s trams finished in 1945 but some, including this one, saw further service in Leeds, permitting its rescue by enthusiasts in the mid 1950s. You can board the platform and have a go on the driver’s ‘handles’. Needless to say, I did just that.
The Museum has a dockside location on the River Hull, close to its junction with the River Humber, permitting display of Hull’s last deep-sea sidewinder trawler, the 1960s vintage ‘Arctic Corsair’ which now retired from cod fishing, can be viewed from the quayside and boarded by prior arrangement.

Other Museums in Hull’s Museum Quarter by Don Cooper
In the same area, there is also the Hull & East Riding Archaeological Museum with its fine Roman mosaics, the 4th c BC Hasholme boat, a fine Iron Age sword and a Celtic World exhibition. Alternatively, you can visit the Wilberforce House Museum with its exhibitions exploring slavery, its abolition and its legacy. These museums are all clustered around a small grassy area full of statues but also with seats and benches, and places to picnic. The museum quarter of Hull is a feast for the archaeologist and historian! At 1700, the big red bus returned and we rounded-up everyone from the various museums and hostelries, and headed back to Bishop Burton College for a delightful tour of the gardens by the resident head gardener, followed by a pleasant evening meal, and so ended the second day of our trip.

Other Societies’ Events by Eric Morgan
Thursday, 4th December at 6.30pm, LAMAS, Terrace Room, Museum of London, 150 London Wall, EC2. “Revisiting the Temple of Mithras & St Swithin’s House – new discoveries on old sites” a talk by Sophie Jackson (MOLA), refreshments at 6.00pm
Thursday, 11th December at 7.30pm, Camden History Society, Burgh House, New End Square, NW3. “Historic views of London from the collection of B. E. C. Howarth-Loomes, a talk by Dr. Ann Saunders (past president of HADAS). Please note there will be wine and mince pies from 7.00pm.

Thanks to this month’s contributors:
Eric Morgan, Bill Bass, Andy Simpson, Steve Brunning, David Bromley, Sheila Woodward, and Jim Nelhams.

newsletter-452-november-2008 – HADAS Newsletter Archive

By | Past Newsletters, Volume 8 : 2005 - 2009 | No Comments


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Tuesday, 11th November 2008, Bletchley Park: Enigma – how breaking the Axis codes led to the world’s first computer and what lessons it still has for today. Lecture by Hugh Davies.

“All the experts have stated unanimously that there is no possibility that Enigma messages have been deciphered and read by the enemy”. This German message WAS deciphered by the codebreakers at Bletchley Park! How did they do it? And what advantage did it give us?

Hugh’s background is primarily in computers from the early days of punched cards through to large main frames and the modern PC, almost wholly in management positions. He founded his own IT security company some 10 years ago based on the invention of an authentication system that did away with passwords. Hugh won the British Computer Society overall award for innovation in 1996. Now technically retired, Hugh has been leading tour groups at Bletchley Park for over five years. He also gives many outside lectures to organizations such as U3A, WI etc, and is a guest lecturer on cruise ships.

Sunday 14h December 2008, HADAS Christmas Event. A guided tour of Headstone Manor, Harrow, & dinner at the “Moor Mill” Beefeater restaurant, Bricket Wood Radlett.

A reminder that the completed booking form is required by 28th November. Please return to Jim Nelhams (see contact details on back page). The cost of £35 includes transport, guided tour of the manor house, followed by the dinner in Radlett.

Tuesday 13th January 2009, An exploration of the Western Desert of Egypt. Lecture by Nicole Douek.

Tuesday 10th February 2009, The building of the Underground. Lecture by Tony Earle.

Tuesday 10th March, Tuesday 14th April & Tuesday 12th May 2009. The lectures for these dates are still to be arranged, but it is hoped to have at least one on a Roman theme.

Lectures start at 8.00pm in the Drawing Room, Avenue House, 17 East End Road, Finchley N3 3QE. Buses 82, 143, 326 & 460 pass close by, and it is five to ten minutes walk from Finchley Central Station (Northern Line).

John Donovan 1935-2008

John, one of our members, died on 8th September 2008. Although not a member for very long he was an active and enthusiastic one, researching inter alia the milestones and post boxes of Barnet. He was a prominent member of other local societies and was President of the Friern Barnet& District Local History Society. Our sincere condolences go to his daughter Linda Boxall and the rest of John’s family

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News from Post–Lib (Publication for Retired Librarians) September 2008

Baddesley Clinton is a small fifteenth century moated house owned by the National Trust. It was the home of the Catholic Ferrars family for 500 years. The library is not one of the largest in the National Trust houses, but is one of the most interesting as the books, shelved in fixed locations in bookcases around the walls with overflow into other rooms in the house, have been collected by the Ferrars over many years. Once the books have been catalogued and the catalogue made widely available, the National Trust will need to decide how to provide access for people who want to come and look at the books.

Situated in the bombed-out remains of a library in the Old Kent Road, the Livesey Museum was named after Sir George Livesey, Chairman of the Metropolitan Gas Company. The museum was opened by Sir John Betjeman is 1974. As a great lover of Victoriana, Sir John was also keen to see the Victorian church next door, and the Victorian gas works over the road.

(Baddesley Clinton medieval manor house & garden is situated near Solihull, West Midlands, and open to the public Wednesday to Sunday 11am-5pm between February & December. Times and dates vary between the house and grounds/shop/restaurant. Tel. 01564 783294 or email – Ed).

Book Title Competition – by Don Cooper

As the book on the HADAS Church Terrace excavation that took place in 1973/4 goes into its final editing stage, it is time to dream up a suitable title. There are no prizes except, of course, if your suggestion is accepted you will have the honour of seeing it on the shelves of many bookshops! As a little refresher, the dig carried out by HADAS volunteers took place near St Mary’s Church, Hendon and most of it is under the current Meritage Centre. The finds from the excavation cover many periods from the Romans to the present with an unusually high concentration of early Medieval pottery sherds. Rather than a turgid archaeological excavation report, the book aims to be a good read and should appeal to local people, HADAS members and people with an interest in history and archaeology.

So send us your suggestions and we will publish a selection of them in a future newsletter.

HADAS’s Long weekend in Beverley 27th to 31 August 2008

Rather than publish a separate report on the HADAS long weekend as is usually the custom, we have decided this year to serialise it in the newsletter. The main reason is that there were such good articles written by the attendees that it would have been a shame to condense them.

Day 1. HADAS Long Weekend

Flag Fen by Jo Nelhams

Wednesday August 27th dawned and an intrepid number of HADAS members were collected by a bright red Galleon coach from a number of appointed boarding points. All were counted on as present and correct and our cheerful driver Mark headed north with his erudite load!!

After a quick stop at Baldock to observe the facilities, our next destination was Flag Fen, located near Peterborough in a region which has proved to be one of the most important areas in the country for evidence enhancing our understanding today of Britain in prehistoric times.

The yellow flag iris which flourished in wetlands is the flower after which the basin was named. The earliest occupation of the Flag Fen basin dates from Neolithic times and occupation of the fenland area can be traced through to modern times.

The area was known possibly to have much archaeological evidence buried deeply beneath the surface and that excessive drainage would be harmful, but in the latter half of the 20th century the Fenlands were drained more extensively than in any previous historical era. In 1982, while dykes were being machine cleaned, archaeo-logists, led by Francis Pryor, found some timbers which had been worked in a distinctive manner. This was the catalyst that inspired the discovery of this fascinating and enormously important site. A 3000 year old line of posts was unearthed stretching nearly a kilometre. The post alignment was constructed across a wet stretch of ground. In the lowest lying, wettest part of the Fen a large timber platform had been built covering 2 to 3 acres. These finds were preserved in Flag Fen Park which was laid out in 1987and has gradually been enlarged to cover the whole length of the post alignment, now taking in an area of 20 acres. Much of the timber platform itself is now visible in an indoors viewing and preservation building.

What was the function of this extraordinary construction? It is thought to be almost certainly a route or track across a wet stretch of ground, but it could have been a defensive wall to protect against intruders who were living in the surrounding areas. In Europe in the Bronze and Iron Ages, water and wet places were important religious symbols so maybe it was a religious shrine.

Two Bronze Age roundhouses have been reconstructed, the smaller one recreated in the position it was found when the fields were first excavated. An Iron Age roundhouse has been reconstructed too, on the evidence from known roundhouses in the region.

A Roman road, wide enough for two carts to pass, was built in the mid 1st century and was the only major Roman road across the Fens. It joined the Roman road network at Denver, in Norfolk, where today there is also a fine working windmill.

The museum has displays of wooden objects as well as weapons, jewellery and sacrificial items. There are also accounts and illustrations of the excavations that have taken place since the initial discovery. Also displayed is a Bronze Age wheel, the oldest wheel in England. Outside there are two ancient breeds of pigs, Saddleback and Tamworth. We spent a couple of hours at Flag Fen, but the site has so much to offer that this somewhat brief account only scratches the surface of the wealth of information that has come to light since its discovery. Excavation is ongoing, so one does not know what else may come to light and all that you do see in the ground today is what was left there from the Bronze Age.

This visit was a splendid beginning and just a taste of what was to come over the next few days.

St. Peter’s Church, Barton-upon-Humber by Don Cooper

Our next port of call was the English Heritage managed St. Peter’s Church at Barton-upon-Humber, very close to the Humber Bridge. Described by Warwick Rodwell in the English Heritage Guidebook as “one of the most celebrated parish churches in England”, St. Peter’s is also one of the most thoroughly studied from its origins in the 10th C right up to it being declared redundant in 1972. The original tiny Anglo-Saxon church consisted of “a tower, which was used as a nave, a chancel and a baptistery” (English Heritage, 2007). The survival of the tower, the upper part of which was added in Norman times, and the baptistery is unique in England. Over the succeeding 1000 years or so a myriad of enhancements and extensions were added to the church. It was fascinating to explore the structure with the English Heritage guidebook and identify the surviving remains from the various changes over the centuries.

The site is also noted for its display of artefacts and human skeletons from the major excavation carried out when the cemetery was cleared. Some 2750 skeletons were uncovered during the excavation between 1978 and 1985 and have been studied ever since by archaeologists. The results of these studies are on display in the church. Everything from coffins to grave goods is shown with good explanation panels. The analysis of the human bones has helped to identify the causes of death of the skeletons found, as well as improving our knowledge of their diet and the diseases they suffered from.

At five o’clock our big red coach returned and we left a fascinating church with its well-displayed results of seven years of excavation.

Then we crossed the Humber Bridge, of which more in later reports, and travelled on to our accommodation for our four days stay at Bishop Burton Agricultural College.

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HADRIAN – Exhibition at the British Museum – by Tessa Smith

Whilst in Beverley four HADAS members were chatting about the Hadrian Exhibition at the British Museum and decided we would like to visit it some time. A few weeks ago our plans materialised, and we met near the Reading Room below the splendid Dome of the Museum

Immediately inside the exhibition one is met by a huge, exquisitely carved marble head, part of a colossal statue of the Emperor Hadrian, excavated just last year at Sagalassos in Turkey. The hair and beard are strong and curly; the pleated earlobe evident, the face looks so young.

The exhibition seems spacious even though it is contained within the area of the Reading Room. One aspect of Hadrian’s life leads to another, his rise to power, the Empire at war and in peacetime, his family, his relationships and his love of architecture. In each area statues reflect his power and his gradual ageing. The central part of the exhibition is devoted to architecture commissioned by Hadrian – the Tivoli, the Pantheon and the Wall.

A fascinating model of the site at Tivoli shows that it was not just a home and gardens for Hadrian, it was more like a small city with over 30 buildings, Imperial Palaces, library, theatre, barracks, bath houses, gardens, temples, fountains, and Doric columns – a sumptuous complex.

The Pantheon was built in 125 AD and is the best preserved example of an ancient building in the world, its dome being the largest unreinforced concrete dome ever having been built until recently. Hadrian ordered the granite columns from Egypt to be transported to the Nile, thence to Alexandria, crossing the Mediterranean to the Roman port of Ostia, then barged up the river Tiber. The oculus of the Pantheon is circled by a bronze cornice through which prayers go up towards the gods, and around which were thought to circle the sun, the heavens and the universe.

The Wall was begun in 122AD and completed in six years, a most important monument built in Britain as a sign of power and order. It stretched from Luguvalium (Carlisle) to Coria (Corbridge). The exhibition shows original parts of the Wall, two of the famous writing tablets and the exquisite studded slipper of Lepidusa. One space is devoted to Hadrian’s young lover Antinous, who drowned in the Nile causing Hadrian to mourn his death without precedent. This exhibition shows Hadrian not only as a powerful ruler but also as a human being.

We all enjoyed our visit so much that we felt we would like to do something similar again.
Next exhibition—BABYLON — Would anyone like to make up a group?

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A new image for the Museum of London

The following was circulated to contacts outside the museum. Thanks to Peter Pickering for bringing it to our attention.

“The Museum of London Group is rebranding to bring together its venues and values, with new names and a new logo.

The different parts of the Museum will now be known as Museum of London (MOL – note upper case ‘O’) , Museum of London Docklands (MOL Docklands) and Museum of London Archaeology (MOL Archaeology – not MoLAS) , respectively.

The striking new logo takes the conceptual form of London’s thumbprint. Coloured layers map the shape of London over time, reflecting the ever-changing, diverse and dynamic make up of London and Londoners, past, present and future. It links our three venues as destinations united in a single mission: to inspire a passion for London.

The Museum will begin rolling out its rebrand, in phases, in the run up to the opening of spectacular new £20.5 million galleries at Museum of London in spring 2010.”

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Avenue House Events

Quiz Night – Monday 10th November 2008 at 7.30pm. Tickets are £5 (or £8.50 with a Jacket potato with filling) and are available from the Lodge House.

Race Night – Monday 8th December 2008 at 7.30pm.Tickets, £5.00, available from the Lodge House.

For more details on both events, please ask at the Kiosk, Main House, or Lodge House, or phone 020 8346 7812.

As you know, without Avenue House we would not be able to lease the Garden Room and garage to store our finds & library. Please try and support the above events in order to keep the roof over our heads!

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In the light of all the development and particularly the future work planned on Colindale Hospital’s green site, I wanted to find out how Colindale once was. The word “Collindalia” (two ll’s) written in the stone in some housing in Colindale Avenue and a Victorian post box, shorter than the norm, intrigued me.

Looking at maps I see it was once just fields of course, and life grew up around Colindeep Lane, once an important main road used to cut through to London via the Burroughs and up to Hampstead and London as an alternative route when Watling Street became difficult to use. Some reference even mentions it was used during the War of the Roses. Later it was known as Ancient Street. I read that the name of Colindale comes from a sixteenth century family so I decided to see if I could find out more. At the archives I found a reference to John Collin living in the area “with right of his wife and a messuage [house] and a meadow” in Gladwin Street. Was the area previously known as Gladwin?

Interestingly I found elsewhere that Colindeep is derived from old Roman landmarks, for the purpose of rating and allotting land to natives! It says the Col would be evident here as the cross road or by-lane leading to the junction of two streams forming a deep. A booklet on Colindale Hospital quotes this version of the name. So what can you believe in these writings?

Later a few more houses were built in the area and reference is made to some residents including a Mr Twyford, originally from Willesden, who lived in Colindeep Lane between 1685 and 1689. It is said he once owned a house called “The Chestnuts”. Colindeep Lane was later to have houses built on it by Trobridge. It is still a cut-through road and very busy.

In 1890 the authorities in London were looking for a place where the “sick poor” might have a hospital and they looked out to Hendon, then a country parish seven miles from the City, and found Colindale. The Foundation Stone for Colindale Hospital was laid in June 1898. A leaflet says the site was bought for £12,500. One ward was filled with cases of TB patients and another with sick children and babies. Yet another served as a casualty ward. Colindale Avenue grew as a service road to the hospital, and was extended to serve the Aerodrome when that arrived. The road must have been the height of activity.

In 1901 Garstons trunk factory came to Colindale, in 1902 the British Museum built storage for its newspaper collection, then came the Government Lymph Establishment in 1907 and later the Police College, which was once the London Country Club and a golf course. The tube arrived and then was extended to Edgware.

During the Great War Colindale hospital did its bit, treating casualties from the aerodrome including a Mrs Stocks, the first woman to fly, who was unconscious for 30 days. Nurses would also do their bit for the war effort working in nearby fields. With limited transport (the main line at Hendon and an odd tram) a nurse would have to arrange to have enough time-off for a trip to Cricklewood!

In 1920 the hospital was taken over by the Metropolitan Asylums Board as a Sanatorium for advanced TB. A Dr Marcus Paterson, attached to the Brompton Hospital, took over its management. A pioneer in TB, he also encouraged Occupational Therapy and apparently let patients help out in the well-kept gardens. It was recognized as an important factor in treatment. But in 1930 the Asylums Board ceased to exist and the LCC took over the hospital. Dr Paterson retired.

During the Second World War the Hospital was incorporated into the Emergency Hospital Service. Ward 9 was made the first-aid post for Hendon Borough and other wards were made available for casualties from the Aerodrome. A bomb dropped in Hendon killed over 100 people with 350 casualties. Fifty of these were brought to Colindale.

In 1948 after fifty years service, with a lot of work on TB, the hospital came under the National Health Service.
Once almost on its own, the hospital has become surrounded by buildings, housing and factories. Latest proposals for the site include more housing, a high rise hotel and the movement of Barnet College from its Grahame Park location. This may be the last piece of an earlier Colindale left. The Victorian Society want to see more of it preserved. If you have any views please let your councillor know. An area action plan has been sent to local residents (see and an exhibition is to take place on Saturday 8 November and Monday 10 November 2008 at the RAF Museum, Colindale. See what you think.

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Other Societies’ Events Compiled by Eric Morgan

Tuesday 4th November 2-3pm. Harrow Museum, Headstone Manor, Pinner View, North Harrow. Bushey through Artists’ Eyes. Talk by Hugh Lewis (Curator of Bushey Museum). Cost £3.

Thursday 6th November, 6.30pm. LAMAS. Terrace Room, Museum of London, 150 London Wall EC2. Archaeological Assemblages from 19th Century Houses. Talk by Nigel Jeffries (MoLAS). Refreshments 6pm.

Thursday 6th November 8pm. Pinner Local History Society. Village Hall, Chapel Lane Car Park, Pinner. London before London. Talk by Jon Cotton (MoL). Visitors £2.

Sunday 9th November, 11am. A Meander through Monken Hadley. Meet outside The Spires, High Street, Barnet. Led by Paul Baker. Cost £6. Historical walk through beautiful, unspoilt Georgian Hadley . Wednesday 12th November 8pm. Mill Hill Historical Society. The Wilberforce Centre, St Paul’s Church, The Ridgeway NW7. Middlesex – The Lost County. Talk by Graham Dalling.

Friday 14th November 8pm. Enfield Archaeological Society. Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane, junction of Chase Side, Enfield. St Andrews Church – The Early Church and its Context. Talk by Daniel Secker. £1

Saturday 15th November 10am to 5pm. LAMAS Local History Conference. City of London School for Girls, Barbican EC2. London Recorded by Word, Map & Camera. For full details see September newsletter.

Sunday 16th November 11am. East Barnet Village. Guided walk. Meet outside East Barnet Library, Brookhill Road. Historical walk through ancient & modern East Barnet. Led by Paul Baker. Costs £6 and lasts 2 hours.

Tuesday 19th November 2.30pm. Edmonton Hundred Historical Society. Jubilee Hall, Parsonage Lane (junction of Chase Side) Enfield. Curiosities & Customs in the City. Talk by Paul Taylor.

Wednesday 19th November 1pm. Brent Museum, Education Room, Willesden Green Library Centre, High Road NW10. London During the English Civil Wars. Talk by Joe Carr (Curator)

Wednesday 19th November 8pm. Barnet & District Local History Society. Church House, Wood Street, Barnet (opposite museum). AGM.

Wednesday 19th November 7.30pm. Willesden Local History Society. Scout House, High Road (corner of Strode Road) NW10. History of Gladstone Park & Dollis Hill House. Talk by Margaret Pratt & Cliff Wadsworth.

Wednesday 19th November 8pm. Stanmore & Harrow Historical Society. Wealdstone Baptist Church, High Street, Wealdstone. Archaeological Interests. Talk by Isobel Thompson.

Wednesday 19th November 8pm. Islington Archaeological & Historical Society. Islington Town Hall, Upper Street N1. London’s Gasholders: Works of Art & Engraving. Talk by Malcolm Tucker.

Thursday 20th November 7.30pm. Camden History Society. 5th Floor, Wellcome Collection, 183 Euston Road NW1. Innovation & Reform: Education and Medical Projects in 19th Century Bloomsbury. Talk by Professors Rosemary Ashton & Anne Hardy.

Friday 21st November 7pm. COLAS. St Katharine Cree Church Hall, Leadenhall Street EC3. The Archaeology of Jamestown USA. Talk by Geoff Egan (MoL). Visitors £2. Light refreshments afterwards.

Friday 21st November 7.30pm. Wembley History Society. St Andrews NEW Church, Church Lane, Kingsbury NW9. 176 years of the Oxford Movement. Talk by John Smith. Visitors £1. Light refreshments during interval.

Sunday 23rd November 11am. In the Footsteps of the Famous. Guided walk led by Paul Baker. Meet at High Barnet tube (top of Meadway). Explore the history of Barnet through the lives of the famous & infamous! £6.

Wednesday 26th November 7.45pm. Friern Barnet & District Local History Society. St John’s Church Hall (next to Whetstone police station), Friern Barnet Lane, N20. A Brief History of London Underground. Talk by Peter McMahon. £2. Refreshments.

Thursday 27th November 2.30pm. Finchley Society. Drawing Room, Avenue House, East End Road N3. Sound & Vision: Entertainment in Finchley & Surrounding District. Talk by Yasmine Webb (Barnet Archivist). Non-members £2.

Saturday 29th November 10.15am-3.30pm. Amateur Geological Society. Mineral & Fossil Bazaar. St Mary’s Hall, Hendon Lane N3. Including Rocks, Crystals, Gemstones & Jewellery. Refreshments. £1.

Sunday 30th November 11am. Every other House a Tavern. Guided walk led by Paul Baker. Meet at High Barnet tube (top of Meadway). See some of Barnet’s most Historical Pubs, and finish conveniently at a pub! Costs £6. Lasts 2 hours.

Monday 1st – Sunday 7th December. Barnet Borough Arts Council. The Spires (outside Waitrose), High Street Barnet. Paintings & What’s On (including HADAS) Sunday 7th December 11am-4pm. Barnet High Street Christmas Fair. Light music & teas in Barnet Church from 1pm. Music and Dance in the High Street & The Spires. Craft Fairs in Church House. Children’s Events at the Bull Theatre. Lots of Community and Charity stalls in the High Street & Funfair. Barnet Museum will also be open.

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Lecture Season Starts Details from Stephen Brunning

Tuesday 14th October 2008 – Lorna Richardson: Community Archaeology in Greater London: Outreach Work and Excavations at Prescot Street

The Prescot Street site lies around 500m to the east of the Roman city wall and is currently being excavated by L – P: Archaeology. A number of Roman burials have been found, and a wealth of interesting late- and post-medieval finds. The Prescot Street project is unique in commercial archaeology: L – P : Archaeology have created a digital outreach project, with a comprehensive website that combines public access to the full excavation data with staff blogs, site photos, videos and resources for understanding the archaeology on site, aimed at both adults and children.

Lorna has a BA in Medieval Archaeology from the Institute of Archaeology, UCL, and is currently finishing a Masters degree in Public Archaeology. She is the outreach coordinator for L – P : Archaeology, based in East London. After graduating, she worked for a number of charities and not-for-profit organisations and, most recently, as a field archaeologist in London and the South West.

Tuesday 11th November 2008 – Hugh Davies Bletchley Park: Enigma – how cracking the enemy codes led to the world’s first computer.

Tuesday 13th January 2009 – Nicole Douek An exploration of the Western Desert of Egypt

Tuesday 10th February 2009 – Tony Earle The building of the Underground

Tuesday 10th March 2009, Tuesday 14th April 2009, Tuesday 12th May 2009 Topics and Lecturers to be arranged.

CHRISTMAS EVENT – Sunday 14th December: Visit to Headstone Manor Tithe Barn, followed by a Christmas Dinner

This year’s Christmas occasion will, unusually, be a weekend event. The booking form is enclosed with this newsletter. Full details are also given later in the newsletter so that you can keep a copy.

We decided on an afternoon start to enable the outside of the manor house to be viewed before it gets too dark. Light afternoon refreshments can be purchased in the Tithe Barn for those waiting for the second tour, or having returned from the first. Bookings for the Dinner, including menu choices, required by 28th November.

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THE HISTORY OF HENDON SCHOOL by Trevor Eastfield Hendon School Archivist

The County School, Hendon, opened as a fee-paying school of 350 pupils in September 1914, just a month after the outbreak of the First World War.

By 1927 the field at the back of the school was levelled and trees planted, and in 1929-1930 the building of the gymnasium was started. In 1931 the intake of pupils rose from a two-form entry to a three-form entry, and by 1932-1933 the extension on the north side of the original school building was finished to enable accommodation of 480 pupils. In 1936 former pupil Harold Whitlock planted an oak tree sapling in front of the entrance to the gymnasium after being awarded a Gold Medal for the 50km walk by Adolf Hitler at the Berlin Olympic Games. By 1955 the school had 600 pupils and 320 staff, and in 1961 the extension on the south side of the building, which included a new Hall, Dining Hall and kitchens, was officially opened.

In the late 1960s, when plans for the reorganisation of secondary education were passed by Parliament, the London Borough of Barnet put forward, amongst other suggestions, the amalgamation of Hendon County Grammar School, situated in Golders Rise, with St David’s County Secondary School for Boys, in St David’s Place off Park Road in West Hendon. In 1971 this merger took place and Hendon County became Hendon Senior High School and St David’s was renamed Hendon Junior High School. It was not until 1978, when all the new buildings on the Hendon County site were finished, that the whole school became completely integrated on one site and called by its present name, Hendon School.

During 1987-1988 the school was threatened with closure by the London Borough of Barnet claiming falsely that it was no longer a viable institution, but by 1988-1989 the school had survived the threat after being awarded Grant Maintained status by the Government. Extensions to the new buildings close to the perimeter on the south side of the site took place during the 1990s.

The school currently has a seven-form intake with over 1,300 pupils, 120 teachers and 30 ancillary staff as well as a Saturday School for Languages with 200 pupils and 11 teachers.

In order to complete the picture it is also necessary to mention how St David’s County Secondary School for Boys came about. To explain this means going back to 1st October 1929 when Barnfield Senior Boys’ School opened in Silkstream Road, Burnt Oak, Edgware, with 267 boys. In January 1964 it amalgamated with Brent Secondary Modern School on its site in Sturgess Avenue, West Hendon. Brent Modern School, a mixed school, had opened on 7th January 1936 having been formally inaugurated the previous October by Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll and daughter of Queen Victoria. (Three other schools were built to the same design – Colindale, Frith Manor and one other that the writer is unable to remember!).

In readiness for the joining of the two schools new buildings were erected in St David’s Place, and the two adjacent sites became one school named St David’s after its location. Originally it was to be named The Grahame-White School, after Claude Grahame-White the famous English aviator who had established Hendon Aerodrome and who played a seminal role in early British aviation, but his widow was reluctant to give her permission for this.

Today, the buildings of Barnfield School still exist. The adjacent primary school has now taken over part of the original secondary school after it had been used by Middlesex Polytechnic, now known as Middlesex University. When Middlesex Poly left it first became a pupil referral unit, but now it has become a nursery school. At the St David’s location the Brent School building has been demolished, but the original St David’s school building still stands, along with other buildings which have been added to the site, now named Parkfield Primary and Nursery School and catering for children from the ages of three to eleven.

Editor’s note – HADAS has supported digs at this school for the last few years. Details are in earlier newsletters.

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Fishbourne Palace from Sheila Woodward

Fishbourne Palace is amongst the grandest of our Roman buildings and it is certainly one of our most interesting. Brilliantly excavated and conserved and constantly studied and re-evaluated, it repays regular visits and always produces some surprises. The first systematic excavation of the site in the 1960s revealed a large first century building, dubbed a palace for its size and grandeur though there is no evidence of a royal resident (the client King Cogidubrius may have lived there), and below it traces of timber structures dating back to 43AD. That suggests a Claudian supply base or perhaps a secondary landing point for the invaders. Later excavations in the 1980s yielded evidence (good quality pottery and amphora) of pre-conquest trade with Italy and Gaul. In 1995, to the east of the palace, a building very like a “principia” was excavated, possibly a Roman military administration centre. Finds from 2002 excavations included a Roman sword scabbard of about 20AD, suggesting an army presence even prior to 43AD. Recent examination of animal bones from the 1960s excavations of the “palace period” produced intriguing information. A fallow deer which died c.60AD seems to have been born in Sicily; others, dated to 110AD, were born and died at Fishbourne. What was going on? Were special animals being imported for a deer park? Investigations continue. But the main attraction of Fishbourne is, and has always been, the palace and its superb collection of mosaics. It is the largest “in situ” collection in Britain and includes some of the earliest, dating from the late 1st century AD. The most famous and finest of the mosaics is Cupid on a Dolphin, a lively depiction with its glowing reds and its attendant seahorses and sealeopards. Its tesserae are said to number 360,000 (no, I didn’t count them!). Mosaics rescued from elsewhere have been added to the Fishbourne collection. The site’s high water table has presented special problems for both excavators and conservators. Floors have been lifted and re-laid, protective cover buildings erected, sun-reflective glass inserted. Last year the Collections Discovery Centre was opened, giving visitors an opportunity to see the reserve collections, to watch conservators at work and to view the more delicate finds preserved in the sensitive store. I doubt whether many people share the opinion of Pliny (quoted in the museum) that “whoever first discovered how to cut marble and carve up luxury into many portions was a man of misplaced ingenuity”.

Oliver Cromwell at Church Farm Museum from Gerrard Roots

Oliver Cromwell: Our Chief of Men

Oliver Cromwell, who died on 3 September 1658, was by any standards one of the most significant figures in British history. From obscure beginnings as an MP for Huntingdon, he went on to become a brilliant military commander who overthrew the monarchy, and a gifted orator who ruled over an – almost – united Great Britain.

Cromwell was a man of action in a violent time, but also a man of ideas in a period full of new ideas. His legacy was to put the lie to the Divine Right of Kings (after all, he executed one of them!), to establish Britain as a world power, and to introduce a measure of religious toleration – in an age when religion was politics – previously unknown in this country.

It is appropriate that Church Farmhouse Museum, Hendon’s only surviving mid-17th Century building, should mark the 350th Anniversary of Cromwell’s death with a small display of depictions of Cromwell – even a copy of his death mask, and other objects relating to the Civil War, with a brief look at some local Cromwell connexions (Richard Cromwell, his son, lived at Finchley in the 1680s, and General Monck’s men camped at Tally Ho Corner before marching on London to restore Charles II in 1660).

The display includes an overview of Cromwell (with a free accompanying article) by leading Cromwellian scholar Professor Ivan Roots. The display is on until 30 November. Please ring 0208 359 3942 for further details.

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Archaeological Evaluation at Mathilda Marks-Kennedy School by Don Cooper

Site Code: MMS08 National Grid reference: 520938, 192206 Dated: April 2008 Site Address: Mathilda Marks-Kennedy School 68 Hale Lane Mill Hill London NW7 3RT

1.Introduction In May 1997 Mathilda Marks-Kennedy School submitted a planning application (planning references WO1858N & WO1858P issued on 13th May 1997), amended by WO1858U & WO1858V issued 5th February 2001, which inter alia included the construction of a new nursery building to replace a temporary structure on the north-east of the site. In November 2007 the Hendon and District Archaeological Society (HADAS) was asked by Anne Hiscock of Inhouse Design Associates, 12 Blackstock Mews, Islington, London N4 2BT if they would carry out an archaeological watching brief at the school in order to fulfil the following planning condition from the planning application:

“4. No development shall take place within the area indicated until the applicant has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological work in accordance with a written scheme of investigation which has been submitted by the applicant and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Reason: to enable archaeological investigation of the site.”

The reason for the planning condition was that part of the main school building is a Grade II listed structure. A Scheme of Investigation was agreed with Kim Stabler of English Heritage and Anne Hiscock and accepted by Jon Finney of the London Borough of Barnet planning authority.

2.Geological & Topographical In advance of the development a site investigation report was produced by Hemsley Consulting covering the geological and soil conditions on the site. In addition, piles were sunk to approximately 19m of which at least 10m was dark bluey/grey London clay – the piles did not go any deeper. This was overlain by 8m of orangey London clay, above which was 25cms of gravelly clay with small round pebbles. This was all overlain by approximately 50cms of top soil. Relevant maps of the area are reproduced in A R Wittrick’s report on behalf of English Heritage, produced in 1996 and revised in 1998.

3.Archaeological and Historical background The known historical background of the site is also covered in A R Wittrick’s report. A previous HADAS investigation of the site produced nothing of archaeological interest as the pile cap beam did not penetrate the made ground.

4.Methodology On visiting the site and being given a tour by the contractors, it was decided to excavate a small test pit on the edge of the area to be developed. The test pit was 1m x 1m and was dug down in small spits. At about 45-50cms down, the top soil ran out and was replaced by gravelly clay with river-rolled pebbles. This layer lasted about 25-30cms at which point orangey London clay was reached. The orangey London clay was presumed to be the natural ground surface, as can clearly be seen in section photographs.

While the contractors were taking off about 0.8m from the surface of the whole site we were able to observe that the whole area of the site was similar to that in our test pit. The only differences observed were more tree roots, some Victorian(?) drainage pipes and three large square concrete blocks in a line, presumably the remains of an outbuilding. The blocks, which had plywood attached, were deemed to be Victorian.

When piling started we examined the results. One pile was driven about 18m into the ground starting at the orangey London clay layer (the top soil having been removed). There was approximately 8m of orangey London clay with occasional sandy lenses (hoggin). For the next 10m the London clay became its natural bluey colour and very plastic. There were no signs of organic material in the clay.

5.Results The test pit yielded artefacts in both its layers. Clay pipe stems and part of a pipe bowl, sherds of pottery – blue and white, creamware, porcelain and stoneware – occurred in both layers. There was also some animal bone and oyster shell, but, surprisingly, no glass. After washing and analysing the artefacts it appeared that they would fit into a date of between 1850 and 1900. When watching the digger removing the surface a similar sample of artefacts was noted. None of the finds were of significance and only a small number were retained.

6.Conclusion The area being redeveloped showed no evidence of occupation earlier than the last half of the 19th century. This could be related to the conversion of the Shakerham Farm to Maxwelton (sometimes spelt Maxwellton) House, a gentleman’s residence, which took place sometime between 1865 and 1895.

7.Acknowledgements HADAS would like to thank all the staff, security and contractor staff at Mathilda Marks-Kennedy, especially Jamie Bullock and Barry Ryan, for their full co-operation and assistance in carrying out this evaluation, also Anne Hiscock of Inhouse Design Associates for her help and advice. Thanks too to Bill Bass for the photographs and his invaluable help with the excavation.


Elson, W. K. 2007. Matilda Marks-Kennedy School, Mill Hill, London; Site investigation report (Hemsley Consulting) Wittrick, A. R. 1998. 68 Hale Lane Matilda Marks School LB Barnet; Report on buildings and other areas affected by proposed alterations/refurbishment (English Heritage)

Note: Photographs and maps of the excavation are available, but are not included here due to the difficulty of reproducing them in the newsletter.

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Stamp Costs and Charges from Mary Rawitzer

We are getting occasional reports of the Post Office imposing a surcharge on newsletters and other HADAS postal items, claiming the stamps were insufficient. This shouldn’t happen: we are all trying to check that stamp values are correct and make use of the Post Office itself when we’re not sure. If the Post Office tries to charge you, please check the envelope – even if you have to pay the surcharge first. We will refund the charges, right or wrong (contact the Treasurer).

Limerick Competion from Jim Nelhams

One feature of recent coach outings has been a Limerick competition usually inspired by Denis Ross who has supplied some challenging first lines. With such talent displayed by our coach passengers, how much more must there be among other HADAS members. So here is your chance to show us.

We want limericks relating either to HADAS or to archaeology. Send as many as you like to me (preferably by email, address shown on last page) by 10th November.

Nothing scurrilous please. Results judged by an eminent panel to be published in the December Newsletter.

CHRISTMAS EVENT – Sunday 14th December from Stephen Brunning/Don Cooper


Despite the disaster of 2006 when Headstone Manor was closed down shortly before the date of our Christmas dinner, we have decided to try again. Harrow Council took over the management of the museum when it reopened in February 2007 and things are now on a firmer footing.

Headstone Manor was built in 1310, although it was added to during the 14th, 17th & 18th centuries. The moat is also believed to date from the 14th century. In 1344 it was acquired for the Archbishop of Canterbury and remained his main residence in Middlesex until it was surrendered to Henry VIII in 1546. Shortly afterwards, Henry sold the manor and land into private ownership. It became part of Harrow Museum in 1986. Between autumn 2004 and August 2005 the “Ancient Parts” of the manor house were restored, having been covered up for many years.

The 1 hour guided tour will be split into two groups. the first one starting at 3pm and the second at 3.30pm. PLEASE WRAP UP WARMLY AS THERE IS NO HEATING IN THE MANOR HOUSE. The café will also be open for us to provide a welcome hot drink, and even afternoon refreshments, after the tour!!

We will board the coach at 5pm, giving us time for a brief look around the other buildings on the site. The coach will then transport us to The Moor Mill where we will have a celebratory meal.


1.30PM. Coach leaves the bus lay-by in front of the BP garage up from the Barnet Odeon, Great North Rd

1.45PM. Coach leaves from top of Hendon Lane, Finchley, opposite St Mary’s Church

1.55PM. Coach leaves Quadrant, Hendon, (outside DSS)

2.05PM. Coach leaves L’Artiste bus-stop, Golders Green, (under the Railway Bridge)

The Menu


Soup of the Day served with oven baked rustic bread Prawn Cocktail with tangy smoked salmon and citrus Marie Rose sauce, served with rustic bread Garlic & Herb Breaded Mushrooms with ranch and barbecue dips Koftas lamb and mutton koftas with a minted sour cream dip Honeydew Melon (V) served with red berry fruits and fresh orange slices

Mains Hand Carved Roast Turkey with sausage and herb stuffing, sausage wrapped in bacon, Yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes, carrots, Brussels sprouts, gravy and cranberry sauce

Honey Cured Gammon Ham with sausage and herb stuffing, sausage wrapped in bacon, Yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes, carrots, Brussels sprouts and white onion sauce

Rump Steak with chips, fresh watercress, half a grilled tomato and a flat mushroom Fillets of Salmon with new potatoes and mixed salad, served with a pomegranate & maple sauce

Grilled Chicken Breast with dauphinoise potatoes and green beans, served with your choice of either red wines or smoked chilli sauce

Festive Quesadilla Wrap (V) filled with Brie, spinach and cranberry sauce, served with white & wild rice

DESSERTS Christmas Pudding§ with rich brandy sauce or crème fraîche Orange Liqueur Profiteroles§ with hot chocolate flavour fudge sauce and your choice of either crème fraîche or ice cream

Ice Cream Desserts with either hot chocolate flavour fudge sauce and Cadbury Crunchie Nuggets, or red berries and raspberry sauce, or mulled fruit mix

Fresh Fruit Salad in a Brandy Snap Basket a selection of fresh fruit in a brandy snap basket, served with crème fraîche

Apple & Mincemeat Tart with rich brandy sauce or crème fraîche

Cost: £35 – not including drinks


With so much of Colindale planned to be flattened, including the Newspaper Library and possibly the Police College too, there have been some fierce comments about the latest proposals for the area, and for Colindale Hospital in particular, on the Victorian Society’s website.

The Victorian Society says it fears: “… plans to sweep away all but the listed [Colindale Hospital] administration block for a residential scheme could erase much of the historic interest of the site, stripping Colindale of one of its most fascinating links with the past. This would be an appalling waste of Colindale’s heritage. The unlisted buildings have an inseparable relationship with the administration block, without them the site would not make historical sense. They add to the national importance of the listed building …. To sweep away [the pre-1940s buildings] would be to squander the potential of the historic buildings to contribute to an inspiring conversion scheme which capitalizes on the best of the area’s past.”

Fuller details of the area and its history and the latest plans will appear in the next Newsletter, but in the meantime planning decisions may be made. If you have some concerns for the heritage of the area you can find out more from the Victorian Society website or from the Council’s own site and may like to contact your Barnet Councillor, or even your local MP.

Other Societies’ Events from Eric Morgan

8th October Wednesday 8pm Mill Hill Historical Society. The Wilberforce Centre, St. Paul’s Church, The Ridgeway NW7 (note new venue). Would Wilberforce recognise St.Paul’s today? Dr Michael Works (Hon. Archivist)

8pm Hornsey Historical Society. Union Church Hall, corner Ferme Park Rd/Weston Park N8. Paintings from Alexandra Palace – The Art of George Kenner. Mick McCormick. Refreshments 7.45 pm. Visitors £1

9th October Thursday 7pm Friends of Cricklewood Library. 152 Olive Road, NW2. History of Cricklewood from the Archives. Malcolm Barres-Baker

7.30pm Camden History Society. The Foundling Museum (Lecture Hall) Brunswick Square WC1. Celebrating Gray’s Anatomy(150th Anniversary) – Ruth Richardson

11th October Saturday 10am-4pm The London Maze. The Guildhall Art Gallery & Library, Guildhall Yard (off Gresham St.) EC2. Local History Fair with displays by 50 local history societies, museums and special interest groups. Access to main parts of the historic Guildhall. Specialist talks, guided walks and a wide range of activities. LAMAS and COLAS will both have stalls. Museum of London stall in the Roman Amphitheatre with finds from the Guildhall excavations. Admission free. Visit

11am Waltham Abbey Gardens. King Harold Day. Medieval Festivities including re-enactments, falconry, archery and crafts. See Other Societies’ Events (continued)

12th October Sunday
2.30pm London Canal Museum. 12-13 New Wharf Road, Kings Cross N1. Guided Panoramic Water Tower walk. £5 (concessions £4)

13th October Monday Barnet and District Local History Society. Church House, Wood Street. Barnet Quislings and Resistance after 1066. Lucy Johnson

15th October Wednesday 2-4pm Amateur Geological Society. Stones of the City Walk. Mike Howgate. Meet at Museum of London Cafe. Contact 020 8882 2606 or mob.07913 391063 or email £7. Cheques to Mike Howgate 77 Hoppers Road, London N21 3LP or pay on the day.

17th October Friday 7pm COLAS. St Katherine Free Church Hall, Leadenhall Street EC3. Excavations at Drapers Gardens – Neil Hawkins. Visitors £2

8pm Enfield Archaeological Society. Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane, Enfield. 19th Century London Cemeteries. Dr. Ken Worpole. Visitors £1

20th October Monday

8.15pm Ruislip, Northwood and Eastcote Local History Society St.Martin’s Church Hall, Eastcote Road, Ruislip. Ruislip – an early 20th Century Garden Suburb – Eileen Bowlt. Visitors £2
21st October Tuesday 2.30pm Harrow Museum, Headstone Manor, Pinner View, N. Harrow. A Walk around Old Pinner. P Clarke

30th October Thursday 8pm Finchley Society. Drawing Room, Avenue House, East End Road, N3. Why, How and What We Conserve – Philosophy and Practice in the Local Context. John Finney. Non-members £2

1st November Saturday 10.30am-4.30pm. Festival of Geology UCL. Gower Street WC1. Exhibitions of fossil and mineral displays and much more. Admission free. Tel 020 7434 9298. E-mail 7 years to save the planet Prof. Bill McGuire Climate Change Prof. Duncan Wingham Diamonds, Big Bang to Big Bucks Dr. Adrian Jones Dinosaurs Prof. Mike Benton

newsletter-450-september-2008 – HADAS Newsletter Archive

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Weekly, beginning Wednesday 1 October 2008, at Avenue House, 6.30 to 8.30pm, AFTER THE EXCAVATION – ARCHAEOLOGY FROM PROCESSING TO PUBLICATION – The joint HADAS/Birkbeck post-excavation course. See details below

The new lecture season begins next month with:

Tuesday 14 October 2008 Community Archaeology in Greater London: Outreach work and Excavations at Prescot Street, Lorna Richardson, outreach worker for L-P Archaeology.

Tuesday 11 November 2008 Bletchley Park: Enigma: how cracking the enemy codes led to the world’s first computer, by Hugh Davies.

Tuesday 13 January 2009 An exploration of the Western Desert of Egypt, by Nicole Douek.

Tuesday 10th February 2009 The building of the Underground, by Tony Earle.

All lectures start at 8.00pm and are held in the Drawing Room at Avenue House, 17 East End Road, Finchley, N3 3QE, with coffee/tea and biscuits served afterwards. Buses 82, 143, 326, 382 & 460 pass close by. Avenue House is about a ten to fifteen minute-walk from Finchley Central Station (Northern Line). According to a signpost at the station exit, Avenue House is 828 yards away. Do not go through the ticket barrier but turn away from it taking the exit over the bridge, opposite the barrier.

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The Fieldwork Team meets most Sunday mornings in The Garden Room at Avenue House, around 10.30 hrs till 13.30-ish. New and old members are welcome to come along, though it is perhaps best first to check the emails on HADAS discussion:, or ring Bill Bass 020 8449 5666, to confirm that members will be meeting that Sunday.

At the moment we are processing finds from this year’s Church Farmhouse Museum dig, at the same time gearing up to process the Roman pottery from Brockley Hill inherited from excavations long before HADAS was founded. The team is looking at the archives and reports from these excavations, including finds from 1937, 1947 and several from the 1950s. We now have the listings, card index and history of the archive we are working on. The work will involve re-bagging, re-boxing and re-labelling of finds to Museum of London standards. When assembled the archive is destined to be deposited at the LAARC,. where it will be made available to researchers. Source: Bill Bass,


Post-diploma course in Archaeology for Birkbeck FLL to be held at Avenue House, Finchley, from Wednesday 01/10/08 to 25/3/09

Excavation is only the beginning of the process of archaeological investigation. This course aims to provide tuition for non-professional archaeologists and local archaeological societies in post-excavation recording and analysis by re-examining unpublished excavations. In 2008–9 we will be looking at excavations carried out in 1972 by HADAS at Burroughs Gardens, Hendon. The whole range of post-excavation procedures from basic finds processing to publication and archive deposition will be covered. The course will include lectures by specialists in various fields, such as ceramics, clay pipes, glass, building materials and animal bones. Class members will be closely involved in the sorting, identification, recording and analysis of each category of finds. This is a major emphasis of the course, with a view to interpreting the significance of the various finds in relation to the site. Teaching sessions will be alternated with workshops throughout and, as work proceeds, group discussion will be an important means of formulating strategies for writing up the results of analysis. The ultimate outcome of the course will be publication under the joint authorship of class members, with tuition provided in the construction, writing and illustration of archaeological reports. Instruction will also be given on storage of the excavated materials and written records, in line with current archive standards.

Post-Diploma courses are intended primarily for students who have completed their Certificate or Diploma studies, but are also open to others who have or wish to acquire relevant archaeological skills. Coursework will be aimed principally at producing reports for publication. Students are encouraged to complete and submit a portfolio of work during the course for assessment. This forms an essential part of the learning process and of work leading to the final publication.

Course content • minimum standards of recording and analysis leading to publication • finds processing, including washing, marking, storage and basic recording of bulk and registered finds • the recording and analysis of finds and environmental remains, by means of hands-on experience, accompanied by lectures and supervised by specialists: • glass • clay tobacco pipes • pottery (Roman to post-medieval) • ceramic building materials • animal bones • half-day sessions in the London Archaeological Archive and Research Centre, studying and recording finds • illustration and photography • research into various artefact types (highlighting important sources to inform further work) • analysing and interpreting data using a computerised database • the use of tables, histograms, pie charts and other graphic presentations of data • the writing and presentation of archaeological reports • editing, publishing conventions, the use of references and bibliographies • Study skills. In the course of the two terms, class members will be instructed and helped in the following: • current standards of archive storage • basic finds processing • handling and identifying different common types of excavated finds (pottery, building material, animal bone, clay pipes, glass) • methods of recording, analysing and interpreting data • the use and interrogation of computerised databases • cultivating research skills • the basics of archaeological finds illustration • accepted forms of referencing and the use of written sources • planning the final publication and the coursework involved in doing so • the development of writing skills aimed at archaeological publication

The course is taught by Jacqui Pearce, BA, FSA, MIFA, Starting Wed 1 Oct 2008, 6.30pm-8.30pm, 22 meetings. The fee is £300 (£150). Course code: FFAR015S5ACB 30 CATS points at Level 5. Venue: Avenue House, 15-17 East End Road, N3 3QE. Places are limited so early enrolment is advised. To enrol by telephone (full fee only) or to ask about concessions ring 020 7631 6651, quoting the course code. To enrol online go to:

For a copy of the Birkbeck Archaeology and Egyptology Mini Prospectus contact or FLL Archaeology, 26 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DQ,  020 7631 6627.

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Graham, I have three trowels in my possession. The first is a trowel that I bought some years ago for HADAS digs and in July, after several years of inactivity, I couldn’t find it.

The next one is a larger, gardening-type tool (with a curved blade) given as a present in 1981 by a friend, to assist in the practical aspects of my archaeology/history degree that I was about to start. It has a pretty pink ribbon affixed through a hole in the wooden handle.

I acquired the third trowel at a sale before the HADAS Christmas meal at the Meritage Centre, I think. It is a sturdy specimen with the regulation rounded tip, much favoured by archaeologists. It has a label attached to it by a length of red twine, the label having the following inscription:

“GEORGE INGRAM’S TROWEL – it has seen many a HADAS dig. George died in November 1992 aged 92. We miss him on our outings”. [I believe that Tessa Smith is responsible for these touching words, but I stand to be corrected].

On 12th July I made a brief appearance at the Church Farm Museum dig. As I’d mislaid my trowel, I took the late Mr Ingram’s (after removing the label) and it assisted in the excavation of a field drain, which traversed the trench.

Mr Ingram’s trowel continues to grace HADAS digs, which I hope amuses him.

I could only have met George on a few occasions but I well remember his engaging conversation. He had recently undertaken a survey of nonconformist chapels in the borough of Barnet and had a passion for windmills which he readily shared with others. — Ed.

MR R.F. ALLEN Stephen Brunning

It is with great sadness that we report the death of one of our long-standing members, Mr R. F. Allen of Hampstead, at the age of 93. Mr Allen joined HADAS in, or maybe even before, 1976, the first year of excavations at West Heath and continued to support the Society, though latterly he had been less active.

We would like to publish an obituary in a future Newsletter. If you would like to send memories of Mr Allen, please contact me.

THE CITY’S HERITAGE (no longer in the City)

City of London Guide Lecturers Association, 25th Anniversary Exhibition.

The theme of this exhibition will be a display of ‘City Heritage’ objects that once graced the City of London but, for whatever reason, are no longer there.

Recently a man digging his garden in Wellington, New Zealand, found a paperweight made from the lead roof of Temple Bar, demolished in 1878. The weight is initialled ‘HJ’, believed to be the initials of Horace Jones, designer of Tower Bridge.

Now in America is Rennie’s London Bridge, re-erected over the Colorado River; a Wren church at Fulton, Missouri; a Cheapside shop now in Michigan; while the bells of St Dunstan-in-the-East decorate a winery in the Napa Valley, California. Early settlers took many artefacts with them, including the font in which William Penn was baptised at All Hallows by the Tower. Many suburban London churches, built when London expanded in the 19th-century, contain the altars, reredoses, organs and panelling from Wren churches, demolished to build offices. More recently, an Estonian businessman purchased the remains of the Baltic Exchange, to be re-erected in the Estonian capital of Tallinn. Self-evidently many of these objects must be represented in images, often with a ‘before’ and ‘after’ photograph, but numerous smaller objects will return to their native City – at least for the duration of the exhibition. ‘The City’s Heritage (no longer in the City)’, the 25th Anniversary Exhibition of the City of London Guide Lecturers’ Association, is at the Guildhall Art Gallery, Guildhall Yard, EC2, 15 September to 12 November 2008.


On loan from the Museum of London are just 26 skeletons from its vast collections, now displayed in an exhibition examining the bones of some of those who lived, died and were buried in this city over 16 centuries. The exhibition at the Wellcome Collection portrays London’s rich past and varied social geography – from affluent Chelsea to the Cross Bones cemetery in Southwark, believed to have originally been a graveyard for prostitutes. With the aid of forensic science each of the skeletons tells its own story, revealing the times in which they lived and the health hazards they faced – from syphilis to smallpox and rickets. Skeletons: London’s Buried Bones is at the Wellcome Collection, 183 Euston Road, NW1 ( 020-7611 2222) until 28 Sept. Admission is free.

A Detailed Street Map of London five hundred years ago

is the latest title from the publishers Old House Books, to be published on 30 September 2008. With an introduction by Professor Caroline Barron of Royal Holloway College, University of London, this map will reveal the capital c.1520, as a garden city, with major streets, lanes, monasteries and churches, great houses, and public buildings, before the Dissolution, the Great Fire of 1666 and a population explosion swept so much away. Folded £9.99, rolled £12.99. For more information go to


As part of the recent National Archaeology Week, an open day was held for amateur archaeologists and members of the public at Forty Hall. A guide took groups round the nearby site of Elsyng Palace where, in a fenced enclosure, members of Enfield Archaeological Society and others were industriously excavating gravelly trenches, accompanied by a small lively dog (who was perhaps hoping for bones?). No doubt further details of the dig will eventually appear on the Society’s website.

Elsyng was a large royal palace used by Henry VIII during his royal progresses good hunting was to be had in nearby Enfield Chase. Little remains of the palace, which was demolished in the 17th century, and there is no picture of it except on a tapestry, but since excavations began in the 1960s, more details are gradually being added.

The much larger Elsyng is often confused with the manor house which once stood on the site of Pearson’s department store in Enfield town, and which is also popularly known as Enfield Palace. An impressive room composed of 16th century remnants: panelling, fireplace etc. still exists in a large private house in Enfield.

As at Eltham, the palace would have been on a moated site, with its main entrance across a drawbridge. “We peasants might have been allowed through the large gatehouse, but we would never have seen the privy apartments for the king and his household,” joked our guide. Local people would have been employed in the palace, which had to cater for large numbers of people.

There may have been a building on the site as early as the Norman Conquest, but in the 15th century the palace was extended by Sir Thomas Lovell, and it later came into the possession of Henry VIII. It was here that Edward VI and his sister Elizabeth heard of the death of their father. However, Elizabeth I later found Elsyng cold and old-fashioned, and favoured Theobalds.

There were lakes to the west of the palace, probably for carp, but our guide suggested that they might have been a water garden feature, unique for the period. The site of a drainage channel to the east of the palace is still visible because of much greener vegetation. Excavations in the present lime-tree avenue have revealed a courtyard paved with used bricks.

Lambert Simnel pretended to be one of Edward IV’s sons (the “Princes in the Tower”). After his attempt to claim the throne failed, Henry VII found Simnel work in the kitchens of Elsyng. When Simnel grew older, he was promoted to falconer. During the 60s digs at Elsyng, when the skull of a female peregrine was found, the very fanciful were tempted to think that it might have been one of the royal birds in Simnel’s care.

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Saturday 15th November 2008: 10.00 am–5.00 pm City of London School for Girls, Barbican

London from Fitzstephen to John Stow: the Eye of the Beholder by Prof. Caroline Barron, Royal Holloway University of London

Fixing the Image: the Mapping of London to 1900 by Peter Barber, Head of Map Collections, British Library

To Make Nobler and More Humanely Enjoyable the Life of the Great City: the Work of the Survey of London, 1894-2008 by Colin Thom, Senior Historian, Survey of London, English Heritage

Life and Labour in the 1930s: London’s Forgotten Survey by Dr Cathy Ross, Museum of London

Recording London by Camera: the LAMAS Slide Collection at the Bishopsgate Institute by Stefan Dickers, Library Special Collections Manager, Bishopsgate Institute

The Conference will be introduced by Prof. Caroline Barron, President of LAMAS, who will also present the Annual Local History Publications Award. There will be displays of recent work and publications by Local History Societies.

Tickets (including afternoon tea): £10 (£7 members of LAMAS) available from: Local History Conference, 24 Orchard Close, Ruislip, Middx. HA4 7LS enclosing cheque (payable to LAMAS) and stamped s.a.e. or:

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Eric’s Monthly Round-Up of What’s On. Eric Morgan

Wednesday, 3 September, 8.00pm, Stanmore & Harrow Historical Society, Wealdstone Baptist Church Hall, High St. Wealdstone, The History & Work of Kew Gardens, by JLS. Keesing, visitors £1.

Thursday, 4 September, 10.30am, Mill Hill Library, Hartley Avenue, NW7, British Film Posters: an Illustrated History. Talk.

Thursday, 4 September, 6.00pm, Docklands History Group, Museum in Docklands, No 1 Warehouse, West India Quay, Hertsmere Rd. E14. Pitcher’s Dockyard 1789-1865, by Ken McGoverin. Donation £2.

Thurs, 4 Sept, 7.30pm, London Canal Museum, 12-13 New Wharf Rd, N1, Middle Thames Trade in the 18th & 19th Centuries, by Tony Ellis, River Thames Society.

Thurs, 4 Sept, 8.00pm, Pinner Local History Society, Village Hall, Chapel Lane Car Park, Pinner, From Cogs to Crotchets: the Story of Mechanical Musical Instruments, by Arthur WJG. Ord-Hume. £1.

Sat-Sun, 6-7 September, 12.00-6.00pm Enfield Town Show, Town Park, Cecil Rd, Enfield, stalls include Enfield Society, Enfield Archeol. Society & Enfield Museum.

Sunday, 7 September 11.00-5.00pm, Angel Canal Festival, Regent’s Canal, City Road Basin, N1 (nr. LAARC) rally, boat trips, stalls, inc. Islington Arch. & Hist. Soc.

Sun. 7 Sept. 2.00pm, Kenwood House, Constable Talk & Tour, to celebrate his life, visiting locations where he lived and worked. Pre-book  020 8348 1286

Mon, 8 Sept, 3.00pm, Barnet & District LHS. Church House, Wood St, Barnet, Come into the Garden: an Historical Look at Gardens & Gardeners in the Borough of Barnet, by Yasmin Webb.

Tues 9th Sept. 2.00pm, Harrow Museum, Headstone Manor, Pinner View, North Harrow, Bricks & Skeletons: Ruins of a 1632 Brick Church & the Future of Bentley Priory, by Dr Frederick Hicks. £3.

Tues 9th Sept. 8.00 pm, Amateur Geological Society The Parlour, St Margaret’s Church, Victoria Ave, N3, A Mammoth in the High Street: the Hidden Geological Sites of Essex & East London, by Gerald Lucy.

Wed. 10 Sept. 7.45 for 8.00pm, Hornsey Historical Society, Union Church, Ferme Park Rd, N8, Lotus Cars and Hornsey, by Dr Mark Lawrence. £1.

Sat. 13 Sept. Enfield Society, Heritage Walk of Enfield Lock. Meet Enfield Lock station, 2.30pm, finish Government Row. Free, tickets in advance from Enfield libraries.

Mon. 15 Sept. 8.15pm, Ruislip, Northwood & Eastcote LHS. St Martin’s Church Hall, Eastcote Rd, Ruislip, Kew Palace: bringing Britain’s Small Royal Residence back to Life, by Lee Prosser, £2.

Wed. 17 Sept, 7.30pm, Willesden LHS, Scout House, High Rd, NW10, Metropolitan Electric Locomotives and the People Associated with them, by Terry Lomas.

Wed. 17 Sept, 8pm, Edmonton Hund. Hist. Soc. Jubilee Hall, Parsonage Lane, EN1, John Walker of Arnos Grove 1766-1824: an Enlightened Gentleman, Ruby Galili.

Thurs. 18 Sept, 7.30pm, Camden Hist. Society, Burgh House, New End Sq. NW3, Folklore of Camden & Elsewhere in London, by Antony Clayton.

Fri. 19 Sept. 7pm, COLAS, St Katharine Cree Church Hall, Leadenhall St, Channel Tunnel Rail Link Investigations in the Lea Valley, by Andy Crockett, £2.

Fri. 19 Sept. 8pm, Enfield Archaeological Society, Jubilee Hall, Here be Dragons, a History of Fear in the Landscape, by Tim Harper on Christianising pagan sites. £1.

Sat-Sun, 20-21 Sept. is LONDON OPEN HOUSE WEEKEND with free access to more than 600 buildings. Details at Local events include: Wembley History Society, Old St Andrews Church, Church Lane, Kingsbury, NW9, open Sat. only, 11am-3.30pm. Sat & Sun. 12-4.00pm, Myddleton House, free admission, charge to Gardens.

Tues.23 Sept. 2.00pm Harrow Museum, Edwardian London, by Colin Oakes, £3.

Mon. 22 – Sun 28 Sept. Barnet Boro’ Arts Council, The Spires, High St, Barnet, Paintings & What’s On (incl. HADAS), special display on festivals.

Wed. 24 Sept. 8.00pm, Friern Barnet & District LHS. St John’s Church Hall, Friern Barnet Lane, The Hampstead Garden Suburb Story, by Rosemary Roome, £2.

Wed. 24 Sept. 10.00 – 5.00pm, Camden Local Studies & Archives, Holborn Library, Theobalds Rd, Open Day. See behind the scenes, with demonstrations of conservation. Talk: Little Italy, by Tudor Allen, Senior Archivist, at 3pm. An exhibition on the Italian Quarter centred around Clerkenwell Rd, continuing until 27 Sept. Talk on Sources for Family History by Richard Knight. See or  020 7974 6342

Thurs. 25 Sept. 8.00pm, Finchley Society, Avenue House, Christ’s College, by David Smith, £2.

newsletter-449-august-2008 – HADAS Newsletter Archive

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Hendon and District Archaeological Society Lecture Programme 2008/09

Tuesday 14th October 2008 Lorna Richardson Community archaeology in Greater London. Outreach work and excavations at Prescot Street

Tuesday 11th November 2008 Hugh Davies: Bletchley Park: Enigma – how cracking the enemy codes led to the world’s first computer.

Tuesday 13th January 2009 Nicole Douek: An exploration of the Western Desert of Egypt

Tuesday 10th February 2009 Tony Earle: The building of the Underground

Tuesday 10th March 2009: TO BE ARRANGED

Tuesday 14th April 2009: TO BE ARRANGED

Tuesday 12th May 2009: TO BE ARRANGED

Lectures start at 8.00 pm in the Drawing Room, Avenue House, 17 East End Road, Finchley N3 3QE. Buses 82, 143, 326 & 460 pass close by, whilst Finchley Central station (Northern Line) is five to ten minutes walk.

HADAS long weekend in Beverley – 27th to 31st August 2008

As a result of a couple of cancellations due to medical reasons, there are now two places available on the above trip. If you would like to join your fellow HADAS members on this trip please apply to the Chairman (Don Cooper) or the Treasurer (Jim Nelhams) at the addresses below.

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Preliminary report on the Excavation at Hendon School from June 16th to June 27th 2008 Don Cooper

Site code HDS06 Grid references: TQ23610, 89011 Height above sea level approx. 62m (as per GPS & estimation)

1.Introduction This is the preliminary report of the third season of excavations at Hendon School. The reports of the previous two seasons are available on request as is the original project design. The reports have also been published in the Hendon and District Archaeology Society’s (HADAS) newsletters and entries have been made in the Sites and Monuments Record (SMR). The main objectives of the excavation, as brought forward from the original project design, remain the same namely: to give pupils of year 8 and 9 at Hendon School the opportunity to experience practical archaeology and, at the same time, to see if there are any trace of the gardens and boundaries of John Norden’s Hendon House estate. The history of Hendon House and its site, as far as is currently known, is available at . An earlier map superimposed on an image from Google earth shows the location of the site (see Appendix D). One further objective in this season was to establish whether or not there were the remains of air-raid shelters under the north-west mound on the playing field. The excavation was carried by members of HADAS and students from the University of London’s Institute of Archaeology (UCL/IoA). It was organised by Sarah Dhanjal, the widening participation officer of UCL/IoA, who also produced an approved risk assessment document. Volunteer pupils were offered the chance, with permission from their parents, to take part in the excavation and Sarah gave them a number of classroom lessons on what to expect as well as an appropriate Health and Safety talk. Don Cooper, chairman of HADAS led the excavation.

2.Summary The excavation was a considerable success. The first objective of giving the pupils practical experience of archaeology was achieved helped undoubtedly by fine weather, lots of interesting “finds” and great support from the school. A total of thirty-six pupils (see appendix B) took part supported by three students from UCL/IoA plus Sarah Dhanjal and four HADAS members (see acknowledgements below). The school was ably represented by Jill Hickman, a PE teacher and the headmaster, Kevin McKellar, took a keen interest. The second objective of trying to finds traces of John Norden’s garden boundary may also have been achieved as imbedded in the natural clay were the remains of two stakes which may well define a northern boundary of the garden. There were no health and safety issues. The result of test pitting and survey indicated that the air raid shelters were not under the mound. The mound itself had the remains of a clinker high-jump fantail and underneath that demolition rubble. Further investigation of that area was not deemed necessary.

3.Detail As in previous years, where to place the trench was heavily constrained by the fact that the playing field is laid out as a sports field and with sports day approaching… However, as the boundary wall of the old garden was thought to be close to the edge of the northern boundary of the playing field, it was decided to place the trench there (see Appendix A). After a resistivity survey of that area, a 6m x 2m trench was established. The Modus operandi was somewhat different from the previous seasons. Excavating started about 0900 and the first group of pupils arrived at 11.00 for a two and a quarter hour session, then with a short break for lunch, the second group of the day arrived at 13.30 and finished at 15.45. The trench was then worked in until about 16.30. The consequence of this method was that there was little time for anything other than preparing the trench for the pupils plus a small amount of actual excavation despite the fact that the dig was over two weeks rather than one. It was also found in practice that the interval between pupil sessions was too short as there was insufficient time to have lunch, prepare the trench and tools for the next group of pupils as well as answer questions posed by teachers and non-participating pupils in their lunch break. The times were changed slightly to cater for this towards the end of the second week. The pupil sessions involved a short health and safety presentation to remind and supplement the classroom talk. They were then encouraged to get into the trench and to trowel an area under supervision from the archaeologists. The amount of individual time in the trench varied based on the pupils preference. There then followed a session of finds washing and marking. Other activities included surveying using a dumpy level and trying their hand at metal detecting. Over the two weeks each of the pupils had the opportunity to take part in two full sessions.

4.What did we find? The archaeology benefited from having two weeks (as opposed to the one week we had in previous seasons) as well as more volunteers and good weather. The natural London clay was reached and there was no evidence of prehistoric activity. There were the remains of two wooden stakes in the London clay (see appendix C) which prompted the speculation that they were the remains of a fence marking to boundary of the estate as they almost were, with an eye of faith, linked by a shallow depression/ditch in the clay. The London clay was overlain by a layer of clayey soil, which appeared not to be particularly disturbed. It contained one abraded sherd of Roman mortaria and a number of sherds of Saxon/early medieval pot (a detailed pottery report will be produced in due course). However the main types of pot sherds produced from this layer can be securely dated to between 1550 and 1700, probably to around 1650 judging by the types of pottery that were not represented. Almost all the sherds were small and somewhat abraded, indicating perhaps that they had been thrown out into the garden with domestic rubbish. This layer was in turn overlain by another layer of clayey soil which judging by the artefacts in it was either much disturbed or re-deposited from elsewhere. On balance it was probably disturbed because of the similarity of pot sherds at this level compared with the undisturbed layer. It yielded the usual collection of objects: coins including a 1905 penny, a postman’s uniform button from the 1920, belt buckles, early 20th century light fittings, claypipe stems and bowls, one part bowl with initials WT on the spur, as well as pot sherds, glass, and bricks and tiles The final layer of top soil and turves was “full” of the detritus of the playing field over many years. Coins, pen tops, crisp packets and plastic “bits” littered this layer. While we were on site the headmaster initiated a strategy to minimize the amount of litter left on the field by pupils during their breaks. It was fascinating to see that not much has changed over many years –a crisp packet we found in the upper layers of the trench had a “use by” date of 1984!! The amount of plastic wrappers found filled a large finds bag and this from a 6m x 2m trench!

5.Contribution to research questions The research questions posed by the project design brief can be answered as follows:

a.Is there any residual evidence of prehistoric activity? There was no evidence of prehistoric activity.

b.Considering the proximity to various Roman roads, is there evidence of Roman activity? There is at least one sherd from a Roman Mortaria

c.Excavations in the area have uncovered considerable Anglo-Saxon material, is there any evidence of similar remains here? There are a number of sherds that are probably Anglo-Saxon, we will not for certain in the detailed pottery analysis has been completed.

d.Is there any evidence of activity in the area between its mention in Domesday and the construction of the house? A number of early medieval pot sherds were recovered, which, if not re-deposited from elsewhere, would indicate activity locally during that period. The evidence from the Church Terrace site (CT73) and history of St Mary’s Church would support the proposition.

e.What evidence remains for the different phases of rebuilding of the house up to the demolition in 1909? Apart from the two wooden spikes from the natural London clay layer and the slight depression between them, there was no evidence of any previous structural activity. The sherds of tile and brick were insufficient to warrant claiming old buildings in the immediate area.

6.Results The main objective of the project was to provide training and experience of practical archaeology for the pupils of Hendon School. The interest and enthusiasm shown by the pupils that took part in the excavation, the number of pupils and teachers who came to view it during their leisure time as well as the many well-formed questions, made this made this excavation a considerable success. As far as the archaeology is concerned, this small trench in the garden area of the old Hendon House is unlikely to add much to our knowledge of the history of the area. Although further processing of the finds, as well as more ferreting at the archives may fill in some of the gaps in the history of John Norden’s Hendon House and Hendon School.

7.Acknowledgements Thanks are due to a whole range of people from staff at the school especially Jill Hickman, to UCL students Michelle de Gruchy and Emily Esche, to HADAS members Andrew Coulson, Angela Holmes, Jim Nelhams, and Vicki Baldwin not forgetting all the students who took part. Thanks also to Jacqui Pearce for agreeing to review the pot sherds found. Sarah Dhanjal, UCL Institute of Archaeology’s widening participation officer and Gabe Moshenska, a PhD student at UCL Institute of Archaeology, made it all possible. Thanks all Don Cooper

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HADAS Outing to West Sussex 5th July 2008

Butser Ancient Farm Jean Bayne

The ghost of Peter Reynolds walked beside us on our recent visit to the Ancient Farm. His fierce dedication to Butser and its educational ideals live on ,albeit in less colourful and more orthodox ways! I remember our last visit when he entertained us with his charismatic, erudite approach. Moreover, I have happy memories of a week spent at Butser in the mid nineties on an archaeological course. We made bronze, daubed wattle, counted spelt wheat, sampled soil , experimented with woad ,created pots and listened to lectures on all aspects of the farm. It was a fantastic experience!

Set up in 1972, a little way from its present site, the aim of the Ancient Farm is to investigate issues arising from archaeological excavations by using experimental techniques. In the main, it spans the years from 500 BC to 500 AD, representing five strands of research: buildings and their construction; agriculture ,both arable and stock; ancient technology, using raw materials; the observation of the process of form, reaction and decay; and lastly, the description and demonstration of the function and purpose of objects and constructs. The layout of Butser reflects these diverse interests and includes ancient sheep and goats, old types of wheat, both Spelt and Emmer, earthworks, a garden , a geophysical research area ,a weather station and a technology area which includes metal working and a pottery. All are subject to ongoing experimentation and /or study.

But the dominating feature of the farm is the buildings. Steve Dyer, the present director, focussed mostly on these in his talk to us. He is clearly passionate about their achievements and concerned to follow the precepts laid down by Peter Reynolds.

All the constructions are based on post hole evidence from somewhere in Britain and we started off in the largest one, which, with a fire in the middle, smoky and dark, evoked the atmosphere of the Iron Age! This had been built from scratch in 2006 after a squall had damaged the former one and pushed it sideways. The roof structure had had problems too so it was dismantled and replaced in its entirety. They began by researching existing information among the 100 or so roundhouses known to have been built in Britain in the Iron Age. Such large structures are uncommon and were more likely to have been built in the early Iron Age and used for community purposes rather than as domestic housing. However, Butser needed an adequate space for students on educational visits. Steve explained in some detail the order in which they set about building, starting with the roof and the inside posts and beams, using an A frame and pulley. Horizontal rings of timber took the weight of the roof which was also supported by rafters,tied together with hazel rods. Outer posts and a wattled outer wall were added. Thatching and daubing were the last activities. The apex of the roof had a Star of David as part of the cross bracing. (They had deliberately avoided a pentagon shape as this had pagan connections and could have led to a myriad of interesting complications!) They did experiment, however, with a different kind of floor, laying down rammed chalk to see how it would stand up to wear and tear in the long run. It took eleven months for a team of three to construct this large roundhouse.

We also went inside ‘the pink house’, a smaller structure based on excavations in Mold, North Wales. This was furnished to show how it might have been used as a domestic dwelling ,with the loom near the door, and therefore, the light, and a food preparation centre next to it. In the darker areas, there were beds and storage chests. One of the features of this construction was the stepped post holes, deeper on the inside and with an elongated shape rather than a round one. Steve pointed out that the dwellings had no hole in the roof. This would have acted as a flue and been dangerous. In fact, a hood of smoke had its uses ; it killed off bugs ,so discouraging birds from dismantling the thatch and also helped to preserve food by ‘smoking’ it. Steve commented that it was surprisingly warm in cold weather. Other smaller, simpler houses were also domestic dwellings, based on excavations at Glastonbury.

We completed our tour of the buildings by visiting the newest project, the Roman Villa. This was based on one found at Sparsholt near Winchester, late second or early third century AD, and it is constructed using authentic materials. The early plans had to be modified as money was offered by the Discovery Channel , who wished to record the building of the villa but was more interested in media potential than painstaking ,time consuming research. However, Roman building methods were employed, using flint nodules, lime mortar and wattle and daub. In the winter, the lime mortar would not set, which raises the question of how the Romans coped. Perhaps they only built in the warmer months. It was also difficult to know how far the masonry section of the wall went up . Because of the weight, it is likely that any upper storey was wattle and daub instead. And this was used here, above 50 cms. There were several rooms within the villa, one of which included a hypocaust under it. How the rooms were used in the original villa is a matter of conjecture but they have been decorated in accordance with examples from Britain and the Continent. There was also an enclosed veranda running across the front of the villa. Usually ,these were open but because of the climate in Britain, it was felt that they were probably turned into corridors instead. The team at Butser were unable to complete two storeys or use their preferred roofing materials because local planning permission was denied. It seems that this attractive rural area is to become a national park in the future and planning restrictions are already in place.

It was a delightful visit, amid fitful sunshine and chilly breezes. Informative, unique, serious in purpose and with great attention to detail in all its undertakings, the Ancient Farm is thriving under the care and dedication of its present director.

I would also like to take this opportunity of thanking June and Stewart for organising our trip so well

Fishbourne Roman Palace Tessa Smith

THE MUSEUM GALLERY displays a variety of Roman objects found during excavations on the site. By far the smallest is an intaglio of a racehorse, elegant and minute, carved onto onyx, which has to be viewed through a magnifying glass. How anyone could work on such a small scale is beyond belief. `Perhaps the racehorse would have worn iron hippo sandals, (removable horseshoes) like those displayed.

The exhibition of glassware includes square sided glass bottles with handles, blown in a mould. This type of bottle must have been the inspiration for the exact copy we have from Brockley Hill made in clay. (see the Moxom Collection at Church Farm Hendon). Other examples of glass include fragments of window glass buckled by the heat of the fire (270/280) as well as undamaged flat glass pieces. Examples of stone imported from around the Roman world to build and decorate the palace include marble from the Italian quarries at Carrera, exotic stone from Turkey, quartz and crinoidal limestone as well as Purbeck marble – all brought in through Chichester Harbour. A life size reproduction of a room in the palace AD 100, is based on archaeological excavation materials from Fishbourne. As well as wall paintings and mosaic floor the room includes a couch, a rectangular table, a cabinet, amphorae and a collection of pottery.

I enjoyed THE GARDEN AREA enormously because it was here that you had to get yourself orientated to understand exactly where visitors to the palace would have entered, If you were coming from the road from the harbour, through the east wing entrance, you would have entered the courtyard garden area. A long, wide walkway, edged with crenulated hedges led straight ahead towards the audience chamber in the west wing, which would have had a flight of wide steps leading up to it. On each side of this walkway would have been a large rectangular courtyard space now grassed over, Excavations show that water works and fountains edged the whole garden area, (parts of a marble basin from the garden is on show in the museum). Of course only half of the original garden is on view, the other half is now under adjacent housing. The rooms with the splendid mosaics would have looked out onto this tranquil area.

Adjacent to this area is a lovely little Roman garden, full of herbs, fruit, flowers and plants with medicinal value. Figs and olives, grape vines and apples mixed with gigantic globe artichoke. Do you suffer from fainting spells? Try penny royal. Flatulence or colic? = Lovage is the answer. Hiccups? = Chervil. To treat hemlock poisoning? Very useful in Roman times. = Absinthium. To bleach linen? = Soapwort of course. In a nearby potting shed a Roman gardener was continually complaining that the weeds grow quicker here than in Rome, and that all the hedging had to be cut at least twice a year.

So ended a wonderful day in West Sussex, or so we thought.

We were travelling home, quite all right When we suddenly got such a fright Oh! What a crash Two cars in a smash We thought that we’d be there all night.

But, miraculously not one person was hurt, although one car was an absolute write off, we had a grand-stand view of the road haulier at work.

Our thanks to June and Stuart for a lovely day out.

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Other Societies Events Eric Morgan

Sunday 3rd August, 2.30pm: Enfield Society, Heritage Walk: Southgate. Start at the station following along the High Street and other streets in the area. Guides will cover all the interesting buildings and tell the history. It is hoped that visits to Christ Church anf the Beaument Home can be made. The walk finishes near Broomfield Park.

Sunday 3rd August, 2.30pm: Heath and Hampstead Society, The Heath Extension. Meet at the cattle trough in Spaniards Road near The Spaniards Inn. Walk led by Tony Ghilchik. Donation £2. Lasts 2 hours.

Sunday 3rd August, 3-5pm: Finchley Society, Avenue House, East End Road. The Bothy Garden open day.

Friday 8th August, 10.30pm: Camden History Society, Burgh House, New End Square NW3: Alleys and Lanes in Hampstead. Walk led by Marilyn Greene.

Sunday 10th August, 2.30pm: Hornsey Historical Society, Old School House, 136 Tottenham Lane (cnr. Rokesly Ave.), Crouch End N8: Walk round Crouch End, full of interesting history, old villas and houses. Lasts 2hrs. Cost £2.

Monday 11th August, 2.30pm: Camden History Society. Meet outside entrance to Kings Cross underground, North side of Euston Road: Streets of St. Pancras. Walk led by Steve Denford.

Tuesday 12th August, 2-3pm: Harrow Museum, Headstone Manor, Pinner View, North Harrow: A Concise History of Whitefriars Glass. Talk by Mike Beech. Cost £3.

Tuesday 12th August, 7.30pm: Amateur Geological Society, The Parlour, St. Margaret’s Church, Victoria Avenue, N3 (off Hendon Lane): Evening of talks given by members including Geology in South Africa by Sue Jacobs; Finchley W.E.A. Geology Class: some favourite places by Joe Sellars, and a display of field trip photos by John Wong.

Wednesday 13th August, 10.15am: Enfield Society. Meet outside Sainsburys in New Barnet for about 2.5hr linear walk via Hadley Woods, Monken Hadley and Hadley Green ending at High Barnet. Led by Ken Cooper.

Friday 15th August, 7pm: COLAS: From Jack the Ripper to St. George: Guided walk led by Robert Stephenson and tour of St. George’s Lutheran Church. Meet Whitechapel Station 7pm for walk; tour St. George’s, Alie Street, E1 7.45pm.

Saturday 16th August & Sunday 17th August, 12-6pm: Friern Barnet Summer Show, Friary Park, Friern Barnet Lane, N12. Friern Barnet & District Local History Society will have a stand there. Also an Art Exhibition by Barnet Borough Arts Council whose stand has HADAS info. and many other stalls including NW London RSPB.

Sunday 17th August, 11am: A Meander Through Monken Hadley. Meet outside The Spires, High Street, Barnet. Historical walk through beautiful, unspoilt Georgian Hadley. Led by Paul Baker. Cost £6.

Tuesday 26th August, 2-3pm: Harrow Museum, Headstone Manor, Pinner View, North Harrow: The History and Work of Kew Gardens. Talk by Jim Keesing. Cost £3.

Saturday 30th August, 7.30pm: Things That Go Bump in High Barnet: Meet at High Barnet tube, top of Meadway. Led by Paul Baker, cost £6. A ghostly, ghoulish walk through High Barnet and Monken Hadley.

Excavations at Copped Hall, Epping with WEAG, August 2008 From Monday to Friday, weeks beginning 11th & 18th August. Continued excavation of an Elizabethan Great House and its Medieval predecessors. This year the dig will be confined to people who have already learned the basic techniques of archaeological excavation and recording. No formal training sessions are planned but participants will be working under supervision by professional archaeologists. Costs £100 week which includes lunch and tea/coffee. All tools except a digging trowel are provided. Further information and application forms are available from Mrs. Pauline Dalton, Roseleigh, Epping Road, Epping, Essex CM16 5HW, tel. 01992813725, email: or visit (HADAS have helped WEAG here with resistivity and surveying site). This year the Copped Hall Trust wish to look closely at more of the masonry, and answer questions about the different phases of building and rebuilding.

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HADAS DIARY – Forthcoming lectures and events

Saturday 5 July Outing to West SussexJoin June Porges and Stewart Wild on a summer outing through the lovely Surrey and Sussex countryside, visiting Butser Ancient Farm & Experimental Archaeology Site and Fishbourne Roman Palace. It’s many years since HADAS has visited either of these sites and in each case there have been new discoveries, improvements and additions. There are a few places on the coach – Apply now.

Wednesday August 27 – Sunday August 31: Annual HADAS Long WeekendStaying at Bishop Burton College, near Beverley, Yorkshire.

Long Weekend – It won’t be long now! The arrangements for our trip to Beverley, Hull and Lincoln are all but complete – it would be nice if someone could arrange the weather though!!! The balance of the cost (£300 per person) is due by the 20th August 2008, but should anybody like to pay an instalment in July and one in August they are welcome to do so. Please send your payments to Jim Nelhams at the usual address. On receipt of full payment, a little booklet of the trip and any instructions will be sent to you.

Secretary’s Corner

The Society’s 47th annual General Meeting was held on 10th June 2008 with the President, Harvey Sheldon, in the Chair. 36 Members were present. The various Resolutions in the Notice of Meeting were duly passed including, in particular, the re-appointment of Harvey Sheldon as President for a further term of 5 years, approval of the Annual Report and Accounts and the Resolution increasing the basic subscription as from 1 April 2009 from £12 to £15 with proportionate increases for concessions.

The Officers elected for the current year are: Chairman: Don Cooper Vice-Chairman: Peter Pickering Hon. Treasurer: Jim Nelhams Hon. Secretary: Jo Nelhams in place of Denis Ross who retired. Hon. Membership Secretary: Stephen Brunning in place of Mary Rawitzer who retired. The following were elected as other members of the Society’s Committee: Bill Bass, Andrew Coulson, Eric Morgan, June Porges, Denis Ross, Andrew Selkirk, and Tim Wilkins.

The Secretary stressed that there were now 5 vacancies on the Committee so that “reinforcements” were required.

The Treasurer tested the market on the form and timing of outings generally and of the Christmas Dinner. The Meeting was followed by talks with slides by Don Cooper and Bill Bass on the past year’s activities and by Andrew Coulson on finds from the Battle of Barnet site.

Membership Matters – New members & a new Secretary!

Hello. My name is Stephen Brunning and I am the new Membership Secretary for HADAS. You may have already seen my name in connection with this role, but it was not until the AGM on 10th June that I was formally elected. Before this date I was Acting Membership Secretary following the retirement of Mary Rawitzer. I would personally like to thank Mary for all the hard work she has put into the job, and for her guidance & assistance during the handover period.

It gives me great pleasure to welcome the following new members who have joined during 2008: Andreas Bloch, Marsha Fu, John & Irene Hart, Amy Lewis, Barry Lomax, Patrick & Kevin McSharry, Susan Trackman, Joanne Van Der Bank and George Warren.

Please do come and join us at one of the activities planned over the next few months. (Keep an eye on the newsletters for further details). There are no lectures until October, as we take a break during the summer.

2 May 2008 Dear Mary, 1 should like you to insert this into the next newsletter under the section Membership Matters. It concerns my late mother whose obituary appeared in last month’s edition. Irene Owen 1912 – 2008 I am happy to say that Irene did not suffer from Parkinson’s Disease She had reasonably good mental and physical health, considering her age, until a very few months before her sudden death which was the result of a stroke. After the West Heath excavations finished, she joined the group of HADAS members processing human skeletons under the auspices of the Museum of London. The late Jean Snelling, another West Heath stalwart also worked on the project for a considerable time Yours sincerely,

Myfanwy Stewart

Mary Rawitzer apologises to Myfanwy for her mistake.

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What Do You Think?

A museum has been criticised for covering up three naked mummies that had been on display for 120 years. Manchester Museum concealed the mummies from head-to-toe two weeks ago, citing a growing number of visitor complaints, as it began a public consultation on how to display its Egyptian collection. Experts accused the Museum of taking “a step backwards” by denying museum-goers the opportunity to learn about mummies, and the decision sparked much debate on the museum web-site. Are we getting prudish or is this proper respect?

Nero’s Gate Unearthed

A Roman gate thought to have been built 2,000 years ago by Emperor Nero has been discovered in Germany. The gate and 36ft of town wall were found by builders digging Cologne’s new metro line. The emperor’s famously beautiful but ruthless mother, Agrippina the Younger, was born in Cologne. Archaeologists say he probably funded the gate as the city would have been too poor to afford sizeable fortifications against marauding Frankish tribes.

Outing to Avebury and Bath

On May 17th we visited these two popular archaeological sites. Luckily the predicted torrential rain did not happen, so the only hitch was when the coach was held up between St Albans and Barnet (no, not by highwaymen!)

After coffee, our friendly guide, Mike Powell, told us the history of Avebury, while brandishing a reproduction Neolithic flint axe. The henge and stone circle, of local sandstone (sarsens) have been dated to about 2600 BCE, and consist of a large circle of 98 stones, and two smaller ones of 27 and 29 stones, thought to relate to the lunar cycle. Within a short distance are the causewayed camp of Windmill Hill, the West Kennet Long Barrow, and the mysterious Silbury Hill. Stonehenge, less than 20 miles south, is more famous and more well-preserved, but the Avebury henge with stone circle is 700 years older, and many times the size – large enough to have a whole village slap-bang in the middle! This includes a medieval church with a Norman font and a rood-screen, a Tudor manor house, an eighteenth-century dovecote and a twentieth-century pub.

For generations the villagers lived among the stones, occasionally destroying them but mostly ignoring them, until John Aubrey, 17th-century scholar and gossip-columnist, became fascinated by them, and surveyed them for Charles II. In the 20th century, the millionaire Alexander Keillor excavated the site, and founded the museum.

We then went on to the comparatively modern world of Roman Bath. A guide showed us round the Baths, restored recently. Though visitors came to take the waters for many centuries, the main Roman bath was not rediscovered until Victorian times. Hot water springs up through a unique geological fault from deep within the earth’s crust (presumably the smaller hot well at Bristol, mentioned in the Rock Railway talk, originates from the same fault?). We saw the different baths constructed by the Romans, and the various objects that were thrown into them, including coins, and tablets naming and cursing thieves and other enemies.

For the rest of the afternoon, we had a choice of visiting the Abbey, an assortment of museums, and various tea-shops, or just admiring the Palladian architecture from the next major period of development after the Romans, i.e. the 18th century of Beau Nash and Jane Austen. There is so much to see in Bath, as well as in Bristol, Wells, and a nearby stone circle we had no time to visit; the afternoon made a good “taster” for a much longer visit.

Our thanks to Liz for organising this very successful outing. The good news is that Liz is prepared to lead us on another outing in 2009. Editor

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Book review by Bill Bass


Industrial Railway Society 2007 Robin Waywell £19.95

These are two of London’s Home Counties and today are very comprehensively given over to residential housing. It is the transition from the earlier rural countryside to this built-up region that provides the background to the information in this book. Long-term industrial activity in Hertfordshire comprised a number of factories at Watford that used locomotives, mainly in Government services, and other engineering and processing works served by the Great Northern main line between Potters Bar and Hitchin. The main concentration was, however, in the Lea Valley, from Tottenham to Brimsdown, with a succession of Gasworks, factories and power stations. Extensive extraction of sand and gravel took place from the river valleys and flood plains north of Watford and also along the Lea Valley, and very many narrow gauge internal combustion locomotives saw service on tramways in these pits”.

This book is essentially a catalogue of all these small industrial railways, of which, there were surprisingly many in the north London region. There is a wealth of detail for each site e.g. the nature of the railway/tramway, gauge, detailed location, dates, brief but detailed history of the system & the locos used on it. The use of such railways differed widely in nature, they could be transitory – used to build more ‘permanent’ railways or quarries or they may be fixed e.g. used at rolling mills, munitions factories and brickworks etc. There are location maps and in many cases layout maps of the individual factory and site systems.

Some local sites to Barnet include the exotic East Barnet Sewage Works, New Barnet Gas Works, Hendon Aerodrome, Express Dairy (Cricklewood), United Dairies (East Finchley), Mill Hill Gas Works, Mill Hill Barracks and contracts for building various ‘main’ lines – e.g. Great Northern Line/Midland Line/Underground lines, or roads/motorways e.g. A1 Barnet Bypass. Slightly further afield Park Royal was an industrial ‘hotspot’ with the Guiness Brewery and surrounding factories, and as mentioned above the Enfield area had a dense concentration of general works and in particular the Royal Small Arms Factory and Shell Factory. These could involve railways of a ‘standard’ or ‘narrow’ gauge nature.

But really this hardly scratches the surface on the many and varied systems that cover the region of this book. Well worth it if you’re interested in local industrial railways/archaeology.

Gold Cup in the Rag and Bones

A gold cup from the 3rd or 4th century BC has sold for £50,000 at auction. The cup was acquired by a rag and bone man who gave it to his grandson, John Webber, now 70, of Taunton, believing it was made of brass.

Discovery of 500 years old Shipwreck

The shipwreck, discovered off the southern Africa coast, contains a treasure trove of coins and ivory. The site yielded six bronze cannon, several tons of copper, more than 50 elephant tusks, pewter tableware, navigational instruments, weapons and thousands of Spanish and Portuguese gold coins minted in the late 1400s and early 1500s. It may have been the caravel of Bartolomeu Dias, the Portuguese explorer who was the first European to sail around the Cape of Good Hope.

Rare Mass Roman Grave Unearthed

The remains of 91 men, women and children are believed to have been hurriedly dumped during an outbreak of disease in the second or third century. The site was first located in Gloucester in 2004 and archaeologists spent four years of excavating the site and analysing bones. Louise Lou, of the company Oxford Archaeology, who led the analysis, said: “The skeletons were lying with their bones completely entangled, reflecting the fact that they had been dumped in a hurried manner. “When we studied the skeletons we looked for evidence to explain why they had been buried in such a way. This has led us to conclude the individuals were victims of an epidemic.” It is believed that the bodies were victims of the Antonine plague, which swept through Europe in the second century, about 100 years before the Romans left Britain. Two other mass Roman burial sites were unearthed in York in the 1870s but were not properly recorded and are therefore not officially recognised. Two first century sculptured and inscribed tombstones were also found on the site. One was for a 14 year-old slave and the other was for Lucius Octavius Martialis, a soldier of the 20th legion.


Post-diploma course in Archaeology for Birkbeck FLL to be held at Avenue House, Finchley from 01/10/08 to 25/3/09

Excavation is only the beginning of the process of archaeological investigation. This course aims to provide tuition for non-professional archaeologists and local archaeological societies in post-excavation recording and analysis by re-examining unpublished excavations. In 2008-9 we will be looking at excavations carried out in 1972 by Hendon and District Archaeological Society (HADAS) at Burroughs Gardens, Hendon. The whole range of post-excavation procedures from basic finds processing to publication and archive deposition will be covered. The course will include lectures by specialists in various fields, such as ceramics, clay pipes, glass, building materials and animal bones. Class members will be closely involved in the sorting, identification, recording and analysis of each category of finds. This is a major emphasis of the course, with a view to interpreting the significance of the various finds in relation to the site. Teaching sessions will be alternated with workshops throughout, and as work proceeds group discussion will be important means of formulating strategies for writing up the results of analysis. The ultimate outcome of the course will be publication under the joint authorship of class members, with tuition provided in the construction, writing and illustration of archaeological reports. Instruction will also be given on storage of the excavated materials and written records in line with current archive standards.

Post-Diploma courses are intended primarily for students who have completed their Certificate or Diploma studies, but are also open to others who have or wish to acquire relevant archaeological skills. Coursework will be aimed principally at producing reports for publication. Students are encouraged to complete and submit a portfolio of work during the course for assessment. This forms an essential part of the learning process and of work leading to the final publication.

Course content

minimum standards of recording and analysis leading to publication finds processing, including washing, marking, storage and basic recording of bulk and registered finds the recording and analysis of finds and environmental remains, by means of hands-on experience, accompanied by lectures and supervised by specialists: glass clay tobacco pipes pottery (Roman to post-medieval) ceramic building materials animal bones half-day sessions in the London Archaeological Archive and Research Centre, studying and recording finds illustration and photography Research into various artefact types (highlighting important sources to inform further work) analysing and interpreting data using a computerized database the use of tables, histograms, pie charts and other graphic presentations of data the writing and presentation of archaeological reports editing, publishing conventions, the use of references and bibliographies

Study skills

In the course of the two terms, class members will be instructed and helped in the following: current standards of archive storage basic finds processing handling and identifying different common types of excavated finds (pottery, building material, animal bone, clay pipes, glass) methods of recording, analysing and interpreting data the use and interrogation of computerised databases cultivating research skills the basics of archaeological finds illustration accepted forms of referencing and the use of written sources planning the final publication and the coursework involved in doing so the development of writing skills aimed at archaeological publication

Course taught by: Jacqui Pearce BA FSA MIFA Wed 1 Oct 2008, 6.30pm-8.30pm 22 meetings £300 (£150) Course code: FFAR015S5ACB 30 CATS points at Level 5 Venue Avenue House 15-17 East End Road London N3 3QE Places are limited so early enrolment is advised. To enrol by telephone (full fee only) or to ask about concessions please ring 020 7631 6651, quoting the course code. To enrol online please go to:

For a copy of our Archaeology and Egyptology Mini Prospectus please contact or FLL Archaeology, 26 Russell Square, London, WC1B 5DQ 020 7631 6627.

Monster Could Have Bitten a Car in Half

Fossilised remains have been found of a 50ft-long sea monster that would have been strong enough to bite a car in half. The creature, which lived 150 years ago in the Jurassic era, is the largest sea reptile ever found. A type of pliosaur, nick-named “The Monster”, it measured 50ft from tip to tail. It was discovered by a Norwegian team in the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard and is one of 40 marine reptile fossils found in what is being described as a treasure trove for palaeontologists. “These animals are awesomely powerful predators”, said Richard Forrest, a palaeontologist. “If you compare the skull of a large pliosaur to a crocodile, it is very clear it is much better built for biting. By comparison with a crocodile, you have something like three or four times the cross-sectional space for muscles. “A large pliosaur was big enough to pick up a small car in its jaws and bite it in half. The skeleton of the Monster consists of its snout, some teeth, much of its spine and shoulder socket, and one nearly complete flipper. Scientists are hopeful that more remains will be discovered. The long-necked version of the pliosaur, the plesiosaur, has been suggested as a possible identity for the Loch Ness Monster.

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Other Societies Events By Eric Morgan

Saturday 5 July – 11am-5pm Friends of Kensal Green Cemetery Open Day, Harrow Rd. NW10 Tours,Band, Refreshments, Stalls including Willesden Local History Society.

Saturday 5 July – 11.30am-9pm & Sunday 6 July 11.30am-7pm East Barnet Festival, Oak Hill Park, Church Hill Rd. East Barnet. Lots of Community Stalls.

Sunday 6 July 2pm – The Heart of High Barnet Guided Walk. Meet outside Barnet College, Wood St. Led by Paul Baker Costs £6

Tuesday 8 July 8pm – Amateur Geological Society The Parlour, St. Margaret’s Church, Victoria Ave. N3 (off Hendon Lane) Early Man – The Hobbit talk by Lorraine Cornish (Natural History Museum).

Saturday 12 July 2pm – The Battle of Barnet, Guided Walk. Meet at Junction Gt. North Rd./Hadley Green Rd. Led by Paul Baker. Cost £6. Lasts 2 hrs. National Archaeology Week. The Detectives, Institute of Archaeology,, 31-4 Gordon Sq. WC1. Activities for all ages including finds handling, Ancient Crafts, Geophysics, Conservation Labs, Petrie Museum.

Sunday 13 July & Monday 14 July – National Archaeology Week. Enfield Archaeology Society. Dig at Theobalds Palace, Cedars Park, Broxbourne.

Tuesday 15 July 2-3pm – Harrow Museum, Headstone Manor, Pinner View, North Harrow. St. Paul’s Cathedral. Talk by Jo & John Brewster on its recent restoration. Charge £3

Tuesday 15 & Wednesday 16 July – British Museum. Bayeux Tapestry. Conference on new research. Fees £10 a day or £15 for both days. Please send cheque (payable to British Museum) with contact details to Dr Michael Lewis, Portable Antiquities & Treasure, British Museum, Gt. Russell St. WC1B 3DG

Wednesday 16 July – 7.30 pm Edmonton Hundred Historical Society. Jubilee Hall , 2 Parsonage Lane / Junction Chase Side, Enfield. The Cuffley Story talk by Pat Kline & Michael Clark.

Thursday 17 July – 7.30 pm Camden History Society, The Foundling Museum, off Wakefield St. WC1. George Morland, the Artist (1763-1804) – A Stolen Childhood and its Consequences. Talk by Marian Kamlish.

Friday 18 July 7pm – COLAS. St. Katharine Cree Church Hall, Leadenhall St. EC3. The City of London Cemetery & Crematorium – Its Past & Futture.

Saturday 19 & Sunday 20 July – National Archaeology Week. Enfield Archaeology Society. Dig both days. HADAS did resistivity here.

Friday 18 – Sunday 20 July – National Archaeology Week. Museum of London, 150 London Wall EC2.

Friday 18 – Preparing for 2012 – East London Archaeology – Lecture by Kieron Tyler. Fun & Games! Weekend of Family Activities, Tours, Talks, Looking at Games & Sport throughout History with objects from the Museum Sport Collection & Skeletons of Roman & Medieval Londoners with Possible Sports’ Injuries.

Saturday 26 & Sunday 27 July 11.30am-4pm – Archaeology Weekend COLAS – At the Tower of London. A range of Public Displays & Activities in the open space in front of the Tower beside the River Thames. Handle finds including bones, pots, shoes, coins, clay pipes from London sites. Visit Tower beach on the Thames foreshore in the middle of the day.

Tuesday 29 July 2-3pm – Harrow Museum, Headstone Manor, Pinner View, N. Harrow. The History of Hospitals & Nursing Talk by Kevin Brown 9curator of alexander Fleming Laboratory Museum). Charge £3.

newsletter-447-june-2008 – HADAS Newsletter Archive

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HADAS DIARY – Forthcoming lectures and events

Tuesday 10th June – HADAS Annual General Meeting 8pm. At Avenue House. Followed by some interesting talks and snippets relating to members’ recent activities.

Sunday 22nd June 1pm – 3.30pm Members’ Annual Get-together, Avenue House Don Cooper Don Cooper, chairman of HADAS, will be hosting a get-together over a glass of wine and nibbles for members, and especially for those who have recently joined. This will be an opportunity for new members and old to chat about what they would like HADAS to do over the coming years and, if the weather is kind, to try out some of our equipment such as the Resistivity Meter, GPS handsets and the Metal Detector. We will also have a book sale for discontinued items from our library. So do come along to meet old friends and make new ones.

Saturday 5th July – Outing to West Sussex

Join June Porges and Stewart Wild on a summer outing through the lovely Surrey and Sussex countryside, visiting Butser Ancient Farm & Experimental Archaeology Site and Fishbourne Roman Palace. It’s many years since HADAS has visited either of these sites and in each case there have been new discoveries, improvements and additions. Full details and booking form enclosed.

Wednesday August 27th – Sunday August 31st:

Annual HADAS Long Weekend Staying at Bishop Burton College near Beverley, Yorkshire. Please note that this is now fully booked, but we are creating a waiting list as invariably someone drops out. Contact Don Cooper or Jim Nelhams (see end page)

As usual lectures & the AGM take place at 8pm at Avenue House, 17 East End Rd, Finchley N3 3QE.15-min walk from Finchley Central tube. Buses 82, 143, 260, 326 & 460 pass close by. Parking very limited directly outside, but plentiful nearby. Non-members £1. Tea, coffee, biscuits 80p

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Andy Simpson

This excellent and enthusiastically presented talk by an acknowledged expert on the history of Bristol, in particular its former tramway system, began with the classic quote from the secretary of another society ‘Dear Mr Davey, It is difficult to get good speakers so I am writing to you’! Mr Davey travels widely, giving talks on the Bristol Tramways and Clifton rocks railway in particular; his late father was a tramways enthusiast in the 1930s/40s so he inherited, and maintains, an extensive photographic record of the horse-and-electric operated Bristol Tramways and Carriage Company which succumbed to the Blitz in April 1941 (The Bristol Tram Photograph Collection). He also has an extensive collection of Bristol Tramways relics – seats, saloon doors, a staircase, destination boards, blinds & boxes, enamelled signs and other components – all housed in a private museum near his Bristol home. The wealthy residents of Clifton objected to the proletarian horse trams being extended to their superior suburb, but the Clifton Rocks funicular railway, situated in the dramatic River Avon Gorge close to the wonderful Victorian suspension bridge, was approved as it ran in a tunnel and would not spoil the beauty of the gorge. It took two years to build, financed by promoter and publisher George Newnes MP (knighted in 1895), who was also involved with the still extant Lynton and Lynmouth railway, a way being blasted through the limestone rock in 8ft chunks from March 1891 using a largely Canadian workforce. Its ceremonial opening was on 11th March 1893, with a top station at Clifton adjacent to the Avon Gorge Hotel and a bottom station on Hotwells Road, where connection could be made with the horse, and later electric, tramcars of the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co. On the first day 6,220 passengers were carried, and a souvenir gilded medallion issued. Normal fares were originally 1d up, but just ½d down! (2d and a “penny ha’penny” by 1928). From 1912, for 3d, a passenger could take a round trip from the Tramways Centre to Hotwells, climb to Clifton by railway and back by bus and tram. The unique four-track tunnel had tracks laid to the gauge of 3ft; depending on the weight of the passengers in the two pairs of cars, the 500ft long journey took around 45 seconds to climb 240ft! The railway was hydraulically operated, with a water reservoir top and bottom, with water pumped up by a Crossley gas engine and recycled. The descending car enabled the other to be pulled upwards. The semi-elliptical brick-lined tunnel was lit by gas and the cars were spring-mounted on a chassis which itself was mounted on a steel water tank. Safety was paramount; each train had three sets of brakes and there never was an accident. At the top station there was a way through into the well-remembered, now derelict, hotel ballroom, where the last dance was held in 1974. There were four trains, in two pairs operated independently of each other, mounted on individual water balance tanks, with two more built at the same time (1892) for the still-extant Bridgnorth Castle Hill railway in Shropshire. At the base of the line was the station at Hotwells Road, whose façade now faces directly onto the modern Portway. Passenger numbers were never large, and the railway went into receivership in 1912. Bristol Tramways operator George White bought the lease in November 1912, but with rising losses it finally closed on 1st October 1934, everything remaining in dusty limbo with the trams parked at the bottom station until the outbreak of war. The four tram bodies were removed early in 1941 and burnt at the tramway graveyard at Kingswood Depot, where all Bristol’s redundant trams were despatched between May 1938 and October 1941. During World War II, part of the upper end of the tunnels was used from 1941 as a public air-raid shelter complex with terraced seating in three separate shelters, protected by some 60ft of rock above. Access to the air- raid shelters was by ticket. At the bottom was a major BBC transmission facility with transmitters, studio, recording and control room and emergency diesel generators which ran from early 1941 until 1945, providing programmes for home and overseas, although the BBC – who had originally seen the railway tunnel as a home for their Symphony Orchestra – rented parts of the tunnel through until 1960. The BBC even staffed their own Home Guard unit. There was also a War Department facility for plotting the balloon barrage defences, and from March 1940 BOAC had offices and storage facilities there too. Ventilators and air-conditioning were installed in the tunnels and level floors put in over the tracks; Since 2005 the Clifton Rocks Railway Trust ( – a small but enthusiastic band of volunteers – have been busy clearing out decades of accumulated hotel rubbish from the tunnels and have refurbished parts of the top station, reinstalling an original turnstile dragged up from the base of the tunnels where it had been thrown in the 1940s. Other relics have also been recovered such as fragments of barrage balloon – part of the tunnel was used by the barrage balloon section of Imperial Airways (later BOAC) for balloon repairs. At the top station also, remarkably, can be seen track remains and the partly concreted-in remains of two winding wheels, complete with lengths of winding cable. At the bottom station, even the ‘Clifton Rocks Railway’ wording remains visible.

Occasional guided tours of the remains have been possible, and the author of this note was fortunate to join one such tour in early 2007, guided by Peter Davey himself. Ownership of the Hotel, which facilitated such tours, has now changed and the tours were temporarily suspended, but are starting again with the 17/18 May 2008 open weekend. The new owners of the hotel are Cathay Pacific Airways.
An excellent lecture, much enjoyed by all, and the speaker answered a number of questions, formally and informally, afterwards with members being able to purchase postcards and other souvenirs of the railway.

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The Wars of the Roses: Military Thought and Practice

Members who are interested in the Battle of Barnet and in military practice and archaeology may like to know of an all-day conference on September 27th arranged by The Richard III Foundation, Inc. [sic] at the Market Bosworth High School and Community College, Station Road, Market Bosworth, near Nuneaton, Warwickshire. Speakers and their topics will include: •David Baldwin – Reconstructing a Medieval Battle: Stoke Field 1487 •Glenn Foard – Warfare in a Medieval Landscape: finding Bosworth battlefield •Prof Anthony Goodman – Richard III as a Military Commander •Dr David Grummitt – Military Thought and Chivalric Expectation: Edward IV’s 1475 French campaign •Dr Paul Stamper of English Heritage – Battlefield Conservation, Designation and Display: aims and approaches from across the world. •Prof Matthew Strickland – The Price of Defeat: The treatment of prisoners in the Wars of the Roses.

A round table discussion in the afternoon, chaired by Professor Matthew Strickland, will include honorary patron Robert Hardy. Further information: Half Moon House, 32 Church Lane, Ryde. IoW PO33 2NB, or the corporate office at 9067 Vintage Wine Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89148 USA (for a full package), or email

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Archaeological work at Barnet College and Tudor Hall Bill Bass

In the near future Barnet College (Chipping Barnet) is due for redevelopment for a new building and campus. Archaeology South East (the commercial unit of University College London) conducted an archaeological evaluation there from 22nd to 24th April. The potential of the site should be high as it is positioned near to Barnet Parish Church, originally founded in the 13th Century, and adjacent to ‘Tudor Hall’, dated 1573. The area would have been busy in the medieval period. Indeed HADAS dug a site just south of the college site in 1990 & found medieval & post-medieval surfaces, pits and walls. Other medieval finds have been made in the vicinity.

Four trenches were dug in total by Archaeology South East, three towards the back of the College (near to the Red Lion/Toby Pub, on Fitzjohn Avenue) and one directly in front of it on Wood Street. Of those at the back, one trench contained a shallow ditch type feature found beneath a large build-up of made-ground. Running approximately north-south, undated, it was speculated that the ditch could have been a minor property boundary as it lined up roughly with one of the small alleys that come off Wood Street which may reflect an earlier medieval boundary, but the evidence was very slight and the report shows there could be other interpretations. The long trench (approx 20x2m) fronting Wood Street found made-up ground with some ‘modern’ brick features sitting on the natural clays and gravels. So, unfortunately, it seems that much of the potential of the site has been truncated and levelled away by the college building and its predecessors. It remains to be seen whether there will be any further archaeological work when the present buildings are demolished. (Thanks to Dave Fallon, Site Director, and the offices of Archaeology South East for information)

It seems that somebody jumped the gun at Tudor Hall as, just a couple of weeks before the above evaluation of the college, contractors had dug a substantial ‘service’ trench around the foundations of the Tudor Hall without, it seems, any archaeological provision. This was spotted by the keen eye of a HADAS member and reported to English Heritage, who stopped the work. An archaeological unit was sent retrospectively to inspect this ‘groundwork’; no further details are known at present.


LAMAS’s latest conference was held on 5th April 2008 at the Museum in Docklands and ANDY SIMPSON has once more kindly reviewed some of the more interesting papers

Work in the City and Beyond in 2007 Sophie Jackson (MoLAS)

The morning session on ‘Recent Work’ featured some fascinating updates and artefacts, as always. There were some 60 fieldwork projects in 2007. At St Martin in the Fields, Trafalgar Square, where the late Roman sarcophagus burial was found previously, archaeological work continued on a narrow strip of land, finding an early Roman building of around 50AD, the conquest period date suggesting a military identity. Also found were five very late Roman burials and three phases of very early Saxon buildings of around AD550, with greyware pottery dated AD430/470 from exactly the period when industrial scale pottery manufacture in Britain was, at one time, believed to have ceased. Excavations in the Walbrook area found ditches and the edge of the Walbrook marsh.

At No 1 New Change in the City

the former Bank of England premises at the eastern end of St Paul’s close to Cheapside and on the Roman Via Decumana, a prehistoric ground surface was found with Bronze Age features and pottery. As reported to CoLAS by Dave Saxby at their May 2008 lecture, the site was dug over 20 weeks during 2007 in two phases. It was heavily basemented, but archaeological deposits survived along Cheapside. A very early V-shaped ditch of c.AD50, complete with ‘ankle-breaker’, was located running along Cheapside, cutting the natural brickearth. It had previously been traced elsewhere along Cheapside and provided interesting evidence of possibly the earliest military occupation of Roman London. Forming part of 1.5m of Roman deposits were a series of four Roman buildings, one on top of the other and found on the same alignment, along with a line of piers of a possible 1st Century Roman temple. Some buildings with plaster and brickearth foundations, lying just above the brickearth, appear to have burnt down during the Boudiccan fire. There was a rich collection of highly decorated Roman wall plaster. Some prehistoric material was found, together with Medieval stone foundations (their cellars still being on the Roman buildings’ alignment) complete with burnt remains of floor joists from the Great Fire of London.

A site at 56 Gresham St

may represent part of the suspected amphitheatre/temples complex. Here they found the nearly complete ground plan and partial floor surfaces of a small 2nd/3rd Century square Roman temple or shrine of the classic cella and ambulatory type. (See:

At Heron Tower, Bart’s Hospital and the Old Bailey

the erstwhile city ditch was investigated, with medieval landfill and rubbish dumping. The Roman city wall was also located. The waterfront was investigated at Mondial House, built in 1973 and now being demolished. When built there was no archaeological monitoring and Roman and medieval deposits were destroyed without record, but one area did survive and medieval structures were recorded there when the site was again redeveloped, with some ten 15th to 17th Century brewing hearths and below them the late 13th Century waterfront with its timber wall and a massively constructed later waterfront, dated 1339, forming the eastern edge of a previously unknown dock.

At the Riverbank House site

there have been three redevelopments in 45 years, the latest being the first since 1981. At Lime St on the edge of Leadenhall Market in the City, machined out in 1974, a narrow strip remained for excavation, which revealed a Roman painted wall-plaster dump and tessellated mosaic floor from which the central mosaic had been removed before the building was demolished. The plaster is a superb, high-quality assemblage of around 120AD – forty-six bread crates of it – from a high-status room burnt in a 2nd Century fire; the building was demolished and there was little ensuing occupation above it, so the plaster dump survived undisturbed. This has permitted reconstruction, with details such as painted candelabra, fruit and flowers, birds and animals and a superb pattern of grapes on coloured panels. (See

Excavations at Drapers Gardens, City Tim Bradley (Pre-Construct Archaeology)

This talk covered excavations in the upper Walbrook Stream area, 100m south of the City Walls, where water-lain and anaerobic conditions permitted good survival of a 1st-3rd Century archaeological sequence, although later Roman levels had been truncated. A 1st Century AD Roman timber trackway and associated ditches was found which dendrochronology showed used timbers felled in AD62, just one year after the fledgling town was destroyed in the Boudiccan revolt, plus two Roman timber fences or palisades and a ditch on an area of higher ground. A notable find was a complete domestic wooden door, associated with some five infant burials buried within small timber boxes or coffins. This is the most complete of only three such doors ever found in Britain, complete with hinge pivots with horizontal battens, and is of late 1st Century date. There were also revetted channels crossed by two small footbridges, with three phases of construction (pre-Hadrianic to late 3rd Century), and a Roman timber box drain and Hadrianic period clay- and timber-walled buildings. There were eight of these flanking a north-south street frontage, one of which had been burnt. At one end a Roman timber floor survived – a planked floor and wattle walls. Other floors were of beaten earth. Also found was a Roman opus signinum floor and a bored square wooden pipe with lead lining. A tile-built Roman oven was found, along with in situ Roman pottery. Individual building plots had distinct groupings of finds, suggesting differing activities. There were 1100 registered small finds, including a possible carpenter’s wooden rule, Roman statue head and, in a timber-lined well complete with access struts in one corner, a hoard of 19 copper alloy vessels including wine bucket and dishes, a hanging bowl and flagon of post-375AD date, and a bear skull, possibly from an animal brought down from Scotland for the amphitheatre. (See

Picturing Roman London Barney Sloane

The afternoon session ‘Londinium and Beyond’ kicked off with this paper, looking at Images of the Empire – illustrating the idea of Roman London across the centuries. This is one of several papers that will feature in a forthcoming book on London archaeology. As far back as 1667, Christopher Wren drew Roman finds revealed during the reconstruction of St Paul’s Cathedral. London’s first archaeological ‘context sheet’ was produced by a London apothecary in 1672, showing a Roman pottery kiln in St Paul’s churchyard with coffins above it. There was then something of a gap, with more records made in the late 18th Century when in 1785 the antiquarian Gough produced a plan of walls and features found during sewer construction, even marking adjacent house numbers and details of a fine mosaic. In 1803 the famous 2nd Century Bacchus mosaic showing Bacchus riding a Tiger, now in the British Museum, was recorded in Leadenhall Street and in 1805 the Bank of England Roman mosaic was recorded as a scale drawing, possibly the first scale archaeological plan from the City of London. Billingsgate bath house was recorded in a detailed site/location plan of 1864 by architect William Tite. The Illustrated London News produced excellent reports of archaeological discoveries such as the Bucklersbury mosaic pavement (c.300AD) in 1869 with possibly the first-ever multi-context plan of the floor and heating flues beneath. This mosaic was immediately lifted for preservation, and is now at the Museum of London. The first ever excavation photo may be that taken in 1869 showing a re-used sarcophagus found at Westminster Abbey. A striking image shown was that of demolition of a length of the Roman city wall at Trinity House in 1882, with another fine view of the wall at Newgate in 1903. In 1912, the Roman ship was found at County Hall, and a timber-by-timber plan made of it – possibly the first example of a numbered drawing. By 1914, Roman pits on the GPO site at St Martin-le-Grand were being recorded, with the first example of linking finds assemblages to individual features. By 1954 Pathé News was recording moving pictures of the famous Grimes excavation of the Temple of Mithras and by 1969 the Highgate pottery kiln was lifted to preserve the actual structure elsewhere, as was done with the soon-to-be-moved, and rebuilt again, Temple of Mithras. Now we have the dawn of the digital age for archaeological reconstructions.

The Population of Roman London Hedley Swain and Tim Williams

What was the size of Roman London’s population? Something of a ‘stab in the dark’. In 1925, revised 1948, Home made the first attempt to calculate the population, looking at the walled area (some 320 acres), street pattern and house type to give a density of 140 people per acre – a population of 45,000 at its peak, with lots of open spaces. This figure stood unchallenged for many years. Estimating the total urban population needs to consider the number of people per hectare and take into account density in particular areas; identifying the size of the urban area and actual residential area – not necessarily the same – at a given time/point of development, and to include the extent of settlement in the pre-Boudiccan and pre-walled area of the 1st/2nd Century, the fort in the NW corner erected by 120AD and the walls which were added around AD 200. How big was the suburban development and the Southwark settlement? There are geographical and chronological differences in built-up areas. There was a western extension to the city around AD200. The total occupied area for each study period needs to be calculated, then less densely populated areas subtracted, such as public buildings, including baths, forum and amphitheatre, plus docks or industrial zones where space would be taken by workshops and storehouses. The residential area may have been some 100 hectares, and the likely number of people per property needs to be estimated – large townhouses with their kin and slaves may have had different populations to more densely occupied and more humble properties. Pompeii, pre-earthquake, had a population of some 19,000. High St, Londinium, based on excavations at No 1 Poultry, was a classic Museum of London exhibition of recent years, giving an excellent idea of Roman city life, complete with reconstructions and actors. Using figures from authors such as Home and Ralph Merrifield and Middle Eastern patterns of settlement, the average suggested population for pre-Boudiccan London c.AD60-61 is 9,300; for the Hadrianic period of 100-120AD some 25,800, and for AD 300 30,600. The speakers felt that the lower estimates were closest to reality.

Imagining Health Care in Roman London Ralph Jackson

The origin of London seems to be as an unofficial traders’ settlement around AD50. By the time of the Boudiccan revolt a decade later it had acquired an administrative role. There is a suggestion that an area near Moorgate may have been an artisans’ quarter, including doctors.

Satellite, Parasite, or Just London? Richard Reece

There is little evidence for the native British occupation of the future site of Londinium prior to the Claudian invasion of AD43. Then a muddy river bank sprang quickly to life. What was the motive for its formation? By comparison, Edward I’s 13th Century new towns didn’t always work – a motive is needed for agglomeration, towns/cities don’t just form on their own. Londinium could have formed as a money-making centre or to stop trouble in a newly occupied territory. It could either be self-financing or be worth financing as a satellite – a convenient ‘socket’ into which to fit the Roman ‘plug’, with encouragement for conspicuous expenditure.

There may have been a drop in trade in the 3rd Century, with some ‘slack water’ – a different balance of imports and exports and an increase in self-supporting industries – leading to slackening trade as the province of Britannia became more self-supporting and then leading to a possible reduction in customs duties. So was the satellite province still worth servicing to keep it Roman, but not to the extent of maintaining expensive basilica buildings, etc? Perhaps they may have gone out of use. London could have been gradually changing from a profitable, self-supporting satellite into an expensive parasite. So who would want it? Not the Britons, who had their own local centres – Civitas capitals. However, the Empire would need a point of contact. Deciding what Londinium means needs more than sets of archaeological data. Is it a typical Romano-British city? How does London compare with other places – the regional capital at Cirencester for instance, or the Western Empire’s provincial centres such as Trier or Lyons.

Glass in Roman London John Shepherd

As recorded by contemporary Roman writers, the introduction of glass blowing made glass production much cheaper, meaning it could be used for utilitarian purposes and it could be cleaned and reused. That there are relatively few Roman glass fragments in the archaeological record is due simply to recycling in Roman times; broken glass, known as cullet, was widely re-used. Items that have survived tend to be from pits/wells/cemeteries where they could not be retrieved. There is no evidence of new glassmaking from Roman London, just of glass recycling/reworking from the 1st-4th Century from all over the city, including the waterfront, Tower of London and Moorgate areas, the latter dating to the mid 2nd Century. There is little evidence of what Roman glass furnaces were actually like. The Regis House site saw glass blowing from the 60s-70s AD. The huge cullet dump found at Guildhall Yard in the 1990s yielded some 50kg of window glass, vessel glass and a little glass-working waste.

It may be possible to judge the repertoires of individual glass blowers through their cullet dumps. It would seem that clear glass was of higher status than coloured glass, being used for high value items. Around AD70 the writer Pliny recorded colourless fragments as being of the highest value, and crystal-like colourless fragments have been found in London of this date. Glass cutting dates back to the second millennium BC. Up to c.60AD, ground and polished banded/millefiore glass vessels were common; from around 70 to 100AD the highest value glassware was of the cut and colourless variety. Many high quality cut glass vessels have been found in Southwark, though facet-cut beakers are found all over London. More utilitarian products included jars and jugs for domestic use.

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Tuesday 3rd June 2-3pm BRASS FARTHINGS: 17C TOKENS OF TRADESMEN, GENTRY & CITY FATHERS Talk by Robert Thomson. Harrow Museum, Headstone Manor, Pinner View

Wednesday 4th June 8pm THE HISTORY OF KENWOOD Talk by Philip St Pride. Stanmore & Harrow Historical Society, Wealdstone Baptist Church Hall, High St, Wealdstone

Thursday 5th June 10.30am INDUSTRIES ALONG THE EDGWARE RD – A Historical View Talk, Mill Hill Library, Hartley Avenue, NW7

Thursday 5th June 7.30pm LONDON’S LOCKS, DOCKS & MARINAS: THEIR HISTORY Talk by Jeremy Batch. London Canal Museum, 12-13 New Wharf Rd, Kings Cross N1

Friday 6th June 7pm FIFTEEN YEARS OF THE TIME TEAM Talk by Tony Robinson World Monuments Fund St George’s Church, Bloomsbury (includes viewing the restored church & a review of WMF projects, tickets £20-30 from 020 7730 5344 or

Sunday 8th June 2-4pm THE BATTLE OF BARNET Guided Walk by Paul Baker Meet Junction Great North Rd/Hadley Rd Cost £6

Monday 9th June 3pm PRE-REFORMATION SURVIVALS IN PARISH CHURCHES IN ENGLAND Talk by Graham Javes (long-standing HADAS member) Barnet & District Local History Society. Church House,Wood St, Barnet (opposite Museum)

Sunday 15th June 4pm LEGENDS OF BARNET, HISTORICAL ENTERTAINMENT, including “The Battle of Barnet” by Denis O’Brien, “The Ghosts of Oakhill Park” by Liz Lea, “Dickensian Barnet” by Susi Earnshaw, “Remembering John Betjeman” by Baz Swain, “Sweet Music of the 1940s” by BMG Group. Theatre in the Park, Oakhill Park, Church Hill Rd, East Barnet

Wednesday 18th June 8pm THE HISTORY OF SILVER ST, ENFIELD Talk by Harold Noble. Edmonton Hundred Historical Society Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane/junction Chase Side, Enfield

Wednesday 18th June 8pm SEVEN PARISHIONERS OF STRATFORD-ATTE-BOW: 700 Years of Life in Bow. Talk by Michael Peet. Islington Archaeology & History Society Islington Town Hall, Upper St N1

Friday 20th June 7pm RECONSTRUCTION OF THE TUDOR KITCHENS AT HAMPTON COURT: Experimental Archaeology at work Talk, Marc Meltonville COLAS St Katherine Cree Church Hall, Leadenhall St EC3

Friday 20th June 7.30pm SONGS OF TRANSPORT Terry Lomas Wembley History Society St Andrew’s Church Hall, Church Lane, Kingsbury NW9

Saturday 21st June 2.30pm GUIDED PANORAMIC WALK TO THE TOP OF ST PANCRAS WATER TOWER, via Islington Tunnel West London Canal Museum 12-13 New Wharf Rd, Kings Cross N1

Sunday 22nd June EAST FINCHLEY FESTIVAL Cherry Tree Wood (off High Rd, East Finchley)

Sunday 22nd June 12-4pm SUMMER FAIR All Saints Arts Centre 122 Oakleigh Park Rd North, N20

Sunday 22nd June LEE VALLEY FESTIVAL Tottenham Marshes (off Watermead Way N17, nr Stonebridge Lock), incl., 1.30pm, Legends of Barnet (see 15 June)

Wednesday 25th June 8pm COMIC & SATIRICAL POSTCARDS Talk by Hugh Garnsworthy. Friern Barnet & District Local History Society. St John’s Church Hall, Friern Barnet Lane, N20

Thursday 26th June 7.30pm KINGS CROSS: Illustrated talk, Angela Inglison (author of new book of photos of the area). Camden History Society. St Pancras Old Church, St Pancras Rd NW1 (preceded by AGM)

Thursday 26th June 7.45pm BARNET BOROUGH ARTS COUNCIL: AGM Arts Depot, Nether St N12

Thursday 26th June 8pm KRUGER NATIONAL PARK Talk by Roz Avery (preceded by AGM). Finchley Society. Drawing Room, Avenue House

newsletter-446-may-2008 – HADAS Newsletter Archive

By | Past Newsletters, Volume 8 : 2005 - 2009 | No Comments


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HADAS DIARY – Forthcoming lectures and events

Saturday 17th May -Trip To Avebury and Bath Liz Tucker

There are still a few places, do come along and bring friends if you wish. Micky and I are visiting Avebury shortly to look around – it sounds a fascinating place. We would hope to have all the bookings by now, but may be able to accept latecomers if necessary.

Tuesday 10th June – HADAS Annual General Meeting. 8pm. At Avenue House, followed by some interesting talks and snippets relating to members’ recent activities.

Sunday 22nd June 13.00-15.30 Don Cooper

As we have done for the last couple of years, we are going to have a members’ get-together in the Dining Room at Avenue House. Do come along for a chat and a glass of wine or a soft drink. There will be books to browse and, if the weather is kind, we will demonstrate our updated Resistivity Meter, GPS equipment and Metal Detector in the Avenue House garden. This get-together is an opportunity for members to make their voices heard as to what they would like HADAS to do in the coming year and to hear from members of the Committee how the various activities we are involved in are going.

Saturday 5th July – Outing to West Sussex Stewart Wild

Join June Porges and Stewart Wild on a summer outing through the lovely Surrey and Sussex countryside, visiting Butser Ancient Farm and Experimental Archaeology Site and Fishbourne Roman Palace. It’s many years since HADAS has visited either of these sites and in each case there have been new discoveries, improvements and additions. Mark your diary now to make sure you don’t miss out on all the latest news! Full details and booking form with the June Newsletter.

Wednesday August 27th to Sunday August 31st – Annual HADAS Long Weekend

Staying at Bishop Burton College near Beverley, Yorkshire (see February Newsletter for fuller details or contact a Committee Member)

As usual lectures & the AGM take place at 8pm at Avenue House, 17 East End Rd, Finchley N3 3QE. 15-min walk south from Finchley Central tube. Buses 82, 143, 260, 326 & 460 pass close by. Parking very limited directly outside, plentiful nearby. Non-members £1. Tea, coffee, biscuits 80p

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One of the features of the summer season at Birkbeck College is the range of archaeological courses on offer. This year’s “crop” seems especially interesting. They are the Archaeological Summer Schools: Revealing Prehistoric Britain – Monday 12th May to Friday 16th May and Revealing Roman Britain – Monday 19th May to Friday 23rd May. Then there is the Syon Archaeology Training Excavation, which is uncovering the remains of Syon Abbey. There are five similar excavation courses, each lasting for one week starting 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th June and 7th July. Beginners welcome. Cost £185 for the week. There is also a five days Geophysics Course at Syon House from Monday 30th June to Friday 4th July. Birkbeck also run archaeological walks in London: Sat. May 17th 11am-4pm “Lundenwick and Westminster”; Saturday June 7th 11am-4pm “Royal Greenwich”; and Saturday June 21st 11am-4pm “Medieval City of London and Monastic Precincts”. To enrol or for details: phone 020 7631 6627 or 0845 6010 174, or email or


Irene Owen 1912-2008 by Margaret Maher

Members will be saddened to hear that Irene died at St. Peter’s Hospital, Chertsey on March 22 aged 95 years. She had suffered from Parkinson’s Disease for a number of years. She had been enjoying a very happy day in Chertsey visiting family members with her daughter, Myfanwy Stewart, to whom we extend our sympathy. Irene worked on the second phase of the dig at West Heath as Finds Assistant, which could be very boring, but her hard work and unfailing cheerfulness were much appreciated. Many West Heath regulars will remember her as she and Joan Wrigley also took care of that other essential on an excavation – tea and biscuits. It seems such a long time ago now since we dug.

Membership Renewals by Stephen Brunning

Renewals from members who pay by cheque have been pouring in, and just over half have now paid. Many thanks for paying so promptly. For those who normally pay by this method and haven’t yet returned the renewal form, please “keep ‘em coming!” If you prefer to pay at one of our meetings and save on postage etc, I will be attending both the May lecture and the AGM in June.

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MARCH LECTURE Report by Andrew Coulson


Chloe is the Trust’s Regional Development Manager responsible for the counties of Buckinghamshire, Cambridge, Essex, Hertfordshire, Suffolk and London. Apparently there are about 16,000 parish churches in England, of which 1,600 are no longer needed. In country districts especially they may be too remote, their congregation too small, or non-existent, and the building too expensive to maintain. Or, contrariwise, there may be too many churches to serve the parish. Old St. Andrew’s in Kingsbury for example, was superseded by the new St. Andrew’s church, brought brick by brick from Well Street. When two manors shared the same town or village each may have endowed its own church, leading to later superfluity. Of these surplus churches around a fifth have been demolished, and the rest converted to other uses. The procedure for demolition may have begun with an application for a “Petition to Ruin” followed by the removal of the roof, the burial of the altar in the churchyard, and the use of the remains as a quarry. More recently the tendency is to convert to other uses by creating houses, flats, community centres, offices or shops within the shell of the old building. This process can create a hybrid use when a “holy bit” continues to in close association with parts devoted to secular activities. The number of “Petitions to Ruin” gave rise to fears for the preservation of the national ecclesiastical and architectural heritage. Initially these fears were addressed by groups concerned only with their own localities. For example, the preservation of the cell and apse in a farmyard in Winterbourne Thompson, Dorset, under the patronage of Thomas Hardy. Organisations such as the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings became involved, and in 1969 the Redundant Churches Trust was formed. The con-servation movement was given national impetus in 1977 by Sir Roy Strong’s exhibition at the V&A entitled Change and Decay: The Future of our Churches, sponsored by the Mercers Company and Country Life. It was not however until 1994 that the Churches Conservation Trust was set up as a national charity to care for and preserve English churches that are no longer needed for regular worship and to make them fit for use as an educational resource and means of public enjoyment. Needless to say, its funding is limited and of the approximately 1,300 candidates there are only 330 vested in the charity. These are carefully chosen for their historic or architectural importance, but room is made for compromise. St. Michael’s Berechurch, for example, was not taken on by the Trust because too much was done to it by the Victorians, and it is now a solicitor’s office. But the Trust does care for a chapel dedicated to Sir Henry Audley on the north side of the building. The Trust expects to take into care about 30 churches each year and describes them as being “in retirement” rather than “redundant”, as they are still consecrated and services are still held in them. About 85% of the Trust’s churches are small and in rural areas, but also some large ones in towns. An example in London is St. Luke’s in Kentish Town, which boasts William Morris windows and architecture by Basil Champness. It also boasts a conservation bill of about £¼ million sterling. Other curiosities abound. There are the round towers on the Norfolk and Suffolk border – the Devil likes to hide in corners; the medieval wall paintings of Little Welham, with its oxidised pigments blackening the faces of Saints Catherine, Mary Magdalene, and Margaret of Antioch; or Broughton, east of Milton Keynes, where a pietà expounds the evils of playing backgammon on the Sabbath. The list is endless. There are human stories too. Why for instance, did it take an Archbishop’s casting vote to determine that you can’t have an abandoned church next to a theological college? – try Cambridge. And where will you find uncomfortable red kneelers? Try Lakenheath. Anecdote followed anecdote but we had to stop somewhere. We stopped with questions. Mr. Javes wanted to know if there was ever a problem with bats. Answer: “yes”. Mr. Coulson wanted to know if the little chapel we saw at the beginning was the one under the hill at Towton where the river ran red with etc., etc. Well he would, wouldn’t he, and the answer was: “yes”. And everybody wanted to know why Miss Cockerill referred to churches as “she” and not “it” or “he”. A bit like ships in a way. And then Don proposed a vote of thanks and there was much applause. Opening arrangements for the churches vary. Full details can be found on the Gazeteer on the website at www.visit uk or in the information booklet for selected churches. As Miss Cockerill said, any opportunity for a day in the countryside and a “church crawl” should not be missed.

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The National Trust has unveiled a substantial new exhibition at Sutton Hoo, in it’s Tranmer House building. Entitled Life and Death of a Kingdom it explores the history of the Kingdom of East Anglia, using a wealth of treasures on loan from regional and national museums. The exhibition is open until 2 November 2008 (more details on or phone 01394 389700).


COPAC: free access to the merged online catalogues of both the Consortium of Research Libraries and other important research collections in the UK. Records date back to c.1100AD in many languages. http://www. (Greater London Archaeology Advisory Service) Don Cooper One of the major sources of information on archaeology in London is GLAAS. It is now on-line. This English Heritage organisation reports on excavations in each of the London Boroughs as well as recording recent discoveries in London with an up-to-date record of recent publications. GLAAS also maintains the SMR (Sites and Monuments Record) for greater London. The web site is as follows:


English Heritage, in partnership with the Royal Commissions on the Ancient and Historical Monuments and Historic Buildings of Scotland and Wales, has acquired the most significant body of oblique aerial photography remaining in private hands. . The prints and negatives, which were owned by Blom ASA, date from 1919 to 2006 and are now in specialised archival storage to await conservation, cataloguing and digitisation.


The Times reports that Sir Barry Cunliffe is to explore Brading Villa on the Isle of Wight, one of the most important Roman villas in Western Europe. Five years ago the newspaper’s readers apparently contributed substantially to saving its spectacular mosaics after it had been placed on the World Monument Fund’s list of the most endangered sites. Many HADAS members will remember the Portsmouth “long weekend” which included a trip to this lovely site.


Exquisitely preserved frescoed rooms in the ruined house of Augustus in Rome are now open to the public. The future emperor lived in the house on the Palatine Hill above the Forum in about 30BC. The wall and ceiling paintings are in vivid red, blue and ochre and were discovered in the 1960s by the Italian archaeologist Gianfilippo Carretoni. The restoration cost nearly €2 million (£1.5 million).


The order has launched an appeal for funds for a new museum on the Clerkenwell site to be opened next year. From a new entrance to the iconic gatehouse there will be a continuous history from the foundation in the 1040s to the St John’s Brigade’s role as the official first-aiders at the 2012 Olympics.


A Tudor quill pen, which may have dropped through the floorboards of Whitehall Palace, was one of the items discovered to the astonishment of archaeologists in one of the 4,000 cardboard boxes in the archives of the Museum of London. The boxes are full of material excavated from the Palace. The excavation was in the 1960s by the Ministry of Works who never got round to studying their finds. Roy Stephenson, the Museum/s archaeological archive manager, is now wading through the boxes. (The Times 22 March 2008)


Since 2003, 35 pits have been excavated near Truro, Cornwall, dated to the 1640s, which contain swan pelts, part of an iron cauldron and other material. No written or anecdotal evidence of the rituals has been found. Jacqui Woods, who is leading the excavation, will deliver a paper on the feather pits at the World Archaeology Conference in Dublin in June. (The Times 10 March 2008)


A Times report details the exciting decipherment of a clay tablet found by Henry Layard in the remains of the library in the royal palace at Nineveh in the mid-19thC. According to the researchers, Mark Hempsell of Bristol University and others, the tablet is thought to be a 700BC copy of notes made by a Sumerian astronomer watching the night sky and to be a witness’s account of an asteroid more than half a mile across which swept through the sky before dawn on June 29th in 3123BC, before crashing in the Austrian Alps with a force equivalent to 1000 tonnes of TNT. Many ancient myths preserve stories that might derive from the devastation and fires that could have been the result of such an impact.


The versatile and widespread sweet potato, which is of tropical American origin, is widely cultivated across the Pacific islands. Until a few years ago, it was assumed that this was due to Spanish transmission, dating from the early colonial period. But archaeological discoveries at Mangaia in the Cook Islands yielded carbonised remains of sweet potato dating to AD1000, five centuries before Europeans entered the Pacific Ocean and have started a new debate: was it carried deliberately, whether by one-way voyagers from South/Central America or by either of the possible two-way voyages, or could the seeds have drifted on their own. Alvaro Montenegro and his colleagues in the Journal of Archaeological Science have now shown by computer simulation experiments that accidental drift of seeds – or of South American voyagers – could have been responsible. The jury is still out.


As well as being the protagonist of the British Museum’s forthcoming summer exhibition (April Newsletter), Hadrian is being celebrated on his very own Wall. His one-and-a-half times life size bronze head, found in the Thames in 1834, has been installed for the time being at Wallsend, at one end of his 73-mile barrier against the troublesome Scots. It is thought he actually visited the area in AD 122 to oversee the design of “his” wall, though he never saw it completed.

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Sunday 4th May & Sunday 1st June 3-5pm Finchley Society The Bothy Garden Open Day

Thursday 8th May 6.30pm LAMAS The History and Architecture of Clerkenwell: a summary of The Survey of London’s findings ColinThom (English Heritage) Terrace Rm MoL LondonWall EC2

Sundays 11th, 25th May & 1st June 12-4pm, & guided walk Sat. 31st May 1-3pm EA Bowles’s Open Days Myddelton House Garden Bullsmore Lane Enfield (we’ve done a resistivity survey here)

Monday 12th May 3pm Barnet & District Local History Society Donovan’s Hertfordshire Talk by John Donovan Church House, Wood Street, Barnet (opposite Museum)

Monday 12th-Sunday 19th May Barnet Borough Arts Council Paintings and What’s On (including HADAS) The Spires (outside Waitrose), High Street, Barnet Thursday 15th May 7.30pm joint Hampstead Museum & Jewish Museum Exiles, Emigrés & Eccentrics, Artistic Life in Hampstead in the 1930s & 40s Monica Bohm-Duchen Burgh House, NW3

Friday 16th May 7pm COLAS New finds at New Change and the Cheapside Hoard Dave Saxby (MOLAS) St Katherine Cree Church Hall, Leadenhall Street, EC3 £2 Friday 16th May 8pm Enfield Archaeological Society’s Presidential Address Harvey Sheldon (who is also our HADAS President) Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane, junction Chase Side, Enfield

Friday 16th May 7.30pm Wembley History Society The Valley Farm Estate, Kingsbury, from 1930 to the Present Philip Grant St Andrew’s Church Hall, Church Lane, Kingsbury NW9 £1

Tuesday 20th May 7pm London Archaeologist – Annual lecture meeting Institute of Archaeology 31-34 Gordon Square Refreshments 6.30pm

Wednesday 21st May 7.30pm Willesden Local History Soc. The Mayhew Homes – Then and Now Talk by Sue Barrett. Scout House, High Road (corner Strode Rd), NW10 Wednesday 21st May 8pm Edmonton Hundred Historical Society The National Census: a House in Clerkenwell Talk by Marlene MacAndrew Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane, Enfield

Thursday 22nd May 7.30pm Camden History Society “Good God! Women!” Suffragettes and the Enfield Military Hospital Talk by Jennian Geddes Burgh House, New End Square, NW3

Thursday 22nd May 7.30pm Finchley Society: Local History Group Meeting for anyone interested in Local History, particularly of Finchley Drawing Room, Avenue House, East End Road, N3

Monday 26th May till 5pm. Kingsbury Open Day. St. Andrew’s Church Hall and both old & new churches open. Wembley Hist. Soc, etc. Church Lane NW9 (HADAS worked here with Andy Agate)

Wednesday 28th May 8pm Friern Barnet & District Local History Society AGM plus Donovan’s Hertfordshire – Talk by John Donovan (President) St. John’s Church Hall (next to Whetstone Police Station) Friern Barnet Lane, N20. Refreshments. £2

Thursday 29th May 8pm Finchley Society The Stephens Collection. Talk by Eileen Kenning Drawing Room, Avenue House, East End Road, N3.. Visitors £2

Friday 30th May 7.45pm St. Albans and Herts Architectural and Archaeological Society. The First Battle of St. Albans, 1455. Talk by Harvey Watson (Battlefields Trust) College of Law, Hatfield Road, St. Albans (HADAS are much involved with this Trust)

newsletter-445-april-2008 – HADAS Newsletter Archive

By | Past Newsletters, Volume 8 : 2005 - 2009 | No Comments


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HADAS DIARY – Forthcoming Lectures and Events.

Tuesday 8th April – Lecture by Peter Davey (Bristol Tram Photograph Collection) “Clifton Rocks Railway.”

Tuesday 13th May – Lecture by Angela Wardle (MOLAS Finds Specialist) “Finds from Roman London.” Angela hopes to present some results of a Roman London glass-working project, and talk about the Roman London website, with an on-line finds catalogue.

Saturday 17th May -Outing to Avebury and Bath with Liz Tucker and Micky Watkins. Application form enclosed.

Tuesday 10th June – Annual General Meeting.

Saturday 5th July -Outing to West Sussex (Details to follow in later newsletter.)

Wednesday August 27th – Sunday August 31st 2008: Annual HADAS Long Weekend – Staying at Bishop Burton College near Beverley, Yorkshire. See February Newsletter for details.

As ever, lectures and the AGM take place at Avenue House, 17 East End Road, Finchley, N3 3QE. Events begin at 8pm. Non-members £1. Tea, coffee and biscuits 80p. Fifteen-minute walk from Finchley Central tube station; several nearby bus routes; limited parking.

Lecture Scribes Needed by Stephen Brunning

Would you be willing to write up the lecture for the HADAS newsletter on a regular basis?

An important regular feature of the newsletter is the lecture reviews. These are enjoyed by members who for whatever reason are unable to attend on a Tuesday night.You will not be required to stick to a particular month (unless you want to!), and once completed you will not be asked to do so again the same lecture season. If you can help, please get in touch with Stephen Brunning (contact details on back page of this newsletter). Thank you.

Tutankhamun – The Life and Times of the Boy Pharaoh by Peter Nicholson

Members may be interested in this course of six classes examining the events involving Tutankhamun and the Amarna period of the New Kingdom, one of the most controversial periods in the history of Ancient Egypt. You will study the new Aten religion; the Amarna art style; controversies over the lineage of the Amarna royal family and the relations with other Near Eastern kingdoms. We will investigate the questions surrounding Tutankhamun’s death and the excavation of his tomb. No curse comes with this course! The course is arranged by the Mill Hill Archaeological Study Society Tutor: Scott McCracken Time: 10:00-12:00 Friday mornings beginning 4th April 2008 Venue: Small Hall, Harwood Hall, at the top of Mill Hill Broadway Cost £40.00 Enrol at the first meeting or for further details contact Peter Nicholson, Secretary, Mill Hill Archaeological Study Society 020 8959 4757

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HADAS at work on an old excavation

Almost every Sunday morning HADAS members fill the small Garden Room at Avenue House working through a collection of finds made in 1972 and the accompanying documentation and photographs. The material comes from an excavation in Burroughs Gardens almost opposite the former White Bear Public House (now itself a sorry sight). We had no idea when we started how important this archive was going to turn out to be. The excavation was not as well supported by members as HADAS digs in the 1960s and 70s usually were, and in the time available the site certainly did not reveal all its secrets -no early structures were recorded. But there is a wealth of pottery, of all periods from Saxon to very recent, glass and clay pipe fragments, coins (mostly losses over the last hundred years from patrons of the public house that used to adjoin the site) and an intriguing plaque with the likeness of Charles James Fox, the controversial Whig statesman who was an anti-slavery campaigner and who sympathised with the Americans in the War of Independence and with the French revolutionaries – an indication perhaps of political views held in eighteenth century Hendon. The quantity of early pottery on this site is paralleled at Church Terrace but not, as far as we know, on intervening sites, which suggests that there were two separate small early settlements. When the analysis of all this material has been completed – and the records are good but set a number of puzzles, for instance in reconciling the plans and the photographs – the results will be published in some way, and the archive will probably be deposited at the London Archaeological Archive and Research Centre. If any members have recollections of the dig, or pictures connected with it, Bill Bass (020 8449 5666, be very happy to hear from them.

Hadrian will follow the Chinese Warriors at the British Museum

The next exhibition in the British Museum’s historic Reading Room will open on 4 July and run until 26 October 2008. It will be entitled “Hadrian: Empire and Conflict.” According to the British Museum’s publicity it will explore the life, love and legacy of Rome’s most enigmatic emperor, Hadrian (reigned AD 117–138). “Ruling an empire that comprised much of Europe, northern Africa and the Middle East, Hadrian was a capable and, at times, ruthless military leader. He realigned borders and quashed revolt, stabilising a territory critically overstretched by his predecessor, Trajan. “Hadrian had a great passion for architecture and Greek culture. His extensive building programme included the Pantheon in Rome, his villa in Tivoli and the city of Antinoopolis, which he founded and named after his male lover Antinous. “This unprecedented exhibition will provide fresh insight into the sharp contradictions of Hadrian’s character and challenges faced during his reign. “Objects from 31 museums worldwide and finds from recent excavations will be shown together for the first time to reassess his legacy, which remains strikingly relevant today.”

New exhibition at Church Farm Museum by Don Cooper

The new exhibition at Church Farm Museum is a bit of a mystery! It highlights the work of Sidney Paget, whose centenary it is this year. Know who Sidney Paget is? I must confess that he had slipped my mind as well!! But I should have remembered as I loved Conan Doyle’s books when I was younger. It was Paget who created the now-iconic image of Sherlock Holmes – the hawk-like features, the pipe, the deerstalker cap and Inverness cape. Paget died in 1908, and is buried in Marylebone cemetery in Finchley, and so Church Farm Museum are commemorating the centenary of his death with an exhibition of his drawings, along with Sherlockian (is there such a word?) memorabilia, and clues to some of the most famous stories. The exhibition had its preview on Sunday, 9th March 2008. As well as the usual dignitaries – deputy mayor, etc. – members of the Paget family came along to look at the work of their forbear. Catherine Cooke, curator of the Sherlock Holmes collection at Marylebone library spoke of Paget’s work and how influential an illustrator he was. Interestingly, British films of the Sherlock Holmes stories, of which there are many, all use the Sidney Paget illustrations to base their Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson on, whereas the American (Hollywood) films of the stories make up their own view of what they looked like! Basil Rathbone (14 Sherlock Holmes films) and Jeremy Brett (9 TV episodes and films) are shown in the advertising posters in poses taken directly from the illustrations by Sidney Paget. Do visit the exhibition, which is on until 5th May 2008. It is really well done, Gerrard Roots, his staff and all involved are to commended for fascinating display. It will bring back memories of both the books and the films.

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January Meeting by Peter Pickering

At our January meeting Kate Sutton, the Finds Liaison Officer and Community Archaeology Officer at the Museum of London, told us about her work. As Finds Liaison Officer under the Portable Antiquities Scheme she identifies, records and then hands back objects brought into the Museum by people who have found them, while metal-detecting, mudlarking by the Thames or otherwise. The records are important for future researchers, and much information had been gained that would otherwise have been lost for ever since objects left in ploughland decay and become degraded by continual ploughing; unfortunately, because most of the artefacts brought to the Museum are from metal-detecting there is a bias towards metal objects in the records – Kate tries to counteract this bias by encouraging metaldetectorists to look out for and bring in non-metal objects as well. Occasionally objects are brought in that are ‘treasure’ as defined in the Treasure Act 1996, and the Coroner and the Treasure Valuation Committee are involved. Kate showed us a fascinating selection of objects. It is regrettable that the Portable Antiquities Scheme seems to facing an uncertain future.

As Community Archaeology Officer Kate organises community digs; she described and illustrated the one she ran in 2007 at the Michael Faraday school in Southwark. Such digs have purposes beyond the usual ones of excavation – they are for instance intended to involve the whole community (especially in this case local schools) and to instil in them an understanding of their past. Community excavations can also have a regenerative purpose. Kate showed slides of the Michael Faraday dig, with enthusiastic youngsters at work, and told us that another community dig is planned for this year.

Human Remains Issues

This note by Sebastian Payne, English Heritage’s Chief Scientist, was posted on 3rd March on the e-mail discussion list of the Council for British Archaeology: “Sunday’s article in The Observer (“Anger as burial site digs are blocked”: 2 March, p.24) has raised concerns that, following changes introduced last year by the Ministry of Justice in issuing licenses under the Burial Act, excavations of archaeological burial sites are being blocked, and that a new requirement to rebury excavated human remains within two months is causing large problems for the study of human remains. “One of these concerns is unfounded, the other very overstated. “As far as we know, no excavation of an archaeological burial site in this country has been or is being blocked as a result of last year’s changes; and the requirement to rebury within two months applies only to a small proportion of burial excavations, and is not new – it goes back to the Disused Burial Grounds (Amendment) Act 1981. “However these changes have created problems and uncertainties. The archaeological and scientific study of human remains is important to our understanding of our past, and archaeologists have a good record in aling with the ethical issues and human sensitivities involved. Subject to appropriate safeguards, it is important that archaeologists have enough time to study excavated archaeological human remains properly, and it would be regrettable if requirements to rebury made it impossible to apply new techniques such as DNA and stable isotopes to important groups of human remains excavated in the past. “English Heritage has for the last nine months been working with the Ministry of Justice, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, and sector representatives, including a representative from CBA, to try to resolve these problems. They result from a review of laws which are old and unclear, and it will take a little time to find the right way forward; but we are optimistic that a good outcome can be found.”

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February Meeting by Victoria Baldwin

Art, Antiquaries & Archaeology – speaker Christopher Sparey-Green BA MIFA

Although this was a slightly different topic from the one we were expecting, it was an interesting and informative talk. The speaker was exploring references to the archaeology of Dorchester and the surrounding countryside by writers and poets such as John Meade Faulkner, author of ‘Moonfleet’, who may have used Lanceborough as the subject of a poem, and the Dorset dialect poet William Barnes, the Rector of Winterborne Came, but concentrating mainly on the works of Thomas Hardy. In 1610 Camden noted that Roman coins were being found in Dorchester and that these were referred to by the locals as ‘King Dorn – his pence’. Later Stukeley reported ‘much opus tesselatum found in town’. 70 mosaics were found in 80 acres, the first of which was drawn in 1725. Later works in the town uncovered a Roman cemetery in 1838. Nearby Maiden Castle, Maumbury Rings in the town, and the numerous barrows in the surrounding countryside are evidence of the even earlier inhabitants of the area.

Thomas Hardy was born in Bockhampton in 1840 and at the age of 15 began work with a local architect. In 1866 he was in London and given the task of moving the burials from the churchyard when St Pancras station was being built. Apparently he found this an unpleasant job. Subsequently he moved back to Dorchester and began writing. 1870 he was back in London again, living near Tooting Common, but returned to Dorchester in the 1880s. In 1885 he moved to Max Gate which he had designed. He noted in a letter that during the building a 1st century burial was uncovered and another five were decapitated. Hardy was one of only two people to have seen the remains in situ before lifting. He documented the finds, noting the orientation of the bodies and even the remains of food in the pots. In Hardy’s works Dorchester appears as ‘Casterbridge’, Puddletown Heath and Moreton Heath are Egdon Heath, and Rayne Barrow is mentioned in ‘The Return of The Native’. Perhaps the most intriguing is the earthwork in the short story ‘A Tryst At An Ancient Earthwork’ written in 1885. In the story the narrator has been asked if he would like to accompany a local antiquarian on a night time trip to verify the latter’s theory of a Roman presence at a major earthwork. Is this earthwork really Maiden Castle? The narrator mentions a warning notice on the way to their destination. Maiden Castle had recently been made an Ancient Monument (no. 1A for Dorset). In the story they find the Roman evidence which the antiquarian is seeking and rebury their finds. At Maiden Castle, Roman material was not found until Mortimer Wheeler’s excavations. We were left to ponder the possibility that Thomas Hardy was writing from experience and had actually attended a similar illicit excavation.

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===Archaeology ’08 at the British Museum 9th and 10th February 2008 by Peter Pickering ===

I went to this conference, arranged by ‘Current Archaeology’ and ‘Current World Archaeology’, the magazines founded by Andrew Selkirk, who was for many years our Chairman. It was packed out, with some 500 there, but I did not see any other HADAS members – most people indeed seemed to be readers of the magazines who lived all over the country and who were making a London weekend of it. The theme was ‘The best of British Archaeology, at Home and Abroad’. There were two parallel sessions, in the Museum’s two lecture theatres. Both looked very interesting, but I had to choose. On Saturday I decided to give the Romans priority over the prehistoric, and listened to a series of papers on individual sites – Caerleon, Silchester, and South Shields, and on important finds, most reported under the Portable Antiquities Scheme – votive objects from the bed of the river at Piercebridge and over fifty finger rings bearing the enigmatic inscription TOT (probably witnessing to a cult of the Celtic god Totatis), and almost all from the territory of the Corieltavi. This was followed by four papers on what the Romans did for us, in which Mark Hassall and Neil Holbrook (of Cotswold Archaeology) were pitted against David Mattingly and Neil Faulkner (who entitled his talk ‘A System of Robbery with Violence’).

There was much more in the conference than the Romans: metal detectorists have found Iron Age gold jewellery near Winchester and cauldrons near Swindon (a lesson here on how difficult it can be to get the finance for the proper excavation which such unplanned finds warrant); finds of Viking brooches in Lincolnshire have suggested not bloodthirsty war-bands but peasant women from Denmark; Martin Carver has discovered a civilised monastery in deepest Pictland. And from abroad I heard papers on Sidon, Roman and Byzantine Nazareth, Butrint, the lack of archaeological evidence for an opulent Solomonic Jerusalem, and water management in the Near East.

Nor were general themes ignored. Andrew Selkirk took us through forty years of Current Archaeology and Tim Taylor through the shorter but still impressive history of Time Team; while Mark Horton, more worryingly, implied that the BBC had gone off archaeology, and that the series ‘Coast’ only managed to being archaeology in by some dissembling. Julian Richards addressed the whole conference; he spoke about the importance of engaging with the widest public, and of communicating the adventure of archaeology to all; he clearly saw his talk as inspirational, but I have to say that I found it somewhat patronising towards genuine amateur participation and archaeological societies. The session at which Peter Hinton (of the Institute of Field Archaeologists), Tom Welsh (on the independent perspective) and Gabe Moshenska (from University College London) all spoke and joined in a panel discussion was far more constructive. NB. In this report I have ignored the sessions I did not personally attend, some of which, such as ‘The Archaeology of Modern Conflict’ would have been of great interest to some HADAS members I know.

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Other Societies’ Events by Eric Morgan

Wednesday 2nd April 5pm British Archaeological Association. Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House, Piccadilly W1 ‘Hanoverians and Archaeology?’ Talk by Dr Thomas Cocke. Tea at 4.30pm.

Thursday 3rd April 8pm Pinner Local History Society. Village Hall, Chapel Lane Car Park, Pinner. ‘Mediaeval Marriage.’ Talk by Dr Rose-Mary Horrox. Visitors £1.

Saturday 5th April 11am – 5.30pm LAMAS Archaeology Conference. Wilberforce Lecture Theatre, Museum in Docklands, West India Quay E14. Pre-booking advisable. For details see March newsletter.

Wednesday 9th April 8pm Hornsey Historical Society. Union Church Hall, Corner Ferme Park Road/Weston Park N8. ‘Hornsey Life in Maps.’ Talk by Peter Barber. Refreshments 7.45 pm. Visitors £1 Thursday 10th April 8pm LAMAS. Terrace Room, Museum of London, 150 London Wall EC2. ‘The Rise and Fall of England’s mediaeval Jews.’ Talk by Dr Richard Huscroft. refreshments 6pm.

Friday 11th April 8pm Enfield Archaeological Society. Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane/Junction Chase Side, Enfield ‘The Excavations and Fieldwork of EAS 2007.’ Dr Martin Dearne and Mike Dewbrey. After AGM.

Monday 14th April 3pm Barnet and District Local History Society. Church House, Wood Street Barnet (opposite Museum) ‘Gloriana – the Iconography of Elizabeth and her Court.’ Talk by Collette McMenamin.

Wednesday 16th April 7.30 pm Willesden Local History Society. Scout House, High Road,NW6 (corner Strode Road) ‘A Trip up the Thames from Woolwich to Twickenham’ Historical talk by Jean Linwood.

Friday 18th April 7 pm City of London Archaeological Society. St Katharine Cree Church Hall Leadenhall, Street EC3 ‘Finds from the Foreshore.’ Talk by Hazel Forsyth (Museum of London).

Monday 21st April 8.15pm Ruislip, Northwood and Eastcote Local History Society. St Martin’s Church Hall, Eastcote Road, Ruislip. ‘The history of Mount Vernon Hospital.’ Talk by Brian Morgan. Visitors £2.

Wednesday 23rd April 8pm Friern Barnet and District Local History Society. St John’s Church Hall (next to Whetstone Police Station), Friern Barnet Lane, N20. ‘History of the Women’s Institute.’ Talk by Dorinda Diggins. Refreshments 7.45 and afterwards. Visitors £2.

Thursday 24th April 8pm Finchley Society. Drawing Room, Avenue House, East End Road N3. ‘Living in Barnet – a Partnership Approach.’ Talk by Michael Lassman. Non-members £2.

Thursday 24th April 7.30 pm Camden History Society. Crowndale Centre, Eversholt Street NW1 (Opposite Mornington Crescent Station) ‘Villages of Vision: Strange Utopias’ (history of model communities including Hampstead Garden Suburb). Talk by Gillian Darley.

Sunday 27th April 11am The Battle of Barnet. Guided walk. Meet at junction of Great North Road/Hadley Green Road. Led by Paul Baker. Cost £6.

Thursday 1st May 10.30am Mill Hill Library, Hartley Avenue NW7. ‘Middlesex – the lost county.’ Talk. Coffee/tea/biscuits 50p.

Thursday 1st May 8pm Pinner Local History Society. Village Hall, Chapel Lane Car Park, Pinner. ‘Harrow’s Heritage – a progress report.’ Talk by Amy Burbage. Visitors £1.

Friday 25th April 7.45 pm St Albans and Herts Architectural and Archaeological Society. College of Law, Hatfield Road, St Albans. ‘How old is the landscape? The Age of Field Boundaries in Herts. and surrounding counties.’ Talk by Dr Tom Williamson (looking at mediaeval and pre-mediaeval patterns.)

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HADAS DIARY – Forthcoming Lectures and Events in 2008

Tuesday 11th March – Lecture by Chloe Cockerill (Regional Development Manager) “The Work of the Churches Conservation Trust”.

Tuesday 8th April – Lecture by Peter Davey (Bristol Tram Photographic Collection) “Clifton Rocks Railway.“

Tuesday 13th May – Lecture by Angela Wardle (MOLAS Finds Specialist) “Finds from Roman London”. Angela hopes to present some results of a Roman London glass-working project, and talk about the Roman London website, with an on-line finds catalogue.

Saturday 17 th May – Proposed Outing to Bath area. (Full details to follow in subsequent newsletters).

Saturday 5th July – Outing to West Sussex (As above, details to follow.)

Wednesday August 27th – Sunday August 31st 2008: Annual HADAS Long Weekend – Staying at Bishop Burton College near Beverley, S. Yorkshire. See February Newsletter for details.

Lectures are held at Avenue House, 17 East End Road, Finchley, and start promptly at 8 pm. Nearest tube station is Finchley Central. Non-members: £1. Coffee and biscuits 80p.

Ted Sammes’ Balsamarium by Don Cooper

After Ted Sammes’ death, many of the artefacts stored in his flat were collected and brought back to HADAS. Most of them came from local HADAS digs notably Church End Farm (CEF61) and Church Terrace (CT73), however, amongst all the boxes there was a small one marked “Balsamarium” but unfortunately no documentation to indicate where it came from. It was broken into two large pieces and seven smaller ones, and showed signs of having a residue of whatever had originally been in it. It was shown to John Shepherd (a Roman glass expert) who thought it was very unlikely that it had come from a British excavation. Fortunately University College London’s conservation department responded positively to a request to (a) conserve the object and (b) to analyse the residues to see if it would help to locate its source.

Kathleen Magill, a Masters student at UCL reconstructed the vessel, which can now be seen in all its restored glory in the garden room at Avenue House. Kathleen (Magill, 2007, p4) states that “a balsamarium derives its name from the popular medicinal plant balsam”. This was an important herb within the Roman Empire, and numerous Emperors owned balsam groves throughout Syria (Jackson 1988 p79). Balsamaria were used extensively by the Romans and often turn up in burials. However, the analysis of the residue from “our” one was somewhat inconclusive although lead oxide was present. Ted Sammes’ Balsamarium by Don Cooper (continued from page 1)

This is a substance according to (Cruse, 2004 p67) used in numerous recipes practiced by Roman physicians, and listed in the “Michigan Medical Codex” from the fourth century AD. So after all Kathleen’s hard work, we are still left with the questions: Where did Ted get his balsamarium? Did he bring it back from one of his many trips abroad? This is perfectly possible as during our recent holiday in Jordan in October I was offered one after I had expressed an interest in them (I declined!).

What was in Ted’s balsamarium? We may never know!! There is more residue that could be analysed, but perhaps it is best left until better techniques are available. Our thanks go to UCL and Dr. James Hales, but especially to Kathleen Magill.


Cruse, A. 2004. Roman Medicine. Stroud, Gloucestershire, UK: Pempus Publications Ltd. Jackson, R. 1988. Doctors and Diseases in the Roman Empire. London: British Museums Publications. Magill, Kathleen. 2007. Materials Science Project: The Residue within the Balsamarium. Unpublished Report.

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After the success of the 2006 London Archaeological Prize, SCOLA and London Archaeologist have again agreed to sponsor an award for publications that appeared in 2006 and 2007. The award, of £250 plus a certificate, will be presented at a ceremony in the autumn of 2008. If there are sufficient entries there will also be a second prize of £100 plus certificate. The publication must be in letterpress or digital form; broadcasts and the like will not be eligible. It must be related to the archaeology of Greater London. Any type of publication will be eligible – it may be a book, a journal article or the proceedings of a conference. It may be a professional, commercial or amateur publication. There is no restriction on the target audience – scholars, the general public, or children. The judges will be looking for quality and excellence; they will want to know how well the publication succeeds in its aims.

JUDGING Entries will be assessed by a panel of judges appointed by the Executive Committee of the Standing Conference on London Archaeology in conjunction with the Publications Committee of London Archaeologist.

PROCEDURE We want as many nominations as possible. Anyone, whether or not associated with the publication, may make a nomination. The nominator(s) should name the publication and give a brief explanation why they believe it is worthy of the prize. It would be helpful, but not essential, to use the standard nomination form. There is no need to provide copies of the publication at this stage. The judges will select a short list from those nominated, and will then ask the publisher for copies of the publication; these copies will be returnable on request.

NOMINATIONS Nomination forms are available from Peter Pickering, and should be returned to him: Peter Pickering, Secretary, Standing Conference on London Archaeology, 3 Westbury Road, London N12 7NY (Telephone 020 8445 2807) [mailto:]

CLOSING DATE for receipt of nominations: 19th May 2008

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The Time for Membership Renewal Approaches by Mary Rawitzer

The HADAS membership year runs from 1st April, so all memberships will be due for renewal at the end of this month, except for new members who have joined since the beginning of January.

If you pay by standing order you need take no further action. For those people who pay by cheque a renewal form is enclosed, which I would ask you to return with your cheque.

I am delighted that Stephen Brunning will be taking over from me as Membership Secretary; his name is on the new form – please return the form and your cheque to him.

Anyone who thinks they should have had a membership renewal form, but hasn’t received one, anyone who wants to make their membership under Gift Aid and hasn’t already done so, or anyone who has any question at all about their membership: just ask Stephen (his details are at the back of the Newsletter).

[Mary has been a very efficient Hon. Membership Secretary for over five years, and everyone would like to take this opportunity to thank her for all her hard work during that time.]

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Sunday 2 March, 10.30 am. Heath & Hampstead Society, Meet at entrance to the Kitchen Garden, Kenwood House, (off Hampstead Lane, N6) “Hidden Heath” (a look at historical and archaeological features of the Heath). Walk led by Michael Hammerson (Highgate archaeologist and HADAS member). Donation £2. Lasts two hours. Please note change of start time.

Saturday 1st – Saturday 8 March, Barnet Borough Arts Council. Trinity Church Centre, 1/5 Nether Street, N12. The Bothy Arts Centre. Arts and Crafts Fair to raise funds to ensure the future of the restored building as an Arts Centre in the grounds of Avenue House. (Trinity Church is near the Arts Depot.)

Friday 7th March, 8pm. Enfield Archaeological Society, Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane/Junction Chase Side, Enfield. English Heritage Work on Recent Sites in N. London. Talk by Kim Stabler. £1. Refreshments 7 pm.

Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th March, 10 am – 5 pm. Birkbeck College FCE, 26 Russell Square, WC1B 5BQ. Conflict Archaeology Weekend Workshop. Led by some of the UK’s leading field practitioners, giving a comprehensive overview and case studies on methodology, interpretation, presentation and ethics, practical examples from the militarised landscape of Woolwich Arsenal and Garrison and anti-aircraft and London anti-invasion defences during World War II. To enrol, please call 020 7631 6651. The module code is FFARO43N ACS. Cost £80. (£40 concessions). Limited places.

Monday 10th March, 3pm. Barnet & District Local History Society. Church House, Wood Street, Barnet (opposite Museum) Richard III – Hero or Villain? Talk by Alan Smith.

Wednesday 12th March, 8pm. Mill Hill Historical Society, Harwood Hall, Union Church, the Broadway, NW7. The History of Inns and Inn Signs. Talk by John Weston.

Thursday 13th March, 6.30 pm. LAMAS. Terrace Room, Museum of London, 150 London Wall, EC2. Channel Tunnel Rail Link Investigations Within the Lea Valley. Talk by Andy Crockett (Wessex Archaeology). Refreshments 6pm.

Sunday 16th March, 2pm. In the Footsteps of the Famous, guided walk. Meet at High Barnet Tube (top of Meadway). Explore the history of Barnet through the lives of the famous and the infamous! Led by Paul Baker. Cost £6. Lasts 2 hours.

Thursday 27th March, 2.30 pm. Finchley Society. Drawing room, Avenue House, East End Road, N3. In the Footsteps of the Famous, talk by Paul Baker. Non-members £2. Visitors can do his walk in advance if they wish, on Sunday 16th (see above).

Saturday 5th April, 11 am-5.30 pm. LAMAS 45th Annual Conference of London Archaeologists. Wilberforce Lecture Theatre, Museum in Docklands, West India Quay, E14. (Same venue as last year).

Morning Session and Recent Work (11 am – 1 pm)

The Olympics – First Fruit of Fieldwork (Nick Bateman)
Syon Abbey – Recent Work (Harvey Sheldon – HADAS President) Standing Buildings Work in 2007 (Andrew Westman) Work in the City and Beyond (Sophie Jackson) Excavations in Drapers Gardens, City (Neil Hawkins). Afternoon Session – Londinium and Beyond (2.15 pm – 5.30 pm. Tea 3.45 pm-4.30 pm.) Picturing Roman London (Barney Sloane; The Population of Roman London (Hedley Swain and Tim Williams); Imagining Healthcare in Roman London (Ralph Jackson); Glass in Roman London (John Shepherd; Satellite, Parasite, or Just London? (Richard Reece).

Tickets (£7 for HADAS members) are available from Jon Cotton, Early Department, museum of London, 150 London Wall, EC2Y 5HN (cheques payable to LAMAS, SAE please). There will be displays of work and publications (HADAS hope to have a few people there.) [mailto:]

STOP PRESS – Quiz Night, Friday 7th March 2008

A Quiz Night will be held in the Drawing Room of Avenue House, Finchley, on Friday 7th March 2008 at 7:15pm. Ticket price is £12.50 per head and includes a fish and chip supper, alternative available on request, plus tea/coffee. There will also be a bar. Teams will be of 8 per table, so if you can get a team together all well and good, if not, then no need to worry because you will be more than welcome to make up numbers on other tables. Due to expected demand it is advised that you book as early as possible. Tickets are available at Avenue House or the Lodge House.