No. 557 AUGUST 2017 Edited by Vicki Baldwin
Monday 25th to Friday 29th September: Trip to Frodsham Lectures start again with: Tuesday 10th October 2017: The Curtain Playhouse excavations by Heather Knight MOLA Tuesday 14th November 2017: The Battle of Barnet Project by Sam Wilson Lectures start at 7.45 for 8.00pm in the Drawing Room, Avenue House, 17 East End Road, Finchley N3 3QE. Buses 13, 143, 326 & 460 pass close by, and it is five to ten minutes’ walk from Finchley Central Station (Northern Line). Tea/coffee and biscuits follow the talk.
STOP PRESS Members in Hendon, Colindale and Edgware and anyone else who is interested: URBAN VISION Last Free Training Event for the Barnet Local List Review Following the success of the past three training events and due to demand we have added one last date to the training programme. Our aim is to provide skills and training opportunities to volunteers who are keen to assist us in identifying new buildings and structures to compile a comprehensive new Local List of heritage assets in the borough and join our 43 current volunteers! For our current volunteers please feel free to join us if you would like a refresher, you are more than welcome! The local list nominations are critical to the recording and documentation of our built heritage assets. Your time and interest as a volunteer will help to provide up to date information on the existing Local List. You can also help identify and discover new entries to the local list. For further information about the current local list please visit:
This final free event will provide you with the background, training and practical demonstration of what we need and how you can directly help. This will include information about how to identify, research and locally list potential heritage assets. At the event volunteers will be given the opportunity to choose an area to survey and receive a comprehensive volunteer pack. The details of the free training event are: Time: Tuesday 8th August 2017 14:00-15:30 Location: Hendon Town Hall, Committee Room 3, The Burroughs, Hendon, London, NW4 4BG How to book: Places are limited and booking is essential, in order to reserve your place, or to find out more, email, together with the names of all delegates and if applicable the group you are representing or please call the office with these details on 01538 386 221.
Londinium – The City’s Roman Heritage via Sue Willetts Starting at the end of July, a three month programme of activity celebrating the City’s Roman heritage will begin. The link to the website is here Of particular interest is a panel discussion at the Museum of London with Peter Marsden and Max Hebditch on 2 September, where they will be discussing excavation in the post-war period.
From Joe Sullivan, Heritage Outreach Officer at RAF Museum, Colindale via Don Cooper Historic Hendon As part of the redevelopment of the RAF Museum site in Colindale, I am leading on a project called ‘Historic Hendon’. I am running a programme involving projects that aim to link local people to the airfield and RAF history of the local Colindale and Hendon area. One project is to collect memories and stories from local people, who may remember the place as an airfield, or remember the development of Grahame Park over the year, or even met, knew, or have stories about people working on the airfield. These stories can be as long or short as you want to tell.
We recently ran several workshops in the community and found an amazing resource of stories that we have never captured, but that tell the story of our local community and its history. We have recruited a team of volunteers and trained them with skills that help capture, discuss, and record these stories to preserve them for the future, and we will be looking to share these stories through future podcasts and exhibitions. If you or anyone you know of have some stories to share and are interested in taking part in an interview, or would like some more information, please get back in touch – it would be great to hear from you. Contact details: Joe Sullivan Heritage Outreach Officer (Engagement and Interpretation) Royal Air Force Museum 020 8358 4862 @joesullivan19
Bus Pass Outing Jim and Jo Nelhams On Thursday June 29th we experimented with a Bus Pass Outing as many of our members are over a certain age. The excellent Cross Rail Archaeology Exhibition at the Docklands Museum was the chosen destination for this outing. The Museum also has a permanent display giving the history of Docklands. We met at the Bank Station on the Docklands Light Railway (DLR) platform where 12 members assembled, and travelled to West India Quay station. A short walk and we were at the Museum where 2 more members joined us making 14 altogether. Everybody was at liberty to go round at their own pace. The Museum has its own cafe where members were able to lunch together or they could visit the Wetherspoons pub and a number of other restaurants almost next door. Feedback on the exhibitions will be in the next newsletter. We also have received a number of suggestions for further outings.
HISTORY AT “HOPSCOTCH” Deirdre Barrie You may well have spotted “Hopscotch”, the well-stocked sweet shop in Barnet High Street, opposite the Church. Mr. Michael Kentish, the proprietor, is also an historian – this helps explain the small panel to the right of his shop front. It looks a bit boring, rather like the timetable panel at a bus stop, but peer closely, and you will find it is crammed with hundreds of years’ worth of historical detail as well as some fascinating photographs. Apparently the shop is in a Designated Area of Archaeological Significance. Its site was once part of a medieval burgage plot and is at a section of the Old Great North Road which was once known as “The Squeeze.” The panel a gives a condensed history of the area and the famous people who have made their way through “The Squeeze.” These include Edward IV with 11,000 men, on his way to the Battle of Barnet, and Elizabeth I (in purple velvet, with an escort of 1,000), as well as General Monck and his men marching on London to restore Charles II to the throne. I for one did not know that Bishop Bonner had a William Hale burnt at the stake as a heretic in Church Passage, just opposite. The details end with the surprising fact that the tower of Barnet Church is said to be “the highest point between itself and the Ural Mountains to the east and York to the north.” The historical panel can just be made out to the right of this picture of the shop front: You might even have time to have a look at the tempting range of sweets inside. (I promise I was not bribed with my bag of aniseed balls to write this, I had to pay for them!)
From the Essex Society for Archaeology & History – Summer Newsletter Historic pubs come under planning protection After years of campaigning led by CAMRA’s membership, the Government announced in March a historic change in the law to remove a longstanding loophole that has enabled developers to demolish pubs or convert them to another use without applying for planning permission. CAMRA and its members, who sent over 8000 emails to politicians in the last three months alone, was essential in securing this win for pubs Although this change comes too late for thousands of pubs already lost, it will be crucial to supporting all the great pubs which remain for generations to come. All pubs in England will now be given the protection they deserve, and owners will always have to apply for planning permission before they can convert or demolish a pub. Colin Valentine, CAMRA National Chairman Friday, 24th March 2017 More information on a find from Clitterhouse Farm (CTH16) Bill Bass & Vicki Baldwin
002_CTH16_chardish An interesting find (Trench 2, context 009) was sherds of a ‘Char Dish’ in Tin-glazed or Delft Ware. Char is a relative of the Trout; it’s found in the Arctic areas and the Lake District and is processed to a paste and served in these dishes. The vessels were quite popular with a fish motif on the outside and being made in a variety of pottery fabrics, Tin-glazed ones are often associated with Liverpool potteries perhaps around the mid 18th century. The rather comically glum expression on the face of the little fish made me curious about the dish, the fish and its culinary use. There are many pictures of char dishes on the internet, all seem to be of a similar size 23cm diameter x 4cm height, and all have somewhat naïve depictions of the Arctic Char in various fanciful colours. They seem to be datable to the 18th and 19th centuries and their purpose was possibly to make the delicacy of “Potted Char” more readily available to those with a discerning palate. Rather than a paste a la “Patum Peperium”, “Potted Char” appears more akin to “Potted Shrimps” in that cooked Char are sealed in their container with a covering of melted butter. I found the following recipe reproduced on Louise Allen’s blog . It is from The Housekeeper’s Instructor; or, Universal Family Cook by W.A. Henderson (1807). Char After having cleaned your fish, cut off the fins, tails, and heads, and lay them in rows in a long baking pan, having first seasoned them with pepper, salt, and mace. Send them to the oven, and when they are done, lay them in your pots, and cover them with clarified butter. This fish is greatly admired, and is peculiar to the lakes in Westmoreland. I must confess I have not tried this recipe and only reproduce it here as an example of the use of the dish in question.
Why Roman Concrete Has Stood The Test of Time Vicki Baldwin The secret to the longevity of Roman structures built using concrete, particularly wharves and seawalls, lies in a complex chemical reaction between constituents of the concrete and seawater. It has long been known that Roman concrete contained lime and volcanic ash. Detailed research has identified components within the ash that are the key to explaining the continued strength of the material. A rare mineral called Aluminium Tobermorite plus another called Phillipsite have been discovered within samples of the concrete. The lime and ash mixture generates heat upon exposure to seawater, which in turn leads to the development and importantly, continued growth of the tobermorite and phillipsite, creating over time an increasingly strong material. There is more work to be done in determining the exact proportions of materials in order to recreate the formula, but it could lead to more environmentally friendly and longer lasting building materials.
Protecting, Conserving and Understanding Barnet’s Archaeology Roger Chapman Barnet has two key planning documents that deal with the Borough’s archaeology. It has the Local Plan Core Strategy and the more detailed Development Management Policies. Both these documents were approved by Council in 2012 following an examination in public, to which HADAS contributed. What do these documents say and how can we use them to further the interests of Archaeology in Barnet? The core strategy has warm words to say about Heritage in Barnet noting that the borough has a broad range of ‘heritage assets’ including Conservation Areas, Listed Buildings, Registered Historic Parks and Gardens, Locally Listed Buildings, Scheduled Ancient Monuments, a Historic Battlefield site and Local Areas of Archaeological Significance. These assets “can be used to ensure continued sustainability of an area and promote a sense of place.” The Core Strategy notes that Barnet has a “rich archaeological and architectural heritage which includes the only Historic Battlefield (Battle of Barnet – 1471) in London.” In addition, there are “nearly forty sites of archaeological importance containing prehistoric, Roman and medieval remains.” In terms of buildings of historic and architectural importance in Barnet there are over 2,200 Listed Buildings and 1,600 buildings on the Local List. (The Local List is under review – see the article by Vicky) There are “two Scheduled Ancient Monuments at Brockley Hill in Edgware and Manor House in Finchley, three registered Historic Parks and Gardens at St Marylebone Cemetery, Avenue House Garden and Golders Green Crematorium.” The Core Strategy notes that Barnet’s archaeological heritage is a “valuable education and community resource. As Barnet changes it is important that development proposals in areas of archaeological significance help broaden our knowledge of the past as a result of properly conducted on-site investigations.” It all sounds promising. The detailed policies are contained in a separate document known as the Development Management policies and DMO6 – Barnet’s Heritage and Conservation is the one to watch. (Copy of this policy at end of this piece.) The preamble to the policy comments that archaeology is “vulnerable to modern development and land use. Archaeological remains above and below ground level, and ancient monuments, are important surviving evidence of the borough’s past, and once removed they are lost forever.” Barnet with assistance from English Heritage (via the Greater London Archaeology Advisory Service – GLAAS), the Museum of London and the Hendon and District Archaeological Society (HADAS), has identified five prehistoric, four Roman and thirty medieval sites containing archaeological remains of more than local importance. These have been grouped into nineteen ‘Local Areas of Special Archaeological Significance’. (See map below) Development proposals in these areas will need to provide detail in consultation with GLAAS of how they will investigate, catalogue and where possible preserve the remains in situ or in a museum as part of any application. It may also be appropriate for HADAS to be consulted. Barnet accept that “discovery is an important basis of archaeology.” They continue that “when researching the development potential of a site, developers should, in all cases, assess whether the site is known or is likely to contain archaeological remains. Where there is good reason to believe that there are remains of archaeological importance on a site, we will consider directing applicants to supply further details of proposed developments, including the results of an archaeological desk-based assessment and field evaluation.” Barnet further remark, “where important archaeological remains are found the council will seek to resist development which adversely affects the process of preserving the remains on site. Where this is not possible mitigation which may include excavation, analysis of remains and public dissemination of results will be expected by an archaeological organisation with approval from the GLAAS and the council before development commences. If permitted, the loss through development of any archaeological remains will need to be recorded in line with para 141 in the NPPF. (National Planning Policy Framework) Planning conditions or a legal agreement will be used to secure this. Overall the Framework for considering Archaeology in Barnet appears strong. The practical application of the policy by the planning department does not always appear to fully reflect the fine words. Sterling work by HADAS members tries to keep the archaeology banner flying high. Over the years many developers in Barnet have submitted desk top appraisals on sites prior to development and some field reports have been completed. Using these, along with site visits, historical research etc. I’m proposing that we establish a HADAS Research Group to start in the autumn, on Sunday mornings at Stephens House, with the intention of reviewing all 19 of the Boroughs “Local Areas of Special Archaeological Significance”. Partly this will be so that we can proactively identify sites where we know in advance that we will want detailed archaeological work to be undertaken but also to prepare ourselves for the update of Barnet’s planning policies which will begin in the next 18 months or so and to which we can put detailed evidence of existing areas and possibly also identify new ones for inclusion. Interested in getting involved in this research? Email me at the following address: PS There are plenty of acronyms and jargon used in the planning process and as a practicing planner of over 40 years I may have fallen into the trap of using too much of it above. If you join the Research group I’ll let you into the secret of why planners use so much jargon. In the meantime you should get to know one more term because Historic England have determined that all Boroughs across London should now call their defined Areas not as “Local Areas of Special Archaeological Significance” but as “Archaeological Priority Areas.” Policy DM06: Barnet’s heritage and conservation a. All heritage assets will be protected in line with their significance. All development will have regard to the local historic context. b. Development proposals must preserve or enhance the character and appearance of 16 Conservation Areas in Barnet. c. Proposals involving or affecting Barnet’s heritage assets set out in Table 7.2 should demonstrate the following: • the significance of the heritage aset • the impact of the proposal on the significance of the heritage asset • the impact of the proposal on the setting of the heritage asset • how the significance and/or setting of a heritage asset can be better revealed • the opportunities to mitigate or adapt to climate change • how the benefits outweigh any harm caused to the heritage asset. d. There will be a presumption in favour of retaining all 1,600 Locally Listed Buildings in Barnet and any buildings which makes a positive contribution to the character or appearance of the 16 Conservation Areas. e. Archaeological remains will be protected in particular in the 19 identified Local Areas of Special Archaeological Significance and elsewhere in Barnet. Any development that may affect archaeological remains will need to demonstrate the likely impact upon the remains and the proposed mitigation to reduce that impact.
Other Societies’ Events Eric Morgan
Updates to July 2017 newsletter: The date of the CoLAS talk should be Friday 18th August not 15th The cost of the Mill Hill Historical Society visit is £15 Wednesday 30th August, 2.30pm, Highgate Wood. Meet at Information Hut. Entrance from Archway Road N6 opposite Church Road, or from Muswell Hill Road. Historical Walk (there were Roman pottery kilns in the wood). For details see Sunday 3rd September, 11am-3pm. Highgate Wood Community Day. Sunday 3rd September, 11am-5pm. Angel Canal Festival. Along the Regent’s Canal towpath from Islington & City Road Basin, N1. Lots of stalls including Islington Archaeological Society and London Canal Museum. Also live music, food stalls, boat rally & trips, craft stalls, etc. Free Entry. Thursday 7th September, 7.30pm. London Canal Museum, 12-13 New Wharf Road, Kings Cross N1 9RT. Limehouse & the area around. Talk. Admission after 7pm, £4 (£3 concessions). Friday 8th September, 7.45pm. Enfield Archaeological Society Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane/jnct. Chaseside, Enfield EN2 0AJ. Forty Hall – Hidden Secrets: Archaeological Monitoring of Refurbishment Work 2012-2014. Talk by Neil Pinchbeck (E.A.S.). Visitors £1. Refreshments, sales & information from 7.30pm. Friday 8th September, Amateur Geological Society. The Industrial Archaeology of Brentford. Walk led by Mike Howgate. Lasts 2 hours. Cost £8. For details email Hiss address is 71 Hoppers Road, Winchmore Hill N21 3LP. Telephone 02088822606. Cheques should be made out to M.E. Howgate. Monday 11th September, 3pm. Barnet Museum & Local History Society, Church House, Wood Street, Barnet (opposite museum). The Rothschilds – An A-Z. Talk by Melanie Aspey. Visitors £2. Also Barnet Physic Well, Well Approach, Barnet EN5 3DY is open on Saturdays 26th August & 23rd September from 2-4pm. Free entry. Tuesday 12th September, 1pm, Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House, Piccadilly W1J 0BE. Smithfield Market – Its remarkable general market, those curious columns & The Museum of London. Talk by Dr. Jennifer Freeman. Tuesday12 September, 7.45pm. Amateur Geological Society, Finchley Baptist Church Hall, 6 East End Road N3 3QL (cnr. Stanhope Avenue, opposite Avenue House). The Textures of Peridotite Rocks of Sub-Continental Mantle Origin. Talk by Dr. Brian Tabor (Harrow & Hillingdon Geological Society). Tuesday 12th September, 8pm. Historical Association North London Branch, Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane, Enfield EN2 0AJ. German Kings & The Holy Roman Empire. Talk by Robin Blades (secretary), followed by light refreshments & Branch AGM. Visitors £1. Wednesday 13th September, 7.45pm. Hornsey Historical Society, Union Church Hall, Ferme Park Road/Western Park, N8 9PX. The Great Houses of Highgate. Talk by Richard Webber (Highgate Society). Visitors £2. Refreshments, sales and information from 7.30pm. Wednesday13th September, 6pm. Gresham College at Museum of London, 150 London Wall EC2Y 5HN. From Royal Highway to Common Sewer: The River Thames and Its Architecture. Talk by Simon Thurley. Free. Part of the City of London 2017 Thames Festival. Friday 15th September, 7.30pm. Wembley History Society, English Martyrs’ Hall, Chalkhill Road, Wembley HA9 9EW (top of Blackbird Hill adjacent to Church). Tea & Memories. Talk & film by Debbie Nyman & Karl Roberts about the life & times of Roe Green Village. Visitors £3. Refreshments in interval – tea/coffee 50p. Saturday16th & Sunday 17th September. Open House London Weekend. Lots of buildings that are not normally open to the public will be open for free. For details please check the Open House booklet or the website. Events include: Saturday 16th September, 2pm. Hornsey Historical Society. Meet at Muswell Hill Library, Queen’s Avenue N10. History Walk of Muswell Hill. Led by Keith Fawkes (Chair). Ends at Northbank, Pages Lane N10 where refreshments & homemade cakes are available along with a talk about Northbank. Sunday 17th September, 11am-4pm. Hornsey Historical Society. The Old Schoolhouse, corner Tottenham Lane/Rokesly Avenue N8 7EL (buses W3, 41 or 91 stop nearby) will be open. There will be a small exhibition on aspects of local history. Members will be on hand including Albert Pinching (sales manager) to answer questions about the building. There are maps, books & postcards for sale. There is a collection of many rare photographs. Sunday 17th September, 11am-5.30pm. Queens Park Day, Chevening Road/Harvist Road NW6. Lots of stalls including Willesden Local History Society. Also live music, food stalls, craft stalls, etc. Sunday 17th September, 10.30am. Finchley Society. World War I walk. Led by Mark King. Commemorating 103rd Anniversary of the 1st Battle of the Marne. Meet at Henleys Corner. On the walk we’ll explore the street where the first British soldier to die grew up; green fields where cows sustained the local residents; the grand home of a leading industrialist & MP whose stationary products were used in everyday correspondence between armed servicemen & their families; a hall converted to use as a hospital for injured troops; a school whose Cadet Corps’ young pupils & staff went on to serve their country; a community hospital dedicated to the Eternal Memory of the Fallen from the Finchley area, and a memorial celebrating one of the turning points on the Western Front. Learn about the battle and why this dramatic French statue was erected in Finchley. More information on Monday 18th September, 9am. Mill Hill Historical Society. Coach outing to Chatham Historic Dockyard where there is much to see from warships, R.N.L.I. lifeboats, exploring the many galleries, & a whole lot more. Also included is a submarine tour & the Victorian ropery. You are free to take this day at your own pace. Various lunch options are available. Please book by Friday 18th August. Cost adults £37-50 (concessions £36). Coach leaves at 9am from Hartley Hall, Mill Hill Broadway NW7. Will leave for home at 4.30pm. Please send cheque and s.a.e. to Julia Haynes, 38 Marion Road, Mill Hill NW7 4AN. Cheques to be made payable to Mill Hill Historical Society. Contact Julia Haynes on 020 8906 0563 or email For electronic replies please supply your email address, otherwise give your name & telephone no. & no. of places required. Monday 18th September, 8pm. Enfield Society, Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane, Enfield EN2 0AJ. A Palace on the Hill; a Story of Many Parts. Talk by Dr. Jim Lewis on the history of Alexandra Palace. Wednesday 20th September, 8pm. Edmonton Hundred Historical Society, Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane, Enfield EN2 0AJ. Chase Farm Schools: Part 2 – Hospital. Talk by Frank Bayford. Visitors £1. Wednesday 20th September, 7.30pm. Willesden Local History Society, St. Mary’s Church Hall, Neasden Lane, NW10 2TS (near Magistrates’ Court). “A Willesden Green Walk”. Talk by Irina Porter (Chair) who has researched the boundary of the Willesden Green area & gathered many images which she will show. Saturday 23rd & Sunday 24th September, 11am-6pm. Enfield Town & Country Show, Town Park, Cecil Road, Enfield. Lots of stalls including Enfield Society. Also live music, food stalls, craft stalls, & new in 2017 – a Living History & Re-Enactment Village. Entrance £1-£5. Tuesday 26th September, 10.30am. Enfield Society, Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane, Enfield EN2 0AJ. The Forgotten Houses of Tottenham. Talk by Valerie Crosby. Wednesday 27th September, 1pm. Gresham College at Museum of London, 150 London Wall EC2Y 5HN. Discovering the Port of Roman London. Talk by Dr. Gustav Milne (UCL). Free. Wednesday 27th September, 7.45pm. Friern Barnet & District Local History Society, North Middlesex Golf Club, The Manor House, Friern Barnet Lane N20 0NL. Friern Barnet on Film. Visitors £2. Refreshments & bar before & afterwards. Thursday28th September, 8pm. Finchley Society, Drawing Room, Avenue House (Stephens’ House), 17 East End Road N3 3PE. The Railways of the Northern Heights. Talk by Andy Savage (Exec. Dir. of Railway Heritage Trust & Avenue House). Visitors £2. Refreshments. Saturday 30th September, 2pm. Barnet Museum & Local History Society, Pennefather Hall, Christ Church, St. Alban’s Road, Barnet EN5 4LA. Battle of Barnet: Being Richard III. Talk by Dominic Smee & Richard Knox. Tickets on door £5, members £3. Refreshments. |
No. 556 July 2017 Edited by Peter Pickering HADAS DIARY – Forthcoming Lectures and Events. Monday 25th to Friday 29th September: Trip to Frodsham Lectures start again with: Tuesday 10th October 2017: ‘The Curtain’ Playhouse Excavations, by Heather Knight, MOLA. Tuesday 14th November 2017: The Battle of Barnet Project, by Sam Wilson Lectures are held at Avenue House, 17 East End Road, Finchley, N3 3QE, and start promptly at 8pm, with coffee/tea and biscuits afterwards. Non-members: £1. Buses 13, 125, 143, 326 & 460 pass nearby and Finchley Central station (Northern Line), is a 5-10 minute walk away. Our Membership Secretary, Stephen Brunning reminds all those who have not paid that the membership year runs from 1st April; if you have overlooked this please send him your subscription. And if you do not wish to continue membership (though why should anyone want to leave our fine society?) let him know so that he need not remind you personally. The Local List. Peter PickeringBarnet, in common with most, but not all, local authorities, has a Schedule of Buildings of Local Architectural or Historic Interest – ones which while not benefitting from the statutory protection provided by the national list, are given particular status in Barnet’s Local Plan and in dealing with planning applications.
The Council has just initiated a review of this list, and is inviting community engagement in a borough-wide survey of local heritage, including surveying the existing list entries and identifying potential new items. There are to be free training events for all volunteers and volunteer support throughout from the dedicated project team which the Council has set up with a consultancy called ‘Urban Vision’. Unlike some archaeological societies (and in particular the Council for British Archaeology) HADAS has tended in its work (though not in its lectures or visits) to prioritise archaeology beneath the ground over that embodied in standing buildings. Our Society, unlike the Finchley Society, the Barnet Society and others covers the whole of the borough, and we must have many members who are at least as interested in the built heritage as in the buried heritage. This is an opportunity for them to undertake some research, and I hope many members will take part – see details over-page.
Two of the training events are to be on Thursday 6th July, from 2 to 3.30 pm in the Salon at Avenue House, and on Friday 7th July, from 10.30 am to 12 noon in Christ Church Barnet (St Albans Road EN5 4LA). To book a place or register an interest in future training events elsewhere in the borough email or call her on 01538 386221. HADAS ANNUAL General Meeting Tuesday 13th June 2017 Jo NelhamsThe 56th Annual General Meeting was held on Tuesday 13th June 2017 at Avenue House. The meeting was attended by 38 members and 2 guests. This was a better attendance than the previous year. Apologies were also received from a further 26 members after a reminder email was circulated.
The Chairman, Don Cooper, opened the meeting and welcomed all those present, including the President Harvey Sheldon and his two colleagues, Jacqui Pearce and Robin Densem, who were to assist him later.
The President then took the chair to conduct the business of the meeting.
All the current officers were prepared to stand again and were unanimously returned to office: Chairman: Don Cooper; Vice-Chairman: Peter Pickering; Hon.Treasurer: Jim Nelhams; Hon. Secretary: Jo Nelhams; and Hon. Membership Secretary: Stephen Brunning.
The current six Committee members were also prepared to stand again: Vicki Baldwin, Bill Bass, Roger Chapman, Eric Morgan, Andrew Selkirk and Sue Willetts. Two further members offered themselves to serve: Melvin Dresner and Robin Densem and all were unanimously elected.
It was pointed out that all the present officers had been in their posts quite a long time. The Chairman and Treasurer both over ten years and all the others not far off ten. We still have no volunteers prepared to try to organise an outing other than Jim and Jo Nelhams, who are still arranging the 5-day long trip each year. Without organisers the Society would not exist.
It was recorded that one of our Vice-Presidents Mary Phillips had died earlier in the year.
The Chairman thanked all for coming and all those who contribute to the various activities that the Society offers. The meeting closed at 8pm. The Chairman invited all to have a break for tea or coffee before the presentation of the Lant Street dig by the President, Harvey Sheldon, Robin Densen and Jacqui Pearce. Jacqui tutors the Finds Class who have been studying the Lant Street finds.
The Finds Class will be continuing to study the Lant Street finds when they reconvene on Wednesday October 4th at 6.30pm at Avenue House. There are spaces for one or two more at present. See page 9 for further details and how to apply.
May Lecture Report Vicki BaldwinThe search for, and ultimate discovery of, a treasure lies at the heart of many an adventure story. Dr. Hazel Forsyth’s lecture The Cheapside Hoard: A World Encompassed revealed a true story of many links that outshines the fictions.
Discovered in 1912 and comprising 500 items, it is the world’s largest collection of Elizabethan and Jacobean jewellery. Every piece is gold and the hoard includes ingots, specie and recycled plate. The gems themselves reflect the trading networks of the period: emeralds from Colombia; diamonds; Burmese rubies; malachite; almandine garnet; lapis lazuli from Afghanistan; Persian turquoise; pearls and opals, as well as some Renaissance gems. In addition, fake stones created from heat-treated quartz point to the shadier side of the gem trade.
The hoard was found in the cellar of a late 17th century post-fire, timber-framed building at 30/32 Cheapside by workmen who sold some of the jewellery to a dealer, George Fabian Lawrence (Stony Jack). He was known to buy interesting finds from the building sites and had been appointed by the Guildhall Museum to add items to their collection. Lewis Vernon Harcourt, 1st Viscount Harcourt, provided funds for the London Museum to purchase the hoard and asked for it to be brought to his private residence. King George V and Queen Mary visited and the Queen was given a necklace (subsequently recovered!). The hoard was declared to be of national importance.
During the period, the hoard was being accumulated, Cheapside was the centre of the luxury trade in London and the widest street in the capital. It is thought the collection was the working stock of one of the many goldsmiths working there before the Great Fire in 1666. It will never be known why it wasn’t recovered by its owner, but the box remained hidden in the cellar during rebuilding in 1667 until its discovery in 1912.
Before being hidden in the Cheapside cellar, it is possible much of the hoard had been amassed by a Dutch jeweller, Gerard Polman, who brought it back from the East Indies in 1631. He died on board ship and the carpenter’s mate acquired Polman’s chest but was forced to relinquish it to the Treasurer of the East India Company. How it ended up in Cheapside is uncertain.
The hoard is spectacular and contains items that are closely datable. Stylistically, most belong to the late16th century/early 17th century when the gem took pride of place and settings were fine and delicate. Some of the gems are foiled to make them glow. There are bunches of emerald and amethyst grapes; rings; a scent bottle set with Hungarian opal plaques. A 4.5 metre chain was intended to be worn looped around the person. Dated to 1612 is the only known watch by Gautier Ferrite, set into an emerald the size of a small apple. An heraldic badge for a ring is perhaps the latest datable item. It depicts the arms of William Howard, youngest son of the Earl of Arundel, made Viscount Stafford in 1640. During the Civil War their gem collections were requisitioned and pawned in Cheapside. The hoard must therefore have been buried after 1640 and before 1666.
Dr. Forsyth’s lecture provided us with fascinating insights into the complex and somewhat shady world of gems and jewellery in the first half of the 17th century.
Excavations at Clitterhouse Farm, Cricklewood by HADAS 2016. Bill Bass and The Fieldwork Team(Part 5, Investigations of the north corner of the farm complex)Clitterhouse Farm, Claremont Road, Cricklewood, NW2 1PH. Site code: CTH16, NGR: TQ 2368 8684, SMR: 081929, Site investigated July/August 2016. For background on this project please see HADAS Newsletters 539 (Feb 2016), 542 (May 2016), 543 (June 2016) and 544 (July 2016). Summary: Clitterhouse Farm, a moated manor site, has a long-documented history. Archaeological research work is being carried out to try and establish the Saxon/medieval and later layout of the site. Following on from work here in 2015, a resistivity survey and further 3 trenches were excavated outside the northern corner of the main building complex in the summer of 2016. Resistivity surveyFrom maps, it was known that from periodical rebuilding of the farm a ‘cow-shed’ and ‘wheatbarn’ were erected and attached to the northern corner of the present farm layout, perhaps with the ‘moat’ in this area being filled in to enable this. This range of buildings was demolished c. 1900-1910. It was decided to carry out a resistivity survey on the grassy land here. The results showed a variation of high and low readings which could be interpreted as rubble/walls, and with what could be a service trench (water or similar) cutting through at a SW-NE alignment. Trench 1 (2 x 2m) was laid out to take in some of the various resistivity readings some 2m away from the present building. A further two smaller trenches were excavated in front of the NE range near the door of the ‘Farm Cottage’.
The north corner of Clitterhouse Farm showing the position of the trenches; the arrows are indicating the walls (and their alignment) as excavated in the trenches. Excavation Trench 1The 2 x 2m trench was started at level 57.45 OD. The turf and modern topsoil [001] was up to 20cm thick; beneath this were further mixed sub-topsoils [002 & 003] of a modern date, approximately 30cm thick; inlaid into these and running SW-NE along the middle of the trench was a gravelly mortar feature with ‘shuttered’ sides which may have been a previous path or concrete ‘ducting’. The next layers encountered contained a mixture of mortar/clay, some chalk and gravel, and notably [007/8] was of a redeposited clay mixed with a dense rubble demolition deposit of brick (loose and coursed), and mortar with roof tile including peg- and pan-tiles, some 40cm thick. This demolition deposit contained a wide variety of pottery but would seem to date to the 19th century. On the western side of the trench this layer had been disturbed by a ‘cut’, which turned out to be for a water or sewer pipe running E-W along the trench about 80cm down from the surface. Once the rubble deposit [007/8] had been cleared an in situ laid wall began to appear at 56.90 OD. Entering from the north the wall was approximately 38cm wide and built in a mostly ‘header’ bonding; it had a right-angle return in the middle of the trench and exited west towards Trench 3, each length of wall as seen was approximately 1.40m. About 3-4 courses of the wall were seen; it would seem a comprehensive job of demolition was carried out truncating most in situ deposits in this area – were the bricks reused in the subsequent rebuild of the farm? Butting up to the southern return of the wall was a single brick course leading south to the SW corner of the south of the trench. There is evidence of a plinth on the internal face of the main wall, an indication perhaps that it is near the foundation, but we could not fully expose the full extent and depth of the wall due to time constraints and we did not get down to ‘natural’ for the same reason. The fairly modern water-pipe mentioned above cut through the southern return section of wall. Another brick in the wallSamples of brick were taken from the wall in Trench 1 [009 & 011]. A whole brick taken from the northern half of the wall measured L8½” x W4″ x Th2⅜” (224mm x 100 x 60), it was roughly made, hand-made (in a mould?) and showed little or no sign of a ‘frog’ (an imprint in the surface to lighten the weight and help key the mortar). A nearby half-brick of similar dimension, but thicker at 2¾”, appeared better made with sharper edges with a shallow frog. A whole brick from the single wall line [011] measured L8⅜” x W41/16” x Th2½” (224mm x 102 x 65). It was fairly well made with no sign of a frog. A further brick from the main wall measured 8⅝” x 4″ x 2⅝” (220mm x 100 x 67), fairly roughly made with cracks and inclusions. Several brick types may be seen, due to any rebuilding, repairs or such like. The ‘header bonding’ technique was popular in the 18th century. “This bond is chiefly used for footings in foundations for better transverse distribution of load”, see–of–brick–bonds/ FindsThe finds from the demolition layer [007/8] included a pottery sherd of Early Medieval South Herts Ware (ESHER 1050-1200AD) and Late Medieval Glazed Herts Ware (LMGH 1340- 1450). There are sherds of later Post-medieval Redwares and Slipwares, English Stonewares and various 19th century Transfer Printed and porcelain pottery. Other finds include corroded iron work, window and bottle glass and small amounts of animal bone, a fragment of clay tobacco pipe bowl dated 1680-1770 (form AO17), and a further bowl dated to 1700-1770 (form AO25). A large amount of roof-tile and brick rubble was seen but for the most part discarded. Other notable finds included a small square-shaped, virtually complete bottle marked ‘Foster Clark & Co Maidstone’ (Trench 1, context 006). Such bottles contained a powder for making fruit juice drinks; this one dates to around c1900-1908. See:–clarks–bottles/ An unusual clay-pipe stem (Trench 1, context 002) has a face with an elaborate ‘feathered’ headdress mould on it, not dated at present.
Trench 1, showing the return wall and water-pipe cutting through. North is to the left.
Interpretation(See also Part 3, Site phasing – HADAS Newsletter number 543 June 2016). The slightly different alignment of the walls as excavated in Trenches 1 & 3 from the present main farm alignment (see plan above) is reflected in several maps/plans, especially the Bart’s Archive SBHB/HC/45/19 which shows a proposed rebuilding of the site c 1790-1816 and mentions ‘Old Cow House must be pulled down’. Whether the Old Cow House was pulled down at this time is a matter of conjecture and is difficult to see from the maps, but the offset wall lines do appear to be those of this structure. So are these the brick footings of the timber-framed ‘Old Cow House’ seen on the illustration of 1715 SBHB/HC/45/2, or a later rebuilding c1800? The size of the bricks, a lack of a frog in many of them and the header-bond style could date our wall to the early 18th century, in which case they will be brick foundations of a timber-framed building, but more research is needed. We did not see any evidence of later rebuilding in the trench (although this was a relatively small area). This range of structures (Old Cow House and Wheat Barn) was eventually demolished c1900-1910; most of the pottery dates to the 19th century in the demolished layers, some earlier. The several sherds of medieval pottery once again perhaps hint at the earlier occupation in this area beneath the car-park.
Trench 2Trench 2 was placed slightly west of Trench 1 outside the doorstep of what was known as ‘Farm Cottage’, on a patch of grass we could access. Beneath the topsoil (approximately 57.20 OD) and some ephemeral mortar/concrete layers, a mixed gravelly/pebbly context appeared [003/4], mixed in with this were plenty of finds such as brick fragments, tile, slate, glass, pot, metal fragments, animal bone etc. Also uncovered was an iron-pipe running E-W through the centre of the trench; it was 5cm in diameter, perhaps a water or gas pipe. Underneath [003/4] a more compact surface was revealed made up of small to medium cobbles 20mm to 100mm diameter in a silty-sand matrix [005/6/7]; it was around 20cm thick. These variable gravel and cobble layers carried on until a more clay type context was reached at around 56.50 OD.
Once again, a substantial number of finds were recovered from these deposits similar to [003/4] this time including some clay tobacco pipe. The finds were similar to Trench 1 being Postmedieval Redwares (1580-1900) and Slipwares, English Stonewares (1700-1900), sherds of Black Basalt Ware (1780-1900), some Borderware sherds (1550-1900) and various 19th century Transfer Printed and porcelain pottery. Some of the clay tobacco pipe was dated to 1840-1880 and a complete clay-pipe bowl from context [009] dates to 1780-1820 – it was marked W-W on the ‘spur’.
An interesting find (Trench 2, context 009) was sherds of a ‘Char Dish’ in Tin-glazed or Delft Ware. Char is a relative of the Trout found in the Arctic areas and the Lake District and is processed to a paste and served in these dishes. The vessels were quite popular with a fish motif on the outside and made in a variety of pottery fabrics, Tin-glazed ones are often associated with Liverpool potteries perhaps around the mid-18th century. InterpretationEssentially Trench 2 is a series of gravel and sand make-up deposits with at least one or more substantial cobbled floors in between. They seem to form a backyard, outside the backdoor of the ‘Farm Cottage’ with cobbled floors, remodelled, built-up, repaired with anything to hand – household rubbish, pottery etc, – along with other disturbances – the gas-pipe, demolition material which all dates to the 19th and early 20th centuries. This eventually was covered with thin mortar flooring which became covered with turf.
Trench 3Trench 3 was placed in between trenches 1 & 2 to see what was going on; it was started as a 1 x 1m trench, later extended north-westwards to 1 x 1.5m. The upper layers were the similar gravelly and cobbled type seen in Trench 2, once again with the gas-pipe, although this had been cut through and realigned. Again, substantial amounts of brick and roof-tile fragments were observed, together with a scattering of animal bone and iron nails etc. Approximately in the middle of the trench (below), beneath the cobbled layers, the top of another wall was discovered. This brick masonry was exactly the same style and bonding as the one seen in Trench 1, the alignment was also the same. It had been demolished to a level of 56.97 OD; excavation through re-deposited clay revealed a further 6 courses which appeared to finish on the natural London Clay. The distance between the walls of Trenches 1 & 3 was 5.75m.
Trench 3, North is to the left. FindsAgain many of the ceramic wares reflect those seen in Trenches 1 & 2; notably recorded was part of a female figurine found in (Trench 3, 003), she has lost her head but is wearing a flowing dress, possibly Georgian or Victorian in style, and is carrying what looks to be a parasol. A sherd of South Herts Greyware 1170-1350 was recovered from (Trench 3, 003). InterpretationEssentially the same as Trench 2, but Mike Hacker comments “The well-rounded flint pebbles in the cobbled surface look as if they may well have come from the nearby deposits of Dollis Hill Gravel. One of the characteristics of DHG is that it is a poorly sorted mix of clay, silt, sand and pebbles. This makes it ideal for use as ‘hogging’ for roads and paths”. For the wall interpretation please see Trench 1. ConclusionThe excavations have shown that some substantial archaeology still survives around the immediate area of the farm buildings and more work is needed to confirm the plan of the excavated walls and their date. The resistivity plot shows a possibility for further walls/ archaeology nearby so there is potential for more fieldwork here.
Acknowledgements and thanks: Luisa Valejo, Thomas Ball & The Clitterhouse Farm Project. HADAS Fieldwork and Post-Excavation Team. HADAS Archive. Roger Chapman – documentary research. St Bartholomew’s Hospital Archive (various maps and documentary sources). Mike Hacker.
Something for the Winter by Don CooperHere is the new poster for our finds course which will start again in October 2017. We have still a small number of places available.
This course is a wonderful way to improve your ability to recognise and identify types of pottery, clay pipes, glass and other types of finds. The objectives of this course are to identify, quantify and record the finds from Lant Street (LNT99) and well as to bring the whole assemblage up to the current standards required by the London Archive and Research Centre (LAARC).
We processed nearly half the assemblage during last year’s course and were very impressed with the range and quality of the finds. It will be interesting to establish the likely date of the deposits and their relationship with the four early 19th century houses known to be on the site.
Finds in Focus Hendon & District Archaeological Society Finds Group Course tutor: Jacqui Pearce BA FSA MCIfA A 22-week course in post-excavation analysis to be held at Avenue House Stephens’ House and Gardens, East End Road, Finchley on Wednesday evenings, 6.30–8.30, starting on 4 October 2017This year we will continue recording the diverse and extensive collection of finds from the 1999 Birkbeck College training excavations at Lant Street in Southwark (LNT99). This rich artefact assemblage is focused chiefly on the post-medieval period, with large collections of pottery, clay pipes, glass and other items. Regular presentations and professional tuition will be provided throughout the course. This is an ideal opportunity to gain––or increase––your experience of working with and handling a wide variety of archaeological finds, as we make a complete record of the excavated material ready for deposition in the LAARC. We will also be aiming to look at the finds in the context of the site and its development over time, and will have access to the full site archive throughout the course. All are welcome, whether or not you have experience of working with archaeological finds! Course fee: £295 for 22 sessions. To book, contact Don Cooper (; tel. 020 8440 4350) or Jacqui Pearce (; tel. 020 8203 4506). Please make cheques payable to HADAS and send to Don Cooper, 59 Potters Road, Barnet EN5 5HS.
Other Societies’ Events Eric MorganFriday 21st July. 7pm. City of London Archaeological Society. St Olave’s Church Hall, Mark Lane EC3R 7BB. From Battle Bridge to King’s Cross: the making of an inner London suburb. Talk by Rebecca Haslam (PCA). Visitors £3. Refreshments after.
Monday 24th July to Friday 28th July. 2.30-4 pm. Brent Museum.Roman days (part of the British Archaeology Festival) Handle Roman artefacts and learn about Roman Brent. In the Education Room, Willesden Green Library, corner 95 High Road/Brondesbury Park NW10 2SF
Sunday 30th July. London Canal Museum. Ice Sunday. The Museum is at 12-13, New Wharf Road, King’s Cross N1 9RT. There is also an exhibition until 24th September from the National Waterways Museum, Brindley 300, celebrating the life of James Brindley, our greatest, most celebrated canal engineer.
Sunday 30th July. 10 a.m. Trent Country Park Cockfosters Road, EN4 0PS Camlet Moat uncovered This is an archaeologically important ancient monument, also regarded as a sacred site by mystics. Join Alan Mitellas on a tour that investigates the known history, archaeology, mysticism etc. of this fascinating area of Trent Park. Meet 10 a.m. at Trent Park by the café through the Cockfosters Road entrance. Finish approximately 12 noon. Distance 3 miles at most.
Read about Camlet Moat in the free booklet that can be downloaded from
Wednesday 2nd August. Camden History Society. Coach trip to Hughenden Manor – home ofPrime Minister Benjamin Disraeli (Lord Beaconsfield) – with introductory and other talks. Cost £34 or £24 for National Trust members. Lunches available. Coach will pick up Camden High Street (opposite Marks and Spencer’s) at 8.45, at Hampstead High Street (opposite Waterstones) at 9 a.m. and Swiss Cottage (outside the Library) at 9.15 a.m. Contact Jean Archer, 91 Fitzjohn’s Avenue, NW3 6NX, telephone 020 7435 5490.
Saturday 5th August. 1-3 p.m. Myddleton House Gardens. Bulls Cross; Enfield EN2 9HG. Walking in the Footsteps of Mr Bowles. Join the senior gardener for an informative tour highlighting the history of the remarkable plantsman and his historic garden. Cost £4 (HADAS did some resistivity here for the site of the Manor House.)
Sunday 6th August. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The House Mill at Three Mills. Three Mills Lane, Bromley-by-Bow, E3 3DU. Guided tours to learn about the House Mill’s role in the industrial revolution, and future plans for this site. Cost £3. (Also open every Sunday from May to October 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. See for more information. (HADAS has had a talk on this subject.)
Sunday 6th August. 2.30pm. Heath and Hampstead Society. Meet at the cattle trough and flower stall, Spaniard’s End near the inn. The Hampstead Heath Extension. Walk led by Tony Ghilchik (lasts approximately 2 hours). £5.
Tuesday 8th August. 7.45 pm. Amateur Geological Society. Finchley Baptist Church Hall, 6 East End Road N3 3QL (corner Stanhope Avenue, opposite Avenue House). Members’ Evening. Talks include Green Skies and Brown Clouds on Lanzarote and Platinum, its mineralogy, extraction and applications. There is also the judging of the Golden Egg Competition (Please note that in the June newsletter the heading ‘Amateur Geological Society’ was omitted in the item for 11th July).
Friday 15th August. 7pm. City of London Archaeological Society. St Olave’s Church Hall,Mark Lane EC3R 7BB. Members’ Evening. Short presentations by members. A chance to share a personal archaeological interest or a favourite site. Visitors £3. Refreshments after.
Saturday 19th August. 8.15am. Barnet Museum and Local History Society. Coach outing to the Bosworth Centre. Anniversary event at the Bosworth battlefield: battle re-enactment, jousting, mediaeval market, living history encampments, talks etc. Coach from Barnet Everyman (formerly Odeon). Return departs about 4.30pm. Cost £32. Contact Dennis Bird, 87, Hadley Highstone, Barnet EN5 4QQ, telephone 020 8449 0705
Tuesday 29th August 2pm Mill Hill Historical Society. Visit to Charterhouse with guided tour by one of the brothers (lasting up to two hours), giving an insight into its history and everyday life. It has existed since 1348 and has served as a monastery, private mansion, boys’ school and almshouse, which it is to-day. There are a chapel, a museum and a café. Meet at the site. Book by Friday 11th August. Contact Julia Haynes, 38 Marion Road, Mill Hill, NW7 4AN, telephone 020 8906 0536,
With grateful thanks to this month’s contributors:
Vicki Baldwin, Bill Bass and the fieldwork team, Stephen Brunning, Don Cooper and Eric Morgan |

Number 555 June 2017 Edited by Sue Willetts
Tuesday 13th June 2017: 7.30 pm ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – See below
NB Summer break from lecture season – lectures re-start in October
Monday 25th-Friday 29th September: HADAS Trip to Frodsham.
Tuesday 10th October 2017: “The Curtain” Playhouse Excavations, by Heather Knight,
Tuesday 14th November 2017: The Battle of Barnet Project, by Sam Wilson.
Lectures are held at Avenue House, 17 East End Road, Finchley, N3 3QE, and start promptly at 8 pm, with coffee/tea and biscuits afterwards. Non-members: £1. Buses 13, 125, 143, 326
& 460 pass nearby, and Finchley Central station (Northern Line) is a 5-10 minute walk away.
Reminder: Annual General Meeting:
Tuesday 13th June at 7.30pm at Stephens House and Gardens (formerly Avenue House). Please note the slightly earlier start than usual.
If you are unable to attend please register your apologies with the Secretary Jo Nelhams by email or phone. Details on the back of the Newsletter. AGM papers were distributed / attached to the previous newsletter.
We hope to see many of you there, also to support the President Harvey Sheldon, who will lead a presentation, after the AGM, on the excavation at Lant Street in Southwark in 1999, the finds of which are being studied and are being recorded by the HADAS Finds Group. Please come and support your Society. Jo Nelhams
HADAS Christmas Party
The HADAS Christmas Party will take place on Sunday 10th December at Avenue House. As in 2016, we will have a cooked Christmas Lunch in the Drawing Room. More details will follow nearer the date.
“Bus pass” Outings Jim Nelhams
Members will be aware that we have not had any one day outings recently.
One reason for this is that hiring a coach for a day now costs around £600. This cost has to be shared between those on an outing, so if we have 40 people, it’s £15 each, and for just 30, it’s
£20. “Bus pass” outings are intended to overcome this problem.
In simple terms, we agree a time and destination, and people make their own transport arrangements. We suggest a meeting place and visit as a group. So if the outing is within the London area, those with a bus pass, which is probably the majority, will have no transport costs to pay. We would like to try it and see how it works.
The suggested destination for our first trip is the Tunnel exhibition at the Docklands Museum. It is open until December and features finds from the Crossrail project and information about the construction. The Museum and exhibition is free, though donations are welcomed. The Museum also has a permanent display about docklands.
I have already circulated the idea to our email list and had over 25 positive responses.
So that we can give those that work a chance to come, I am suggesting that we try two dates (at no extra cost), Thursday 29th June and Sunday 2nd July. If you would like to come along, please let us know which date you would like. If you cannot make either, we might consider a third date if sufficient can make it. Please call me or Jo, or email. Our contact information appears at the back of this newsletter. Friends and family would be welcome.
Our planned meeting point would be West India Quay station on the Docklands Light
Railway. The trains are from Bank station with the destination of Lewisham. Meeting time at 11:00. We could have an interim meeting point on the DLR platform at Bank Station at around 10:30. Fuller information can be sent later.
The Museum has a small café but there is a pub next door and several restaurants nearby, or you can bring your own lunch.
After viewing the museum, you would be free to make your own way home, or to visit somewhere else.
Barnet Museum
The Museum has appointed a coordinator for their newest heritage project – on the Battle of Barnet – to explain the battle of 1471. This will be led by Helen Giles, who has more than 17 years’ experience working in museums and heritage. The project has secured a lottery grant of £98,600 to educate the community and develop resources and activity about the battle and its role in English history. Ms Giles said: “I am sure that for many people Barnet’s role in the Wars of the Roses, and its connection to Richard III, is an untold story.” “My aim will be to do all I can to help the dedicated team at Barnet Museum build on their local heritage.”
Copped Hall Trust Archaeological Project (CHTAP)
CHTAP will be running its usual series of taster weekends and field schools at Copped Hall (on the edge of Epping Forest) – an important archaeological site with a complex sequence of building phases, its recorded history starts in the 12th century. These weekends and field schools will take place on the site of the earlier mansion, ‘Old’ Copped Hall, which stood at the northern end of the gardens and was demolished in 1748. The site is mainly Tudor, but previous archaeological finds have dated from the prehistoric all the way to modern times. The three taster weekends in July will be open to all, including complete beginners, and are designed to teach the absolute basics of archaeology and excavation. In August, two five-day field schools will be held for those who have already learnt the basics of excavation and recording and wish to develop their skills further. The aim of the schools will be to advance the archaeology of old Copped Hall.
Taster weekends: Archaeology: 15-16 or 22-23 July, Geophysics: 29-30 July 2017.
Cost: Taster weekend: £60 per person
Field schools : Saturday 12 – Wednesday 16 August; Saturday 26 – Wednesday 30 August. Field school: £100 per person (non residential) for non-West Essex Archaeological Group members and £80 for WEAG.
For more information or to make a booking contact: Mr Andrew Madeley (Tel 020 8491
6514) email: or
British Archaeology festival – This year from 15-30 July 2017.
The Council for British Archaeology’s Festival of Archaeology has hundreds of events celebrating archaeology. There are currently (22.5.17) 11 events listed for Greater London for all periods of Archaeology: For more details, please check the general website
COLAS at Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park Sat 1st July 2017
Young archaeologists, thrilling discoveries at Kingston Museum Sat 15th July 2017
COLAS at Nunhead Cemetery Open Day Sat 20th May 2017
Interactive archaeology tour at Fulham Palace Sun 23rd July 2017
Blood Royal: Picturing the Tudor Monarchy Mon 24th July 2017 – Fri 25th Aug 2017
Londinium: The Roman city Fri 28th July 2017
Sensory town tour with Kingston Museum Fri 28th July 2017
Upminster Windmills Archaeology Fun Day Fri 28th July 2017
Ice Sunday at London Canal Museum: opportunity to enter the ice wells Sun 30th July 2017
Roman days at Brent Museum Various dates
Upminster Windmill’s Victorian garden dig and talk Various dates
Conference: Sculptural Display: Ancient and Modern
organised by the Hellenic and Roman Societies Wed 28 June 2017, 10:30 – 18:30: Beveridge Hall, Senate House, University of London, Malet St, London WC1E 7HU.
10.30 Doors to Beveridge Hall open
11.00 Welcome – Professor Catharine Edwards (President, Roman Society)
Chair and respondent – Dr Lesley Fitton (British Museum)
11.15 Professor Olga Palagia (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens): Sculptural
Display in ancient Greek temples
12.00 Dr Kenneth Lapatin (The J. Paul Getty Museum): The Sculptures of the Villa dei Papiri at Herculaneum – and Beyond
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Dr Thorsten Opper (British Museum): Sculptures from Hadrian’s Villa during the Age of the Grand Tour
Chair and respondent – Dr Michael Squire (King’s College London)
15.00 Dr Paul Roberts (Ashmolean): From the Parian to a pug: The Arundel marbles in the Ashmolean
15.45 Tea
16.15 Dr Bruce Boucher (Soane Museum): The historic display of sculpture at the Soane
17.00 Professor Whitney Davis (University of California at Berkeley): The Multifacial
Conundrum in Classical and Modern Sculpture
18.00 Closing words – Professor Robert Fowler (President, Hellenic Society)
Admission is free, and includes a sandwich lunch and tea in the afternoon. It is necessary to register for this event using the eventbrite link
Advance notice:
Conference: Celebrating 50 years of the journal Britannia is not
until Saturday 4th November in Senate House, University of London, but this is bound to be very popular so if you are interested – please register as soon as possible.
While the event is free, there is a small charge if you would like to have lunch. To book lunch please contact
Tunnel: the archaeology of Crossrail
As well as the exhibition at the Museum of London – Docklands there is also a new website which uses a series of 360-degree panoramic images from the exhibition and takes visitors on a journey along the route of the new railway, with photographs and footage captured during archaeological excavations. Ten new rotating images have also been released including: 8,000 year-old flint scraper tool from Woolwich; a Roman cremation urn, a disarticulated skull and bronze coin from Liverpool Street; a Tudor wooden bowling ball, a 16th Century ceramic mercury jar and a 18th Century Chinese Pearlware bowl all from Stepney Green.
University College London, Institute of Archaeology’s new MA in Museum Studies student exhibition, Sex and Symbolism:
This opened to the public on 8th May and runs until 27th April 2018 in the A.G. Leventis
Gallery of Cypriot and Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology, 31-34 Gordon Square, WC1H 0PY. It uses art, archaeology, and modern material culture to explore how seduction, sensuality, and sex have been represented through time.
Petrie Egyptian Archaeology, Malet Place, University College London, WC1E 6BT Different-perspectives: Archaeology and the Middle East in World
War One (16th May-30th Sep 2017).
World War I had a profound impact in and on the Middle East, the repercussions of which are still felt today. This exhibition touches on the significant, and often emotive, events and issues that took place. At the age of 61 Flinders Petrie tried to enlist for service but could only watch as those around him put on military uniforms and as battles were fought near to or in the places he knew so well in Egypt and Palestine.
Petrie was based in London throughout the war, opening a museum of Egyptian Archaeology at University College in 1915 shortly after major Zeppelin bombing raids. The exhibition has a series of panels which include:
Ways of Seeing about technical advancements in map making and aviation changed the war;
Petrie’s Pups explores what four of Petrie’s students did during the war, including becoming some of the first ‘monuments men’;
Voices from the Region considers the use of Arab and Egyptian archaeological workforces and the impact of the war on people in the Middle East;
The Role of Women sketches how women were involved, such as the intelligence agent Gertrude Bell and fundraiser Hilda Petrie;
Gathering Intelligence details the exploits of some of the intelligence agents, such as T. E. Lawrence and technical innovations
New Book Information
Clive Orton, Emeritus Professor of Quantitative Archaeology at the Institute of Archaeology, UCL has published his memoirs Degrees of Freedom: and other episodes in an archaeological life. Copies are available from Clive directly (email: at £5 (cash / cheque only please) or can be posted for an extra £1 charge.
Books on Offer
Two books in good condition, available to the first person to ask:
Symbols of Power – in the time of Stonehenge DV Clarke, TH Cowie, A Foxon (HMSO 1985). This beautifully illustrated and classic book derives from an Edinburgh exhibition in 1985. £12 upwards online.
The Upper Palaeolithic of Britain – A study of man and nature in the Ice Age (Vol. II only) John B Campbell (Clarendon Press, 1977) Full of useful analysis of climate and environment, Vol. II is all illustrations, maps, and gazeteers of sites and artifacts.
OTHER SOCIETIES’ EVENTS compiled by Eric Morgan
Sunday 11th June. Barnet Museum & Local History Society. Old Court House, behind Barnet Museum, Wood St., Barnet. Medieval Festival including re-enactments, music. Free entry
Saturday 17th June 11 am – 5.00 pm. Friary Park Community Day. Friary House,
Friary Park, Friary Road, Friern Barnet, N20 ONR. Entertainment including Local History. Finchley Society will have a stand.
Sunday 25th June The East Finchley Festival. Cherry Tree Wood, off High Rd, East Finchley, N2, opp. Station for entrance. Entertainment & stalls including ones for Finchley Society & HADAS.
Saturday 1st July 10.00 am – 4.00 pm. Christ Church, North Finchley. Corner High Rd / Christchurch Ave. ‘Open House’ celebrating 150th anniversary of the Church. Tours, exhibition, refreshments etc. Sunday 2nd July. Bishop of Edmonton will conduct the morning service, followed by a street party.
Saturday 1st July 8.15 am. Barnet Museum and Local History Society. Coach outing to
Charleston House & Lewes. Charleston Houe was the home / garden / meeting place for The Bloomsbury Group. The interior was painted by Duncan Grant & Vanessa Bell. The visit includes refreshments and a private tour of the house – thereafter a visit to Lewes arriving
c.1.30 pm – leaving c.5.00 pm. Departure is from The Everyman (formerly Odeon) cinema, Great North Rd, Barnet. Cost is £31.00. Send cheques payable to Barnet Museum and Local History Society with details of names, address, phone number to: Dennis Bird, 87 Hadley Highstone, Barnet, EN5 4QQ. Tel 020 8449 0705 who will phone you to confirm booking.
Saturday 1st July 8.30 am. Hornsey Historical Society, Coach outing to Pevensey Castle & Battle Abbey led by Stephen Hooking (of Battlefield Tours) which will cover the Norman invasion, Pevensey Castle, history of guns / gunpowder and the Battle of Hastings. Cost: £39.75 and covers coach, entrance fees, walk around Senlac Field and services of tour guide, but not including lunch. Departure from Queen’s Ave, Tetherdown Junction, Muswell Hill off Fortis Green Rd or The Old School House, Tottenham Lane, N8 7EL (corner Rokesby Avenue) at 8.45 am. Please state pick-up point when booking.
Email or ring / text 07757 414363 stating phone number/ email. For confirmation and final details send SAE only if have no email to Rachael Macdonald, 13A Palmerston RD, Bowes Park, London, N22 8QH. Cheques to Hornsey Historical Society
Saturday 1st July & Sunday 2nd July 12.00 – 7.00 pm. East Barnet Festival. Oak Hill Park, Church Hill Rd, East Barnet. Community & craft stalls plus entertainment.
Thursday 6th July 8.00 pm. Barnet Museum and Local History Society. Pennefather Hall, Battle of Barnet, Battlefield poetry. Talk by Clare Mulley, Battlefields Trust poet in residence reading from her work including “Thorn Kings”. Tickets on door £3.00 members, £5.00 non-members. Refreshments.
Friday 7th July 7.45 pm. Enfield Archaeological Society. Joint meeting with Edmonton Hundred Historical Society. Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane, Junction with Chase Side, Enfield, EN2 OAJ Geoffrey Gillam Memorial Lecture: Digs at Upminster Windmill 2016. Les Capon, AOC. Visitors £1.50 Refreshments, sales and information 7.30 pm
Sunday 9th July. Bothy Garden open, Avenue House see entry for 16th July.
Tuesday 11th July 7.45 pm. “Virtual Fieldwork using Google Earth” by Ian Watkinson.
Now meeting at a new venue: Finchley Baptist Church Hall. 5 East End Road, Finchley, London N3 3QL. This is almost opposite Avenue House/Stephens House. Limited parking at the Hall but free parking in East End Road.
Wednesday 12th – Sunday 16th; Tuesday 18th – Sunday 23rd July. Enfield Archaeology Society: Extended excavation at Elysing Palace (Forty Hall) Enfield EN2. If you are interested in getting involved contact the Fieldwork Director, Dr Martin Dearne, Also see Enfield Archaeological Society – which has information / photographs from the 2016 season.
Sunday 16th July 12:00 – 17:00. Avenue House, (Stephen’s House & Garden) 17 East End Road, N3 3QE. Summer Garden Fête. A day of fun and games with food, craft stalls and a brass band. Admission to the gardens is free. There will be community stalls including HADAS. Sunday 9th July The Bothy Garden will be open from 1pm – 5pm. Lunch is available in the House from 12-3.00 pm. NB HADAS members meet in the basement room most Sundays from 10.30 am
Tuesday 18th July 11:00 – 15:30. Mill Hill Historical Society. Visit to the Musical Museum and the Steam & Water Museum at Kew Closing date for booking 30th June. Meet 11:00 at the Musical Museum, 399 High Street, Brentford. Morning: Guided tour Lunch: Own arrangements – each museum has a café, otherwise there are pubs by Kew Bridge or take a picnic to enjoy by the river. Afternoon:
Visit to the Steam & Water Museum, Kew Cost: £16.50. Send cheque made payable to Mill Hill Historical Association and SAE to Julia Haynes, 38 Marion Road, Mill Hill, NW7 4AN. For info / bookings: 020 8906 0563 or email
Saturday 22nd July 12.00 – 5.00pm. Forty Hall and Estate is hosting a Public Open Day with the Museum open and a stall from the Enfield Archaeological Society. The Forty Hall oral history project will be launched. Other events include interactive park trails, illustrated talks on the landscape and history of the park, guided walks, barbeque / refreshments. Free admission. Part of the Love Parks Week.

No. 554 May 2017 Edited by Mary Rawitzer
Tuesday 9th May 2017 The Cheapside Hoard – Hazel Forsyth
Tuesday 13th June 2017 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – see below and papers enclosed/attached
Monday September 25th to Friday September 29th. 2017 HADAS trip to Frodsham Tuesday 10th October 2017 The Curtain Playhouse Excavations, – Heather Knight, MOLA
Tuesday 14th November 2017 – The Battle of Barnet Project – Sam Wilson.
All the lectures are held at Stephens House & Gardens (formerly Avenue House), 17 East End Road, N3 3QE, starting at 8pm, with tea/coffee & biscuits afterwards. Non-members are welcome (£1.00). Buses 125, 143, 326 & 460 pass nearby. Finchley Central Underground Station (Northern Line) is a short walk away.
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: 13th June at 7:30 pm Jo Nelhams
Official Papers for this year’s AGM at Avenue House are with this newsletter.
The AGM is your opportunity to show your support for your Society, and for the Officers and Committee. It gives you a chance to hear about our various activities and meet some of those involved. It would be very encouraging to meet some of those who do not usually attend our monthly lectures, or join our annual 5-day trip.
Perhaps you are able to assist by joining the committee, or with some of our activities? For example, for the last two years, we have had nobody prepared to organise any one-day outings, so they have not happened. If you feel you can help in any way, please contact me (see details on last page). Or perhaps you would like to join in more of what we do.
In recent years, we have followed the AGM meeting with a well-received Presidential presentation, and this year, we are hearing about the dig which took place at Lant Street, Southwark in 1999, finds from which are now being studied and recorded by our Wednesday evening Finds Group led by Jacqui Pearce. The original dig was run by our President, Harvey Sheldon, and Harvey and Jacqui will give us the background to the dig and our current work on it. This is an opportunity to hear more about one of the activities undertaken by a group of our members.
So that we have enough time to do justice to this, please note the earlier time:
We will be starting the AGM at 7:30 p.m.
(But do still come if you cannot get to Avenue House that early)
Next Lecture: Introduction The Cheapside Hoard: London’s Lost Jewels.
In 1912 labourers on a building site in Cheapside in the City of London unearthed a great treasure of gemstones and jewels which had lain undisturbed for some 300 years. Now known and celebrated as the Cheapside Hoard, it is the largest cache of its kind in the world and remains the single most important source of our knowledge of the Elizabethan and early Stuart jewellers’ trade.
With emeralds from Colombia, sapphires from Sri Lanka, diamonds and rubies from India, glistening pearls from the Middle East, and opals from Hungary, the priceless collection of nearly 500 pieces provides unparalleled information on London’s role in the international gem trade in an age of global conquest and exploration.
This talk will consider why the Hoard is important and what it contains: why it was hidden, and why it was never reclaimed.
Hazel Forsyth is the Senior Curator of the Medieval and Post-Medieval Collections at the Museum of London. She is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries; a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts; a Freeman of the City of London; a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths’ and a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Pewterers’. She has worked on numerous exhibitions in this country and abroad and has published widely on a range of subjects. Her most recent books include: London’s Lost Jewels: The Cheapside Hoard (2013) and, Butcher, Baker and Candlestick: surviving the Great Fire of London, (2016) which was published to coincide with the 350th anniversary of the Great Fire of London. She is currently working on a major catalogue of the Museum of London’s pewter collection, the largest in the public domain.
Early Notice: Possible/probable dig at Hendon School – June 2017
In conjunction with UCL, HADAS has been approached to come back and do another excavation at Hendon School with a likely date from the 12th June 2017 for two weeks. However, the date has not been firmly fixed yet and we are waiting for the school to come back to us. One need would be to get DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) clearance for some or all of our diggers so it would be helpful if you could tell Bill Bass ( or Don Cooper (details back page)I if you want to take part.
Your Society Needs You! New Editors Sought Mary Rawitzer
We are very keen to have more editors for the monthly HADAS Newsletters. Basically, being an editor for a month, just once a year – or more if you are willing – entails collating incoming items sent in, most already typed up, setting them into a framework of an 8 or 12 page publication and adding your own interesting and relevant items if you want. We can offer plentiful guidance to get you started. E-mail me (, or phone 020 8340 7434 to talk about it.
Brexit and Archaeology
On Friday 5th May there will be a one-day workshop on ‘Brexit, Archaeology and Heritage:
Reflections and Agendas’ from 10.30am – 6.00pm at the UCL Institute of Archaeology, Room 612. The workshop is envisaged as a wide-ranging inaugural event in a series which will, in due course, look in more detail at specific themes. Three thematic sessions are planned, the aim of which is to have 3 or 4 short and informal presentations, followed by extensive discussion time.
The event is free; refreshments, lunch and a post-workshop drinks reception will be provided.
Places are limited, so please RSVP via Eventbrite to indicate your interest in attending.
Advance notice: Explore the possibilities of a future in the past at the inaugural University Archaeology Day, Thursday Jun 22, 2017 09:00 – 6.00 UCL University College London:
This event is designed for prospective students, teachers and parents to learn about the many degree programmes on offer across the UK, to discover the huge range of career opportunities that an archaeology degree can lead to, and to hear about some of the latest archaeological research. Many of the top archaeology departments will be represented, along with a range of organisations that promote the subject and employ archaeology graduates. There will also be a full programme of talks and activities covering application tips, careers advice, and a wide range of archaeological topics including some of the latest finds and cutting-edge research.
As a very broad subject that combines arts, humanities and sciences archaeology is great for developing a mixture of academic and practical skills, the University Archaeology Day offers help to find out what an archaeology degree can do. The event is free but registration is essential. Register via Eventbrite.
March Lecture Report Annette Bruce Bugging the Nazis in World War II: Trent Park’s Secret History
Dr Helen Fry’s talk was not only informative but hugely entertaining and often surprising. Trent Park and, later on, Wilton Park near Beaconsfield (now demolished) and Latimer House at Chalfont & Latimer were used to house enemy officers and men from the German and Italian armed services. Apparently, the spy George Blake worked here for a time. The conditions were comfortable and the PoWs felt sufficiently relaxed to talk openly about many matters of interest to the intelligence service including the latest technology, German (or Italian) morale and even arguments between the army and the SS. The effect of the information was to shorten the war by at least two years. While the story of Bletchley has been in the public domain for some time, that of Trent Park has only been known since 1999.
The story starts with Thomas Joseph Kendrick, a spymaster who worked in Vienna for MI6. He was able to move in diplomatic circles and was engaged in visa work as well as in tracking weaponry. Apparently Kendrick met Kim Philby during his time in Vienna.
In 1938 Hitler annexed Austria. Kendrick managed to arrange visas for some 200 Jews a day until he was betrayed by a double agent. Following interrogation he was released and made it back to London. Dr Fry reckons that Kendrick had a lucky escape, going on to play a crucial role in World War II.
By 1938 British Intelligence was already preparing for the expected war with Germany. Hugh Sinclair, Head of the British Intelligence Service (MI6, later MI19), had already bought Bletchley Park and was planning a further most secret unit in which the conversations of Nazi PoWs could be bugged. Sinclair decided that Kendrick was just the person to run the operation together with two representatives from each of the armed services. This was the first time that the three armed services, used to acting independently, came together in an inter-services intelligence unit – CSDIC (Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Centre).
The first such camp was actually the Tower of London – specifically the Salt Tower. Rudolf Hesse, Hitler’s deputy, who had flown to Britain, was also brought to the Tower, lodging in the Queen’s House before being moved to Mychett Place near Aldershot.
By 1939 there were over 60 PoWs. These had been subjected to fake interrogations designed to promote the idea that he British were completely incompetent in these matters. PoWs consequently reduced their guard, despite warnings from their own side, and talked openly of the information which they had withheld. It was in the Tower that the first conversations were heard about a secret weapon. So much importance was attached to the gathering of intelligence and such was the volume of information coming through that Trent Park was purchased, the owner, Sir Philip Sassoon, having died in 1939.
The house was staffed by a team of 500 and PoWs found themselves in a delightful location with just two to a cell. The two would be from different branches of the armed services so that they would have plenty to talk about! The number was limited to two so that the listeners could more easily distinguish the voices. Kendrick was allowed an unlimited budget and the amount spent was £400,00 (millions in today’s money). Clearly he was given top priority: whoever obtained the best intelligence, it was believed, would win the war
Trent Park was reserved for the highest-ranking officers and their lives were made extremely comfortable – as, several of them thought, befitted their ranks. They were greeted on arrival by “Lord Aberfeldy”, “cousin to the King”. He got to know the German officers, attended to all their needs and even allowed them a tuckshop, financed by MI19. They enjoyed excursions to London, carefully avoiding bomb-damaged areas, and enjoying lunch at Simpson’s in the Strand (the staff were all changed, of course).
By 1942-3 some very technical language was being heard, as well as some difficult dialects. Many refugees from Nazi Germany came to Britain and some 10,000 enlisted in the forces, often drafted into the Pioneer Corps as unskilled labour. Eventually more than 80 of these refugees were drafted in by the Intelligence Service to listen in to the conversations of PoWs. Their fluency in German was invaluable. By 1943 the listening units numbered one thousand staff and one hundred secret listeners. Two of these listeners have survived into their 90s and Dr Fry spoke about one in particular, Fritz Lustig. A more detailed account can be read in her book: “The M Room: Secret Listeners who Bugged the Nazis”.
As expected, PoWs tended to talk openly to their cellmates about what had happened at their “interrogation” and what they had concealed. The listeners needed to be very skilled, not only in German but also in the details of the three services, the ranks and the weaponry. Complete recordings were made with transcripts written in the original German and in English translation.
The information gained from the M Room provided extensive knowledge of German technological advances, especially in the Luftwaffe. By December 1940, 685 German airmen had been captured. More than one thousand reports were compiled and thus the listeners became familiar with the technology on board enemy aircraft. This included Knickebein (“crooked leg”), X-Gerät and Y– Gerät (X/Y system), devices for informing a pilot when he was close to the centre line of a runway and also to alert him when he was over a target. The task was therefore to jam the signals in order to confuse the pilots.
Further listening kept the British abreast of new developments, notably the Focke-Wulf fighter/dive-bomber, as well as the fighting formations to be used. Naval intelligence included details of U-boat numbers, movements and losses. There was also information on German battleship plans and the development of a magnetic torpedo.
Army intelligence became more important in 1942 after the British campaigns in North Africa. Information was gathered on the size and type of bombs, but PoWs had doubts that bombing alone would win the war. Listeners also picked up conversations about the possible invasion of Britain and the later talk that suggested that the plan would be postponed.
PoWs also discussed the use of nerve gas, but seemed to agree that it would not be used against Britain unless she used it first. Listeners picked up on the apparent friction between the SS and the German army and British Intelligence noted that even in the ranks of the Nazi Party opinion was divided. All this came to a climax in April 1944 when plans were afoot among the PoWs for a celebration of Hitler’s Birthday. By now, opinions of the Führer were sharply divided. Interesting conversations were recorded about politics, etiquette and whether the war could still be won.
Into this excitable mix PoWs revealed plans for the rocket programme, the V1, V2 and V3. The launching site was duly bombed on a moonlight raid on Peenemünde on the 17th-18th August 1943. The aircrew were not told of the full significance of their mission. Subsequent conversations revealed the location of other launch sites which were bombed before they could be completed.
Col Kendrick continued doing important work for MI6 after the war. No-one knows what that was. He retired in 1948 and was awarded the OBE. Again, no-one knows precisely why. He died in 1972 at the age of 91. Dr Fry ends Chapter 11 of her book with a quotation from Norman Crockett, who wrote to Col Kendrick: “You have done a Herculean task and I doubt if anyone else could have carried it through. It would be an impertinence were I to thank you for your contribution to the war effort up to date: a grateful country ought to do that, but I don’t suppose they will”.
Trent Park was as important as Bletchley and it is hoped that, despite plans for a development of apartments, the ground floor will become a museum. It is, after all, a site of international significance.
Footnote: People who have read “The M Room” might also like to read (if they haven’t already) “Most Secret War: British Scientific Intelligence 1939-1945” by EV Jones. There are references to Cockfosters and to X/Y Gerät.
Online Diploma in Irish Archaeology
We have been asked to publicise a Diploma in Irish Archaeology offered By the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG). This is fully online, to facilitate the participation of folks who cannot travel to Galway and those in different countries and time zones, and is offered by experts on Irish archaeology. There are participants from all over Ireland, the United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, Canada, the United States, and Australia.
Information can be found at:–and–continuing–educationcourses/irisharchaeologyonlinediploma/ and online applications at–to–apply/online–applications/ .
The Tudor Hall at Barnet and Southgate College has this wonderful Elizabethan doorway dated 1573, with a crown on each side. One is above a Tudor Rose, while the other is above a portcullis, a symbol associated with Westminster.
However, neither crown looks anything like the one which crowned our present Queen Elizabeth. It seems that back in the 17th century not only was Oliver Cromwell’s Republic short of money, but to Cromwell the old crown jewels represented “the detestable rule of kings.” Trustees valued and sold the crown jewels to the highest bidder.
The crown itself, which dated back to the reign of King Henry VIII, was valued then at £1,000, but it was stripped of its gems and the rest melted down for coins by the Royal Mint. The present King Edward’s Crown (right) was made for the Coronation of King Charles II in 1661.
Other Societies’ Events Eric Morgan
Thurs 11th May 6.30 for 7pm. London Archaeologist Annual Lecture: Expect the Unexpected: Fenchurch St from the 1st Century to the First World War Neil Hawkins, PCE. Drink reception followed by AGM and lecture. All are welcome, free, but please RSVP via email for the reception and to identify the location!
Sat 13th May, 10.30am-5.30pm. Docklands History Group 6th Annual Conference: Thames River Crossings.
Museum of London Docklands No. 1 Warehouse, West India Quay, Hertsmere Rd, Canary Wharf, E14 4AL. For information and booking: .
Wed 17th May, 7.30pm. Islington Archaeological & History Society: The Sky was Lurid with Flames: Germany’s WWI bomber offensive against London. Talk by Ian Castle. Islington Town Hall, Upper St, N1 2UD. Visitors £1
Sat 20th May. Barnet Physic Well is open – on the corner of Well Approach & Pepys Crescent, Barnet EN5 3DY. For opening times see
Sat 3rd June, 10.30am-4.30pm. British Association for Local History: Local History Day 2017, including Local HistoryAwards, BALH Annual Lecture: Local Societies on the Move: migration and social mobility in the middle ages. Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road, N7 6PA. Details and booking:
Wed 7th June, 6pm. Docklands History Group (see 15th May above): Oars Oars, Sculls sculls: Constructing the Thames Waterman in the Eighteenth Century. Talk, Hannah Melissa Stockton. Visitors £2.
Wed 7th June, 6pm. Gresham College: Fifty Year of Conservation Areas. Talks by Prof Simon Thurley & Desmond FitzPatrick (Chair, City Heritage Society). Museum of London, 150 London Wall, EC2Y 5HN. Free.
Thurs 8th June, 8pm. Enfield Society: An Architectural History of Trent Park Mansion. Talk by Natasha Brown, preceded by AGM. Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane/jn Chase Side, Enfield EN2 0AJ
Fri 9th June, 7.45pm. Enfield Archaeological Society: Liquid Assets: Interpreting the prehistoric finds from the Thames. Talk by John Corron, EAS Vice-President. (Location as Enfield Soc, 8th June above).Visitors £1. Refreshments, sales & info from 7.30pm.
Monday 12th June, 3pm. Barnet Museum & Local History Society: The 100th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge. Talk by William Franklin. Visitors £2.
Wed 14th June, 7.45pm. Hornsey Historical Society: The Customs and Traditions of the City of London. Talk by Mark Lewis. Union Church Hall, crnr Ferme Park Rd/Weston Park, N8 9PX. Visitos £2, Refreshments, sales, info from 7.30pm.
Thurs 15th June, 7.30pm. Camden History Society: Alphonse Normandy (1809-1864): chemist, desalination pioneer and Judd Street resident. Talk by Debbie Ratcliffe. Preceded by AGM. Burgh House, New End Sq, NW3 1LT. Visitors £1
Friday 16th June, 7.30pm. Wembley History Society: Harry Beck’s Underground Map. Talk by Lester Hillman. English Martyr’s Hall, Chalkhill Rd, Wembley HA9 9EW. Visitors £3, refreshments 50p.
Saturday 17th & Sunday 18th June. London Open Squares. More than 200 gardens not normally open to the public. Details
Tues 20th June, 9am. Mill Hill Historical Society: Coach outing to Oxburgh Hall, Norfolk (NT) to visit house built by Beddingfeld family in 1482 with 70 acres of gardens, tea room, picnic area, etc. Cost £34 (NT members £24) Coach leaves 9am from Hartley Hall, Mill Hill Broadway and will start home at 4.30pm. Time permitting, will include visit to Ely Cathedral. Send your full details, sae and cheque payable to Mill Hill
Historical Society to: Julia Haynes, 38 Marion Rd, Mill Hill, London
NW7 4AN by May 19th (e-mail, phone 020 8906 0563).
Wed 21st June, 7.30pm. Islington Archaeological & History Society (see May 17th above). 500 Years of Richard Cloudesley’s Charity. Talk, preceded by AGM at 6.30pm.
Wed 21st June, 7.45pm. Friern Barnet & District Local History Society: The Shelter of the Tubes during the Blitz. Talk by Alan Williams. Noreth Middlesex Golf Club, The Manor House, Friern Barnet Lane, N20 0NL. Visitors £2. Refreshments and bar.
Sat June 24th. Barnet Physic Well is open again – see 20th May, above.
Sun 25th June, 11am-5pm. Markfield Beam Engine & Museum: Steam open day. Markfield Park, Markfield Rd, N15 4RB. Free admission. Also open 2nd Sun. of the month & Bank Holidays.
Thurs 29th June, 8pm. Finchley Society: Annual General Meeting. Drawing Room, Avenue House (Stephens House). Visitors £2. Refreshments 7.30 pm and afterwards.
Many thanks to our contributors:
Deirdre Barrie, Annette Bruce, Don Cooper, Eric Morgan, Sue Willetts

No. 553 APRIL 2017 Edited by Peter Pickering
HADAS DIARY – Forthcoming Lectures and Events.
Lectures are held at Avenue House, 17 East End Road, Finchley, N3 3QE, and start promptly at 8pm, with coffee/tea and biscuits afterwards. Non-members: £1. Buses 82, 125, 143, 326 & 460 pass nearby and Finchley Central station (Northern Line), is a 5-10 minute walk away. Tuesday 11th April 2017: Where Moses Stood A Talk by Robert Feather
‘Where Moses Stood’ is the subject of a power point presentation, relating the culmination of intense research and four years exploration in the Sinai Desert. It describes what is claimed to be the real story of the progression of the Exodus from Egypt to the Promised Land; the exact location of Mount Sinai – the place of the giving of the Ten Commandments; the remains of part of The Tabernacle; the Copper Snake Moses used to ward off poisonous serpents; the 2,600-year-old bones of the scapegoat used to carry off the sins of the people into the desert; and ………a sacred item once carried in the Ark of the Covenant.
Robert Feather trained as a metallurgist and has written a number of books on history, archaeology, and Middle Eastern subjects.
Tuesday 9th May 2017 The Cheapside Hoard – Hazel Forsyth
Tuesday 13th June 2017 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING
Monday September 25th to Friday September 29th. 2017 HADAS trip to Frodsham Tuesday 10th October 2017 The Curtain Playhouse Excavations, – Heather Knight, MOLA Tuesday 14th November 2017 – The Battle of Barnet Project – Sam Wilson.
February Lecture Report- London Ceramics at the Time of the Great Fire By Jacqui Pearce FSA Report by Deirdre Barrie
Our speaker was Jacqui Pearce, Pottery Specialist for Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA)). She set the scene with the turbulent events of the 17th century: civil war, the execution of the king, the Great Plague and the Great Fire.
Ceramics experts have a virtual snapshot of what ceramics were in the homes and inns of London on 1st September 1666. This is because all the cesspits (great sources of archaeological finds) were sealed by the debris of the Great Fire on the 2nd. (Pepys wrote a near journalistic account of the Fire in his Diary.)
Pottery imports found in London are often shown in 17th century still life paintings by artists in the Low Countries; Jacqui made good use of such art in her slides, (e.g. ‘Still Life with Fish’ by Wallerant Vaillant).
For food preparation, there were cauldrons with two hollow handles (so the cook’s hands did not get burnt); pipkins with one handle and maybe a lid for slow cookery, and small dishes, say for something with eggs. Chafing dishes kept food warm, with coals in the base and a lid, or you could put a pewter plate on top. Skillets were like frying pans; porringers were bowls with one handle to spoon things out of. Items for the table included salts (open dishes for salt), mustard pots and flower vases – these last were for middle class society.
Posset pots had a hollow handle through which you sucked the fluid. Posset does not sound very appetising – it was milk curdled with wine or ale, and sometimes spiced. Flasks for wine could be set in wicker containers (rather like the old-style Chianti bottles we remember).
For serving up there were platters – shallow plates. In the late 16th century ceramic and pewter was used instead of the old wooden trenchers. Chargers were huge plates for display, to sit on a side table or cover an empty hearth. In 2012 one such was found in a Southwark ditch.
Items for heating and lighting included ceramic candlesticks, and fuming pots for banishing nasty smells, then thought to be a cause of disease.
Among the miscellaneous items found were round moneyboxes, associated with theatres (hence the term ‘box office’); watering pots for flowers, and bird pots, which you put on the side of the house for sparrows – then you ate the young. Large ceramic dishes with concentric rings were for putting on the ground and feeding chickens. Novelty items included a puzzle jug with lots of holes, and a cat-shaped jug.
What did it all look like? Where did it come from? London ware (jugs etc.) was red. Surrey/Hampshire ware often had yellow or green glazes, and the main centre for its manufacture was Farnborough. A German potter moved to the area, and brought new ideas and techniques.
Slipware had a pattern poured on to the unbaked pottery, or ‘iced’ on. Metropolitan Ware came from Harlow in Essex, and Staffordshire slipware is white with red decoration. When wet, the clay with its two colours was combed with a feather to give an attractive ferny pattern. Some plates had a ‘piecrust’ ridged edging. Such plates are occasionally dated and one of the Museum of London’s early such finds says ‘1630’ in big letters.
Imports included North German Weser ware and white wares from North Italy, which may have been desirable for their fluted patterns and clean purity. But Ligurian majolica could have colourful, even garish, decoration of leaves, fruit or animals. Polychrome vessels were coloured and decorated with geometric patterns of, say, pomegranates or tulips.
White tinglazed vessels were used for sack (white wine) and also for medical drugs. Imported Dutch blue and white ware often showed Chinese influence, for in the mid-17th century Chinese porcelain was coming in via Portugal and the Netherlands. Such items were found in pothouses in Southwark.
Drink came in jugs of local red ware. There were copies of Bellarmine or Bartmann jugs, with their big round bodies and bearded faces on the stem. (These were sometimes used in apotropaic magic as ‘witch bottles.’)
Beer was served in brown Essex ware, but black vessels were popular during the Commonwealth. (A pub during the Commonwealth must all in all have been a sombre place.)
With the return of Charles II, vessels took on a religious and patriotic tone, with portraits of the king, and the words ‘KING’ and ‘GOD’ featured in large letters. The first coffee house, ‘The Jampot’, where coffee was drunk from bowls, opened in 1652. The remains of the big imported storage jars for coffee are occasionally confused with Roman amphorae.
More personal ceramic objects included ceramic bedpans and vessels for a close-stool. Chamberpots are often found in cesspits – dropped there by accident. In Spitalfields 96 were retrieved from only one site!
Early Ceramic Clay Pipes. Don Cooper
On a recent trip we visited the Archaeological Museum in Mazatlán in Mexico. Mazatlán is on the Pacific coast of Mexico in the state of Sinaloa. The Archaeological Museum is small but has about 500 ceramic artefacts from pre-Spanish cultures, mostly Aztec.
One of the surprises for me was clay pipes. As you can see the dates on the first exhibit represent a wide range (1200 to 1531AD).
These pipes showed no obvious signs of having been smoked and there was no indication of the specific site they came from. The curator said that they had come the southern part of the state. The three in the photo above are ornate and suggest that there was a considerable typology involved. What was being smoked I couldn’t establish but I suspect it was tobacco.
It seems that before the Spanish conquistadors came there was an industry making a variety of pipes which perhaps indicates that a considerable number of the population smoked.
And then pipe smoking and manufacture came to Europe…….
Jane Austen and Canals – continued Liz Tucker
In my summary of our boat trip from Bath, I made the flippant remark that I could find no reference to canals in Jane Austen’s novels.
Subsequently, I read David Nokes’ biography, where he states that she went for walks along the canal with her uncle, when her family first moved to Bath in 1801. The canal did not open until 1810, by which time she had left the city, but construction began in 1789, so maybe she walked along the partcompleted route, admiring the brawny navvies digging it out.
When I checked a few websites, I found that she had written in a letter ‘my long-planned walk to the Cassoon’ – the caisson lock at Coombe Hay, on the Somerset Coal Canal, which led into the Kennet and Avon.
The websites I looked at were ‘Jane Austen in the Age of Steam’, and ‘Down the Kennet and Avon Canal with Jane Austen’. I should be interested to have more information!
Rail Sightings by Andy Simpson
The good thing about our HADAS weeks away is the sheer variety of interests covered, and sometimes the chance to nip off to follow personal interests – as regular trip participants are only too aware in my case, whether it be railways or bus museums!
A case in point was our visit to Bristol for Brunel’s magnificent steamship, SS Great Britain. Bristol Harbour is a familiar haunt for me, and when we all spilled off the coach by the Great Britain, I looked down the harbour side and sure enough a distant wisp of steam a half-mile or so away indicated something was afoot on the short Bristol Harbour Railway at Princes Wharf/Wapping Wharf, even on a weekday, so I ‘made my excuses and left’. Only in Bristol can you actually take regular rides on a dockside steam railway at the heart of a modern city, just one mile west of Bristol Temple Meads station!
It transpired that resident 0-6-0 Saddle tank ‘Portbury’, built in 1917 by Bristol makers Avonside Engine Co Ltd for the Inland Waterways and Docks Board as their No.34, and currently bearing their original livery, had been steamed specially to shunt fellow railway resident 0-6-0 tank ‘Henbury’, also built in Bristol by Thomas Peckett & Sons in 1937, for a boiler lift as part of her overhaul back to working order. Fortified by a sausage sandwich from my favourite harbourside café, a couple of hours were spent watching some gentle shunting before Henbury’s cab and boiler were lifted by one of the four still-operational dockside cranes outside the ‘M Shed’ industrial and social museum – always worth a visit. After sale to the Bristol Corporation Docks Committee in about 1920, Portbury (and Henbury) worked the Bristol docks lines until 1964 when they were happily set aside for preservation at the former Bristol Industrial Museum. And at the rail crossing giving access to Claverton pumping station later in the week, Jon Baldwin was also distracted by the odd passing class 66, or ‘Sheds’ as they are lovingly known to the enthusiast fraternity…
And the distractions just kept coming! Having had a good look around Wells Museum, it was off to track down the remaining traces of the railways of Wells – from three lines and stations to not a yard of track by 1969. At least Wells (Tucker Street) goods shed survives in good condition as just about the only visible relic following its closure in 1963.
Current Archaeology Conference Peter Pickering
Once more I spent a recent weekend at the Annual Conference of Current Archaeology (this year celebrating its fiftieth anniversary). Very well attended by the magazine’s subscribers from all over the country – remarkably few from London. Here are some of the highlights.
Michael Walsh of Cotswold Archaeology talked about the wreck of HMS London in the Thames estuary off Southend. HMS London was the flagship of both the Commonwealth and the Restoration navies, and went down when on the way to fight the Dutch. Finds include cannon, timbers, small weapons, a personal sundial and lots of clay pipes. Was smoking on board near quantities of gunpowder a good idea – and was it in any way connected with the explosion that did for the ship? Digging trenches in the sea-bed 25 metres down with ships passing overhead sounded an uncomfortable form of archaeology, but the rewards have been great.
There were two papers relating to writing. Roger Tomlin described with enthusiasm several of the
Roman writing tablets found in advance of the construction of a building for Bloomberg (formerly Bucklersbury House of Mithras fame). And Matthew Champion told us about the fast-growing number of graffiti found in churches (over 6,000 in Norwich Cathedral alone) and in other buildings as well (remember those we saw in the Bradford-on-Avon barn?). There are, it appears, many drawings of demons, but only one has yet been found that may be of an angel. Animals drawn seem all connected with hunting – there are none of sheep, cows or pigs. Ships remain very frequent – even in churches far from the sea.
What was most striking about the papers was the number which described the revisiting of old excavations. HADAS must have started a trend with what we have done with Ted Sammes’ dig. Roberta Gilchrist has been going over a century of scantily published (but well archived) investigations at Glastonbury Abbey. Richard Bradley has re-excavated a Scottish stone circle (Croft Moraig), and Colin Haselgrove the Iron Age site at Stanwick (Queen Cartimandua’s capital?); Martin Millett and
Rose Ferraby have worked on Aldborough (Isurium Brigantum), and Paul Booth on Dorchester-onThames. To generalise wildly, it appears that earlier excavations were done competently and archived well, if not fully published, but that modern techniques (geophysics; vastly improved radio-carbon dating; photography by drones) enable much more information to be elicited. And of course interpretations have changed – Stanwick, for instance, was originally dug by Mortimer Wheeler who often saw things in a military way (remember how he thought he had found the Britons who died defending Maiden Castle against the Roman invaders.)
There were also accounts of dramatic new digs – Great Ryburgh with its coffin burials, an Iron Age settlement in Dorset, Little Carlton in Lincolnshire with lots of coins, styli and bells, and the remarkable Must Farm in the fens, showing how much stuff Bronze Age people owned. For those who prefer their archaeology gruesome, there was a study of bog burials and the horrible end these people came to; a higgledy-piggledy mass grave in Gloucester (victims of the late second-century plague?); and the rather more orderly burials of seventeenth century plague victims found during the Crossrail construction.
The final talk was an enthusiastic presentation of the successes of the Portable Antiquities Scheme by Kevin Leahy; he emphasised in particular how metal detectors often got there before deep ploughing destroyed previously unknown sites for ever.
Further archaeological watching brief work at RAFM Pt. 2 Andy Simpson
On Monday 20 February 2017, site manager Steve Johnson reported a further spread of material exposed during turf stripping of the former ‘Helicopter Landing Area’ at the western edge of the Hendon site. The turf has now mostly been removed for expansion of the car parking area during ongoing site landscaping work funded by the HLF.
The Curator of Aircraft made a visual inspection and walked the newly exposed area in an approximate grid pattern. Conditions were fine and dry.
A further small selection of post-medieval material was made. The greatest spread of material was at the southern end of the exposed area closer to a pathway to the former pedestrian entrance.
These included a further single small piece of clay pipe stem; body fragments of ribbed stoneware jar; a fragment of blue glass poison/medicine bottle; wire-reinforced window glass; blue transfer-printed earthenware and china, including plate rim, and tile; a one pound coin dated 1990 (probably lost in the former picnic tables area) ; fragments of white glass jar; one complete white glass jar with moulded ‘Pond’s England’ on the base, presumed to be for Pond’s Face Cream; and a complete glass jar, possibly for writing ink.
Items noted but not retained included quantities of red brick fragments and domestic ‘bathroom’ tile, along with the ash/clinker filled cuts of more modern field drains cut into the natural clay, which lies close to the surface below the turf line and some clay subsoil.
This material is comparable to that found near Hangar One during the initial site watching carried out on 6th February, previously reported. It certainly supports the notion that considerable areas of dumping of modern, twentieth century material has occurred on parts of the site as the result of demolition, and there could be redeposited Blitz rubble. The few fragments of clay pipe stem – now four in all – are the only potentially pre-c.1850 items, suggesting little historic activity in the immediate area, which would be logical bearing in mind it was largely pasture land until the creation of the airfield.
Further material, mostly mid-twentieth century glassware, was recovered by the contractors on 22nd February and kindly passed on for assessment. This included two horseshoes, identified by horseowning archives Curator Belinda Day as one for a shire horse or similar heavy breed, and a smaller ‘standard breed’ example – which is slightly bent, indicating it may have come off in an accident.
Further to the mention in the previous report of the November 1992 watching brief by MOLAS on the adjacent site of the then-new Divisional Police Station/Area Headquarters (GPW92, TQ2193 9011, c. 50m above OD), the evaluation took place over two weeks, and five trenches were excavated in shallow spits through 30cm of topsoil and black cinders- possibly a make-up layer – (again comparable to the RAFM site) down to the surface of the natural London Clay; land drains in cinder and gravel fills similar to those found at the museum site in 2017 and a few sherds of 19th-20th century pottery, mainly blue and white china – as found at the museum site – a single sherd of tin-glazed ware (TGW, possibly 18th century in date) and a single clay pipe stem were recovered; landscaping and truncation during and after the life and closure of the aerodrome may have led to destruction of any earlier features, and this may be the case at the Museum site also.
It would appear that this area, and much of the Manor of Hendon (held by Westminster Abbey), was heavily wooded in medieval times, with settlement on these low-lying claylands limited to isolated farms and the occasional small hamlet. By the mid eighteenth century with the removal of the woodlands the area was open fields, in use for both some arable and (mainly) meadow/pasture, the latter for sheep and cattle, with haymaking an important industry to feed the horses of London via Cumberland Market in London, the fields being manured by material coming in the opposite direction from London!
By 1780 the fields beneath the future aerodrome were held by the Broadhead family of Church Farm at Hendon Church End (latterly the former and much lamented Church Farm Museum, housed in the original seventeenth-century farmhouse, which still stands), who still held them in 1843.
In 1869, the then-480-acre Church Farm was acquired under lease by Andrew Dunlop; background can be found at
Andrew Renwick points out that the freehold was owned by Lt Col Theodore Francis Brinckman, from whom local aviation pioneers Everett and Edgcumbe & Co Ltd negotiated a lease, along with two other local landowners. They were then given permission to clear the land and erect a shed to house their new (and unsuccessful) monoplane; this work may have started late 1909 but had certainly started by February 1910. The new The London Aerodrome Company Limited leased and cleared more land later in 1910, the uncompleted flying ground opening on 1st October 1910. The perhaps better-known Claude Grahame-White doesn’t enter the local scene as an aircraft builder and operator until 1911.
Colindale had begun to build up in the early 1890s, and, after felling trees and clearing ground/hedges in what was then pasture land, preparation of the airfield commenced as mentioned above, some 700 metres west of the settlement at Hendon Church End with its Roman and Saxon/medieval history lying on an area of free-draining gravels.
Church Farm was a dairy and haymaking farm until the first half of the twentieth century, and also bred Clydesdale Horses – heavy plough horses. Perhaps the shire horse horseshoe found is an echo of this?
See; Grahame Park Way, Hendon London Borough of Barnet An Archaeological Evaluation Museum of London Archaeology Service January 1993
See also; Aerodrome Road, Hendon London Borough of Barnet Archaeological Desktop Report Oxford Archaeological Unit November 1996
The Last Hendon Farm The archaeology and history of Church End Farm Hendon and District Archaeological Society
To The Manor Born Five Good Reasons To Visit Hendon The Fascinating History of Hendon Greyhound Inn, Hendon August 1996
A Near Miss for HADAS? Bob Michel
Had the society visited Bradford on Avon a few months earlier, they would have doubtless been in a state of shock and awe as they witnessed the skirmish on the bridge mentioned by Micky. OK not the actual skirmish but an authentic and thrilling re-enactment by Sir Marmaduke Rawdon’s Regiment of Foote, being a Royalist regiment of the English Civil War Society (new recruits warmly welcomed). Who? Well think of the Sealed Knot, only better. As you can see from the photograph, those who saw our efforts must have felt that they had been transported back in time! And giving practical effect to Micky’s reference to the former chapel on the bridge, we made good use of the lock-up to secure the rebels’ dastardly officer on his surrender to superior forces. Another victory for His Majesty, ‘Huzzah’, although things didn’t turn out so well for him in the end of course. Incidentally, your correspondent is the kneeling musketeer, second from the left, in the oddly dyed jacket.
Photo credit: Helen Spence, Rawdon’s Regiment.
Long Barrows Back in Fashion after 5000 Years! Stewart Wild
A friend of mine, knowing my interest in archaeology and anything underground, has sent me details of a new development just a couple of miles from where he lives in southwest Cambridgeshire. Willow Row Barrow in Hail Weston is a hand-crafted stone burial mound built as a resting place for cremation ashes and is thought to be the first one to be built in the county for over 4,500 years.
This is the second such barrow in England; the first was built in 2014 outside the village of All
Cannings, near Devizes in Wiltshire, and was the idea of Tim Daw, a local farmer and steward at Stonehenge. It was designed and built by Martin Fildes, stonemason Geraint Davies and others at a cost of £200,000. After receiving considerable media coverage it was fully subscribed in eighteen months. Details and pictures may be seen at
Encouraged by the success in Wiltshire, the team behind the construction, now a company called Sacred Stones, has built the second one in Cambridgeshire, close to St Neots. Local folk were invited to visit on an Open Day, and my friend says he was impressed by the level of craftsmanship.
The past inspires the future
The mound has been built by a team of master stonemasons using stones on top of natural stone just like the dry-stone walling technique. The circular structure is covered with earth and has a natural material matting on top to protect it and as a base for wild flowers. The stone-fronted entrance looks like a modern-day Fred Flintstone cave house.
Inside there is no natural or electric light; the interior is lit with candles alone. The circular chamber is eleven metres wide and eight metres high with an impressive central circular stone corbelled roof. The barrow is built of limestone that came from Buckinghamshire. A team of six to eight craftsmen took six months to complete the structure.
The burial ashes are to be placed in ‘pigeon-holes’ which are effectively stone shelves with compartments for urns – there are also some circular holes where ashes are rolled up into felt pouches and put inside. There is space for 345 ‘customers’ in what is definitely a niche market!
Similar barrows are planned in Herefordshire and Shropshire and other counties too. Further information and pictures may be found at
Other Societies’ Events Eric Morgan
Thursday 20th April. 7.30pm. Camden History Society. Burgh House, New End Square. NW3 1ET. The search for Eleanor Palmer (d. 1558), benefactress of Kentish Town. Talk by Caroline Barron. Visitors £1.
Friday 21st April. 7pm. City of London Archaeological Society. St Olave’s Church Hall, Mark Lane EC3R 7BB Excavations at 100 Minories. Talk by Guy Hunt. Visitors £3. Refreshments after.
Thursday 27th April. 10.30am. Mill Hill Historical Society Visit to the Worshipful Company of Drapers. Meet at Drapers Hall, Throgmorton Avenue EC2N 2DG for a guided tour and learn about their history and the work they carry out. Book by Tuesday 11th April. Cost £6. Cheque (payable to Mill Hill Historical Society) and S.A.E to Julia Haynes, 38 Marion Road Mill Hill London NW7 4AN. Contact Julia Haynes on 020-8906 0563 or email giving email address or name and telephone number and the number of places requested.
Thursday 27th April. 8pm. Finchley Society. Avenue House 17 East End Road, Finchley, N3 3QE. The Regents Canal and its History. Talk by Roger Squires. Visitors £2.
Thursday 4th May. 8pm. Pinner Local History Society. Village Hall, Chapel Lane car park, Pinner HA5 1AB. Bells and Baldrics. Talk by Tony Adamson (A history of Morris dancing from a Morris Man). Preceded by AGM. Visitors £3.
Sunday 7th May. 2.30pm. Heath and Hampstead Society. Meet in Hampstead Lane N6 by entrance to Kenwood walled garden and stables (210 bus stop Compton Avenue/Kenwood House). Athlone House, Cohens Fields and the Upper Highgate Ponds. Walk led by Thomas Radice. Lasts approx. 2 hours. Donation £5.
Monday 8th May. 3pm. Barnet Museum and Local History Society. Church House, Wood Street, Barnet (opposite museum). The Hunting of Hepzibah. Talk by Jim Nelhams (HADAS Treasurer). Visitors £2.
Wednesday 10th May. 7.45pm. Hornsey Historical Society. Union Church Hall, corner Ferme Park Road/Weston Park N8 9PX. Aeronautical happenings in London’s Lea Valley. Talk by Dr Jim Lewis. Visitors £2. Refreshments, sales and information from 7.30pm.
Thursday 11th May. 7pm. London Archaeologist. Institute of Archaeology 31-4 Gordon Square WC1. AGM and Annual Lecture. An important Roman period site in the City recently excavated by Pre-Construct Archaeology. Neil Hawkins.
Saturday 13th May. 2pm. Enfield Society Historic Buildings Group. Guided Heritage walk round the Clay Hill area. Meet outside St John the Baptist church (W10 bus, from outside Enfield
Town Post Office in Church Street at 1.25pm). Walk ends at Stratton Avenue (W10 bus back to Enfield Town at c.3.45pm or 191 from stop by Forty Hill roundabout). For free tickets send contact details with S.A.E to Clay Hill Heritage Walk, Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane Enfield EN2 0AJ stating how many tickets (maximum 4), or for email tickets email
Monday 15th May. 8pm. Enfield Society Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane/junction Chase Side,
Enfield EN2 0AJ. London’s Railway Termini – Part 2, South-west. Talk by Roger Elkin, covering Paddington, Victoria, Charing Cross, Waterloo, Blackfriars, Cannon Street and London Bridge.
Wednesday 17th May. 7.30pm. Willesden Local History Society. St Mary’s Church Hall Neasden Lane NW10 2TS (near Magistrates’ court). Retail Reminiscences. Talks given by Society members about shopping locally in Willesden high streets before supermarkets.
Wednesday 17th May. 8pm. Edmonton Hundred Historical Society. Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane/junction Chase Side, Enfield EN2 0AJ. A Child’s War – Growing up in WW2 Talk by Mike Brown.
Thursday 18th May. 10.30am. Finchley Society. Visit to the London Canal Museum and Boat Trip on the Regent’s Canal. Meet at the Museum, 12-13 New Wharf Road, King’s Cross N1 9RT. Cost £10 (pay in advance) including tea/coffee and refreshments on arrival and an hour’s boat trip along the canal and an introduction to the Museum. 24 places available. Contact Rosemary Coates on 020-8368 1620 or
Friday 19th May. 7.30pm. Wembley History Society. English Martyrs’ Hall, Chalkhill Road, Wembley HA9 9EW (top of Blackbird Hill, adjacent to church) Spitalfields – a Village of change. Talk by Colin Oakes. Visitors £3. Tea/coffee 50p in interval.
Friday 19th May. 7pm. City of London Archaeological Society. St Olave’s Church Hall, Mark Lane EC3R 7BB Ancient Merv – a forgotten city on the silk roads of Central Asia. Talk by Tim Williams (Institute of Archaeology). Visitors £3. Refreshments after.
Tuesday 23rd May 10.35am. Mill Hill Historical Society Visit to Middle Temple including walking tour and option for lunch. Meet at Temple tube station for a short walk past 2 Temple Place and into the grounds of Middle Temple. Cost £8 for tour; plus £30 (£35 with wine) for lunch in Middle Temple Hall. Also optional visit after lunch to Temple Church (£3). Booking instructions as for 27th April visit above.
Wednesday 24th May. 7.45pm. Friern Barnet and District Local History Society. North Middlesex Golf Club, The Manor House, Friern Barnet Lane N20 0NL. Holidays by Rail Talk by David Berguer. Preceded by AGM. Visitors £2. Refreshments and bar before and after.
Number 552 MARCH 2017 Edited by Deirdre Barrie
Tuesday 14th March 2017: A Very Secret War: Trent Park & Bugging the Nazis in WW2, by Dr Helen Fry.
During WW2, British Intelligence bugged the conversations of over 10,000 German Prisoners-of-War at three clandestine stately houses. Trent Park was reserved for Hitler’s Generals – they were housed in luxurious conditions in what turned out to be one of the greatest deceptions of the wartime. Lulled into a false sense of security, the Generals relaxed and became unguarded in their conversations. They inadvertently began to give away some of Hitler’s most closely-guarded secrets. Having worked through the declassified files, historian Dr Helen Fry sheds light on one of the least-known, but greatest deceptions of WW2.
Historian Dr. Fry has written numerous books on the Second World War. Her book The M Room: Secret Listeners who Bugged the Nazis has been optioned for a feature film, and was the subject of the Channel 4 documentary Spying on Hitler’s Army. Helen has written over 20 books, including Spymaster: the secret Life of Kendrick; Freud’s War; From Dachau to D-Day; and Churchill’s German Army.
Tuesday 11th April: Where Moses Stood – Robert Feather.
Tuesday 9th May 2017: The Cheapside Hoard by Hazel Forsyth
Tuesday 13th June 2017: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING
Monday 25th-Friday 29th September: HADAS Trip to Frodsham.
Tuesday 10th October 2017: “The Curtain” Playhouse Excavations, by Heather Knight, MOLA
Tuesday 14th November 2017: The Battle of Barnet Project, by Sam Wilson.
Lectures are held at Avenue House, 17 East End Road, Finchley, N3 3QE, and start promptly at 8 pm, with coffee/tea and biscuits afterwards. Non-members: £1. Buses 82, 125, 143, 326 & 460 pass nearby, and Finchley Central station (Northern Line) is a 5-10 minute walk away.
Mary Phillips – HADAS Vice President Jo Nelhams
Mary Phillips was appointed a Vice-President at the AGM on Tuesday 5th May 1992 at Hendon Library. At that time there were discussions concerning the high cost of the Garden Room at Avenue House, in which the Sunday morning group were already meeting. A member of HADAS at the time named Andrew Pares, who was a former Mayor, suggested that Councillor Mary Phillips should be invited to be a Vice-president as she may be able to be of assistance.
Although I was not a member of HADAS at the time, I did know Mary and had met her sometime in 1977. She was born in Finchley and lived in the area for all her life. As a child, she attended Manor Side School and later went to Henrietta Barnett School. During the war, so her daughter tells me, when the siren sounded, the girls would hide in a cupboard.
Mary trained as a teacher at Doncaster Training College and then returned to Finchley and met her future husband, Godfrey, at the Young Conservatives. Mary spent most of her teaching career at Goodwyn School in Mill Hill, which is where I met her.
She served as a Councillor for many years and was always trying to sort out people’s problems. She and her husband were very involved with the organisation of Finchley Carnival, and Mary also organised events for raising funds each year for the Mayor’s appeal, with a sponsored swim at Copthall Pool, as well as musical social events at Church Farmhouse Museum. She was also on many other committees. She was one of life’s “doers”. She maintained her interest in HADAS, and always read the Newsletters until this became impossible for her.
Mary passed away recently, and as I reported at last Year’s AGM, she was being cared for in a home in Cockfosters where she had been for a few years.
Congratulations to Dorothy Newbury
Surely our oldest member, Dorothy Newbury celebrated her 97th birthday recently. HADAS Committee and members send their best wishes and congratulations.
Archaeological Watching Brief – RAF Museum, Hendon
6 February 2017 Andy Simpson
This work was undertaken by Curator of Aircraft and Exhibits and member of local group Hendon and District Archaeological Society (HADAS), Andrew Simpson.
Site access via the contractors (SDC builders Ltd) was arranged by RAFM Centenary Programme Manager Rebecca Dalley and Steve Johnson, SDC Site Manager, to whom thanks. The provisional site code RAFMH17 was allocated. NGR TQ22079039.
Much of the RAF Museum Hendon site is currently being redeveloped as part of a major Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF)-funded project to mark the Centenary of the Formation of the Royal Air Force (RAF) on 1 April 1918.
Part of this work involves major ground works to change the layout of the external parts of the site. To this end, the contractors have excavated a number of machine-cut trenches to check for services and ground conditions. On the western part of the site this involves the replacement of a large grassed area by car parking. This area served for many years as an occasional visiting helicopter landing pad and events area.
The Curator of Aircraft suggested that the opportunity be taken to investigate the excavated trenches for any archaeological features or finds of interest.
Until creation of the original aerodrome from February 1910, the area occupied by the RAF Museum and former RAF Hendon appears to have been low-lying and fairly boggy pasture land with many trees. The nearest major archaeological evidence lies to the east on the area of Greyhound Hill and Hendon Burroughs, where work by HADAS and others mainly since the 1960s has established evidence of undefined Romano-British occupation of first-fourth century date, possibly of agricultural/farming nature, plus evidence of Saxon occupation from at least the seventh/eighth century, and Saxo-Norman occupation; then virtually continuous occupation through to the modern day, other than a possible hiatus around the time of the Black Death.
In November 1992, a professional archaeological watching brief was carried out by Museum of London archaeologists, covering five machine-cut trenches, cut to a depth of 50cm, on the site of the new Colindale Police Station, within the former RAF Hendon East Camp, immediately adjacent to Hangar One (the former Battle of Britain Hall), found only underlying London clay, modern field drains and 17th-18th century pottery and clay pipe. (Site code GPW92; NGR TQ2193 9011). This was reported in HADAS Newsletter 261, December 1992.
Field drain cut Finds
It was suspected that similar material might be found at the museum site. Andy Renwick, Curator of Photographs and writer of “RAF Hendon The Birthplace of Aerial Power” (Crecy, 2012), suggested that field drains dating to RAF improvements to the site drainage in the summer of 1926 would be likely to be found. The London Aerodrome was created on land leased by the Brinckman family, with the area now occupied by the museum and its grounds forming part of one large field in the main, with a field boundary, as indicated by contemporary maps, running SW from roughly the centre of the current main building.
The Investigation
An afternoon was spent investigating three machine-cut trenches and their adjacent spoil heaps, and disturbed ground around the edges of the trenches, using a hand trowel only.
The first trench investigated was the long one running N-S at the centre of the former helicopter pad. The west-facing section was cleaned and showed a top turf humic layer some 5cm thick; all recovered finds appeared to originate from this context, 001. It overlay a hard-packed clay subsoil some 20cm thick, context 002, which appeared to be virtually sterile other than for one or two very small flecks of red brick or tile. This in turn overlay natural London clay, 003. Contexts 002 and 003 were cut by two lines of field drain running approximately east–west across the trench (presumed to be those laid in 1926 as referred to above), lying in an ash/clinker-lined cut, the ash/clinker including some fragments of modern pottery (not retained). The field drain sections in unglazed red earthenware fabric varied slightly in length, but a recovered example is 298mm in length with an external diameter of 11cm and a central bore of 75mm.
Recovered finds from this trench include three short lengths of updateable clay pipe stem, and a selection of modern stonewares and earthenwares. This was the trench with the least evidence of recent ground disturbance.
The second trench investigated, to the north adjacent to the main gate, showed much more evidence of recent disturbance, with a thick (20-25cm depth) but unevenly spread layer of ash/clinker running across the trench just below the turf/topsoil line (which was noticeably deeper in this trench – average 20cm), and overlying the natural London clay. Andy Renwick points out that in 1926 the little-used former railway spur running around the site boundary from Silkstream Junction on the Midland Railway main line across Aerodrome Road to sidings fronting the Edgware Road was lifted, and its ballast used to fill an area of boggy ground near the former Aerodrome Hotel; this may be more of that same material, lying just below the current turf line. Finds from this trench were limited to just three small sherds of pottery. Investigation was limited by waterlogging of much of this trench after recent heavy rainfall.
The third trench was the southernmost, just to the north of Hangar One. This again showed considerable evidence of recent disturbance, with much ash/clinker forming a layer between the topsoil and natural clay, containing modern pottery and glass including bottle necks. Site manager Steve Johnson suggested this may be redeposited rubble from the London Blitz. Certainly very similar material was used to backfill an uncompleted air raid shelter at Martin School, East Finchley, investigated by HADAS in 2013. Investigation was again limited by waterlogging of much of this trench after the recent heavy rainfall.
A brief check was made of two or three very small square trenches to the east of these three main trenches. These had been dug over the line of services and no features or finds were noted.
The Finds
A selection of the recovered finds was kindly examined by Jacqui Pearce FSA, pottery specialist for Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA).
There was a good selection of Victorian and later pottery from the central trench. This included a ribbed body sherd of stoneware – possibly a marmalade jar – a rim sherd of a bone china serving dish with floral decoration; part of a stoneware bottle; part of a redware lid, probably from a teapot; a section of handle from a Victorian Rockingham-type earthenware teapot, originally made near Rotherham in South Yorkshire (MOLA code ROCK, 1800-1900); and refined white ware body sherds. There was also a single piece of partially fire-melted green bottle glass, and a similarly fire-damaged sherd of stoneware, the latter two possibly analogous with the material from the Hangar One trench.
The three small sherds from the ‘Bloodhound Trench’ include two of Refined white earthenwares (MOLA code REFW, 1805-1900) – one a section of foot rim – and a rim sherd of Transfer Printed Ware (TPW, 1780-1900).
The trench nearest Hangar One yielded a selection of relatively recent material, including a complete small brown glass screw-top jar and a white glazed and almost complete possible salt shaker with a hole at base for adding the salt. There were two glass beer-type bottle necks in clear and brown glass, part of a stoneware jar/bottle base and several fragments of white glazed plates, both plain and decorated. All of this could well match the suggestion of dumped ‘Blitz Rubble’ in this area. There was also a small white ware sherd with the transfer printed maker’s mark ‘Grindley England’ – W.H. Grindley were a Potteries-based manufacturer based in Tunstall; this ‘sailboat’ makers’ mark being dated 1936-1954; see
This was a useful exercise in confirming that in this part of the site at least there appear to be no significant archaeological features. It is interesting that the small selection of finds recovered are virtually all of Victorian or later date, with no sign of the earlier pottery recorded just next door on the Police Station site. Only the clay pipestems may be a little earlier, but clay pipes did remain in fairly general use until the Great War period, when supplanted by cigarettes. Any further site observation may be taken as appropriate, and the finds retained for possible formal/informal display to various museum stakeholders and audiences.
Cromer Road School History Award Jim Nelhams
Cromer Road School, where we dug in 2014 and 2015, has received a Silver Award from the Historical Association for their study of history over the last three years. Reports of the digs from Bill Bass have appeared in our Newsletters. The citation includes the following words: –
“The school keenly promotes learning outside the classroom and has been involved in a Big Dig project where pupils have undertaken their own excavations on the school site and surrounding area.”
It is nice to know the positive effect that the work of our digging team has contributed to the school.
Church Terrace Excavation – “the copper-alloy pin” Alec Jeakins
I dug on this site, and remember an excited Ted Sammes showing me this Saxon spiral-headed pin one morning at the start of a day’s digging. (See p.67 of “A Hamlet in Hendon” 2014)
Recently I was looking at the catalogue of “The Making of England – Anglo-Saxon Art and Culture AD 600-900” an exhibit which was held at the British Museum in 1991. A photograph on page 98 shows two very similar pins to the Church Terrace example from the S. Humberside, Flixborough site – a particularly well-preserved high-status site. The finds are in the Scunthorpe Museum. At the time of the exhibition, detailed analysis and phasing of the site had not been resolved, but it was stated that all the finds date from the eighth or ninth century.
The Flixborough pins are not mentioned in the “A Hamlet in Hendon” Report when reviewing other examples. These pins are slightly shorter than the Church Terrace pin, i.e. 570mm & 515mm rather than 161mm, and the spirals are not so tightly wound.
Add these two pins to the York find mentioned in the review, and it would suggest a wider distribution than that of the southern and eastern England suggested in the Church Terrace report.
Membership Renewals by Stephen Brunning
The HADAS membership year runs from 1st April to 31st March, and so all members who pay by cheque will now be required to renew (except those people who have joined since January this year).
Please therefore find enclosed a renewal form, and I would ask that you fill it in and return it to me along with the appropriate amount as soon as possible. The current rates and where to send your payment are on the form. Many thanks.
If the renewal form is not enclosed and you require one, please contact me – Stephen Brunning Email:
Bank of England Notes Jim Nelhams
In September of 2016, the Bank of England introduced a polymer £5 note. One comment was that the new note would survive in a washing machine, though I have not had the courage to test it. Since the introduction, the old notes have started to be withdrawn.
After 5th May 2017, the old notes will no longer be legal tender, though they can be banked at banks, building societies and the post office, so when this Newsletter is issued, you have just over two months left to use them in shops. Current plans are to introduce a new £10 note featuring Jane Austen this summer, and a new £20 note in 2020. There are no plans as yet to replace the £50.
Bradford on Avon – Final Day Jim Nelhams
Our last day on the trip. And because our hotel was some distance from the town, denying us the opportunity of exploring, we now had a little time to rectify the omission. We had spent time at the Tithe Barn on Wednesday (see January newsletter). Most people started with the Saxon church, though Simon had been there on the Wednesday.
After “doing the town,” we boarded our trusty chariot for a visit to the Steam Museum in Swindon, and thence to another tithe barn, this one at Great Coxwell.
St Laurence’s Church, Bradford on Avon Simon Williams
The church was probably a chapel built to house the body of Saint Anselm. Tall and narrow, it is delightful in its unaltered integrity inside and out, save one missing porch, with a sense of being windowless – in comparison with subsequent trends: as a place of inner peace and refuge within the precinct of a monastery: a sanctuary from the savage and ‘Godless’ world outside? It has miraculously escaped the heavy hands of the Normans, Gothic ‘improvers’, and the C19 ‘restorers’; as testimony to an astonishing time-warp it still stands apart, dominant in its own space. Recorded to have been founded c.675-709; and to be forgotten through time. Escaping through change of use: the nave as a tiny school, the chancel as a tiny dwelling, only to be rediscovered in 1856. The fine external stone pilaster stripwork dates from C10-11.
Only the austere Escomb Church near Durham, can rival it for age and preservation, though lacking its sense of place, being rather deplorably surrounded by a modern housing estate!
Bradford on Avon Museum Audrey Hooson
Today Bradford on Avon is an interesting, rather touristy market town. It is difficult to imagine it as the noisy, smoky centre of a manufacturing area. The local museum run, as so often, by volunteers, is housed in part of the modern Public Library building. Their room is quite small and densely packed with interesting exhibits. It was fortunate that our visit did not coincide with an excited school group.
The sections on local industry and social history were particularly well displayed. The centre piece is the Christopher Shop. This pharmacy was established in 1863, and remained much the same until the final owner, Angela Mary Christopher, decided to retire in 1986. There was no buyer and the Bradford on Avon museum Society was formed to preserve the contents. This developed into the current museum, opened in 1990.
The Christophers were antiquaries and kept all the bottles, jars and pharmacy equipment from before the era of pre-packaged medicines.
Their shop has been reconstructed at one end of the museum, and the gleaming jars and mahogany shop fittings are very attractive. It is often used for films and TV when a period setting is required, usually for purchasing poisons
Past industry in the area has included weaving woollen cloth (first mentioned in 1540), iron and brass working, and vulcanised rubber manufacture (since 1848). It was a surprise to find that Moulton Bicycles were designed there in 1962 and are still made in the town.
In recent years, many of the industrial premises have been converted into private residences and shops are changing. The Museum Society retrieves and preserves as much as it can.
The Iron Duke Jim Nelhams
The Iron Duke (photograph below) is a piece of industrial archaeology of national importance. Built in 1849 for Stephen Moulton to start his rubber manufacturing business in Bradford on Avon, it was the first machine of its type in Europe. The Iron Duke is a rubber-rolling or calendering machine, vulcanising rubber and cotton fabric to make waterproof sheeting. The rubber industry grew to dominate life in Bradford.
When the Spencer Moulton factory closed in 1973, the Iron Duke was dismantled and stored at Bristol Museum, in the hope that one day it could be restored and put on public view. The Bradford on Avon Preservation Trust, the Bradford on Avon Museum Society and BoaCan (the Bradford on Avon Community area Network) joined forces to bring the Iron Duke back to Bradford on Avon, where it was a working machine for over 100 years.
The size and weight of the machine preclude siting it in the museum, so it was agreed to locate the restored Iron Duke on part of the old factory site. Planning permission was duly obtained and a shelter and a plinth designed.
The official unveiling of the machinery was to take place on 26th September, the day after we were leaving, but everything was prepared, including displays explaining the social, cultural and economic impact of the rubber industry on Bradford on Avon and surrounding areas.
The Iron Duke
The Bridge Micky Watkins
At first there was only a ford crossing the river, hence the name Bradford. In the Norman period a stone bridge was built, and ornamented with a little chapel. The weather vane on top of the chapel is a gudgeon – a fish was an early Christian symbol. A local saying for crossing the bridge was to go “under the fish and over the water.”
The bridge was widened and lengthened in the 17th century. In 1643 there was a skirmish on the bridge, and the Royalists seized control on their way to the Battle of Lansdowne. The chapel was converted into a lock-up for the town’s miscreants. The prisoners here were provided with a loo which drained directly into the river. They were more fortunate than most 20th century prisoners, as there was no slopping-out in the bridge prison.
Post Script: shortly after our visit, traffic chaos hit Bradford on Avon, as the Town Bridge needed urgent repairs after a car ploughed into it on 3rd October, causing thousands of pounds’ worth of damage. The impact caused when a black Mercedes C180 crashed into the stonework just before 3am on Tuesday sent a three-metre chunk of the parapet hurtling into the River Avon.
Engineers from Wiltshire Council waded into the river to recover the stones, which can be re-used. It is understood the cost of repairing the Grade I listed structure could be around £10,000. (JN)
Temple of Steam Andy Simpson
Our penultimate call on the way back to London was to Swindon for the superb Steam Museum of the Great Western Railway – God’s Wonderful Railway or the Great Way Round, depending on your ‘Big Four’ pre-Nationalisation Railway Company affiliations!
Coming from Wolverhampton which once had two GWR loco sheds – one each for passenger and goods locos- plus Stafford Road Works, I’m not averse to a bit of polished brass and Brunswick Green – found here in abundance (along with a rare as hens-teeth loco works plate marked GWR Wolverhampton)
The GWR of course was the home of Brunel’s Broad Gauge – 7ft 0 ¼ inch as opposed to the standard gauge of 4ft 8 ½ inches – the Broad Gauge ended in May 1892 and relics are few, other than one original loco and three replicas. The one shown here along with a representation of the great man himself- – North Star – is a replica built by the GWR in 1925, incorporating the main driving wheels and name/works plates of the original of 1837, preserved from 1871 to 1906 then tragically scrapped ‘to save space’ at Swindon Works.
One of the first locos the visitor encounters is the magnificent 4073 “Caerphilly Castle” express passenger loco – once familiar to visitors in the splendid road and rail transport gallery at the Science Museum, South Kensington, from the 1960s through to the 1990s.
There are plenty of dioramas, signal levers to pull, loco footplates to step on and short films to watch. Swindon has had its own Railway Museum since the early 1960s, and after the tragic closure of Swindon Works by BR in 1985, part of the site was retained to house the new Steam Museum. Part of the adjacent works buildings now house a large shopping outlet – and another GWR ‘Manor’ class loco on loan from the Severn Valley Railway.
Also nearby is a major HQ building of the National Trust, and the home of the National Monuments Record.
For more details see
Great Coxwell Tithe Barn Vicky Baldwin
Described by William Morris as “unapproachable in its dignity, as beautiful as a cathedral, yet with no ostentation of the builder’s art” and “the finest piece of architecture in England “, Great Coxwell Barn was once part of a monastic grange owned by Beaulieu Abbey. Dating from c.1300, the walls were constructed from Cotswold rubble-stone, with ashlar blocks in the buttresses and doorways, and a Cotswold slate roof. The wooden frame supporting the roof rests on 6 pairs of stone pillars which divide the interior into 7 bays and 3 aisles. At 144ft x 38ft (43.94m x 11.63m) 5502sq ft (511 sq m) it seems enormous but is approximately half the floor area of the barn that stood at the Beaulieu St. Leonard’s home farm.
Externally, slit windows allowed for air flow rather than light, as did the putlog holes that supported scaffolding during construction. The main porched doorway is on the west (farmyard) side and, like most of the barn, shows evidence of the changes made over the centuries. In the opposite wall, facing the road, is a doorway with a smaller porch, incorporating a dovecote. The large openings in the gable ends are probably 18th Century in date.
The centre bay beyond the west porch was the threshing floor, and the pillars on either side of the east door have slots to hold the baffle board or ‘threshold’ that prevented the grain from being blown away during the threshing and winnowing processes. Crops would be delivered to the barn by the wagonload, stored, threshed, and then stored as grain either for use or (the majority) for sale.
Wagons would have drawn up to the west porch to be unloaded. Certainly the doorway appears not to have been wide enough to allow admittance, and there is a step up. As the interior of the east porch has tally marks, it is possible that grain to be sold was loaded out from there. In the upper part of the west porch there is evidence of a small chamber, possibly for the granger to oversee and supervise operations.
The security measures surrounding the processing of the harvest are evident in the following passage from a treatise of similar period:
“Give orders to your steward that your barns (graunges) everywhere are to be well secured after harvest, and that no servant or bailiff is to open them without special order or letter … until the time of threshing. And then send one of your faithful household servants who is to take with him the reeve and another faithful man. And these three men ought to be present at all times, at the opening and closing of the barns, at the threshing, the winnowing, and the transfer of the grain out of the grange – by tally – into the granary.”
Internally, the roof construction can clearly be seen. The complex system of supports, braces, beams, rafters, purlins and laths, held together with pegged joints familiar to a modern craftsman, would certainly have been interesting to William Morris. So interesting in fact, he was moved to add his name to the wealth of graffiti that adorn the walls. These are names, dates, daisy wheels (thought to be apotropaic), the interlaced ‘V’s that resemble a ‘W’ but in fact stand for ‘Virgo Virginum’, the ‘M’ for ‘Maria’, preparatory marks for further embellishment, and tally marks. It is not just time that has left its mark on the barn.
(Quotation on crop and barn security copied from the 1996 NT leaflet about the barn).
OTHER SOCIETIES’ EVENTS compiled by Eric Morgan
Wednesday 8th March, 6 pm Gresham College at Museum of London, 150 London Wall EC2Y 5HN. The Value of Heritage and the Heritage of Value. Simon Thurley. Free.
Friday 10th March, 7.45 pm, Enfield Archaeological Society, Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane, junction of Chase Side, Enfield EN2 OAJ. The Must Farm Archaeological Project. Talk by Mark Knight, visitors £1. Refreshments, sales and information from 7.30 pm.
Thursday 23rd March, 6pm, Gresham College, Barnard’s Inn Hall, Holborn EC1N 2HH. The Rise and Fall of Sourdough – 6,000 Years of Bread. Fullbright Lecture, given by Professor Eric Pallant. (Covering food history of the Western World). Free.
Friday 7th April, 7.45 pm, Enfield Archaeological Society, Jubilee Hall, 2 Parsonage Lane, junction of Chase Side, Enfield EN2 OAJ. E.A.S. Fieldwork in 2016. Church House, Wood Street, Barnet (opp. Museum). Talk by Martin Bearne, preceded by AGM. Visitors £1.
Monday 10th April, 3 pm. Barnet Museum & Local History Society. Church House, Wood Street (opposite Museum). Hadrian’s Wall and Life on Rome’s Northern Frontier. Talk by Matthew Symonds. Visitors £2.
Wednesday 19th April, 7.30 pm, Willesden Local History Society, St Mary’s Church Hall, Neasden, NW10 2TS (nr. Magistrates’ Court). George Furness – Willesden’s Greatest Resident. Talk by Margaret Pratt and Cliff Wadsworth on one of Willesden’s greatest Victorians, running the local brickworks, building houses, roads and sewerage.
Wednesday 26th April, 7.45 pm, Friern Barnet & District Local History Society, North Middx. Golf Club, The Manor House, Friern Barnet Lane, N20 ONL. The Hunting of Hepzibah – a Family History with a Twist. Talk by Jim Nelhams (HADAS) £2.
Thursday 27th April, 8pm, Finchley Society, drawing room, Avenue House (Stephens’), 17 East End Road, N3 3QE. The Regent’s Canal (and Museum) by Roger Squires. £2.
Number 551 FEBRUARY 2017 Edited by Andy Simpson
Tuesday 14th February 2017; London Ceramics at the time of the Great Fire, by Jacqui Pearce
Tuesday 14th March 2017; Bugging the Nazis in WW2; Trent Park’s Secret History, by Helen Fry
Tuesday 11th April 2017; To Be Confirmed
Tuesday 9th May 2017; The Cheapside Hoard, by Hazel Forsyth
Tuesday 13th June 2017; ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING
Tuesday 10th October 2017; The Curtain Playhouse Excavations, by Heather
Knight, MOLA
Tuesday 14th November 2017; The Battle of Barnet Project, by Sam Wilson
Lectures are held at Avenue House, 17 East End Road, Finchley, N3 3QE, and start promptly at 8 pm, with coffee/tea and biscuits afterwards. Non-members: £1. Buses 82, 125, 143, 326 & 460 pass nearby and Finchley Central station (Northern Line), is a 5-10 minute walk away.
Post-Excavation Work – Medieval Cricklewood! Andy Simpson
As ever, Sunday Mornings at Avenue (Stephens) House continue in the usual vein with the ‘usual suspects’. Good work is again being done on the Clitterhouse Farm 2016 (site code CTH 16) excavation finds analysis, with all finds now washed and marked. The bulk finds sheets have also been completed. More medieval pottery has been identified from across the site, to supplement the three sherds of southHertfordshire type grey Ware (MOLA fabric code SHER, 1170-1350) found in 2015, including a body sherd of SHER and two body sherds of early south-Hertfordshire type coarse ware (ESHER) dated 1050-1200 – our first potential Conquest period pottery from the site.
Contemporary with these is a single small body sherd of early medieval coarse sand- tempered ware (EMCS, 1050-1200)
There is also a single body sherd of late medieval Hertfordshire glazed ware (LMHG, 1340- 1450). All of the 2016 medieval pottery is from disturbed residual contexts, unlike the SHER found in 2015 in a presumed primary ditch fill.
This is an exciting development pushing back the known chronology of the site.
Footpads Talk: A Reflection on Finchley Common robberies. Simon Williams
Simon adds some more local details following on from the report on the talk on footpads in South London by Margarette Lincoln in the January newsletter.
At its peak, Finchley Common was 5.0 km2; by enclosure (1816) it was reduced to 3.6km2; of mostly woodland—comprising Copetts Wood, Coldfall Wood & The Glebelands; it sprawled from East Finchley to Barnet.
The famous clown ‘Joey’ Joseph Grimaldi 1778-1837 (who single-handedly revolutionised the clown from the Shakespearean rustic buffoon to the version we recognise today: inventing face-paint, bright clothes, the pantomime catchphrase, combined with it’s star-act/pop personality- association, his one-time ‘Hot Codlins’ fame) was robbed on Finchley Common c.1800; he lived near the present Finchley Memorial Hospital. The Earl of Minto stated to his wife that he would not, “trust my throat on Finchley Common in the dark”. Edmund Burke MP was also a victim in 1774. Villains associated with the Common include Jack Shepard, Dick Turpin & the “Wicked Lady’s” lover (he was caught there).
Less famous were ‘Everett & Williams’ who went as far as to draw up a legally witnessed contract that they would split their plunder after a year’s work in 1725.Gibbets were in use here from at least the 1670’s, another was at Tally-Ho Corner.
A combination of the Enclosure Act, paper money which in 1797 was easily traceable (presumably because there wasn’t much in personal circulation?), together with the opening of the first bank in 1692 meant that travellers to London no longer carried huge amounts of gold on them.
The Bow Street Horse Patrol policed from Highgate to Barnet between 1805-51; was it finally stopped due to reduced traffic?- in the advent of the railway boom?
These possibly conspired to put the robbers out of business? As one looks at the bleak unforgiving municipal streets of Barnet today, albeit no Sylvan Idyll, we are all probably better- off?!
Bradford on Avon – Day 4 Jim Nelhams
Thursday started with a stop in the market town of Frome, from whence we moved on to Wells. It seemed that few of our group had visited Frome before, and although a number had been to Wells, few had visited the Bishop’s Palace. We started in Frome at the parish church on a hill above the town centre before making our way down Cheap Street to the Museum, yet another important organisation run entirely by volunteers.
St John the Baptist Church, Frome Dudley Miles
The original church was built in 685 by Aldhelm, Bishop of Sherborne and a leading Anglo-Saxon scholar. Virtually nothing survives of his church, and it was remodelled on several occasions, most notably in the thirteenth century, and in the Victorian period, when it had fallen into a derelict state and much of it was rebuilt by the controversial Anglo-Catholic priest, W. J. E. Bennett.
The Lady Chapel dates back to Norman times and has a Saxon window, as well as ten windows by the leading Victorian stained glass designer, Charles Kempe. Another survival is St Nicholas Chapel, now the baptistery, which dates to 1408 and has a fine thirteenth-century font.
Several of us were fascinated by two Saxon stones. The upper one, which dates to the eighth century, is part of a vertical shaft of a cross, while the lower one, which is ninth century, is a carving of an animal. Sadly, there is no evidence that the stones were part of the Anglo-Saxon church.
A unique feature is the nineteenth-century Via Crucis or Way of the Cross, a set of statues illustrating Christ’s road to Calvary on a processional way up the steps to the church. Unfortunately, the gate from the street to the processional way is now locked.
Cheap Street, Frome Beverley Perkins
Down the hill from the St John’s Church lies Cheap Street, the original shopping street of Frome (from the Saxon name for barter – ceap). Frome was granted a charter for a market in 1239 and the street itself dates from that period. However, the existing buildings were mainly constructed in the 1500s and, following a fire, in the 1830s. Although some half-timbered buildings with jettied upper storeys remain, the origins of most are disguised by more recent frontages and by modern shop windows at ground floor level. No. 11 Cheap Street, a Tudor house with overhanging jetties and massive beams carved with rosettes, is the oldest house in Frome. A narrow rivulet runs down the centre of the cobbled street – picturesque, but a hazard for walkers!
Frome is known for its Cockey lamps, unique to Frome and made in art nouveau style by local company Edward Cockey & Sons. Originally made for gas, they were later converted to electricity. One of these lamps spans Cheap Street in an elegant arch. For more information see and for photographs see
Frome Museum Claudette Carlton
Frome Museum is situated in a Georgian house. At present the Museum is located on the ground floor, but there are plans to extend to the upper floor of the building next year.
There is a very elegant staircase connecting the floors of the house.
The group was welcomed by Emma and David Robinson, members of HADAS, who, although resident in Colindale, spend a lot of their time in Frome. Emma is Chair of the Trustees of the Museum. Tea, coffee and very good cake were provided for the group, for which many thanks.
There is a fascinating cabinet of curiosities in the museum, pictorial records of the casting of bronzes in the Singer foundry in Frome, including that of Boudicca/ Boudicia, which now stands on the Thames Embankment and of Sheppards Mills, a textiles mill sited in Spring Gardens Frome. In its heyday children as young as 7 years worked there, 6am to 7pm, Monday to Friday, and up to 2pm on Saturday. The mill closed in 1878.
There was also a display of the record of one local man’s service in the Great War, his medals and other memorabilia; and another about Siegfried Sassoon, some of his poems, and a brief account of his life.
Many thanks to HADAS for allowing me to do this trip, and to the group for their good company.
Bishop’s Palace, Wells Ken Sutherland Thomas
On arrival in Wells, we were presented with a wealth of historic sites to visit including the Bishop’s Palace and the Cathedral.
On entering the Palace grounds and skirting the appealing coffee shop, I planned firstly to explore the gardens and to enjoy the views from the walkway on the ramparts. The Palace has been the home of the Bishops of Bath and Wells for over 800 years.
The gardens are about 14 acres in extent and include a number of pools (where the original wells were in times past the fresh water source for the local population).
Some of the pools afford wonderful reflections of Wells Cathedral.
I did not have time to explore the Arboretum which is also part of the grounds. With the time limited, I joined a group of visitors for a tour of the Palace buildings open to the public.
The Palace partly dates from the 13th century and work commenced on it when Bishop Joselin Trotman received a Royal licence to build a residence and Deer Park on land to the south of Wells Cathedral, St Andrews.
Our guide took us into the vaulted undercroft and then up an impressive staircase to what in past times would be the rooms where the Bishop ate and slept as well as entertained. We viewed the large gallery with many paintings of past Bishops as well as other artefacts.
Exiting the Palace, time allowed for a short visit to the ruins of the Great Hall. Built in 1290 for Bishop Burnell, the remains are the most impressive example of a Medieval open hall. It was built in Early English Decorative style. The remaining large windows frame beautiful views of the Cathedral.
Leaving the Palace grounds, I briefly joined many other visitors hoping to see the Wells Swans on the moat around the Palace. The swans are renowned for ringing a bell when it is feeding time.
Wells Cathedral Frances Radford
Wells is one of the most memorable of English Cathedrals due externally to the grandeur of the West Walls and internally to the unique scissor like structure which dominates the view from the nave.
The façade of the West Front presents as a giant screen intended for a display of statuary. The great breadth of the front is emphasised by two string courses which define three horizontal zones countered by the verticals of the buttresses.
The lowest section contained scenes from both Old and New Testaments. Above this, statues of knights and ladies, kings and queens, bishops and saints and above them a row of the twelve disciples. At the top, centrally placed, a figure of Christ in Majesty. St Andrew, the patron saint of the cathedral is represented.
Many figures were damaged or disappeared later, but in their original state were, no doubt, intended to educate and impress the public, underlining the importance of the Cathedral and the Christian religion. It must have been particularly impressive when the west front was painted in bright colours or red, blue and green, providing a dramatic background for religious processions such as on Palm Sunday.
The first thing that strikes you as you arrive in the nave is the extraordinary scissorlike structure at the entrance to the quire, built 1338. The pale colour of the stonework plus the unusual shape gives, at first glance, a modern feel to the building. Its pointed arch fits well with the Gothic arches in the nave, making it part of the whole. The scissor arches were erected on three sides of the crossing in order to support the tower, as it had begun to crack and lean. One cannot help but be amazed at the ingenuity and skill of these early builders – (without all our modern technology).
The great Jesse Window above the high altar shows Christ’s family tree from the beginning with Jesse, the father of King David. In the Lady Chapel, there are more windows of note, four out of five of which are completely composed of fragments of ancient glass rescued after the destruction the Cathedral suffered as the result of the Civil War (1662-7) and the Monmouth Rebellion (1685). These jumbled fragments assembled together have made very beautiful windows.
The Lady Chapel is an elongated octagon but open westwards so is not separate from the body of the Cathedral. The floor has an intricate pattern of Victorian style tiles in black, cream and terracotta, while above, the ribs of the vault become a central star, painted as a copy of the original decoration.
Outside this chapel is a tall brass lectern inscribed to Dr Robert Creyghton who returned after fifteen years’ exile. “His Sovereign Lord King Charles II made him Dean of Wells in 1660” and gave the lectern to the Cathedral.
The misericords, beautifully carved, and the carvings on the capitals and corbel stones give a picture of life at the workers’ level; man with toothache, man removing a thorn from his foot, trout stealers being beaten, and a sleeping cat: also the headstone said to be of master craftsman Adam Lock.
Alas, due to shortage of time, many other treasures were missed including the Chapter House.
P.S. Quote from The Cathedrals of England by Alec Clifton-Taylor (architectural historian and critic) re scissor structure…
“Although their mason-craft is much more agreeable than modern concrete, in their audacity, even starkness, they carry analogies with certain contemporary structures, especially bridges, in that material.
Accordingly, there are those who wax enthusiastic about the strainer arches of Wells; but the plain truth can only be that in a building so exquisitely detailed, so abounding in subtleties, they are a grotesque intrusion” What do you think?
Vicars’ Close Katie McGrath
Vicars Choral, the men who sing in the choir at Wells Cathedral, have been established since 1140. In 1348 they were incorporated as a College of Vicars when the dining hall above the archway leading into the close came into use. This allowed them to transact their business and eat communally. The houses were completed by 1363. Originally there were 42 small houses forming a quadrangle with a chapel for the vicars at the far end, above which was their Library. In 1466 further alterations were made and the chimneys were raised and crowned with tall decorative octagonal stacks. Round about this time a Chain Bridge was built to link Vicars’ Hall with the Cathedral, and gardens were introduced. Following the Reformation in the 15th century the number of vicars was reduced and they were allowed to marry, so the houses were put together to form larger dwellings and Vicars’ Close took on its present appearance. Today, together with the choristers, the Vicars Choral sing services every day in term time. They still live in the Close, as do other members of the Cathedral foundation, including the Organist and Master of the Choristers. Altogether Vicars’ Close is an exceptional group of buildings and forms an important part of the whole Cathedral complex.
It is claimed to be the oldest purely residential street with original buildings surviving intact in Europe.
January Lecture Report – My Uncle, the Battle of Britain VC
by James Nicolson Lecture Report by Andy Simpson
A small group of HADAS members and visitors enjoyed this most informative talk.
The first-born son of the Nicolson family is traditionally called James. Our speaker continues the tradition with the eldest of his two sons. However, just to confuse matters, the subject of the talk – Wing Commander Eric James Brindley Nicolson VC DFC (29 April 1917 – 2 May 1945) was christened Eric, called Nick in the RAF, and
Bill by his family! Of some 150,000 aircrew on wartime ops in the RAF (of whom 55,000 died in Bomber Command alone), just 26 were awarded Britain’s highest military gallantry award, the Victoria Cross (VC), with Nicolson the only Fighter Command Recipient.
Nicolson was born at 38 Crediton Hill, Hampstead, living there until aged seven when the family moved to Shoreham, West Sussex. Always keen on joining the RAF, an initial attempt was unsuccessful so he joined a local engineering firm and became a keen amateur cricketer. Being 6ft 3ins tall he was a good bowler. He joined the RAF in October 1936, being posted to RAF Church Fenton in Yorkshire, flying Gloster Gladiator biplane Fighters with No. 72 Squadron. As Section Leader of three, his particular aircraft was serial number K6140. He became an accomplished display pilot, even broadcasting to the crowd during the 1939 air display. He and his fellow squadron members led a typically high-spirited off-duty life, racing their MG sports cars in reverse around the airfield!
He was careful however to give his ground crew five Players cigarettes each every Friday morning. The then standard battle formation of a ‘vic’ of three aircraft was too rigid. The two wingmen were meant to closely follow the leader and fire their four Browning machine guns each on his lead, concentrating so hard on keeping formation and not colliding with one another that they had little time to detect incoming attacking fighters. The Germans, with their much looser formations based on a ‘rotte’ (pair), even coined the term ‘row of idiots’ for this formation.
The 72 Squadron aircraft swapped all-over silver for hastily-applied camouflage at the time of the Munich Crisis in 1938. A telling group photo of Nicolson and his six Squadron chums at this time led to the recounting of the final toll – two badly burnt, two killed and two otherwise wounded. At this time he also met a farmers’ daughter from Tadcaster –Muriel, 13 years his senior. She was reluctant at first due to the age gap, but in July 1939 they commenced a happy marriage.
The VC was presented during an informal chat with the King at Buckingham Palace, his wife being allowed to attend also. Nicolson felt awkward and was ordered to wear his medal ribbon, which he usually hid by wearing an overcoat.
Fully recovered by September 1941 and keen to get back to flying, Nicolson was posted to India in 1942. Between August 1943 and August 1944 he was a Squadron Leader and C.O. of No 27 Squadron, flying Bristol Beaufighters over Burma, being very successfully teamed with his navigator and gaining the DFC and an old-beforehis-time look in photographs. During this time he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and was involved with two squadron mascots – young bear cubs who rather outgrew their welcome. One was shot and the other eventually parachuted out over the jungle from a Dakota after he persistently returned to base!
As a Wing Commander, he was killed on 2 May 1945 when a RAF B-24 Liberator
‘R-Robert’ from No. 355 Squadron, in which he was flying as an observer for a bombing raid on Rangoon, caught fire and crashed into the Bay of Bengal after two engines failed.
Although he was one of four of the crew of ten who made it into a dinghy after ditching and were eventually found by a Catalina flying boat, he sadly drowned and his body was not recovered. He is commemorated on the Singapore Memorial.
Muriel Nicolson received the telegram informing her of his death on 8 May 1945 – VE Day. He left an estate of just £212, leaving Muriel in financial hardship; their son won a scholarship to Rugby School. She never remarried, living to over 100, and eventually sold his medals for £110,000 in 1983 – then a world record. They are now held by the RAF Museum at Hendon. The RAF Museum also holds Spitfire Mk 1 K9942 (at RAFM Cosford) flown by Nicolson with 72 Squadron in 1939-40.
An RAF VC-10 transport carried his name in the 1970s/80s and a Battle of Britain Memorial flight Hurricane carried the markings of his Hurricane for a while, along with a RAF Eurofighter Typhoon fighter for the 2016 display season.
Other Societies’ Events Eric Morgan
Thursday 16th February, 7.30pm Camden History Society Burgh House, New End Sq, NW3 1LT. Played in Camden – The Sporting & Recreational Heritage of a Borough at Play. Talk by Simon Inglis. Visitors £1.
Friday 17th February, 7.30pm; Wembley History Society English Martyrs Hall
Chalk Hill Road Wembley HA9 9EW (Top of Blackbird Hill, Adj. to Church) A Tour of Elizabethan London Talk by Nick Dobson Visitors £3. Refreshments available.
Thursday 23rd February 2.30pm Finchley Society Drawing Room, Avenue House
(Stephens House) 17 East End Road N3 3QE- Investigating our Local Community – Talk by Archer Academy Year 7 Students and Air Pollution Survey of North Finchley Talk by Chris Church Non-members £2 . Refreshments available.
Thursday 2 March 8pm Pinner Local History Society Village Hall, Chapel Lane Car Park, Pinner. Pinner’s Grand Houses & the People who Lived in Them – Presentation by Research Group – New Research by Society Members . Visitors £2.
Wednesday 8th March , 2.30pm Mill Hill Historical Society Trinity Church, The Broadway, NW7. Hidden Rivers at Stanmore Marshes Vicki D’Souza & AGM.
Wednesday 8th March, 7.45pm Hornsey Historical Society Union Church Hall, Corner Ferme Park Road /Weston Park N8 9PX Tottenham’s Forgotten Houses Talk by Val Crosby Visitors £2 Refreshments, Sales & Info from 730pm.
Monday 13th March, 3pm Barnet Museum & Local History Society Church House, Wood St, Barnet (Opp. Museum) The Jesus Hospital Almshouses Talk by Yasmine Webb. Visitors £2.
Wednesday 15th March, 7.30pm Willesden Local History Society St Mary’s Church Hall, Neasden Lane, NW10 2TS (Nr. Magistrates’ Court) The London Welsh School Talk by Elinor Delaney about its history and current activities in Willesden & Stonebridge.
Thursday 16 March, 8pm Historical Association; Hampstead & NW London Branch Fellowship House, 130A Willifield Way NW11 6YD (Off Finchley Rd in Temple Fortune) The First World War & The Middle East. Talk by Paula Kitching.
Saturday 18th March, 11am – 5.30pm LAMAS Archaeology Conference Weston Theatre Museum of London London Wall EC2Y 5HN Morning session – recent work. Afternoon session – talks on the Crossrail Project. Displays of work and publications. Cheque/PO payable to LAMAS plus SAE to Jon Cotton, Early Dept, Museum of London 150 London Wall EC2Y 5HN. See website
Wednesday 22nd March, 7.45pm Friern Barnet & District Local History Society,
North Middx Golf Club, The Manor House, Friern Barnet Lane N20 0NL. East
Barnet- 100 Years of History. Talk by Richard Elby Visitors £2. Refreshments & bar
Friday 24th March, 7.30pm Wembley History Society English Martyrs’ Hall, Chalk
Hill Rd, Wembley HA9 9EW. Forgotten History of Kingsbury & Hendon Project – Part II Talk by J H Moher, continuing the story of our local Aircraft & Engineering Trades. Visitors £3. Refreshments in interval 50p.
Monday 27th March, 8pm Harefield History Society Park Lane Village Centre, Park
Lane, Harefield Middx Alice, Countess Dowager of Derby & Harefield; Myths,
Marriages & Milton. Talk by Prof. James Knowlee. (And also Monday 27th
FEBRUARY 8pm The Great Barn at Harmondsworth- Past, Present and Future Talk by Justine Bayley)
Thursday 30th March, 8pm Finchley Society Avenue House, East End Road N3 3QE Drawing Room. From Spare Bedroom to Woodside Park – The Early Years of the North London Hospice Talk by Harriet Copperman O.B.E. Non-members £2.
FEB; Subscriber rate £99, non-subscriber £139; See
With big thanks to this month’s contributors;
Eric Morgan; Simon Williams and Jim Nelhams and the Wiltshire trip reporting team: Claudette Carlton; Katie McGrath; Dudley Miles; Beverley Perkins; Frances Radford and Ken Sutherland Thomas.
No. 550 JANUARY 2017 Edited by Sue Willetts
We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our readers a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Tuesday 10th January 2017: My Uncle, the Battle of Britain VC, by James Nicolson
Tuesday 14th February 2017: London Ceramics at time of the Great Fire, by Jacqui Pearce
Tuesday 14th March 2017: Bugging the Nazis in WW2: Trent Park’s Secret History, by Helen Fry
Tuesday 11th April 2017: to be confirmed
Tuesday 9th May 2017: The Cheapside Hoard by Hazel Forsyth
Tuesday 13th June 2017: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING
Tuesday 10th October 2017: The Curtain Playhouse Excavations, by Heather Knight, MOLA
Tuesday 14th November 2017: The Battle of Barnet Project, by Sam Wilson
Lectures start at 7.45 for 8.00pm in the Drawing Room, Avenue House, 17 East End Road, Finchley N3 3QE. Buses 82, 143, 326 & 460 pass close by, and
it is five to ten minutes’ walk from Finchley Central Station (Northern Line). Tea/coffee and biscuits follow the talk.
HADAS Christmas Party Don Cooper
34 people assembled at Avenue House on Sunday 11th December for our annual Christmas event and a good time was had by all. This time not a buffet, but a sit-down meal preceded by canapes prepared and served by Malcolm and his staff. The tables were adorned with coloured table cloths and crackers and party poppers.
Table quizzes to check our knowledge were devised by Vicki Baldwin encouraging much cerebral exercise.
Musical entertainment was performed by Jo and Jim Nelhams and Andrew and Liz Tucker, and visual entertainment from Don Cooper sporting this year’s Christmas jumper and hat.
There was also a successful raffle – see photo for the great prizes. No Ted, of course, as he is the HADAS mascot. The food was concluded with tea / coffee and mince pies, and two splendid cakes, one fruit and one sponge both cooked by Liz Gapp.
Lovely to see two newer members, Annette Bruce and Joanna Fryer attending this event for the first time. Huge thanks to everybody who helped with the organisation.
London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, Walking through London’s History. 51st Local History conference – at Museum of London 19.11.2016 – short report.
The first presentation was from Prof. Caroline Barron and Prof. Vanessa Harding on Mapping Medieval and Early Modern London. They are working on a project to update the Historic Towns Trust’s map of London, c.1520 and they described the sources available to them. The HTT’s map appears in Mary Lobel’s 1989 book The City of London from Historic Times to c.1520 which needs correction and updating. They will use digital enhancement techniques and will include information from archaeological sources. NB It is not yet available so watch for an announcement in the near future. Below are abstracts from two more presentations – a fuller report appears in the LAMAS Newsletter Issue 149, January 2017.
A Footpad’s View of South London in the late Eighteenth Century – talk by Margarette Lincoln
This talk took us through the night-time, criminal activity along two major roads in South London which linked central London with naval dockyards and the continent. It focused on the last quarter of the eighteenth century, which experienced several notable crime waves, and considered whether the nature of highway robbery on one road was discernibly different from that committed on the other, looking at the impact of key taverns, local turnpikes and nearby convict hulks moored along the river. These all formed part of the local landscape for roadway travellers. Rampant street crime affected different social networks and both formal and informal steps were taken to police these two routes, with mixed results. The talk also considered how different crimes were reported in the newspapers: there were specifics that would help travellers to take precautions. Finally, the talk considered the effect that both routes had on the reputation of their localities (which can still be traced today), and therefore the legacy of eighteenth-century ‘walking’ for present Londoners.
Dr Margarette Lincoln is a Visiting Research Fellow at Goldsmiths, University of London, and Curator Emeritus at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, where she was Deputy Director from 2007 to 2015. Most recently, she edited the catalogue for the Museum’s special exhibition, Samuel Pepys: Plague, Fire, Revolution (2015). She is currently working on a book about eighteenth-century maritime London.
Paying for Passage: the impact of tolls on the 19th century London pedestrian – talk by Simon Morris
Pedestrians in London walked the streets for free, unless they happened to be using a tolled road or bridge. The first half of the 19th century saw the construction of a number of privately financed roads and bridges, many of which – unlike the regular bridges and turnpikes – charged not only carts and carriages, but also pedestrians for the right of passage. These bridges included major central crossings such as Waterloo, Southwark and Lambeth Bridges as well as suburban bridges such as Hammersmith, Battersea, Wandsworth and Deptford Creek. The only road on which a foot toll was charged was Highgate Archway, although Barking Road was interrupted by a toll bridge across the River Lea. This talk described where and why these roads and bridges were constructed, and the growing tension arising from their being built to create communication yet obstructing passage by erecting barriers and charging tolls. It also touched on the adverse social impact that a foot toll might cause, for example hindering poorer citizens wanting to cross the river to enjoy the newly opened Battersea Park, and also depressing the development of new housing in the neighbourhood. There was a growing campaign for the abolition of these tolls which, after many struggles, succeeded in the early 1880s.
Simon Morris is a member of the Council of the London Topographical Society and has a particular interest in the development and mapping of London; he is currently researching 19th century street signs. Simon studied law at Cambridge University and History at London University.
London Archaeological Prize 2016 and HADAS Don Cooper
The winners of this prestigious biennial prize were announced at the London Archaeological Forum on Monday 28th November 2016. There were nine publications on the shortlist.
The winner was “Temples and Suburbs, Excavations at Tabard Square, Southwark” by principle author Dougie Killock with John Shepherd, James Gerrard, Kevin Hayward, Kevin Rielley and Victoria Ridgeway published by PCA in 2015. It is available from Oxbow Books for £27
Second was “Roman Sculpture from London and the South-East, CSIR (Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani) Volume 1, Fascicule 10” by Penny Combe, Francis Grew, Kevin Heyward and Martin Henig, published by the British Academy and Oxford University Press. It is available from OUP for £120.
There were three publications cited with honourable mentions including: “A Hamlet in Hendon” by the HADAS Finds Group, published by HADAS in 2014. It is available from HADAS
( for £20 plus p&p. The judge’s comment: This is an important book for Hendon and has obviously been the work of many years for the members of the society. It is a great achievement and covers a lot of material which will be of use and interest for many years to come.
A Generous Donation
HADAS has received a cheque for £100 from Dr Ann Saunders MBE to be put towards the cost of our next publication. Ann was president of HADAS from 1998 to 2001 and is a long-time influential member. We thank Ann for her generous donation and wish her well for the future.
BRADFORD Trip – Day 3 Jim Nelhams
Bradford on Avon – Day 3 Jim Nelhams
After an energetic day in Bristol, time to let the feet recover and let motors take the strain. Jo and I first encountered Bradford on Avon when we passed through on a narrowboat on the Kennet and Avon Canal. Our canal map showed a tithe barn next to the canal, so we went to investigate, and then looked round the town. It was on the same trip that we found Claverton, our second point of interest for the day. Time now for a second look. Our coach took us to the far end of the station car park from where a footpath leads along the river bank to the barn. Then from Bradford to Bath.
The Tithe Barn, Bradford-on-Avon David Bromley
This impressive Grade 1 listed barn was built in the 14th century and was part of the medieval grange belonging to the nuns of Shaftesbury Abbey until its dissolution in 1539, when it then became a private farm until 1974. It forms part of a farm complex and dominates the farm yard. It is of fine cut ashlar masonry, double-skinned with a rubble fill and measuring 51 meters long by 10 wide. The side walls are 0.75m thick, the gable ends are 0.9m and have 4 external buttresses, two corner and two central.
Running roughly east-west, the roof is high pitched with stone tiles and projecting eaves. These tiles are hard limestone graded in size, getting smaller as they rise up the roof. Each is drilled and pegged with oak pins hooked over split oak battens. The estimated roof weight is 100 tons.
There are 14 bays divided by 13 trusses. Bays 5 and 10 form the porches which are larger on the north side to enable unloading of the wagons. These porches also provide a cross-draught needed for winnowing the corn. The thirteen crucks are individual pairs, each set on a stone foot, all at different heights. This was to make best use of local timber. Two are true single-tier crucks and the other 11 are two-tier crucks. Each truss is made up of about 100 cubic feet of English oak and weighs about 3 tons.
There are three tiers of wind-braces. The roof timbers have been dated between 1334 and 1379.
Each of the cruck frames has an external buttress built into the wall for added strength. Two of these, at the front west end, have been cut back to allow clearance for a horse engine, a beam pulled by a horse and connected via a shaft and gear to machinery inside the barn (chaff cutter or turnip chopper etc.). The roof was extensively repaired by the Ministry of Works in the 1950s.
Canal Trip from Bath to Claverton Pumping Station Liz Tucker
Whenever I go to Bath, I always imagine myself wearing a poke bonnet and a Regency style gown, in a Jane Austen costume drama. “It is a truth universally acknowledged” that this author wrote mainly about human relationships, ignoring events in the wider world during her lifetime. In fact, in her novels you can find references to naval battles and to the slave trade – but I cannot find any mention of the Kennet and Avon Canal, opened in 1810.
Starting at Bathwick, to avoid any locks, we glided along the canal for about three miles. We set off in an elegant, oak-panelled boat, called “The John Rennie” after the canal’s designer, who was responsible for numerous British canals and bridges. A broad beam boat, it only just got through a couple of short tunnels, sometimes bumping the sides. We saw five bridges, one a swing bridge; the first buildings we saw were halfway, at the small village of Bathampton, built of the Bath stone which was quarried locally.
After we rounded a bend, the scenery became more hilly. At last we reached the Claverton Pumping Station (to be described separately). This opened in 1813, for the purpose of topping up the canal when it lost water through the locks, or by leakage.
On the return journey we enjoyed a cream tea, while observing the various colourful boats, some with comical names such as “My Newt”, or with monkeys as figureheads. After two busy days, it made a nice change to sit and relax on a boat. It also made an interesting change to see a construction that was not by Brunel!
Claverton Pumping Station Stewart Wild
We disembarked from our canal boat right onto the canal bank and towpath. Then it was a short walk to reach the little lane that led downhill to cross the railway line – Stop, Look and Listen – and reach the old pumping station alongside a leat off the River Avon.
When this part of the K&A Canal was completed in 1810, under brilliant Scottish engineer John Rennie (1761–1821), it was necessary to overcome water supply problems. Fortunately at Claverton there was a convenient site close to the canal and alongside the Avon that had housed a water-powered corn mill. Rennie got his men to rebuild the mill and convert it to a powerful pump house, and it was working by 1813, supplying fresh water to the canal to replace that lost to leakage, evaporation and the operation of locks.
We split into small groups, each with a guide, to ease our way through the confined spaces in the 200-yearold building, which is Grade II listed. We admired the huge 24ft-wide wooden breastshot water wheel, over 17ft in diameter. When the sluices are opened, the wheel was designed to permit two tons of water each second to flow onto 48 wooden slats and propel it through one revolution every twelve seconds. Through gears and couplings, this energy translates to drive the vertical con rods powering the engine’s two cast-iron rocking beams, each weighing five tons, which in turn drive the 18-inch pistons of the lift pumps.
Since 1952 the power to the pumps has been provided by diesel-powered electric motors, which can pump up to 100,000 gallons per hour to top up the canal above. Rennie’s machinery had coped continuously until that year when much damage was caused by a floating log which trapped itself in the waterwheel. The problem may have been made worse by a lack of maintenance which until then had been the responsibility of GWR staff based at the Swindon works.
Then for fifteen years this lovely gem of industrial archaeology was left abandoned and derelict (by this time the lack of canal traffic meant little need for top-up water). However in the 1960s and 1970s restoration was carried out by students from the University of Bath under the supervision of the Kennet and Avon Canal Trust who replaced and repaired the buildings and equipment and returned the pumping station to a functional state by 1977.
From 1978 to 2012 the waterwheel and all other wooden parts and gears were replaced and rebuilt using Douglas fir from Scotland, and we should have seen it all in operation. Unfortunately there had been a few technical problems, but by the time you read this it should all be working well again, thanks to a dedicated band of the Trust’s volunteer engineers, some of whom have put in more than thirty years’ service.
Later the friendly guides showed us their upstairs workshop and mess-room, complete with original cosy Victorian range and hearth – we would have liked to have stayed longer to chat. Our thanks to them all for a most enjoyable and informative visit.
Archaeology in Hertfordshire: Recent Research, Ed. Kris Lockyear, Hertfordshire
Publications, 2015. Review by Bill Bass
“A Festschrift for Tony Rook” is the sub-title, Tony has been involved for many years in the archaeology of Hertfordshire as the Director of Welwyn Archaeological Society and has many publications behind him. This book is based on a conference to mark his 80th birthday in 2012.
The first couple of chapters puts the archaeology of Hertfordshire in context together with a potted history of the Welwyn Archaeological Society. Early papers include settlement and landscape from 1500BC – 300BC, much work has been undertaken since 1993. ‘The Baldock Bowl’ a Neolithic and early Bronze-age landscape area to the east of Letchworth is highlighted for its focus and use.
‘When was the Roman Conquest in Hertfordshire?’ The author here (Isobel Thompson) discusses the ‘transition’ of iron-age control to Roman administration. Further papers deal with the survey of Roman coins and hoards through archaeology. Continuing the ‘Romanisation’ theme Simon West (District Archaeologist) looks at recent work on several key sites around St Albans e.g. Folly Lane, Turners Hall Farm: Iron-age settlement to elite (?) Roman villa, Friars Wash Romano-British Temple complex, Six Bells: a bath house and possible mansio inside the walls of Insula XIX.
A Saxon hilltop cemetery near Watton-at-Stone is explored and there are a couple of useful chapters covering Hertfordshire fields, hedges, pollards and so forth and the evidence for use of land such as ridge and furrow ploughing techniques.
Lastly, the final chapter deals with ‘public engagement’ and community involvement/research in local archaeology under the ‘Dig Where We Stand’ Project. There were several initiatives to train people in different elements such as archaeology, archive research, oral history and digital technology. One of these projects was ‘The Hendon School Community Archaeology Project’ a collaboration between UCL and HADAS. A total of ten evaluation trenches over the years 2006-2012 provided a successful learning experience to students and teachers in a number of disciplines and aims.
Other Societies’ Events by Eric Morgan
20th December. 9.00 pm on BBC4. Digging for Britain. Shown before Christmas. It may be possible to catch up with this on BBC iplayer. The programme features Battle of Barnet archaeologist Sam Wilson.
Thursday 26th January. 2.30 pm. NB Earlier time than usual. Finchley Society, Drawing Room, Avenue House, 17 East End Road, N3 3QE. Thomas Reader White. Talk by Mick Crick. Non-members £2.00. Refreshments from 2.00 pm and after the meeting.
Tuesday 31st January. 1.00 – 2.00 pm. Society of Antiquaries. From the Dungheap to the Stars: the history of early gunpowder. Talk by Kay Smith FSA. Free but reserve seat in advance. To book online, or for more information: Tel: 020 7479 7080
Wednesday 1st February. 6.00 pm. Gresham College at Museum of London, 150 London Wall, EC2Y 5HN. Perfection or Pastiche? New buildings in old places. Talk by Dr Simon Thurley on building big in historic cities. Free.
Friday 3rd February. 6.00 pm. Geologists’ Association. Geological Society, Burlington House. Piccadilly, W1J 0BE. On the Palaeolithic of Breckland: Old sites, new questions. Henry Stopes Memorial lecture given by Prof. Simon Lewis. Free.
Sunday 5th February. 10.30 am. Heath and Hampstead Society. Meet at Burgh House, New End Square, NW3 1LT The History and Topography of the Hampstead Heath Ponds. Walk led by Marc Hutchinson (Society Chair). Lasts approx. 2 hours. Donation £5.00.
Wednesday 8th February. 2.30 pm. Mill Hill Historical Society, Trinity Church, The Broadway, NW7. The Work of the War Graves Commission. Talk, speaker to be arranged.
Monday 13th February. 3.00 pm. Barnet Museum & Local History Society, Church House, Wood Street, Barnet. From Finchley to the Fatal Shore. Talk by Jackie Leedham. Visitors £2.00.
Tuesday 14th February. 1.00-2.00 pm. Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House, Piccadilly, W1J 0BE,
Revealing Verulamium: Community Heritage, Geophysics and the Archaeology of a Roman Town
Lecture by Dr Kris Lockyear FSA, and Dr Ellen Shlasko This lecture is based on the ongoing project ‘Sensing the Iron Age and Roman Past: Geophysics and the Landscape of Hertfordshire’. Doors open 12.30 pm. Public lectures are free and open to the public, but space is limited and reservations are strongly recommended to avoid disappointment. To book online, or for more information: Tel: 020 7479 7080 or
Wednesday 15th February. 7.30 pm. Willesden Local History Society. St.Mary’s Church Hall, Neasden Lane, NW10 2TS. German Spies in the Kilburn Area.
Thursday 16th February. 8.00 pm. Historical Association: Hampstead and NW London Branch. Fellowship House, 136a Willifield Way, NW11 6YD (off Finchley Rd, in Temple Fortune) The French Invasion of England, 1216-17. Talk by Sean McGlynn on the invasion involving ‘Bad’ King John & the Barons’ revolt.
Friday 17th February, 7.00 pm. COLAS, St. Olave’s Parish Hall, Mark Lane, EC3R 7BB. Recent Excavations at the Curtain Theatre, Shoreditch. Talk by Heather Knight (MoLA) Preceded by A.G.M. Visitors £2.00. Wine and nibbles afterwards.
Wednesday 22nd February. 7.45 pm. Friern Barnet & District Local History Society, North Middlesex Golf
Club, The Manor House, Friern Barnet Lane, N20 ONL. Elstree – Britain’s Hollywood. Talk by Bob Redmond. Visitors £2.00 Refreshments including bar.
No 548 NOVEMBER 2016 Edited by Micky Watkins
Lectures start at 7.45 for 8.00pm in the Drawing Room, Avenue House, 17 East End Road,
Finchley N3 3QE. Buses 82, 143, 326 & 460 pass close by, and it is five to ten minutes’ walk from Finchley Central Station (Northern Line). Tea/coffee and biscuits follow the talk.
Tuesday 8th November 2016: The Cheapside Hoard, by Hazel Forsyth
Tuesday 10th January 2017: My Uncle, the Battle of Britain VC, by James Nicolson
Tuesday 14th February 2017: London Ceramics at time of the Great Fire, by Jacqui Pearce
Tuesday 14th March 2017: Bugging the Nazis in WW2: Trent Park’s Secret History, by Helen Fry
Tuesday 11th April 2017: to be confirmed
Tuesday 9th May 2017: to be confirmed
Tuesday 13th June 2017: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING
Tuesday 10th October 2017: The Curtain Playhouse Excavations, by Heather Knight, MOLA
Tuesday 14th November 2017: The Battle of Barnet Project, by Sam Wilson
This year’s party will take place in the drawing room at Avenue House, where we hold our lectures, on Sunday 11th December from 12:30 to 4:00p.m. A booking form accompanies this newsletter. Regrettably, the cost of the room hire and the food have risen so the price will be £30 per person. This cost includes the buffet lunch and the first drink.
Payment is required by Friday 18th November, but you can reserve your place early by notifying Jo or Jim Nelhams – contact information at the end of the newsletter.
The Long Trip, 2016 Jim Nelhams
On Monday 19th September. an intrepid group of 38 members, partners and friends headed west by coach for our annual long trip – this year based at the Best Western Leigh Park Country House Hotel on the outskirts of Bradford on Avon, near Bath. The Hotel, having accepted another group following our booking, were short of rooms, so we arranged for 5 extra rooms in a neighbouring converted barn. Our thanks to those who used that facility.
After a brief comfort stop on route, we headed to the town of Devizes, where the coach dropped us at the Wiltshire Museum. Here we met up with Beverley Perkins and David Bromley, who moved a few years ago to Devon but have remained members. They joined us for the remainder of the trip. A bonus at the Museum, was meeting up with long standing member Sigrid Padel. Sigrid moved in the summer to the New Forest, but drove up to spend time with us. It’s so nice to see old friends and good that they keep in touch. And later in the week we planned to meet up with David and Emma Robinson – more of that to come.
Devizes Jim Nelhams
Devizes is a market town and civil parish in the heart of Wiltshire. Its castle, started in 1080, was destroyed in the civil war in 1648 on the orders of Cromwell. It was later reconstructed in private hands and now contains flats, so is not accessible to the public.
The town now has four Church of England parish churches, and we visited the church of St John the Baptist, close to the museum. St John’s also stands close to the castle and may have begun as its chapel. The oldest parts of the building are from 1130, shortly after Roger, Bishop of Salisbury, rebuilt the castle. Pevsner writes “A major Norman church, dominated by a mighty crossing tower …”
The western part of the church was rebuilt in the 15th century with restoration carried out in 1844 and 1862-3, including the west front designed by Slater. The ornate Beauchamp south chapel is similar to the 1492 Beauchamp and Tocotes chapel at Bromham; the north Lamb chapel has a fine panelled ceiling. The organ case is late 17th century.
On the north side of the churchyard is a millennium cross, erected in 2000, with panels showing local scenes and trades. The museum had kindly arranged for us to park our coach at the Wadworth Brewery at the opposite end of the town, providing a target for our walk through the town market place
The Wadworth Brewery sits at the north end of the town. The company was established in 1875 when it purchased the Northgate Brewery, and moved to the current site to allow expansion. The brewery still uses two of the very few remaining ‘working’ Shires in the brewing industry in Britain to deliver beers, wines and spirits on weekdays (weather permitting) to pubs within a two mile radius of the Brewery. Working as a pair; they are able to transport a load of approximately two tons.
The first known market in Devizes was in 1228. The original market was in the large space outside St Mary’s Church, rather than in the current Market Place, which at that time would have been within the castle’s outer bailey.
The chief products in the 16th and early 17th centuries were wheat, wool and yarn, with cheese, bacon and butter increasing in importance later.
In the early 18th century Devizes held the largest corn market in the West Country and also traded hops, cattle, horses and various types of cloth. Before the Corn Exchange was built in 1857, the trade in wheat and barley was conducted in the open, with sacks piled around the Market Cross.
The town sits on top of a hill and such was its importance that the Kennet and Avon canal which links Bristol to London, opened in 1810, was routed up the hill and through the town. A total of 29 locks raise the canal including a flight of 16 locks mounting Caen Hill. On the canal quay is a small museum run by the Kennet and Avon Canal Trust, giving information about the development of the canal, its falling out of use, and the subsequent restoration, as with many canals, following the efforts of hundreds of volunteers. It also includes working models of the Crofton pumping station which we visited in 2015 and the pumping station at Claverton we would visit later in the trip.
Leaving the brewery in our coach (a few more horsepower), we made a brief stop at the foot of the
Caen Hill flight of locks to provide a chance for photographs. Thence onwards to our hotel in Bradford on Avon, passing through Melksham where an Hawker Hunter jet fighter stood at the side of the road.
Devizes Museum Don Cooper
Devizes Museum, more correctly called Wiltshire Museum (it is the county museum), is housed in two Grade II listed early Georgian town houses with a Victorian infill and modern additions. The modern additions include lifts and ramps to all floors and up-to-date toilets. The museum concentrates on Wiltshire county heritage and is organised by time periods, although Upper Floor C tells the story of Devizes. The museum is a charity and dates from 1853.
All time periods are well represented with the four “Prehistoric Wiltshire” rooms being particularly good, highlighting the rich prehistoric landscape of Wiltshire which includes Stonehenge and Avebury.
However, the item that caught my eye was a fossil – a sponge fossil. These sponge fossils seem to have been put to a number of uses.
Some have been found used as money storage or perhaps money boxes (see photo). The Celtic gold coins are replicas of the ones found and there have been at least two other sponge fossils found that had been used for this purpose. The coins were Iron Age and were found at Chute in 1927 and more in 1986 and 1994.
Another use illustrated was pigment holders. These fossils when split in half make a good small mixing bowl when applying colour to an object.In the prehistoric gallery there was a beautifully shaped sponge fossil used to make the head of a mace. It had been partly drilled through and polished, giving the head of the mace a striking look.
Figure 1 Sponge fossil used as a money box .
The museum is representative of the best kind of county museum. The artefacts are well labelled, the staff helpful and friendly, and there is a good selection of local books and guides. This visit was a great start to our stay in Wiltshire.
Although we have only just returned from our trip to Bradford on Avon, hotels are requiring that bookings for groups are made well in advance. So we are happy to announce that the trip next year will run from Monday 25th to Friday 29th September based at the Best Western Forest Hills Hotel in Frodsham, close to Liverpool and Chester. For the more energetic, the hotel boasts a gym, sauna, jacuzzi and swimming pool.
Prices will remain as this year at £470 per person sharing a twin/double room and £520 per person in a single room. A deposit of £125 per person will be required next March.
This year, several members brought friends on the trip, which is good because it helps share the cost of the coach and keeps the price down. They are more than welcome.
Please let Jo or Jim Nelhams know if you are hoping to come – so that we can reserve sufficient rooms. Contact details are at the end of this newsletter.
Bristol – The Avon Gorge and Henrietta Barnett Micky Watkins
In the 1890s, Henrietta and her husband Canon Samuel Barnett visited Bristol for three months every summer because Samuel was made a Canon of Bristol Cathedral. It was a welcome change from their life and work in the slums of Whitechapel. They used to walk and bicycle in the surrounding countryside. Henrietta saw that the Avon gorge was defaced by stone-quarrying, bare expanses of stone overtaking the woodland. Henrietta, with her secretary Marion Paterson and her adopted daughter Dorothy and friend, scattered flower seeds on the cliffs:
“First the seeds had to be collected; and then in the back garden, the children and I mixed them with earth, stirring all sorts together in the breadpan in Christmas pudding style. Then the packets were made about the size of a tennis ball and tied up in newspaper, and in the evening, in the gloaming, we went out like four conspirators down over the rocks.
Samuel carried the heavy baskets for them but would not throw the parcels because it was illegal. They were all delighted when “the bare rock produced antirrhinum, valerian, yellow alyssum, wild convolvulus, and, undoubted proof that they were the babes of our balls, Iceland poppies of the same strains as grew in our garden.”
The cliffs of the Gorge were purchased by George Wills, cigarette millionaire, to give to the public. When we approached the bridge we saw information about the flora of the cliffs, and the importance of this site of scientific interest. But no mention of Henrietta!
Battle of Barnet snippet Don Cooper
From the Barnet Museum & Local History Museum – August 2016 edition, a report on the Battle of Britain Project:
“In May a team of volunteers helped Sam Wilson [the project leader] with test-pitting in the area that used to be Kitts End Hamlet to try and establish how old the settlement was. They found lots of fragments of pottery and tile which have been dated by the British Museum to the whole medieval period (C11th to C15th), which indicates that the settlement was in existence at the time of the
Battle of Barnet.”
Stonehenge at Risk? Micky Watkins
Archaeologists and conservation groups are deeply split in their views about the Government announcement of the proposal to bury the A303 in a tunnel under Stonehenge.
English Heritage and the National Trust – owners of the site and the surrounding landscape – are jubilant. But Kate Fielden, representing the Stonehenge Alliance of conservation groups, Friends of the Earth the archaeological group Rescue and Aslan – whose members include pagans and Druids – all say that this short tunnel will cause serious damage to the historic landscape on each side.
Anyone who has used the A303 in the summer will know that the traffic jams extend for miles each side of Stonehenge and something must be done. More acceptable solutions are to make a longer tunnel, or by-pass the site, possibly using the A30 which runs parallel to the A303.
King Arthur’s Palace
A royal palace dating from the 6th century has been discovered at Tintagel. This is the probably the birthplace of the legendary King Arthur.
Cornwall Archaeological Unit is excavating the site. They have found many fragments of pottery and glass which had been imported from Europe and the Middle East by the wealthy people who lived here. There are sherds of imported late-Roman amphorae, fragments of fine glass and of Phocaean red slip-ware which was made in Turkey. In exchange, tin was exported from Cornwall.
Tintagel is one of the most important sites in Europe. Here the Romano-British rulers fought the Anglo-Saxon invaders for control of the island in the fifth century. The castle was built later, in the 1230-40s, by Richard, Earl of Cornwall, brother of Henry III.
Surely Arthur must have lived, for in the sixth century the monk Gildas wrote about him. If Gildas was fabricating a history it would have been disproved by old people with long memories. (Ed’s note: Arthur is not mentioned in Gildas)
The team is supported by English Heritage and this three week dig will be followed by further digs for the next four years.
Newly Excavated 1st Century Roman Bath in Pompeii
The entrance to the bath is through a portico from which you walk through to the changing room which is frescoed with eight numbered erotic scenes of different positions. Above the baths were prostitutes’ rooms. The changing room is floored with marble and the ceiling has stucco reliefs of cherubs and chariots. The cold plunge pool is frescoed with seascapes.
Other newly opened buildings are a merchant’s richly decorated house, a middle class house and a business where the people brought their fabrics to be cared for (dry-cleaners?).
The baths were badly damaged by the earthquake of 62 AD and were still being repaired at the time of the eruption of Vesuvius in 79AD which accounts for the absence of any statues or furniture.
Friday 4th November, 7.30 pm. Barnet History Society, Chipping Barnet Library. Gillian Gear Memorial Lecture: Warwick’s War by Karen Clark. Visitors £5.
Wednesday 16th November, 7.30pm. Willesden Local History Society, St Mary’s Church Hall, Neasden Lane, NW10 2TS (near Magistrates’ Court). The Willesden Green Cat Mosaic. Talk by Debra Collis.
Wednesday 30th November – Tuesday 6th December. Barnet Borough Arts Council, The Spires, High St., Barnet EN5 5XY. Art & Info. Exhibition (incl. HADAS details). Part of Barnet Xmas Fair, showing paintings, prints, photographs and textiles.
Friday 2nd December, 7.30 pm. Wembley History Society. English Martyr’s Hall, Chalkhill Rd, Wembley HA9 9EW (top of Blackbird Hill, adj. to church). The Forgotten Industries of Old Kingsbury and Hendon. Talk by Jim Moher, followed by mince pies. £3.
Saturday 3rd December, 9.45 am.-5 pm. Thames Discovery Programme, Foreshore Forum, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich SE10 9NS. Hear Updates from Frog Teams and Speakers. Tickets £20 & booking fee from:
Wednesday 7th December 6pm. Gresham College at Museum of London. Tough Choices: Heritage or Housing? Talk by Dr Simon Thurley. Free.
Monday 12th December, 5.30 pm. Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology, Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House, Picadilly. AGM followed by 6pm drinks reception, then 7pm. The Great Wall and the Ceramics Trade, by David Barker. Free, but book at:
Tuesday 13th December, 6.30 pm. LAMAS, Clore Learning Centre, Museum of London.
Investigations on the Site of Shene Charterhouse undertaken by MOLA and Richmond Archaeological Society in 2011-15. Talk by Bob Cowie (MOLA). Visitors £2. Refreshments from 6 pm.
Tuesday 13th December, 7.45 pm. Amateur Geological Society, The Parlour, St Margaret’s Church, Victoria Avenue, N3 1BD (off Hendon Lane). Our Heritage – Stone Tools and Rock Art. Talk by Bob Harris.
Wednesday 14th December, 2.30 pm. Mill Hill Historical Society, Trinity Church, The Broadway NW7. Whitefriars Glass – The Harrow Years. Talk by Mike Beech.