
Past Newsletters


By | Past Newsletters, Volume 3 : 1980 - 1984 | No Comments



Tuesday March 1: Egypt, Gift of the Nile, by Vivienne Constantinides

This lecture could, perhaps, be described as the most gracious of apologies. Miss Constantinides, daughter of the society’s founder Mr T. Constantinides, was invited to the 21st birthday party last year. Regretfully, she was away at the time – on the Nile, in fact and sent her apologies, offering to lecture to HADAS was some compensation. We accepted, gratefully.

Tuesday April 12: Early Mining and Metallurgy, from its inception to the

Bronze Age, by Dr Paul Craddock. Please note: This lecture is the second Tuesday of the month.

Wednesday May 184 Annual General Meeting

All these meetings are at Hendon Library The Burroughs, NW4 Coffee 8pm, lectures 8.30pm.

Roman Group:

Tuesday March 29: Roman group meeting, hosted by Enid Hill, 56 Northway, NW11, 8pm. Everyone welcome, though Enid would welcome prior notice from those attending (455 8388). The Roman group is also planning outings to Welwyn Bath House and to Colchester, with experts on hand to show members behind the scenes.

Walking the Streams of Barnet: The walk planned for January 30 had to be cancelled, but the exploration of Deans Brook was continued on February 20 and will be reported in the next Newsletter. A further walk has been arranged for Sunday March 6 – meet at 10am at the junction of Hale Lane and Highview Gardens, Edgware. If you intend to come, please notify Sheila Woodward, 952 3897.

An event elsewhere: Tuesday March 8: Open meeting to discuss two recently produced reports: one by a British Museum Working Party (Chairman Ian Longworth) on the Selection and Retention of Environmental and Artefactual Material from Excavations; the other by a Council for British Archaeology Working Party (Chairman Barry Cunliffe) on the Publication of Archaeological Excavations. To be held at the lecture theatre of the Linnaean Society, Burlington.House, Piccadilly, W1. Programme: 11am to 12.30pm Longworth Report; 1.30pm to 4pm Cunliffe Report.

Copies of both reports may be obtained from CEA, 112 Kennington Road, London SEll 6RE (please send an A4 Self-addressed envelope, stamped 20½p). The meeting is open to all. You are asked as a courtesy, if you intend to go, to notify Lyn Greenwood at CBA (582 0494) beforehand.

Barnet’s Neighbour is the title of the current exhibition at Church. Farm House Museum, celebrating 50 years of the Stanmore and Harrow Historical Society.

There’s much of neighbourly interest, and it remains on show until March 13.


West Heath diggers will be saddened to hear of the death of Elizabeth Aldridge at the end of January. Only 42, Elizabeth had been disabled for 15 years and had also been fighting cancer for the last two years of her life.

Liz was a person of immense courage and gaiety and so made light of her disabili-, ties that her wheelchair was seen forgotten in the enjoyment of her company and it was not allowed to interfere with her many activities Among these, processing and section drawing at West Heath were just two. Liz not only sailed through her extra-mural Diploma in Archaeology, wrestled with the organisation of site watching for HADAS, but she also founded the Highgate Antique Collectors’ Club and still found time for Church and other Highgate activities.

Liz will be much missed and it will be a long time before her example is forgotten. We send our deepest sympathy to all her family and are very pleased that her son, Simon, is still a junior member.


In a little under an hour, Dr. John Alexander pinned down the past most compre hensively for HADAS members at the February lecture. Not that that was surprising, given that Dr Alexander’s subject was the Origins and Development of the Safety Pin.

That modest invention, so useful to generations of modern mothers, was not the Victorian inspiration it might have been assumed he revealed. There was a 19th century patent for it, taken-out by an enterprising American and turned into a fortune in hard cash by the-Birmingham manufacturer who bought it from him for just 000. But the American’s design did not copy one of the few safety pins which had survived through medieval and later times.’ It bore far more resemblance to those early in the European pin tradition, back in the first millennium BC.

“Small inventions like the safety pin often get very little attention,-even though the impact they-made upon society was very considerable,” said Dr Alexander, explaining his own reasoning for studying them. “Once invented, the safety pin took on various roles apart from simply holding clothes together. It developed into very decorative brooches, it was used-to indicate status in’ society.

His detailed study had shown several thousand different types were in use in first millenium BC Europe, and far more throughout the world. Study of them helped in the recognition of regions and trade connections and in dating. They were found in graves and at settlement sites, in-votive deposits, in craftsmens’ hoards.

Safety pins- or fibulae as they were more familiarly known to archaeologists – may well have developed from long thin shoulder pins, pierced to-take a piece of wire or ‘cord to aid their fastening potential. Simple pins-of the safety type tame into use in the northern part of the European plain around 1200 to 1000 BC and the style lasted for some 600 years. A quite different-line of development could be traced in the northern Alpine region, spreading through into Greece even. And the safety pin was eventually in use from Scandinavia to Persia. It was, particularly, the badge of the Celts.

Dr Alexander’s slides showed the variety of pins, plain or highly decorated. Prizes among the latter are surely due to an.extraordinary Etruscan ‘find, in gold, and another, also in gold, in Scythian style, the functional pin decidedly inferior to its animalistic decoration.

The Romans’ effectively killed off the safety pin, wearing clothes which rendered

it unnecessary, Dr Alexander continued, though “whenever the Roman ‘Empire collapsed

safety pins came flooding back”. But only temporarily, for from the middle of

of the first millenium AD to the 19th century they were little usedI

“Even if the origins and early development of these fibulae are now fairly obvious there are many thousands of safety pins that can be studied and fitted into the general pattern,” he said, exhorting his audience to do the work. “There is work waiting to be done on their local significance, who was wearing what kind, which sort of social or sexual grouping was wearing them in which region. This knowledge will only come through very detailed study of the ways of making them and styles of ornamenting.

“When their distribution and associations are worked out, and their chronological position, then perhaps eventually their social significance will be worked out. Certainly for the first millenium BC we will know much more about what is now an obscure set of communities.”



One of the most appealing things about archaeology is its unexpectedness. One of our members was going shopping the other week – just an ordinary everyday trip to the butcher and baker. As she passed a friend’s house, out he came. “Hey,” he. said, “I’ve got something for you – something you can use in exhibitions or suchlike.” He dived back inside, returning a moment later with a plastic carrier.

“It’s rather heavy, I’m afraid,” he said, handing it over. It. was it weighed a metaphorical ton. However, when she got it home she knew it was worth every ounce. Inside were 11 Paleolithic hand-axes, in dark grey flint with tobacco brown streaks. They range in size from the tough largest, which are roughed-out, unfinished shapes between 5.8 and 6 inches at their longest and 3.7 and 4 inches at their widest, to .a completed job, which fits snugly into the palm of the hand and is 3.5 inches by 2.8 inches at its maximum points..

Alas, the donor had no idea of the provenance. They had been given to him with no word of whence they came. He will try to find out, but is a bit doubtful of success.

However, though their archaeological value is minimised by this fact, they will be very useful as specimens for demonstrations, displays, etc. And they do underline the text with which we began. Who else but an archaeologist could return from a shopping trip with 11 stone axes, thousands of years old, nestling between four fillets of plaice and a pound of sprouts?


The End of Roman Britain was the subject of the CBA Group VII conference at Welwyn Garden City on February 19. Five papers were read by a distinguished list of speakers – Coinage and the End of Roman Britain by Richard Reece, Farming in the First Millenium by Peter Fowler, Roman to Saxon Mucking by Margaret Jones, Towns of the South East in Later Roman Britain and Beyond by Harvey Sheldon and Problems of the Late Frontier as exemplified by Wroxeter and North Wales by Graham Webster, with a splendid review of the proceedings by Kate Pretty.

There was general agreement about the timing of the collapse of Roman rule in Britain – new issues of coinage end about 410 AD, town life declined at different times though Wroxeter continued into the 5th century and many villas in the country-side continued in occupation as well, until economic reasons or personal danger caused them to be abandoned. The official connection with Rome ended in 410, but Roman civilisation was to some degree maintained until 442.

No doubt a large section of the population continued to live in their own area merely changing Roman rulers for Saxon. Others moved to the west of England.

At Mucking, in Essex, there was a site in occupation from Neolithic to medieval times. Saxon houses have been found on top of Roman dwellings and Roman arte­facts and Roman technology were adopted. A radio-carbon date of 470 for Anglo-Saxon material suggests that there may not have been much of a time lag between Roman and Saxon occupation.



So many publications have stacked up recently for review in the Newsletter that all we can offer you is a quick skip-through.

First, four books from Shire Publications – the first three in the Shire Archae­ology series, the fourth another “Discovering”.

Medieval Roads, by geography lecturer Brian Paul Hindle; 29 pages of text, 21 pages of graphs and maps (showing itineraries of medieval kings and reproductions of part of the Matthew Paris and Gough maps) and 11 pages of photographs. Throws light on a rather neglected subject.

Medieval Fields, by David Hall; 55 pages of mixed text, photos and plans of field systems, written by an archaeologist. Good material on how to reconstruct

medieval open-field furlong patterns even when a ridged field has been virtually ploughed flat in modern times.

Village Plans, by Brian K. Roberts (another geographer). Only three photographs (a miniscule number for a Shire book) but many plans, distribution maps and models. Some of these are reproduced in too small a scale to be useful. An attempt is made to classify types of villages according to basic shapes, regularity or irregularity of pattern and presence or absence of greens. Interesting, but rather heavy going.

Discovering Churchyards, by Mark Child. Eighty-page booklet (centre 16 pages photos) with irdex and bibliography. This is a “dipping” book rather than a steady read. There are, among other plums to be plucked from it, a slightly hit-and-miss list of famous.graves, ranging from Algernon Charles Swinburne (buried Bonchurch, Isle of Wight) to Unity Mitford (Swinbrook, Oxon); a survey of lychgates and boundaries; a chapter on churchyard crosses; something on types of memorial, from headstones and graveboards to chest, bale and tea-caddy tombs; and a section on the flora and fauna of the churchyard.

All the above are available from HADAS, the first three price £1.95, the fourth£1.75, plus postage. Don’t forget that Pete Griffiths has taken over as distributor of publications, so you can get these from him at 8 Jubilee Avenue, London Colney, Herts AL2 1QG (phone 61 23156).

Archaeology in Camden: 12-page illustrated booklet produced by the Inner London Archaeological Unit, price 80p including postage from Imex House, 42 Theobalds Road, WC1X 8NW. Interesting for HADAS members because it mentions the West Heath dig and has a photo of the site (by Peter Clinch) and of some of the finds (by Eric Ward).

The Kemps of Hendon and Church Farm House, by F.W.H. Abrams (published by the Mill Hill and Hendon Historical Society). Story of the Kemp family’s Hendon links onwards from Tudor times, when they leased the moated manor of Clitterhouse from St .Bartholomew’s Hospital. Details of Daniel Kemp’s tenure of Church Farm and the building which is now Church Farm House Museum. Obtainable at £1, including postage, from John Collier, 47 Longfield Avenue, NW7 2EH.

The Ravenscrofts: Barnet and District Local History Society Bulletin No. 22 (November 1982). This account, by Ralph Walker, follows three generations of a family linked with Chipping Barnet in the 17th century. After first-providing the family background in 16th century ?lintshire, Mr Walker brings Thomas

Ravenscroft (whose effigy can be seen in the Ravenscroft chapel of Barnet Parish Church) to Fold Park, Galley Lane, Barnet. Thomas was father of Barnet’s “great benefactor”, James Ravenscroft (1595-1680), who endowed the Ravenscroft alms houses, or Jesus’ Hospital, in Wood Street,HADAS members interested in this booklet can find out further details from Mr W.S. Taylor, Curator of the Barnet Museum, Wood Street, Barnet.

Camden History Review No. 10 Another excellent issue in this series by the Camden History Society. This is the last issue to be edited by Christopher Wade, who has many links with HADAS. Members who came to the 1982 Christmas dinner will remember him speaking on the history of Burgh House, of which he is the honorary curator. Articles in the review include one on H.G. Wells’ Camden connections; Georgian Catholics in Hampstead; census studies in the Vale of Health; Highgate’s Fitzroy Farm; and winning essays in a competition about Camden schooldays.

Copies from 28 Willoughby Road, NW3 1SA, £1.90 plus postage.

Cuttings from the Harrow Observer for 1932, compiled by Gordon Dodd. This 30-page roneod publication is the golden jubilee edition of Chronicle, the Stanmore and Historical Society’s journal. The society was founded in 1932 as the Edgware and Stanmore Historical and Antiquarian Society. We start at the top of page 1 with what was showing at the Cosy Cinema, Harrow on the Hill, on January 1 1932 (Richard Barthelmess and Clark Gable in The Finger Points, Richardo Cortez and Loretta Young in Big Business Girl), and we go through to December 30 1932, when the leading article has some depressing – but so familiar – points to end on: “The year has been a disappointing one to all classes of the community and it leaves most people poorer than they were at the beginning. Unemployment has increased, wages have been reduced, salaries cut, and those who have what the tax authorities called an ‘unearned income’ find themselves with mostly reduced dividends or none at all… The Few Year holds out no very definite promise of incomes going up or of income tax coming down…” Copies of the booklet are obtainable from Roy Abbott, 7 The Ridgeway, Stanmore, HA7 4BE, price 50p plus 20p postage.


The committee of HADAS recently gave its approval for the setting up of Field Groups throughout the borough. The groups will be mainly responsible for identifying by means of surveys, site-watching, field-walking, etc, potential sites for excavation and reporting features noted in trenches on building sites, particularly in areas of known archaeological interest. Much of the job requires a network of people able to keep an eye on their local area and for which no expert knowledge is needed.

Two groups are already in action – Finchley and Edgware ­ and it is hoped that other groups will be formed soon. If you are interested in taking part and have not yet been contacted, get in touch with:

Mr G.H. Musgrove (346 0128) for the Church End and St Paul’s wards of Finchley Mrs T.M. Smith (958 9159) for the Edgware area

Mr A.F. Dean (205 3201) for the Burnt Oak area

For other areas contact Elizabeth Sanderson (950 3106) who is co-ordinating the activities of the groups. She would particularly like to hear from people who are able to visit any of the borough planning departments during office hours to look at planning applications.

June Porges writes: I regret that owing to a little absent-mindedness I have no record of the donors of some of these publications. I would like to know the members who gave them if they would care to contact me. In the meantime, many thanks to the named and to the un-named.

Council for British Archaeology: Archaeological Bibliography for Great Britain

and Ireland 1977.

Council for British Archaeology: Archaeology in Britain, 1980 and 1981.

London and Middlesex Archaeological Society: Transactions, vol 32, 1981.

Popular Archaeology May 1980, July 1982.

World Archaeology, vol 14, no 1, June 1982 Quantitative methods.

Omnibus (a new magazine for sixth-formers and others interested in the ancient

Greeks and Romans, published by JACT) Nos 1-4, 1981 and 1982.

Fedden, R(ed) Treasures of the National Trust, Cape, 1976.

Wilkinson, F. The castles of England, Philip, 1973.

Lawson, A. Discover Unexpected London, Elsevier Phaidon, 1977.

Larousse Encyclopedia of Prehistoric and Ancient Art, Hamlyn, 1970.

Voronikhina, L. The Hermitage: guidebook.

Oakley, K.P. Man the Toolmaker Sixth edition, 1975.

Colyer, C. Lincoln: The Archaeology of an Historic City, 1975.

Working party of the Ancient Monuments Board for England Committee for Rescue

Archaeology: Principles of Publication in Rescue Archaeology, Department of

the Environment, October 1975.

Bagshawe, R.W. Roman Roads, Shire, 1979.

Hedges, A.A.C. Bottles and Bottle Collecting, Shire, 1975.

Harris’, R. Discovering Timber-Framed Buildings, Shire, 1978.

Hodgkiss, A.G. Discovering Antique Maps, Shire, 1975.

British Museum Society Bulletin, March and November 1979, March and July 1980

Bulletin of Experimental Archaeology, no 3, 1982.

Burgess, C. Excavations at Houseledge, Black Law, Northumberland, and their implications for earlier Bronze Age settlements in the Cheviots, Northern

Archaeology, I (1) 1980, pp 5-12.

Jobley, G. A Field-guide to Prehistoric Northumberland, part 2, Northern

History booklets No 46. (photocopy)

From Miss V Sheldon:

Farquhar, J.V.C. The Saxon Cathedral and Priory Church of St Andrew, Hexham,


From Philip Venning:

Vafpoulou-Richardson, C.E. Greek Terracottas, Ashmolean Museum, 1981.

Aaron, H. Pillar to Post: Looking at Street Furniture, Warne, 1982.

From Ted Sammes:

The Scroll: journal of the Maidenhead Archaeological and Historical Society,

vol 3 nos 1-5, September 1977 – Autumn 1982.


One project on which the Documentary Group is currently working concerns a leaflet on the Archaeology of the Borough of Barnet, to be published later this year by LBB Council.

Many HADAS members will remember the Town Trails which the Borough Planning Department produced a couple of years back. There were four of them, on Hadley, Mill Hill, Church End, Finchley and Hampstead Garden Suburb. (At about the same time the Libraries Department published a fifth Town Trail on Hendon.)

The first four trails were concertina-like leaflets which, when opened, contained maps, line drawings and an explanatory text about each locality. The Planning Department is now working on a leaflet in a similar format (though not a Town Trail) which will des ribe the known archaeological sites in the borough and the various chance finds which have been made, as well as giving a few general ideas about the aims and techniques of archaeology.

The idea of this leaflet was first floated at a meeting organised by the Planning Department to which representatives of the Mill Hill and Hendon Historical Society, the Barnet and District Local History Society, HAMS and LAMAS were invited. Following this meeting it was agreed that HADAS should be responsible for collecting together the material for the text of the leaflet, and this has now been done, with the help of several members, including Daphne Lorimer, Brigid Grafton Green, Ted Sammes and Bill Firth.

Now the information is assembled it’s surprising how much there is to say about archaeology in our area: at the moment we’re wrestling with the problem of how to cram an archaeological quart into a pint-sized leaflet. We’ll let you know how we get on!



All the indications are that, next evening lecture year, there’ll be a sad omission from the University of London Extra-Mural Department prospectus – the Thursday evening lectures at the Institute of Archaeology, which for so long have been used as a platform to air new archaeological information in series with a variety of expert speakers expounding on a common theme.

The reason for their ending, though it may be only temporary, is two-fold. The first, and most distressing, is the poor attendance. This year particularly some

evenings – in a season hampered only once by weather problems – saw only a dozen faithfuls scattered about the institute benches. Inevitably, such lack of support means a hefty loss and the cut-hit extra-mural department simply cannot afford to continue that. Second is the pressure on the time of extra-mural lecturer Tony Legge, who needs to visit more of the department’s archaeology classes. With his own lecturing commitments in diploma and post-diploma classes, plus taking the chair on Thursdays, there’s effectively only one evening left for class visits.

If we’re lucky, the lectures may be resumed after an interval of a year or two.

HAMS members have been less enthusiastic than usual in their support of the 1982-83 series, on New Techniques in Archaeology. Few, even, turned up to support member Paul Craddock, whose subject last month was not that on which he’ll be speaking in the HADAS April lecture (he’d given that at the very beginning of the series) but one of particular interest to anyone who has worked on the West Heath dig.

He was describing the technique of soil phosphate analysis, to identify sites of past human and animal habitation through the phosphate-rich rubbish which had been deposited and which remains easily and cheaply identifiable today despite the passing of years or the disturbance of sites. He tried out the technique at West Heath, though that was not among the sites he talked about last month. Instead, he revealed how phosphate study showed that the body of the Saxon king

Redwald could have been buried at Sutton Hoo, how work in the Fenlands project had revealed an iron age village where no archaeological remains had previously been suspected, how it seemed that the neolithic and bronze age flint miners at Grimes Graves had no settled habitation in the vicinity and how crucial evidence could be recovered from sites otherwise so ploughed out that they seemed totally archaeologically barren. Another, earlier, talk was also essential for Mesolithic enthusiasts, though as Peter Rewley-Conwy was standing in at the last moment for a flu-struck expert on the microscopy of ancient ceramics there could have been no advance warning of the subject.

Dr Rewley-Conwy described his work on the Danish late Mesolithic sites of the Ertebolle culture, where he had established a pattern of unusually settled habi­tation, based on central campsites, where a variety of natural resources were used. These central sites were supplemented by seasonal camps whose occupants exploited particular seasonal resources – wild pigs, porpoises, eels, cod, whooper? wens and, crucially, oysters. Oysters, he said, formed only a small proportion, if the diet, some five to ten per cent of the calorific total, but their avail­ability in the early spring.when other resources were scarce was vitally important. And the changes in seashore conditions around 3,000 BC, which prompted a decline of the oyster beds, had been the factor which had upset the delicate balance of the Ertebolle economy and led to the acceptance of farming.

I’d have regretted missing, too, Harry Kenward’s entertaining and informative, if hardly always palatable, account of compost-covered Viking York, an image reconstructed from beetle remains. Or learning from John Gowlett of the possi­bilities provided by accelerators in C14 dating, meaning that far smaller samples were required and offering the possibility one day of precise dating of Paleolithic cave painting. Or Mike Baillie’s splendingly delivered account of how the dendrochronological sequence for Ireland, and beyond, was built up. Or Gordon Hillman’s revelations of the dietary habits of cock-fight watchers in medieval Usk (groats, not particularly well digested, and blackberries, so the seed remains indicated).

But the sparsely-filled benches were in sad contrast to the sort of audiences earlier series attracted. There must be many HADAS members who remember Michael Day demonstraiting the gait of 1470 man – or was it one of his later descendants? to a lecture hall with every seat filled, aisles crowded with extra chairs and several rows of listeners standing at the back. And that wasn’t exceptional. Thursday evenings at the Institute of Archaeology will be sorely missed.



By | Past Newsletters, Volume 3 : 1980 - 1984 | No Comments



Tuesday 1 February Origins & Development of the Safety Pin Dr. John Alexander.

We welcome a return visit by Dr. Alexander of the Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge. His last lecture to us, in January 1981 was on his excavations at Qasr Ibrim. Back in November 1955 he lectured on World Archaeology. This time the intriguing title alone will, we are sure, bring members flocking in. Volume 48 (1982) of The Proceedings of The Prehistoric Society carries a long article by Dr. Alexander on the same subject, beginning on P.40: Those who like to come well-prepared are recommended to read it. By the way, we understand that some members found themselves locked out of the Library – and the January lecture – at 8:10:p.m. If it happens to you, please BANG until someone comes. We are trying to solve one or two Library problems at the moment.

Tuesday 1 March Egypt, Gift of the Nile Vivienne Constantinides. Miss Constantinides is the daughter of our Society’s Founder.

Early Mining & Metallurgy from its inception to the Bronze Age. Dr. Paul Craddock.

Wednesday 18 May Annual General Meeting.


The Library has made a double booking and we have had to alter the date of this meeting. Please mark your programme card and diary accordingly.



The New End Theatre is no longer dark. A new Revue,”War to War”, dealing with the Twenties and Thirties, should interest our members. It runs from January 25th to February 26th, starting at 8.p.m and groups of 11, or more ,H.A.D.A.S, members are offered concessionary prices – £2.50 or £3.00.


WATERY NOTES – continued, by Sheila Woodward.

The third and fourth walks in the series designed to explore the watercourses of the Borough of Barnet took place on 27th December and 16th January. We completed walking the Silk Stream to the confluence of Deans Brook and Edgware Brook and found that this stretch of the stream is heavily constricted, ‘sometimes inaccessible, and sometimes completely underground. We then followed Deans Brook Northwards from Deansbrook Road, along its meanders between steep and for the most part natural banks. It provides a classic illustration of the characteristics of such a stream with the bank on each outer curve heavily undercut and deposition on each inner curve creating small gravel beaches. Flint pebbles abound but so far no worked stone has been found. Subsequently the brook enters a hundred yard long culvert which carries it un the old railway line and the Northern Line, just South-East of Edgware Station. Walking, or rather wading, through the culvert proved an interesting if slightly eerie experience. The water was deep and the roof was low, so a stooped posture and shambling gait reminiscent of Primitive Man/Woman had to be adopted. The dimness of the light and profusion of cobwebs tended to impede Archaeological observation. The bone we found did not belong to a Sabre Toothed Tigre, and the cry that there was a hand floating in the water proved to be a false alarm.

We ended our walk at Brook Avenue. The investigation will continue on 30th January and 10th February. For details of meeting points, please phone Mrs. Brigid Grafton Green, 455 9040.


Rescue Archaeology Service for Outer London Boroughs. There has been under consideration for some time a proposal for the GLC to set up a professional rescue Archaeology service for the Outer London Boroughs, similar to the one which operates in inner London. Discussions started some years ago between LAMAS, GLC and the Museum of London; about a year ago proposals (later revised) were put before the Councils of the Boroughs which would be concerned.

The initial reaction of the London Borough of Barnet was that such a service was unnecessary in our area; however, if a service should be instituted, LBB would be required to contribute to it under precept arrangements.

The Committee has now heard from Mr. Bennett, Chief Executive and Town Clerk of LBB, that if the service comes into being, Barnet will take advantage of it as necessary. Mr. Bennett has told GLC that LBB’s involvement “will be on the basis of a close liaison with the Hendon and District Archaeological Society.”

Mr. Bennett also tells us that “the Council attaches great importance to the close working relationship with HADAS and other local voluntary bodies.”

HADAS Lectures. Two Committee members will be lecturing in April, to very different audiences.

At the LAMAS Conference of London Archaeologists at the Museum of London on Saturday April 16th Ted Sammes will speak on the Church Terrace excavations of 1973-4. We’ve heard that just es we go to press, so more about it in subsequent Newsletters.

On Thursday April 21st, Sheila Woodward has been asked to talk about Archaeology in North-west London, from the viewpoint of a local society. This occasion is the Ladies Evening of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Greater London Branch N.W. Panel. The talk will be at the Harrow College of Further Education, Northwick Park, Harrow, at 6:30 for 7:00.p.m. Chairmen of the Branch (another HADAS member) Alfred Gower, asks us to say that any Society members who care to attend will be most welcome.

The Publication of Archaeological Excavations. A public meeting to discuss this a vital topic in times when publishing costs soar and storage space for finds dwindles – is to take place in London on March 8th next. To open the discussion there will be a paper from the British Museum on the subject, and another from a joint working party of the Council for British Archaeology and the Department of Environment.

15 day Archaeological Tour of Israel. We have received notice of a very interesting 15 day Archaeological Tour of Israel from the 2nd to the 16th of October, 1983, accompanied by Roberta Harris, Lecturer in Biblical Archaeology for many years at the City Literary Institute. The Itinerary is most impressive and the cost £578. Further details from Project Expeditions Ltd. 36, Great Russell Street. WCl B3PP.Te1:636-1262.


Here are some more sites for which planning application has been made. Some, perhaps all, of them might be of Archaeological interest if permission to develop is given.

Should you happen to live near any of them, and should you notice any kind of building activity,’ please let Elizabeth Sanderson know on 950-3106.

54, Fairfield Crescent, Edgware.
136 Edgwarebury Lane, Edgware.

Land adjoining 83 Milespit Hill.

Land rear of 136, Audley Road/92, Vivian Ave. Land rear of Birchglade, fronting Oaklands Lane Arkley.

Land rear of 16/18, Brookside, East Barnet. 167/9, High.Street, Barnet (after demolition of modern building.)

Building adj. 1, Wellhouse Lane,Barnet.


Call it the Manor of Tyburn – the parish of St. Mary-le-bone – Regent’s Park: Dr. Ann Saunders knows all about it, and has shared her knowledge with HADAS members in two friendly and lively but scholarly lectures. The first one, given at extremely short notice, took us from a hamlet on what was to become the Oxford road, to Henry VIII’s creation of a hunting park in the forest North of a later village. Dr. Saunders would like to think the irregular circle of Marylebone Park was the King’s own ‘doodling’ on an empty map.

This month’s lecture, by the ‘chalk and talk’ method, began with the Tudor deer park. Edward VI’s treasury paid for a fence on top of the perimeter mound, Elizabeth paid for a wooden standing from which she might shoot deer and she entertained her patient suitor, the Duc d’Anjou in the Park in 1582. The early – Stuarts preserved the hunting park, but hard pressed Charles I had to pawn it to two Royalists, Sir George Strode and John Wandesford in return for “Musquettes, Match and Pikes”. In 1650, after the execution of the King, the Commonwealth Government was as poor as he had been, and was willing to sell royal estates for cash. Marylebone Park covered 500 acres; there were 124 deer and over 16,000 trees largely oak, ash and elm. Elizabeth’s bakenstand was at £3.6s. 8d. Three New Model Army Officers bought it for £13,000 and set to work to recover their money as quickly as they could. The trees were felled and sold (many were ear­marked for the Navy) and the land let out in small holdings. So the royal hunting park boundaries were ploughed out and the land was farmed mainly as meadow.

At the Restoration the Park reverted to the Crown but it remained farm land until the inception in 1809 of Nash’s grand plan of a residential estate and public park connected to London by magnificent new roads. There were three farms: Marylebone Park Farm, White House Farm and Coney burrow Farm in the East. They grew hay for the thousands of horses in the capital and had dairy cows to supply milk to the human inhabitants.

We hope that Dr. Saunders is willing, sometime soon, to tell us about the realization of Nash’s designs and the subsequent development of the Regent’s.Park.

Our Chairman, Mr. Brian Jarman, who had welcomed us to the first meeting of 1983, thanked Dr. Saunders for her thoroughly enjoyable lecture.


One of the prayers offered by the Minister during the service gave thanks by name or all those who had had a part in the day’s ceremony, from Benjamin Waugh himself downwards. You will, I am sure, be glad to know that HADAS was not forgotten, but was commended to God for its initiative and research!

Tailpiece: many thanks to Ella and Eric Ward for filling one of the gaps in our information about Benjamin Waugh.

In last month’s Newsletter we listed the other commemorative plaques which have been erected to him; and we mentioned that we thought there was one in Southgate.

Mrs. Ward remembered taking her children to see it in years gone by; she provided the Newsletter with the information that it is on Barclays Bank, 33, The Green, Southgate, in the Borough of Enfield; that it is square in shape and that it carries, among other things, the quotation “the only cry he heard was the cry of the child.” She also sent us an admirable little map to show how to get there.

That plaque was erected in 1934.

In the December Newsletter the group was seeking volunteers for research into the use of flint as a building material in the Borough. We are happy to report that the Wibberleys – Brian, Rosemary and the children —have offered to undertake this as a family project; so we look forward to further reports from them from time to time in the Newsletter. Meantime, any member who notices a flint building in the. Borough (either a public building or a private house) is asked to let the Wibberleys know, on 440-7606.

Some research into an area of land near High Barnet Station, which is being undertaken by Alec Gouldsmith, has produced one interesting query. Where do the two streets, Potters Land and Potters Road, near the foot of Barnet Hill and to .the east of the main road, get their name? Is it associated with an ancient pottery? Any information on the derivation will be gratefully received by Brigid Grafton Green (455-9040).

In course of research some time ago Percy Reboul found a set of old glass lantern slides, 3″ x 3″, of Mill Hill and Hendon about the turn of the century. They are particularly interesting in showing old roads, buildings, bridges, farms now demolished and so on. Percy reports that, with the owner’s permission, LBB Local History Collection has been able to re-photograph the slides so that they can be made available for general research.


There are some interesting Workshops at the Museum of London this month – at 1.10 on Thursdays in the Education Department:


A number of new members have joined the Society in recent months.

the Newsletter welcomes them warmly and wishes them enjoyment and interest from their membership. They are:-

Naomi Alexander, N 2; Kate Balen, Hendon; Daphne Bauer, Finchley;

E.G. Brassington, N.W.5; Mrs. Collingwood, N.Finchley; Mr. & Mrs. Court, Hendon; Melanie Kent, W. Hendon; Linda Langenfeld, Maida Vale; Miss A.M. Large, Finchley; Mr. & Mrs, Leeb, Finchley; Diana Mansell, Garden Suburb; Mary McGhee,Edgware; Andrew Pinto, Mill Hill; Edward Sewell, Colindale; Pat Tyler, Garden Suburb;_ Mary Wood, Canterbury.

And talking of members, you will find a new membership list, complete to January 1st, 1983, enclosed with this Newsletter.

Preparing it is one of the trickiest jobs our membership Secretary, Phyllis Fletcher, has to face. Eight pages of addresses and (worst of all) phone numbers is a nightmare to type correctly. If, despite checking and double checking, a mistake has crept in somewhere, Phyllis asks you to let her know as soon as possible – so will you look at your entry right now?


Many members, we feel sure, already subscribe to that excellent magazine, Current Archaeology, whose co-editor, Andrew Selkirk, lives in Hampstead and has been a HADAS member for the last 6 years (the other co-editor is Andrew’s wife, Andy).

For those who are not familiar with it, Current Archaeology is published six times a year (which doesn’t necessarily mean at regular 2-monthly intervals) at a subscription of £5, which includes postage.

The journal, which is just starting its 16th year, has become an essential of the British archaeological scene. for one thing, it isn’t a “learned journal” in the full sense of that phrase, which means it can air opinions and ideas that the “heavies” can’t touch. A reference to it in the recently published Roman Britain volume of the Oxford History of England, by Peter Salway, pinpoints its importance:

“Current Archaeology is of prime importance in making up-to-date information on excavation and theory available in an attractive format both to professionals and a wider public.It’s most important function is the spreading of news about current work and its implications outside the increasingly narrow compartments into which specialist archaeology is being divided.”

You can take out a subscription to Current Archaeology by writing to Andrew Selkirk at 9, Nassington Road, N.W,.3; and just now, to celebrate its 15th birthday, there is a special offer: you can get the last 6 issues for £4 instead of as well as taking out your new subscription.


A Planning Application for an extension to Arkley Mill prompted an investigation on the ground and provided an opportunity to look at some other sites in the vacinity. Hero was a good case for a day out on I.A.

I started at Scratchwood, walked the length of the Southern boundary and at the Western Boundary in the next field there is a brick ventilation shaft from Elstree tunnel ( TQ 196 951). This is not marked on all maps. Downhill at the Southern end of the wood I came out by the railway and the porticoes to the two bores of the tunnel. (TQ 947 948). The more Easterly one is in blue brick rather ornate and obviously dates from the Midland Railway London Extension opened in 1867 .convd….

Industrial Archaeology at Scratch Woods Arkley (Cont’d…)

e plainer red brick westerly portal basically similar must date from the four-tracking of about 1890. On the east side of the fast lines (the western pair) there is a brcken sign – Elstree Tunnel. 1058 yards – probably put up in the 1930’s when the Railways were trying to woo the passenger from increasing coach

competition by adding interest to the journey. On the top of the Tunnel there is evidence of at least one earlier fence and the remains of some iron palings of typical Midland Railway type but nothing to confirm this.

Back on Barnet Way I reflected that this itself is I.A..It was built as a three lane arterial road in 1920-24 by the Ministry of Transport as part of an unemployment relief programme as the new motor route from London to th North on a line recommended by the London Arterial Road Conferences of 1912-16.

A bit further North between Barnet Lane (TQ 208 953) and Ripon Way (TQ 210 958) there is almost the only stretch of Ribbon Factory development along, the considerable length of arterial roads in the Borough. It seems that Middlesex County Council took powers to control such development earlier than the 1935 Restriction of Ribbon Development Act and, in fact, the development at Borehamwood was one of the few attempts to integrate housing and industrial development around a new motor road. John Laing acquired 470 acres for a “Garden City Estate” for houses and factories separated from the main road by a service road. The scheme was never completed because of the Second World war. Six factories were built of which three are still immediately obvious from their 1930’s style – at Stirling Corner (now Thann Synchronome) at the corner of Ripon Way (now Carl Zeiss) and, most obviously, the Kalle factory with a typical 1930’s circular tower over the entrance.

So, East up Barnet Lane. to turn left into Brickfield Lane. The reprint of the 1 inch O.S. First Edition shows kilns along the North Side of Barnet Lane but no brickfield. Later maps show evidence of a pit filled with water. The 6″ O.S., of 1873 shows an extensive brick and tile works on the South side of Barnet Lane. There is now no real visible evidence of a brickfield off the lane. The area is part of the grounds of Arkely Mill and has been landscaped but it is tempting to assume that the ornamental lake was once a clay pit. The other side of Barnet Lane is covered in Modern property and no evidence of a works remains.

One can go round the back of the windmill by the footpath from Brickfield Lane to Rowley Lane and can get glimpses of it. It can also be glimpsed behind the house from Windmill Lane. (It is the house that is being extended). It is evident that there is no hope of sitewatching but in any case it has been so landscaped that most of it must be made ground and not very revealing.

On the East side of Rowley Lane there is a reservoir (not marked on earlier maps) and in the ‘V’ where the lane is joined by Rowley Green Road there is a modern concrete water tower(TQ 219 957). At the Rowley Green Road entrance there is a modern notice (Lea Valley water Co. Arkley Tower and Reservoir”. The evidence is that the reservoir is as modern as the tower.

At the same junction there is a signpost. The post is obviously not old but the arms are. The length of Rowley Green Road is lit by old gas lamps converted to electricity. On the left hand side of the road there is an older reservoir (TQ 221 958).

In the almost rural nothern marches of the Borough I had found much of I.A., interest and a number of things to follow up. It had been a good day out.


Are any HADAS members junk-shop addicts – or would it be more sensible to ask “Are there any who aren’t?”

If you are one of those who find it herd to pass any shop selling bye-gones, we have a little job for you. Will you very kindly keep your eyes skinned in future for a camera obscure?

In case you’re not quite sure what that is, it’s a drawing aid: a piece of apparatus which makes it possible to project from a distance onto drawing or graph paper the excate outline (and also some of the detail) of, say, a worked flint.
Then even e ham-handed draughtsman can draw around the outline and can indicate the detail. The apparatus is still used in museums – for example, at the Natural History Museum in South Kensington for drawing moths and butterflies – but it is otherwise out of fashion.

Daphne Lorimer has been trying to find such a piece of equipment for HADAS’s use, and has been told that it is no longer made. However, it is suggested that a second-hand one can sometimes be picked up in an antique or junk-shop. £60 would be a fair price for it: anything above that would be too much. but some camera obscure have been found at real knock-down bargain prices like £1.50p.

What does it look like? Well, Daphne describes it as a narrow wooden box, perhaps 21″ or so long, with inside it a series of prisms. Should you ever see one, please let her know – especially if it’s nearer the £1.50. end of the scale.


The final three pages of this Newsletter are devoted to the record of an interesting local building – the Blue Anchor -pub at Whetstone. This was demolished last summer. Before the pub was knocked down HADAS members Mary Allaway and Percy Reboul did some documentary research into its history; and they spent the best part of the Sunday before demolition began studying,measuring and recording features.

This-was rather an eerie experience, as the building had been closed for some weeks, part of it was boarded up and the electricity had been cut off. Mary Allaway’s drawings show you the results.

There are also photographs to complement the drawings: some taken by Percy Reboul, and others by the Local History Collection of LBB.

The site has now been levelled and when redevelopment begins, HADAS hopes to watch any service or foundation trenches that may be cut across it. The Agents are very co-operative, and tell us that no activity is likely to start until March at least.


By | Past Newsletters, Volume 3 : 1980 - 1984 | No Comments

NEWSLETTER No. 143 January 1383



Tuesday 4 January Marylebone Park 1537-1811 Dr Ann Saunders

Tuesday 1 February Origins & Development’ of the Safety Pin Dr. John Alexander

Tuesday 1 March Egypt, Gift of the Nile Vivienne Constantinides

Tuesday 12 April Early Mining and Metallurgy from its inception to the Bronze

Age Paul Craddock

All these lectures will take place at Hendon Library, The Burroughs, N. W. 4,with coffee at 8pm and the lecture following at,8 .30 .

Other events

Billingsgate Dig The viewing gallery, is still open and may continue so for some time best ring the publicity office at the Museum of London (600 3699) before visiting, to check times.

January 19 & March 16 Museum of London theatre at 1.10pm introductory talks on general-archaeology of London, organised by Citisights:

Text Box: • ;March 25-27 CBA Conference on Romano-British Urban Topography at Museum of London, star-studded list of lecturers Non-residential fee (covering lunch on Sat: & Sun and set of summaries of papers) £18 bookings by Feb’ 28 to CBA, ‘112 Kennington Road, London; SE11 6RE


Tuesday,18 January at. 8pm. at Sheila Woodward’s home – 8 Hereford House, Stratton Close, Edgware, All members interested will be most welcome

MINOR MIRACLE by Brigid Grafton Green

The start of another year seems a good moment thank all those who, during the last 12 months, have played a part in getting the Newsletter into your letterbox around the first day of each month. Considering what’s involved, that is by way of being a small miracle

First, on the editorial side, thanks to the four associate editors, each of whom have put a couple of issued to bed during the last year, Liz Holliday, Enid Hill, Liz Sagues and Isoble McPherson. Some of them cut their own stencils (that’s a double bonus, worth double thanks) while those who don’t type have had the services of expert and kindly typists whose help has been most gratefully received, Deirdre Barrie, Joan Wrigley and Phyllis Fletcher.

Jeremy Clynes and Enid Hill, between them, have masterminded the distribution side Jeremy up to May 1982 & Enid since then, That job involves a lot of ferrying to and fro, helping to keep the mailing list up to date and dealing with the production of illustrations.

Raymond Lowe has been responsible for housing our addressograph and, helped by his family, preparing the envelopes – over 400 of them 12 times a year. Toughest part of that assignment is altering the stencils when new members’ names are added or old members change their addresses.

Last, but certainly not least,.-we come to the queen-pin of the whole operation – Rene Frauchiger, without whose utterly dependable help you might never see sight nor sound of your Newsletter. She lends her garage to the duplicating machine (a grubby monster, which takes up a lot a space) and looks after it like a mother, arranging its servicing and coping with its occasional tantrums

Rolling off stencils with an .average of 8-10 pages per Newsletter, and sometimes insertions – takes five to six hours, while collating, folding; stuffing and stamping the envelopes is a good two days work.

HADAS really is lucky 🙁 and judging from the comments ‘that come my way; most

members appreciate the fact) to have so many willing volunteers, ready to give their

free time to producing this minor monthly miracle.

As a footnote, we would particularly like to thank Raymond LOWE this years for

5 years help, He is, about to give up his job. as addresser-in-chief, and this issue is in

fact his swansong. He has done the job. ever since Harry Lawrence gave it up in 1977,

and for that long and reliable service HADAS is greatly in his debt.

HADAS CHRISTMAS PARTY 1982 Report by Peter Pickering

“How does Dorothy Newbury manage to find a different historic venue each year

for the Society’s Christmas event?” and “How does she make each one seem to be the

best ever ?

These were-questions ;asked by,85 members’ and guests who came to the Supper Party at Burgh ,House on .13th December

After an instructive visit to the exhibition of prints, post cards and memorabilia, upstairs, we came down: for the supper. Those of us seated’ in the paneled Music Room got to know each other more closely than ever before’, through double doors we could see our fellow diners seated at separate tables in the Hall, and hoped they ‘could hear Christopher Wade’s interesting talk as well as we could. He; gave a fascinating account of the history of the house and of the’ foul-tasting waters which attracted visitors to Hampstead in the eighteenth century.

The supper itself was a great success, although some of those present found the choice between Sherry, trifle and mince pies an agonising: one !


I • t

… has had a request from a member for help in going through and listing or cataloguing a large book of Victorian press cuttings, which deal mainly with Parliamentary and similar matters. If this sort of thing is up your street, please let Brigid, Grafton Green. (On 455 9040) know:

The group will be happy to hear from members interested in documentary research,of all kinds – in the LBB Local History Collection at Egerton Gardens, at the Newspaper Library at Colindale or in other record offices and libraries further afield, Again, please. Let Brigid know if you would like to help.


A group of HADAS members visited the Verulamium Museum one Saturday recently Those of us who arrived early and eager enjoyed a conducted walk, led by Jenny .Griffiths, encompassing `the Hypocaust, with its splendid mosaic floor, diagonal channels for underfloor heating and box flue tiles in situ, Then on to the foundations of the Roman Gateway and road leading to London, via Brockley Hill and known as Watling Street. We admired the strength of the Roman Wall and bastions that have defied the centuries and were equally impressed by the huge ditch and bank defences, .at the S.W. corner of the old city.

Hurriedly we retraced our steps over grassy pitches which cover the hidden foundations of Roman streets, glimpsing the majestic scene of St Albans Cathedral over the lake in the distance.

At Verulamium Museum Chris Saunders, the Assistant Director of the museum, met us: all and allowed us to examine the pottery which is usually kept packed away. He chatted informally about each piece while we exclaimed on the weight of the mortaria, the sharpness of the grits, and attempted to read the potter’s stamps and counter stamps, His easy manner encouraged everyone to question and .discuss their ideas and pet topics “How exactly did Roman potters attach the neck of flagons and amphorae to the body of the pot?” “How were Roman cooking pots actually used?” “Where was Lugdunum? “Were there any square-sided pots in the museum?” Chris then unlocked the cases in, the museum, so that we could examine those exhibits of special interest to us – the pierced colander, the opus signinum flooring, the black

burnished ware.

Actually handling the pottery impresses. the pieces much more vividly in the mind,

and benefiting from Chris Saunders’ knowledge, we all learned more about Roman

pottery that afternoon than we could have done from any book.

Tempus fugit, and all too soon the visit was over. But not before we had admired

the little Venus figure which has been stolen twice, now safely restored after having

been found this time under a .hedge.

Our hearty thanks to Jenny and Peter Griffiths who masterminded the whole’outing and of course to Chris. Saunders for the pleasure of his instruction:’


Here, as promised in the November Newsletter, is another bulletin of ‘Committee news.

Donations Each year the Society .makes a small donation. to a good cause – it’s never much, but it gives the feeling we are helping.- In the past we have contributed to such projects as the Painted House at Dover .and the: Salisbury Museum appeal, This Year’s cause almost picked itself it’s an industrial archaeology project our own Borough – the new Bomber Command wing of the RAF Museum.

As well .as that, Christine. Arnott had. .a• collection box .for the Mary Rose at the

Mini-Mart, in which she raised £10. She received a nice thank-you .HADAS letter

from the Mary Rose Appeal. Fund.

Publications The Society has been falling behind with its publishing we haven’t produced anything since Percy Reboul’s Those Were the Days in February 1981. Now a new publishing sub-committee has been. set-up to plan a further, programme, Victor Jones chairs it, and Enid Hill, Ann Kahn, Pete Griffiths and Brigid Grafton Green sit on it, with Camilla Raab as an interested helper on the editorial side. It has been decided to let one of our early publications – Money, Milk and Milestones , of which stocks are virtually exhausted – go out of print and, as a first step to replace it with a new miscellany taken from the Newsletters of 1977-82…Other booklets,- we hope will follow, Jeremy Clynes is ,bowing out soon as organiser of publication and distribution – both our own booklets and Shire publications Pete Griffiths has kindly agreed to take over the job, and is in the process of acquiring the know-how.

Digging up the Past The course which HADAS arranged at the Hampstead Garden Suburb Institute under this title finished last month and was most successful. Student numbers kept up well throughout the course (that’s often a problem with adult education) and student’s comments and questions showed real interest. John Enderby, the Institute’s Principal, reckons that some participants have, become hooked on archaeology. .

Resignation One Committee member – Marjorie Errington – has resigned, to our considerable regret. The problems of getting to (and even more, from) meetings at night proved difficult. We shall miss her cheerful presence, but she intends to continue working hard for HADAS. Thanks, Marjorie

THE SPORTS PAVILION SITE – EAST BARNET Site-watching report by Dave King

With kind permission of the Club Secretary, I have recently been able to watch the digging of foundations for the new sports pavilion for the Crusaders football club at Church Farm, East Barnet.

The position of the pavilion is shown on the attached map. It lies about 40 metres south west’ of St, Mary’s; church in an area occupied by farm buildings as early as 1832 when the Tithe map was, produced. Much earlier occupation seems likely, as the church is of Norman foundation and the site is near to the presumed .positions of a possible D. M. V. at East Barnet:

The church is situated at the summit of a low hill of glacial gravel. A cursory visual inspection suggested that the area. to the south and west of the church had been built up and terraced in order to increase the area available for building.

The building excavations consisted of the digging of thirty holes, about 0 6m square and 1 2m: deep, which were subsequently filled with concrete to provide pile foundations for the. pavilion.

A generalised drawing of the section, observed is included on the attached sheet

Near the church the top soil was quite shallow, and was immediately succeeded by glacial gravel,. A few metres further away there was evidence of dumping, presumably to flatten the site:with a layer of older top soil preserved beneath the dumped material, This deposited material consisted of clay and top soil, but also contained a considerable amount of brick rubble .and slate The presence of slate fragments, combined with sherds of typically Victorian pottery in the rubble layer; suggests that the dumping occurred in the nineteenth century.

One of the most southerly line of pits revealed a brick structure about 1 metre below ground surface. Although it was not possible to investigate the nature of this structure, it seems most likely that it was part of a brick drain, similar, to those recently found by Percy Reboul at Cedars Close, Hendon, Such a. drain could also be plausibly of nineteenth century date.

Examination of the spoil from the pits revealed traces of brick;and slate rubble, and 19th century pottery, but no material of earlier date.

There was no trace ‘of any structures in the buried soil layer, which appeared to have been normal plough soil, without evidence of a worm-sorted zone.

The evidence of the present excavations suggests that the area immediately south of the church has been considerably disturbed in the last two centuries, and so may no longer contain traces of Medieval occupation.


At every HADAS Committee meeting copies of the current planning applications for the 3 divisions of the Borough of Barnet – Northern, Central and Western – are available for members to examine

Those applications which, were they approved, might turn out to be of some archaeological interest are always specially noted. In future we propose to publish in the Newsletter the applications which the Committee picks out as interesting.

We do this with an ulterior (but not sinister) motive should you live near the site of one of these applications, and should you happen to observe, when passing, activity on the site, we hope you will be encouraged to let our Hon. Secretary (on 953 5982) know what you have seen, It might be a great help

The applications specially noted at the last two committees were:

879-883 High Road, N 12

1128-38 High Road, N.20

1500 High Road, N. 20

John Grooms Estate, Edgware Way

(near Stoneyfields Lane)

Ravenscroft Cottages, Potters Lane, Barnet

Land between 35-39 Bow Lane, N 12

Land adjoining 114 Wood Street, Barnet

Land adjoining Lawrence Campe

Almshouses, Friern Barnet Lane

Edgwarebury Golf Club

St Georges Lodge , The Burroughs, NW4

Land adjoining Pymlicoe House, Hadley


The Council for British Archaeology, with the help of Lloyds Bank (a real friend to archaeology for the last decade HADAS owes some of its excellent surveying equipment to a Lloyds Bank grant) has produced a series of 5 booklets designed especially for teachers who want to introduce: archaeological project work to their students. HADAS has many teacher-members who may like to know about this series. The five titles are-

Archaeology in the Primary School (ideas are included for field work, observing and recording)

Archaeology in the Countryside (studying and recording churches, work in woodland, forests and parks, visiting field monuments)

Archaeology and Science (conservation, experiments, reconstruction)

Archaeology in the Town (above ground and below, street studies, recording gravestones)

Archaeology in the Classroom (setting up archaeology in secondary school, teaching about Iron Age and Roman Britain, books, using archaeological objects in the classroom.

Each booklet is 24 pages, Al size, illustrated with photographs, drawings and plans. Price 50p or £2 for all five, including postage. Obtainable from CBA, 112 Kennington Road, London, SEll 6RE


Many members have visited HADAS’s small room at Avenue House, in East End

Road, Finchley where our librarian, June Porges, keeps the ever-growing HADAS

library and where, from time to time, the Groups organise small working sessions

on Roman pottery or Mesolithic flints.

Most members will also know that the house has some history. it was the home

of “Inky” Stephens, owner of Stephens Inks, who left the house to the people of Finchley

when he died in 1918.

It was interesting therefore to be shown, by Mr Hudson (who with his colleague,

Mr. Mann,’ presides over the small office in the main hall of: the building) his latest discovery – a fine stained glass doorway leading from the office into the back of the hall. Until a few weeks ago the glass panels were, covered with, asbestos sheets, as part of the fire regulations; and the glass itself, grimed with the dark brown film of ages, looked nondescript.

Now Mr. Hudson has removed some asbestos (more is still to come down at the time of writing) and he has washed the glass; and behold, there are the stained-glass` upper panels of a pair of double doors, with a large stained-glass half-moon fanlight above. With the light behind, all the colours of the rainbow come through. Set in the fanlight are three crests: ra pair of lions, an’ eagle-like bird and two small birds.

Paddy Musgrove, who has delved deeper than anyone into Avenue House history, thinks the eagle is Stephens’ own crest and one of the others is probably, Mrs. Stephens’ – she was an O’Reilly from Ireland. Could the two small birds be two finches of Finchley?

Paddy also tells us that he has recently found new and interesting documentary material about Stephens and his various interests.

AN EVEN WETTER WATER WALK Report from Sheila Woodward

The rain poured down-steadily on the 12th December as four stalwart HADAS members splashed their way northwards along the Silk Stream, sometimes in the stream itself and sometimes along its banks. This was a continuation of the walk described in the last Newsletter and covered the area from Montrose Avenue toWatling Avenue at Burnt Oak.

The Stream meanders pleasantly across the park which bears its name and there is the usual flotsam and jetsam, none of which has so far proved to be of archaeological interest.

Just south of the culvert under Watling Avenue, the stream is joined by a small tributary flowing in from Watling Park. Does anyone know its name (None is shown on the The tributary seems to have been the main watercourse of the land belonging to Goldbeaters ‘Farm and it passes close to Thirleby Road, the site of an early HADAS excavation which yielded some Roman pottery.

As already announced, it is proposed to continue this river walk on Boxing Day morning, when the area north of Burnt Oak will be explored. A preliminary propitiatory offering to the weather gods/goddesses is recommended!


On Saturday 15th January will occur the first result of a plan originally conceived by HADAS just ten years ago. A blue plaque. will be unveiled on Christ Church United reformed Church, Friern Barnet Road, N11 to the Reverend Benjamin Waugh (1839-1908).,

Was early in 1973 that HADAS first considered the possibility of encouraging our local council to reactivate a policy (begun by Hendon Corporation in 1957) of erecting .blue plaques on historic houses and sites in the area. By June 1973 we felt ready to call a meeting of other societies in the Borough who might be expected to sympathise with such a project.

These were the Mill Hill and Hendon, Historical Society, The Barnet & District History Society and the Finchley Society. We all met (two representatives of each society) in July at our then secretary’s house, under the chairmanship of Brian Jarman. We agreed to set the ball rolling by sending a letter to the Town clerk. As a result the General Purposes Committee of the Council agreed in principle, on 15th October 1973, to the erection of,commemorative plaques at suitable sites, to a maximum not exceeding 10 plaques in any one financial year. The sum of £600 was to be included in the Council’s draft estimates for 1973/4, & also in future financial years, for this purpose,. Ah, halcyon days!

We need not recount in detail the whole sorry story since then, covering as it does-financial freezes, the invocation-of the Edward Harvist Fund, the steep rise in costs of ceramic plaques and their installation the exploration of other more reasonable types of plaque, the discussion of the pros and cons of vandalism against such memorials, the halving of the original list of ten and many other factors which upped (if a factor can up) and. hit us.

Suffice to say that after many tribulations patiently borne, there are at this moment 5 plaques sitting in the Borough Librarian’s care, engraved in white raised lettering-on an Oxford blue background, made of cast aluminium by the Royal Label Factory (which -provides most of the notices used by the Dept. of the Environment on its: scheduled sites). ‘

The first of these to be unveiled, with a special dedication service, will mark the centenary of the Christ Church URC. It will commemorate the Church’s founding congregational minister, Benjamin Waugh, who also co-founded, at the time he was working at Christ’ Church,a movement which was later to become the National Society for the Prevention ,of Cruelty to Children. The ceremony is timed for 3p.m, on January 15th, and will be attended by the Deputy Mayor of Barnet, representatives of the NSPCC, Benjamin Waugh’s granddaughter and possibly other members of the family. HADAS members living nearby may care to add lustre to the occasion and to inspect the ‘fruits of one of the Society’s labours!

Christ Church itself is a highly ornate structure of red brick, date 1909 and so built the year after Benjamin Waugh died in retirement at Westcliff on sea. There is, however, one buildingjn the complex at Friern Barnet Road which is contemporary with Waugh:-the church hall, behind the church. It faces onto Bellevue Road & was built-in 1883, its foundation stone (as recorded on the building) being laid by Samuel Marley.


A few facts about Benjamin Waugh himself may be of interest. He was born in Settle, in Ribblesdale, of.Yorkshire parents on both sides. After a private education he went into business at the tender: age of 14, but at 23 decided to enter Airedale College in,Bradford to train for the congregational ministry.

After serving as minister at Newbury and the at Greenwich, he came to New Southgate for four years in the 1880s. In 1887; .at- the: age of 48, he retired from his ministry to devote himself exclusively to philanthropic labours”.

He had, from the late 1860s, been particularly drawn to work for neglected and ill-treated children. He founded a day-care institution for vagrant boys, whom he called “the Wastepaper and Blacking Brigade” For over 20 years he edited the Sunday Magazine, using its pages as a platform for pleading the cause of misused children, and from the time of the 1870 Education Act he served for 6 years as Greenwich representative on the London School Board.

At this time a lady named Sarah Smith, who had taken the pen-name Hesba Stretton (she thought her own name insufficiently distinguished for a would-be author), was producing a flood of fiction, mostly short religious and. moral tales concerned with the woes of children. Her most famous offering was “Jessica’s First Prayer” which sold over a million copies and was translated into many languages. She met Waugh through the stories she wrote for the Sunday Magazine; and together in 1884, they established the London Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.

Waugh was clearly a forerunner of today’s ecumenical movement; when the London Society became a national one in 1888; it was with .a non-sectarian constitution for which Waugh obtained the approval of the Bishop of Bedford, the Chief Rabbi and Cardinal Manning. He and Manning (who also had links with our Borough, having been born and lived the first seven years of his life at Copped Hall, Totteridge) had, in fact, collaborated earlier by preparing a joint article for the Contemporary Review, under the title, “The Child of the English Savage’.

The name National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children was not adopted until 1895, when a royal charter was granted. Benjamin Waugh was the first paid director of the NSPCC, serving from 1895 until his retirement in 1905.

Waugh who had a quiverful of his own: 3 sons and 5 daughters-had a profound influence on the legislation regarding children which was passed around the turn of the last century. The Act of 1889 for the prevention of cruelty to and the better protection of children was mainly due to him. The act recognised the civil right of children to be fed; clothed and properly treated. Under its provisions a child could be removed from parents who grossly abused it, and could be entrusted to relatives, friends or to an institution; the offending parents, however, had to contribute to maintenance. Other Acts, stengthening the position of children, were to follow in 1894, 1904 and 1908.

The plaque that is to be unveiled this month in Barnet won’t, by a long chalk, be the only commemoration of Benjamin Waugh.

There is a plaque in Settle, his home town, on a building which is now the Trustee Savings Bank and a green plaque at Southend on the house in which he was living at the time of his death. There used to be a silhouette-type plaque on NSPCC Headquarters in Leicester Square. When the Society moved to new premises in Riding House Street the plaque went too but it was never erected and now cannot be found. There is also said to be a plaque on a bank in Southgate, the place where he lived during his New Southgate ministry, but we haven’t tracked that one down yet. Finally, the GLC proposes to unveil a plaque next year on the house in which Waugh lived in Greenwich.

References: Life of Benjamin Waugh by Rosa Waugh & Ernest Betham’, 1912; The Times, March 13,14 and 17, 1908; Dictionary of National Biography, 1901-10.


That, of course, does not end the story of the current crop of plaques.because, you will recall, there are five in the Borough Librarian’s possession. Plans are at the moment being worked out for the erection and unveiling of the remaining four, which are: to Sir Thomas Lipton, at Osidge House, Chase Side to Joseph Grimaldi, near the junction of Granville

Road and High Road, to Thomas Collins, at Woodhouse School, Woodhouse Road,

at the Tudor Hall Wood Street, Chipping Barnet

We hope to provide a run-down on the history behind each of these plaques in subsequent Newsletters, and to let you know when each one will be unveiled. The Committee of HADAS has, in fact, made an offer to the Borough Librarian to finance and organise small unveiling ceremonies where these would be appropriate. Our Hon Treasurer, Victor Jones, and Isobel McPherson are looking, after this aspect of the project.


A report on the recent London local history Conference

The 17th Conference of Local historians at the Museum of London on November 20th was a lively as ever as much on account of the audience, the exhibits and the bookstalls as because of the speakers. Anyone who takes part in this event can be in no doubt that local history in the London area is alive and kicking out in many directions.

The Conference benefitted from having only 3 speakers (the comparable conference of London Archaeologists every spring suffers from trying to cram in too much) .People had time to study the stands (HADAS had an exhibit on almshouses in LBB an an excellent bookstall), meet old friends and hear about new projects.

Two of the speakers dealt with types of record which are not well known to.and are therefore rarely used by local historians. Ralph Hyde .of Guildhall Library, described the parochial assessment maps of the 1830s-1840s. Most researchers rely on tithe maps for this period (the Parochial Assessment Act and the Tithe .Commutation Act were both passed in 1836).

Where they exist (and sometimes the tithe map covered the whole parish so the parochial assessment map was unnecessary) the assessment maps provide much detailed information. Mr. Hyde encouraged his listeners to go forth and try to find such maps for their districts: the parish church or vestry would be the best starting point.

He told one chastening tale of ringing up a vicar to ask if he could look at the parochial assessment map. “I don’t think we’ve got one” was the reply. “I believe you may have persisted Mr, Hyde.”I’ve never seen it – where do you think it is:” asked the Vicar “One of your parishioners says it’s hanging on the wall over the telephone” said Mr.,Hyde. “Why, bless my soul so it is!”

The other type of document, dealt with by MR J D Gerhold, concerned the papers of the-Chancery and Exchequer courts,, to be found at the PRO in Chancery Lane (not KEW). These courts offered a remedy for those who could find no remedy in the common law. In Chancery cases were mainly on secondary matters in Exchequer ‘on more important subjects Primarily, both were concerned with the land they contain detailed depositions on topography, parish matters, land improvement, walls, manuring, manorial customs, con­ditions of fields and. roads, inns, etc. Unfortunately they are tricky and slow to use; being filed not by place, but by person concerned. Unless you are chasing an unusual name you may have problems.

Sandwiched between these two documentary lectures came a talk that was – literally right up our street. It was given by Dr. Lynch, on the Great North Road through Middlesex, from Potters Bar to London, during the turnpike age: 1700-1850 From Gannetts Corner, beyond Hadley through most of our Borough, the Whetstone Turnpike Trust was in charge of the road. Dr. Lynch described as “one of the busiest junctions in the whole of southern England in 1825″ the meeting of Kitts End road and North road (rarely called the Great North road in those days), near Hadley Highstone

Today Kitts End Road is quietly rural (or as rural as you can get on a road near London in 1983): once it carried the main traffic to St. Albans. The London-Barnet stretch of the North road was the most difficult stage in the south of England, and the hardest for horses. Not for nothing is Barnet the highest point between London and York. Most coaches leaving Barnet took the, St. Albans (Kitts End) road up to 1825 – not the north road. In 1826 Telford’s London/Holyhead road was cut through the yard of the Green Man in Barnet, henceforth taking. the St. Albans traffic,

In the early 19c tolls (which gave you the right to be on the North road until midnight) at the various turnpikes were:

A coach and 6 horses 9d

One-horse chaise, 1¼

Narrow-wheeled wagon. 3d per horse

Wagon with 6″ or 9” wheels ld per horse

In the 1930s at the Whetstone turnpike, near the county boundary of Middlesex and Hertfordshire, there was on average one vehicle each way every two minutes: nearly 1000 vehicles a day paying toll.

Further south the building of the road to Marylebone – Ballards Lane/Regents Park Road/Finchley Road – in 1825 took some of-the southbound traffic. The remainder continued across Finchley Common. One interesting sidelight on that notorious stretch of road was that the activity of highwaymen had diminished considerably after 1797, when banknotes began to be numbered.

Dr. Lynch followed the road in to Archway, Holloway and Highgate. we won’t go with him, but to anyone interested in this subject he offered the following suggestions for further reading:

The various Turnpike Trust Minutes, particularly 1830s-40s

Local newspapers

Acts of Parliament

Reports of Parliamentary commissions on turnpike roads and on the Holyhead road.


Two new sets of post cards have just been published by the Libraries Department as part of their continuing series now available are (price 30p per set), five more cards each picturing Hendon and Barnet in the 1890s/early 20c.

The Hendon set features Church End, St.Mary’s. Church, Bell Lane, Town Hall and Hendon Central Station. The Barnet set, High Street, Ravenscroft Park, the Red Lion, and Arkley Mill.

Two more sets covering Edgware and Mill Hill Village will be published soon.

The postcards-are available from all Barnet Libraries and Church Farm House Museum.


By | Past Newsletters, Volume 3 : 1980 - 1984 | No Comments

Newsletter No.142: December 1982




Monday December 13th 1982. Christmas Supper Party at Burgh House. This has proved enormously popular, with regrettably over 20 disappointed members. If anyone who has booked finds they cannot attend please let Dorothy Newbury know (203 0950) so that someone else can attend.

Tuesday January 4th 1983. Marylebone Park 1537-1811, by Dr. Anne Saunders who is making a return visit to us to talk on her favourite subject.

Tuesday February 1st 1983. Origins and development of the Safety Pin, by Dr. John Alexander.

Tuesday March lst 1983. Egypt, Gift of the Nile, by Vivienne Constantinides.

Tuesday April 12th 1983. Early Mining and Metallurgy from its inception to the Bronze Age, by Paul Craddock.


This is very sad paragraph to write. One. of our members of very long standing, Harry Lawrence, died on November 11. Most people in HADAS will remember Harry with affection and pleasure even though, because of uncertain health, he has been unable for the last few years to join us in the lectures and outings which he enjoyed so much.

Harry was a “doer”, not an onlooker; he liked to be involved in the Society’s activities as much as possible. When he went on outings ­and this despite increasing breathlessness – he was one of those who always climbed to the top of the mound or negotiated the depths of the cave.

For a long period in the ’70s he addressed, in his clear, sloping hand, all the Newsletter envelopes. The weight of this job became steadily heavier as the Society expanded. In February 1977 we bought an addressing machine to save Harry having perpetual writer’s cramp; but for some time longer he “stuffed”, stamped and posted the Newsletter, until Irene Frauchiger nobly took over from him.

He will be greatly missed by all his friends; and we send our deep sympathy to his wife, Vivien, also a member of HADAS until recently.



A 5 day trip to South West Wales is proposed for August 31st – September 4th 1983, staying at the Dale Port field centre (in a Victorian Port) in the most south westerly parish on the Pembrokeshire coast. The area is rich in Bronze Age stone monuments and Iron Age fortified settlements, and it is hoped that Professor Grimes will be our guide on one of the days. Roman sites, Norman castles and many other places are other possible parts of the itinerary.

The field centre needs to be booked now, so we need an indication of the number of people interested in the trip. It is hoped to keep the cost below £80. Please telephone Pete Griffiths (61-23156) to let him know if you are interested.



The first of a series of field walks to examine the Silk Stream and its environs was undertaken on November 14. Heavy rain cut the meeting short but – a stretch of the stream in Montrose Park, from the pavilion to the bridge over Montrose Avenue, was inspected.

The stream was fast-flowing and meandered between partially constrained banks forming narrow beaches at the curves where gravel and debris collected. A quantity of fine was retrieved, ranging from 19C pottery to butchered animal bones (including a bovine scapula) and the handles of two saws. These beaches will bear watching after heavy rain, provided the river has not risen too high.

The walk will continue on Sunday December 12, under the leadership of Sheila Woodward. The meeting place is still the gates of Montrose Park, at l0 a.m. would those intending to come please ring-Jenny Griffiths (612.3156).to say so (just so that no-onegets left behind.)

There will also be a river walk on Boxing. Day morning (very good for removing traces off Christmas excesses). This will be led by Daphne Lorimer and it would be helpful if you could let her know (after December.16,.on 458.5674) if you are going to join it. The walk will start at 10 a.m. but the precise rendezvous will be decided only after the walk on December 12 – Daphne will be able to tell you when you telephone her.

The water walk provided one of those classic moments which sometimes happen. at HADAS events. None of us will forget the sight of .a HADAS Committee member striding down the Silk Stream, the water surging half way up her wellies, while above her head she carefully held an umbrella!


The Newsletter’s right hand obviously didn’t know what its left hand was doing last month: because, in describing how to get to the new premises of the Greater London Record Office, we carefully told you to walk along Farringdon Road in the King’s Cross direction and “turn left into Bowling Green Lane.” We should, of course, have said “turn right.”

As the new Record Office doesn’t open till January 4 next, we hope this correc­tion will come in time to prevent you getting lost in what has been described as “a most bewildering hinterland.” Many thanks to keen-eyed HADAS member Linda Webb, who spotted the mistake and rang us at once. “I used to live in those parts,” she said, “and it’s dead easy to get lost:”

ANGLO-SAXON ENGLAND Report on the November lecture by Audrey Hooson

At the start of his lecture, Prof. Loyn referred to the memorial service which he had attended the previous Saturday for Prof. Dorothy Whitelock, one of the greatest,Anglo-Saxon scholars of this century. The occasion prompted him to give us not the expected illustrated lecture on Anglo-Saxon archaeology with reference to his own speciality of coinage but a more challenging one, introducing some recent themes in hostorical discussion and the ways in which attitudes and emphasis now differ from those in the past.

. . .

It is now considered that the flow of the conversion of the Pagan Anglo-Saxons to Christianity was both gradual and complex with the Celtic Custom coming from the North and West and the Roman brought by St.Augustine in 597 The main source for this period is Bede’s History of the English Church and People which was completed in 731. Prof. Loyn quoted from Book 3, Chapter 25, which describes the Synod of Whitby when the two Churches were brought together by Oswy, King of the Northumbrians.

From 800 to almost the Anglo-Saxons were fighting against the Danes to keep their country. The first Viking Age, from 800-950, was probably a • period of colonization by settlers looking for new land. This gave rise to the Danelaw with the division of the country by King Alfred in 880 utilising the River Lea and Watling Street. The second Viking Age was a National movement emanating from Scandinavia. While there has been little archaeo­logical evidence in the past to confirm this, recent excavations at York and Lincoln, combined with numismatic, linguistic and place name evidence indi­cate that great parts of the country were overcome and transformed. In addition to the Fortified Market Towns founded by the Vikings, the. Burghs planned by Alfred to protect and consolidate Wessex were also part of an Urban revival in the late 10th and early 11th centuries.

During the 10th century, the Benedictines were firmly established in England: It is possible that their secular influence has been underestimated. When England was united under Edgar, the Benedictines were probably respon­sible for the development of ordered government and the legal system. They also helped to mould the English language into a scholarly instrument„

The Benedictine revival was part of a European movement. One of the most exciting reassessments in recent years, partly based on. Martin Biddles’s Winchester excavations, has been the recognition of a breakthrough in architectural and sculptural development around 1050. The Norman Romanesque, previously considered to have been only introduced to England after 1066, is now thought to be a continuation of these Anglo-Norman developments. Prof.Loyn felt that there is still much that might be discovered by further excavations on both sides of the Channel and examination of buildings in the Duchy of Rouen. Unfortunately, there was not enough time for him to elaborate on this his final theme of a very interesting, informative and stimulating evening.


The November lecture was made doubly memorable by Ted’s collection of photographs mounted on screens showing the Society’s history throughout its 21 years. We owe him a vote of thanks for taking so much trouble and look forward to seeing them again at Burgh House at the Christmas Supper.


This was arranged by the Historical Metallurgy Society and the British Museum Research Laboratory and held in the main lecture theatre of the British Museum on 29-30 October 1982.

Twenty-six papers were presented covering remains and discoveries from the inception of smelting to the end of the medieval period, in areas ranging from Western Europe (Spain and Britain) to the Indus Valley and from the State of Niger Nest Africa) to Central Sweden. The metals mainly discussed were naturally copper and iron, tut papers on silver, gold, zinc and lead were included.. Although the 130 registrants present came mostly from Europe, Western Asia, India and America were also represented. The proceedings will be published shortly as a British Museum Occasional Paper.

Organisation was handled by the B.M. Research Laboratory – Dr. Paul Craddock, a HADAS member playing a most prominent part. His wife, Brenda, also well known to HADAS members, provided an excellent lunch each day in the Sloane Room where the newly acquired portrait of Sir William Hamilton gazed down on us.


Wanted: a volunteer – or perhaps two – to undertake a project which is part fieldwork, part documentary research.

The Documentary Group has been asked to investigate how many flint-built buildings (especially public buildings, but dwelling houses could be included) there are in the Borough of Barnet, when they were built and where the flint to build them came from. Several in the north part of the Borough spring to mind Pagitt’s Almshouses in Hadley present buildings 1822 and 1849.

This is research which could be done in your own time: there is no deadline on it. The end-product will be, it is hoped, a ‘report for publica­tion in the. Newsletter. If you are interested, please give Brigid Grafton Green a ring on 455 9040: she’ll be delighted to hear from you.


Popular Archaeology the monthly journal edited by Professor Barri Jones of Manchester University, has recently begun a circulation drive, which HADAS is happy to help.

The magazine gives a good coverage of both professional and amateur archaeology in Britain; it is aimed at the general reader, rather than the expert. Dr. David Trump of Cambridge University.(who many HADAS members will know) writes “I wouldn’t be without Popular Archaeology, and I warmly recommend it to anyone who wishes to learn more of the wide scope, significance and sheer thrill of archaeology.”

If you would like to subscribe to the magazine – which costs 95p a month – write to Popular Archaeology, Free Post, 24 Barton Street, Bath; BA1 1FH for -further details.


I presume developers and builders have always had the right to name roads they create – or they have taken the right. The noble Russell family spread themselves and their estates all over their Bloomsbury development. Russell and Bedford Squares and Woburn and Tavistock Places are a few of the names om- humble builder in Kentish Town celebrated the Crimean War, 1854-56, with Inkerman Rd., Alma St. and Raglan St. I wonder if there is a builder waiting to name Falklands Way and San Carlos Crescent when the economic climate warms up..

Some C19 and C20 builders in Hendon seem to have taken their inspiration from the commutation of Church Tithes from kind to money. Or was local oral tradition strong enough for the builders to have been told the names of the fields they had bought? Here are some of the street names which have been derived from field or estate names.

Hodford Road NW11 can be traced back to Hodford Wood fields which were near the Hampstead border of Hendon and as far back as 1321 when Sir Henry Scrope held the “manerium de Hodeford”.

Significantly in Mill Hill NW7 there is Longfield Av. and Tithe Walk. I do not think that it matters that they are on the wrong side of Page St. Nearer and further LongfeIds were on the other side, in the angle of Page St. and Wise Lane. In 1635 they were “a croft called Longfield at.Featherstowe Hill.”In Hampstead Garden Suburb Asmuns Hill and Place may be traced through First-and Middle Assmans Fields to Manasses Burripa, manor tenant in 1685, and Willifield Way comes from Willeyford Grove Field. Blessbury Road along the former boundary with Edgware goes back to a field Blessebe Hale in 1685.

Deerfield Cottages on the east side of the “West Highwaye” at the Hale. It has a long pedigree – mentioned in 1321 and mapped as the property of All Saints’ College Oxford in 1590.

Downage NW4 reminds one that there were five Downage fields carved out of woodland by 1754,Thistly Downage, Little Downage Wood Field, Upper and Lower Downage and Eight acre Downage Wood. I think these fields relate to the “wood called the Donehedge” in the Black Survey of 1321.

In a C17 survey Fryers Lande is referred to – in 1754 and 1842 there were Fryant Grove Fields and today there are Fryent Crescent and Fryent Grove in NW9.

Near the Edgware boundary there were fields Hither and Further Oldberries in 1574 and today there is Oldberry Road..

Sheareshill Av. NW9 refers to the only documented “open field” in Hendon, not mentioned in 1321, but continuously recorded between 1574 and 1860.

Sunningfields Rd.NW4 is taken from the two SunnyHill Fields. Two other names show where builders were not concerned with strict accuracy in their names. Sherrock Gardens NW4 is downhill from the Middlesex Poly on Greyhound Hill, but four sizeable Sherrock Fields were between Church End and Parson St. Thornfield Av. NW7 is on the south side of Holders Hill Rd., but two Thorn Fields were on the north side of the roads. Builders seem to have chosen innocuous field names.. Nobody wanted Bottom Field, Hungerlands or Mucknell for their beautiful new roads.


There were two Saffron Fields in Hendon. Usually this name indicates that saffron was originally grown there, although we have no other evidence of its cultivation in Hendon.

One Saffron Field was in Mill Hill, on the west side of Hammers Lane. It was surveyed in 1754 and in 1842 and was about 6½ acres. A reference in the 1685 survey to a Saffron Field 5 acres, may relate to this field. The other Saffron Field was in Temple Fortune, on the south side of Bridge Lane. This was also surveyed in 1754 and 1842 and measured about 10 acres.

Field’s Dictionary of English Field names refers to the saffron crocus (crocus sativus) introduced into England about 1340. The herb was extensively grown in late medieval times in Essex where, according to Ekwall, it gave its name tope Saffron. Walden (“Waledana” in Domesday Book, but “Safforne-walden” by 1582). Saffron is the dried, orange-coloured stigmas of the saffron (or autumn) crocus. To medieval cooks it was the most important – because the-most -costly of all herbs. Originally from the east – Persia and Arabia – it had been acclimatised in Spain by the 10th C, and figured prominently in the 13C trade between. Spain and England. It takes about 75,000 flowers to make 1 lb. of saffron, and in 1265 it cost Eleanor de Montfort, Countess of Leicester, between 10s-14s (50p-70p) per lb. (See Manners & Household Expenses in 13c-15c, ed. H.T.Turner, Roxburghe Club, 1841). Eleanor never bought more than a lb. at a time. It was a popular ingredient in many medieval sauce recipes and even had its own terminology. The medieval cook spoke of “garnishing” a dish with parsley, but he “fringed” it with saffron.

Dr. Tobias Venner, a doctor of physic who lived in Bath and wrote a very early book on dietetics called Via Recta Ad Vitam Longam in 1637, had this to say on the attributes of saffron: “The moderate use of it wonderfully refresheth, comforteth, strengtheneth and exhilarateth the heart for there is so great society betwixt it and the heart that it is without delay carried thither … ”

The saffron grown in East Anglia was used mainly for the English food market, both for colouring and flavouring food; but it was also used for dyeing cloth. It produced a russet shade, for which the cloth makers of Colchester were well known in medieval times.

And we can take it back much further than that, for saffron was a herb well known to the Romans, and Apicius, in the first part of 1st C AD, includes 3 scruples of saffron in his recipe for Roman vermouth; and gives this recipe for “Aromatic Salts to be used for many things:”

“Aromatic salts are for the digestion, and to move the bowels. They prevent all diseases and the plague, and all colds. Moreover, they are mild, beyond all expectation.

Take 1 lb. dried common salt, 2 lb. dried. sal ammoniac, 3 oz. white pepper, 2 oz. ginger, 1 oz. cumin, oz. thyme, 1½ oz. celery- seed (if you do not want to take celery seed, take 3 oz parsley instead),3 oz origano 1½ oz rocket-seed, 3 oz black pepper, 1 oz saffron, 2 oz hyssop from Crete, 2 oz aromatic leaves (these can vary; bay leaf is usually used today), 2 oz dill.”

Nowadays saffron is best bought at a good herb shop, either in slim strands or powdered (the strands have most flavour). Infuse them in a little warm milk and water for 15 minutes, and use the infusion.

BOOK REVIEWS by Raymond Lowe

Recording A Church: an illustrated-glossary by Thomas Cooke, Donald Findlay, Richard Halsey and Elizabeth: Williamson. Drawings by George Wilson

Council for British Archaeology, 1982, £1.50

Each of the four authors of this 48-page booklet works for an organisation concerned with the architectural history of churches: that is, respectively for the Penguin Buildings of England series, the Council for the Care of Churches, the department of the Environment and the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (Eng). They are described-as “spending much of their working lives writing descriptions of churches.”

One day they got together and decided to standardise their use of architec­tural terms; and, after working on this idea for a while, they realised that the final glossary might well be of interest to people outside their own immediate circle. This booklet is the result. It is concerned particularly with finding the right names and descriptions for everything architectural (i.e. not moveable fittings, like chairs) in a typical parish church. It will be valuable to anyone writing a parish history or even preparing a report for the Newsletter on a HADAS visit to a church. Not only does it provide the correct word: in many cases it illustrates the object as well, and does so in simple, lucid drawings which show, for example. 11 types of arches found in churches; 6 types of capitals; gables; fonts; mouldings; vaults; traceries; and so on.

Romano-British Mosaics by Peter Johnson Shire Archaeology, £1.95

Some subjects are ideally suited to the Shire Archaeology format and mosaics are just such a subject.

Few archaeological remains capture the imagination of the ordinary man more than Roman mosaics; and there is nothing in the corpus of archaeological writing to compare with this little book. Every important mosaic) site should have a stock to sell to the public,

Mr. Johnson sets out his subject in clear logical divisions, starting with design, construction and materials. The next. four chapters take a century at a time and deal with the sites, types and schools (or officinae). The developments, evolution and devolution is clearly shown. The 44 illustrations are very well produced; and there are three distribution maps for the officinae. The book is up-to-date. The front cover shows the Orpheus pavement at Littlecote (how about that as the venue for a HADAS outing?); and there is a drawing of the newly discovered lst C. pavement at Fishbourne. The book finishes with a list of sites, and a glossary. For those who are keen there are also some non-British mosaics in the Victoria and Albert Museum. One small oversight: Mr. Johnson states that mosaics moved on to the walls of Byzantine churches in late antiquity. Anyone who has visited Pompeii and Herculaneum will remember the mural mosaics there, at AD 79.

If you are interested in things Roman do get a copy from Jeremy Clynes (66 Hampstead Way, NW11. 455 4271). Should you find you would like to continue the study, there is now a special society which publishes a twice-yearly journal: the Association for the Study and Preservation of Roman Mosaics. For further information about it, apply to Peter Johnson, Littlecote Park, Chilton Foliat, Hungerford, Berks.RG17 4SU.


Also available from Jeremy Clynes is another newly-published Shire Archae­ology volume: Roman Crafts and Industries, by Alan McWhirr, who has been directing excavations at Cirencester (Roman Corinium) and who specialises in the study of Roman brick and tile. This book also costs £1.95 (if ordering either, please add 20p for post and packing).


Corinium Museum at Cirencester reports that the Venus mosaic from Kingscote is now on display, after 2 years’ work and a public appeal which raised £5,000.

The mosaic, from a Roman-British site in the west Cotswolds, near Tetbury, is the first part of a display which will highlight life in the countryside of Roman Britain Material from two nearby sites – Claydon Pike and Barnsley Park ­will also be used in the final exhibition.


At CHURCH FARM MUSEUM from Nov.20-Jan 16 there is an exhibition mounted by the Hendon & Hampstead Antique Ceramic and Glass Club of 19th century British pottery and porcelain with special emphasis on Wedgwood, Royal Worcester, Minton, Spode and Staffordshire blue-and-white ware.

CBA 7 February CONFERENCE at Campus West, Welwyn Garden City, Herts. Subject “The End of Roman Britain”. Details from Ted Heathman, 92 Charmouth Rd., St.Albans (Tel. 58136)


By | Past Newsletters, Volume 3 : 1980 - 1984 | No Comments

Newsletter 141 November, 1982


During, the coming winter the Prehistoric Group plans to undertake two major projects: first, to walk and chart the streams of the Borough of Barnet; secondly to research known finds of Bronze and Iron Age structures and artefacts in the Borough, with the object of producing a late prehistoric gazetteer which will fill the gap between the Stone Age and Roman gazetteers published in 1979 in the July, August and September Newsletters.

The first watercourse to receive the group’s attention will be the Edgware Silk Stream. A “field” walk has been arranged for Sun Nov 14 at 10 am… Members wishing to take part (and all members of the Society will be most welcome) should meet at the entrance to Montrose Recreation Ground, the Greenway, NW9 (The Greenway is a turning off Edgware Road .just north of the Hyde). Wear Wellies:

The Silk Stream is of considerable archaeological interest, it rises by the Roman. kiln site of Sulloniacae, on Brockley Hill (hence the name) and after uniting with Dean’s Brook and, Edgware Brook it flows into the northern end of the Welsh Harp. During its course it passes the site of a 19c discovery of Pleistocene mammal bones. These bones were found about 5ft below the surface and overlaid by deposits of clay with flint pebbles, about 300-400yards north of the Silk Bridge, Colindeep lane, during sewerage excavations. They were reported by Dr Henry Hicks in 1895 to Horace B Woodward (see ‘Memoirs of the Geological Survey of England and Wales The Geology of the London District, chap. VIII: “Valley Gravel and Brick Earth” Deposits along tributary valleys”).

The bones are now lodged in Church Farm House Museum and .have recently been examined and identified by Dr. Sutcliffe of the British Museum (Natural History) as Pleistocene. They include:

two large fragments of tusk, showing signs of laterial twist, so probably mammoth;

two elephant molars in poor preservation: one possibly shows diamond-shaped plates and may be from a straight-tusked elephant, the other is larger and may be mammoth;

the head of an elephant femur, showing signs of being gnawed by a carnivore (?sabre-toothed tiger);

the upper molar of a woolly rhinoceros;

and possible fragments of a hippopotamus canine.

These, together with a shark’s tooth from an Eocene deposit, make up a rather startling and exotic collection for the London Borough of Barnet!

There is also a report of a late Neolithic or Bronze Age pick or axe being found, rather vaguely, in the Edgware district. The British Museum record it as: ‘a fragment (the business end) of a flaked axe of dark brown flint, which seems to have been broken in antiquity and re-trimmed round the fracture. It has a flat pointed oval section and its length (broken) is approx. 8 cm. It is not a transversely-sharpened (tranchet) axe but would typologically fit into a Neolithic or Bronze Age context.’

Those members who attended last year’s CBA Group conference will remember that Dr Ian Kinnes, in his talk on the Neolithic in Hertford­shire, asserted that where a Neolithic axe is found, a farm settlement is not far away with these facts in mind, we feel that the Silk Stream’s banks will bear investigation. We also hope to map the course of the stream so that we know precisely where it has been channelled (either in pipe or between artificial banks) and where it still appears to follow a natural course.

It would be much appreciated if you would let me know if you are coning please ring 458 5674 after November 10, Daphne Lorimer


ROMAN GROUP Some notes on past and future events by Helen Gordon and Pete Griffiths

The weekend of Oct 9/10 saw another Roman processing weekend at the Teahouse, Hampstead Garden Suburb. Our thanks are due once again to John Enderby for kindly making possible all the arrangements. Work on the finds from the Brockley Hill digs of 1948-56 is still proceeding. This time we were concentrating on bowls, amphorae and imported ware. Marking and indexing of Roman (and other) material from various HADAS field walks also continued and is nearing completion.

Some members of the group dug a small experimental trench in a private garden on the line of the Viatores Route 220 in Southgate, on October 17. This was just outside the boundary of our Borough, and was done with the kind agreement of our colleagues in the Enfield Archaeological Society. A report will appear in a later Newsletter.

The group will visit Verulamium Museum on Sat. Nov 20 at 2 pm, when the Deputy Director, Chris Saunders, will show us the Museum’s collection of Roman pottery. Anyone interested will be welcome tojoin us: numbers must inevitably be limited, so please apply early to Jenny Griffiths.

(812 5156); lifts can be arranged. An admission fee is charged, which includes admission to the park, containing a stretch of Roman wall and hypocaust there is an extra charge for the Roman theatre. Jenny will conduct anyone interested round the park before the Museum visit ­notify her beforehand, and meet at. 1pm in the car park..

A Visit to Welwyn Roman Bath is planned early in the New Year. Watch the Newsletter for further details. The Roman Group is always happy to welcome’ additional members – just-ring either Helen Gordon. (203 1004) or Tessa Smith (958 5159) if you would like to know more about it.


The group has several projects on the go at the moment, and would welcome offers of help. For instance, Nell Penny is engaged on a survey of field names throughout the Borough of Barnet and that’s quite a sizeable project. As London’s third largest borough, with an area of 35 square miles, there were a lot of fields in the area in the 1840s -“the time that has been taken as the basis of the survey. Our main tool is the Tithe maps pro­duced between 1838-54 as a result of the Tithe Commutation Act of 1836.

Mrs Penny is working steadily from parish to parish. She would be particularly happy to receive offers of help from members prepared to research field names in Edgware Chipping Barnet or East Barnet parishes. Ring her on 458 1689 if you would like to help, and she will give you details of the methods being used in the survey.That’s only one of several projects. If you would like to hear more about them, please give me a ring and I’ll be glad to tell you. One of them may be right up your street! BRIGID GRAFTON GREEN


Tues Nov 2. Anglo-Saxon Britain, by Professor Henry Loyn (see October Newsletter for details)

Mon Dec 13. Christmas Supper party at Burgh House, Hampstead. Application form enclosed. This replaces the Dec 7 entry on the Programme card (Stationers Hall).

Tues Jan 4. Marylebone Park,’1537-1811, by Dr Ann Saunders

Tues Feb 1. Still to be arranged

Tues Mar 1. Egypt, Gift of the Nile, by Vivienne Constantinides (who is the daughter of our founder)

Tues Apr 12. Early Mining and Metallurgy from its inception to the Bronze Age, by Paul Craddock

(Please note this meeting is on the second Tuesday of the month).

Wed Nay 11. Annual General Meeting


During his report to the Annual General Meeting last May our Chairman, Brian Jarman announced the impending resignation of our Hon. Secretary of the last 12 years, Brigid Grafton Green. She had intended to resign at the AGM, but had agreed to continue for a few more months until a successor became available. That successor has now materialised, and as from October HADAS has a new Hon. Secretary – Brian Wrigley. Members who dug at West Heath will remember him – often accompanied by his younger son, Stephen ­as a weekend digger; they may also recall that one of our popular “tea-ladies” at West Heath was Brian’s wife, Joan, who used to revive us on Sundays with that essential to all successful digs – a nice cupper. Joan will be as big a help to Brian as she always was a comfort to the West Heath diggers, because she is a trained secretary and prepared to do all his typing for him. Lucky chap

Brigid asks us to say that she doesn’t propose, once she has passed the Hon Secretary’s work over to Brian, just to sink into a state of blissful inertia. She is remaining on the Committee and will continue to edit the HADAS Newsletter, helped from time to time by four stalwart associate editors – Enid Hill, Liz Holliday, Isobel McPherson and Liz Sagues. Brigid will also do some exhibition work for the Society and will continue to organise the Documentary Group – with, she hopes, a bit of time left over for some actual research.


The Greater London Record Office will open in its new premises at 40 Northampton Road EC1 on Jan 4 next. Members may like to have a note of the opening hours, which are:

Tues-Fri 10 am-4.45pm

Tues 4.45-7.30 pm (late opening)

Mons closed

Late opening on Tuesdays is by appointment only; ring 633 6351 to make an appointment. The office will be closed during the 3rd/4th weeks of October and between Christmas and New Year’s Day.

The nearest Underground station is Farringdon Road, on the Circle and Metropolitan lines. From there you walk west (i.e. towards Kings Cross) along Farringdon Road and turn left at Bowling Green Lane. The Record Office and History Library is on the left-hand side, at the junction of Bowling Green Lane/Rosoman Street, with its entrance in Northampton Road. If anyone would like a leaflet giving this information plus bus routes and a map, please ring Brigid Grafton Green .(455 9040).

A TRIP DOWN MEMORY LANE By OLIVE BANHAM reports on the last of the summer outings

That’s exactly what it was for two of us as we turned the clock back 21 years, and drove through undulating Essex countryside to Chipping Ongar. In 1961 things were very much played by ear. In 1982 they were meticulously – and beautifully – planned.

Mike Eddy gave us an interesting tour of the large motte and bailey of Ongar Castle, which was built in the early 12c by the de Lucy family. Only a few bricks of the entrance gateway remain. We then looked round the church, dedicated to St Martin of Tours and built about 1083 AD of Coggeshall bricks and rubble. A brass and a stained glass window in the chancel are dedicated to Elizabeth Sammes, wife of an earlier Edward Sammes. She was the grandmother of our own Ted Sammes, planner and compere of the 1982 trip. That made us feel we were right at home! Livingstone stayed for a time in the town and Jane Taylor, author of “Twinkle, twinkle, little star” lived there.

At Greensted the sun shone brilliantly and we were able to picnic in the churchyard before looking round this survival of a Saxon church, built about 845 AD. The walls of the nave are made of split oak logs. We even got caught up in a wedding there were more HADAS members than wedding guests!

On again to Waltham and a look round the Epping Forest Museum which now serves the whole district and is housed in a timber-framed house nearly 500 years old. Ken Bascombe ably guided us round the precincts of Waltham Abbey ­a large area which was formerly covered by the monastery cloisters and the magnificent conventional buildings. Part of the main gateway is still standing; also Harold’s Bridge, so-called because of his close association with the Abbey.

After a scrumptious tea (one of the best we’ve ever had), we went inside the existing church which is entirely nave with Norman and Gothic or Pointed arches. The rose window at the east end was one of the earliest works of Sir Edward Burne Jones. The present ceiling, painted in 1862 by Sir Edward Poynter, depicts the four elements and the signs of the zodiac. On the east wall of the Lady Chapel is a fresco of the last judgment. A worthy anniversary outing, I’m sure Mr Constantinides would have agreed.


This is just to remind members that three scrap-books of press cuttings, of historical and archaeological interest, have now been com­piled. They cover the period 1974-81.

It had been intended to obtain cuttings from each of the local papers serving our area, but this could not be arranged. The collection consists mainly of cuttings from the Barnet Press and the Hendon Times. I should like to express my grateful thanks to Daphne Lorimer, who used ­to save copies of the Barnet Press for me while she lived in Totteridge and to Charmian Lewis, who has now taken over this job from Mrs Lorimer.

As well as cuttings of pictures and events with a bearing on local history and archaeology, there is a special section on HADAS’s own activities. The other cuttings are kept in separate folios for each district.

It is hoped that this collection will be of use to researchers, but to make the record more useful and to facilitate easy reference, it needs an index. I would greatly appreciate the help of any member (or better. still, two members) prepared to take the completed volumes home and to compile a typed index. If you can help, please let me know.


53 Selborne Gardens, NW4.


COALHOLE COVERS RUTH WAGLAND describes the first of the winter lectures

The first meeting of the new autumn season opened at Hendon Library on Oct 5. A moderately sized audience came to hear a lecture by Mrs Lily Goddard on Coalhole Covers and Victorian domestic life.

She began by showing us several covers of different designs from various parts of London. These were made by unknown pattern makers, using mahogany and yellow pine to make their moulds. We saw slides of present day casting taking place at the Ironbridge foundry. The method of rubbing was described and slides of rubbings made by Mrs Goddard, not only in London but in Brighton, Hove and Hastings,were shown.

Rubbings are used as a source of inspiration for designs by Mrs Goddard’s students. We were shown bags and cushion covers which had printed designs on them, together with a wall hanging extending and embellishing the original coalhole cover design. There was also the ubiquitous tee-shirt with coalhole motif. Mrs Goddard had been commissioned by Harrods to produce a design for linen place mats and serviettes to be part of a craft exhibition held in the store. A mounted ceramic wall plaque of a cover formed part of a small display of covers and literature which the lecturer brought with her. Mrs. Goddard concluded by urging us to be more awareof Victorian street furniture, such as boot scrapers, door knockers and railings. She asked that we should try to ensure that those surviving did not dis­appear overnight as had happened to so many artefacts in the past.

A vote of thanks for this interesting lecture was proposed by Paddy Musgrove

CHRISTMAS IS COMING and are you having difficulty finding Christmas presents?

Why not give a publication from HADAS, either an Occasional Paper or a book from Shire? Details of both are enclosed with this Newsletter. Also don’t forget HADAS notelets with a drawing of Warwick the Kingmaker, which make excellent Christmas cards or presents.

These offers are open to everyone, so encourage your friends to order At the same time. Extra catalogues are. available from Jeremy Clynes, G6 Hampstead Way, NW11. . (Phone: 455 4271).


It has been suggested that the Newsletter should have a Committee Corner, with news of Committee doings and decisions. It may not be possible to publish such a feature every month, because dates of Committee meetings and Newsletter press dates won’t always fit; but whenever possible, we propose in future to give you some Committee low-down. ‘Here’s the first batch:

College Farm. A determined effort (led by Christine Arnott) has been made this autumn to clear up our room at the farm. The finishing touch will be to erect shelving to hold boxes of finds: Peter Fauvel Clinch is working on this at the moment. As well as finds, some of our digging equipment can be stored, and we have tables for processing finds. The room has been a godsend in preparing the West Heath material for publication.

Our premises at the farm consist of a small room next to a stable, with a further walk-in storage area opening from it. It is kindly pro­vided for us, free of charge, by the tenant farmer, Chris Ower who has long been a true friend in need to HADAS. We are deeply grateful to Mr and Mrs Ower for this most valuable roof over our heads. We have our own key and can come and go as we please. Just as a token of our gratitude, we try to make an annual contribution to Mr Ower’s expenses – and the Committee has just arranged to send off a cheque.

Conservation Area Advisory Committee in Finchley. A new CAAC has been setup for the three Conservation Areas in Finchley – Church End, Moss Hall and Finchley Garden Village. HADAS was invited by the Borough to nominate two members. June Porges and Isobel McPherson have kindly agreed to serve for this year.

Surveying equipment. During the summer the Committee decided to add to our surveying equipment. We have for some time had a level, tripod and Sopwith stave, which have been much used: now we have bought a plane-table, tripod and alidade. These were a great bargain found by Daphne Lorimer and purchased with rapidity by our Hon. Treasurer, Victor Jones, who knows a good thing when he sees one.

Members’ help would be much appreciated with one matter which came up at the last Committee. Possible site watchers in the northernmost part of the Borough are, we find, somewhat thin on the ground. There is a site in Barkley which may be developed in the near future; and if it is, we would very much like to find someone who would be prepared to watch the foundation trenches. If you either live near Mays Lane, or have occasion to go along it frequently, and you would be prepared to help, please let Brian Wrigley (959 5982).


If you haven’t already been to see the Billingsgate dig in Lower Thames Street from its special public viewing gallery, do go before the end of November when the gallery closes. Admission is 25p for adults, 15p for children, pensioners and students. Nearest station is Monument. The gallery is closed on Mondays, but open Tues-Sat, 11 am-5 pm. Suns 2-5 pm.

On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 1.10 pm you get a talk on the progress of the dig thrown in. Lunchtime season tickets are available for £1, and admit to 5 lunchtime talks, so you can keep tabs on the progress of the dig by going several times. The dig is organised by the Museum of London, who point out that this is the last – and only ­chance to discover what the Saxon harbour of London was like.


Our Borough Planning Department kindly keeps us up to date about buildings in LBB which have been added to the Statutory List of Buildings of Architectural and Historic Interest – a service for which we are most grateful. We are particularly happy to have the citations which form the detail of the List. A now batch has recently arrived, and here it is:

Osidge House Chase Side, East Barnet. This large early 19c mansion, just near the eastern boundary of our Borough, was once owned by the millionaire grocer, Sir Thomas Lipton, who lived there during the days when his “Shamrock” yachts were trying-unsuccessfully to win the America Cup. It’s a three-storey house in yellow brick and stucco, and is now a nurses home. It is also one of the buildings at which HADAS hopes a Blue Plaque will soon be erected to commemorate its historic associations (more of that in a future Newsletter).

East Finchley Baptist Church Hall, Creirhton Avenue, N2. Designed by George Baines, 1902, An art nouveau Gothic church hall of knapped flint, rich in interesting architectural detail.

Friern Hospital, Friern Barnet Rd, N11. Designed by S W Daukes of Cheltenham. The foundation stone was laid in 1849. The building was opened, as the Colney Hatch Asylum serving the county of Middlesex, in July 1851. It was re-named Friern Hospital in 1937. There is a central block, with two towers and a dome, flanked by long wines. The full length of the front is 1881 ft, in yellow brick with stone dressings. Its historic interest, according to the citation, is in its work for the more humane treatment of the insane, who were “kept without shackle or even strait-waistcoat.”

Listed as well are the single-storey lodge of the Hospital and the garden-house which is an attractive feature of the grounds.


An interesting new group, the Experimental Firing Group, has been formed recently to promote interest in and research into the processes and methods employed in the manufacture and use of ceramics in antiquity. Inspiration for the new group comes from the Archaeology Department of Leicester University.

The first meeting will be on Nov 6 from 10.30 onwards at Attenborough Building, Leicester University. There will be reports on projects already undertaken, discussion of plans for proposed future research and – unless the heavens open- a demonstration open firing. Further information about the group, which hopes to publish “modest reports” of its experiments, from Ann Woods, Dept. of Archaeology, Leicester University (enclose an sae, please).


As the Newsletter went to press on October 23 another highly successful HADAS Minimart took place, masterminded by our fund-raisers-in-chief, Dorothy Newbury and Christine Arnott. It was held at St. Mary’s Church Hall, at the top of Greyhound Hill in Hendon. A large number of HADAS members attended and provided varied skills – pricing, selling, cooking, fetching and carrying, catering, door-keeping and accounting, to name just a few.

The stalls were as crowded with goodies as usual, the Ploughman’s Lunch – rapidly becoming a highlight of HADAS Minimarts – was delicious, as ever, the salespeople as persuasive, the atmosphere as friendly. And – pretty good for what had originally been intended as a “mini” Minimart – our Hon. Treasurer went home with a pleased smile on his face and some £500 extra in his pocket. (The precise figure is not yet available, but that’s a good rough one – and it’s net, not gross.

The special flavour of a HADAS Minitart (no pun on the Ploughman’s Lunch intended) comes, we’ve decided, as much from it being a social gathering as a money-making-exercise. Indeed, prices are pitched low enough, both in what we heard being described rather grandly as “The Food Hall downstairs and upstairs among the good-as-new and white elephants, that everyone can go home with that warm inner glow that comes from buying a bargain.

Helpers were so thick on the ground that naming names would not be fair. Let’s just, leave it that HADAS is again deeply indebted to Dorothy and Christine, whose idea it was and to who fell the major part of the organisation and work.


By | Past Newsletters, Volume 3 : 1980 - 1984 | No Comments

Newsletter 140: October, 1982



Sat/Sun Oct 9/10. The Roman Group will meet at the Teahouse, Northway, on these dates, 10 am-5pm each day. Object: to study in depth material from the early Brockley Hill digs and to continue process­ing field-walking finds.

All HADAS members, whether experienced in handling Roman pottery or not, will be welcome. Bring a picnic lunch if you wish (there are facilities for making hot drinks). Please let Tessa Smith (958 9159) know if you intend coming.

The Roman Group also plans a visit to Verulamium Museum in the fair­ly near future, details in the November Newsletter.

Fri Oct 15. A meeting of the Prehistoric Group to discuss plans for the coming season will be held at 24 James Close, Woodlands, NW11 at 8 pm. All HADAS members interested in prehistory will be welcome. Ring Daphne Lorimer on 458 5671 after Sept 26 if you would like to come.

Hon Oct 18. There will be a meeting of’ members of the Documentary Group at 8 pm at 38 Temple Fortune Lane, NW11. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t got round to joining the group yet – new members are very welcome. With winter coming up, this is just the time to consider the pleasures of browsing in libraries and record offices – so come along and discuss any research projects you would like to start or help with. A call to Brigid Grafton Green (455 9040) will ensure a cup of coffee!

Tues Oct 5 Opening of the lecture season at Central Library, The Burroughs, NW4 at 8 pm. Lily Goddard will speak on Coalhole Covers and Victorian Domestic Life (See Sept Newsletter for more details).

Tues Nov 2 Anglo-Saxon England by Professor Henry Loyn, DLitt, FSA, FRHistS.

Professor Loyn started his studies in English at University College, Cardiff, but later switched to history and subsequently became Professor in the History Department. While at Cardiff he was an exceptionally popular Dean of Students because of his warm and sym­pathetic personality. He is now Professor at Westfield College of London University. He is a leading expert on the Anglo-Saxon period for which he has an enthusiasm which stimulates his audience and sweeps it along with him. A strong sense of humour adds savour to his lectures and broadcasts, and we can look forward to a thoroughly entertaining evening.

CHRISTMAS PARTY (Note new date – not the one on your programme card)

Mon Dec13. This date is earmarked for our Christmas do, but we can’t give you details yet. Dorothy Newbury, having explored and dis­carded such ideas as Stationers Hall (largely because of prohibi­tive prices) is now onto what she thinks will be a good thing ­but we shall have to wait until November to tell you all about it. Meantime, please mark this date in your diary and keep it free.


Sat Oct 23. At St Mary’s Church House (top of Greyhound Hill, NW4 ­opposite Church Farm House Museum) 11.30 am-3 pm. Come and exchange your holiday news and gossip at our 21st birthday year Minimart. Coffee and ploughman’s lunch available. HADAS and Shire publica­tions for sale.

Home-made stall – jams, pickles, cakes and sweets. Offers of fresh fruit and vegetables also warmly received.

Small bric-a-brac

Unwanted gifts, holiday mementos, toiletries, stationery and jewellery

Good-as-new men’s, women’s and children’s clothing and household linens.

Contributions can be brought to the October lecture or phone either Chris­tine Arnott (455 2751) or Dorothy-Newbury (203 0950) for alternative arrangements.


The course mentioned above which includes the building of a prehis­toric house reminds us that it is 18 months since the Newsletter mentioned the excellent Bulletin of Experimental Archaeology produced each spring by the Dept. of Adult Education of Southampton University. The Bulletin doesn’t confine itself only to current or recent experiment. It also provides references to past experimentation which one might otherwise easily miss. For instance, Bulletin No. 3 (1982) includes the following notes:

Flint Arrowhead Manufacture. A series of experiments carried out for the Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, in 1944 investigated the tools and techniques of arrowhead manufacture. Quartzite hammerstones, antler tines and Brandon flint were used; a sequence of four stages of percussion and one of pressure-flaking was established. Tools and specimens have been de­posited in the Museum. Reference: Knowles, H S, The Manufacture of a Flint Arrowhead by Quartzite Hammerstone. Occasional Papers on Technology,No 1, Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, 1944. Reprinted 1968.

An Egyptian Hand-drill

Long-standing uncertainties over the operation of a hand-drill used by stonemasons in Egyptian tomb scenes have been settled by experiments on a functional reconstruction of the tool. The body of the device is inclined from the vertical when in use weights are loosely attached to it by straps and it continues upwards as an offset curved handle that is held at the top. The functional replica confirms that in a tool of this type muscular power is only expended in driving it by cranking in a horizontal plane, as predicted by a mathematical analysis of the mechanism. With practice, the lower end of the tool can be kept standing vertical, and deep vertical holes can he drilled rapidly, without undue exertion. This early application of the principle of hand-cranking can be dated to the 3rd millennium BC. Reference: Sleewyk, A W, ‘Hand-cranking in Egyptian antiquity’, History of Technology 1981, 23-37, London.

Equally interesting experiments on cooking in animal skins, slash and burn experiments with old woodland at Butser, field trials of replicas of the standard 8-man papilio (tent) of the Roman legions and the making and use of a device for measuring distances by road, to specifications suggested by Vitruvius, are described. There is also a full report of an international working seminar on flint-knapping, with descriptions of non-structured knap-ins” by knapping enthusiasts from all over the world.

If you want to investigate these goodies further, send an annual subscription of £1 to the Dept. of Adult Education, Southampton.


Jenny describes the latest and by all accounts one of the greatest HADAS weekends

This year’s weekend trip, from Sept 9-12, was set in the wild and wind-swept countryside of North Northumberland.

We started out on a bright Thursday morning (at what seemed like dawn), stopped for an early lunch at Hardwick Hall, Derbyshire, and after a surprisingly quick and trouble-free journey, reached the Cheviot Field Study Centre and Museum, Wooler, about 6 pm. Colin Burgess, due to be our guide for the next day’s exploration, was there to meet us and although he found it impossible to guide us after all, he gave us an interesting background lecture on the prehistory of the area. We were joined by Joyce Roberts (our ‘resident botanist’ of the West Heath dig), now retired to live in Berwick.

Led by Colin Burgess’s colleague, Stephen Speak, we struggled valiant­ly uphill next morning in the teeth of a force-something gale to see a complete Bronze Age landscape preserved beneath the bracken and heather moorland, too high to be disturbed by more modern agriculture. At House-ledge we were shown clearance cairns, field boundaries, hut circles and burial cairns. The fit amongst us climbed to one hill-fort, Monday Clough; the super-fit also took in another, Humbleton Hill.

We were blown back down to the coach and travelled to Roughting Linn to inspect the mysterious cup and ring marks on an outcrop of sandstone rock. Mr Speak doesn’t believe in theories about their connection with ritual sacrifices of-virgins. The marks do seem to be linked with a cult of the dead, however, but it is unlikely now that we will ever know their real purpose. Some of us trekked through the bracken to the nearby hill-fort and climbed down the overgrown banks to a secluded waterfall under its defences. The day was crowned by a visit to an excavation in progress at Milfield, Roger Micket showed us around his two henge sites.

We set off on Saturday for the city of Berwick, with a brief stop at Doddington to see a ruined bastle (fortified farmhouse). The museum of Border Warfare is small but modern. Its displays trace the complicated history of the region. The impressive walls are a survival of that turbu­lent past, constructed in the Tudor period so well that the city remains English. We split into three groups, each with a city guide, and were taken into a Georgian powder-store and a ‘flanker’ – a position on a bastion from which the defenders could fire along the walls’, catching their opponents struggling in the moat in a hail of crossfire.

Next stop was Lindisfarne. In beautiful sunshine we saw the Castle, adapted by Sir Edwin Lutyens from the originally Tudor fort for his friend, Edward Hudson, founder of “Country Life;” and the ruins of the Benedictine priory founded in 1081 on the site of the earlier monastery of Cuthbert. Refusing to be delayed by the delights of crab sandwiches and free samples of mead, we continued to Bamburgh Castle where again we went our separate ways: some to the castle, some to the Grace Darling Museum and some reprobates to beach and teashop.

Our aim on Sunday was to see as many diverse sites as possible before our return that afternoon. We saw some unusually-shaped cup and ring marks at Fowberry, including a famous one said to be in the shape of an archer (or, alternatively, a Ford back axle). We visited Akeld Bastle, built in the 16c as a defence against raiders. The stone-built fortified farmhouse was an important structure in the Border-region: the stock were driven into the lower part of the building, the family retreated to the living area above, drawing up their wooden ladder behind them.

Finally we walked for a rather long ‘ten minutes’ to Duddo stone circle in the middle of a potato field: a small circle of five stones, interesting because it is the only one in the area and the stones are deep­ly grooved. We finished with lunch at Heatherslaw Mill, in company with a hungry goat, before starting on the long journey home.

So another successful trip has ended, leaving us with happy memories and an increased store of knowledge. Our thanks for a most enjoyable trip go to Dorothy Newbury, June Porges and Pete Griffiths for their organising exertions and also to Brian, our driver, who we hope we have converted to archaeology.


In view of the mention above of cupmarks, this letter from HADAS member Dr Catherine Delano Smith is doubly interesting

Dear Editor,

I saw the remarks in the penultimate Newsletter concerning cupmarks and their interpretation.

It may interest you to be referred to the forthcoming issue of IMAGO

MUNDI (a history cartography journal) in which I have one of my current writings on this one aspect of all Old World rock art: ‘The emergence of “maps” in European rock art: a prehistoric preoccupation with place.’ It will be volume 34 (1982)..

I would also refer your readers to Ronald Morris’s excellently dis­passionate analysis of some 104 ‘explanations’ of (British) rock art in Prehistoric Rock Art of Galloway and the Isle of Man (Blandford Press 1979).

As far as the Northumbrian cupmarks go, I do not think a case can be made for their consideration as ‘maps’ of anything. I have yet to come across an assemblage of rock carved (or painted) motifs in Britain that compare with the possible ‘topographical figures’ of Valcamonica or Monte Bego (the latter in the Ligurian Alps). Any new findings would be welcome.

Yours faithfully,


PS A further, much more detailed, analysis of Old World rock art from the cartographic angle (and also dealing with the anti­quarian British literature) will appear in a year or two in ‘ Volume I History of Cartography (University of Chicago Press, Eds. J B Harley and D Woodward).


GEORGE INGRAM describes a long-term research project on which he is engaged

Some five years ago I was asked by the HADAS Research Committee to collect information about the Nonconformist churches in our Borough. I started by obtaining a list of all LBB churches. On analysis these were:

Church of England 42

Roman Catholic 14

Methodist 10

Baptist 14

United Reformed 17

Salvation Army 5

Other centres* of religion 23

Jewish Synagogues 27

*In this category were included the meeting places of, for instance, the Society of Friends, the Christian Scientists and others.

The three main groups of Nonconformists are the Methodist, Baptist and United Reformed churches. They were formed many years ago by religious leaders who could not accept some parts of the dogma or discipline of the Established Church. These individuals were known as “Dissenters,” as is reflected in the name of the Dissenters Burial Ground, in Totteridge.

Of recent years church memberships have fallen, and sometimes this has caused financial problems. Some Nonconformist churches today “share” a minister. The smaller congregations of others (even of different denomination) have joined together. The United Reformed Church (formerly Congregational, in Brent Street, Hendon) transferred its congregation to the United Reformed church at The Hyde, Colindale. The Brent Street church was left empty and was later demolished, so that there are now new buildings where once this pleasant-looking church stood.

The present survey has been confined to churches and meeting places of the three main groups mentioned above. An individual letter was sent to either the secretary or minister of each church, asking to see copies of any booklets that might have been issued in the past, particularly for special events such as jubilees or centenaries. Some helpful and encouraging replies resulted. In two cases the respective ministers came to see me, and one left a number of rare booklets for our Society archives.

Many churches did in fact have the kind of booklets we were looking for, and it was possible to write a short history from them. The detailed nature of the information varied considerably; but it usually included facts about the founding of the church, its early buildings and later additions and developments. One disadvantage was that each booklet usually had a definite finishing point, which was not the present time there was usually a gap. This has been or, in some instances, still is being investigated by further correspondence.

Some churches could not supply booklets either because none was avail­able or none had been published. Here it has been necessary to get a written history from someone connected with the church. Some booklets were on loan only. Here I would like to express grateful thanks to Ted Sammes and Peter Fauvel-Clinch for obtaining photo-copies to add to other material collected. Several members have lent documents regarding non-

conformity, for which I am very grateful.The Local History Collection of LBB has also produced some relevant papers.

On one important aspect of this survey I would be particularly glad to have the help of interested members. I had hoped to secure a complete set of photographs of all Nonconformist churches and their associated buildings, but so far I have not succeeded. I have only a very few prints I realise how large an area is covered by the Borough of Barnet, but I wonder if any members would be prepared to take photos of the churches in their immediate localities? In some instances it would be helpful to record the interiors, as well as the exteriors, and this would of course require appointments to be fixed. Anyone handy with a camera and ready to help is asked to phone me on 202 8441.

I hope this gives some idea of the scope of the survey. A lot more work is still required. It would be interesting to extend the survey to the 23 churches included in “Other Centres of Religion,” but for that I .need more help in the collection, writing up and typing of material – so even if you are not a cameraman, please make me an offer! You’ve got my phone number above, and my address is 53 Selborne Gardens, Hendon NW4 4SH.


The London & Middlesex Archaeological Society will hold its 17th annual Local History Conference on Sat Nov 20 at the Museum of London. The programme opens officially at 2 pm, but local societies are always keen to exhibit at this lively occasion, and their displays may be in­spected from 12.30 pm. We need hardly say that there will be a HADAS display to inspect.

Three talks are scheduled, all dealing with practical and interesting topics. Guildhall Librarian Mr R Hyde will discuss London parochial assessment maps and their uses; Dr Lynch will tell us about the history of the Great North Road through Middlesex, which should be of particular interest to our area; and Mr D J Gerhold will speak on how to get the best from Chancery and Exchequer records.

Tickets (including tea) cost £1.50 and are obtainable from Mr J Slade, 20 Bendemeer Road,. Putney SW15 (enclose an sae).

Our colleagues in the NW London branch of the Historical Association invite us to a lecture on January 20 next at 8 pm. Mr John Fisher will speak, with colour slides, on the excavation and raising of the Mary Rose. The venue is Lower Skeel Hall, Westfield College, Kidderpore Gardens, NW3. HADAS Members will be very welcome, and we are given this further information about how to get there: “the entrance to the hall is by a short passageway near a pillar box, and then through a heavy door on the right hand side.”


A RESCUE DIG AT THE OLD BULL, 68 HIGH STREET, BARNET (TQ 246 965): Feb 6-Mar 6, 1982


The Old Bull Arts Centre was planning to build a new theatre at the back; HADAS was given a month to dig the site before work began.

There was good reason to suspect that it would be worthwhile. Situated in the centre of the oldest part of Chipping Barnet, close to the medieval church, Tudor college and early domestic buildings, the Old Bull was on a spot that had almost certainly been occupied for centuries.

HISTORY OF THE BULL (researched by Alec Gouldsmith)

The local library has a curious postcard on display. It shows what is described as “a plain glazed clay Roman (sic) jug about 14″ high and in perfect state of preservation, found in a bricked-up Roman well under the former premises of J A Clark & Sons Ltd, when the building was extended in about 1931. A Roman wall was also discovered which ran from under the premises diagonally across the Bull yard..”

It is not clear who identified the well and wall, but according to B R Leftwich the jug was dated by the British Museum as between AD 500-600. There seemed to be a fair chance that the dig would pick up this wall, and possibly other evidence of Saxon occupation.

At the time of preparing this report some potentially useful documents are inaccessible in Barnet Museum but from what is available it is ob­vious that the Bull was one of a string of ale houses and inns fronting the High Street from early times. An early reference to it occurs in a transaction dated 1553 that mentions several identifiable inns including “La Bulle”2. By the 18c a picture emerges of a rather rough establishment. The 1749 vestry accounts record a payment of 9s6d for a “coffin and shrowd” for a man who drank himself to death on gin at the Bull. In 1787 “3 one William Hoskin who had been invalided with wounds out of the Guards complained that Michael Walsh, the landlord of the Bull, had assaulted him and flung him out, after which he was assaulted by ‘several fishermen’ who kicked and carried him into Market House … Here they forcibly took away his tin box in which were his discharge papers and a guinea and a half, and his clothing was stolen from his bundle.”4 In the same year a manorial survey5 described the property as “a good house called the Bull Inn, with a yard, stabling and garden, being in the whole 1½ acres of ground.”

The earliest large-scale map – a manorial map of 1817 – indicates the “Black Bull” on the site of the present Old Bull. A tithe map of 1840 is clearer, and shows no structure on the area at the back of the Old Bull where the excavation took place. Most detail, however, can be seen in the 1876 Ordnance Survey 25″ map, which shows garden features over moat of the site.

The present Old Bull building is probably no earlier than 18c, with a 20c glazed-brick facade, and a rear brick extension probably dating from the turn of this century. (This extension has since been demolished). The Old Bull ceased to be a pub sometime after the war, and has been used as a community arts centre since then.


1Annals of the Parish & Township of Chipping Barnet, B R Leftwich 195O

2Calendar- of Pat. Rolls 7 Ed VI, Pt 0 Memb; 14, quoted in Leftwich

3Notes on delinquency in the Barnet area in the 18c, Hertfordshire Past and Present No 4 1964, F N Bath


5A survey and valuation of all the copyhold estates of the Manor of Chipping Barnet and East Barnet, made by Messrs Kent, Claridge & Pearce 1787. Herts County Record Office.


This consisted of a concrete covered yard, about 10m square, reached by six steps down from the back of the building. It had been enlarged by the demolition of a lean-to shed to the north, and was bounded by brick buildings and a wooden fence. It sloped to the east but even at its lowest point was at least 50cm higher than the adjoining access road and ground level to the north and east. The central feature was the large stump of a chestnut tree, felled shortly before the dig. At the outset the greatest archaeological problem appeared to be

the restrictions requested by the architect: the only trenches permitted were the foundation trenches of the planned building. This fixed their position, width and, most importantly, their depth. As it turned

out, the latter proved not to be a problem.


This was the foundation trench for the east wall of the theatre, and was 6m long and 65cm wide. Lying at the lowest part of the site – ground level was close to the architect’s datum – it promised the greatest opportunity of a section across the site as well as a chance to get to deeper levels.

Beneath a thin concrete surface covering was a loamy, rubble-filled soil containing some white glazed china, bone and other 19/20c artefacts. At a depth of 20cm a tightly packed mass of winkle shells was found – possibly the reject stock of a stallholder. The winkle pit was resting on a sloping, sandy-cement floor (see section drawing) that extended over the northern half of the trench. The southern end was-largely occupied by a still functioning soil pipe from the Old Bull. This pipe was encased in a brick channel, bedded on flint cobbles, and capped with concrete. It was clearly contemporary with the rear extension of the Old Bull. This drain crossed the trench diagonally, apparently cutting through an earlier brick gulley. The sandy-cement floor was bedded in a layer of clay and pebbles, which in turn was deposited on an irregularly laid soft redbrick floor. This was lifted to reveal what appeared to be natural. Though this was at the maximum permitted depth of the trench, it strongly resembled what was positively identified as natural elsewhere on the site.

All layers contained recognizable 19c finds (some were under the redbrick floor), though some earlier finds. also came to light. These in­cluded a 17c clay pipe bowl, two small rim sections of Metropolitan slip-ware, dating from late 16c, and a piece of bone comb of 17/18c origin.


This was a 1m square trench, designed for the foundation of a pillar. It also contained a similar glazed soil pipe, still in use. What little room was left consisted of a rubble fill, containing some finds including a reckoning counter.

The counter was identified by the British Museum as a rechenpfennig, by Hans Krauwinkel of Nurnberg, dated c.1580-1610. Because it was un-stratified it was of no value in dating. In spite of the German origin of the counter it was not unusual vast numbers were imported. ,

Because the two soil pipes appeared to join under the baulk, the trench was extended slightly northwards and eastwards. This extension was named Trench E.


Because the tree stump had to be removed we were allowed to excavate an area immediately round its roots to a depth necessary to extract them. This gave rather more scope than the narrow confines of the foundation trenches. The trench began as a 2m square but was steadily enlarged. For the first 50cm the soil surrounding the stump was highly dis­turbed, and contained large quantities of broken roof tile, glazed 19c china and pottery (little of it from the same vessel), the necks of wine bottles, bone and clay pipe. Among the finds was a small sherd of partly-glazed pottery, identified as a piece of a chafing dish, possibly late 16c in origin. (These dishes were filled with charcoal and were used for keeping food warm). In the northern end of the trench, at a depth of 54cm, a floor ­or more probably a pathway – was found. This consisted of an area of broken peg roof tiles set neatly and symmetrically on edge (and partly covered with a thin burnt layer). These vertical tiles alternated with smaller areas of the same tiles laid flat. The pathway appeared to have been constructed to accommodate the trunk of the tree when it was much younger (though later roots had grown across it). The tiles were lifted, and beneath some of them was a disturbed layer containing white glazed china, willow pattern and other 19c arte­facts. But the majority of the tiles had been placed directly on top of an identical lower layer of vertical tiles. In the north western part of the trench these lower tiles were laid in the same direction. In the eastern part they were grouped in a more random way.

This lower pathway was bedded in a thin layer of clay, which contained no dating evidence. It, in turn, rested on natural – confirmed by a deep pilot hole. However, on top of the natural, seven small body sherds of coarse pottery were found. These were identified as South Herts grey ware, dating from the 13/14c.


The north wall of the theatre was to include, another 1m square pillar and this formed the starting point of the trench. Beneath the thick concrete floor of the recently demolished shed was a layer of loose rubble, containing large quantities of recent artefacts, including a newspaper dated April 1, 1950. This rested on a worn, symmetrically laid, soft redbrick floor at the same depth as a similar layer of bricks found by the contractors in the north west corner of the site and clearly part of the same floor. To investigate this further, part of the north wall foundation trench was opened. Though the floor petered out to the east (where it was much disturbed), it continued to the west where it was coated with a thick deposit of coal dust. From a pipe trench dug by the contractors it was possible to confirm that this was simply an older floor of the shed. In the 1m square part of the trench the floor was lifted. This showed that it had been laid partly on an area of brick/yellowy mortar/ tile fill, partly on soft humus like earth bordered by large flint nodules (30cm below datum). The latter was almost certainly a former flower bed. The flints were bedded in the same fill as the rest of the trench and continued downward to a depth of 90cm below datum. At this point a dark brown layer of pebbles (some of them large), tile fragments and some signs of burning were visible. Between 5-10cm below this the evidence of dis­turbance lessened, the pebbles became lighter in colour and natural began to appear. Though this was at the maximum permitted depth, it corresponded to the depth at which natural was found elsewhere.


This revealed the junction-of the two soil pipes, immediately to the east of a water filled well at least 3m deep. The top 150cm of the well lining as loosely packed, but below that evenly laid brick courses were visible, suggesting a lower ground level at some earlier date. No attempt was made to excavate it. It was the second well on the site. Another had been found by the contractors between trenches A and C and had been backfilled


The tile areas in Trench C strongly suggest the work of a 19c garden­er and it appears as if they were laid out at the same time the chestnut was planted. The 1876 OS 25″ map even shows a garden feature that could be a pathway in that area. The roof tiles, which had been used, may have originally come from the Bull though adjoining buildings have early clay-tiled roofs, the Bull has later slates.The dig clearly showed that the ground level in the second half of the 19c was lower than at present, and must have been made up since then, probably when the rear extension of the Bull was built. The fact that this made-up ground contained some artefacts earlier than the 19c is obviously not significant. Harder to explain is the fact that natural was reached immediately beneath this 19c level right across the site. Even if this area behind the Bull had always been a garden, it would inevitably have accumulated a large quantity of domestic rubbish from the pre-Victorian period. The only conclusion must be that when the 19c garden was laid out, the site was landscaped and lowered, and the remains of earlier centuries stripped and dumped. The few medieval sherds in trench C must have escaped this levelling.

Because the Bull is on the summit of a steep hill, it is perhaps not surprising that ground levels have been much altered in the past.


Our thanks are due to:

Denis O’Brien and Pam Edwards of the Old Bull Arts Centre John Moore of 0 Mansfield Thomas, the project architect

HADAS members who took part or helped, particularly Howard Hesp Alec Gouldsmith, Audrey Hooson, Ann Trewick and Eric and Ella Ward.


By | Past Newsletters, Volume 3 : 1980 - 1984 | No Comments



The final outing of summer 1982 is a 21st anniversary trip to Greensted and Waltham Holy Cross, on Saturday September 25, to be led by Ted Sammes.

This is a greatly enhanced version of the first outing that HADAS undertook. The date was September 16 1961 so we will be repeating it almost to the day. It cost participants the princely sum of ten shillings (50p) each. On that occasion all was very impromptu, this year we will have the benefit of local guides to help us extract the maximum from the day.

Come and be nostalgic with the few of us who remain from that very first outing. You will be rewarded by a day spent partly amongst the Saxons and Normans.

Winter programme: The lecture season starts in October at our usual location, the Central Library next to Hendon Town Hall, NW4. We start soon after 8pm with coffee and biscuits (10p) and time for a chat before the lecture starts at about 8.30. For new members, buses 183 and 143 pass the door. The library is 10 minutes’ walk from Hendon Central Station and only a few minutes from the 113 (Edgware), 240 and 125 bus routes. There are two free car parks opposite. Members may bring a guest to one lecture, but guests who wish to attend further lectures should be invited to join the society.

Tuesday October 5: Coalhole Covers and Victorian Domestic Life, by Lily Goddard.

Coalhole covers – cast-iron artefacts of the Victorian era – are a special feature of many streets and squares in our cities and in country and seaside towns. Set in the pavement mainly in front of 19th century terraced houses, they were in general domestic use from the 1850s to the end of World War One and many serve their original purpose to this day. The covers, called coal plates, were cast in iron and were embellished with a great variety of harmonious geometric patterns. Lily Goddard’s talk, broadly based on her book “Coalhole Rubbings” (Midas Books), is illustrated by more than 100 slides. Many varied coalhole rubbings will be shown, their locations pointed out and where possible information given on the ironmongers and foundries whose names are cast on the covers. There will also be a step-by-step description of how to take a rubbing, action pictures of present day heavy iron casting, a brief look at domestic life in Victorian times advice on mounting and presenting a collection of rubbings and slides of creative applications based on coalhole motifs and translated into other art and craft media.

Lily Goddard is anxious to locate a local coalhole cover to talk about, so if any member knows of one Dorothy Newbury (203 0950) would be grateful to hear of it.

Tuesday November 2: Anglo-Saxon England by Professor Loyn, Professor of History at Westfield College.

December: Christmas gathering – more news later.


The 29-seater coach for this four-day trip is filled, but there is no waiting list, so if anyone else thinks they may like to go please ring June Porges(346 5078) or Pete Griffiths (61 23156) in case there are any late cancellations.


To Dave King and Gill Braithwaite, who have both passed their final exams in the University of London internal diploma with first class honours. Also to Brian Wrigley , who has obtained his external diploma, and to other members with academic :successes have not yet reached HADAS editorial ears.


Barnet Museum is still wrestling with the aftermath of its re­building problems. Official opening of the reconstructed museum has been twice postponed and curator Bill Taylor tells us that it is now proposed to reopen formally in March of next year. Meantime, there’s one bit of good news for HADAS researchers. Most of the map collection is back in the museum, and Mr Taylor is now in a position to allow HADAS members to work in the map room by appointment. Several people working on documentary pro­jects who have been waiting to consult maps held in the museum will undoubtedly rejoice at this news. Mr Taylor tells us also that two HADAS members, Audrey and John Hooson, are helping him regularly on Saturdays getting the museum straight.


There are only a few days to go if you want to see the current exhibition at Church Farm House Museum, Hendon. It closes on September 5. The exhibition is a colourful display of Victorian tiles, with a good deal of information in the brochure and captions on methods and techniques of manufacture – inlay, dust pressing, transfer printing, block printing, moulding.

The exhibition which follows will concentrate mainly on the arts and crafts work at present being done in Hampstead Garden Suburb. The Suburb has a thriving craft movement which Dame Henrietta Barnett, its founder, would have applauded vigorously; members of the craft group hold a lively and exciting pre-Christmas market every November. A selection of their work will be displayed from September 11 to November 7 at the museum, against a background of panels showing episodes of Suburb history.

HADAS will take part this month in the usual autumn exhibition staged by the General Arts section of the Barnet Borough Arts Council. All organisations affiliated to the arts council have a chance to display their work at this annual show, and Nell Penny is organising a small exhibit for us. This year the exhibition will be at the Central Library, The Burroughs, NW4, from September 13 to 24.


Last month HADAS had an order for one of its publications from the North York Public Library, Ontario, Canada. This was for Victor­ian Jubilees, which we published in honour of the Queen’s Silver Jubilee in 1977. The copy, we are told, “is to form part of a special collection on the Royal Family”.

Is this fame? Or notoriety? Or just a particularly keen and meticulous researcher at the Ontario library?


Enid Hill reports on the August outing, to Colchester, which was led by Liz Holliday.

A return trip to any site is always a gamble, but any doubts felt about the return to Camulodunum were quickly dispelled as we arrived on a sunny Saturday morning with the local market in full swing along the High Street. Liz Holliday had very sensibly allowed time for us to wander round the town before we met at the Castle to be taken round the Roman vaults, the Norman walls and the museum housed in the Castle.

Camulodunum was already an important place before the Romans took it in AD 43 and made it their headquarters. A colony of retired Roman soldiers was established and a temple to the Emperor Claudius built. Later the Normans utilised the podium or stone base of this temple for their castle, part of which still stands, built out of Roman tiles or bricks, and a strange substance – septaria – lumps of compacted clay found on the coast near Harwich. The castle was immense – four storeys high – but is now much reduced and holds a fine collection of Paleolithic and Neolithic tools, Bronze Age hoards, and a Roman collection of excellence, including even a sample of wattle and daub burnt in the fire of AD 60 in the Boudiccan revolt. Equally unpleasant were the reminders that the Castle had been used as a prison from 1251 to 1835.

After a picnic lunch in the grounds of the Castle, we spent two hectic hours on a conducted tour of the early districts of Colchester, looking at the Roman town wall, St Botolph’s Priory ruins, admiring a Roman drain in the wall, looking at timber framed houses and 18th century houses where the old wooden frame had been hidden by a new facade, admiring the Saxon tower of Trinity Church and the memorial to a Dr Gilberd who died in 1603 but wrote about magnetism and electricity. We crossed the High Street (the old Roman Road) and. wandered down streets leading to the River Colne. Here was the Dutch quarter named after Flemish and Dutch weavers of the 15th. and 16th century who settled there. Here was a reference to John Ball, the priest in the. Peasants’ Revolt of 1381 who had a tenement here, and another house where two sisters, Jane and Ann Taylor, lived in the 19th century. They wrote Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Houses of 15th, 18th and 19th century date exist side by side and the town council has done great service by restoring some 48 old houses, action which won a civic award.

Finally we visited the immense Roman Balkerne Gate, once the main entrance to the town. Nearby, the remains of the Roman legionary fort of AD 43-49 have been found, though the Romans later built houses on the site. Here too is the vast Victorian water tower of 1882 and the recent Mercury Theatre where we had tea with 2,000 years” of history around us before leaving for London.


Tessa Smith describes a walk by members of HADAS Roman Group in the grounds of the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital on top of Brockley Hill.

Our aim was to explore the site of the seven Roman kilns found in this part of Brockley Hill, one of the main mortaria producing areas of Roman Britain in the Flavian-Trajanic period.

Armed with maps and archaeological reports on excavations, we first located the approximate position of kiln 9, the kiln of the potter Doinus, immediately south of Brockley Hill House. This kiln dates from the period AD 70-110 and the finds are at the Museum of London.

We then moved on to the tennis court area, which has been so fruitful for archaeology. It was here in 1953-4 that Phillip Suggett found a large oval clay pit, rich in waster material of the potters Melus, Matugenus, Driccius and others. In addition to local wares he found many imported objects, such as Samian pottery (which included fragments of two Lezoux “unworn” Form 27 cups), millefiore glass, yellow-glazed St Remy ware, bronze brooches and pins, mica­ceous and black imported pottery and an intaglio from a ring. Mr Suggett suggested these might have been the stock of some sort of roadside shop. Most of the finds from these digs are on permanent loan to the London Borough of Barnet and are in storage (when not on display) at the Hampstead Garden Suburb Institute.

The tennis courts were rebuilt in 1971, when Stephen Castle exca­vated the North West bank. He found many hundredweights of 1st and 2nd century coarse pottery sherds, which are now stored in the Museum of London. It is thought likely that this general area is where the Moxom Collection was found in the early 1900s.

Going a little further north, still keeping near Watling Street, We explored the mound bank, thought to have been built as a boundary at the end of the 18th century. This bank overlies, to a depth of about two feet, four Roman kilns found by Shimon Applebaum in 1950 and Suggett in 1951. Reed-rimmed bowls formed the staple product of the three kilns found by Mr Suggett, and stamped mortaria by Bruccius and Castus helped to date them. Bruccius is thought to have worked between AD 85-120, Castus between AD 95-140. One of the kilns was built directly over a previous kiln.

We were very much aware of the nearness of Watling Street, the modern A5, only a few paces away to the east, and it was in a lawn outside the main entrance to the hospital; right beside the road, that hundredweight of amphorae sherds were excavated in 1975, as a result of the need to lay an electricity cable. Two of the seven known kilns in this area were also found when workmen were digging.

This highlights the importance of watching for any activity of this sort on this sensitive site. The west side of the A5 lies, of course, within the province of the Harrow and Stanmore Historical Society. The boundary between the boroughs of Harrow and Barnet goes up the middle of the road and our “patch” is on the east side – where kiln activity has also been observed, starting with a trial dig in 1937 and going on to a full excavation in 1948 by Margaret Richardson (the finds from these digs are also on permanent loan to LBB).

Any archaeologist worth his/her salt should therefore keep a keen eye out for “works” on either the east or west of the A5, so that these can be reported to the society immediately concerned and ­if they are important enough – to the Museum of London, which is lways keenly interested in Brockley Hill.

I would like to thank the authorities of the Royal National Ortho­paedic Hospital for giving their permission for us to walk their grounds. There are springs on the west side of the hill and some members of the group explored the steep slope north west towards the new road which is being built within the hospital grounds. Surface water, draining away towards the Aldenham Reservoir, made some areas wet and boggy. Examples of pottery were noted in the ground, and this walk will provide for further discussion when the Roman Group meets next – which will be on:

Wednesday September 15, at 8pm, at 56 Northway, NW11.

Please let Mrs Enid Hill


Audrey Hooson reviews MEDIEVAL JEWELLERY by David Hinton (Shire Archaeology, E1.95)

This is subtitled “from the 11th to the 15th century” and provides a very interesting and concise introduction to the jewelry of that period. Among the subjects covered are the sources of information, the dating of jewels, the sources and properties of the metals and gemstones used, types of medieval jewels (belt and costume fittings are included in this chapter) and jewellery in history.

Most of the plates have been provided by museums but the standard of reproduction varies. I found the drawings prepared specially for the book more useful but for those readers unable to visit museums the black and white photographs probably give a better idea of the pieces.

The list of books for further reading includes several which are available from the Barnet Library Service. David Hinton, who lectures in archaeology at the University of Southampton, also suggests museums to visit. Fortunately for us, the best collections are in London at the British Museum, the V & A and. the Museum of London.

An evening spent reading this book followed by visits to one or all of these museums to see not just the jewellery but also the medieval paintings and illustrated manuscripts showing it being worn, would provide a good start to the study of these beautiful artifacts and their importance as a source of social history.

(Copies are available, please add 20p for postage, from Jeremy Clynes, 66 Hampstead Way, NW11 7XX).


A new Newsletters ago we promised to publish an occasional recipe from our 21st birthday historical buffet. The first we printed was a 15th century dish. This one, for Sala Catabia, is 1st century AD.

It is the dish which Julius Baker – who wrote the Newsletter report on our 21st birthday party – liked best. It is also the dish which, with a flourish, opens the only Roman cookery book to come down (via medieval monastic libraries) to modern, times – written by Apicius, Roman gourmet of the time of Tiberius.

Ingredients, to be moulded in a small basin with a top rim 6 inches in diameter: diced, cooked chicken meat (about a quarter of a small chicken); ¼ pint of well-flavoured chicken stock; 2 oz chicken livers, cooked gently in a little oil; ¼ of a stall brown loaf (at least f our days old); ¼ cucumber, peeled and diced; 2 oz grated cheddar or similar hard cheese; 1 oz pine kernels; 1 tbsp capers. For sauce: about 2 tbsps each honey, wine vinegar, water; a liberal grinding of black pepper, 1 tsp chopped pennyroyal, garum to taste. Garnish: chopped mint.

Method: cut the loaf into ¼ in thick slices and remove the crusts. Dip each slice into the chicken stock and squeeze out gently, trying to retain the shape of the slice, so that it is easy to line the basin completely with a ‘Min layer of bread.

Fill this lined basin with alternate layers of chicken meat, livers, cucumber and cheese; sprinkle pine kernels and capers here and there. There should be about six layers in the basin, which should bring the filling to the top of the bread lining.

Mix the ingredients for the sauce and pour into the basin. The contents should be nicely damp but not sloppy, and the most difficult part is to gauge exactly the right amount of sauce. Put a final soaked slice of bread across the top, then put a small saucer and a light weight on top of it, and refrigerate overnight.

Just before the meal, turn out carefully and serve cold, sprinkled with chopped mint.

(Note: if you have no pennyroyal for the sauce, use mint instead; only cooks who frequently make Roman dishes are likely to have garum, so we suggest using ordinary salt, to taste, instead. Other herbs, eg thyme, parsley, marjoram, can be substituted for mint both in the sauce and for garnish)

The Romans served this as part of their “starter” course, the “Gustatio”.


The society will be very sad to learn of the death, in the middle of August, of Muriel Jones, a keen member of HADAS for the last seven years. She died at her home in North Finchley of a heart attack.

Miss Jones was a real HADAS fan. She was an enthusiast for outings and lectures, attending all that she possibly could; although an accident last winter in which she was knocked down by a car unfortunately curtailed these activities.

She also liked to lend a helping hand whenever possible in the society’s research projects. The last work she took part in was the recording of the tombstones in St James the Great churchyard, Friern Barnet.

She was a small, gentle, and enthusiastic and ever7cheerful lady, and all those of us.who knew her will miss her very much.


The Newsletter welcomes with pleasure the following new members, who have joined HADAS within the last few months:

*Frederick Baker, Barnet: Mrs Carter, Garden Suburb; Mrs Chalmers, NW1; Caroline Ellis, Imperial College; Mrs Gibb John, Garden Suburb; Mrs Mildred Gordon and Mr David Gordon, NW2; Josephine Horncy, West Hampstead; Marie-Louise Irvine, Garden Suburb; Stephen Jack, NW10; John and Ulla Jeyes, Edgware; Mrs Caroline and *Jeremy Killen, Garden Suburb; Freda Kroll, Garden Suburb; *Robert Myers, Stanmore; David Plant, Finchley; W.J. Smith, Crouch End.

(* denotes a member under 21)

Happy HADAS days, all of you.


Local WEA courses of likely interest to members include:

Anglo-Saxon Archaeology (Thursdays, from September 23, 27 Rotherwick Road, NW11, 8pm); Arts and Architecture. of Ancient Greece (Mondays, from 27 September, Hendon Library, 8pm); Ancient Beliefs and Rituals in the Middle East (Tuesdays, from September 29, Hendon Library,. 7.30 pm); Archaeology and Religion (by Tony Rook, Wednesdays, from October

13; Owens AEC, Chandos Avenue, N20, 10am) Fees vary, from £18 to £24 for 24 lectures, with reductions for OAPs. Local libraries have full WEA programmes.

There are a number of weekend courses at Oxford, beginning with Recent Work on the Medieval Castle, October 9-10. Write to Archaeology Course Secretary, Oxford University Department for External Studies, Rewley House, 3-7 Wellington Square, Oxford, for details.


Saturday October 23 – another diary entry – Ploughman’s lunch, members’ get-together and MINIMART at St Mary’s Church House, Hendon, NW4. Good saleable items wanted by Christine Arnott (455 2751) or Dorothy Newbury (203 0950). Further details in October Newsletter.


By | Past Newsletters, Volume 3 : 1980 - 1984 | No Comments



SATURDAY 14th AUGUST – COLCHESTER (Roman Camulodunum.)

Liz Holiday is well away with her arrangements for this outing – a gem for Roman enthusiasts. It will include a visit to the museum, a conducted tour of the vaults, prison and castle, and in the afternoon an escorted walk round the town. See the enclosed itinerary for details. If you wish to join this outing please complete the enclosed application form and send it, with cheque, to Dorothy Newbury as soon as possible.

For the rest of the summer:-

SEPTEMBER 9,10,11 & 12th (Thursday morning to Sunday night).

The long weekend in North Northumberland as circularised with the July Newsletter has taken off – 25 members have booked to go on the trip and it is DEFINITELY ON. Dorothy Newbury has been up there and visited the Woolet Field Centre. She reports that there is so much to see that it is difficult to condense it into 4 days. Colin Burgess from Newcastle University, who has been digging in the area this year has agreed to give an introductory talk and to conduct the group on the Friday to see prehistoric settlements, cairns and forts. Other periods will be covered over the weekend, including a visit to Berwick, fought over by the Scots and English – changing hands no less than 13 times – before being finally won by the English in 1482; and to Holy Island to see Lindisfarne Priory and Castle.

There is still time to join the trip if you ring June Porges (346 5078) or

Peter Griffiths (612 3156) within the next few days. Cost approximately £60 which will include transport, accommodation and full board.

SEPTEMBER 25th to Greensted and Waltham Abbey – the last outing of the year ­a repeat of the very first HADAS outing in 1961, to be led by Ted Sammes.


It was an eerie feeling to walk into St. Martin’s Church in Canterbury and to know that St. Augustine himself had worshipped there. This was the Church in which Queen Bertha had been worshipping during the twenty years of her marriage to King Ethelbort, pagan King of Kent. There may well be truth in the story that the King was baptised in St. Martin’s.

We next visited St. Augustine’s Abbey, the monastic establishment founded by Augustine on land given him by the King, just outside the city walls. In the earliest of the three churches on the site are the burial places of the first Christian Kentish Kings, and their Bishops. A quick visit to the Northgate revealed-to the educated eye – a portion of crenelated town wall which may be a portion of the Roman wall around the city. The wall is now part of the Church which has been built into it.

We did not have enough time to do the Cathedral justice, but we managed to include the Crypt in which two pillars and remains of the great Cross from Reculver Church are stored.

We then went to St. Mildred’s Church to see an example of Saxon megalithic quoining, toured the remains of the Norman Keep, and walked along the town walls, passing the mound called Dane John which might be a Roman burial mound.

A short coach journey took us to Rochester, where we split into two groups, one lot going to the Rochester Museum while the other group enjoyed a magnificent tea in the garden of the home of our tour guide, Paul Craddock. The two groups “changed places”, so that we all boarded the coach replete with tea and goodies, heading back to London..

Paul Craddock’s “style” as a guide is individual to say the least: he is constantly on the move, explaining, describing, providing information, and he is willing to repeat what he has said to anyone who didn’t hear it, giving no sign of impatience at the umpteenth repetition. Some of our party would have preferred to gather in a group, listen to an explanatory lecturette and then to wander off to look at what had been mentioned. However, everyone had to acknowledge his patience, goodwill and enthusiasm as well as the amount of information which he.does have about the area.

Each HADAS outing is different from its predecessors, not only in where we go and what we see, but in the atmosphere and ambience of the group which participates in it. This outing provided a wealth of interesting places to return to and appreciate at leisure.



In a recent programme about Kopyes or rocky outcrops in the Sevengeti plain in Africa put out by the B.B.C., a demonstration was given by a native banging a stone into a depression in the rock, thus producing the effect of a “sounding board” – It was stated that this was a native way of producing sound going back to ancient times and a picture was shown of rock covered with many cup-like depressions – the Commentator suggested that these were played in sequences producing an “orchestra” of sounds.

Does it strike any of our readers that here we have an explanation for the mysterious “cup-marks” on stones associated with Neolithic tombs. – Could this have been the means of making background music to the various ritual enactments that are said to have taken place at certain times?


This contribution to one of the great problems of prehistoric archaeology will be of special interest to the long-weekenders, who will be heading for Wooler, in the heart of cup-mark country, on September 9th.- The Lady, of November 5th 1981 includes an interesting article on rock carvings in the Val Camonica, North of Brescia together with an account of attempts at dating the carvings by Professor Emmanuel Anati. One of the illustrations shows two oblong carvings, one of which contains about forty cup-marks. Professor Thom considers these to be based on the same mathematical principles as those used by the builders of Stonehenge. It has also been suggested that they are maps. If these few notes have whetted your appetite – there is still time to apply for a place at Wooler.



As you will have read in the July Newsletter I have recently been made

Membership Secretary, hence the reminders were late going out. All the same I am pleased to report that I have received nearly 250 subs, including those of new members, but sad to relate nearly 190 are still due. Please keep my postman busy by delivering your letters with subs as follows:-

Full Membership £3.00
Under 18 £2.00

Senior Citizens £2.00

Family Membership 1st member £3:0

Additional members £1.00 each

Corporate Membership £4.00

I am pleased to say we have several new members and I should like to welcome them to the Society.

N.B. I collect all the stamps off your letters and these will go to a charity.


DESERTED VILLAGES by Trevor Rowley and John Wood. Shire Archaeology, £1.95p.

This is the latest in the series of small archaeological handbooks published by Shire. The books don’t aim to be exhaustive in their treatment of a subject ­how could they be, at around 65-75 pages? – but all are written by experts and those so far published have offered a good basic groundwork in a particular subject. This is no exception.

The authors start by asking why deserted villages are worth studying, and come up with the answer that, unlike most archaeological sites which are cluttered by later buildings and development, deserted villages lot us see life as it was at the time of abandonment – preserved like a fly in amber. In addition, they throw light on the nature of the world in which the village existed – and died.

The desertion of villages – that is, the movement of settlements – has always been a fact of life since prehistoric times. The authors provide a potted history of the ebb and flow of settlement. Over 100 abandoned Anglo-Saxon settle­ments are known in England (HADAS visited one of them quite recently – West Stow, in Suffolk, now rehabilitated).

The 12c/13c saw an expansion of villages, followed by a decline in the late 13c/14c. The prosperity of the 15c wool trade meant that some villages were turned into sheep pasture: by 1500 there were three times as many sheep as humans in England.

That was the profit motive at work; alongside, another trend had started, with social status as its aim. This was the formation of exclusive parks by landowners anxious to keep up with the Joneses. Often they moved whole villages which were in the way of a desired emparkment. This is sometimes thought of as an 18c development, but it began happening as early as 1421. In our own time settlements near mines and mills have declined, and often vanished, just as the industries they served did.

An enlightening chapter deals with what deserted villages look like now and covers earthworks, parch marks and hollow ways. House platforms, boundary banks, moat ditches, ridge and furrow are all considered. The remarks on isolated Churches, left behind when the village has gone, are relevant to anyone interested in the possible deserted village near East Barnet Church, recently in the news:

“The village church often survived when the village it served was abandoned. This was not necessarily because churches were more solidly built … or for fear of divine retribution … but because they belonged to a large independent organisation with its own rights, records and revenues … besides, parish Churches would continue to serve nearby farms and hamlets long after the village was depopulated … not every isolated Church indicates the site of a deserted village, however … Some may have been built as private chantries or chapels … and there may be other reasons for a Church standing now by itself …”

There is a chapter on the shapes of deserted villages (ribbon development, round a green, etc), types of houses and small finds. A final chapter deals with ways of discovering deserted villages: survey, the study of air photos, the use of OS and earlier maps and the importance of field names. Appendices include a booklist and a copy of the Fieldwork Questionnaire put out by the Medieval Village Research Group.

The booklet is fully illustrated; far the most telling illustrations are reproductions of aerial photographs. Some of the small-scale distribution maps are too crammed to be worth printing; but a map showing distribution in a single county, Shropshire, is much more effective.

Deserted Villages can be obtained from Jeremy Clynes, 66 Hampstead Way,NWII. 7XX. Please add 20p, for postage if you want a copy posted to you.


As we usually do about now, the Newsletter has been trying to gather information about the evening classes which will be available in our Borough and further afield next winter. Here are the results so far (more information, we hope, next month).

Hampstead Garden Suburb Institute, Central Square, NW11, offers courses in the first two years of the London University Diploma in Archaeology, each at for a course of 24 lectures and 4 visits:

Year 1, the Archaeology of Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Man, Mons.7.30 – 9.30pm, starting September 20th lecturer Dr. M. Hemingway. PhD.

Year 2, the Archaeology of Western Asia (covering the Near East, but not Egypt), Thursday 7.30 – 9.30, starting September 23rd, Miss R. Harris. B.A.,

The two final years of the Diploma are not available locally. For the third year – the Archaeology of Prehistoric Europe – the nearest venue is the

Institute of. Archaeology, Gordon Square (Mons, from September 20th 6.30pm,

Miss. S. Hamilton. B.A.) The various fourth year options – Egyptology, pre­historic Britain, Roman Britain or Environmental Archaeology – are available at either the Institute of Archaeology or Morley College.


The first two years of this 3-year Certificate cannot be studied locally, but the third year – the Post-Roman Period in .SE England – is available at Barnet College. The June Newsletter carried some details of this course, given us by Jean Snelling. We can now add that the course starts on Wednesday September 22nd, and that enrolments at Barnet College are on Tuesday September 14th (loam – 8pm); Wednesday September 15th and Thursday 16th, both from 6-8pm.

Should you want to do the two earlier years, there are courses in Year 1 (Prehistory in SE England) at the City Lit and at Edmonton College of Further Education in Southgate; Year 2 (the Roman period in SE England) has courses at the City Lit and at Marylebone-Paddington Adult Education Institute, Maida Vale.

Apart from the Certificate course, Barnet College also offers a course this year in the first year of the Certificate in Ecology and Conservation, on Mons. from September 30th; a 3-term course in Local History, on Thursday evenings, from September 29th; two lunch-time courses, Mons and Fridays, from 1.30-3.30 on London Life and buildings; and two on Tues and Weds (1.15 – 3.15) on Antiques and Historic Houses. There is also a. one-term course on Wednesday evenings, from September 29th, on Tracing Your Ancestors.


HADAS Diploma and Certificate holders may like to know of the post-Diploma courses being run centrally by the University. All courses are at 6.30pm at the Extra Mural Dept. unless otherwise stated:

Animal Bones in Archaeology (Advanced), Mons from September 27th;

Lecturer – Tony Legge.

Animal Bones (Beginners) Weds from September 22nd. Mrs. D. Sergeantson.

Human Skeletal Remains in Archaeology; Thursdays from September 23rd, Miss. T. Molleson.

Plant Remains in Archaeology, Mons from September 27th. R. Hubbard. Inst. Arch.

African Archaeology, Thursdays from September 23rd. D. Price Williams. Inst.Arch.


There is one course this Autumn to which we want to draw members’ special attention – particularly any members who have joined the Society recently or who feel a trifle shaky about their background knowledge of basic Archaeology.

HADAS is, with the kind co-operation of the Hampstead Garden Suburb Institute, organising a course of 12 lectures this Autumn at the Institute, on Mondays from 7.30 – 9.30 pm, starting on September 20th. This will be similar to the courses which we ran successfully at Hendon College of Further Education in Mill Hill for several years.

The course is called Digging Up the Past. It is designed particularly for beginners, or for those who have only a smattering of knowledge about some of the Archaeological periods. Five members are acting as Lecturers, while a sixth will lead a visit to a museum on one. of the Saturdays during the course. The lectures will be arranged chronologically, starting with an outline of the stages of evolution, going through the Palaeolithic to the hunter-gatherers of the

Mesolithic and then the first farmers of the Neolithic. At the point metal takes over, and our Lecturers concentrate on the Copper, Bronze and Iron Ages. There are two lectures on aspects of the Romans in Britain; and two on the Saxons and Vikings. We finish with a brainstrust on December 6th.

Fee for the course is £13 for 12 lectures and visit. Enrolment is during office house at the Institute in August (but not between August 9th 20th) and September, and in term time if there are still vacancies. Office hours are 9 am – 1 pm and 2 am – 5 pm. In term time and from September 6th – 9th the office is also open 6.15-8.15 pm. The Institute phone number is 455 9951.

As the course is a bit of an experiment, so far as the HGS Institute is concerned, we hope it will be a success; and we hope, too, to see some friendly HADAS faces in our audience. So please give Monday evenings from September 20th several stars in your diary.


On April 1st last (no hidden significance in the date, we hasten to say) -a new Organisation for Local Historians came into being: The British Association for Local History. It replaces the cumbersomely named Standing Conference for Local History. The inaugural meeting, which decided to form the new Association, had taken place two weeks before, at Holborn Central Library, and was attended by between 150-200 people.

The main objective of the new Association is to “promote the advancement of education through the study of local history.” Membership is open to individuals OVE 18 and to organisations. HADAS has joined as an organisational member, so we will keep you posted from time to time about the various things the new Association gets up to.


Processing of the West Heath finds has just been completed by the Prehistoric Group at College Farm.

Put like that it sounds quite simple.

It’s easier perhaps to get into perspective the amount of work which has been done if you realise that the total number of finds from West Heath came to around 50,000, every single one of which had to be marked, bagged, recorded and studied.

That’s what our (so far) unsung processing heroes/heroines have been doing at College Farm for the last year or so (not to mention all the processors of earlier years back to 1976). It’s also why the Newsletter felt the time had come to sing their praises – loudly! HADAS owes them a real debt for getting on with a solid, painstaking, often dull job and doing it most efficiently.

It would be invidious to mention names, but one must be mentioned.

Christine Arnott has taken charge of processing, kept all her helpers happy, kept all those thousands of flints in order, kept sane – and done a first class job. Thanks!


If you have, and it was anywhere in the Borough of Barnet, Dorothy Newbury would like to hear from you. One of our Lectures this winter will be on coal-hole covers – and the Lecturer would like to investigate one or two local specimens, if we can tell her where they are.

Please give Dorothy a ring (203 0950) and tell her the precise location of the cover, if you can.


London and Middlesex Archaeological Society Transactions, Vol 31, 1980 Council for British Archaeology. Archaeology in Britain 1980. .

Council for British Archaeology. Current Archaeological offprints and reports No.58, 1981.

Council of Europe Committee on Culture and Education. Metal detectors and Archaeology. 1981.

World Archaeology Vol.13, No.2, Oct. 1981 (Regional traditions of archaeological research I).

World Archaeology Vol.13, No.3, Feb. 1982 (Regional traditions of archaeological research II).

From the Author.

Rice. L.F. Grains of Rice. 1981.
From Betty Kay.

Automobile Association. The illustrated road book of England and Wales 1965.

From Christine Arnott.

Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society. Vol.32. 1966; Vol.33, 1967.



The Balearic Islands, mecca of thousands of sun-loving tourists every year was the apparently unpromising venue chosen for Spring 1982.44 members took part including three from France and one from Sweden. It was early in the tourist season so there was little opportunity to study the holiday life on the beaches! However, inland there was a wealth of prehistoric remains to be visited, especially those dating from the end of the second millenium B.C. The Society Chairmen, Dr. Bob. Chapman, of Reading University, took the place of Andrew Lawson, Hon. Meetings Secretary, at the last minute.

We visited Mallorca, and Monorca, and were guided round by Dr. and Mrs. Waldren of the Deya Archaeological Museum and Research Centre, an American founded institution.

Like Malta, much of the Balearics is geologically limestone, so it was

probably natural that we should find large stone structures in that material. Like Malta, it had unusual animal species before the coming of man, a dwarf antelope.

Man’s habitation dates from about 4,000 B.C. There were Neolithic, Bronze Ago and later sites to be visited.

On Menorca we looked at the Naveta des Tudons, a Talyotic funerary structure and a number of Taulas (religious structures), built about 900 B.C., with their massive stone lintels perched on a huge central monolith. The Spring flowers were at their best and provided a colourful carpet.

Back on Mallorca we visited the Roman town of Alcudia with its theatre cut into solid rock, and more religious Talyotic sites and settlements.

On a lovely warm day we were taken to Deya in the North of Mallorca to visit the research centre, run by our two guides. One can only be envious of their surroundings and impressed by the work accomplished we also visited the main Museum in Palma, but unfortunately the pre-historic section was closed for rearrangement.

On the last day we dined in Palma itself together with the many people who had helped to make the study tour a success.


Our readers will already have seen, in the National and Local Press, that Mrs. Rosa Freedman, Mayor of Barnet last year and a popular and hard-working Vice-President of HADAS, was awarded the M.B.E., in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List. We share in the reflection of this honour and offer our sincere congratulations to Mrs. Freedman.


By | Past Newsletters, Volume 3 : 1980 - 1984 | No Comments



Visit to Canterbury on SATURDAY, 10th JULY. Please note that Dorothy Newbury will be away from July 3rd – 10th and applications should be made to MR. VICTOR JONES, 10 HEATH CLOSE, N, W. 11 Telephone 458 .6180. The full details of this outing are given in the itinerary – a previous HADAS visit was made in June 1965. Paul Craddock who works at the British Museum, a member who left the area a few year ago, will be leading the visit. Last year he conducted an excellent trip to Swanscombe and Lullingstone, ending with a lovely tea at his charming old house in Rochester his wife Brenda has agreed to provide tea again, and from what I heard last year, not only was the tea excellent but also the welcome that went with it

For the benefit of new members (who we will be very pleased to see on ouroutings) we do not issue tickers, but please ring Victor Jones if you wish to confirm that your application has been received We often have late cancellations, so if you decide at the last minute that you would like to join an outing, please always ring to make sure that a place is available If you wish to join the outing to Canterbury, please complete the enclosed application form and send it with your cheque to VICTOR JONES as soon as possible

Future visits this year

Saturday 14th August – to Colchester

Saturday 25th September – to Greensted and Waltham Abbey

Friday 3rd Sept -Sunday 5th Sept The proposed visit to Newcastle and district has had to be cancelled due to lack of support Sorry to disappoint those members who were keen to go


The next meeting of the Roman Group will be on Wednesday, 28th July at Peter and Jenny Griffiths, 8 Jubilee Avenue, London Colney, Herts (Telephone 612 3156)

The Roman Group are hoping to organise a walk at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital at Stanmore on Wednesday, 21st July at 7p m Members plan to observe the area round the tennis court where excavations resulted in Roman finds This walk has not yet been confirmed by the hospital but if you are interested, please let Tessa Smith know as the party will be limited Her telephone number is 958 9159


One of the events in the recent 75th anniversary celebrations in Hampstead Garden Suburb was an imaginary conversation piece between Henrietta and Samuel Barnett This was scripted by Kitty Slack from Dame Henrietta’s biography of her husband (“Canon Barnett – His Life, Work and Friends” published by John Murray in 1918) and was delivered by two Suburb residents, actor Cyril Luckham and his wife Violet

It was a great success, and many people have asked for a repeat so there will be another performance in the rebuilt Institute Hall on Thursday 8th July at 8pm. Tickets price £1 will be sold in aid of the St Jude’s Appeal fund and the Institute Rebuilding fund. They are obtainable from the HGS institute or at the door on the night.

VISIT TO KING’S LYNN on Saturday, 12th June. Report by Reva Brown

As usual on HADAS outings, the trip to Castle Rising and King’s Lynn proved to be a day of pleasure and information not only were there no hitches in the organ­isation of the day, but also it seemed that Nell Penny had a direct line to the weather­man – it rained when-We were on the coach and eased when it was necessary to walk around and see the sights we had come to view

The first stop was Castle Rising, about 5 miles from King’s Lynn, a fortified dwelling begun about 1150 in King Stephen’s reign by William de Albini who married the widow of Henry I and who was Earl of Sussex and of Arundel. Through de Albini’s descendants, Castle Rising passed to the family of de Montalt, and for some thirty years it was the home of Isabella, :Mother of Edward III – he and the Black Prince visited Isabella at the castle In 1544, Henry VIII granted it to the Duke of Norfolk, and it was held by a branch of the Howard family until 1958 when it was handed into the guardianship of the Department of the Environment

The principal building still standing is the Great Tower (or keep) This is of squat rectangular type, its height less than the other dimensions length,(east-west) 78½ feet breadth 68½ feet. Two storeys with walls up to 3 feet thick are strengthened by buttresses and the windows are unusually large parts of the gatehouse remain and north of the keep are the foundations of a Norman chapel The high earth wall which surrounds the castle Was put up at the same time as the castle was built, and the great building nestles in the hollow created by the erection of the banks which surround it It is possible to walk round on top of the grassy rampart of the inner enclosure This is encircled by a ditch with scarp going down about 100 feet To east and west are further enclosures defended by ditches, cut out by the Normans In the grounds are a beech and oak With commemorative plaques giving the information that they were planted by the Prince of Wales in 1864

At King’s Lynn, we were met by Miss Bullock, a member of the Preservation Trust. Starting off at Tuesday Market, she guided us along King Street, Queen Street and into Nelson street explaining the origins and development of the town. Keys were produced and we were allowed into locked buildings of considerable interest. The Preservation Trust has uncovered behind what looks like a Tudor facade, three parallel buildings of great age, one of them probably going back to the 12th century The Trust hope to open this complex as a Heritage building, with exhibitions about King’s. Lynn and its complicated past

The origins of the town are still being investigated, but it is known that about 1100 Herbert de Lesinga, the first, Bishop of Norwich, had the first St Margaret’s church built on the central of three islands, where four streams, or ‘fleets’, run into the Ouse, to serve an already established community By 1160, this community was so prosperous

that it was necessary for Bishop Turbus to reclaim the island to the north and lay it out as the New Lande with its own market and chapel of ease, linked by two wide steets to the old settlement The town Was then called Bishop’s Lynn and was changed to its present name by Henry VIII

On our informative walk, we saw the Corn Exchange, several historic inns, the Custom House We went into Clifton House which has a handsome early 18th century front and portico with twisted columns, thought to be the work of Lynn’s creative architect of the period, Henry Bell The house contains panelling and plasterwork from the early and mid-18th century In the entrance hall there are two rooms with early 14th century tiled floors exposed to view and the crypt has beautiful late 14th century brick-vaulted undercroft with tracers of a yet earlier stone house of about 1200.Our last call was at the 15th century Hall of the Trinity •Guild, where the undercroft has been refurnished as the Regalia Rooms, and houses the civic regalia, plate and charters of Lynn, including the unique 14th century cup of richly enameled silver gift,’ known as the King John Cup. Once we were seated in Thoresby College, with a grand view of the Ouse, to be refreshed by an excellent tea and spread provided by the members of the Preservation Society, it began to pour down heavily, The College was built around 1511 by Thomas Thoresby as a college for thirteen Priests of the Trinity Guild After the usual changes of ownership – the place has been a private home, a school, a warehouse for a mineral water factory, – the Trust has restored it as flatlets for retired people, as well as a Youth Hostel. The west wing – once the priests’ dining room (in which we had our tea) – is also used for meetings The work of the Preservation Trust was explained to use, and it is a record of rescue & preservation of many buildings which are now being used and enjoyed when they might have become derelict and have been pulled down.

King’s Lynn had its period of prosperity when the Ouse was an important waterway and the town traded with Europe. Industrialisation passes it by and as a result, it contains many buildings of great interest and beauty which might well otherwise have been destroyed in the name of modernisation and progress.

Once again HADAS has provided us with more than an enjoyable day out I am sure I was not the only person who travelled home with new knowledge and an increased appreciation of our past


The next Group meeting will be towards the end of September (precise date later) During the summer group members will, carry on gently with various current projects (such as the survey of field names in the, borough, a map of 18/19th century brickworks, a study of tin tabernacles etc.) but the call of the trowel (both archaeological and garden variety) becomes paramount about this time of year

The group would be delighted to have more members, as “one-off’ bits of research crop up fairly constantly., e.g. the notes on a field next to East Barnet church in last month’s Newsletter anyone who would like to be on the documentary rota for odd jobs, or who would like advance warning of the autumn group meeting, please let Brigid Grafton Green have your name.


Our senior Vice-President, Eric Wookey, sends us this letter:

“I have just received back from the photo-framers the 90th birthday scroll which

all of you gave me at the A.G.M. U looks splendid and makes quite the nicest birthday

present I had, Even the figure 90 seems toned down a bit, and does not hit you between

the eyes As for ‘bottles’, they go as quickly as ‘they come, and this doesn’t

Quite a few nice people must have got together to think this one up. Will you accept my grateful thanks?”


In the Newsletter for April 1981 we announced a research project under the above working title, to investigate the local aircraft industry Some of you may be wondering what has happened

We got off to an enthusiastic and productive start with quite a lot of progress on Handley Page at Cricklewood and Grahame-White at Hendon, but someone to research de Havilland at Stag Lane proved elusive Then the Gremlins struck and the project was nearly grounded As, an, example, arranged a day off to Investigate the RAF Museum’s archives but, as t was leaving hothe for the Museum, the ‘phone rang and the office requested my presence (the firm landed a fat contract which was nice but it didn’t help my research) Now, following some desultory activity, there are signs of a renaissance.

I had better not say more in case the Gremlins are still around, but I would add an appeal for more help, particularly to research de Havilland Any offers to Bill Firth (455 7164) PLEASE


Members who have already pa d their subscriptions for this year will have noticed that we now have a new officer a membership secretary PHYLLIS FLETCHER has kindly agreed tb take on all the duties, hitherto shared between the Hon. Secretary and the Hon Treasurer, which concern membership matters

That means that as well as collecting your sub, she will make sure that you have a current membership card plus – if you are a new member – all the information you want about HADAS She will keep the membership list up to date (quite a job with over 400 members) and answer any enquiries from members that come her way

And by the way, if you haven’t yet paid your 1982-83 subscription, please do and get Phyllis off to a flying start Subscriptions run from April 1st each year, and should be sent to Miss Phyllis Fletcher, 27 Decoy Avenue, NW11 OES They are:

Full membership £3.00

Under 18 £2.00

Over 60 £2.00

Family membership

1st member £3.00

Additional members £1.00


Members who have been following the current Billingsgate excavation can get up-to-date information from two lunch-time lectures at the Museum of London this month On Thursday, July 8th there is a Museum workshop on the subject of Computers In Archaeology, geared particularly to Billingsgate, given by Kevin Flude and on July 9yh Steve Roskams will report on Current Progress in Billingsgate Both are at 1 10p m

Other Museum events include a workshop on Housekeeping in Limehouse in the 1830s (July 1st, by Joanna Clark, based on the Young Manuscripts) and Wren and the Growth of London, by Frank Kelsall, on July 2nd Both at 1 10p m

Madingley Hall, Cambridge, has a number of interesting one-day Saturday courses including:

September 4th The Romans in Britain (Morag Woodhuysen)

September 18th The Medieval English Town (Dr Rosemary Horrox)

September 25th Radio Carbon – Exploded or Exploding? (Professor Colin Renfrew Dr V. R. Switsur, & Dr. David Trump)

November 27th The Golden Age of Athens (Richard Evans)

December 11th The Civilisation of Ancient Egypt (Barry Kemp) One-day courses begin a 10.30a m. and end about 6 30p m.

Madingley is some 4 miles out of Cambridge, so with an early start a one-day course is a feasible proposition for North Londoners The fee, which includes morning coffee, lunch and tea, is usually £10. Further details (and also information about equally interesting full weekend courses) are available from the University of Cambridge Board of Extra Mural Studies, Madingley Hall, Madingley, Cambridge, CB3 8AQ

In Newsletter No 121 – March 1981 – TESSA SMITH described one of the eight objects which form the Moxom Collection of Roman Pottery from Brockley Hill, now kept at Church Farm House Museum It was, she had discovered, a spacer used to separate tiles from the wall of a hypocaust since then, Tessa has been investigating another Moxom oddity – this time a pottery flagon of unusual shape (for drawings of it, by DAVE KING, see final page) This is the story of her research.


The first thing one notices about the Moxon flagon is its shape it is square – & square shapes in pottery, particularly Roman pottery, are rare

As soon as you start to examine it closely, you notice other curious points the neck looks pressed in at one side, the square base is caved-in and cracked. The flagon is, like so many other Brockley Hill vessels, a waster, or potter’s reject

Then you see that it is cracked down the length of one side, which means that it could have been slab-built the crack occurs at the weakest point, where two edges had been welded together during construction. When I peered inside the flagon by torchlight however, I discovered what looked like ring-marks on the inside walls you can imagine my excitement, because that indicated wheel-thrown construction and not slab-building at all. How had this thrown pot, initially curved, taken on a final square form? My first thought was that the flagon, while drying, could have toppled over on the bench and, under pressure of its own weight, one side could have taken on the flatness of the bench top the Roman potter noticing this, could have then flattened the other three sides on the bench to match, and thus invented a new shape of flagon Very romantic!

Next I consulted potters with specialised knowledge – first HADAS member Myfanwy Stewart, then professional potter Brett Sampson It was agreed that the int­erior ring marks were evidence of the use of the wheel. The slightly curved base was also a clear indication that the pot was originally thrown. The method of squaring the flagon was thought either to have been done on a flat bench, which could have caused the caving-in at the base or, more likely, the flagon may have been laid in the potter’s hand, his thumb pressed against the neck, at the near-leather-hard stage (incidentally, this could account for the neck distortion) while a wooden slat would have been used to flatten the cylindrical sides, rather like a butter pat This would, incidentally, leave traces of ‘knife’ marks’ noted by Philip Suggett in 1955 (1)

One modern potter showed me a pot he had made recently in just this manner, complete with thrown neck and rim, showing what a simple and satisfactory method of manufacture it was. A third method was considered – namely, that a thick cylindrical shape could have been thrown, then the sides pared down with a knife to give a square form this would also give ‘knife marks’ . No hand-made coiled pots of Roman origin have been found at Brockley Hill this Method would have been too time-consuming for the Romans, and was ruled out. Opinion was that the flagon was definitely a wheel-thrown form, later squared off .

Next point to consider was whether the Brockley Hill potter could have had know­ledge of other square-sided pots at the time (AD50 – 160), or whether the form could be original enquiries to many archaeologists and to the British Museum and the Museum of London brought the same response no one had ever seen anything in pottery quite like the Moxon square flagon (2)

if the potter had not copied his idea from some other ceramic, what about glass? Was it just a coincidence that the flagon happened to look so much like the new square bottles which were all the rage in the Roman provinces just then?

One novelty which the Romans brought to Britain was newly invented blown glass It was easier to manufacture than the older type of mould-pressed glass, and the square bottle was already widely known in the provinces by the mid-1st century AD At Brockley Hill, various examples of Roman glass of the period A050 – 120 have been found

Whole glass bottles of similar shape and date to the Moxon flagon are known from Verulamium, Edmonton and Moorfields (5) so there is clear evidence that square glass bottles were available which could have been copied in clay Imitations of glass and metal vessels have been noted at Brockley Hill (6)

To investigate this further, I consulted Hugh Chapman of the Museum of London He suggested I look at the base of the pot for markings similar to the concentric rings

found on the base of Roman glass bottles. These rings are the result of the gob of glass splaying out, due to centrifugal force, in the initial stage of glass making a

reeded (or grooved) handle and a flat rim were other points to note Although the shape of the Brockley Hill flagon is similar to that of many Roman

glass bottles, also the rim is flat and the handle reeded, beneath the base only the most casual scratch marks can be seen, typical of a pot that has been sliced from the

wheel. No attempt had been made to copy the underside rings of a Roman glass bottle It seems that it was sufficient for the potter to: attempt a rough clay replica.

But why? Could it have had some connection with a burial? The glass bottles from Edmonton and Moorfields had both been associated with burials. An eyewitness

to the finding of the Moxon Collection is reported to have said that the objects were found “all together” and “accompanied by two burials” (7)

During the late first early second century. AD it was normal practice for the dead to be cremated on a pyre. The ashes were collected and placed in a container for

burial, usually an ordinary domestic pot but sometimes something more elaborate like a glass jar (8) on the other hand the eyewitness report is unsubstantiated and no .

evidence has been found since of these two burials In fact from the Borough of Barnet two Roman cremation burials are known both were in jars, not glass bottles

Alternatively the flagon could have been made for general use It would probably have been cheaper to produce than imported glassware, and the shape could have

been more practical than a. curved flagon Was it perhaps designed as another kind of domestic jug? Plenty of glass bottles of this shape are found on occupation sites &

are unconnected with burials ft seems to me that: the potter may have been simply trying to copy anew shape, in clay, for domestic use, perhaps to boost dwindling

orders for flagons from :the Brockley Hill potteries. It might perhaps be helpful here to mention the history of flagon development at Brockley Hill.

The earliest flagons from the site were of Hofheim types collared flagons, dated AD5O -~60, (9) Knowledge of this flagon design was brough to Brockley Hill by master

potters from Gaul in pre-Flavian. times. A wide variety of flagon forms was then produced during the early years of the potteries pinch-mouthed flagons, derived from a metal form (10) two-handled flagons with a squat bulbous body and disc-mouthed flagons. The most popular line of production was ring-necked flagons, usually single handled, with long, flaring necks. These were characterised by a number of moulded rings at the rim, which form the basis of classification. These flagons were strong and imposing, and were supplied to the Roman army, which used a number of flagon types in Claudian days, later rationalizing them to just one or two standard forms In the Flavian period (ad 69-96)Brockley Hill .production settled down to a steady standardisation of output of ring necked flagons (11) In one dig alone at Brockleyy Hill at least 462 ring-necked flagons were represented in the finds, all being long-necked types (12).

However, in the early second century the Verulamium region ( of which the Brockley Hill potteries were a part lost its northern mortaria markets to the Mancetter-

Hartshill kilns, which must have been a serious blow (13) Decline in output by AD120-130 was apparent and it is clear that the potteries of this region were facing

fierce competition offered by the Oxford and Warwickshire potteries With lost trade and dwindling markets for Brockley Hill wares there seems to

have evolved a new spirit of experimentation ft was now, AD 120, that several new forms of flagon appeared (15) Long-necked flagons were superseded by flagons of

short expanding neck type There were experiments with a new finer type of red clay, and for the first time slipped wares appeared (16) It was time for new thinking and design for this reason I would suggest it is the most likely time for the square Moxom flagon to have been made

The flagon is the largest piece in the Moxom Collection, 21cm high, with high square shoulders, stubby neck and disc rim. The Handle is angled sharply down and is reeded It is dirty pinkish-buff in colour, in the granulated fabric, rough to the touch, which is typical of most Brockley Hill wares : Its outer measurements are 17x 8×8 cm = 1088,cm (3) and its capacity is under once lltre Like the Moxom spacer, it was found during the laying of tennis courts at Brockley Hill House in 1909 (

The tennis courts were built on what was later discovered(18)to be an unusually large oval clay pit with a maximum width of about 70 feet The kiln for firing pots made from clay from the pit was no doubt destroyed when the tennis courts were built its wasters, however, date it to the latter end of the firs century AD After the kiln had gone out of use, the pit continued to be used during the succeeding cent-

ury as a dump for rubbish and later wasters –

After studying this unique flagon, I am still left with a number of unanswered questions. Perhaps the most interesting one is, why was it unique? Why, having made the experimental prototype, did the potter reject the idea – and the flagon.?

Footnotes to the text

(1) Suggett (1955)

(2) Those consulted included Catherine Johns, British museum Hugh Chapman, Museum of London Graham Webster. University of Birmingham Kevin Blockley, of the Canterbury Archaeological Unit & Tony Rook, Welwyn Archaeological Soc

(3) Isings (1957) 64

(4) Appelbaum (1951), 222 Castle and Warbis (1973), 106

(5) Frere (1972) Harden (1970) RCHM 1928)

(6) Suggett (1954), 272

(7) Suggett (1955), 60

(8) Marsden, 76

(9) Castle (1972). 36

(10) Richardson (1948) Marsh and Tyers (1978). 551

(11) Marsh & Tyers (1978), 549

(12) Castle (1972)

(13) Marsh & Tyers (1978) 534

(14) Castle (1976) 224

(15) Marsh & Tyers (1978) 550

(16) Ibid

(17) HADAS newsletter 121 March 1981

(18) Suggett (1956) 65


APPELBAUM, Shimon (1951) “Sulloniacae 1950” Trans LMAS NS vol X pt3, 201-228

CASTLE, Stephen (1973) “Trial Excavations in Field 410”, Lond. Arch vol 2, Nos 2

(Spring) and 4 (Autumn) (1976) “Roman Pottery from Brockley Hill, Middx 1966 & 1972-4” Trans LMAS vol 27, 206-227

CASTLE, Stephen & WARBIS, John (1973) “Excavations in Field No 157, Brockley Hill” Trans LMAS vol 24, 85-110

FRERE, Sheppard (1372) “Verulamium Excavations 1955-61 Vol 1

HARDEN, D, B. (1970) “Glass in London” (publication of the Museum of London)

ISINGS, Clara (1957) “Roman Glass from Dated Finds”

MARSDEN, Peter (1380) “Roman London”

MARSH, Geoff & TYERS, Paul (1978) “The Roman Pottery from Southwark” Southwark Excavations 1972-74, Pt II, 533-582

RCHM (1928) London III Roman

SUGGETT. Philip (1954) “Excavations at Brockley Hill, Middx March 1952 – May 1953” Trans LMAS NS vol Xi pt 3 253-276

(1955) “The Moxom Collection”, Trans LMAS vol 18 pt 1, 60-64 (1956) “Report on Excavations at Brockley Hill. Middx 1953-54” Trans LMAS vol 19 pt 1, 65-75

Members may be interested to know of the formation of a new local society which meets at Hendon Library on Wednesdays The Hendon & Hampstead Antique Ceramics and Glass Club has been started by Mr & Mrs Pulver, both of whom lecture at H.G.S. Institute

The club’s inaugural programme includes an outing to the Spode Museum on Thursday. 29th July a lecture (with slides) by Rosalind Pulver at 8p m on Wednesday 11th August at Hendon Library entitled “The Development of Glass from Earliest Times” and an outing to the Gladstone Pottery Museum, Stoke on Sunday, 12th Sept

Membership subscription is £5 p a (visitors £1 50 per visit) Full details from Mrs Pulver at 115 Church Street, N. W 8 (Telephone 202 3508 or 723 6383)

New publication from Barnet Libraries


This ten-page booklet published last month contains many hitherto unpublished illustrations of Barnet’s inns from the Barnet Museum collection It also includes a time-table of stage and mail coaches known to have passed through the town in 1836 Spare a thought for the eleven passengers perched on the top of “The Express” on their 25½ hour journey to Leeds ‘

The booklet is available from all Barnet Libraries price 50p


By | Past Newsletters, Volume 3 : 1980 - 1984 | No Comments

Newsletter 136: June, 1982


The Society’s 21st Annual General Meeting was held at Hendon Library on May 11. The Chair was taken by senior Vice-President Eric Wookey, who at once endeared himself to the company by remarking, apropos the Library accoustics, “I hope I shall be quite legible at the back of the hall.”

Brian Jarman only a few days earlier he had again been returned as one of the Barnet Councillors for Childs Hill – moved the Annual. Report. While he did so members completed voting papers which had been handed to them at the door. This year there were 17 nominations for the 13 places on the Committee, so an election was held. The papers were collected and the tellers retired to count them.

Next the Hon. Treasurer, Jeremy Clynes, presented his report and accounts – for the eighth and last time, as he was retiring from the Treasurership. The year had been a successful one financially, ending with a Surplus of £526 – the largest in our 21-year history membership, however, was slightly down – 433 against 443 last year.

The Treasurer was followed by the Chairman of the Research sub­committee, Sheila Woodward, also retiring this year, who reported on the work of the various, research groups, the final stage of the West Heath dig and digs in the basement of the Manor House, Finchley, and at the Old Bull site, Chipping Barnet.

The Treasurer had ended his report on.a slightly sombre note, saying that he did so in the hope of provoking discussion. In this he succeed­ed, and the discussion followed his report and continued on the same theme after the Research subcommittee report.

Clynes felt that, although the Society today is financially better off, it is not now planning archaeological and publishing projects comparable with its programme of 5 years ago. The argument sparked off by this proposition was concerned almost entirely with excavation, cover­ing such points as the importance of digs in the Society’s scheme of work; the need to find suitable sites and, particularly, sites with some archaeological potential; the possibility of digging in a threatened area near East Barnet parish church; and whether our aim should be to undertake research digs as well as rescue digs.

The officers for the coming year, who were declared elected, are:

Chairman: Councillor Brian Jarman

Vice Chairman: Ted Sammes

Hon. Secretary: Brigid Grafton Green

Hon. Treasurer: Victor Jones

The tellers announced the result of the poll for Committee places and the following were declared elected:

Mrs Christine Arnott

John de F Enderby

Miss Marjorie Errington

Peter Fauvel Clinch

Mr Peter Griffiths

Mr George Ingram

Mrs Daphne Lorimer

Miss Isobel McPherson

Mrs Dorothy Newbury

Mrs Nell Penny

Mrs June Porges

Mrs Tessa Smith

Miss Sheila Woodward

The Meeting ended with two pleasant ceremonies. Mr Wookey has this year achieved the mag-

nificent age of 90 and to mark the event Councillor Jarman presented him with an illuminated vellum designed and executed by HADAS member William Morris.

The prizes in our poster competition for Schools members were presented to representatives of the schools concerned. First prize of l0 went to the Henrietta Barnett School for a most accomplished painting of Stonehenge; a special highly commended prize of £2 (donated by Daphne Lorimer) went to a poster from Whitefield School, showing the White Swan in Golders Green road in the last century.

After the business Meeting was over, Dorothy Newbury showed slides of Christmas dinner at the RAF Museum and of the 21st birthday party.


Jeremy Clynes has just resigned the Treasurership of HADAS after 8 years hard work. He took over in May, 1974, from Richard Deacon. At that time I had been Hon. Secretary of the Society for 4 years. I must confess to viewing the change with a twinge of trepidation, and wonder­ing what rocks lay before us with such a very youthful and untried hand on the financial tiller. I needn’t have worried.. Jeremy took to the job as a duck to water, and our bank account had never been in better hands nor looked healthier.

But that, of course, isn’t all you ask of a Treasurer – if you’re a Secretary, that is. Treasurers and Secretaries have to work hand in glove, and it can be painful and embarassing if the hand is too heavy or the glove pinches. Again, any foreboding was unnecessary; There couldn’t have been a more comfortable colleague to work with, nor one who was more reliable, enthusiastic and helpful, especially in a crisis.

It is good to know that, although he has resigned as Treasurer, Jeremy intends to continue to manage the sales of our own and Shire publications – a job he does with great flair and about which he takes immense trouble. It’s also a job which makes a notable contribution to the HADAS kitty. Brigid Grafton Green


One question which arose at the AGM, but was not discussed in detail, was the future of the 3 acre field, now the subject of a plan­ning application, which lies to the south of East Barnet Church. Some details of its history may therefore he of interest.

This field the centre of which is at OS grid ref TQ 278 945, slopes steeply from NW to SE. On three sides it is bounded by roads; hilt on the north its boundary is formed by the perimeters of Church Farm, of the churchyard of the parish church of St Mary the Virgin and of the garden of the modern Rectory, sliced out of the churchyard about 15 years. ago; The Church is the oldest building in East Barnet; Church Farm, too, has a considerable history.

In the 18/19 c East Barnet village wads a mile from the Church, centred on the junction of East’Barnet Road., Cat Hill and Church Hill Road, where there were cottages, the Cat Inn (burnt down in 1955) and ‘ the bridge.- originally Katebrygge – over Pymmes Brook. Localopinion, however considers that this was a. later village, and that the original medieval village of East Barnet was near the Church. Two possible sites-have been postulated for it: one is the field now being considered for outline planning permission. The other is in Oakhill Park, north-east of the Church and sloping steeply away from it eastwards, to Pymmes Brook.

There is strong feeling locally against the proposed development, both on environmental grounds and because it is felt that this may be the site of a deserted medieval village. There appears, however, to be

some doubt among historians whether there ever was a village by the Church. In 1965 the DMV Research Group included East Barnet in its list of 38 DMVs in Hertfordshire. The evidence on which it was decided to include East Barnet has not been published, so it is impossible to assess.

In 1972 Phillimore published, for the Hertfordshire Local History Council, a booklet called Deserted Medieval Villages of Hertfordshire, researched and written by K Rutherford-Davis, Chairman of the East Herts Archaeological Society. This states, on p3, that “in the writer’s opinion inclusion of East Barnet (by the DMVRG) is mistaken.” The booklet is now out of print, and a revised edition; under the title

“Deserted Villages of Hertfordshire” will appear towards the end of this year. (The change in title is due to the inclusion of a village deserted in the 19c – Kitts End, beside Wrotham Park, very close to our northern border). Mr Rutherford Davis tells us that he has thankfully dropped-East Barnet from the booklet altogether. The official reason is that it is now in Greater London, not Herts; but Mr Davis still believes that it should not have been listed as a dmv. Incidentally, his original booklet gives the position of the site of the dmv (if it exists) As. TQ 277 946 – placing it fair and square in Oakhill Park.

The earliest map of the area in the LBB: Local History Collection is an enclosure map of 1817, which Shows the’site proposed for development (recognisable in shape but larger in area, since at that date it took in much of the present grounds of Church Farm) as agricultural land in the freehold tenure of John Bacon. It is possible that there may be an earlier map in the collection kept at Barnet Museum, but the Museum has not yet re-opened after its’extensive repairs and renovation. Indeed, Mr Bill Taylor, the Curator, now thinks that it may not be open again until about October. We have therefore not been able to explore this source.

The evidence on which the supposition of a possible DMV seems principally to depend is the age of the Church itself. As early as 1885 the Rev Frederic Cass, Vicar of nearby Monken Hadley church, published what has been for nearly a century the standard work on East Barnet. He pointed out that the north wall of the original nave and the archway of the south porch, with a fragment of the south wall of the nave adjoining, date “probably from the end of the llth or the commencement of the following century.” In 1951 the Society for the Protection of Anbient Buildings made a survey Of the fabric of St Mary’s and dated the north wall to early Norman times..

Church farm, owned today by the Council (it was presented to East Barnet Urban District in 1936, and inherited by LBB when the Barnets, Finchley & Hendon amalgamated in 1963) is used for various purposes. The Public Health Inspector has an office there; there is a Teachers Centre and a swimming pool used by local schools; local organisations hire rooms in it for meetings.

The 1341 Census states that Church Farm was occupied by Joshua and Martha East both aged 25, and their three small children. There were also 4 servants or farm workers living in the house. This is probably the same house which is shown on the 1817 map, at the north end of a long narrow strip of land (2 roods 5 perches) immediately beside the church. It was owned by John Bacon and described in the accompanying index merely as “house, etc.”

In 1860 Colonel Gillum, a veteran of the Crimean War, founded a home for orphan boys at Church Farm, using the old farmhouse and adding other buildings. He called it the Church Farm Boys Home. The boys received agricultural and industrial training, and themselves farmed the land, then 56 acres. Many of the buildings in the present complex date from the time of Colonel Gillum, and there may be still earlier buildings among them.

HADAS has, along with other concerned organisations, been asked by LBB planning Department to comment on the outline planning application (which will probably come before the Planning Committee in June), and to provide any historical background that it can. We have done so, and have advised that,-should outline permission be given, any developer-be told that time should be allowed for archaeological investigation of the site before development’. Even if such investigation wore to provide only negative evidence, that at least would-settle some of the ambiguities now surrounding the possibility of East Barnet as a DMV.

For Further reading

Cass, Frederic Charles, East Barnet (1885)

Taylor, W S, History of the Parish Church of East Barnet (1st ed. 1940, revised 1966)

Rutherford Davis, K, The Deserted Medieval Villages of Hertfordshire, (Phillimore, for Hertfordshire Local History Council, 1973)

Gear, Gillian, and Goodwin, Diana, East Barnet Village (Barnet Press, 1980)

The guide to the 900th anniversary Festival of St Mary the Virgin, 1980, contains a brief history of the Church


On Sat June 12 the first of our anniversary outings will take us to-Castle Rising and Kings Lynn. This was a favourite in 1976. NELL PENNY took us then, and is taking us again this year.

The Medieval castle at Castle Rising, almost hidden by the extensive earth ramparts of its outer and inner baileys, has the remains of an impressive -rectangular stone keep. The Great Hall has corbels-carved with grotesque faces, and an arcaded gallery running its length. The present Castle was built about 1150 by William de Albini. From 1329 Isabella’, mother of Edward III, lived there in semi-confinement after she had been overthrown by her son.

‘Packed lunch can be eaten in the castle grounds (loos there) and if time, the village is nearby with church, village cross and Bede house.

In the 130, with the diversion of the Ouse and the decline of the Port at Rising, Kings Lynn became the third largest seaport in the country. It has a charter granted by King John, two guildhalls, two market places and merchant houses and churches as relics of its medieval greatness. Unlike many places, Lynn is not a story of constant thought­less destruction of historic monuments. It is watched over by a dynamic Preservation Trust, which has restored an impressive number of buildings and converted them to modern use.

If you would like to join this outing please complete the enclosed booking form and send it, with cheque, to Dorothy Newbury as soon as possible.


Sat, July 10 Visit to Canterbury

Sat. Aug 14 Visit to Colchester

Sat. Sept 25 Visit to Greensted/Waltham Abbey

Fri.-Sent 3-Sun. Sept 5. Autumn weekend at Newcastle and Hadrian’s Wall. Costs have risen enormously, both for University accommodation and coach transport. They would have brought this trip, as originally proposed, to well over £100 for 4 days. Rail travel is now being considered, and the duration reduced to 3 days, Friday morning to Sunday evening. The University can hold the rooms until June 10. Will any member who is interested please contact me before that date in order to ascertain if sufficient numbers will warrant proceeding with further arrangements.

Dorothy Newbury, (203 0950) 55 Sunningfields Rd, NW4

The Prehistoric Group continues its processing of West Heath finds at College Farm every Wednesday morning. Anyone wishing to help should first contact Christine Arnott on 455 2751.

The Roman Group will meet at 8 Hereford House, Stratton Close, Edgware at 8 pm on Wed. June 16. Everyone- welcome, but let Tessa Smith (958-

9159) know if you intend coming.

The Documentary Group, will be meeting soon (date not yet finalised) and new members will be very welcome. Please contact Brigid Grafton Green on 455 9040 if you want to help with documentary research.


HADAS members who want to add to their archaeological libraries may like to know of a firm of antiquarian booksellers which specialises in archaeology. They are the husband and wife team of A P & R Baker, 2 Brancepeth Terrace, Willington, Crook, Co Durham.

The Bakers began specialising 7½years ago: they issue about 8 catalogues a year. The catalogues include second-hand books, journals and offprints, and in these days, with the price of new books rocketing into realms where often only a library can afford them, it’s a pleasure to .be able to find a book you missed when it was first published at something near the original price.

Anthony Baker says “we aim to provide for the whole run of archaeologists, from the needs of a specialist academic library or research project to the introductory/general material asked for by someone who is just beginning in archaeology, perhaps by attending an evening class, We also keep extensive ‘wants’ lists, both from indi­vidual customers and in the form of unsuccessful orders for items in our catalogues (usually we have only one copy of a book in stock at once).”

If you would like to get onto the Baker mailing list, drop them a note. We understand that the next catalogue is due out about the end of May.


The Committee is very sorry to have lost its helpful junior representative, Bryan Hackett. He is about to start preparing for ordeal by 0-level, sometime in the future – and that means no time for archaeology.

Before he left the Committee Bryan suggested we put a note in the Newsletter asking, if any other junior member (or possibly a pair of members, if you would like moral support) would care to take his place. Would anyone who is interested and wants to know more about it please ring the Hon. Secretary?



An evening course on Field Archaeology and the Post-Roman period in south-east England will take place at Barnet College from Sept 1982 to April 1983 next. It will be on Wednesday evenings from 7.30-9.30.

It is in fact the third year (mainly dealing with the medieval period) of the London University Extension Certificate in Field Archaeo­logy (which HADAS was responsible for persuading Barnet College to start seven or eight years ago). For this Certificate, the three years need not necessarily be studied in numerical order.

Now students who want to do the Certificate, and also class members who do not necessarily intend to take the exams, will both be welcome, and we hope very much that HADAS members will continue to support these classes. University fees for 24 2-hour lectures will probably increase a little on the £11 rate of 1981-2.

The lecturer will be David Beard, site supervisor of the Southwark Roman-medieval excavation at Calvert’s Buildings. He invites written enquiries about the course to him c/o Southwark & Lambeth Archaeological Projects, Post-medical Centre, English Grounds, Morgans Lane, SE1 2HT.


We celebrated our one and only 21st birthday in April as everyone must know. One member who joined us was JULIUS BAKER, just back from a trip to Africa. We thought the contrast might be piquant, so we asked him to describe the party, and this is what he writes:

The evening of April 24 was really windy and as we wandered

around Central Square, Hampstead Garden Suburb, looking in the eerie evening light: for the way to St Judes Church Hall, we saw strange beings converging on a low building. We followed them – men and women in clothes of curious cut, clutching wildly at hair and garments that whipped and billowed in the wind.

Only a few days before we had explored the narrow lanes of the ancient Arab town of Lamu, off the Kenyan coast some 150 miles north of Mombasa. A week before we had wandered about the country markets

of Ethiopia. We had seen a variety of regional and. tribal costumes and hair-dos – but nothing remotely resembling the garb and styles that wafted past us that evening.

At the hall a comely serving wench provided a welcoming drink of mulsum from 1st century Rome, which tuned our senses nicely to the gentle early music played by the Vestry Consort recorder group of HGS music-makers. Our delight at this introduction to the festivities was enhanced by the setting: our eyes feasted on large murals of archaeological scenes, painted specially for this evening’s event by’ Mary Spiegelhalter, a member now living in Devon. On the walls, too, were colourful posters entered by children from local schools in HADAS’ “historical poster” competition. And there were flower arrange­ments, beautifully done by HADAS member Helena Nash.

The setting, indeed, was all colour and excitement: but it paled beside the spectacle of the people in the hall. They were, of course, HADAS members and their guests. I’ve known many of them for years. Yet even by the end of the evening. I hadn’t succeeded in penetrating some of the disguises.

Only by his activity as Master of Ceremonies and Town Crier did I know that the Elizabethan courtier, in doublet and hose with a red beard, was John Enderby, principal of the Institute. The Chinese gentleman with pigtail, skull cap and long drooping moustache, richly attired, turned out to be Eric Arnott. Someone’ somehow told me that the Edwardian tennis lady and her sporty escort were Helen and Daniel Lampert; and that a vision in purple velvet, who would have brought a lump to the throat of every Victorian stage-door johnnie, was none other than Joan Wrigley.

There was a distinct Roman element. Eric Wookey, a Vice President and an unbelievable 90, wore the imperial toga and bayleaves– very authentic, but the eye beneath the laurel wreath was much more friendly’ than the malevolent stare of Tiberius, whom he represented. Ted Sammes, too, was a toga-clad Roman.

An Anglo-Salton with staff and sandals turned out to be Peter Pickering. His wife didn’t match him: she wads in Stuart gown and headdress. Nora Williams, a blondied Boudicca, sported a spear. Sheila Woodward, in Roman matron’s gear, was the presiding genius of the

mulsum bar Miss Sheldon had had the happy thought of representing the HADAS Memorial Mug, by wearing on her head a lifelike, but outsize, mug; while Marion Newbury looked ripping as a 1920s flapper.

Desmond Collins was striking as a military man – was he ab out Balaclava time, or Peninsula War? Vincent Foster’s dating was more secure: he wore his grandfather’s uniform as an officer of 1914-18. June Porges came as an archaeologist of the turn of the century, and Alec Gouldsmith as an Egyptologist; while Percy Reboul might have stepped straight from an Edwardian melodrama – flowered waistcoat, twirling moustachios and no doubt a lugger (complete with weeping heroine) moored somewhere on the River Brent.

That’s just a small sample of what was on view. It was abundantly clear that most people had gone to a great deal of trouble to make this HADAS evening a success. I thought to myself that there can’t be many organisations in London whose influence with their members is st rong enough to get them to enter so completely into the spirit of the occasion – and to do it so well.

Real festivities started after the Mayoress, Councillor Rosa Freedman; the Bishop of Edmontonl the Rt. Rev Bill Westwood, and the Chairman, Councillor Brian Jarman, had taken their seats.

The Angel Norris team took over the floor – and I mean took over. They are well built ‘men and at first glance do not look like disciples of the terpsichorian art, but their agility and co-ordination in performing these ancient English rustic and parochial dances was extra­ordinary. The floor area available was rather small, but that Merely underlined their extraordinary speed, neatness of movement and dexterity.

A trumpet fanfare by the Arnett grandson heralded the entrance of the buffet centrepiece the Boar’s Head, borne by Brian Wibberley, wearing an Elizabethan tabard made (but you would never have guessed it) from jumble sale curtains; He and his wife Rosemary had prepared and richly decorated the Head, which had been so well stuffed with pate that it actually kept its rather forbidding shape, tusks and all.

The Head was followed by six solemn cooks in chef’s gear: hats, aprons and overalls – each bearing a main dish. Led by Brigid Grafton Green, they were Daphne Lorimer; Nell Penny, Sheila Woodward, Dorothy Newbury and Myfanwy Stewart. Brigid is a cordon bleu, but in addition she and several of the others had, some time ago, attended courses in Roman cookery run by Southampton University.

The table was now covered with mouth-watering delicacies. There was soon a queue of people trying at the same time to look nonchalant and yet to make sure of getting a taste of everything. There were 21 dishes and dressings; made from recipes from Roman times to today.

From Rome came Sala Catabia, described as an hors d’oeuvre – but for me it was a very tasty main dish of a. mould of wholemeal bread stuffed with chicken, cheese, cucumber, spices and herbs. Also from Rome was Uinutal Porci. cum Armeniacis – a fricasee of pork, cooked with apricots, wine and many spices; and also Pisa Trita, a puree of peas with herbs, mentioned later in nursery rhyme as “pease porridge.”

From the 15c there was the Duke of Burgundy’s favourite chicken dish; from the 16c stuffed mushrooms; from the 18c asparagus boats and- Salmagundy, from the 19c syllabub and Mrs Beeton’s salad; and from the 20c Carrots a l’Orientale (an Escoffier recipe) and Pavlova•- a dessert of meringue, .cream and fresh fruit.

Finally, with coffee, came the Birthday Cake, baked by Christine Arnett and decorated most artistically by Len Pothiphar-of the HGS Horticultural Society.

During the buffet John Enderby, Lilly Lewy and Percy Reboul reminded us what life was like 21 years ago; by reading news items of the time. And there was a hilarious raffle, with Mr Wookey drawing winning tickets from his top hat (which, by the way, he didn’t wear when he was Tiberius!)

Then the Morrismen had a second go, finally leading all those members still capable of dancing in a folk dance which (though not literally) brought the house down. So ended a HADAS occasion that has already become part of Society legend.


So many people have asked for recipes from the birthday buffet that the Newsletter proposes to publish one ocasiónally. We are starting with the Duke of Burgundys chicken, which was one of the hot dishes served. It vanished almost as soon as it appeared on the table, but luckily we had kept some spares in reserve.

Philip the Good was Duke (for all practical purposes king) of

Burgundy from 1419-67, and is said to have enjoyed this dish all his life you will need for it, for a good main course for 6 people, a roasting chicken of about 3½ lbs., divided into 8 skinned joints;

2 large or 4 smaller onions, very finely sliced; from 2-4 ozs of butter; ¼lb small-size open mushrooms; ½pint stock, made from giblets and carcass, with part of a stock cube added; 1 gill sherry or dry white wine (the traditional thing is brandy; but you may think that too ritzy); 1 gill single cream; 2 egg yolks; plain flour for thickening; a generous ¼lb split almonds, browned in the oven.

Flour the chicken joints and saute them in butter quite fast till nicely brown all round. Start with 2 oz butter, and add more if needed. Add onions to the pan and cook for only 2 minutes with the chicken. Then cover the pan, with a paper under the lid, and transfer it to the oven at gas Reg 4 (electric 350°F) for 30 minutes. Add the peeled mushrooms and cook for another 10 minutes. Remove the chicken joints and mushrooms from the pan and keep hot.

Add about 1 piled tbsp. of flour to the onion mixture in the pan and cook, stirring, over a low heat till the flour ‘cracks’.’ Then add stock (a gill to start with, more as necessary) and cook, stirring, till it thickens. Add wine (or brandy) and bubble to throw off the alcohol. Taste, season. Finally, add the yolks, broken down in cream, and stir over gentle heat till almost bubbling. The sauce should be just thick enough for than pouring.

Meantime, take the chicken meat from the bones, cut into pieces about l½ square, place down the centre of a serving dish and put the mushrooms on top. Spoon the sauce over, dot very generously with the browned almonds.

This dish can be made well ahead and reheated gently, under a covering of foil, when you want it.

Shortcut for modern cooks you could use chicken joints down the centre of the dish, and save the chore of cutting the meat into pieces. Then you will probably need to allow more chicken, and you’will not be able to serve it as a buffet dish, to be eaten with a fork.

Last word: we understand that, so far as this dish is concerned,one can forget the modern rule of white wine with chicken. At Philip’s table it was served (naturally) with the wine of the country ­Burgundy. It is said that with it even a very average Burgundy tastes magnificent.

After the party there was, as always, some clearing up: and we found a few things that had been left behind. If anyone recognises anything on the following list, they can reclaim it by ringing Christine Arnott (435 2751):

a red glove;

a dumpy umbrella;

a yellow plate

a small formica-topped tray


DOROTHY NEWBURY has heard from MAXINE HAMILTON, an American member who joined us when she was living in Highgate a few years ago. She has now returned to America but will be remembered both by West Heath diggers and by those who went with HADAS to Orkney in 1978. She writes:

“I still receive the Newsletter and read it with great interest and, indeed, envy of the fascinating lectures and excursions. I haven’t gotten into any archaeological group here and don’t know when I will.

I am trying to continue with my PhD. Yesterday I was at the Congress Library (I am reading the papers of a Confederate agent during our Civil War) and met a pro­fessor from Sheffield University. We had a chat over lunch and I felt quite homesick. Give my best wishes to the people who would remember me”

I think (adds Dorothy Newbury) that it is gratifying to all those people involved in writing, typing, gathering information, running off, collating and distributing the Newsletter to know how it is appreciated far and wide. As Programme secretary I probably speak to a wider section of the membership of the Society than anyone, and I would like to record that I am frequently told that it is well worth the Membership fee just to receive twelve interesting newsletters every year.