No. 612 March 2022 Edited by Deirdre Barrie
HADAS DIARY – Forthcoming lectures and events
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, until further notice lectures will be held online via ZOOM, starting at 8.00pm, although we do hope to get back to face to face lectures soon. As ever, our apologies to those who are unable to see online lectures. We will of course be sending out an invitation email with instructions about how to join on the day of each talk, so do watch your inbox…
Tuesday 8th March 2022
Dr Martin Dearne (EAS) – Monarchs, Courtiers, Technocrats and Kitchen Boys; Bringing Elsyng Palace to Life.
The lost Elsyng palace, in the grounds of Forty Hall, Enfield, has of course been the subject of extensive annual excavations by the Enfield Archaeological Society since 2004. To quote the EAS website; This lecture will help us get to know the life stories of those who lived and worked at Elsyng Palace. These have been the subject of many years of archive research soon to be published as part of a major monograph, and this is a chance to hear about some of these people and what has been involved in trying to dig into their lives.
Tuesday 12th April 2022
Dr Martin Bates (University of Wales Trinity Saint David) – London in the Ice Age; changing environments and human activity
Tuesday 10th May 2022
James Wright – The Folklore and Archaeology of Historic Buildings
Tuesday 14th June 2022
Tuesday 11th October 2022
Dr Martin Bridge (UCL) – Tree-ring dating, and what it tells us about the old Barnet shop.
Tuesday 8th November 2022
Nick Card – Building the Ness of Brodgar
Report on the Dorothy Newbury Memorial Lecture Don Cooper
The Consul’s china: Regency period finds from America Square, London
This lecture was in the afternoon of Thursday, 8th February (2.30) via Zoom, as the original plan to have it at Avenue House fell through due to lack of support. However, it was gratifying that more than 30 members viewed it through Zoom. Unfortunately, the plan to record and load it on to our YouTube channel failed (mea culpa).
Jacqui Pearce (MoLA) gave the lecture which she had entitled “The Consul’s china: Regency period finds from America Square, London.” Jacqui, an eminent pottery, glass and clay pipe specialist, has been teaching our pottery finds course for many years. This lecture was based on a different finds course taught by Jacqui. The excavation concerned took place in 1987 at America Square, just north of the Tower of London. In Regency times the area was the home of prominent wealthy people. The excavation turned up a large dump of household ceramics.
The lecture told the story of how the course identified the owner of the property and details of the day-to-day life of him and his family by examining the ceramics in detail as to where they were made, when they were made and their status in the hierarchy of desirable and/or expensive pots and pans. Additionally, the course explored the history of the house and its residents through documentary research.
The conclusion was that the Danish Consul had lived there probably in the Regency period between 1810 to 1820.
This was a great lecture by Jacqui, and I am sure Dorothy Newbury would have loved it. Thanks Jacqui.
HADAS Excavations at Market Place, East Finchley Bill Bass & the HADAS Fieldwork Team
On the 17th and 18th July 2021 HADAS excavated two trial evaluation trenches on the green at the junction of Market Place and Park Road, East Finchley, NGR TQ 27006 89678, site code MTP21. A few days earlier a site survey was carried-out to establish a nearby Temporary Bench Mark (94.65m OD) and to plot in a baseline based on the north line of an adjacent footpath leading to the west. The site sits in the angle between Market Place and Park Road (to the south), it is a grassy area surrounded by trees and bushes. To the north is Market Place Playground.
Project aims
To contribute to a better understanding of the historical character of the settlement of Market Place and the wider East Finchley. To identify potential areas for future archaeological investigation, encourage local residents and younger generations to engage in their local historic environment, archaeology and research. There was much interest from local people observing the excavation and in the HADAS site information panels nearby.
It is thought that there is a gap in the Archaeological Priority Area (APA) that covers this area of East Finchley and may not reflect the earlier occupation seen on maps and documents. The dig is part of research to try and establish what occupation actually took place here and to try and get the APA adjusted accordingly.
Much research has been carried-out by member Roger Chapman, please see: Market Place, (Hogmarket) East Finchley – A Short History HADAS Newsletter 605 Aug 2021. Also see Market Place, East Finchley – Uncovering its past (Excavation proposal). Copies are with the site archive.

Map scale 1:500.
Trench 1
Both trial trenches were 1m square, trench 1 being the southernmost. The turf layer of trench 1 was at 94.87m OD. The thickness of 101-103 together is approx 35cm.
Context 101, consisted of a mixed modern topsoil, including penny coins of 1973 & 1977 with associated scraps of pot, glass (milk bottle) and plastic items. Also recorded were lumps of brick (mostly modern) but with a roughly made earlier fragment and a sample of granite stone.
Context 102 & 103 consisted of layers of yellow builders’ sand, with 102 including coarse stones and a small scattering of pot, brick, tile, glass, iron spring and asphalt lumps. 103 was similar but with a clay deposit, it also included a large ‘iron-stone’ fragment (3.181 Kg) and similar finds as above.
Below 102 & 103 we have context 104, about 10cm thick, a firmly packed layer of clay/sand and dark silt, which contained fragments of post medieval pot, roof slate, roof and floor tile, green and clear glass together with sherds of drain-pipe. Disturbing or cutting 104 is a drain-pipe running east-west along the southern edge of trench 1, the fill of the drain is 105.
The demolished/damaged drain was about 15cm dia, the fill 105 is a loose/grey, sandy-silt. It contained a collection of potsherds including Post-medieval Redwares (1580-1900), Tin-glazed Wares (1580-1830), Transfer Printed Wares (1780-1900), English Stoneware (1700-1900) and mixed post 1900 wares. Also small amounts of glass and small selection of building material – roof slate, red brick fragments, tile and clinker.
The drain also cuts into a partial and damaged flagstone floor 106, at level 94.44m OD, which covers trench 1, but survived best in the north-west corner. A sample of the floor flag which was thought to be sandstone, weighed 2,219Kg and was 3-4cm thick. Excavation did not go beyond this floor level.
The flagstone floor is thought to be possibly outdoors, as it was cut by the drain and may belong to the latest buildings demolished for clearance in the late 1950s-early 1960s. These buildings and shops are known from at least the 1860s, perhaps built in the 1840s. The Tin-glazed Ware (later 17th century – possibly into early 18th century, Jacqui.Pearce – pers comm.) may give an indication of the earlier occupation before the development of the 19th century structures built here. Eventually levelling sandy contexts were laid, possibly for car-parking, hence the asphalt lumps, which was later demolished for the new grassy area.
Trench 2
Context 201 (surface level 94.87m OD) topsoil of this trench was 25cm thick, reddish-brown with loose to firmly packed pebbles. A fair collection of finds included a scatter of Post-medieval Redwares, Transfer Printed Wares and more modern whitewares. A stem fragment of tobacco pipe, some minor iron items and an upper sheep/goat animal tooth was recorded.
Examples of well broken building material consisted of slate, chalk, granite chips, roof tile, slag and frags of red-brick. Another earlier example of partial handmade brick 10cm width (4 inches), depth 6.4cm (2.5 inches) and had a slight frog (indentation).
Context 202 was a firm packed clay deposit with brick rubble, flint nodules, paving stone, a sample of ‘blue’ engineering brick and some more of the earlier roughly-handmade brick with little or no ‘frog’. Two ‘Jackfield’ tile fragments were identified, other finds included small examples of bottle and window glass, minor metal items and pottery – modern whitewares, stoneware and Post-medieval Redwares.
Context 203
At 94.42m OD, we came across context 203, a black, very firmly compacted pebbly layer of clinker, coal, flint, with firm packed sandy lenses. At 14-17cm thick this deposit had a dump of finds as described below.
Animal Bone (with thanks to Geraldine Missig)
(1) A caprine (sheep/goat) first or second upper molar in a mature wear stage. (2) A fragment of unfused caprine lumbar vertebra in a shape associated with the butchers’ cut of a lamb chop. The animal would have been younger than 4 or 5 years, as fusion occurs around that age. (3) A fragment of an unfused proximal (upper) end of a cattle tibia (shinbone). Fusion of this part occurs generally around 3.5 to 4 years, but the slightness of the bone fragment may suggest a much younger animal. The shaft of the bone has been sawn transversely which, apart from bone working which would seek to use stronger fused bone, has only been used in butchery in more modern times, and generally not before the 18th century. (4) A fragment of the distal end of an ulna, a bone from the mid-section of the wing of a domestic fowl (chicken).
It is a very small assemblage which leans towards food consumption of quality meat, but the presence of the caprine upper molar also gives a nod towards slaughter. A number of marine shell fragments included oyster, mussel and scallop.
A number of domestic metal items were recorded, which included a crown cork bottle opener, a ‘Blakey’ style child-sized heel reinforcement and coat hooks. Some nails and other misc metal finds were processed.
Other misc items
Heating elements from a gas fire? Bakelite and clay-pipe fragments.
Building Material
Brick fragments mostly for flooring, differing floor/wall tile sherds, some with brown or green glaze. Samples of ‘Blue’ engineering brick were recorded. Roofing tile fragments including slate, red-tile, pantile. The overall weight and amounts are not enormous.
There are fragments of concrete, paving slabs etc. Flint nodules and tabular flint – possible building material and cobbles. Shale/clinker and other burnt like materials were seen. A fragment of path edging – top section with ‘Twisted Rope’ pattern in blue engineering type tile.
(please see pottery codes and dates at the end)
The bulk of the pottery assemblage was made up of Refined Whitewares, Transfer-Printed Wares and English Porcelains. Across the range the forms included mostly domestic table wares – large and small dishes/plates, cups/saucers, bowls, small jugs and teapots, with the occasional bottle-type vessels. Notable sherds with maker marks etc are recorded as ‘Small finds’.
Refined Whitewares
These are ‘china’ types of pottery, some plain, some decorated with various colour banding etc. Rims included straight edged, scalloped/rolled and collard. Handle sherds for tea-cups and the like. Small Find 04 was a vessel base with the maker’s mark ‘Wilkinson Ltd England, Royal Staffs Pottery,’ this type of mark dated to post-1896 possibly 1907. Total REFW in weight 0.932g.
Transfer Printed Wares
Again ‘china’ type of vessel decorated with transfer-printed style. The decoration can come in various colours, hence TPW 1-5 designation. The decorations included floral/landscape, bird/berry/leaf and various colour banding. Some the sherds ‘co-joined’ or fitted together, the types of vessels are similar to above. Total TPW in weight 0.511g.
English Porcelain
This finer type of pottery included some with fruit or floral decoration, green and gold banding. Other features recorded were ‘pierced’, fretwork and moulded forms, the outer decoration of plate and dishes.
Small find 02 was a scalloped-edged dish with a moulded interior with a coat of arms mark – ‘City of London’. Small find 03 on a vessel base was marked ‘Sutherland’ China England which is thought to be pre 1913. Total ENPO in weight 0.286g.
English Stoneware
This hard-fired pottery was recorded in jar, bottle/cylinder and egg cup forms. The part egg cup had tree & field decoration in green and red. Some of the sherd assemblage fitted together. Total ENGS in weight 0.375g.
Other earthenware
Five sherds of ‘Blackware’, 0.66g in weight. These were of a floral decorated teapot – spout and lid etc. Other minor earthenware’s included red/white/cream and grey examples. 18 sherds of Post Medieval Redware (flowerpot) were recorded being 0.124g in weight.
Pottery codes and dates:
BLACK – Blackware 1600-1900. ENGS – English Stoneware 1700-1900. REFW – Refined Whiteware 1805-1900. PMR – Post Medieval Redware 1580-1900. TPW – Transfer Printed Ware 1780-1900.
TPW 2 1807-1900. TPW 3 1810-1900. TPW 4&5 1825-1900. ENPO – English Porcelain 1745-1900.
The glass collection included 262 fragments of window and vessel types. Many sherds were of bottles of varying colours – green/brown/aqua, wine, medicine and other bottles. Also represented were bowls and jars and other forms, also lids, bottle stoppers and such like. Window sherds were recorded, some with floral decoration.
Some notable glass vessel examples include small find 15 – embossed R.W (R.Whites?) on a Hamilton bottle. Small find – 16 was the complete Kutnow’s Powder bottle (described elsewhere). Small find 17 – was fragments of a rectangular ‘Camp Coffee’ bottle. Small find 18 – included several co-joining sherds of a rectangular bottle embossed with lettering ‘VENOS LIGHTNING COUGH CURE’ (post 1898).
Context 204
The next layer below was context 204, an undulating surface – very firmly packed mostly containing red-brick rubble.
These were mostly fragmentary, mostly red with the odd yellow sample. In dimension they were 10.2cm (4 inches) in breadth and 5.1cm – 6.1cm (2” to 2½”) thick. The ‘frog’ ranged from none obvious to a ‘slight’ frog. The fabric is somewhat friable, coarse and roughly made with in many cases large inclusions, they appear to be ‘hand-made’ or in rudimentary moulds. These bricks may date to the late 18th to early and mid-19th century.
Other Building Material/Finds
Very minor samples of pottery – English Stoneware, a fragment of blue bottle glass, and one tobacco stem pipe was recorded. A substantial partial ‘shaped’ grey stone was seen, possibly square or rectangular in shape, with a square cut edge leading down into a ‘depression’, in the depression is a clear cut hole 2cm in diameter, probably one of several. The top edge has signs of a saw or chiselled (?) shaping. The use of this object is unknown but maybe some form of drainage. A small find recorded No 19 was a copper-alloy corroded object, a possible furniture mount.
Context 205
This uneven flagstone and brick floor was encountered at 95.12m OD and was below context 204. A red-brick sample of the floor was 9.5cm (3¾”) in breadth, 6.1cm (2½”) thick with a surviving length of 19cm (7½”). The brick was again poorly made with little or no frog, very similar to that of the bricks from context 204. Next to the flagstone in the north-eastern quadrant of the trench was a curved/inverted roof tile – a possible drain associated with a doorstep/threshold represented by the flagstone.
In trench 2 we again have a brick and flagstone floor, probably dating to the early 19th century by the roughly-made bricks, the floor in trench 2 is 0.68cm lower than the one in trench 1. If the flagstone here is a doorstep we may be in one of the small yards in the block of structures in this area. Above this is a series of dump and demolition layers, including brick rubble and burning. These include the pottery and glass in context 203, which as a whole date to the 19th century (or later). And as with trench 1 we are probably dealing with the demolition of this complex of domestic and householder buildings in the late 1950s/ early 1960s.
Site Discussion
As mentioned in Roger’s articles the area of Market Place evolved as a ‘Hog Market’ starting in the 1660s and declining by the 1840s. After that the area became ‘enclosed’ around 1816, and places such as the nearby Prospect Place (to the south) and Market Place began to develop with more housing, shops and such like. The block of buildings at Market Place includes a Post Office seen on maps from at least the mid-19th century – possibly 1840s.
Our trenches are in a complex behind (just north) of the PO or adjacent housing, perhaps in a series of small yards, privies and other structures of unknown use. The building material and finds from our trenches is consistent with the development in the early 19th century through to their demolition and clearance and the later life of the area as a ‘green’ play area.
What of the earlier period? There are ‘buildings’ shown on the 1754 Rocque’s Map of Middlesex and the 1807 OS Map in the approximate area of Market Place, and we know the use of the area from the 1660s. The late 17th century Tin-glazed Ware pottery gives a glimpse into an earlier period. Unfortunately, the limited nature of our dig meant we could not get below the level of the floors, and this and the Hog Market will have to wait for another day.
Some recollections of Market Place housing by local resident Sam Webb
“I only ever went into Mr & Mrs Edwards’ cottage. They had a small but immaculate front garden with gnomes including one of them fishing in a pond. One of their daughters lived with them. She had a daughter called Maria who was born in the war. Another daughter, Mrs Norris lived in Kitchener Road. She had triplets, Pauline, Pamela and Brian. The girls lived with their mother, and Brian lived with his grandparents in No61. He was a friend. From memory I am sure the ground floor was made of floorboards, so the brickwork floor was either their back extension kitchen/toilet or belonged to a much earlier cottage. The Edwards family were still there when we moved in 1953.
Our shop and house had gas lighting until about 1951 when under the War Damage Commission the damage caused in 1940 by the land mine was also repaired by Courage’s Brewery, and all the ceilings were finally re-plastered and we had electricity at last. My mother said that electricity cables were laid in August 1939 and went past the front door to the shop. But then war was declared. We were the only property in the Market Place with gas that I can remember. It did have its advantages. After 1945 there were many power cuts and during the terrible winter of 1947 electrical power was even shut off during the day. However, gas was not turned off so we at least had some light.
Living conditions in all houses at our end of the Market Place were very poor. Although the shop had wooden floor boards, the very small back kitchen which was our living room had a floor consisting of large Yorkstone slabs. There was no damp proofing. There were a number of carpets laid over these slabs. In 1951 the floor was replaced and as the carpets were removed they were rotten with damp. A new concrete floor was laid with a new damp proof membrane. My mother was incredibly house-proud and quite how she managed is rather beyond me”.
Related articles:
Prospect Ring, East Finchley, London. CgMs. Heritage & Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment 2017.
Market Place, (Hogmarket) East Finchley – A Short History, Roger Chapman HADAS Newsletter 605 Aug2021.
Market Place, East Finchley – Uncovering its past (Excavation proposal), Roger Chapman..
East Finchley HADAS dig uncovers an intriguing bottle, Stewart Wild, HADAS Newsletter 606 Sept 2021. (Kutnow’s Powder bottle).
Our East Finchley dig, Janet Mortimer, HADAS Newsletter 610 Jan 2022.
The HADAS Fieldwork Team:
Andy Simpson, Melvyn Dresner, Roger Chapman, Susan Trackman, Janet Mortimer (Trench Supervisors). Don Cooper, Peter Nicholson, Eric Morgan, Jim Nelhams, Sandra Claggett, Suzanne Benjamin, Jenny Lee, Karen Hulme and Kat Hindlaugh. Geraldine Missig and Jacqui Pearce (finds ID).
Barnet Council (land owners), The staff of The Constitutional Club and local resident Isobel King for providing teas and coffees!
Clitterhouse Playing Fields, Cricklewood evaluation update Bill Bass
As part of the possible re-landscaping of the playing fields, a substantial ‘evaluation’ – 70 odd trenches – was carried-out by the Museum of London Archaeological (MoLA) unit on behalf of Brent Cross Town between Dec 2021 and Jan 2022, a project led by Argent Related and Barnet Council. Details can be seen here, updated January 2022:
The evaluation was based on a geophysical survey undertaken by the Cranfield Forensic Institute in January 2015. Briefly, they suspected possible Roman or medieval occupation including a possible trackway, possible medieval ridge and furrow and later WW2 evidence and more modern sports field remains.
MoLA have found a selection of Roman pottery, including a flagon neck, which may relate to some enclosure ditches also found, maybe in relation to farming activities or similar. The site is not that far away from the Edgware Road (Roman Watling Street) that runs north-south over to the west. They have also investigated some of the air raid shelters known to have been placed around the edge of the fields. It sounds as if they were demolished and backfilled, like the one investigated by HADAS in St Martins School, East Finchley.
We need to wait for the full report to see the nature and dating of any enclosure ditches, droveways or trackways, and how or if any of this relates to HADAS’s work on the Clitterhouse Farm site.
Membership Renewals Stephen Brunning
The HADAS membership year runs from 1st April to 31st March, and so all members who pay by cheque will now be required to renew.
Members who pay their subscription by standing order need take no action.
Please therefore find enclosed a renewal form, and I would ask that you fill it in and return it to me along with the appropriate amount as soon as possible. The current rates and where to send your payment are on the form. Many thanks.
Payment can also be made by Bank Transfer using Account Number 00083254, Sort Code 40-52-40. Please include your surname and first initial in the reference field.
If the renewal form is not enclosed and you require one, please contact me (details on back page).
The British Museum – 17th January to 17th July 2022 “Knockout epic” The Guardian
Do not expect the great mystery of Stonehenge to be explained. This is after all about the world of Stonehenge, from the date of its construction at the same time as the building of the Egyptian pyramids to the time it was deserted by religious visitors and there were no more rituals, or feasts at Durrington Walls. Once some of us might have dismissed prehistoric people simply because they were illiterate, unlike Egypt and the civilisations of the Middle East – a serious mistake, judging by the art and craftsmanship of this exhibition. This is an exhibition not to be missed – it is unlikely that so many remarkable items will be gathered together again. There are 450 items from 35 collections all over Europe.
The symbol chosen to advertise this exhibition is the Nebra Sky Dish, discovered in Germany in 1999 and over 3600 years old. It shows a ship, as well as the sun, the moon and the Pleiades in aspects later used by Babylonian astronomers to calculate leap years, and is the first known depiction of cosmic phenomena.
The centre of the room is taken up by the timber columns of Seahenge, which re-emerged on the coast of Norfolk in 1998, and was removed for preservation. According to tree ring analysis, the tall weathered timbers date back to 2049 BC.
There are far too many fascinating items to mention. Round “hammer stones” are displayed which were used to hammer the sarson stones into shape. (So that was how they did it!) There is a stunning array of stone axes and cunningly worked stone maces. There are animations and recordings, including the sound of bronze Irish horns, and one animation showing the bones of an ox team pulling a cart which seem suddenly seem to spring to life again.
A collection of neck collars (lunulae) show the sun in different conditions and times. When polished, they must have dazzled in the light of the worshipped sun. It is noted that other collars from Cornwall and Brittany were the work of the same artist. It is surprising how far people travelled and traded in those days despite their limitations.
The remains of the Amesbury Archer are here, with flint arrowheads in his spine, and the recently discovered Burton Agnes chalk drum, which was buried with three children in East Yorkshire. One case displays tall, cone-shaped gold hats from Avanton in France, one 38 cm high, decorated with
circles, solar wheels and a starburst. They were buried alone, and without a body – was that because they were communal property?
Another ticket tells us that early rock panels were sometimes taken from the landscape, and their decorated surface turned towards the body in a tomb.
The exhibition ends with four or five small pictures by William Blake, to show how he was obsessed by the ideas of Stonehenge and the prehistoric name of Britain, Albion.
When my friends and I left the exhibition, we were startled to realise that we had been in there for three hours.
Other societies’ Events Eric Morgan
Please check with the society or organization before setting out in case of any changes or cancellations,
Tuesday 1st March, 1pm, Society of Antiquaries. “The Concealment of Sacred Objects during the Reformation – evidence of piety or protest.” Talk by Bruce Watson (FSA). Lectures are streamed live on YouTube.
Also Thursday 3rd March, 5 pm, Ruthin Castle, NE Wales, “The Medieval Castle, aiming to secure its future.” Talk by Fiona Gale, MBE.
And Thursday 10th March, 5 pm. “The Greek City State on a small scale – Hyettos in Boeotia and its territory from 6000 B.C. to 1900 AD.” Talk by Professor John Blintliff (FSA).
And Thursday 24th March, 5 pm. “Glass beads of the Anglo-Saxons – the indigenous and the exotic.” Talk by Sue Heaser.
All Society of Antiquary talks currently live on Zoom. Book at https://tinyurl/23rs44v4
Please visit www.sal.org.uk/events for details. Free, but donations accepted. Past talks available on YouTube.
Thursday 3rd March, 1 pm, Gresham College at Barnard’s Inn Hall. “Life in a Revolutionary Decade in Britain (1649-1660).” Talk by Dr Anna Keay. Ticket required. Register at gresham@ac.uk and view on line. Please see https://www.gresham.ac.uk/lectures-and-events/revolutionary-decade
Tuesday 8th March, 6.30 pm, LAMAS. “The Civil War Defences of London – Rewriting History (and Archaeology)”. Talk by Peter Mills and Mike Hutchinson. Will be held on Zoom. Book at www.lamas.org.uk/lectures.html via Eventbrite. Non-members charge: £2.50.
Wednesday 9th March, 2.30 pm, Mill Hill Historical Society, Trinity Church, 100 The Broadway, NW7 3TB. “The Changing Scene in the East End of London.” Talk by Stanley Bass. Preceded by AGM.
Friday 11th March, 8 pm. Richmond Archaeological Society. Talk on Zoom. “A Bronze Age funerary landscape and Anglo-Saxon settlement and cemetery at Overstone Leys.” Talk by Simon Markus (MOLA). For further information, please visit www.richmondarchaeology.org.uk . For log in link , please email richmond-archaeology@gmail.com (you may be asked for a donation), or email Stephen Alexander at alexander.stephen@gmail.com.
Friday 11th March, 7pm, Enfield Archaeological Society. Talk on zoom. “Sri Lanka – Traders, Temples, and a Tooth” by Ian Jones (Chair). From Palaeolithic hunters via Roman traders, Buddhists and assorted Europeans to independence in 1948. To obtain details for zoom, please visit http://enfarchsoc.org.
Wednesday 16th March, 7.45 pm, Leyton and Leytonstone Historical Society. Talk on Zoom. “Wanstead House – East London’s lost palace” by Hannah Armstrong. Please email measure@btinternet.com for link.
Thursday 17th March, 8 pm, Bexley Archaeological Group. Talk on Zoom. “Archaeologist John Henry Pull and his fantastic work on the Neolithic flint mines on the beautiful South Downs, north of Worthing,” talk by James Sainsbury. For log in link, please visit www.bag.org.uk. You may be charged £5.
Thursday 17th March, 8 pm. Historical Association – Hampstead and N.W. London Branch. “Slavery in the USA.” Talk by Prof. Lawrence Goldman. Meet at Fellowship House, 136A,Willifield Way, NW11 6YD (off Finchley Road, Temple Fortune). Hopefully also on Zoom. Please email Jeremy Berkoff (Chair) on jeremyberkoff@mac.com or tel. 07793 229521 .There may be a voluntary charge of £5. Refreshments after..
Friday 18th March, 7pm, COLAS. “High speed archaeology.” Talk by Lester Hillman (Islington Archaeology and History Society). A tour of the archaeology along the route of Eurostar and associated sites, like St. Pancras churchyard. This talk is by Zoom. Please book via Eventbrite. Visit www.colas.org.uk.
Saturday 19th March, 1045 am-5 pm. LAMAS Archaeology Conference. For full details. please see HADAS January Newsletter, page 2.
Monday 21st March, 8 pm. Ruislip, Northwood and Eastcote Local History Society. “Old London Bridge and its houses, c.1209-1761.” Talk by Dorian Gerhold. Should be held on Zoom. Please check www.RNELHS.org.uk for log in link nearer to date.
Tuesday 22nd March, 7.30p.m. Heath and Hampstead Society, Rosslyn Hill Chapel, 3 Pilgrims Place, NW3 1NG. “Tyndale and the language of the Bible.” “Glass in hand” lecture given by Melvyn Bragg (patron). Entry is £12, payable on the door (doors open 7 pm), or book and pay via Eventbrite. To anticipate numbers, please email info@HeathandHampstead.org.uk Refreshments available. The link will appear on the website nearer the timewww.heathandHampstead.org.uk.
Wednesday 23rd March, 7.45 pm, Friern Barnet and District Local History Society, North Middx. Golf Club, The Manor House, Friern Barnet Lane, N20 ONL. “The Public Houses in North Finchley.” Talk by Hugh Petrie (Barnet Heritage Officer). Please visit www.friern-barnethistory.org.uk and click on “programme,” or phone 020 8368 8314 for up-to-date details. (David Berguer, Chair). Non-members £2. Bar available.
Wednesday 30th March, doors open 0630 for 7 pm, Camden History Society, “The Parish and Church of St Mary-the-Virgin, Primrose Hill.” Talk by Chris Kitching, at Church of St Mary-the-Virgin, NW3 http://www.camdenhistorysociety.org/DJ (main entrance, King Henry’s Road). Please check availability and directions on their website: http://www.camdenhistorysociety.org/
From the BBC: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-60091485?xtor=ES-208-%5b49899_NEWS_NLB_ACT_WK04_Tues_25_January%5d-20220222-%5bbbcnews_science_climate_threatens_buried_treasure%5d
With many thanks to this month’s contributors:
Deirdre Barrie, Bill Bass, Stephen Brunning, Don Cooper and Eric Morgan
Hendon and District Archaeological Society
Chairman Don Cooper, 59 Potters Road, Barnet EN5 5HS (020 8440 4350) e-mail: chairman@hadas.org.uk
Hon. Secretary Vacancy e-mail: secretary@hadas.org.uk
Hon. Treasurer Roger Chapman, 50 Summerlee Ave, London N2 9QP (07855 304488) e-mail: treasurer@hadas.org.uk
Membership Sec Stephen Brunning, 2 Goodwin Court, 52 Church Hill Road, East Barnet
EN4 8FH (0208 440 8421)
e-mail: membership@hadas.org.uk
Website at: www.hadas.org.uk – join the HADAS email discussion group via the website.